HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-07-06, Page 66 TiIL. FULLY 6 1911 With Every Bag of Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guarantee means that ',believe Cream of the West to be the best bread flour pn the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if it fails to rise er doesn't give extra satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back your money on return of the unused portion of the bag. CreamWest Flour the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread If people will fairly and honestly try Cream of the West they will have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. Weare sure of it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. President 105 FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, IVI:GHAM, KERNELS FPCM THE SAIiCTUM MILL1 Interesting Paragrapts ft cm cur Exctarigts. A woman isn't necessarily a good cook because she is a good roaster. Many a man who claims to be self- made has a wife who superintended the job, Locomotor Ataxia. "My nerves were very bad, and I could not sleep at night, nor could I control my arms or legs," writes Mrs. Robt. Bustard, Maxwell, N. B. "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food cured me of what I believe was the early stage of loco- motor ataxia or paralysis. I cannot describe what I suffered, but now I am entirely cured." .After five years' effort, a burning gas well in the Gaddo field of Louisiana, has just been extinguished. Sooner or later you will hear every- body you know say something about the weather. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO► R IA For each dollar that New York city receives in taxes two cents goes to pub- lic charities. How small a forty horsepower auto- mobile must feel when it is being haul- ed home by a couple of homely mules? Right in your busiest season when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to take diarrhoea and loose several days' time, unless you, have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appearance of the dis- ease. For sale by all dealers. Misery loves company—if the com- pany will listen to its hard luck stories. The use of muslin in dairy windows instead of glass is said to lessen the Clanger from disease germs. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CTASTQ R I A Nine out of ten of the magazine articles on how to choose a husband or how to manage one are written by spinsters. Was So Nervous Could Not Stay In The House Alone Mrs. Arthur Moore, Freanort, N.S., writes:—"I would recommend Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills to anyone who is weak, run down and their nerves all unstrung. 1 was troubled with ner- vousness of tiho very worst kind, and when I started in to take your pills, I was so bad I could not stay in the house alone, nor could I sleep nights. Since taking the pills % am entirely cured and can recommend them to anyone who is nervous and run down," To any of those suffering in any way from any derangement of the heart or nerves, We tan recommence our MIL- Bt1l2N'S HEART .AND NERVE PILLS with the greatest confidence. They have been tried and proved, for the last twenty years, to be exactly whet we claim for them, fries '59 cents per box or 8 boxes kr 125, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by 'rhe T. Milburn Co. L1e ited, To:'onte, tent. A man's idea of a charitable woman is one who doesn't hand him lemons. In the course of a year one London theatre alone spends $.1C0,000 on print- ing and $40,000 on advertisements. The surface, elevated and subway transportation lines of New York carried 1,490,000,000 passengers in 1910. When baking bread, before putting in the oven, cut a slit lengthwise through the loaf. This will make your bread more even. Never leave home on a journey with- ont a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rernedv. It almost certain to be needed tuna cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. Beware of the straight tip. It may lead to a crooked deal. A new Missouri law snakes it a felony to "cuss" the telephone girl because you do not like the service. Including uniforms, of which he pos- sesses a large number, the value of the German Emporer's wardrobe is cal- culated to be about $500,000. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internaIly,. acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying, the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much •faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials, Address F. J. CHENBY R. Co. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. M. Bpssut, a farmer of St, Usurgee,. France, has just had his L'0th Child baptized. He has been married three times and has had 17 sons and 13 daugh- ters, 22 of whom are living. 'The whole village escorted the father and mother to the church and witnessed the bap- tism, • Children Cry !