HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-07-06, Page 44 lEAKTIA %gas a Sias, ter ills tins ank st bw* it Won BOA 0,111-4t minion 7911111For. .,..11,10,1112.01101•141=0.0•04.0.000...mrallimank E. t,tiostAls,, 31•0111f2PW4,9, Cat' Iltalierve Tit a4 Abaete„ AlIewateia 63' tafb tt*.4 atta- • alagaaaa, aan Diad ratrt. 61,1gik..111.411. re.X. ail Vas* 014.s. ,. aaava e..aa4,:a laazia-' ia. tia* faa* catstaaattar.= .akatea..*: tame tatraal ataaaaaa7 rota a.taaaaaaaa-, fat .aratartaatataaa aatana.S. ae taaw.• al tale • vaa.aart. ea -.'.i$ an rata et=triata- attartag, ata.a-a earatztaaattat aapa a4.2 a.',Eatatam ...274 V.St:41: c,..t.IVitir, 1...r,0,7,VeZt '1Oeat'Llklim34.., $71,41,7 1Z,MI We-,,,,r1O.S. lae, artay eafata tare tatetraataaa as taa trataerartattnaaea lataaa aa- taaa aarati, aaa a as Zata "'''S attalaer al, ataarat mew, irab aalaratla : • atat Za.r. aiLaattata Fa:a ?Lis faatat eata-1 ad easaraS, ita =re earea ttawt Ca tal acitaaat ea alata an :teta-,..arta. *male aa, 1 ttaaa, ftraa tattea al aaaa trataaa a.a7 iiarl ataaaat....ata Fata attaa A Mata C.. .1k, Ea - berg*, para. at. . fax ftteaa. aattaaa. ;Wee, 'f14"tv.71, taaaral al aatiaetae atat af a 244 , taatitaatea gar. oaa.lat-te latis astas mad 17_,,,s. =7,44 ?al -a atrasaata fatal Tile traaaae .v.ate ata aaa zrata44 eta a aid :,...-aatn. Vix, fart mataaaaatae aataa - ttatta. WU: 1,'.z.as al .=a..tar 4,4 a feelaata al -Jakae.. ISF. a b..rjaz tti..)' ' my ap;e7.tZte. aaalfreaat al:watt...eat,'" .„: at& taaaaat al a.a=a,nerAa eara ,a,,vaaaate aatearae ta a2#.-.7 ir,late-a-nris txraZ,=.1 tiig lafer.77#te4 *-...".ortrie.4. F.7;,...;,14 try Itro., a04.T..raer.gpwrateld ay * _pea- airtetat exaga. a 146ii aerate?: kaa'as. a ec.t, vt At aett a was starazt ta ttrye r„ Wa- d? arae Eatta .F.7.2s a*ta ista. tr? taa ea After 1::4 takaa lexeraa baxes tzUms if,11 caterfa ataa Malta eta ea atatrarsatta aaaa taatataa aetaaaaae "a,,1„a far estattaraaaa, atace teargaaataa ;..eratt-• feta, gad trattatat ott4? tatiaat arzattaata. ataatatataxt atal aa ata aaatataaa ateaaara, ,;;Ln.V11.--A,Vt w7i ait; 4 2gre..r.f"A. eat ataaaa„ faa tataat 'rattan aza aeareta era Earaanaa,, aaaateata Maurer, 7.C.117,9'ar.r...t7g;, ADVEZTC5ERS lataate aaatatee nautt aaat taaaa fr.c.1 XSer rx.mw r:Ate i!ts eta: „atir taxa It2atS7 etattaarag. aarat.. aaaettatattrents tistr.v.W.1 41a..,rt 3 a grad tat- ...,:se&x.es.. "Tele realft my r ,:1".±. ,zs-as =szte2o-.2s- ' Sty aptAtZte mares were atreararaanedk„ ray wegft ana 1 am ea- taaattg the beat rmatata e'=V! '41 ffo wr,„et DWmL r, aria::amaa' Fak, .-a bare ?-1,:le for coe e-4-..tr,s4111,te- mer.rtt4 that :tr.!„-a-yiri.:-zg iaoatta 'tta earae ea:et eafferer." lara itaaaaaaa' Etta Prat =meal thaae traraal% aaaa _war 4rtaa as etaaattraa, rfte.ar.r2tinn. Men- •••••••••• 41•••1•11. V2r. • 01, laata daaleaparaal a`a,, a-4 the taxaaa$ taaaan atfr- 7,!'ae tral,-,..'esto%to ty aererata far -ea bradaaag iata weantatharaa ata 14.9",..L,.,,,m 5,1;3'2,r4 ;tree eamaaaas r4,- aaataaa :Pam- aftl '177 (6t41 - 7.7,e0 MAAA04...4•0 aMata....44921..aaaataswatawataaaraaata EcaataDaala .artaaaT 4), 11:XL Za'..aftiataill. NOTES - 144.27 era acme:plate:re, 6.1* by "re); at g.,!,":1 Wnts§ bax ear alt itazea far fro= eataratadarae aaaa. laaae totaal rereataewr c,tztaxagraaa, sataavea attratg tax: year saataeataan fiat e,7,414 477 -4 -A -r:,7',..1 ataaaa7.9.44., wattaa<rea arab ataaataiaal cg ette fart. ear raaataa Zsr.7,a. jr laccaad za,•,- aty taatake Faa taaaa tame"- of eattae, 610 eleep arad 1=14 Ma aat &Ira: etatare far tea. ,4eaaty taastaa.t.