The Wingham Times, 1911-07-13, Page 6KERNELS FROM THE SAt(CTUW MILL interestirl Ixarngrsl rs in xr1 cut' FAct,anges. A peek of trouble kooks like a bushel to the man who is up against it. People who marry for a joke must have a misfit sense of humor. The Government crop indicates a large yield of winter wheat in this coun- try. Nothing Ulm It For Colds. Mrs. Holland Ferguson, Sheffield, N. B., writes: "Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has cured my children and myself of severe colds. We are never without in the house. There is nothing like it for colds and throat trouble, and it is so soothing and pleasant to take, my children would drink a whole bottle if they were per- mitted." You do some things well and some otherwise —but what's your average? In the little matter of making fools prosperity can put it all over adversity. In China you can have your clothes Mended in the street while you wait. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO RIA There are known to be at least 100 varieties of flesh eating plants. Isn't it queer how narrow minded the people are who argue with you? Never tell a man he is a fool; he'll not believe you, and you will make an enemy of him. Happiest Girl in Lincoln. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I am the proudest girl in Lin- coln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. A poorly operating muffler on a gas engine may mean the loss of as much as 30 per cent. of power. Shortly after a romantic girl faces the parson with the man of her choice, her romance evaporates. There are but few sure things in this old world. One of them is the uncer- tainty of a woman's age. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been. able to cure in all its stbttges, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, '75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. There areman different kinds of liars. Some men tell fish stories and some rave about classical music. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C.ASTO R i A By the, inclusion of the suburbs of the German capitol a Greater Berlin is to be created, whose estimated popula- tion of 3,500,000 will rank in next after London and New York as the third city cif the world. Nervous Prostration Sleeplessness Palpitation of the Heart Dizzy Spens Are all Cured by the Vac of lifilLESURAPS HEART and NERVE PILLS Mr. Peter Halsted, Tilley, Alta., writes: ' I take great pleasure in writing a few dines to tell you whet your heart and Nerve Pills have done for Die. I had a long standing case of nervous prostration, eleeniessn''8, palpitation of the heart,. and diz,y spells. I bought a host of the pills and they did me so much good I Continued their u c se until I had deed several boxes and they restored n'ie to health again. They are a great remedy and I recommend them to all my friends." Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pine are f,Oe.. par hoc or 3 boxes for 31.2 at all dealers, or will be mailed direct on r"eelpt of prime by The T. lltiil,urlt Co.,. Limited, Tomato, Ont. TUE WINGIIAN TIMES, JULY 13' 1911 The department of Marine is investi- gating the great mortality among fish in the lakes. Never leave home on a journey with- ont a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. You can't bet on the sincerity of a man's enteusiasm unless he is financi- ally interested. John B. Slenian, generally accredited as the originator of the Laymen's Mils- ionary Movement, is dead. The Kaiser has laid a tax on all cats in Berlin, and they must wear tags to show their tax has been paid otherwise they are sent to the pound, BLISTERS AND SUNBURN TRY ZAM-BUK. Blisters from canoeing, ball»playing, or any other cause, painful sunburn patches, stings of insects, and chafed places, are all eased instantly by Zara, Buis. Don't have your vacation spoiled by pain from any sore, which Zam-Buk could cure in quick timet; This wonderful balm is made from herbal juices and is highly antiseptic. Poison from insect sting, barbed wire scratch, or thorn prick; is immediately rendered harmless as soon as Zam-Buk touches it. Stops the stinging, smart- ing pain. Zam-Buk is so pure, too, that the most delicate skin is able to absorb it, and is benefited by it, Moth- ers with young babies should use it for chafing sores, etc. Also cures piles, ulcers, and festering sores. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50c. box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap! 25c. tablet. Motor Cars For Commercial Men. Each Monday morning, says the London. Free Press, great numbers of commercial travellers leave London over the railroads, going in every direction to make business calls upon the retail merchants in cities, towns, and villages. Upon some of the railway lines the train service is not frequent, and the traveller over any of the branch lines must suffer loss of time in waiting for Right in your busiest season when trains, or else drive from place, patron you have the least time to spare you 'izing the town livery for this purpose. are most likely to take diarrhoea and The consequence is that a week is occu- pied in going over a comparatively small territory. The automobile to -day is offering its service to the commercial traveller, and one or two London firms already have adopted the motor car for the use of their representatives on the road. The experiment has proven a success. The firms find that their trav- ellers get over the ground with a sav- ing of one-third to one-half in time, and with increased satisfaction to their customers. The practical efficiency of the traveller is doubled. loose several days' time, unless you, have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appearance of the dis- ease. For sale by all dealers. Contracts for the construction of the Canadian Northern Vancouver -to -Kam- loops line have been let, and work will begin this fall. Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. Mr. R. F. Miller was nominated for the Commons by the Liberals of Haldi- mend, and ex -Mayor Harrison of Owen Sound by the Liberals of North Grey. Paper yarn for textile purposes, call- ed xylolin, is manufactured in Saxony and Austria, and is used for packing carpets composed exclusively of paper yarn. When the occupants of a cell in the prison at Tagenrog paid no attention to the order of a sentry to stop singing the sentry fired through the window, killing a prisoner on the spot. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST®RIA When a Russian family moves from one house to another it is customary to rake all the fire from the hearth of the old domicile and carry it in a closed pot to the new residence. In Germany offensive billboards are no longer to be tolerated. Orders have been issued for destruction or removal of those along the railroads and on the roofs and walls of houses. For the first time in history a joint stamp, bearing the legends both of France and Britain, has been issued in the New Hebrides Islands, which are jointly administered by the two coun- tries. It has been estimated that a man capable of carrying a 200 pound load could carry about $300 in pennies; in nichels $917; in silver dollars, $2,617; in gold coin, $54,000; and in $1,000 bills he could carry a load worth $71,111,100. Several hundreds of petitions have been received by the Minister of Jus- tice for the life of Mrs. Angelina Neo- politana of Sault Ste Marie, who is condemned to be hanged for the mur- der of her husband. Sex separation in the higher classes in Toronto public schools is recommend- ed by the board of inspectors to the school management committee. Dr. Conroy, chairman of committee, is the champion of the idea, having watched how it worked out in Kent School, the largest in Canada. A Word of Gratitude. "In justice to humanity I want to tell you that I was a great sufferer from itching piles, and have found(Dr. Chase's Ointment the best treatment available," writes Mr. Fred Hinz, Brod- hagen, Ont. "It gives instant relief and I can recommend it to any sufferer from this dreadful disease." Carrick Loses Suit. Judge Teetzel has given his decision In connection with the action brought by Mrs. Kelly, of Ambleside, against the Township of Carrick. Plaintiff sued as administratrix of Patrick Kelly apd on behalf of her children, for dam- ages for the death of her husband on a highway in defendant township, from being upset from the cutter in which he was driving, with his wife and daughter, at night during a storm. Judgment: I am of opinion that the evidence in this case establishes that the defendants were negligent in allow- ing the embankment to remain un- guarded, and that such negligence was the cause of the plaintiff's loss. It is difficult to fix a sum to represent the actual pecuniary loss, but I think that $800 is not an unreasonable sum to al- low her. I allow to.the youngest daugh- ter, Charlotte Kelly, who lived athome, $300. Judgment for $1,100 apportioned as above and costs. Infantile paralysis, which first made lite appearance in the United States in 1905, but which had not been much heard of until some three years ago, has already attacked 100,000 children in the United States, 15,000 of whom have died, and 60,000 of whom have been left partly paralyzed. At present there are nearly 25,000 eases. The disease sometimes attacks grown persons, and victims are stricken down as by a stroke of lightning. For summer diarrhoea in children al- ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aid Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. For sale by all dealers. The production of flowers in Nice 1909 was 7,550 tons valued at $5,790,000. The industry employs 18,600 persons, Two special trains transport these flowers dailyto the north, e s eci 11 , p 3 to y Paris, London Berlin nand St. Peters- burg during the season. The flowers cultivated for export are chiefly cane - tions, violets and anemones, white oangeblossoms, tuberoses, and jasinin are Meet extensively used in the per- fume factories at Grasse. The prodtta- tion of fiowere has proved more relnun- nerati\e than farming. What Britain Has Done For India. Price Collier, an American, writing on what Britain has done for India, notes these among other accomplish- ments: The building of 30,000 miles of railway and over 100,000 miles of tele- graph wires; the irrigation of 1',000,- 000 acres; the vaccination of 8,000,000 children; giving of annual relief to 25,- 000,000 people; an increase in school at- tendance from half a million to six mil- lions; the creation of a letter post by which 7,000,000 letters