„, FOR. FLETCHER'S CASTQRIA Two old trunks found in a hotel store- room at Denver, which had belonged to Horace Granfield, of Mt, Vernon. N. who was killed in an attto wreck last May, were opened and were found to contain cash, jewelry, and securities to the value of half a million dollars: For summer diarrhoea in children al- ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy= cure is certain, For sale by all dealers Qf the whole population of Ireland, 3,238,656 are returned as Roman Catho- lics; 575,489 as Protestant Episcopal- ians; 439,876 as Presbyterians; and 61,0, 806 as Methodists, Catholic population shows a decline of 2,1 per cent., Epis- copalian of 1 per cent., and Presbyter- ian and Methodist each of considerably less than 1 per cent. • •A writer in the Lancet, Loadon, says that while there is no great nutritive value in asparagus itself, the vegetable is of great value in assisting to a healthy assimilation of other foods. Moreover, it has been found by experi- ment that the addition of asparagus to diet is beneficial to rheumatic patients. tJNBURN. al -ASTERS, SO= �OPR-E. FEET. Everybody now admits Zara -Bolt best for these. Let. it, give YOU ease and comfort. D,s,,n•istr .Sud S»m mrrJa.Ern> fan=Bak. The brick er stave silo, having no dead air space is, says Farm Stock and Horne, more likely to give trouble with freezing than a cement silo. provided the cement is of block. Concrete is, too, as easy to heedle as lumber. and anyone who teem screen sand and meas- ure up the regne'eed quantities of sand, gravel and cement, cern make a concrete silo. Holland, with .an area of about 12,- 000 square mules, has more than 1, 001.,000 mall caw. Mid, rets g atj 4e. per quart, according to United Stat- es Consul Melilla, is a mniversal bever- age, more being consumed than in any other country. Yet Holland dairies turn out 143,000,000 pounds of butter and 176,000,000 pounds of cheese an- nually. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER C 11 is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh anti Hay Fever. 25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edma+ison, Bates & Co., Toronto. A French chemist claims to have made a practicable alloy containing more than 90 per cent. magnesium, a test that has baffled scientists• for gen- erations. Oats alone form nearly a balanced ration for a horse, says Farm Stock and home, but they do not afford the necessary bulk. Alfalfa alone fur_ nishes the richness of the feed, but alfalfa alone is too rich and it must be diluted. A guernsey grade cow belonging to Richard W. Rowlands, of Wisconsin, produced milk in one year, according Hoard's Dairyman, to the value extent of $229.. The cost Ator feed for the same gime was $65.89. Allowing $25 for the cost of handling, this left a net profit of $138.11 for the year. Sprains require careful treatment. Deep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely, It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. At the coronation naval review at Spitheatl, the British navy was repre seated by various war craft of which the total displacement Will aggregate 1,018,594 tons, the total horse -power 2,853,460, the total gun powder, in 12 -inch guns, 208, and in other guns, 2,590, While the assembled ships will carry 411 torpedo tubes. In the borough of Poplar, London, the experiment is being made of sprink- ling the floors of schoolrooms with an electrolytic disinfecting fluid before they are swept at night. Sawdust im- pregnated with the fluid, is distributed over the floor, and more of the fluid, as required, may be sprinkled on the saw- dust with the ordinary watering pots. After the sweeping the floors are care- fully dried. Excellent results for the health of the pupils and teachers are ali'ticapated. LOST DM—A Scotch Collie dog came on to my premises, Patrick street, on 15th inst. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying ex penses. GEO. F. BRITNELL. T&TeiEs Others His SeePet Wants them to know how he was cured of itching, protruding piles by DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. Dectors usually recommend the !mei- as the only cure for piles. They overlook the risk, the expense and t':' suffering of mind and body en- tailed in a surgical operation. Dr. C:hase's Ointment will bring relief quickly end will cure thorough- ly if you will but persist.. Mr. A. Honingnon, 52 Bronsdon Plac., Montreal, Que., writes:—"I `tnut help praising Dr. Chase's Ciethn.rnt as I suffered many years with itching and protruding piles, and was eared by this ointment. I '•e -arm tired of the efforts of the best s't'Ci'lists to cure ine, and hearing ie Dr. Chase's Ointment just as I 1 : i ,'t hundreds of other medicines t :,ant its use. Birt oh, great joy, at tate very start the sharp pains left ale and I was gradually mired. I hope that ever=y sufferer will follow my example with the salve success,' Every form of piles on, hemorrhoids is cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. 