HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-06-15, Page 4THE Dominion Bank II D OFFICE: Tofoa ro E. B. OSI,'BR, M. P., - President. W. D, MA.xTliuwa, - Vice -President, Capital • $4,000,000.00 Reserve . $5,000,000.00 Total Assets, $62,500,OOO.00 A Branch of this. Bank will be esta- blished In London, England, on 1stof Sulu next, at 73 CORNHILL, E.C, This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent 0r collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of banking business,. Information will be furbished on all Canadian matters. A. special department will be provid- ed for the of visitors and bearers of our Setters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WINDHAM BRANCH: W. R. Geikie, Manager, R, VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be I t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1878 THE WINGnAM TIMES. H.B�RGLIOTT. etratiausat ANDPaornINTo ,HURSDAY JUNE 15. 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Liberals of Centre Huron (the Provincial riding) will meet at Seaforth on Saturday, June 24th, to nominate a candidate for the Legislature, The Provincial leader, Hon. A. G. McKay, will be present. North Perth Conservatives have nominated H. B, Morphy, K. C., of Listowel as candidate for the Commons and M. Jas. Torrance, M. P. P. has been re -nominated for the Legislature. The Liberals of North Perth will hold a convention at Milverton on Thursday, June 22nd, for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates. Canada's decennial census -taking will take practically three years to complete. The tabulating and analysis of the pop- ulation, figures of the extensive infor- mation asked for in regard to trade, industry, etc., will keep the Census Bureau busy for that length of time. The total population will not be defin- itely known until October, though an approximate figure may be given out a Wroath or so earlier, The returns will begin to come in from the cities in about a fortnight's time, but the enu- merators have three weeks allowed to complete their work, and the commis- sioners are allowed another month in which to forward the returns to Ottawa. Jtli EsTO WN. Our old friend John R. Miller was partially off duty from an attack of shingles but is improving nicely. His many friends hope he will soon be fully restored. A big Garden Party will be held at the home of Chas. 13. Forrest, jr., west of Jamestown, on Friday evening, 16th inst., the proceeds to go to Victoria Hall Building Fund. Wingham Band will be present and a fine time is prom- ised. We notice with pleasure the name of 1 T. Strachan among the graduating class of the University of Toronto He again headed his class at Knox College and stood second iirhis year at the Uni- versity. hearty congratulations and. an increasingly successful future. Mr. Strachan will return to Itnox College next fail to continue his theological studies. The Fort William Daily Times Journ- al of June lst, makes the following reference to Dr. J. ,a`., Strachan, form- erly of this locality: I)r. T. E. Dean. dentist, has taken into partnership Dr. Strachan, who has been associated with him for some time. Dr, Straeli:in is a well known and mailer dentist and will be welcomed among the profession- al rams who have settled in Fort Wil- liam oil a permanent basis. ira ad nt;mtnt et'1 ntlaya `cai<t.ni ct etsasas tt1S ltlx t sad avitsilit' fix• i car. ,cin rp'rlCtx fib poi';y ii F Vie n, 't;.YttlpL i�l'tr .iW i� JS;... -1111. �...R:-...�.....:.... v�':.#F417...