HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-06-29, Page 51' THE MOHAN TIMES JUNE 29 1911 #A4.07/1 5 '40•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••11 • Special For Hot Weather 4. zo per cent of alt the LadiesSuits which we have ,.. in stock in black, blue and greys, in Serge and Venetian Cloth, all this season's Suits to clear less twenty per cent.• ; Ladies' Fanby Jabots and Dutch Collars in newest 4i istyles, something different for the hot weather, prices 25c, ; 35c and 50c. • •Ladies' Fancy White Waists with low necks and I ••° • Kimona sleeves, trimmed with plain white or colored bor- 4: ders, prices $1,25, $t.5o, $t,75, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75. • • * • Ladies' White Skirts in newest styles, Indian ; • kti Head Linen, price $2.50. • • •• • LADIES SUN SHADES. ---The newest patterns : • in silk and cotton, fancy and directoire handles. New: choice, less 20 per cent off anyone we have. , • • • Z • • : •, CLOTHING 14, ... Our Tait)r-made Clothing and our values are worth ; ,.• considering before buying an up-to-date Suits. We ; g have the Agency of the "House of Hobberlin" also she ; "Fit Reform". • We, take your measure, your suit is ; I • • • • • • custom! made, prices $16.00 to $26.00. BOYS' SUITS We have a big stock, with and without bloomers, 1.1E14;t3A,VE. Mrs. B. McIver, of Winnipeg has been visiting with Mrs, J. A, 13randon, Mr. Joseph Miller, of the 3rd line of Morris has purchased the Clark proper- ty at present occupied by Dr, Stewart. Dr, Kirkby has limed his office to Mr. L. J Williams' and has had a North Huron telephone installed, which will be a great convenience to his Wa- wa.nosh patrons, Mr, D. Wheeler is improving his' re- sidence by having it veneered with red brick. Mr. and Mrs. R. McClelland were visiting at Mr. Chas, McClelland's. el fancy patterns for summer Suits, $4 5o to $9.00. HOUSE FURNISHINGS' i When furnishing your house, remember—we take • orders for the•best grade of blinds you can buy, any size • you require. We sew, stretch and lay all carpets free of , charge. We have newest patterns in Linoleums, Rugs and Curtains. What we have not in stock we will procure. Telephone your Grocery Orders to No. 7o. 1HANNA & CO.1 • PHONE 70 •• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WEAK STOMACHS MADE SION Through Tonic Treatment with Dr, Willitims' Pink Pills, After all has been said about indiges- tion and stomach troulale, there is only one way to get a real cure. The stom- ach must be made strong enough to do its own work. Indigestion disappears when the stomach has been made strong enough to digest ordinary plain food,. This strength can only be given the stomach through the tonic treatment supplied by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, strengthens the nerves and thus enables the stomach to perform the duties which na ure intend- ed it should. In everyjreighbohood you can find people who ave been cured of indigestion or other tornach troubles after a fair use of Di: Williams' Pink Pills, and this is - the best proof that k they are the o e, emedy to successfully do this. Mr. . B. McLean, Sterling, N. S., says:—"For a couple of years I suffered very much from indigestion with most of the accompanying painful symptoms. As a result 1 became very much run down, and as the medicines I tried did'not give me any relief I grew melancholy and unhappy, and felt as though ray constitution was breaking down. Quite accidentally my attention was called to Dr. Williams's Pink Pills, and I decided to try them, and I am happy to say that they effected a com- plete cure, and made my stomach as strong as ever it had been. I am glad to saya few words in praise of the medicine that dyed me, and I hope my experience will benefit some other suff- erer." Enrich the blood and you banish most of the every day ailments of humanity, and you can enrich it quickest and best by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 ' from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EA.sr wA.vvisSosa. Mr. Hugh McBurney has returned home after spending several weeks in Montana and Saskatchewan. Mary Barrett, beloved wife of Mr. Geo. Cowan, passed away Saturday, June 17th, after a lingering illness, at the early age of 30 years. The deceas- ed was born in Mornington Township about 30 years ago, but she moved here when she was very young where she resided up till three years ago when she married her bereaved husband since which time she lived in East Wa- wanosh. There are two children left behind. She was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, and was well liked here. Her bereaved hus- band and family have the sympathy of their large circle of friends in their deep affliction. .......................... • , * . ' FOR . TWO. WEEKS LONGER • •••••••••••••••••••••44•4444 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • Knox's Annual June Sale 1 will be continued for two weeks longer until JULY 14th UNHEARD OF PRICES IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Chinaware, fancy Goods, etc. SALEM. Mr. and Mrs. Bolt are visiting with friends in Goderich. Miss Minnie Stafford is visiting at the home of Mr. Ed. Higgins. Salem will hold their annual picnic in Mr. Ed. Palmer's grove on the 4th of July. We expect to have with us our new pastor. Refreshments on the grounds. Everybody welcome. Misses Lily and Gertie Bush spent Sunday afternoon with friends in How - ick. Mr. and Mrs. McKersie spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Leathorn, Wing - ham. A number of Salem young people took in the Jubilee services in Gorrie Methodist Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Higgins spent Sun- day with their daughter, Mrs. W. Gal- lagher. What might have been a serious fire broke out in Mr. Herb. Neil's house on Tuesday last. The flames gained great headway but with the aid of neighbors they succeeded in smothering them al- though the roof was badly damaged. / Bishop Clark was consecrated and in- stalled at HamiltonhyArchibishop Ham-, ilton, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursue o15. El, 0. 1897, Chap. 179, See. 78 that all owns haying claims against the estate o rtia Gibson, tate or the Town WInbaj4 in the Vounty o7t11.ron. Widow, (tees ea, who died on or about the Twanty•eight day of May, A.. P. 1911, are reuired to stip by post prepaid or to deliver to U. vaimpe", Solicitor tor the Dv - (stators on or bet the Twenty-second day of JOY A. D, 1911. t ir names, ad.dresses and des. oripttons and a full statement of particalare of their claims and the nature of the security (if 7117) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only - to the claims of which they Out t then have notice. Dated, this 77th. day of June, A. D. 1011. 15, VANSTONS. Wngham P. 0. Solicitor for tiaid Executors, Call in and take advantage of some of the greatest values ever heard of in Wingham TOWN HALL, WINGHAM Wednesday, July 5 Leon W. Washburn Offers Stetson's Spectacular Pro- duction of • GREY. A. A. and Mrs. Wheeler and daugh- ter Phyllis, of Detroit, are here :for a summer outing with relatives and friends. The trustees of S. S. No. 3 have en- gaged Miss Mary McArter, who has been teaching at Blyth, the salary being, 8550. Miss Mary Dark, of Morris, has taught No. 3 for the past 3 years and has given excellent satisfaction. Miss Beatrice Whitfield is away on a holiday visit with relatives and friends at Alliston, Barrie, Edgar, Orillia and other points. She will be absent a month or so. We wish her a good time. Uncle om's ClAin With all the added features that have made this Company famous. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. This column has been reserved for the use of the Wingham W. C. T. U. and will bp edited by the members of that Society. CIILROSS There passed away at her home on con. 4, Culross, on Monday of last week Elizabeth McRae relict of the late Alex- ander McKenzie. She had been confined to the house for some time but it was only recently that shebecame seriously ill. She was aged 69 years, 2 months and 19 days. Mrs. McKenzie came to this country when she was eighteen with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McRae. They came almost directly to Culross, Mr. McRae taking up a farm on Con. 3. She was married in 1864 to Mr. Alex McKenzie and has resided on the farm on Con. 4 ever since. There was born to them three sons and four daughters viz: Messrs. Kenneth, Donald and William all on farms on con. 4 and 5. ; and Mrs. Mrs. Mowbray of Turnberry Mrs. Frank Wocks of Con. 3. Culross, Miss Annua Bella at home and IVIiss Catharine E. teaching S. S No. 4, Cul ross. One sister.a.nd two brothers servive her Mrs, John McKenzie of con. 4, Culross Ms. John McRae of con. 3, Culross and Mr. Alex McRae of Maple Creek, Sask. • • • • • • • • 44• • • • • 416 SEE **•••••••••••••••••••••••41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• iDown Go The Pric AT BARD'S The Funny, Topsy, The Eccentric Marks, The Buck and Wing Dan- cers, The Cotton Picking Scenes, The Beautiful Transformation Scene "Eve in the Golden Realms," Ponies, Chariots, lillorts,. WATCH For the Street Parade on Principal Street at Noon. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. I Thess. 5:6. In spite of what they see with their own eyes, there are some people who still claim that conditions are better to -day than they were a few months ago under no license law. But many people Saturday night were ready to repudiate this statement when they saw an auto whirl up to the curb on Main street, two agitated young women get out, walk a short distance to a saloon, enter its doors, and reappear, holding between them a young man, terribly under the influence of liquor. The young women shrank from the publicity, but they were bent on saving their brother, whom they afterwards said, had been continually drinking since the saloons came in again. Stand- ing at the auto door, trying to get the young man to raise his feet so that hq could be taken into the car and home, one of the young women exclaimed: "0, this is terrible; why does God allow the awful saloons to exist?" This was not the only exhibition seen on the streets. About 10 o'clock many people turned around to see a young man dressed in a light suit, and not more than 16 years old from his appear- ance, stagger along past the Empire block: He paid no attention to any- one, but was terribly drunk, and some saloon sold this boy his liquor. The saloons were full, and in some cases women with anxious faces waited outside, for husbands who were spend- ing money that ought to go to the gro- cer and the butcher. One woman was in a shoe store where cheap shoes were advertised for sale. She wanted to get a pair for her 14 year old boy for C9 cents, and told the clerk that was all her husband gave was this, and that if she could not get the shoes ' that money, her boy would be heart -broken. The merchant was informed of the case and let her have a pair of shoes for her boy for what money she had. Her husband was waiting outside for her, pretty well under the influence of liquor. They went together to a hutch- er shop and bought 10 cents worth of, liver for Sunday's dinner. Along Mechanic and Cortland streets, two drunks were attempting to lead each other home. More than once they fell down, and a crowd laughed at their uncertain efforts to get to their feet again. Two policemen stood on the corner, but they apparently did not see the men. A citizen remarked, "There may have been a lot of blind pigs la, fore election but there are a lot of blind Policemen to -day." The above was taken from a ;recent issue of The Patriot, Jackson, Mich, amItins Mrs. J. D. McEwen and family, ist line, spent the holiday at her home, in Moncreiff. Druggist and Mrs. Wheeler and daughter, of Detroit, are here on a visit with Jno. and Mrs. Wheeler, the former's parents, 4th line. We are sorry to hear that our old friend, Robt. Souch, 