The Wingham Times, 1911-06-22, Page 44 THE Dominion Bank HEAIr OFFICE: TORONTO E. B,Osi„en, M. P„ . President. W D. MaTrtieWs, e Vice -President. Capital .. $4,000,000.00 Reserve . $5,000,000.00 Total Assets, ..,,., .,, $62,500,000.00 A Brandi of this Bank will be esti, Wished in London, England, on 1etof July next. at 73 CORN}ILI,, E.C. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all Important points h Canada, negotiate Bills sent 'Or collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of banking business, Information will be furhished on all Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the of visitors and bearers of our Setters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, Generai Manager. WINGHAM BRANCH : W. R. Geikie, Manager. R. VANSTONR, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be 1' t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. fSSTABLISESED 12T THE WINfillAYI TIMES. LB. st.r4O T, PITALIS zR AiltiPROPRIETO --r THURSDAY JUNE 22. 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES, During the year 1909 no_ less than fifty separate and distinct business enterprises were condensed into ten mergers. The capital stock of the fifty individual enterprises, amounting to $100,000,000 became, in the dexter. oils hands of ten mergers, nearly $200,- 000,000. These merger manipulators, with investments of $100,000,000, now possess the legal right to earn divi- dends on $200,000,000. -Winnipeg Tele- gram. Five years ago as is learned from a report of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, there were less than 2;000 telephones in the farm houses of Ontario; now there are 50,000, repre- senting a capital investment of $4,000,- 000, 90 per cent. of these rural systems having been organized by farmers. No fact could better illustrate the pro- gressiveness of the Ontario farmers than that. It is surely high water mark in expansion records. --Stratford Herald. Without going into the judgment on the Fraser ease, it might be remarked that the general feeling is that it would be an outrage if the old man was separated from Mrs. Fraser, who, in spite of the hostile Ianguage of one of the Judges, has evidently put Fras- er's home in order, and made his days happier than they were for years be- fore. The old man's lot before Miss Robertson came on the scene must have been by no means a comfortable one. As he has said, he is at Ieast now happy and well cared for. -Guelph Herald. Air Opportunity for Those Going West. On Tuesday, June 27th a through tourist Pullman sleeping car will leave Toronto 11.00 p.rn. for Winnipeg and points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Winnipeg and Edmonton. Car will run via Grand Trunk Railway System to Chicago, thence connecting lines in connection with "Homeseekers" excursions. The rates to Western Can- ada are very low: Winnipeg and re- turn, $33.00, Edmonton and return, $4L00. Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tourist car will be fully equipped with bedding, etc., and porter in charge. Berths may be secured at a very low rate. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. The Cunard Steamship Co, to -day an- nauneed that it had settled with the striking sailors. The company has agreed to a wage increase. A few years ago flyin- machines woe hardly thought of, nor was Scott's Emulsins in summer. Now Scott's megaton A^ as tralch a sum. met- A$ a w :iter f ernerly. NEW HEALTH AND NEWS MYTH: FOR SUFFERING WOMEN Aching Racks, Tired Limbs. and Splitting Headaches Need Not be Endured. In silent patience nearly every wo- man endures suffering that casts a shadow over half her existence. An aching back, tired limbs, attacks of faintness, and headaches and back- aches, need not be part of a woman's life. Such trials indicate plainly that the system requires the new blood that is supplied through the use of Dr. Wil - Hams' Pink Pills. These Pills are val. ued