The Wingham Times, 1911-06-22, Page 1VOL, IL—NO. `2055.
If the name Eastman Ian had not
been behind them, we would
have been afraid that there was
something beside the price that
was cheap, when the Brownie
Ganieras first came out, But they
were made by Kodak workmen
in the Kodak factories. That
was enough to satisfy us, and the
results have more. than justified
our confidence.
We don't understand how the
Kodak people do it at the price,
but here's their
For x 41 pictures, price only
$3.00. Work just like a Kodak
and makes wonderfully good
pictures; other Brownies, $1.00
to $12.00.
Walton McKibben
rai raw
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
We Nave It !
Town or farm properties
at prices to suit everybody's
We know values, and
when you consult us you get
the advantage of our long
experience in the Real Est-
ate .and Insurance business.
Just at the present time
we have some exceptionally
nice properties on our lists
at right 'prices.
Wingham is a live grow-
ing town and you will make
no mistake in buying a home
Two or three nice houses
to rent.
Ritchie 8 Cosens
Partners who want money to bay
horses, cattle, or doge to feed for market
oan have it od rea*onable terms.
Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer,
chants or agente, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
The Tea and Coffee Store
Wear sheer's Shoes and Rebell
Re -Opening
The butcher shop
has been thorouglil;
paired and Mr. Fell
for business on Sat
with a full line
meats. s Mr. Fells
meet all his old W
new ones at the o
utciher Shop.
of Mr, Thos. Fells
remodelled and re -
expects to re -open
rday of this week
f fresh and cured
will wa pleased to
stainers and many
GIRLS WANTED,—Apply, D S. Perrin
& Company, Limited, London, Ont.
Settled in
Mr, J. Henry Ch
stock of groceries,
his new stand, the
by the D. M.
Christie has an ex
be better able to
customers. He w
a call from all oldJ
tomers in his news
ew Stand.
istie has moved his
chinaware, etc,, to
store lately vacated
ordon Estate. Mr.
ellent stand and will
II the orders for his
11 be pleased to have
hand many new eus-
Watches, clocks, silverware and jewel-
ry slaughtered at KNOX'S this month.
We are pleased
of students from
onto University.
shank has succes
year examinatio
Cruickshank, Cli
Davis, and Thos
passed their seco
The TIMES exten
o hear of the success.
ingham at the Tor -
Miss Olive Cruick-
u11y passed her first
, and Miss Gertie
ord Pugh,. Miss Irene
E. Robinson have
d year examination.
s hearty congratula-
To RENT—Seven-roomed house, good
garden, hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office.
Queen's Fin
The Presbyteris
have almost unani
entire separation
sity from the C
was appointed to
Board of Truste
necessary legislat
the change. In t
by the Assembly
ed to the benefit
nation by the P
the founding o:
years ago. Prir
ed himself as n
decision. "It w
the expansion o
University, an
never lose the
of the church
long maintains
Ily Separated..
General Assembly
ously voted for the
of Queen's Univer-
urch, A committee
eo-operate with the
s in procuring the
bn to give effect to
to resolution passed
attention was direct -
conferred upon the
sbyterian Church in
the Queen's seventy
ipal Gordon express-
uch gratified at the
11," he said, "enable
Queen's as a national
the institution will
fluence and inspiration
which founded and so
BUTTER AND EGGS:—Bring along your
trade. We pay highest price in exchange
for boots and shoes, W. 3. Greer.
Drainage D monstration.
The Ontario Ag ieultural College is
emphasizing the value of drainage
again this summer, for which purpose
drainage demonstr tions are being held
in many 'parts of the province. On
Friday, June 23rd, at the hour of 2
o'clock one of th se demonstrations
will be held on the farm of Mr. Geo,
Pocock, eoneessio 13, lot 40, East
Wawanosh Tp. T is meeting should be
of special interes as some difficult
places to drain ar involved. Besides
the discussion of he particular prob..'
lems of Mr. Pocoe'-'s farm, there will
be a demonstratio : of methods of find-
ing the fall over ditch, determining
the grade, diggin true to grade, ete.