- reagta etal 057 taataa, *fay eaatataaaaakr L C.-7 taaaa dariag tee 772.a market bealaaang to feel -ate eastetta;a:a ateaaa, Eale tagatty stays fa effc:.-....tts tteaat weataer fa a 42,7:ater ruf '37:742 to g.a faxavard tale detaata ix.ve vii.,;:ate7er wr- raaort a ra-..a.an geberalcur., ;:-.;.ez:tjes aa,,a'iaraa.atlas atay ware samataaa of =eat, aracea. tat to luta eaa aas tatatale taaa tete fa4og exteat ze rra:aaat aaraeleexpeet. taaam, atki taw:. eke a3taaate ooteorne aattararaty tae harsakeeper taaa sma ita tete gaaa. gato ale far fraat atai rats raea.t. taaarataeas traate for the trat two :00)1X,, kz:mecrer, to fce Preter,tesr,-- m-, tns f:s5-.41 year totee {VA- ;44Mtaw, aaaadttY and L'afa aaLaraa ea! 719,taa, wag -at aetam ma:a= better illaetr;r's et -.4 ftatits geaeraay, taae foray taxi/ fox taa aame petta teat year ,b,„teher. fs focke d fc.:2: the st..*ie bade tae. eatale ;Terkel beans a kat weatter aatant ar4 ea:We etet aspect gareraay, tnieee are ataaang ateaty at ,aesteadayas laza- tow, SZOVAIL XSZIKVIZ. Tortzto, a:74..-4g..t7 Cattle Mark- et -E ec4pts, xlme-es t.4. -„at lorIU akoW a trait. tOtal e;•=eli...'-oratC'y 1ZZ:re tta4 taaaaaaarters of a alaaaa &jam.. Daraaa 'Lae two ratatate the. inaporta tataarA a74,..ftal,a7a, 115,Weitraent , ave coat a half trj.::cmo„ Wee export; rt,5167t, 41:r444e. tr of degng-ta,T1 pro,.1.,!4.14 egwai al2ght 4 got_ ,,„„,„„ ,,, , , wo.s..”•• ,,, • ,, Aro& • e .. 5 'relael t9114114:g MilaUgiaa Tana 44, 741 avt tareeavartera feta atm, far ,,)dra etalaseo,-- , • ,,, Z 024, §orrde vey).4 u.,Itykar, Exparta Alra„, aa 5 75 produatat taat minta atrouated to a, cows „, ,,, „ „ 4 50 .4; 1,0 OfehoUgg Saal 2at9,aatal lata'azatta-a do common 4 ififI 4 25 of toe faceres, SV.'„?,,,M, el.eat:et Of atar-,-; $aahaaaa proaatta e eat, aa a al; ata,111, a aetata a two ancl one-ouat- •reradida6"rs 25. al 0a, ter ritalaarts; anartaas aad their pradate, f5t,062arb asige , 5 25 5 a5 • 14.021,-3r/ tagaza flelteue; agafeal- taral prodaata, ala,077,a,a4, 4104 da - 1 WiNGEL'ill TINES II THE PROFIT SHARING STORE & BIRD WINONA" ONTARIO 41:01.41.99,11 matt . . eater taae • a Latatare aaa atraaal maaatax far -axle extelanaaat egia aeara sare. Tara wail Mres' Slag= ,•:11F4.0 the &...test,'we ce: Sira-27:70 Tit) t5.7.$ teta71 at. lataa alzatatart ax.ti caraaa. C, SPUTA Agent Voting raw THE VERDICT of ILE,* tray „L. -oft to, 7=e:a trae ana aitte.saaan hat -towed =pat tes d THE FME TAILORIfiG stro.og ezezieb.e..7,5 the beazztar.21 pat - teat of the gq)9.3; tbe and cse errant wata-aaralip eaw land warrant fas aerial:a =aerate prfaes Ewe lad sleeraiaa •etfeet up= 'the aaaage. HENNING THE T.A.ILOR ANNIIIMMINIMOMON•=•••••1111.111111•• P.14zy of Darataae, a aaaperty- otraer Ealfraai was related admission to liarataal States, el Try le Remember EaerytUag tbe way v.! gEiecterfes you may reed. A amee Ena pllaal=ter way is to COZ-e bete and vea et4 the Wags yoaavar.tastaey meet yotz• eye. There ke Probably WOMBS Here eatre1y, mew to 70:1. But yau reean't afinaM to try tbena tkey are tete, tiw Itre grAd. 1 F. McGillivray hoe 4. grand stamd • e Hanna tton matte was barrasit ********4440#***######***** • • • • • • • • •4444••••••••••••••••••••• • FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER I • 4 4= nox's Annual bile Sale I • • will be continued for two weeks longer until • • JULY 14th • • do gght .. _„ -. ....... 