HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-07-06, Page 1THS
VOL. L. --'N4. 2057,
if the name Eastman bad not
been 'behind them, we would
have been afraid that there was
something beside the price that
was cheap, when ,the Brownie
Oanleres first came out, But they
were made by Kodak workmen
in the Kodak factories. That
was enough to satisfy us, and the
results bare more thaw justified
our confidence.
We don't understand bow the
Kodak people do it at the price,
but here's their
1110. 2tb 113111OWIVIL
For 2 x 4} pictures, price only
$3.00. Works just. Iike a Kodak
and makes wonderfully good
pictures; other Brownies, $1.00
to $12.00.
Walton McKibbon
??Iwy1" :: • Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
We Have 111
Town or farm properties
at prices to suit everybody's
We know values, and
when you consult us you get
the advantage of our long
experience in the Real Est-
ate and Insurance business.
Just at the present time
we have some exceptionally
nice properties on our lists
atright prices.
Wingham is .a live grow-
ing town and you will make
no mistake in buying a home
Two or three nice houses
to rent.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Earners who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or nogg to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer•
chants or agents, on favorable terms..
Loans On real estate at the lowest
rates going.
ChrisIie's Grocory
We beg to thank our many
patrons, who, for the past five
years have so liberally'. given us
their patronage.
Owing to increasing Business
and consequent increase in stook
we decided to move to larger
quarters, and we have now settled
in the old D. M. Gordon stand,
This Store hes been
And fitted up to suit our class of
business, which *111 be condueted
in the most txp•todate manner
Mgt Grade Groeeries;,Uhoieeat
Provident, while 'peas and Co[tees
will be Made as before only 'on a
larger Beale.
A S� Dt
Wear Greer. Shoes and .Butlers
Gorden P rty in Park.
The Salvation A my will hold a gar-
den party on thet wn.park nextMonday
evening when the e will be a good mus-
ical program an a good supply
of re-
freshments. Th admission is only 10
cents and the pr eeds will go in aid of
putting in a f ace in the Salvation
Army Hall. Ou townspeople are asked
to attend and a ist the Army,
GIRLS WANTED.—Apply, D S. Perrin
& Company, Limited, London, Ont.
Last Saturday
observed as a boli
nearly all the pla
closed, The Cit
Palmerston for t
baseball players
eter, winning fr
forenoon and lost
afternoon. The
quiet one and t
spent the day qui
on Day.
orninion Day—was
ay in Wingham and
es of business were
ens' Band were at
(1ad. The Wingham
ent the day in Wrox-
Walkerton in the
to Brussels in the
ay in Wingham was a
ose remaining home
Watches, clocks, silverware and jewel-
ry slaughtered at KNox's this month.
Died a
On Sunday, Jun
a resident of Whi
50 years, passed o
jority, aged 86 y'
in failing health
had been blind for 12 years. Deceased
is survived by his
daughters. One s
Turnberry towns
Breckenridge, jr ,
ity is a daughter.
Breckenridge at
Mr. Orvis was
honorable and hj
was a Quaker in
18th, Selah Orvis,
by locality for over
er to the great nett-
ers. He had been
or over a year and
wife, 3 sons and 5
n is E. W. Orvis, of
ip, and Mrs. D.
>f Jamestown local -
Mr. Orvis and Mr.
coded the funeral.
fine man, honest,
hly esteemed. He
ligious belief.
To RENT—Seven-roomed house, good
garden, hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office.
Owing to the ver
nomination meeting
to select a success()
man as Water and
was not very iargel,
close of the time fol
named, viz:—Dr.
by Rich. Anderson
N. Griffin, by D. B
Alex. Young, by
Abner Cosens. M
only nominee wh
bee* elected as Co
warm weather the
on Monday evening
to V. R. Vannor-
ight Commissioner
attended. At the
receiving nomina-
entlemen had been
3. E. W. Tamlyn,
end Theo. Hall; C.
!1 and R. A. Dinsley;
t. A. Dinsley and
A, Young was the
qualified and has
Greatest bargains in watches and
jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at
KNox'S Annual Sale. w_
Died in Hamilton.
