HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-06-29, Page 1THS .WIN OHAMTIME
VOL. XL, --NO, 2056.
If the name Eastman had not
been behind them, we would.
been afraidthat
e was
something besidethe price that
was cheap, when
Camerae first came out, But they
were made by Kodak workmen
in the Kodak factories, That
was enough to satisfy us, and the
results have more thae justified
our confidence.
We don't understand how the
Kodak people do it at the price,
but here's their
For 24. x 4} pictures, price only
$3,00. Works just like a Kodak
and makes wonderfully good
pictures; other Brownies, $1.00
to $12.00.
Walton McKllhon
Thea Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
We Have It !
Wear Greer's Shoes and Sabers ,:
• Butcher .$h
Owing to Saturd
ing Dominion Dai
the three butcher
will close at 12 o'cl
ance of the day. P
should make a note
their supply of me
cps Closed.
y of this week be-
- a public holiday—
hops in Wingham
ck noon for the bal-
sons of these shops
of this and order
t before
the noon
Watches, clocks, silverware and jewel-
ry slaughtered at KNOX'S this month.
North Huron
The annual mel
Huron Conservati
held in the Wing
Wednesday aftern<
was very well ati
were re-elected ex
of Blyth was elect
of the Association.
John Wilford. SI
the political questi
delivered by A. H.
and H. Eilker,
Town or farm properties
at prices to suit everybody's
We know values, and
when you consult us you get
the advantage of our long
experience in the Real Est-
ate and Insurance business.
Just at the present time
we have some exceptionally
nice properties on our lists
at right prices.
Wingham is a live grow-
ing town and you will make
no mistake in buying a home
Two or three nice houses
to rent..
ing of the North
e Association was
am Town Hall on
n of last week and
nded. The officers
ept that F. Metcalf,
d lst Vice President
in place of the late
'rring addresses on
ns of the day were
Musgrove, M. P. P.
P. P. for South
Ritchie & Cosens
Read Wilts & Co.'s Adv. on page 8
Monday, July 10th
which the ratepayer
Wingham will vete o
authorize the expendi
tional $5,000 on the
tem of the town. Thi.
used in completing the
the people can be sup
water for domestic
water is one of the gr
every community and
favorable vote on this
GIRLS WANTED.—Apply, D S. Perrin
& Company, Limited, London, Ont.
Accident in Turnberry.
Last Wednesday
Porter of Turnberr
ful accident. With
horses he was movi
and when on the r,
came frightened
going into a rail
lively for a short ti
Mr. Porter was str
one . of the rails,
wound. Mr. Port
confined to the hous
friends wish him a
y -Law,
is the date on
of the town of
the by-law to
ure of an addi-
aterworks 111 be
money w
ystem whereby
lied with pure
rposes. Pure
t necessities of
e hope to see a
y -law.
W. S. SHEPPARD, bandmaster Citi-
Phoe65Bor l aveorders and
s a repairer,
piano warerooms.
fternoon Mr. James
met with a pain -
a 'team of young
g a steam engine
ad the horses be-
d ran away and
ence made things
e. It is thought
ck on the head with
nflicting a severe
r has since been
and his numerous
peedy recovery.
Coronation D
An interesting
took place in Toro
Day, when Miss Ma
Wingham young lad
of Mr. Reese, of
The wedding took pl
her si§er, Mr. Jas.
the happy couple lef
coast. Miss Sadler
good wishes of man.
one of the most pop
of Wingham and for
had been an active w
Church and Sunday
atrimonial event
to on Coronation
Sadler, a former
, became the bride
oungstown, Ohio.
ce at the home of
err, after which
on a trip to the
i11 have the hearty
friends. She was
lar young ladies
number of years
rker in St. Paul's
King George V., eight,
of Hanover, was on Th
crated to the service of t
pire, and hi turn receive
homage of his worldwi
With his consort, Quee
majesty was crowned in
Westminster, with a11• t
religious rites and royal ce
scribed by historic custom
ure within the grey-walle
one of mediaeval splendor.
nation .services, solemn a
were those handed dow
earlier centuries, and the
principal secondary roles
great function were garbe
of the multi -colored, go]
trappings worn by their
bygone generations. The
up a wonderfully affective
the central .figures. Outsi
ly dull streets had been tr
to a mass of color. The
Queen's progress to the a
return to Buckingham P1
unbroken ovation. The r
med with a vast polyglot
background of -bravely de
ing stands and windows a
of; which were crammed t
To RENT—Seven-roomed house, good
garden, hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office.
Post Offic4 Deeoration.