are now carried annually, the filling of 29,000 public offices with 22,000 natives, as against 7,000 Europeans; the giving of a value of £300,000 to land which was formerly practically valueless; the suppression of brutal customs, such as the burning of child widows; the giving of peace and order to the country under which property of all men is safe; and the doing of all this without placing any more debt upon the country than £28,- 000,000, aside from that incurred in building railways, which are revenue producing. r111••••••••• HEALTH RESTORED TO THIS FAMILY • Humor and Philosop Y >sr AVJVCM► M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. A MORTGAG p on a house is not spec- - or noisy, but 'sometimes it won't let the tenants sleep o' nights. Some women tell their husbands to bq sure and not do the things they particularly desire them tp do. A tolling stone gets many a blood- stain. The man who doesn't mind it isn't apt to be ruled by bis wife. Ttiere are women who are not fond it men, but they never say anything shout it. Perhaps a dollar doesn't go far, but it very seldom comes back. Telling a man that be is a fool may oe called useless information. Love in a cottage is not to be treated ightly, considering the high price of tlaits. A bachelor is a man who has lacked the courage of his convictions. A sensible idea doesn't need a letter of introduction. Anxiety may be described as the :ondltion of mind a man is in who is wondering if his wife is awake. The first mistake of some of our mistaken friends, as we have noticed, :onsisted in being born. Wife's experience waft Dr. Chase's Nerve Food led to husband's cure. "Since childhood I was afflicted with biliousness and sick headache," writes Mr. A. K. Van \Vyck, Park Hill, Ont.,i'and as all the doctors' medicines and prescriptions failed to de cue any permanent good, I had lost faith in all medicines. It was by ac- cident that•I eame to use Dr, Chase's Xervt' Food ,'efor it had been recom- mended lot Mrs. Van \Vyek and did her so ranch good that she wished me t•a try it.' "I did so, and wee surprised at the results. It is now three years since 1 discontinues' e the medle ine and lC have et had an attack of the old trouble. I hope that others may benefit by my experience. The cures effected by Dr. Chase's Nerve rood are lasting because it ,builds up the s ysteln and removes the cause of troub.e. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50; at all 4 I t niers, or lhlntanson, Bates dt Co,, Toone, Wise Boy. "Mother never has a headache on Monday." "Why?" "'Cause Monday's bargain day." ' Take a Chance. If it were always' springtime, With weatheR fresh and good, Would we appreciate et? 1 rather think we would. Slow as a Walk. "You are arrested," said the consta- ble•as the fanner drove off the bridge. "Eley?" "I said you are under arrest." "What for?" "Can't you read?" "Yes." "That sign says five dollars' fine fdr driving over this bridge faster than a walk." "What's that got to do with it?" "You trotted your horses across." "What of that? it wasn't faster than a walk." Not Interested. "Jack spends an awful -lot of money an Polly." "I suppose she scolds him good for it." "Not at all." "Oh, well, then she doesn't mean to marry himi" Hard on Him. • "Do you think Bliifkina will reach Success in his travels?" "Blifkins?" "Yes." "Not until he learns to IeaVe him- self at home." f' Explained. "Doesn't he bore you?" "No. He always talks about me." "That's why I don't like him." The New Century. Wake up, Owl! Rub your eyest f How time Sieal" You say, And welt you may, For here we are a. Without a jar And going steady, "r With a big hole Baten into the century already. Ten years. a brief decade, Already in the shade And the score Hurrying to one Morel See the difference as the years unfold Between the young and the old? We have advanced some, 1 -lave come On different ways. In those days We nanded wealth a bouquet, Let It have its way; Looked on the millionaire in awe As one abovelthe law, But how about it now? 1)6 we allow The bleated trust to bluff us Without making a fuse? Not that any one can notice, We make faces At,those in high places, And, though they may"rowd, We hal4 them down dow Good and proper and hard, tth no regard ' `For their feelings. where's': a new deal. Can't you feel 'rhe thrill? The common people Are coning into their dint. They want to be shown, And predatory wealth That to long made bay Ilas ,found x reckeiiitig d&i SPEAK THE 000D WORD, It isn't thinking how grateful we are For the kindness of friends come to bless, Our Sorrow or loss '.Heath the weight of the cross; It is telling our gratefulness, It isn't the love that they have in their hearts And forget ar neglect to reveal, That brightens the lives Of husbands and wives;: It is telling the love that they feel, It isn't the thinking of good to man - That comes as a cooling drink To the famishing ones Of earth's daughters and sons; It is telling the good that we think. It isn't the music, asleep in the strings Orthe lute that entrances the ear, And brings to the breast The sweet spirit of rest; It is only the music we hear. It isn't the lilies we hide from the world Nor the roses we keep as our own, That are strewn at our feet By the angels we meet; On our way to the great white throne. It isn't the silence of hope unexpressed That heartens and strengthens the weak To triumph through strife For the great things of life; It's the words of good cheer that we speak. —William J. Lampton. TEN COMMANDMENTS OF SPOT- LESS TOWN; [New Britain, Conn.] 1. Don't throw anything on the side- walk or street. Find' a rubbish can. 2. Don't tear or scatter paper anywhere. 