Margaret Hutt
George Poeoek a
resident of Turnb
passed away at
last in her 71st
lady was well k
teemed by a lar
She had for years
active worker in
here. The rem
the home of her
in East Wawrno
place on -W edne
Wingham cemet
n, relict of the late
d for many years a,
rry and Wingham,
amilton ori Monday
ear. The deceased
own and highly es-
e Circle of friends.
been a member and
the Baptist Church
ies were brought to
n, Mr. Geo. Pocock
and the funeral took
ay afternoon, to the
To Cour
Brussels vs. Mc
made on the 10th
Ontario Railway
tion brought by
and Grey Telepho
connection betwee
companies. The t
being dissatisfied
for a re-hearin, an
opened up with the
vious Order of the
Still dissatisfied, no
tion to appeal to the Court of Appeal
Was served and the
up before Justice G
June g6th, at Osgo
when, after hearin.
parties, he granted
drip to have the w
before the Court a
tongs when a de
Will he made by t
to the validity of
tion of recent yea
acidowers of t
Bear wig he sett ed once and for all,
IVF. It, WW1, K. ., appeared for the
totrriiihipof Mall ep and W. 14I, Sin-
clair represented ie Brussels, Moor's
and Grey Comps
of Appeal
illop—An order was
f March last by the
oard in an applica-
e Brussels, Morris
e system to compel
these two adjacent
waship of McKillop
pealed to the Board
the ease was again
result that the pre‘
pard was affirmed.
ice of their inten-
atter was taken
row, on Monday,
de Hall, Torotto,
atria for both
leave to the town.
ole matter brought
the Septentlrer sit-
tite pronou*Cement
e itourt of Appeal as
e Telephone)egisla.
s and the jurisdiction
Ontario Railway
Read Willis & Co.'s Atli, on page 8
The members of
with visiting mem
viee in St. Paul's
when the
Croly, E. A. will
mon, All membe
invited to attend
requested to meet
than 0.30 p. m,
to Church.
Wingham L. 0. L.
ers will attend ser-
hurch next Sunday
rector, Rev. E. H,
reach a special ser,
s of the Order are
his service and are
at the hall not later.
Sunday Soh
The annual unio
cursion to Kincardi
1 Excursion.
Sunday school ex -
e this year will be
run on Thursday, my 27th. This will
be Wingham's civ c holiday and a large
number of our to
from the neigh
spend the day a
cardine has a fin
ful place to spe
return fare fro
and children 4
will leave Win
arrive in Kincar
car will be atta
ets, etc. and
supply of prepa
hot water. T
Band will acco
nspeople and people
oring townships will
the lake town. Kin -
beach and is a delight-
d a summer day. The
Wingham is 75 cents
e. The special train
ham at 9.15 a. In. and
one at 10.35. Baggage
hed to train for bask -
ere will be an ample
ed tea and coffee and
e Wingham Citizens'
pany the excursionists.
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and
Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
Huron Old
The Huron Old
run their annual e
and Kincardine o
turning from God
ing and Kincardi
The Executive o
elation will mak
trip around the c
Piper Ross of
Lucknow. The
forth at 11.30
leave Seaforth
2.40, Varna 3.15
at 4. o'clock.. L
arrive at Goderi
rich. at 10 a. m.
Dungannon at 12
1.30, arriving at
at Wingham at 5
10 a. m. Monday
10.30, Blyth a
BIyth at 1 p. m.
2 p. m. remaini
parture of even'
oys' Coming.
oys' of Toronto, will
cursion to Goderich
Saturday next, re -
rich on Monday even -
e on Tuesday evening.
the Old Boys' Asso-
a three days' auto
unty accompanied by
oronto, formerly of
ollowing will be the
rain will arrive at Sea-
. m. The party will
at.2 p. m., Brucefield
arriving at Bayfield
ave. Bayfield at 5.30,
at 6.30, leave Gode-
unday, Carlow at 11,
leave' Dungannon at
ucknow at 3, arrive
30, leave Wingham at
arrive at Belgrave at
11 o'clock. Leave
arriving at Clinton at
at Clinton until de-
g train for Toronto.