Those of our r:aders interested in
drainage should n • t miss this meeting.
Anyone wishing 1. formation about the
ydrainage work sh uld write Prof. W.
H, Day, 0. A. C., Guelph,
Methodist : hurch Replsrt.
The 45th annual eport of the Wing -
ham Methodist t urch, for the year
ending April 30, 1 11, has been distrib-
uted to the eon egation. The mem-
bership reported is 581. The report
covers 22 pages a d gives full partieu-
Tars of each depai 1 ent of the work of
the church. Th amount raised for
Connexfonal funs or schemes was
$1597.97; of this ;,102$.31 was for mis-
sions, to which he Woman's IVIission-
ary Society add d $183.41, making a
total frit. miesio s of 11206.92. The
Ladies' Aid rep. $454.89 receipts, and
the Epworth Le: tut, $90.18. The Sun.
day School repot s a total membership
of 496, ape reeei . is of $747.87. Week•
ly offerings am. rated to $1652.40; pew
rent, $M9.25; collections, $408.03;
Church Improv ment fund, $094.10.
The grand tot I raised for the year
was $5491.68. Considering their cir-
eumstanees, f .w congregations are
more liberal in supporting church en-
terprises and • ork.
Read Willis & Gr.'s adv. on page 8
The annual m ti
Huron Liberal Associ
vention for the select
for the Ontario Le
held in the Town H
Friday, June 230,
Hon. A. G. MacKay
position in the 0
and other prominen
present and deliver
representation from
division in the ridin
g of the North
tion and a con-
n of a candidate
islature will be
1, Wingham, on
1 o'clock p. m,
leader of the Op -
aria Legislature,
Liberals will be
ddresses. A full
every polling sub -
Apply to Mrs, L.
neral servant girl,
Binkley, Patrick
Burglars ' acid House,
While Mr. and i rs. W. G. Orr and
family of Francis street were attend-
ing the band cone: t on Friday evening
last their house as entered and some
$35 in money and :orae jewellery were
stolen. An antra : ce was gained to the
house by breakin_ in one of the doors.
Chief Allen is now working on the case
and we hope to se: an arrest made and
an example made of the party who
would be guilty .f work of this kind.
Wingham has no .om for burglars.
Greatest bargains in watches and
jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at
KNOX's Annual, Sale.
Citizens' B d Program.
The following prgram will be ren-
dered by the Citiz ns' Band at their
garden party in th park on Thursday
evening (Coronatio Day.)
March United Empire
Overture Lus•-piel
Waltz Cupid stray
Cornet Solo The ily
March The K 'ties
Selection Mari •: na
Intermezzo Every Little
front "Madam
Popular March Song
We've kept the
March -Two Step
herry" Hoschna
Golden Mule
W. S. S eppard, Director.
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and
Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
Liquor at eeswater,
Provincial Consta
pany with three P
visited Teeswater
as a result of their
of keeping liquor o
selling the same h
the proprietor of
and tWo charges a
Constable Phippe
had a rather thr
Saturday as a mob
firing off revolvers
when they comm
searching the ho
good in this count
the officials intend
of some of the par
in this disgracefu
Phippen again vis
Monday in
y c om
Inspector Ayherst a
pig" and secured a
On Tuesday Mr, Phi
cardine and laid t
before Magistrate
hear the cases at I
le Phippen in com-
vincial Detectives
Saturday last and
isit eleven charges
the premises and
e been laid against
he Vendome hotel
ainst David Caplin.
and the detectives
ling experience on
of men commenced
and throwing stones
need the work of
I. Mob law is no
and we understand
making an example
ies who took part
affair. Constable
ted Teeswater on
with Provincial
d raided a "blind
uantity of liquor.