2rd line, is not as well as usual and is a great sufferer at times. He has been a prisoner to hi home for the past few years owing to ill health. While handling a colt at his farm, 2nd line, josep Sellars had the misfor- thee to dislocate one of his shoulderS. We hope he will soon be o. Councillor Johnston still carries his left hand in a sling although weeks have elapsed sines injury was done by a jag from a rusty nail. Blood poison- ing ensued and be has had quite a ser- ious time with it although improvement is now noticeable we are glad to state. Welcome visitors to this township are R. G. and Mrs. Skelton and chil- dren, of Elva, Sask., who are here on a holiday run intending to return home in time for hatvest. Mr. Skelton is an old Morrisite who went West a score or more years ago and has prospered in many ways. He parted with sever- al farms at good -figures but among his possession he still holds the homestead and a few other partels. • • • * • • • • • • • • • * LACES • • • 36 pieces Torchon Laces, regular • # value 1.0c, sale 50 • * EMBROIDERY • • • 6 pieces Corset Cover Embroidery, • regular price 50e to 65c, sale • price. 40e • • • Reserved Seats 50c; Gentlemen 35c; Children 25c. Plan of hall at Mc. TUbbon's drug store, JUNE BARGAINS , • A Sale to Reduce Stock Not to Make Money vivinii•iiigNie.AAjaa..... I R KNOX OPPOSITE BRUNSWICK HOTEL. .4•••••••••••••••1141.41.4.4•0 • 1 DOOR NORTH KING'S. +++44+++++++.4*+•+++.•++04 41?CENTRAL STRATFORD., ONT. THE BEST SCHOOL Our graduates are in demand. Business men state that they are the best. Students from the class room were placed recently at $45, $50, $60 and $70 per month. A graduate with some experience was placed re- cently at $18,10 per annum. All graduates secure positions. The demand in past year was six times the number graduating. We have three departments, — Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. D. (. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. AU, • HOSE •_ Cashmere Hose, seamless, sizes 9, ; 3%, 10, 35c_value. sale price., 25e • ....... • RIBBONS ,t. Special line of very wide Ribbon, • 2 yds for ••••••I • PARASOLS . 25c • • • • All kinds of Summer Parasols to • clear at 2Q per cent. off. • • - ----. • VESTS • • 10 dozen Ladies, Vests, no sleeves • and short sleeves, sale price.. 10c • • : HOSE SUPPORTERS • • Children's Hose Supporters, all 10c • • sizes, to clear DOMINION DAY Single Fare For Road Trip (With minimum charge of 25c) Between all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falls arid Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Tickets good goingJune 30th and July 1st. Return limit July 4th, 1911. EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE TO Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Tema- gami, Algonquin Park, Georgian Bay, etc., commencing Saturday, June 24th, trains will leave Toronto as follows :--2. 05 m. daily, Muskoka- Huntsville-Temagami Express. 10.15 a.m. daily except Sunday. Penetang, Huntsville expross. 12.20 noon, Muskoka -Huntsville Express, daily except Sunday. Convenient connec- tions from all points in Ontario, -------- For Tickets and further ini'orma- tion' call oa Lamont, Dot Agent or address A. E. Def?, 1) To- ronto, Ont. • - • GLOVES • • Ladies' Long Gloves with lace top • black or white, regular R00 • for 75c • • SLIPPERS • • 2 doz. children's tan or black Slip- pers, good stock, sale price 25c • BOOTS AND SHOES • • Boot and Shoe Department is full ,• of all kinds of bargains, the very ; latest 'styles. We can save you • money on your footwear. Try us. • ---.- 11•1110.101•111M.•=1.....11 • • PRINTS • • A large stock of Crums' English • Prints, new patterns and color - 4 ings. Best washing prints made, . • regular 15c value, sale price 121‘c • ' tr. BLINDS, A lot of Linen )31inds, complete t with '75e RUGS. Large stock of Rugs, Tapestry, Z Brussels, Wilton all sizes, per cent. off all regular'prices. CURTAINS, t Lace Curtrins, all new patterns, t to reduce stock 20 per cent, ofr regular prices. WASH SUITS. • • Boys' Fancy Sailor Wash Suits.. 