-w..4.. STARVED NERVES The Cause of Neuralgia It Must be Treated Through the Blued, Neuralgia is a cry of the nerves for more and better blood, It literally means. that the nerves are being starv- ed, Like every other part of the holy the nerves receive their nourishment through the blood. There is therefore no doubt that Dia Williams' Pink Pills will cure the worst eases of neuralgia, They ,actually make new, rich blood, carrying to the starved nerves the ele ments they need, thus driving away the sharp, torturing pains which nearly drive the sufferer wild. So many cases of neuralgia have yielded to treatment through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that every sufferer from this dreaded trouble should lose no time in giving�the Pills a fair trial. Mrs. Sophia H. Johnson, Moan, Sask., says: "For upwards of ten years .J was a periodical sufferer from neuralgia. It loeated in the side of my face and in the jaw, which would actually click every time I opened or closed my mouth, At times, 'the pains would be almost unendurable, and as time went on, my whole nervous sys- tem seemed to be affected, I was con- stantly doctoring, but the doctor did not seem to be bre to give me per- manent relief, an at last I decided to try Dr. Williams' ink Pills. I got a half dozen boxes, nd before they were half gone I felt much better, and by the time I had used them all every symptom of the trouble had gone, and I was enjoying a comfort I had not known for years. I have since remain- ed in the best of health, and can only say I owe the joy of living without pain to Dr. Williams' Pills." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SALEM, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Dane spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Burch. A number of Salem young people at- tended the Formosa Catholic church owing to it being confirmation Sunday. Mr. Wolds Weir visited friends on the 9th and 6th of Turnberry last Sun- day. Mr, Thoh. Bolt is increasing the value of his property by cementing the cellar of his house and also putting a new roof on his barn. Mr. and Mrs. D. Weir spent a few days this week with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. J. Hartley of Clinton. Miss Euphemia McKersie returned home last week, after spending the winter with her brother in Toronto. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. This column has been reserved for the use of the Wingham W. C. T. U. and will be edited by the members of that Society. If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit. Gal. 5:25. ABSTAINERS HELPED BY TAFT. With the intention of enlisting all the Sunday School children in the Uni- ted States in a total abstainers' move- ment, a letter written by President Taft, was read in February in 3,000 Sunday Schools throughout the country. The letter written by the President is addressed to Sunday School pupils as, "My dear young friends" and reads:— "The excessive use of intoxicating liquor is the cause of a great deal of poverty, degration and crime of the world, and one who abstains from the use of such liquor avoids a dangerous temptation." Abraham Lincoln showed that he believed this in writing out for his boy friends the "pledge of total abstin- ence" so often quoted. Each person must determine for himself the course he will take in reference to his tastes and appetites, but those who exercise the self restraint to avoid altogether the temptation of alcoholic liquor are'. on the safer and wiser side. Between thee great things that we cannot do, and the small things we will not do, the danger is that we shall do nothing. The story is told of a young minister who was late in going home one evening from the church. He entered a crowded ear, with the Bible under his arm, and at once there began some sneering remarks from some rough fel- lows. These remarks kept up and when the young minister left the car, to the amusement of his companions one youth said, "Say mister, how far is it to heaven." Many a christain un- der the circumstances would have kept quiet .or have resented the insult; hut the minister with a quiet dignity and with nil gentleness. replied, "It is only a step: will you take it now?" This reply and the influence of the young minister keeping his temper under pro- voking circumstances were later the means of bringing that young pian to Christ, LIFE STOUR f31:1(ETS. Toronto, June /2—Union Stock Yards •--Receipts, 73 ears, with 1,497 head of cattle, 83 ce:3ives, and ill sheep, No 110 a wsre marketed. ted. "Is there a shortage of beef cattle in Canada?" is the question which dealers are beginning ginning to ask, in view of the bras, n,, rather limited supplies as against nt`t an increasing demand,91 d The ay videos are steael'le' going up :t the S.a`t: S of the ,i'ar when the t teals el, to t: itchy the othes way, is s; iie'it'nt 'errant for th. tjas f,ii`l:eel is L -;1'a'- int nud say these uses ple'Uty of cattle TBE WINO/in. 