.pen went to Kin,
e severe) .charges
Barker, who will
incardine on June
best assortment of shoes, suitable for
Farm Work ever shown in town. Prices
$1.50 to $8.50. W. J. Greer,
Jardine Executed.
The sentence of
Edward Jardine
on dw d Ji d
at Goderich on F
before eight o'cl
morning, Rev. Geo
Knox Church, wh.
deinned man's spr teal adviser through -
was with him, and
howed deep concern
Ifare. For half an
, but he recovered
scaffold apparently
Those present at
Sheriff Reynolds,'
Dr. AleX. Taylor, jail
. Ross, Constables
tlethwaite, Guards
h, and Owen Geiger,
ty of Anton. No
he press were al-
Jardine was never
ay evening, when
tion the rite tvaa
r. Ross, in a room
fled man's cell, its
e Jail officials and
oath was. executed
e at the county jail
iday morning just
ek. Early in the
E. Ross, pastor of
has been the con
out his confineme
the young man
for his future w
hour he broke do
and walked to the
without a tremor
the execution we.
Jail GrifTh , Dr.
sur ; R,ev.
on, e.
Whitesides and Po
Murphy and McMath
warden of the Cou
representatives of
lowed to bepresont
baptized until Thur
at his earnest solidi
performed by Rev.
beside the sonde
the presence of t
The regular m',
Wingham brans
stitute will be
Chamber, on T
3 p.m, Subjec
Reading by one
Current Events
later. A full
Visitors weleon
is institute,
nthly meeting of the
of the Woman's In -
held in the .Council
rsday, June 29th, at
for this' meeting, "A
if the Members" and
by Mrs. W. S. Link-
ttendance requested,
W, Bone,
W. S. SHEPPARD,bapdmaster Citi
PhoneBand—piano tuje1 and repairer,.
Phone 65 B or lea a orders at Bell's'
piano warerooms.
Must No
beware that t
tion to permi
their annual
there has bee
respecting a
effect that s
ling at their
grant from
Wilson, supe
societies, an
section of th
forced, and
gambling wi
been trouble
directors w
games wher
Allow Combing.
ocieties must this year
ey yield not to tempta-
gamblers to operate at
airs. For some years
a, provision in the Act
icaltural societies to the
cieties permitting gamb-
airs shall not receive any
he Province, Mr. J, L,
intendent of Agricultural
ounces that this year this
Act will be .rigidly en -
that a crusade against
be inaugurated by the
Wingham fair has never
in this particular, as the
uld not countenance any
y their patrons could be
During the
line,. No. 187,
ham by the
Co. to cove
Wingham an
East Wawan
added are
ring 5; Pete
Gee, 13; Hen
don, 4; Robt.
Currie, Davi
have been t
191 to line N
old rings. 0
added to this 1
Leash McGee,
to line No. 192.
covering territor
east and west of
ween East and
brought into
future. The list
scribers is being
and it is expec
three hundred
connection with
close of the pres
phones Installed.
past week another new
was brought into Wing -
North Huron Telephone
the boundary between
the Clow sideroad in
sh. The new subscribers
follows:—D. Beecroft;.'
Leafier, 15; Root, Mc
y McGee, 14;,:: Pur
Stapleton, Anaraw
Currie, and Vein Reid
nsferred from line No.
187 and will retain their
her subscribers will be
e in the near future.
lg. 15, has been added_
wo other new lines,
on the concessions
he division line bet -
est Wawanosh will be
ngham in the near
of North Huron sub-
dded to every week
ed that upwards of
ubscribers will have
ingham before the
nt season.
LOST DOG. —A Scotch ollie dog came
on to my premises *trick street, on
15th inst. Own an have same by
proving owner hip and paying ex-
penses.GEO. F. BRITNELL.
• --
' The Water orks By -Law.