60 vents a box. at ell dealers, or Ed- 11l1L1s011, Hates 'L Zoe Tortitit°. QUAINT MARRIAGE NOTICE. William Cullen Bryant prake the taws, Gently to His Mother. . !'he followiug letter from William Cullen Bryant to his mother, quoted by Professor Chubb in "Stories of Au- thors,' lu.dleutes that the author of "'1'heuatopsis" could, enjoy bis little, joke on oectlslent "Dear \lutlier—I hasten tQ send you. the lnelaueholy Intelligence of what has lately happened to me, Early .on. the evening of tile eleventh day or the present Mouth I was at .0 neighboring Douse in this village. Several people t both sexes were assembled in One tf the apartments, and .three er four sthers, with tnt'self, were in another. tt last clime iu tt little elderly gentle. ann, pale. thin. with a solemn counts, ttahlce. pleuritic voice, hooked nose and ,olloty eyes. It was not long before 'e were summoned to attend in the. paelutent where he and the restoof the company were gathered.: We went In atnd tool. our seats. The little eld- erly gentleman with the. hook •nose prayed, and we all stood up., When be had finished most of us sat down. The gentleman with the hooked nose then muttered certain cabalistic ex- pressions. which: I was too much frightened to remember, but I recol- lect that at the conclusion I was given to understand that 1 was married to a young lady of the name of Frances Fairchild, whom I i,erceived 'standing by my side and whom 1 hope in the course of a few mouths to have the pleasure of introducing to you as your daugbter-in-law, which is a matter of some interest to the poor girl, who has neither father nor mother in the world." SHIELDED THE LADY. A Tactful Head Walter Balked an Of- fensive Hotet Guest. To illustrate an incident that oc- curred in a hotel uptown the other night, where, if you arec,not known, 'atm have to produce some sort of patent of absolute respectability, con- struct a rectangle, lettering the imag- inat'y diagonal corners A, B, 0 and Dt A represents a solitary male..person dining. B represents a comely person of the opposite sex seated at another table with a party. C represents a head waiter and D a group of the un- employed nemployed waiters. Let the line AB represent an admiring look that travels continuously. BA represents a look of annoyance. CA and CB are compre- heading glances directed by the head wafter. The point C moves toward D, mak- ing a triangle. After a whispered di- rection a figure whish may be termed 0, because it represents a particularly rotund waiter. moves from the point D until it reaches a point on the line A.B. C moves back to position. A finds tint his ogle stops at O. which be cannot see through, and mils O to take an order. Thereenpen 0 mo- tions toward D, when anoTt,er waiter, traxeling ea the 11=e DA, aeffecta a junction with A and goweeff at a tan- gent A cranes his neck, sires ;ping to one side or the other, but :it cannot get past O. The result 'is—that A finally sees what is up, finishes his coffee in sheepish disgust and leaves the room. —New York Sun. Astrology With Risks. Formerly they had rough and ready modes of testing claims to supernatu- ral powers. "Dost tbon know where thou. wilt pass ,Christmas?" asked Henry 'VIII. of an astrologer. He could not tell. Whereupon the king's grace, which did love a merry jest, made answer, "Then I am wiser than thou, for I know that thou wilt spend Christmas in prison." -John Galeazzo, duke of Milan, is said to have made even merrier at the ex- pense of an astrologer who foretold him that he would die early. "And how long do yon expect to live?" he inquired of the prophet. "My lord, my star promises me a long life_', - "Never trust to your star, man; you are to be hanged today," and the duke took care that his own prediction should be fulfilled. Killing One Fly. Every fiy begins as an egg deposited in some kind of organic filth. It hatches into a tiny maggot within a few hours, begins to feed and grow, completes its growth and comes out as a perfect fly in possibly ten days. It then requires at least fourteen days to mature its first batch of eggs, a d•it may live to mature and deposit atitast six layings, of from 120 to 150 eggs each. This means that in killing one fly we may be preventing the hatching of nearly a thousand others.—Youth's Companion. Two Kinds of Curiosity. Philanthropic Visitor to Jailbirdi— My friend, may I ask what it was that brought you there? Jailbird—The very same thing that brought yon hero —the desire to poke my muse Into other people's business, only I used genet. ally to go in by way of the basement. window .'-•l:xeha age. Mran. alias Mngll'y-1 ittwals try to retire before midnight. I tion t tilt,. t,t arras my beauty sleep. Miss i'epprey- You really should try, harder, iron ser. Minty don't get enough ut tt. Two Cads*. tVillis•-1't'lty dont yt,tf go to 'enr•dtl C1111Lsu't'no far. Why don't soca en? Willis—We live nett door to thttt.. 11n9 1 hate to get all 'dressed nil Jost to that little wage -Pock. ltd et.e a ..eeel„r: N 'nee S. • v s On a modern steamshipthe electrical Fewer 'plant is no small installation. The steamer Olympic is to be provided With four units generating 2,144 horse- power. This power will be employed in lighting the vessel and for radiators in first-class quarters for cooking pur- poses, for operating various machines, crane„ winches, etc., and for funning two passenger e'.evators and eight freight elevators; The lighting system will total. 