by suffering women who have used them above all other medicines, because they give the rich, red bloodthat makes women well, bright and at their best. Mrs. Fred Collard, Poplar Point, Man., says; "I can give you but a verysmall estimate of the suffering I endured be- fore I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, After the birth of my first child I suffered intensely from ailments that too often afflict my sex, This was complicated by an attack of bleeding piles, and the agony of the days and nights I endured is almost pasteompre- hension. I tried many remedies, but they did not help me in my trouble, and from a healthy young woman weighing 140 pounds I fell away in weight to 95 pounds. I grew so weak I could hardly walk acres the floor, and there were Mmes I aridly knew what I was doing so great was my agony. I went to Bra don andconsult- ed a doctor who said at nothing would help me but an oper tion for both my troubles, and that would have to re- main in the hasp' 1 for at least eight weeks. Being a arnier's wife I felt that this was impossible, and while in Brandon I met a friend who strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, telling me that they had cured her trouble similar to mine, after an operation had proved of no benefit. She had such strong faith in them that she gave me the first box, and I began using them. It was not long before I found much relief. I continued to use the Pills all the rest of that sum- mer, and the result was they restored me to perfect health, I told the doctor what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done for me, and his reply was that he con- sidered what they had done for me lit- tle less than a miracle. I have since recommended the Pills to many others who have suffered from woman's troub- les, and they always produced beneficial results. I hope that this statement will be of benefit to some other suffer- ing person." These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. The complaint of scarcity of men also comes from Goderich military camp . The arrangement for comfort and in- struction are pronounced first-rate. LIVE STOCI MARKETS. Toronto, June 19 -Union Stock Yards -Receipts 122 ears, with 2,395 head of cattle, 78 calves, 16 hogs, 542 sheep and lambs, and 2 horses. It was a heavy run of cattle with a large proportion of heavy cattle and fat cows The absence this week of active buying for the' West, and the fact that only one of the two American buyers of heavy export cattle, who usuaIIy take care of that end of the market, left practically no competition for the heavy stock. The result was a decline of from 10c to 15c on heavy ex- port cattle. Heavy fat cows were also neglected, and a decline of about 20c to 25c was recorded as against last week's prices. Heavy cattle were quoted at $5.90 to $6.05, with a few of the choicest Iots of $6.10 to $6.15. Eat butcher cows 25c off, at $4.25 to $5.25, though one lot of choice quality was reported at $5.40, Light butcher cattle were steady at last week's prices, at from $5.90 to $6.10, and extra choice at $6.25. Sheep and Iambs easy at $4 to $4.50 for ewes, and $6 to $6.50 for yearling lambs. Good veal calves firm, at $7 to $8. Hogs -Market continues very strong and is again quoted higher at $7 to $7.15 f. o. b„ and $7.35 fed and water- ed. One Load at the market sold at $7.69 weighed off the cars. Export cattle, choice. $5 90 to $6 05 do medium.,....„ . .... ...... 5 80 5 85 do Iight. 5 70 5 75 do bulls .................. 4 75 500 de cows . 4 50 5 00 Butchers choice 5 85 6 25 do medium ... .... 5 50 5 80 do cows .. . . .... ..... 4 50 5 00 do eornmon .... 4 00 4 25 do canners...., 2 50 3 00 Short -keep. ..... .... , 5 80 5 85 Feeders steers 5 50 5 75 do bulls ... , .... 4 25 5 00 Stockers choice . 5 25 5 75 do .light .. ,4 50 5 00 Mitch cows, choice, eaeh....35 00 55 00 Springers .. .80 00 40 00 Common and medium .. 