By-law No. 634 for the raising of
$5,000 on debent res for the comple-
tion of the Win am waterworks sys-
tem will be voted on by the ratepayers
on Monday, July Oth. This is a very
important questiand should receive
the very carefu consideration of all
our ratepayers. The comrnissioners
have already spe t some $1,200 of the
$6,000 voted in J:nuary, 1910, on the
sinking of the we is at the electric light
plant. To proper y complete the sys-
tem and provid Winghamites with a
supply of pure w ter for domestic pur-
poses an addition.1 $5,000 is required.
We are well awar that there'is oppo-
sition to this by -la on the ground of
the changing the 1,:cation .of the wells.
The Commissione s were acting in
what they consider d was in the best
interests of the r:tepayers when this
change was'made,.nd were backed up
in making the chane by a large num-
ber of our ratepaye s. We believe the
matter of securing tire water for the
town is too large a question to be de-
feated on the score •f making a change
in the location of t • wells, The town
needs the pure wat r and our ratepay-
ers should look at he question fairly
and give the town what is very badly
needed—pure wate Some ratepayers
do not look with fa or on the Commis-
sion system of doin any portion of the
town's business, b t this should have
no bearing on the in question --pure
water. The Com issioners, in our
opinion, if the by -1 w is carried, wil
spend the money onestly and to the
very best interests of
the ratepayers.
Every ratepayer h::, as ]tis privilege,.
the right to vote as he or she may
think proper on his by-law, and the
TIMES has no d sire to unduly Mush
ratepayers to vo in favor of the by-
law, . but we w Id be neglecting our
duty if we did n t urge oar ratepayers
to supporta by aw that we Consider is
in the very hes:,iitorests of the town.
We hope to see a large and favorable
vote on this :, -law on Monday, July
Thirty -Second An
Court hel
The most sue
meeting of the Can
esters was held in
The attendance wa
thirty-two annual
sions were presided
Chief Ranger, Mr,
Perth, whose report
facts and figures, sh
be in amost flourishi
taining and even sur
for preytous
ual Meeting of High.
at Toronto,
ssful 'High Court
dian Order of For-
oronto last week.
the largest of the
eetings. The ses-
ver by the :High
J. A. Stewart, of
as replete with
ing the Order to
condition, main-
assing its record
On the 1st of Ja
Order had a memb
and there were init
year 8,280 new mem
crease of 911 over
During last year 3,66
and 408 died, leaving
ship at the close of t
The increase in t
serve of the Order
amounted to $276,186
1st, 1910, the amou
branch was $3,002,3
close of the year $3,2
The standing of th
and Funeral Benefi
most satisfactory.
less a sum than $
6,132 claims, was
The amount to th
at the commence
$170,773.82, and
The report of
Secretary, coveri
of the Society, w
showed in detail
business transac
The amount of
received during
077;82, which wit
`$133,690.75, deriv
investments, mad
in this breech $77
498 death claim
$501,582.44, leavi
186.13 to carry to
at the close of t
The amount o
Benefit fees recei
was $175,863.29,
making the total
$183,674.34. Th
and Funeral B
mounting to $1
449.38 to the
close of the y
There were 7
standing at th
ing $78,102,000
There wer
Secretary's o
tificates an
flcates, or a
dition there
on 1,629 ins
The rep
Order to
funds yr
Total exp
The Insu
close of th
Municipal a d school de-
bentures • ., .... $3,218,797.30
Dominion o i Canada stock 150,000,00
Deposited Chartered
Banks.... .. .,. 20,000,00
Current Aec runts in Char-
tered Ban s 39,697,2
nary, 1910, the
ship of 73,985,
ted during the
ers, being an in -
e previous year.
members lapsed
the net member -
e year 78,104,
e Insurance Re -
during the year
13. On January
t on hand in this
8.29, and at the
High Court Sick
Branch is also
uring the year no
47,224.96, covering
aid in this branch.