Post office building
ly decorated for Cor -
front of the build-
;upply of white and
ich was very taste-
ostmaster Fisher al-
hing around the post
od shape and he re-
tulations of many
anner in which the
ted for Coronation
The Wingham
was very elaborat
onation Day. Th
iug had a good
purple bunting wl
fully arranged.
ways keeps every
office building in
ceived the congr,
citizens on the ix
building was deco
Farmers who w� money to buy
horses, cattle, or Hogs to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
Christie's Grocer
We' beg to thank our many
patrons, who, for the past five
years have so liberally given us
their patronage.
Owing to Increasing Business
and consequent increase in stock
we decided to move to larger
quarters, and have now settled
in the old D. M. Gordon stand.
This Store has been
of the House
rsday cons.
British Em -
the public
e subjects.
Mary, his
e abbey of
wealth of
emonial pre
The pict-
fabric was
The coro-
d imposing,
from the
.tors in the
in reproduc-
aneesters in
latter made
scene around
e the usual-
nsformed in -
King's and
bey and the
e was one
to was hem
ost, with a
rated view -
d roofs, all
their cape -
Fort S . LE. —A set of Dayton, Ohio
computin scales, n • arly new; also a
first-class coffee in 11. Will be sold
cheap. Apply
Improvements a
A special meetin
Public School Boar
day evening when
engaged as teacher
Miss Wilson, N
signed. The Bo
making extensive
school building an
Council to raise $1
pay for the work.
will include the ins
closets and A other
pairs. These are
ments and will
Public School up
the best schools
In another colum
asked for the inst
the work to be do
.Greatest bargains in watches and
jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at
KNox'S Annual Sale.
Nomination foo Commissioner.
ning between ? and
rk Groves will re -
or the vacancy on
t Commission made
ation of V.R. Van -
portant work for
d the ratepayers
t good men are
ection•is necessary
lace on the same
�the Waterworks
ly 10th.
Next Monday ev,
8 o'clock, Town Cl
ceive nominations
the, W ater and Lig
vacant by the res'ig
norman. There is ii
the Commissioners
should see to it ti
nominated. If an e
the vote -will take
day as the voting o
By-law—Monday, J
And fitted up to suit oar class of
business, which 'will be conducted
in the most up•to-date manner
High Grade Grocekies, Choicest
will be Made as beforeonlCoffeesy on a
larger scale,
Public School.
of the Wingham
;was held on Mon-
iss L. Ansley was
to take the place of
o recently re-
d also decided on
mprovements in the
will ask the Town
500 on debentures to
The improvements
ailing of a series of
alterations and re-
uch needed improve -
bring the Wingham
o the front as one of
in Western Ontario.
tenders are being
)ling of the closets.
e during the summer
John N. McKenzie Chosen as Liberal
The nominating co
Huron Liberals held
en Friday afternoon
tended. Represents
from all parts of the
was occupied. by Mr.
Morris, the Presiden
tion. Messrs. John
Wawanosh and John
Ashfield were nomina
had urged the claims
ballot gave a inajorit
zie, and on motion of
nomination was mad
pleased was Mr. M
nomination that he w
deliver a most enth
Mr. Arch. Hyslop,
Huron, also spoke.
Mr. MacKay opened
pion of satisfaction in
and he urged the deleg
work at once. Nort
fishing field; John M
fighting candidate, an
vention of North
n the Town Hall
ast was well at-
ives were present
iding. The chair
Isbister, Wm.
of the Associa-
. Currie, of East
. McKenzie, of
ed and after each
f the other the
for Mr. McKen-
Mr. Currie the
unanimous. So
cKay with the
s encouraged to
siastic address.
x -M. P. P., East
The Liberals in conve
Town Hall here made a g
of a candidate for the Ont
ture. Mr. John N. McKen
ed his, home municipality,
ship of Ashfield, as Counci
in the County Councill as
has a good training which
him to serve the electo
Huron in the Legislature
practical farmer and as No
a riding composed largely
should make an ideal ca
stated by the Leader of 0
als, the Hon. A. G. Mc
Huron is a fighting . fiel
united party and with the
•date the Liberals of
should swing the riding in
al column at the next e
every Liberal in the rid
work at once and the res
labors will be shown on e]
The TIMES heartily endorses
dature of Mr. McKenzie and
sured of our loyal support in
tion in the
d selection
rio Legisla-
ie has serv-
the Town-
lor and also
Reeve. He
ill qualify
s of North
He is a
th Huron is
farmers he
didate. As
tario Liber -
ay, "North
" With a
cod condi
orth Huron
o the Liber-
ection. Let
g start to
t of their
ction day.
the condi-
he is as -
his cam -
Canadian Pr s Association.