3. Dont let any • piles of ashes rubbish stay in your back yard. 4. Don't mix ashes and garbage in same can. Pigs don't like coal or clinkers. 5. Don't fill ash or garbage can too full. 6. Don't chalk the sidewalk, fences, buildings or pavements. 7. Don't deface park benches, school furniture or public property. • $. Don't forget that horses love bap- ana skins. A banana skin isn't danger- ous inside of a horse's stomach. 9. Don't do anything that will bring disgrace to where you live. 10. Don't expect your city to become clean and perfect all at once. It will be- come an ideal city only when every -body does something every day to make things better. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MPs. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab. solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. An officer of the Dominion Geologi- cal Survey reports that the town of Frank, Alberta, is in danger of being overwhelmed by an overhanging moun- tain of rock that has been loosened by mining operations. The town was al- most wiped out a few years ago by a disaster similar to that again threaten- ed. Watches, clocks, silverware and jewel- ry slaughtered at KNox's this month. POPULAR STALLIONS.;, The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Goldlink" willimake the season of 1911 as follows : re day—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Jas. Moffatt's, boundary line, for noon; then to Bing Edward Hotel, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday—To Chris. Moffatt's, for noon , then to Walter Forrest's, con. 2, Morris, for night, Wednesday—To Harry Bosnians, Browntowa, for noon then to Geo. Warwick's, con. 2 Morris, for night. Thursday—To Chas. Campbell's from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., then to Thos. Abraham's, con. 1, Morris fur noon ; then to his owner's stable Bluevale, for night and re- main until the following Monday morning. Nothing so much ' dreaded by the Farmer.. ATelephone message rallies the • whole neighborhood and even the Fire Brigade from the nearest town to the danger point and the farm buildings are saved. Minutes at the beginning of a fire are worth hours after the fire gets headway. The Bell Service saves those minutes. It is an effective rural fire alarm system and the' best possible protection against loss. It more than pays for itself i1 the protediion it gives. Are you risking your farm property without the Bell. service ? If so, call and see ow local manager when in town. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY has already a large number of Rural Subscribers in tails district. The Company's lines will be considerab'l extended during the present season. To avoid delay or disappointment when you n y require .the. Service urgently, get your contradt noel before the lines are located and built CONSULT THE LEGAL MANAGER off THE CWITRACT AUT THE BELL TELEPNN COMPANY OF UMW MONTREAL. Farmers in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of the North Huron Telephone Co. Leave your'order with the - Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drit burls t hist" will make the season of 1911 hs follows: Monde-heavehisfowner'sstable,Bluevale Aor Berniiee Payne's. con, 2, Grey, for noon; then to WM. Frasers, con 1, Grey, for 'night. Tuesday—To Mr. Kerr's, Ethel, for noon; then • to Geo. MoFarlane,s, con. 7, Grey, for night. WednesdayTo Tae. Spiers, con. 8, Morris, for noon, then to Jas. Pfiehol's, eon, 6, Morris, for noon. Thursday—ToJaa. Shecklon's, eon. 4, Morrie, for noon; then to Hill's Hotel Bel, grave, for night, Friday—To Jos. Miller's, con. 3, Morris, for noon ; then to J. H. Sellers, con. 8, Morris, for night. Saturday To Geo. Turvey's, eon. 2, Morris, for noon • then to his ownerndaye stable a viand remain until the following Mo The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Masoot" will make the season of 1011 as follows Monday --Leave hie owner's' stable, Bluevale for D. Miller's, Moffatt farm *indica east of and north bywayof ai for noon; Bluev e elle corner to Kerr'e hotel, Wroxeter, for ov night. Tuesday--Rirten Bros., Con. 6, Turuberry foir noon; to Alex. McPhereon'a, Con. 7 till 5 o'clock, and to John Smith's Con. 8, for night. Wednesday—To Jae. Porter's Con.10, Tnrnberry for noon; and to Dennie' stable, oppposite Cement Works, Winghem, for night.,. Th'urs'day—To Jos..7. 1 err'e, Cori. 18, Baan Wawoch, for noon; then to Dentis stable, ori to Cement Works, Wingiracn, for night. 'ridey=-To B. 13. Jenkin& Bluevale Mut reritainuntil Monday morning. J. W. RING,l'roprietor. PRINTING AND STATION ERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in • WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK. TOILET PAPER PLAYII'G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS STATEMENTS WEDDING :INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line.'T' Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.