'TIMES, JUNE 15, 1911 and that the market will soon be flooded with "grassers," even though the qual- ity will not be up to the present offer- ings, others are inclined to be more pessimistic and express their belief that there is a real and a serious short- age, and that prices will yet go very much higher. Export cattle, choice,,,,..,$0 10 to $6 35 do medium. ,,,1111, 5 85 5 05 de light 570 do bulls,,,, ,,,, , , 4 75 do cows , , ,, , 4 50 Butchers choice.,,.. ,11,11.. 5 85 do median ... ... ..., 5 50 do caws ,, , ., ... 4 50 do common •,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,, 4 00 do canners ,,, ,,,,,,,,,, 2 50 Short -keep ...........,i 80 Feeders steers 5 50 dobulls 4 25 Stockers choice .. 5 25 do light,, 4 50 5 00 Milch cows, choice, each, „55 00 85 00 Springers . ....,.,.'.30 00 40 00 Common and medium ..... 20 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes , 3 50 4 50 do bucks 3 00 3 50 Lambs, yearlings , .. , ... , 5 50 6 00 Spring lambs, each 4 00 6 00 Hogs, f, o, b.,.,,. 6 75 do fed and watered 6 60 Calves - 6 00 8 00 5 75 5 50 6 25 5 80 5 50 4 25 3 00 5 75 500 5 75 WINGu%Ri atsalRIRL5T REPORT$, Wingham, June 14, 1911 Flour .per 100 lbs ..,.. 2 85 to 3 00 Fall wheat .,,, ... 0 80 to 0 82 Oats 0 85 to 0 36 Barley 0 60 to 0 GO Peas 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy,,.,. 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs per doz. ,1111 .. 0 17 to 0 18 ood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel . 0 40 to 0 45 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt . 6 00 to 6 00 POPULAR STALLIONS. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Goldlink" will make the season of 1011 a§ follow.: Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Jas. Moffatt's, boundary line, for upon; then to King Edward Hotel, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday—To Chris. Moffatt's, for noon , then to Walter Forrest's, coo. 2, Morris, for night, Wednesday—To Harry Busman's, Browntown, for noon; then to Geo. Warwick's, con. 2 Morr s, for night. Thursday—To Chas. Campbell's from 8 a,m, to 10 a in„ then to Thos. Abraham's, con. 1, Morris, fur noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, for night and re- main until the following Monday morning. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drum- burle t htef" will stake the season of 1011 as follows; Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Bernise Pavne's, con. 2, Grey, for noon; then to Wm. Fraser's, cou, 1, Grey, for night. Tuesday—To her. Kerr's, Ethel, for noon; titan to Geo. McFariane,s, con, 7, Grey, for night. Wednesday—To Jas. Spier's, con. 0, Morris, for noon, then to Jas. Nichol's, con. 0, Morris, for noon. Thursday—ToJas. Sheddon's, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Hill's Rotel, Bel- grave, Morr Mor orris, for noou;thenT o Jo . H Sellers, con. 8, Morris, for night. Saturday—To Geo. Turveuv s. con. 2, Morris, for noon; then to his owners stable and remain until the following Monday morning. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Mascot" wiilmake the season of 1911 as follows:— Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Blnevale, for D. Miller's, Moffatt farm 23miles east of Bluevale, for noon; end north by way of Lovell s corner to Herr's hotel, Wroseter, for night. Tuesday—Kirton Bros., Con. 5, Turuberry for,'noon; to Alex. McPhe-son's, Con. 7 till 5 o'clock, and to John Smith's Con. 8, for night. Wednesday—To Jas. Porter's, Con. 10, Turnberry for noon; and to Dennis' stable, opposite Cement Works, Wingham, for nignt. Thursday—To .Tos..r. Kerr's, Von, 18, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to Dennis' stable, onaosite Cement Works, Wingham, for night, Friday—To E. B. Jenkins, Bluevale road for noon, and then to his owner's stable and remain until Monday morning. J. W. KING, Proprietor. THE Glorious Twelfth COME TO GODERICH THE PRETTIEST