The annual meet ng of the Canadian
as held in Toronto
meetings were the
e history of the As-
stopics of great in -
men were discuss -
Press Association
last week and the
most successful in t
sociation. Numero
terest to newspape
WANTED—Good general servant girl.
Apply to Mrs. L. F. Binkley, Patrick
Coronation o y in Wingham.
oronation Day—was
d as a holiday in
eornhas public
the Town n'a l and
pot -
d an
e musi-
given by
irectiOn of
r. F. J. Hill
lent solo. A collec-
nd after expenses
o will go to the Sick
1 at• Toronto. in
congregation and
t. Andrew's Church
woods of Mr. W. J.
luevale road. The
way a success and
ternoon was spent
he Citizens' Band
et musical program.
Citizens' Band held
he Town Park which
and it was an enjoy -
chair was awarded
telon who held the
band will have a
0 after paying ex -
Last Thursday--
generally obsery
se rvice w
was fair)
ton occu
lesson an
ism were
Collins an
cal part of
a union choi
Mr, G. W. 011
rendered an exce
tion was taken
are paid the i?alan
Children's Hospit
the afternoon th
Sunday schoolilof
held a picnic in th
Henderson, on the
picnic was in ever
a very pleasant
by all present.
furnished an excel
In the evening th
a garden party on
Wassell attended
able evening, Th
to Miss May Ca
lucky ticket. Th
surplus of about
n t
s held
led e.
R v.
e pr
ed. Mr. H. B. El 'ott of the TIMES
attended the me
trip this year to
tang, Parry Sou
and the party was
two hundred and
The,trip was one
ever held by the
week we will gi
with the trip.
Huron county we
D. McLean, Sea
and Mrs, W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. J.
New Era; Mr. a
Wingham Times
ended. Mayor
hair and deliver
H. Croly rea
r. Rutledge gav
ddresses on p
d by Rev. G.
Perrie. T
gram wa
er the
ngs. The annual
k in visits to Pene-
d and Collingwood
composed of some
wenty-five persons.
the most delightful
ssociation and next
e an article dealing
hose present from
e Mr. and Mrs. W.
orth Expositor. Mr.
err, Brussels Post;
Leslie Kerr, Clinton
d Mrs: H. B. Elliott,
WW1; Treasurer, J. 1
ham; Secretary, H.
The list of niunici
the chairman of the
ions was left the sap
at the last annual m
with an expres-
Mr. McKenzie,
tes to commence
Huron was a
Kenzie was a'
he looked for
Morton, Wing -
B. Elliott, Wing
al chairmen and
ifferent sub-divis-
e as those elected
Miss Bessie Staph
visiting at her home
Mrs. Jas. Mitchel]
weeks with relative
Miss Eva Armoux
ing at her parental
Miss Della Mitch
last week with rela
Mrs. John Lock
is visiting with rel
Postmaster Morr
was visiting in Wi
Mr. and Mrs. Ti
visited with Mr. Kew's sister at Strat-
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of London is
visiting with hi Son, Dr. J. P. Ken-
Mr. Elliott Fleming, of Owen Sound
visited over Su day at his home in
Mr. M. B. W ugh, of London, was
visiting with Wingham friends on Sat-
Mrs. Wm. Fe sant and Miss Minnie
Fessant are holi
Buffalo. •
Mrs. John Pa
visiting with
Miss Lottie 1
spent a few day
ham friends.
Miss Blanche owat, of Toronto, is
the guest of Miss anna Wilson for a
couple of weeks.
Miss M. Fisher,
and daughter Loui
day for a trip to t
victory here. No quest on so important
had• come before Cana
as reciprocity, but th
that went deeper into
country than trade; th
diction of the Legisla
There were no r
children in the public
had the Governmen
He pointed to the mi
ernment, and said t
spite of warnings,
through the bungli
ment the education
not as well condu
years ago, and co
The Minister of
McKay. was well
not be more wood
tion is concerne
model schools he
the principle of all
to make teachers
MacKay was rea
rural constituency
issue of the school
He also expos
Government's sch
whole machinery
was affected by tl
roads and assessn
mentioned, and M
in favor of leavin
whether they wou
out assessing imp
Referring to an
in The London Fr
that the west kn
Borden stands on
"And in the last
has found out wh
a statement th
Baptist Church Garden.
The Young People of th
Church will hold a garden pa
church lawn on Tuesday eve
4th. Wingham Citizen's
furnish the musical program
will b( refreshments Sery
grounds. Proceeds will be in
organ fund.