20 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes .,.., .. 4 00 4 50 do bucks ... ... ...... 8 00 3 50 Lambs, yearlings .. . 5 50 6 50 Spring iambs, each ... .... 4 00 6 50 Bogs, f. o. b. .. .. ... 7 00 7 15 do fed and watered ....... 7 35 Calves 6 00 8 00 WIStiUUAi i MARKET IttPOf'l 4. Wingham, ,lune 21, 1911 Flour per 100 lbs .... 2 35 to 3 00 hall wheat 0 80 to 0 82 Oats ...... 0 35 to 0 36 Barley Y 000to060 Peas ... 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy ... .......... 0 16 to 0 17 I:ggs per doz... . .......... 0 14 to 0 15 WOW per eord .. , . 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel . 0 40 to 0 45 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hoge per cwt....,,6 65 to 0 65 THE WIN GUAM ' : ES, JUNE 99, 1911 • Cilrest4 tee* THE VERDICT Of the jury was that almost too much care and attention has been bestowed upon this clothing. THE FINE rAIIORING is strong evidence; the beautiful pat- tern of the goods; the trimmings and the expert workmanship are proof and warrant for the verdict. The moderate prices have had con- siderable effect upon the judge. HENNING THE TAILOR -The International Limited on the Grand Trunk, from Montreal to Chi- cago, left the track from some at pre- sent unknown cause Friday afternoon, about four miles east of Bowmanville station on the Grand Trunk Railway. while running at a high rate of speed. James Madill, of Toronto was killed and twelve passengers were injured. Don't Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries you may need. A much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pick out the things you want as they meet your eye. There Ale Probably Groceries Here entirely new to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. if they are here, they are good. L F. McGiIIivray Phone 54. At the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association held at the King Ed- ward Hotel, Mr. C. W. Young of Corn- wall was elected President, +vs.....r•v/►�b�rry ce Nwv i/rvvr ��r��YVfwrr 1111•Mrr'rwv4••4re vrV*11ty 4 WOOL WANTED 4 4 4 4 41 best 4 4 t 4 CASH OR TRADE Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not ,made from clippings, and will give the best satisfaction. Also Carpets, Rugs, and Linoleums, the best stock in town to choose from. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date suits that can be obtained, which we have marked very low considering the quality. Boys' suits very nobby, double seats and knees. SHOES 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 s s Y 4 4 4 w 4 Men's Heavy Work Shoes from $1,25 to $2.5opair, 3 Also all kinds and sizes in Ladies'and Children's 4 4 Light and Heavy Shoes and Slippers, .... • r �I Anderson's Ginghams, Muslins, Foulard and everything i for the hot weather. M..rts Cotton Socks. 4 Ladies' and Children's Hose. We handle the famous Wear Well Brand, etc. No. t Granulated SJgar, 10o sacks to sell yet at $4.75 cwt No. t Granuitted Sugar 20 ib. sack $r.00. We mnst make roorn for another car to arrive in July Produce of all kinds wanted, Highest prices paid. T1AAds 4 4 1 MILLSJ I PHONE 89. Wf1''GJtAM, G T. THE PROFIT SHARING STORE KER & BIRD WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agents Ladies' Journal Patterns, Perfectly Satisfactory Patterns. Agents -Ladies' Horne Journal Monthly Magazine 15c MONSTER CLEARING SALEPOR TWO WEEKS Opens Mouday, June 26th. Closes Saturday, July 8th We take stock in July, Before stock taking we wish to reduce our stock five thous- and dollars, We can do it with your help. We'll make the prices right. You do the zest. EVERYTHING IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINAWAKE AND GLASSWARE AT SACRIFICE PRICES. ALL NEW FASHIONABLE UP-TO-DATE GOODS. This BIG SALE gives you an opportunity, such as is seldom offered to the people of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and below, Don't allow anything to hinder you from attending this sale. Cucie