AND HEALTHIEST TOWN IN CANADA. A Short Procession. Attractive Special Prizes. Are You Married? Good Speakers. Special Trains and Rates. See bills and circulars for full particu- lars. A Great Big Day at a Small Price. JOS. McNEVIN, A, M. TODD. Secretary. Chairman. Riclieliei and Ontario Navigation Com .anyP. r• THE VERDICT Of the jury was that almost too much care and attention has been bestowed upon this clothing. THE FiNE TAILORING is strong evidence; the beautiful pat- tern of the goods; the trimmings and the expert workmanship are proof and warrant for the verdict. he moderate prices have had con- siderable effect upon the judge. HENNING THE TAILOR The contract for a new gaol at Guelph has been let. Sheriff Reynolds of Goderich has de- cided to exclude the press from the hanging of Ed. Jardine. Don t Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries you may need. A much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pick out the things you want as they meet your eye. There Are Probably Groceries Here entirely new to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. if they are here, they are good, 111 McGillivray Pboae 54, The storm was very destructive throughout Ontario. Several buildings were wrecked, barns, burned and stock killed by lightning. mvwgrvetrlrvvyvv IrcvmMr7.Y ���i���r�VV7tRfrlr�►r►�/r� • • WOOL WANTED1 CASH OR TRADE isle/ rsurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv r v,1 Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not made from clippings, and will give the best satisfaction. Also Carpets, Rugs, and Linoleums, the best stock in town to choose from. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date suits that can be obtained, which we have marked very low considering the quality. Boys' suits very nobby, double seats and knees.' SHOES t V 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f le s z 4 a 4 4 • Men's Heavy 'Work Shoes from $r.25 to $2,5o pair. 4 Also all kinds and sizes in Ladies' and Children's 4 . Light and Heavy Shoes and Slippers, 4 4 ", • Anderson's Ginghams, Muslins, Foulard and everything for the hot weather. Men's Cotton Socks, g Ladiesand Children's Hose. We handle the famous Wear Well Brand, etc, SUMMER SERVICE STEAMERS "TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON" Leaves Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily ex- cept Sunday during June, daily after July lst, for 1001 Islands, Rapids St. p. Lawrence, Montreal. Quebec. Murray Bay, Tadousac and Saguenay River. No. I Granulated Sugar, too sacks to sell -yet at ► $4:75 t t No. r Granul ited Sugar 2t0 lb. sack $r.00. We lnnst snake room for another car to arrive in July STEAMER "VELLEVILLif " Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon and Toronto 7.30 p.m. every Tuesday for of Montreal T3at, ali.tt and inter- mediate l arts. For rate's, fol:3cr.. anal tiekets writs' to ,t [T. y VNI�"GHANf, ONT. 4' Produce of all kinds wanted, Highest prices paid. rO rSd jE A. '(((���'',,, y{PHONE 89. 1111 Furniture 11. M H. FOSTER CRAFI=EEi MY P. A. 1 1 + � ~ Walker's fit, t� Tomato, Oat. ~' ty���y�� ,��.` �r����•+��� �y�� urn 4 St , +yT' iFi<+1A1 JMAAAAJJA ,A M IA AA'AitACE i. AASSAri,�.I�k1�iICIO►AFAAAA,A t ,,ty';;";,-,f!! ,! ,-, :,iT,t 4 ,,'i1'i,..' ."li'-'I+.1.' :%.+: '.i:. 1 o,..t:'1::''ittt,-. .it 't« 4 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a. 1 4 The Profit KER.R 111111.10.101,111 Sharing Store i WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE L D[LS IOM doURNAL PATTERNS MOHTHLY STYLE BOOK FREQ BIRD AENTS—Ladies' Home Journal WHAT WOMAN --DOES NOT LOVE DAINTY HOSIERY? Now we have some of the . daintiest and coolest hosiery ever worn, so light that the slightest breeze seems cooling and despite their thinness they are very durable. Plain Black Silk, excellent quality, seemiess feet 6oc pair. Embroidered Black Silk, dainty patterns, finest - silk - 6oc pair. Embroidered Lisle Hose, neat patterns, very pretty only - - 35c pair Also a complete line of Pink, Blue, White and Champagne Hosiery in plain and also in the cool lace fronts. Nothing Nicer Than Dainty Shoes, to be Worn with such