TO RENT—The small store one door
south of the Bank of Hamilton. Pos-
sesion iven first of • Aust. Aly
C SN. Griffin, Real EstateBand Insur-
Deaf of
Blyth has los
the death on We
of John Wilford '
was very highly
a resident of Bly
He had filled ma
in the Orange Or
many ye rs a 1
Methodist Churc
will beinuch miss
of the C;Bible_.Socie
ber of ,the School
the Blj+th Council,
Reeve a of the vil
Conservative in poi
al colftributor to
and in, every way
citizen; His wife
Dr. E.' Wilford, a
in China, and Mr
this toff#n, survive
took place on Pr
largely attended,
the Loyal Orange
nearly one hundr
Order ,in the fu
number oi'.ryWhigh
Orders and\ other
hn Wilford.
prominent citizen in
esday of last week
his 5Oth year. He
espected and had been
h for about 25 years.
y prominent positions
er. He had been for
cal preacher of the
and by that body
lie was president
oaud, a member of
nd for three .ears
age. A prom nent
tics; he was a bar-
n worthy oiljeets,
a most exe Wary
WANTED.—A good, fresh oung
must be qui ,and a good m' ker.
ply statin a/rticulars to Bo 4
ty on
d on
of the
A Successful Stude
After studying four years
bia University, New .York
Hartley Paterson 4,; Pad
examinations successfully
graduated as a Civil Engin
time he won four schola
were worth one thousa
him and also two gold
Paterson now has a positi
tor at the Camp for Civil
for the summer months.
of Mr. Arch, Paterson of
medical ;Ids
The feneral which
day afternpon 'was
d was conducted by
mernbefes of that
inernbers of the,
len& attended the
LOST DOG.—A Scotch
on to my premises, Petri
15th inst. Owner can
proving ownership a
penses. GEO.
Married at L
The home of Mrs.
geour was the scene
event on Saturday,
her daughter Jean
Molly in the presenc
mate friends. Tlae
ing in a dress of pal
with laee. The yo
auto for Goderieh
will take up their r
ham and will have t
large circle of frien
at Colum -
city, Mr.
ed all his
and has
er.; In that
oilers to
edals. Mr.
as instruc-
ies :Own.
in his memory
re were things
the life of the
ngs in the juris-
ources like the
schools, and what
done for them?
takes of the Gov-
ey were made in
He declared that
g of the Govern -
f the Province was
ted to -day as ten
t twice as much.
ducation, said Mr.
med Pyne; he could
so far as educe -
The abolition of
riticized as against
wing the poor man
f his children. Mr.
y to go into any
and fight on the one
the farce of the
ol book claims. The
of the municipality
e Legislature. Good
ent were especially
. MacKay declared
it to the local bodies
d assess land with-
ovements and indus-
ton of Toronto is
in town.
in Toronto, -
of Toronto is visit -
me in town,
11 spent a few days
ives in Toronto,
tives in Wingl
son, of Kincardine,
gham on Saturday
os. Kew and family
eying with friends in
tison, of Port Elgin is
ingham relatives and
cCreith, of Goderich
last week with Wing -
You can't be down right
comfortable on the First unless
your feet are in comfortable
We have just the styles for
Summer Shoe Comfort, Shoes,
Oxfords and Pumps in Patent
Kid, Patent Colt Skin, Tan or
Canvas for MEN, WOMEN
editorial paragraph
e Press to the effect
ws now where Mr.
reciprocity, he said:
our days Mr. Borden
re the west stands,"
t was greeted with
laughter and app ause.
' He proceeded
experiences rece
Conservatives 1
in their demon
not one of his o
Mr. MacKay b
many evidences
policy of Sirr.Jo
of reciprocity in
llie dog came
k street, on
ave same by
d paying ex
Mr. and Mrs. Ge
have been visiting
their son, Mr. J.
Mrs. Fred Rus
Toronto are visitin
parents, Mr. and
Miss L. Attridg
of the corner sto
Moncrieff, which
tion Day.
Mr. Russell M
Lean Publishing
ing at the home o
Postmaster Fisher was in Toronto on
Thursday last attending the annual
meeting of the D minion Postmasters'
Mr. and Mrs. J
children, of Jack
spending a few w
in Wingham
e, left o W dries -
Mederate and reasonable
prices for everybody.
You'll enjoy Don -II -lion Day
if we dress your feet.
. Swarts, of Clinton,
r a few days with
at the h e her
attended the laying
e of Knox Church,
ook place on Corona -
Kinney, of the Me -
o. , Toronto was visit -
Mr. W. S. King in
See us for Trunks and Valises.
o relate Mr. Borden's
tly, where he found
ading the westerners
for reciprocity, and
n men supporting him.
iefly referred to the
of the Conservative
n Macdonald in favor
natural productc. The
prophecy of Sir John had now been ful-
filled, and the 0 position must be hard
pressed when th y would dishonor the
memory of their
chieftain to say
what he said.