credit of this fund
ent of the year was
t the close $207,-
o. Faulkner, High
g the general work
s next in order, and
the large volume of
ed through his de -
insurance premiums
he year was $644, -
the large sum of
from interest on
the total receipts
,768.57. There were
paid amounting to
the sum of $276, -
the reserve, which
h year was $3,278, -
Sick and Funeral
ed during the year
d interest $7,811.05,
eceipts in this branch
re were 6,132 Sick
efit claims paid, a-
7,224.96, leaving $36 -
serve, which at the
ar amounted to $207,-
,104 members in good
close of the year carry -
issued from the High
ce 8,123 insurance cer-
7,483 membership certi-
otal of 15,606, and in ad -
were endorsements made
ranee certificates.
t of Robert Elliott, High
showed the funds of the
in a most satisfactory con -
he income in the several
s as follows: Insurance,
Sick and Funeral Benefit,
and General Fund, $102,-
otal income, $1,064,342.69.
diture in these funds was
The surplus income over
amounted to $316,289.82,
ance Reserve Fund at th
year was invested as fol
Very few change
constitution. Ha
as the next place
vers elected wer
Chief Ranger, 3,
High Vice Chief
deur, Montreal; Hi
Hoeg, Brantford;
Robert Elliott, Bra
tor, W. L. Robert
Registrar, Win.
High Chaplain, Rev
A„ Bluevale.
The Executive
are: A P, Van So
W. M. Couper, Mo
son, Toronto; R. T
and A, R. Galpin,
were made in the
ilton was selected.
f meeting. The otTi-
as fallows:—High
Stewart, Perth;
nger, J. A. A. Bro.
h Secretary, J. P,
High Treasurer,
tford; High Audi-
Brantford; High
siker, Montreal;
W, J. West, M.
ommittee elected
eron, Saskatoon;
real; N. J. Steven -
Kemp, Listowel,
computing scales,
first-class coffee
cheap. Apply J,
t of Dayton, Ohio
early new; also a
i11. Will be sold
Mr. A. 3. Walk: r was in Toronto for
a few days last'w: • k.
Mrs. Thos. Ki g has been visiting
with friends in Es ex.
Mr. Hugh Ross was calling on Wing -
ham friends this eek,
Miss M. Armou , of Toronto is visit-
ing at her home in town.
Mrs. Dane, of
visiting with Mrs.
Miss G. Taylor o
with her friend, Mi
ancouver,(B. C. i
, Kerr. Lam_
London is visiting
Ethel King.
Miss Roberts, of , oronto, is siti g
at the home of Mr. m. Crui cs k.
Mr. Ted Paterson, of New York is
spending his holiday. at his home in
Mr. Norman Dis ey, of Waterloo
visited over Sunda at his home in
town. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLean were
visiting in Toronto f: r a few days last
Misses Violet an. Edith Sherk were
in Harrietsville 1 st week attending
the wedding of a c usin.
Miss Jennie Mc inley is spending
six weeks' with friends in Detroiti
Michigan and othe points.
Mrs. (Dr.) Red and and daughter
Muriel are visiti g at the former's
parental home ne: Prescott.
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Winfield, of Sask-
atoon, Sask. are isiting with relatives
and friends in W ngham and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. John Powell and daugh-
ters, of Detroit, were visiting for a
few days at the 1 ome of Miss P. Pow-
Dr. Kennedy re
from a visit to the
and the celebrat
chester, Minn.
Mr. Bert Mite
siding in Perdu
six years is visi
Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mrs. Hugh
Ewen left this
where Mrs. H
few weeks an
intends residin
Mr. and M
dren returned
spending the p
old home in En
are pleased to
turned on atu}day
Hospital n Ch cago
Mayo CI ie/in Ro-
ell, who has been re-
, Sask. for the past
ing with his parents,
J. Mitchell.
milton ander,-Mrs. Mc-
veek for Carlton -flu e
ilton will visit fora
where r Mrs. McE y n
in futgre.