4 2a 4 iii : • M'fatrbayOrcasawa, c -17.51,„3e„ eaen , ,...35 00 60 aa , • • came; manateetaters, $4414,alft, a fle- „orronon 4.4.6 acaaa.an .29 00 25 Oa • • ) • f;reagR at:fig-mot )Sbee„n ewes ... „ - ... . 3 00 4() • • . .... _ _ . - i #1,9 taleks .... . - ., g 00 g 50 # • • f.,eeobs, •egirg,105 .... „ , t, 59 6 59 wnsia.fwvaors. • Mr, Henry Martaa, itaz of Mr, WM, [liar f a E9 1 • aprina lambs, eatieb „ .... „ a rat 7 III ;# • • UNHEARD OF PRICES IN Martin was rnerraal io V.:mato on Mona att fed oral watered ----- 7 la • • idea, egves • • „ 4 09 790 a • tite atin la taang aa part, The grate 1 Farman ..;tre lava' with the tay and wittatatat at otaKaa tf.0,1700,74, • W CS, ci , best at we twee ea many wavaas that ',' Fall ttat ,. . .. 0 : to • viper I% liVateibavi6 a 39 ..„'„3215 to' ;19101 ta atch 9 OCk Sy ie lry, we taal'fire elir:y. TiT/ cay it makes to i 020-0 • --- ---- 0 g5 to 0 # - . : diffe* ranaa What ;wile lou pay for P7at-21 1146'7 ' --- -- ' 0 60 to 0 Ph * 'gr.v..15 a 7( to a 70 : • at*a yoti get weede anal every year new Butter dairy . - "--...„;.' 0 14 to 0 17 a • fro gare of the t:4t1.0 WM4? ken) thii $4 f Ntat015 : roll" tzwIA , .. 0 45 ul 0 45 • , , 9 aato10 00 • Chinaware, Fancy &irate make Viaar appearataaa Naas p,5r filw.... . . ,, „ 0 15 to a 14 1%4,4 par aord ; we taw,: am are aettang rag.? Men I. nay , Itier'r ton - „ - - - 2 at to 2 ga • eontimial tat,A fd aaat on the v/43,1.41404 „ • - •-- ---- 010 to 9 14 bpi tt,:gf q.4 fipv go ea ia x4,.of zaogis per ittot , ... :71 to ft 30 Ilea Mr, Maaer, ate new pastor of ' • the tfotrol:.„ ‘giAirda faz5 artive4 f rotn , I • t Berwie and reafg,cmi ias first mnron'l or ataulay e7erjtrix, fLot, 1fe io youre: man a/A It weal taia!e awl goof] 467, kry UJrifie Wit& 7/141 liakir an exc;.0').!' lent man far the rat, We la:artily 111 weloane lian f.'faaapaa ie tanniaa taxi a lot of lop to a at. fiat, ,07.1Mt0,40.0.41M.4.1••••••••••1... I he cure of consumption, eAtratedteasilydigested nourishment to ruscessary. For 35 years 80011f s Emulsion has been the stsuldstrd, world-witlf; treatment f nstur.-1-elt.. nrvr*1. • 4 KA. HONIESEEKERV EXCURSIONS TO Knit*, sasitteimit sea 0101 4, 11 KO301_, $O KEA 17 JOEY 11, 2$ Ufa al s#4.vrarest.wrcout,u01744.:To. itosi flito icioi too tei4la Wait LOW ROUND. RATES ARS wedge* Ma 0004 toty sopttotttos nuatt be reeee At rot.utemessztutrucirr iteir lisgetelost:trott.t/r####$, 011t$ 6111141 Mg No MAO OF CAM iii.mrseir. moos Arourtgair SUMP tteart?... a, IL TIMMER, Agent, Wihgbarn, %WS; 1:."itaiLiiril-dicl.ii; to, one, Wait. MS8011. Goods etc. I 1 Call in and take advantage of! some of the greatest values ever heard of in Wingham R. KNOX • OPPOHITE BRUNSWICK HOTEL. 1 DOOR NORTH KING'S, ••********...*****X***4140••• ++++.0+++14444.