Brand Silk Waists, Black and Colors. Cucie Brand White and Colored Waists and Middy Waists. $5.00 Waises for $3,49 $3,50 Waists for $2.48 $3,00 Waists for $2.19 2.00 " 1.49 1,75 " 1.32 1.50 " 1.12 1.25 , " 98 1.00 Fi 75 75 .55 CUCIE BRAND WHITE AND BLACK UNDERSKIRTS. Silk and Regal Taffeta Skirts, Black Sateen and fine White Skirts with Lace, Insertion or Embroidery Trimming. Cueie Brand is a guarantee of quality and workmanship. $6,0C Skirts for $4 48 2.50 " 1,89 1,50 " 1,12 $5.00 Skirts for $3.69 $3,00 Skirts tor $2,24 2.00 " 1.53 1.75 1,29 1.25 " .98 .i'- 1,00 " .75 OVER 100 PIECES QF SS GOODS. Fancy Tweed, Broad Cloth, Mohair, !Serge, Voile, enrietta, Lustre. Basket Serge, etc. Some at. 25 per cent., and a quantity at 333 per cent. less the regalar prices. What a snap for those who buy daring our sale. SUMIDRESS GOODS. Linen Saitings, Chambrays, Galatea, Gingham, Muslins, Prints, etc, Regular 30c yd. for 23e Regular 25e yd. for 19e Regular 15e yd. for 110 Regular 123e yd. for 10e Regular 20e yd. for 15e Regular 10e yd. for 8e Laces, Insertion. Embroidery, Ribb ons, Collars, Frillings, Handkerchiefs, loves, Buttons, Belts, Combs, etc., 25 per teat less than regular priees for two weeks, The economical, carefal buyer will get busy daring this sale. BIG 'SALE OF CORSETS Good Style, Good Quality, Perfect Fitting, long, medium and short, for slim or stout women. Daring the sale we offer Corsets at from 20 per cent off to 33,i, per cent. off regular prices. The wise buyers will take advantage of this sale. Chenille and Damask Curtains and Table Covers, new goods, at 75e on the dollar. NEW LACE CURTAINS $5,00 Curtains for $3 48; $4.50 Curtains for $3,38; $4.00 Curtains for $2.98; $3,00 Curtains for $2.28; $2.00 Curtains for $1,53; $1,50 Curtains for $1.14; $1.00 Cartains for 75e; 75e Curtains for 55e. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for Fall came to hand foar months to soon. We put the knife into prices here too. $1.25 Blankets for $1.00; $1.50 Blankets for $1,19; $1.85 Blankets for $1.54, Best'quality Blankets on the market, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY For Summer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Away Below Cost, Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits, Hats and Caps Think of it $12,00 Suit for $7.50; $9,00 daft for $6.00; $8,00 Suit for $5.35; 87.00 Snit for $4.65 ; $6.00 Suit for $3•,98; $5.00 Suit for $3 35. Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls, good quality and workmanship. $1,25 Overalls for 98e; $1.00 Over- alls for 75c; 85e Overalls for 64e;.$$3.00 Pants for $2,25; $2.50 Pants for $1,90; $2.00 Pants for. $1.49; $1,75 Pants'for $1,34; 81-50 Pants for 81.15; $1.25 Pants for 98e. Ladies' Hand Bags at Nearly Half Price. Some Less Than Half Price 5.00 Hand Bag for 2 98 4.00 Hand Bag for 2.39 2.50 Hand Bag for 1.78 2.00 " 1.24 1.50 .99 100 ' .68 .75 '• . .49 .60 „ .35 .50 .34 About 3 dozen Hand Bags, market to sell 2.00. During the sale you may have them at 85e each, They are good Bags, Come and examine them. Men's and Boys' Braces, Ties, Collars, Sox, Shirts and, Underwear. .misses Summer Hats, Tanis, ete. One Quarter less than regular prices. Carpets, Linolettms, Rugs, Carpet Squares, Floor Oilcloth, Mats, Cartaia Poles, Window Shades, etc., all go at 25 per cent, less than regalar prices. Good time to buy house furnishings. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS -1.25 and 1.50 Ladies' Umbrellas for 89c; 1.00' . Ladies Umbrellas for 68e. Men's 1.25 Umbrellas for 980; Men's 1,00 Umbrells for 70e. Girls 75eParasols for 49e; Girls 50e Parasols for 38e. BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Women's Boots, Oxfords and Slippers, also Misses and Children's Fine Dongola Kid, Patent Calf, Patent Pumps and Oxfords. Men's and Boys' Heavy Boots, fine Blucher cut, Dongola Kid, Patent Calf and Tan Oxfords. New styles, easy fitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes, and they all go at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. This is your opportunity. Buy footwear freely at such prices. CHINAWARE DEPARTMENT. We have a very large stock of Plain and Paney Chinaware, Cut Glass, etc., and its all offered at reducedprices. Dinner and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, 'Fable Sets, Chocolate Sets, Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc„ new handsome Riney China. Dig Cut In prices for two weeks. 