Dainty Hosiery Ladies' Patent Pumps, best quality, all sizes, only - $2.00 and really superior to any other at the price. Misses Patent Pumps, very neat, with patent bow and strap - - - - $1,50 1 Child's Patent Pumps, very neat, with patent bow and strap . - - $I.25 Verandah Matts of , genuine Japanese Matting, all I colors - - - - 500 Men's Cool Summer Coats, black and grey, only $2 and $3 Children's Summer Parasols, white and colored 25c and 5oc JUST A HINT—Are you going to attend any of those important "June" events, if so, we keep Cut Glass. WEEKLY BARGAINS Thursday, June 15 to Thursday, 22 4 only Men's Tan Raincoats, long fly, storm collar, storm sleeve bands, regular $9.00, for - $7.5o 6 only Toilet Sets, various colors, splendid $5 0o value for only $3.75 5 only Pairs of Men's Tan Bluch. Oxfords, best qual- ity, good style, regular $4.00 for - - $2.85 SUGAR $4.75 PER 100 LBS. limmonimmononmenemonwe _1141__.._.. l CEAL STRATFORD. ONT A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments,—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. s This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. A little girl in Stratford tripped and fell, while carrying a sharp stick in her mouth. A gaping wound was torn in the roof of her mouth and this is of such nature that cannot be stiched. All that can be, done is to keep it cleansed and shut until it heals, THE Glorious - Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen on July I2th, 1911, at incardi 00 Spend the day by the lake; Good Speeches will be de- livered. • A fine program of water sport is being arranged. Accommodation for every- body is being provided. Watch for further particulars. Jr Jt Hunter, W. S, Anderson, W. M. Secretar r, • ++++++++++4+++++++++++++++ +++ Say, What About Good Couch? We have some "bandies," hat will t. +>, •1111_,,,...wear a life time .r, r-0ld"J ' at $5.00 t Inv Widow* Noserir warilmismo. worm it *Nor imorviNg. *Ai Capital Paid Up_,..,, , $ 2,750,000 Reserve and Undevided , Profits ,.--� 3,250,000 Total Assets,,,,,, 11,,,11,,, 40000009 ' ,>r ��p - 1-1 -1. --lila 'iii, Call at the office of the Bank of Hamilton and secure a pass -book, This isa simple transaction. Yet it may be the first step toward a com• petence, You to save too ii is �� '1111�,..' , , �% Iiiiii,, fit cannot commence . early in life—and the place - to' keep your savings isin a Chartered Ba0 Interet paid on deposits of $x,0 and upwards. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. .t r` x THE VERDICT Of the jury was that almost too much care and attention has been bestowed upon this clothing. THE FiNE TAILORING is strong evidence; the beautiful pat- tern of the goods; the trimmings and the expert workmanship are proof and warrant for the verdict. he moderate prices have had con- siderable effect upon the judge. HENNING THE TAILOR The contract for a new gaol at Guelph has been let. Sheriff Reynolds of Goderich has de- cided to exclude the press from the hanging of Ed. Jardine. Don t Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries you may need. A much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pick out the things you want as they meet your eye. There Are Probably Groceries Here entirely new to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. if they are here, they are good, 111 McGillivray Pboae 54, The storm was very destructive throughout Ontario. Several buildings were wrecked, barns, burned and stock killed by lightning. mvwgrvetrlrvvyvv IrcvmMr7.Y ���i���r�VV7tRfrlr�►r►�/r� • • WOOL WANTED1 CASH OR TRADE isle/ rsurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv r v,1 Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not made from clippings, and will give the best satisfaction. Also Carpets, Rugs, and Linoleums, the best stock in town to choose from. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date suits that can be obtained, which we have marked very low considering the quality. Boys' suits very nobby, double seats and knees.' SHOES t V 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f le s z 4 a 4 4 • Men's Heavy 'Work Shoes from $r.25 to $2,5o pair. 4 Also all kinds and sizes in Ladies' and Children's 4 . Light and Heavy Shoes and Slippers, 4 4 ", • Anderson's Ginghams, Muslins, Foulard and everything for the hot weather. Men's Cotton Socks, g Ladiesand Children's Hose. We handle the famous Wear Well Brand, etc, SUMMER SERVICE STEAMERS "TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON" Leaves Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily ex- cept Sunday during June, daily after July lst, for 1001 Islands, Rapids St. p. Lawrence, Montreal. Quebec. Murray Bay, Tadousac and Saguenay River. No. I Granulated Sugar, too sacks to sell -yet at ► $4:75 t t No. r Granul ited Sugar 2t0 lb. sack $r.00. We lnnst snake room for another car to arrive in July STEAMER "VELLEVILLif " Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon and Toronto 7.30 p.m. every Tuesday for of Montreal T3at, ali.tt and inter- mediate l arts. For rate's, fol:3cr.. anal tiekets writs' to ,t [T. y VNI�"GHANf, ONT. 4' Produce of all kinds wanted, Highest prices paid. rO rSd jE A. '(((���'',,, y{PHONE 89. 1111 Furniture 11. M H. FOSTER CRAFI=EEi MY P. A. 1 1 + � ~ Walker's fit, t� Tomato, Oat. ~' ty���y�� ,��.` �r����•+��� �y�� urn 4 St , +yT' iFi<+1A1 JMAAAAJJA ,A M IA AA'AitACE i. AASSAri,�.I�k1�iICIO►AFAAAA,A t ,,ty';;";,-,f!! ,! ,-, :,iT,t 4 ,,'i1'i,..' ."li'-'I+.1.' :%.+: '.i:. 1 o,..t:'1::''ittt,-. .it 't« 4 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a. 1 4 The Profit KER.R 111111.10.101,111 Sharing Store i WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE L D[LS IOM doURNAL PATTERNS MOHTHLY STYLE BOOK FREQ BIRD AENTS—Ladies' Home Journal WHAT WOMAN --DOES NOT LOVE DAINTY HOSIERY? Now we have some of the . daintiest and coolest hosiery ever worn, so light that the slightest breeze seems cooling and despite their thinness they are very durable. Plain Black Silk, excellent quality, seemiess feet 6oc pair. Embroidered Black Silk, dainty patterns, finest - silk - 6oc pair. Embroidered Lisle Hose, neat patterns, very pretty only - - 35c pair Also a complete line of Pink, Blue, White and Champagne Hosiery in plain and also in the cool lace fronts. Nothing Nicer Than Dainty Shoes, to be Worn with such Dainty Hosiery Ladies' Patent Pumps, best quality, all sizes, only - $2.00 and really superior to any other at the price. Misses Patent Pumps, very neat, with patent bow and strap - - - - $1,50 1 Child's Patent Pumps, very neat, with patent bow and strap . - - $I.25 Verandah Matts of , genuine Japanese Matting, all I colors - - - - 500 Men's Cool Summer Coats, black and grey, only $2 and $3 Children's Summer Parasols, white and colored 25c and 5oc JUST A HINT—Are you going to attend any of those important "June" events, if so, we keep Cut Glass. WEEKLY BARGAINS Thursday, June 15 to Thursday, 22 4 only Men's Tan Raincoats, long fly, storm collar, storm sleeve bands, regular $9.00, for - $7.5o 6 only Toilet Sets, various colors, splendid $5 0o value for only $3.75 5 only Pairs of Men's Tan Bluch. Oxfords, best qual- ity, good style, regular $4.00 for - - $2.85 SUGAR $4.75 PER 100 LBS. limmonimmononmenemonwe _1141__.._.. l CEAL STRATFORD. ONT A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments,—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. s This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. A little girl in Stratford tripped and fell, while carrying a sharp stick in her mouth. A gaping wound was torn in the roof of her mouth and this is of such nature that cannot be stiched. All that can be, done is to keep it cleansed and shut until it heals, THE Glorious - Twelfth Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen on July I2th, 1911, at incardi 00 Spend the day by the lake; Good Speeches will be de- livered. • A fine program of water sport is being arranged. Accommodation for every- body is being provided. Watch for further particulars. Jr Jt Hunter, W. S, Anderson, W. M. Secretar r, • ++++++++++4+++++++++++++++ +++ Say, What About Good Couch? We have some "bandies," hat will t. +>, •1111_,,,...wear a life time .r, r-0ld"J ' at $5.00 t Inv Widow* Noserir warilmismo. worm it *Nor imorviNg. *Ai