Last Sunday
down in history
days in Canada
register of the
and London on
Toronto on Mo
102. In Wingha
registered 101 a
Monday. The i
congregations in
day. This inten
al thoughout On
centres several c
tion are reported
ries and other
were closed on M
badly needed in m
ern Ontario. Mo
a cool wave whi
predated, but the
ued on Tuesday an
of Weather.
and Monday can go
as the two warmest
ince 1854. The official
eomometer in Toronto
unday was 101 and in
day the register was
several thermometers
d 102 on Sunday and
tense heat made small
the churches on Sun -
e heat has been gener-
rio and in the large
ses of heat prostra-
nd the large found-
anufacturing plants
day. Rain is very
ny sections of West -
ay evening brought
h was greatly ap-
warm spell eontin-
Fon SALE.—A et of Dayton, Ohio
computing scales, nearly new; also a
first-class coffee i11. Will be sold
cheap. Apply J. . Lennox.
Soldiers Ho a from Camp,
The rnembers of 13 Company of the
33rd Regiment are ed home from Gode-
rich on Friday 1 st. The following
item of news was eeeived from Gode-
rich too late for ur last issue: "B
Company, 33rd Re iment is in training
at Goderich with a�most full strength
of officers and en. They are the
banner company a are a creditto the
Town of Wingham rid the neighboring'
town of ;Whitechu ch, The non-com-
missioned officers a e Col. Sergt, Mahn,
Sergts. Baron and Douglas; Corpls.
,Beecroft, Bridges, , cques and nestle,
and we mast not far et our old pioneer
Sergt. Nixon, who is looking after the
cleanliness of rthe gr unds of the Huron
Regiment. We also' have Col. Sergt.
R, Carrick, who has een promoted to
Serge. Major of th 38rd Regiment.
Capt, VanStone has a proud "smile en
his face when he se s his company on
parade and he has just cause as the
company is cor*pos of a fine looking
lot of linen. Lieut. Sinclair, who has
ins bide near hitt i cainlr has a very
happy smile on leis ace. The members
of It Cempany ish to thank Capt.
VatiSterne and L eats, Campbell and
Sinclair for the y they have treated.
their me* in_cant
Trunk Line
There has been
standing as to the ser
over the trunk line of
Telephpne Co, betwee
Lucknow, but on Tu
was Made clear, clart T he
ges are as follows:—
tweet the North H
connected at Wingha
A five cent charge to
subscriber connected
Wishes to speak to a
Wingham. A five
North. Huron subscri
wishing to speak to a
Lucknow. A Bell su
ham canspeak to a
scriber at Lucknow f
a Bell subscriber at L
to a North Huron su
ham for five cents,
little. misunder-
ice- to be given
the North Huron
Wingham and
day everything
er v e i and h r-
c .. a
ree service he-
ron subscribers
and. Lucknow,
a North Huron
Lucknow who
ell subscriber in
nt chargeto a
er at Wingham
ell subscriber at
scriber at Wing-
rth Huron sub -
five cents aid
cknow can speak
scriber at Wing
Ann Opportunity for T
On July 11th, July
8th, through tourist
cars will Ieave Torent
Winnipeg and other
Trunk Railwaybetwe
Edmonton. ar wi]
Trunk Railway Sys
thence connecting li
with "Homeseeker
The rates to Wester
low—Winnipeg and r
monton and return,
good for 60 days.
other points in Ma itoba, Saskatche-
wan and Alberta. T.urist car will be
fully equipped with , edding, etc., and
porter in charge. B•rths may be se-
cured at a low rate. Winnipeg Exhibi-
tion dates, July 12 t. 22. Full particu-
lars and tickets fro any Grand Trunk
Agent, or address A E. Duff, District
Passenger Agent, T.ronto, Ont.
ose Going West.
25th and August
ullman dee ing
11.00 p.
n Wi
'peg and
via Grand
to Chicago,
in connection
" excursions.
Canada are very
turn, $33.00; Ed-
$41.00. Tickets
roportionates to
Liquor Cases a Kincardine.