A point drive
was that if the
sure reciprocity
why did they n
it, let it pass,
have the dissa.
Liberals out?
months of thi
had been expor
from Ontario
twenty tons t
duty, that was
He closed wi
ation bogey, an
vote against Mr
forgotten them
against reciproei
Mr. McKenzie
and asked that hi
a fair and squa
them that his opp
Mr. Hyslop pal
nominee and leadei
mer he believed th
would be the $0eat
federation, and he
Resolutions were
of reciprocity, and e
ty to the Sovereign
in their political lea
The followitig
tion were elected:
bister, Morris; Fir
President, John
Third Vice.Preside
f a very pretty
June 24th, when
abel, became the
clair of this townl.
rfiormed the lure -
of only the
riie looked charm -
grey silk trimmed
ng couple left by
on their return
sidence in Whig -
best wishes of a
departed distinguished
hat he did not mean
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
hn R. Wells, and two
onville, Florida, are
eks with old friends
Misses Annie Borber, Mabel McDon-
ald, Jennie Bowinan, Belle Robinson
and Mr. Alf Posliff are home from the
Stratford Normal! for the holidays.
Dr. R. C. Redmond is spending a
week at his pare tal home in Lands-
downe, and in co pany with Mrs. Red-
mond will take a trip up the Saguenay
River in Quebec. Dr. McGillivray, of
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
home by the speaker
onservatives were so
would be a bad thing,
t go on record against
d, after a year's trial,
isfied people turn the
During the first five
year 625 cars of hay
ed to the United States
rth of Stratford. At
the car and $4 a ton
50,000 lost in duty.
a reply to the annex -
urged the electors to
Musgrove, Who had
when he had voted
ade a fighting speech
friends join him in
e battle, reminding
nent was always a
—Saturday of this week is Dominion
—Waterworks by law vote will be
taken on 1Vionday, J ly 10th. Vete for
the by-law.
Toronto is atten
praetice during
Thurlow and da
visited at John
Terrace, this we
steamer Greyhou
six month's vaca
Detroit and oth
ing to Dr. Redmond s
is absence.
onald and Mrs. D.
ghter, of Wingham
Donald's Gloucester
. They left on the
d on Tuesday for a
ion to Port Huron,
points.-- Goderich
For S. S. No. 6. Turnberry. Duties
to commence after summer holidays.
Apply stating salary and experience.
School situated 1 1-4 miles from the
Town of Wingham.
Mr. Robt. Pauli
Alberta Paulin, o
visiting with th
Mrs. Benj. Jen
former resident
here twenty-thr
his first visit to
He sees many
changes in the
a tribute tO both
and said as a far -
trade arrangement
t boom since Con -
oke freely in its
opted in support
pressiens of loyal -
rel confidenee
re of the &socks -
t Vise -President,
am, Second Vied.
cKenzie, Laurier;
t, S. Bricker, Ford -
A Safe
One of the safe
market is a first
proved farm. M
representing the
Ltd., of 26 Wellin
has appointed Me
as their agents fo
rounding country.
to its clients guar
es yielding 6 per
the work in conn
these mortgages
of principal and i
Ask Messrs. Rite
interesting book
and daughter, Miss
Bay City, Mich., are
former's daughter,
ins. Mr. Paulin is a
Wingharn and left
e years ago and this is
he town in that time,
new faces and many
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and
Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
the Baptist C urc
last. The Su day
the place of t
sermon was •prea
Rev. O. Victor C
Confirmation se
Paul's Church on
this week, when
Williams of Lon
conferred the hol
on a number of
E. Croly MIS
t investments on the
ortgage on an im-
. Albert J. Waite,
ational Finance Co.
ton East, Toronto,
Wingham and sur -
The company sella
ent., and assumes all
tion with the sale of
and remits payment
terest on due dates.
ie & Crsens for our
et "A Safe Invest -
ervice was held in
'on Sunday morning
S6hool children took
oir and an excellent
hed by the pastor,
vice held in St.
T day evening of
Lordship Bishop
n was present and
and the rector, Rev.
ed in tlae torvice,
Students may enter any do.y.
Open entire year. Now is a
good time to enter, Largest
trainers in Canada. Graduates
get best positions, Thoussnas
studying at home, Exel sive
right Of the "Famous Misi
ario, "Actual Business from
Start to Einiih."
Write for partieulars.
(affiliated Alt Wiegharri Bust -
nest College)