+444,• ales Lars' Joornal Patterns, Perfectly Satisfactory Patterns. Agents -Lades' Rome Journal Monthly Magazine 15e OUR BIG CLEARING SALE Will he C011tiflUed up to Saturday, July 22 We take stock in July. Before ,stocic taking we wish to reduce our stock five thous- and doNars. We can do it with your help. We'll make the prices right. You do the rest. EVEftYrntNG IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINAWARE AND MAS WARE AT SACRIFICE PRICES. ALL NEW FASHIONABLE URTO-DATE GOODS. - This BIG SALE gives you an opportunity, such as is seldom offered to the people ,of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and below. Don't allow anything to hinder you. from attending this sale. Carle Brand Silk Waists, -Black and Color's. Cucie Brand White and Colored Waists and Middy Waists. $5.00 Waives fce 13.49 13.50 Wmaats for $2,48 OD° Waists for $2.19 ZOO " 1.49 1.75 1.32 1.50 " 1.12 1.'15 a' 98 1.00 " 75 75 .55 CUCIE BRAND WHITE AND BLACK UNDERSKIRTS. SU.k and Begat Taffeta Skirt, Black Satein and fine White Skirts with Laee, Insertion or Embroidery Trimming. Cacte Bread is a guarantee of quality and workmartship. $3.0a Skirts for $4 48 $5.00 Skirts for $3.69 33.00 Skirts or 32,24 2,50 " 1.39 2.00 " 1.53 1.75 a 1.29 1.50 " 1.12 1.25 a .98 1.00 a .75 MN! OVER 100 PIECES OF DRESS GOODS. Fancy Tweed, Broad Cloth, Moller, Serge, Voile, Henrietta, Lustre. Basket Serge, etc. Some at 25 per cent, and a quantity at 231 par cent. less than regalar prices. 4, What a snap for those who bay dzrng our sale. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Linen Stllings, Citambraya, Galatea, Gingham, Muslims, Prints, ete. Regular 30e atd. for 23e Regular 25c yd. for 19e Regular 20e yd. for 15e Regular 15c yd. for Ile Regular 12&e yd. for 10c Regular 10c yd. for 8e L•com, Insertion. Embroidery, Ribbons, Collars, Frillings, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Battons, Belts, Combs, etc.. 25 par ea -at less than regular prices for two weeks. The economical, careful buyer will get busy during this sale. BIG SALE OF CORSETS Good Style. Good Quality, PerfectFittin' g, long, medium and short, for slim or stout woman. Daring the sale we offer Corsets at from 20 per cent off to 33a per cent. off regular prices. The wise buyers will take advantage of this sale. Chenille and Damask Cartains and Table Covers, new goods, at 75e on the dollar. NEW - LACE CURTAINS ;15,00 Curtains for 48; $4.50 Curtains for $3.38; $4.00 Cartains for $2.98; 33.00 Cartains for $2.28; 32.00 Curtains for $1.58; $1,50 Cartains for $1.14 $1.00 Cartains for 75e 75e Curtains for 55e. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for Fall camera hand four months to soon. We put the knifeinto prizes here too. 31.25 Blankets for $1.00; $1.50 Blankets for 31.19; 31.85 Blankets for $1.54. Best quality Blanteta on the market. -WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY For Sammer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Away Below Cost, Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits, Hats and Caps Think of it $12.00 Suit for $7.50; 39.00 Stilt for $6.00; $8.00 Snit for 85.35; $7.00 Sait for $4.65; $6.00 Suit for $3,98; $5.00 Stat for 3335. Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls, good quality and workmanship. $1.25 Overalls for 98e; $1.00 Over- alls for 75e; 85e Overalls for 64e.' $3.00 Pants for $2.25; $2.50 Pants for $1.90; $2.00 Pants for $1.49; $1.75 Pants for $1.84; $1-50 Pants for 31.15; $1.25 Pants for 98e. Ladies' Hand Bags at Nearly Half Price. Some Less Than Half Price 5.00 Hand ,14,3ag for 21.24 1.50 .99 . 