75'e : • SKIRTS. + • A line of White Wash Top Skirts, Z to clear. $1.50 + • GOWNS. Ladies' White Cambric Night t 'Gowns, nicely trimmed, sale. , 75c 110.141••=.MI UNDERSKIRTS. One doz. White Cambric Under- skirts with deep flounce $L25 value for ..... 81.011 WAISTS. Ladies' sizes fine Persian Lawn ; Waists, regular value $1.75, + sale ........ ........... $1.25 4r LINEN SKIRTS. • • 4. • Linen Top Skirts, nicely made, to clear at $1.50 4..4-- • DRESSES. 4 • • Children's White Muslin Dresses, sale $1.00 # • DRAWERS. 4 • Ladies' Fine Cambric Drawers, 4r. sale price .... ..... ... .... 25c CORSET COVERS 5 doz. fine Cambric Corset Covers, nicely trimmed with lace, sale •. , price ' 95 v ... C 44 41 • Department. • IINIMMEM111.• • Clothing • • If it'S anything in Ready to -Wear Clothing you want for Men ot. • • or Boys', and want to save money this is the place to buy it. Our • stock at present is too heavy and we are going to reduce it—priees • will do it—for three weeks, Men's Snits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, ., • Boys' Pants, Men's Rain Coats, Men's Cralnette (hats, ete., will be t • • • sold at eut prices. No room to quote prices here. Call in, we will • • be pleased to show you the goods. • V- y CAPIADiWil P ,T.; UcAlc HOMESEEKERS' EXCUVIONS Manitoba, Saskatchowan„ Mberta Special Train' lore 'Toronto 2.00 p.m. cn APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, 80 JUNE 19, 27 JULY 11, 28 AUG, 0,22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second class tickeNtsofrohonweOstal)oilintaots,otadosis to principal LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES \444:48eoc#1:6:0 siiedtutrult2wIth°°36101.4dleinyV7tt:rop"r4olian anai clii4221e. TOURIST SLEEPINO CARS en all excursions'. Comfortable Lathe, mutopes.1 with Leading, teak secured et moderate rata through ail WA Early application must bis nIkdo AttrOR HONIZSEtKEIRS4 PAMPHLET tonteining rates and full Intognatior. Apply to toted C.P,I1, Agent or to R. L. llomnaort. Dist, Pao. AgL, Toronto. ONLY DIRECt LINE NO CHANGE OP CARS I. II, 11.EIEMER, ..Nnent, •••• H. E. ISARD & CO 4, WINGHAM, ONT. .. , o .•••••••••••••++++++.••••• ****************4*****+*** TENDERS WANTEp. Sealed tenders "Marked/ Tender" will be received by the undersigned up to 4 o'clock,p.m., or Ticiesday, July 4th for the various wonVerequired for in- stalling a series of closets in the Wing- hamPublic School building. Specifica- tions can be seen at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JOHN F. GROVES, Secy-Treas. W. P. S. B. Wingham P.O. TENDERS FOR PURCHASE Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Comony SUMMER SERVICE STEAMERS "TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON" Leaves Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily ex- cept Sunday during June, daily after July 1st, for 1000 Islands, Rapids St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Tadousac and Saguenay River. EV1E111114" F, E Tenders will be received by the under- STE All OR "13 signed up to July 15th,, 4911, for the Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon and purchase of part o; Lot One in Foley's Toronto 7.80 p.m. every Tuesday for Survey in the To i# of Wingham being Bay of Quinte, Montreal and inter - the premises formerly occupied by F. mediate ports. de- sirable property and well situated. The For rates, folders and tickets write to J Hind as a drug store. This is a heirs wish to close up the estate and in order to do so it is neeessary to dis-FOSTER CHAFFEE AGP1 A . pose of the property. Toronto, Ont. DUDLEY. HOLMES. ••••••••••••••••••••••....ntionms.iogre•sal**1101},....111.110...MONOM ++++++++++4.4.14+++++++444.4•+ 4-4.4.4..t.. +++4. ++++*++4.1.++++++4.4. 4. .14 4.. 4. 4. 4. 1. Say, What About Good Couch? We have some 'Dandies,' that will wear a life. thne tnt, at $8.00 4. t Walker's Furniture Store ,,,4,44++++.,044:4,t, g„.4,14,1„,11,1,ideitio