20 TO 25 AND 50 PER CENT. LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. We have Dinner to enumerate nregulart e e. Come in and see the goods. Everything marked in plain figures. One Limoges x price00, for only $23.00. One Limoges China Tea Set, regular price $15.00, only $9,89, BARGAINS IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT, Puffed Rice, re 18e for 10c;r Post Toasties, reg 10e for 8e; Art flaking�Powder, reg. 25c for 15e lb. tin; 8c box matches for 5c; Blue Ribbon Tea 25c lb for 20c 40c lb, for 30ie, black or rzrixed, A quantity of good Shoe Polfsh same quality end size as any 10c box; quality guaranteed, OUR vP2CIAh rtticr g. Ct i':Art 5e. Canned :Peas, Quaker Brand re ill r a 15e a ti now onl , . n 10c, , Cairne P , y d eas Fre. nc.h . , choice, re 1" y , . xpC a g, .tin,na w h ionly ebcefrmtre ci1 30 b, now 3 lbs. f ,0� gb or 20c, Prunes, choice fruit, re;,13c lir., now 2iQ Ib. for 25e. No. 1PW! itc� Laundry Starch, big lumps, reg 10c lb. sale price 4 lbs, for 25c. English Oranges and Lemon Peel,reg. 20c sale price 12c lb O. X. or Judd Soap, 12 for 25c. Diamond Dyes, 4 for 25c. Extract of Beef, regalar 50e for 40c. Gallon tin of Apples, reg. 40e for 35e. Granulated Sugar at hock bottom prices. TERMS OP SALE.. Spot Cash or Farm Produce, Goods wilt not be charge tit Clearin f; Sale Prices. ButGo charged at regular prices as usual, Premium Cards will not be Punched for Go ods mayPebe s or for Flour, or for Sugar by the sack. During This Sale No Goods will be Given outla Approval .l Prices. i Capital Pala Up $ 2,750,000.-_..-- Reserve and. Undevided Profits 3,254,000• Total Assets..,...... • ..... 40,000,000 r i, -l' ' : •IV IN Many a fortune can be traced back to the day its owner deposited the first dollar in a Savings Account,,se The ane dollar affords an incentivex� deposit interest ' rr to more - and, as is added to principal, the small sum grows !Y1 ,'s t r more and more rapidly, until it finally becomes a competence, l One Dollar will start an account with the Bank of Hamilton, C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. ' r� t V.. ° -; Cilrest4 tee* THE VERDICT Of the jury was that almost too much care and attention has been bestowed upon this clothing. THE FINE rAIIORING is strong evidence; the beautiful pat- tern of the goods; the trimmings and the expert workmanship are proof and warrant for the verdict. The moderate prices have had con- siderable effect upon the judge. HENNING THE TAILOR -The International Limited on the Grand Trunk, from Montreal to Chi- cago, left the track from some at pre- sent unknown cause Friday afternoon, about four miles east of Bowmanville station on the Grand Trunk Railway. while running at a high rate of speed. James Madill, of Toronto was killed and twelve passengers were injured. Don't Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries you may need. A much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pick out the things you want as they meet your eye. There Ale Probably Groceries Here entirely new to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. if they are here, they are good. L F. McGiIIivray Phone 54. At the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association held at the King Ed- ward Hotel, Mr. C. W. Young of Corn- wall was elected President, +vs.....r•v/►�b�rry ce Nwv i/rvvr ��r��YVfwrr 1111•Mrr'rwv4••4re vrV*11ty 4 WOOL WANTED 4 4 4 4 41 best 4 4 t 4 CASH OR TRADE Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not ,made from clippings, and will give the best satisfaction. Also Carpets, Rugs, and Linoleums, the best stock in town to choose from. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date suits that can be obtained, which we have marked very low considering the quality. Boys' suits very nobby, double seats and knees. SHOES 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 s s Y 4 4 4 w 4 Men's Heavy Work Shoes from $1,25 to $2.5opair, 3 Also all kinds and sizes in Ladies'and Children's 4 4 Light and Heavy Shoes and Slippers, .... • r �I Anderson's Ginghams, Muslins, Foulard and everything i for the hot weather. M..rts Cotton Socks. 4 Ladies' and Children's Hose. We handle the famous Wear Well Brand, etc. No. t Granulated SJgar, 10o sacks to sell yet at $4.75 cwt No. t Granuitted Sugar 20 ib. sack $r.00. We mnst make roorn for another car to arrive in July Produce of all kinds wanted, Highest prices paid. T1AAds 4 4 1 MILLSJ I PHONE 89. Wf1''GJtAM, G T. THE PROFIT SHARING STORE KER & BIRD WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agents Ladies' Journal Patterns, Perfectly Satisfactory Patterns. Agents -Ladies' Horne Journal Monthly Magazine 15c MONSTER CLEARING SALEPOR TWO WEEKS Opens Mouday, June 26th. Closes Saturday, July 8th We take stock in July, Before stock taking we wish to reduce our stock five thous- and dollars, We can do it with your help. We'll make the prices right. You do the zest. EVERYTHING IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINAWAKE AND GLASSWARE AT SACRIFICE PRICES. ALL NEW FASHIONABLE UP-TO-DATE GOODS. This BIG SALE gives you an opportunity, such as is seldom offered to the people of this community, to buy new and seasonable goods at cost and below, Don't allow anything to hinder you from attending this sale. Cucie Brand Silk Waists, Black and Colors. Cucie Brand White and Colored Waists and Middy Waists. $5.00 Waises for $3,49 $3,50 Waists for $2.48 $3,00 Waists for $2.19 2.00 " 1.49 1,75 " 1.32 1.50 " 1.12 1.25 , " 98 1.00 Fi 75 75 .55 CUCIE BRAND WHITE AND BLACK UNDERSKIRTS. Silk and Regal Taffeta Skirts, Black Sateen and fine White Skirts with Lace, Insertion or Embroidery Trimming. Cueie Brand is a guarantee of quality and workmanship. $6,0C Skirts for $4 48 2.50 " 1,89 1,50 " 1,12 $5.00 Skirts for $3.69 $3,00 Skirts tor $2,24 2.00 " 1.53 1.75 1,29 1.25 " .98 .i'- 1,00 " .75 OVER 100 PIECES QF SS GOODS. Fancy Tweed, Broad Cloth, Mohair, !Serge, Voile, enrietta, Lustre. Basket Serge, etc. Some at. 25 per cent., and a quantity at 333 per cent. less the regalar prices. What a snap for those who buy daring our sale. SUMIDRESS GOODS. Linen Saitings, Chambrays, Galatea, Gingham, Muslins, Prints, etc, Regular 30c yd. for 23e Regular 25e yd. for 19e Regular 15e yd. for 110 Regular 123e yd. for 10e Regular 20e yd. for 15e Regular 10e yd. for 8e Laces, Insertion. Embroidery, Ribb ons, Collars, Frillings, Handkerchiefs, loves, Buttons, Belts, Combs, etc., 25 per teat less than regular priees for two weeks, The economical, carefal buyer will get busy daring this sale. BIG 'SALE OF CORSETS Good Style, Good Quality, Perfect Fitting, long, medium and short, for slim or stout women. Daring the sale we offer Corsets at from 20 per cent off to 33,i, per cent. off regular prices. The wise buyers will take advantage of this sale. Chenille and Damask Curtains and Table Covers, new goods, at 75e on the dollar. NEW LACE CURTAINS $5,00 Curtains for $3 48; $4.50 Curtains for $3,38; $4.00 Curtains for $2.98; $3,00 Curtains for $2.28; $2.00 Curtains for $1,53; $1,50 Curtains for $1.14; $1.00 Cartains for 75e; 75e Curtains for 55e. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Our stock of Flannelette Blankets ordered for Fall came to hand foar months to soon. We put the knife into prices here too. $1.25 Blankets for $1.00; $1.50 Blankets for $1,19; $1.85 Blankets for $1.54, Best'quality Blankets on the market, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY For Summer or Fall wear, at 20 to 25 per cent. less than regular prices. Away Below Cost, Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits, Hats and Caps Think of it $12,00 Suit for $7.50; $9,00 daft for $6.00; $8,00 Suit for $5.35; 87.00 Snit for $4.65 ; $6.00 Suit for $3•,98; $5.00 Suit for $3 35. Men's and Boys' Pants and Overalls, good quality and workmanship. $1,25 Overalls for 98e; $1.00 Over- alls for 75c; 85e Overalls for 64e;.$$3.00 Pants for $2,25; $2.50 Pants for $1,90; $2.00 Pants for. $1.49; $1,75 Pants'for $1,34; 81-50 Pants for 81.15; $1.25 Pants for 98e. Ladies' Hand Bags at Nearly Half Price. Some Less Than Half Price 5.00 Hand Bag for 2 98 4.00 Hand Bag for 2.39 2.50 Hand Bag for 1.78 2.00 " 1.24 1.50 .99 100 ' .68 .75 '• . .49 .60 „ .35 .50 .34 About 3 dozen Hand Bags, market to sell 2.00. During the sale you may have them at 85e each, They are good Bags, Come and examine them. Men's and Boys' Braces, Ties, Collars, Sox, Shirts and, Underwear. .misses Summer Hats, Tanis, ete. One Quarter less than regular prices. Carpets, Linolettms, Rugs, Carpet Squares, Floor Oilcloth, Mats, Cartaia Poles, Window Shades, etc., all go at 25 per cent, less than regalar prices. Good time to buy house furnishings. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS -1.25 and 1.50 Ladies' Umbrellas for 89c; 1.00' . Ladies Umbrellas for 68e. Men's 1.25 Umbrellas for 980; Men's 1,00 Umbrells for 70e. Girls 75eParasols for 49e; Girls 50e Parasols for 38e. BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Women's Boots, Oxfords and Slippers, also Misses and Children's Fine Dongola Kid, Patent Calf, Patent Pumps and Oxfords. Men's and Boys' Heavy Boots, fine Blucher cut, Dongola Kid, Patent Calf and Tan Oxfords. New styles, easy fitting, solid comfort, satisfactory shoes, and they all go at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. This is your opportunity. Buy footwear freely at such prices. CHINAWARE DEPARTMENT. We have a very large stock of Plain and Paney Chinaware, Cut Glass, etc., and its all offered at reducedprices. Dinner and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, 'Fable Sets, Chocolate Sets, Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc„ new handsome Riney China. Dig Cut In prices for two weeks. 20 TO 25 AND 50 PER CENT. LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. We have Dinner to enumerate nregulart e e. Come in and see the goods. Everything marked in plain figures. One Limoges x price00, for only $23.00. One Limoges China Tea Set, regular price $15.00, only $9,89, BARGAINS IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT, Puffed Rice, re 18e for 10c;r Post Toasties, reg 10e for 8e; Art flaking�Powder, reg. 25c for 15e lb. tin; 8c box matches for 5c; Blue Ribbon Tea 25c lb for 20c 40c lb, for 30ie, black or rzrixed, A quantity of good Shoe Polfsh same quality end size as any 10c box; quality guaranteed, OUR vP2CIAh rtticr g. Ct i':Art 5e. Canned :Peas, Quaker Brand re ill r a 15e a ti now onl , . n 10c, , Cairne P , y d eas Fre. nc.h . , choice, re 1" y , . xpC a g, .tin,na w h ionly ebcefrmtre ci1 30 b, now 3 lbs. f ,0� gb or 20c, Prunes, choice fruit, re;,13c lir., now 2iQ Ib. for 25e. No. 1PW! itc� Laundry Starch, big lumps, reg 10c lb. sale price 4 lbs, for 25c. English Oranges and Lemon Peel,reg. 20c sale price 12c lb O. X. or Judd Soap, 12 for 25c. Diamond Dyes, 4 for 25c. Extract of Beef, regalar 50e for 40c. Gallon tin of Apples, reg. 40e for 35e. Granulated Sugar at hock bottom prices. TERMS OP SALE.. Spot Cash or Farm Produce, Goods wilt not be charge tit Clearin f; Sale Prices. ButGo charged at regular prices as usual, Premium Cards will not be Punched for Go ods mayPebe s or for Flour, or for Sugar by the sack. During This Sale No Goods will be Given outla Approval .l Prices. i