1 00 a .6898 4 i 4.00 Hand Bag for 2.39 2.50 Hand Bag for 1.78 2.00 .75 a 49 ,60 " I .3e .50 I 1 .34 About 3 dozen Hand Bags, market to sell .2.00. Daring the sale you may have them at 85c each, They are good Bags. Come and exatnine them. Men's and Boys' Braces, Ties, Collars, Sox, Shirts and Underwear: Misses Summer Hats, Tams, ete. One (Wafter teas than regular priees. Carpets, Linoleume; Rugs, Carpet Squares, Floor Oilcloth, Mats, Cartaia Poles, Window Shades, ete., atrgo at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Good time to buy house furnishings. L'HBRELLAS AND PARASOLS -1.25 and 1.50 Ladies' Umbrellas for 89c; 1.00 Ladies' Umbrellas for 68e. Men's 1,25 Umbrellas for 98e; Men's 1.00 Umbra -Hs for 70e. Girls 75e Parasols for 49e; Girls 500 Parasols for 38e. BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Women's Boots, Oxfords and Slippers, also Misses and Children's Pine Dongola Kid, Patent Calf, Patent Pumps and Oxfords. Men's and Boys'aHeavy Boots, fine Blucher cut, Dongola Kid, Patent Calf and Tan Oxfords, New styles, easy fitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes,. and they all go at 25 per cent. I esS than regular prides. This is your opportunity. Buy footwear freely at such prices. CHINAWARE DEPARTMENT. We have a very large stock of Plain and Fancy Chinaware, Cut Glass, ete., and its all offered atreducedprices. Dianer and 'reit Sets, Toilet Sets, Table Sets, Chocolate Sets, Plates, Cuns and Saucers, etc., new handsome Panay China, Big Cut In prices for two weeks. 20 TO 25 AND 50 PER CM'. LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. We have, not room to enumerate here. Come in and see the goods. Everything marked in plain figures. One Limoges China Dinner .to regular price $32.00, for only $23.00. One Limoges China Tea Set, regular price .$15.00,only $9.89. BARGAINS IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT. matches for 50; ilue -Ribbon Tea 25e lb for 20e, 40e Ib. for 30e, Paired wee tea. me for 10e; Post Toasties, reg 10e forSe; Art Baking Powder, reg. 25e cfoarrinlaede Ib. Pe Peas Quaker 8 eboa PbElligkALorPlitnICiteTd0 cAttqAttnari5tet.ty of good Shoe Polish, sBarmatedrrelguitYlitartfrielliZaetiatt anTrwio° en lbS7lic0;c4:1 lei iat13;ngeldarraenast7Fdr, e0/11 leg, SPECIAL choke, reg, 15c a tin, now only 10c. Prunes, doles fruit, reg, 1e ib., now 3 1b3. for 20e. Prunes, choice fruit, reg.13e Ila, now 2' Ib, for 25e. No. 1 White LaundryStateh, big lumps, reg 10e ib, sale price 4 lbs. for 25c. English Orange and Lemon Peet, reg. 20e sale priee 12c lb 0. K. or Tudd Soap, 12 for aae. Diamond Dyes, 4 for 25c. Extract of Beef, regular 50e for 40e. Gallon tin of Apples, reg. 40e for 25e. Granulated Sugar at rock bottom Nicest TERMS OF SALE, --Spot Cash or Farm Produce, _Geode not be charge CrearingSale Prices. lautGoods may be charged at regular triees as usual. Premium Cards will not be witched for goods Sold at Reduced ?rites or for Flour, or for Ntlgar by the sack. During This Sale No Goods will be Gwen Out on Approval. MA Waal st„mutirgrot Ara. 1 Du tatiataft