The several cases n connection with
selling and keeping 1 quor on their pre-
mises at.Teeswater ere heard at Kin-
cardine on Friday la -t before Magis-
trate i3arker and an associate Magis-
trate. All the de endants pleaded
guilty and the follow ng fines were im-
posed:—David Capli on •charge of
selling liquor was.fin d $100 and $12.60
costs. Jacob Lambe tus was fined $100
each on two charges of selling liquor.
Alex. Lambertus o three charges of
selling and one cha ge of keeping liquor
on his premises w s fined $320 and costs
of $50.50. Geo, K enerman, of Deemer -
ton was fined $50 and costs of $8.12 for
selling liquor on Sunday. Provincial
Inspector Ayher t and Provincial Con-
ftable Phippen ere in attendance and
orders were giv n to the Iatter to de-
stroy the liquor hich had been taken
from the differe t premises.
Pretty church Wedding.
At ten o'clock on Wednesday morn-
ing of last we k, the R. C. Church,
Wingham was t - e scene of the mar-
riage of Miss Eia McGlynn and Mr.
Charles Crawley of Toronto. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. Fr.
Blair. Miss Retinie presided at the
organ while the cl!oir rendered suitable
music. The brio a wore cream silk
veiled with cream triped voile trimmed
with fish net and at of tuscan mohair
with duchess plum s and Paisley ribbon.
She carried a whi a prayer book and
white rosary. Mis Rose McGlynn was
bridesmaid in Alice blue silk with Pais-
ley trimming, wear ng a white lace hat
with white plume.Mr. Redmond Mc-
GIynn was best Man. The groom's
gift to the bride wa a gold chain and
cross set with ai iethysts. To the
bridesmaid a gold bracelet set with
amethysts and to th .best man a gold
watch fob. After he ceremony they
returned to the b 'de's home, Bloom-
field Farm, Turnber y, accompanied by
Father Blair, where they partook of a
wedding luncheon. t five o'elock in
the evening a recep on was given to
one hundred and fift, guests. Dinner
was served en the la n and the even-
ing was spent in nes and dancing
till the wee small ho rs of the morning.
During the evening he bride changed
to a fawn French t: ` eta trimmed with
Paisley and lace anthe bridesmaid to
a lace dress over si . The gifts to the
bride were numero 's and cosily ACV-
ing the high esike + in which she was
held: After"cisiti g friends the will
return to their ho e in Toronto, The
guests from a di i nce were Miss Amo
'Morningstar and 1411te Dunnahue, of
Buffalo; Mrs. (Dr ) Gibbons, of Illinois;
Miss Clara Weil, " and. Miss .Burns,
Toronto; Mr. PM ora of Toronto, and
ethers from Luck" w, Chipstowe, Har.
riston, Winghleti, •Wroxeter, Gorrie,
l3elmore and Whit church.
Sir William Ma
other gift to Mc
near the universit
ed' extensions,
to McGill now am
onald has made any
1 University of land
;property, for need
Wfliam's gifts
suit to nearly $10,*
Next Monday
Wingham are ask
law to provide $5,
waterworks syste
be Supp red
domestic purposes
the town are no d
particulars of the
enees of opinion a
the wells should b
the vote given in
in order that we m
pure water within
If the by-law is
again be a long
when pure water
whole matter in o
proposition. The
works plant at the
leaves the upper p
be utilized by the
electric power by
give day power an
control of the upp
our people what t
waiting for—a con
er service. This
scheme is worth all
the town will then
coffer cheap power
which may desire t
increased revenue
pay the interest a
then we have the
sum more than su
and debentures.
by-law will have t
ing rather than in
Public owned wat
in other places ha
decreasing the g
such should be th
In our mind the s
and if the two
waterworks and
were privately o
tem would have
ago. The whol
business one a
ratepayers trea
for the by-law..
water and let u
possible. Evary
in each ward in
the ratepayers of
to vote on a by -
(KI to complete the
so that the town
ith for
The ratepayers
ubt familiar with the
by-law. All differ -
to the location of
thrown aside and
vor of the by-law
y have a supply of
he next few months,
efeated there will
elay and no telling
ill be obtained. The
mind is a business
lacing of the water -
lower power house
wer so that it can
own for generating
hich the town can
in this way have
r power. and give
ey have long been
nuous electric pow-
ne feature of the
the cost will be as
e in a position to
to small industries
locate here. The
ill also more than
d debentures, and
aving in wages -a
cient to pay interest
he passing of this
e effect of decreas-
reasing the tax rate.