0 0,n00 candlepower, For several years past British cotton manufacturers have been carrying Q11 experiments looking to the extension of the world's cotton growing area. Un- til recent years Britain has been, prac- tically dependent upon the United States for raw material for its most inliortant industry. Lately efforts have been made to extend the cotton' grow- ing area of Egypt and to develop cotton plantations in other parts of Africa. The latest movement along this line is to establish plantations in Queensland, Australia. WANTED.—A good, fresh young cow, must,be quiet and a good milker. Ap- ply stating particulars to Box 4 TIMES office. 0 POPULAR STALLIONS.; The Imported Clydesdale Stallion” eoldlink" will make the season of 1911 es follows Monday—Leave his ow r er's stable, Isluevale, for Jas. 'Moffatt's, boundary line, for noon; then to King Edward Hotel. Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday—To Chris. Moffatt's, for noon , then to Walter Forrest's, con, 2, Morris, for night. Wednesday—To Harry Bosnians, Browntown, for noon • then to Geo. Warwick's, con. 2, Morr s, for night. Thursday—To Chas. Campbell's .from 8 a.m. to 10 a In, then to Thos. >Lbraham's,eon. 1,Me, ris. fur noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, for night and re- main until the following Monday mot ning. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drum- burle Lhtef" will matte the season of 1911 as follows: Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale forBerntse Payne's. con. 2, Grey, for noon; then to Wm, Fraser's, eon, 1, Grey, for night. Tuesday—To Mr. Kerr's, Ethel, for noon; then to Geo. MoFarlane,s, eon. S, Grey, for night. Wednesday To Jas. Spier's, con. 6. Morris, for noon, then to Jas. Nichols, con.- 0, Morris, for noon. Thursiay—ToJes. Sheddon's, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Hill's Hotel. Bel - grave, for night. Friday—To Jos. Miller's, con. 3, Morris, for noon • then to J. H. Sellers, eon. 1', Morris, for night. Saturday -1'o Geo. Thrvey's, eon. 2, Morris, for noon; then to his owner's stable and remain until the following Monday morning. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Mascot" will make the season of 1911 as follows •— Monday—Leaveltis owner's stable, Bluevale, for D. Miller's, Moffatt farm 2,I4 miles east of Bluevale. for noon; and north by way of Lovells corner to Kerr's hotel, Wroxeter, for night. Tummy—Kitten Bros., Con. 5, Tarnberry for noon; to Alex. McPherson's, Gen. 7 till 5 o'clock, and to John Smith's Con. S. ter night. Wednesday—To Jas. Porter's, Con.10. Tnrnberry for noon• and to Dennis' stable, opposite Cement Works, Wingham, for Mt. Thursday—To Jos. J. Kerr's, Con. 13. Wawanosh, for noon; then to Dennis' stable, oa_poeite Cement Works, Wingham. for night. Friday—To E. B. Jenkins, Bluevale road for noon, and then to his owner's stable andremain until Monday morning. J. W. KING, Proprietor. THE Glorious Twelfth 890 � < COME TO GODERICH THE PRETTIEST AND HEALTHIEST TOWN IN CANADA. A Short Procession. r. Attractive Special Prizes. Are You Married? Good Speakers. Special Trains and Rates. See bills and circulars for full particu- lars. A Great Big Day at a Small Price. , JOS. 'MCNEVIN, A, M. TODD, Secretary. ' Chairman. THE Glorious Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen on July 12th,,, 1911, at Kincardine the Farm. S►aves.'Time on `HE farmer with the Bell Tele -1 phone Service at hand doesn't. have to travel in rainy weather. The Bell Telephone Service saves him all that4 There are always a lot of rainy -day chores about l the farm: Instet i of spoiling a day going to town, the farmer goes to his Bell Telephone and does his business. The time saved can, be spent profitably. That is why.he would not think of being w<thout the Bell Telephone Service. It is poor economy to try to get along without it. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY has already a large number of Rural Subscribers in this disirict. The Company's lines will be considerably extended during the present season. To avoid delay or disappointment when you may require the Service urgently, get your contradt now before the lines are located and built. CONSULT THE LOCAL MANAGER OR THE CONTRACT AGENT THE BELL. TELEPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA. MONTREAL. Farmers in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who• desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of the North Huron Telephone Co. Leave your orc'.er with the Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham. Spend the day by the lake, Good Speeches will be de- livered. A fine program of water sport is being arranged. Accommodation - c mmo for every- body co y body 'is being provided. Watch for further particulars. is Hunter, . W. S. Andersen, W. M. Secretar j', PRINTING AND STATION ERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING. PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock -''of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PIRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of , LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING ;INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES . Or anything you may require in the printing linea Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Win ...hare y e, C)lnt.