Thos. Fells and chil-
ome on Monday after
st few weeks at their
land. Many old friends
elcome them back to
e Dr. P. D. .tewart of Saskatoon,
Sask., and R. :. Stewart,5emonstra-
tor in the schoo of mi and, engi-
neering of Tb onto ni ersity are
visitors at the h:me oftMr. o,hii Inglis,
Shuter street.
The total a sets of the Order amont-
ed to $8,559,' 22.09, and its liabilities
$28,517.97. .sets over liabilities, $3,-
The report of Dr. U. M. Stanley,
Chairman of t e Medical Board, show-
ed the Averadeath rate since the
commencement of the Order to be 5.22
per 1,000 of m: bership. There were
submitted to ti.• Medical Board during
the year 10,106 pplications, the largest
number for an year in the history of
the Order, of N hick 9,215 were accept.
ed, and the r maining 891 rejected,
The number of applications was 1,290
snore than for t e previous year.
The report of . G. Strong, Super-
intendent of Org nizatioi6, showed that
during the year t ere were 8,280 initia-
tions, as against 369 for the previous
year, an increase f 911.
At the close of he year there were
1,069 Courts in th Order representing
a membership of '8,104, There were
517 Courts in Onta la, 180 in quelled,
56 in Neva Scotia, 71 in New Bruns.
wick, 14 in Prince dward Island, 05 in
Saskatchewan, 87 in Alberta, 17 in
British Columbia a d 112 in Manitoba.
British C
I have just re
of British C
brought into
purchased befor
price and will
prices. Parties
do well t
og et
order. •
tumbia Shingles.
eived the best car load
tumbia shingles ever
ingham. These were
the recent raise in
be sold at reasonable
in need of shingles will
prices before placing
Itev. Mark
years rector
Goderich, lef
field of labor
high Mass
Sacred heart
Thursday mot
blessings upon
King George
$t. Pauls Chu
ing at S o'eloc
'London will be
service. Ther
new members
Turnbull, for nineteen
f St. George Cnurch,
last week for his new
in the ancient city of
I be celebrated in the
hureh at 9.30 o'cloek on
ing to implore God's
sur Grcioits Sovereign
and the Empire.
service will be held in
h next Tuesday even,
Bishop Williams of
resent and conduct the
will be a number of
ded to the Church roll,
To Rt0P- •The small store one door
south of the Batik of liamilton, Pos.
sessioil. given first of Angest, Apply
C. N. Griffin, Real .1stath and Insur-
This style of "Empress" Shoe can be
worn at .all seasons of the year, and is
especially adapted for dress occasions.
We have many others in the "Empress"
just as stylish,
This "Empress" Two -bar Strap Pump
Shoe is the latest creation in Parisian style
of footwear, the style of last giving the
foot a very short appearance.
We are Exclusive Agents.
See us for Trunks and Valises,
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
rm o rrdr
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malco1m's Grocery,
For S. S. No. 6. Turnberry. Duties
to commence after summer holidays.
Apply stating salary and experience.
School situated 1 1-4 miles from ;the
Town of Wingham.
A Safe Investment.
One of the safest investments on the
market is a first mortgage on an im-
proved farm. Mr. AIbert J. aite,
representing the National Fl ee Co..
Ltd., of 26 Wellington Ea , Toronto,
has appointed Mes rs. R. chie & Cosens
as their agents for W. gham and sur-
rounding country. he company sells
to its clients gua nteed first mortgag-
es yielding 6 per cent., and assumes all
the work In connection with the sale of
these mortgages and remits payment
of principal and interest on due dates,
Ask Messrs. Ritchie & Crsens for our
interesting booklet "A Safe Invest-
Students may enter any day.
Open entire year. Now is a
good time to eater. Largest
trainers in Canada. Graduates
get best positions. Thousands
studying at home. Exclusive
tight of the "Famous Bliss
Book'lleeping System" for On t•
ario.. 'Actual Business from
Start to Finish."
Write for particulars,
(affiliated with Wingham llusi-
ness College)
Y zot sko7ritt>n, . Prosier Ic.