r and lighting plants
e been the means of
neral tax rate and
case in Wingham.
eme is a good one
ater privileges, the
electric light plant
ned the present sys-
een adopted months
scheme is a purely
d we hope to see the
it as such and vote
ingham" needs pure
have it as early as
atepayer•has a vote
ieh he or she owns
WANTED—Go .d general servant girl.
Apply to Mrs. m . F. Binkley, Patrick
New ,Te chers Engaged.
At a special meeting of the High
School Board heli one evening last week
two new teach:rs were engaged to
commence their . uties on the re -open-
ing of the school.
of Wa]ldcetown
teacher in mathe
a specialist an
Brewster, of Br
English and Mod
specialist. The
to Wingham ver
For the next t
Wingham High S
of three gentlern
ers and three of
The TIMES wishe
his staff a very s
ter term,
Mr. Geo. R. Smith,
las been engaged as
natics in which he is
Miss Constance E.
ntford, as teacher of
rns in which she is a
wo new teachers come
highly recommended.
rm the staff of the
hool will be composed
n and two lady teach-
hese are specialists.
Principal Smith and
ccessfu] fall and win -
Married : t Providence
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Champlin, 74 • avol street, was the
scene of a pretty wedding last evening,
when their son, Gail Brayton Chani-
plin, and Miss nnie Pearl Stapleton
were united in m: rriage by Rev. Hugh
R. Carpenter, pa tor of the Cranston
Street Baptist C reh. The ceremony,
which was perfor ed at 6 o'clock, was
of double interest being the first mar-
riage by Rev. Mr. Carpenter since he
came here from S uth Norwalk, Cont.
to become pasto of the. Providence
parish. Miss Sta +leton wore a bridal
dress of white m : quisette, with Irish
trimmings. She as attended by Miss
Mabel A. Wilburwho wore blue silk.
Prank M. Chase : cted as bast man and
received a scarf :•in as a gift from the
bridegroom. M ss Wilbur received a
set of turquoise its as the bridesmaid's
gift from Miles 'tepleton. The l.ride.
groom's gift t the bride was a pearl
brooch. Follow ng the eeremony, Mr.
and Mrs. Cham lin held a brief recep-
tion, at which a ly relatives and imme-
diate friends w =• a in attendance. They
were assisted in the recciing line by
Libras and Wa e Mooreh8use, young
cousinsof the bribe. The house was
decorated with ferns
andpalms, and
the happy ten le received numerous
wedding prese s. They left the city
on the 9 o'clo Federal Express for
New Fork, an following a Ironeytneen
trip they will 1 e at 74 Davo11 street.
'the above Fr* the Providence, It I.
Bulletin of J no 11th refers to the
marriage of daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. 1,11m, St .Teton of this town,
.THE P1,1B
The ratepayers
to be censured f
public meeting o
discuss the byela'
n Monday
too warm for ini
meeting was not
all present were
Af Wingham are not.
r not attending the
Monday evening to
which. is to be voted
s the weather was
largely attended, but
interested in the ques-
tien. On reotion IA. H. Musgrove was
voted to the chaii,
Mayor Spotton
and outlined the
speaker and in a
plained all the
was the first speaker
abject of the by-law.
orton was the next
ery dear manner ex-
etails in connection
with the water orks system and the
plans as had )een adopted by the
Commissioners. t was purely a matter
of what the Co missioners considered
good business in changing the location
of the position o the wells from the
upper to the low r power house. They
thought it bette to have the water and
electric light pla is in the one place.
By doing this th upper water power
could be used f r generating electric
power for a day service for the town
and the lease to Howson & Brockle-
bank for the wat r privilege could be
cancelled and thi firm supplied with
electric power, he water from the
wells had been to ted by the Govern-
ment Analyst an had been pronounc-
ed good drinkiag ater, and the plant
they purposed ins ailing would supply
ample water for our times the present
requirements, Are water was what
the town needed but the first thing to
look to was th safety of the town
from fire and the proposed system
would give us ex ellent fire protection.
The by-law vote on in January, 1909,
did not provide sufficient money to
complete the sys em and did not pro-
vide anything f r installing services
where there wer water mains in front
of the premises and it was unfair to
take the cost of t ese out of the cur-
rent year's revent`ie so a sum was in-
serted in present liy-law to cover cost
of this work. If li -law is carried Mr.
Morton felt sure t ere would be from
120 to 140 rcyri sery ces. He felt they
would have suffici nt power and in
every way felt that the system as pro-
posed by the prest by-law was the
one for the town o adopt. With the
water and light sytems under one roof
a saving of fully '` 00.00 per year would
be effected in wa: es alone, a sum suffi
cient to pay the in erest and debentures
on the $5,000 ask:d for in the by-law.
Mr. Morton said t e Commissioners had
relied on the eng neer for their plans
and estimates an he felt sure the
$5,000 asked for ould complete the
Mr. S. Bennett *as heartily in favor
of the by-law. Helfelt that the people
of Wingham did no aprreciate a good
thing when they h d it. He would do
all in his power to carry the by-law.
Mr. Thos. Gregory was opposed to
the change of the 1 cation of the wells
and thought that plant should have
been placed at the pper power house.
Coun. Bone said a was not opposed
to the system of p re water and felt
that the Commissi ners were now do-
ing what should h e done 15 months
ago. He was oppo ed to the changing
of the location of t e wells.
Mr. W. A. Curr"e was not opposed to
the scheme if in 1 its opinion the wells
were in proper c.ndition and properly
completed. He d d not think the eas-
ing in the wells h : d been put down to
the rock.
Mr. John Eidthought if present
scheme were a„opted more motive
power would be n eded at the plant.
zens' Band—pian
Phozie 65 B or
piano warerocens
n, bandmaster Citi -
tuner and repairer.
enve orders at 'Bell's
Pretty H Wedding.
At 12 o'clock en Wednesday, June
28th, Minnie L., ldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Inch A mour 6f town became
the happy bride Thoniae W. Huntley
of Tdronto. Th bride, who was given
atvay by her fat er, was very charm-
ingly gowned i white duchess satin
With pearl tahn ings and carried white
carnations. She was assisted by her
sister, Miss Eva Mow, :of Toronto;
who was tasted attired in pink mar-
quisette with sat' trimining and ear -
tied pink roses. he groom was ably
assisted by Mr George Iluatley, of
Whitby. The rernony was performed
by Rev. Dr. tledge, after which the
pleStS Sat do to a tastetay prepar-
ed wedding unelieen. The bride's
going -away turn* *as of Alice .blue
messaline an. ltirge black picture hat.
The bride ived many beautiful gifts
from her fri ds here and elsewhere.
The happy ple left Onkthe 240 train
for a short edclgSrip and after thoir
return will r side lit 0 toot* Aye„
This style of "Einpress" Shoe eau be
wom at all seasons of the year, and is
especially adapted for dress occasions,
We have many others in the "Empress"
just as stylish.
This "Empress" Two -bar Strap Pump
Shoe is the latest creation in Parisian style
of footwear, the style of last giving the
foot a very short appearance.
WC ere Exclusive Agents.
See us for Trunks and Valises.
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's GrooetY.
For S. S. No. 6 Turnberry. Duties
to commence—aft r summer holidays.
Apply stating sa ry and experience.
School situated 1-4 miles from the
Town of Wingh
Organist and Choir Master Knox Prelr"
Theory, armony and
Will visit Wingham every Monday.
Special Summer Course.
Fees moderate.
Apply Box 66 Kincardine.
Students may enter any day.
Open entire year. Now is a
good time to enter. Largest
trainers in Canada. Graduates
get best positions. Thousands
studying at home. :Exclusive
right at the "Famous Bliss
Boolo.Iteeping System" for Ont.
ario. "Aettial Business fro*
Start to Finish."
Write for particulars.
(affiliated with Winghern Bug -
*teas College)