The Wingham Times, 1911-06-08, Page 1' 4
VOL. XL -NO. 2053,
Bargains Days
100 Tins Taleum Powder, reg.
25c tin, sale price 1e or 2
for 25c.
50 boxes of Binds Kidney
Pills, reg. 50C, sale price 25e
or 2 for 50e.
100 bottles Flax Seed Emulsion,
reg. $1.00, sale price 39e or
3 for $1,00. (Blood builder
and nerve tonic.)
40 bottles of King's Discovery,
reg, $1.00, sale price 39e or
3 bottles for 81.00. (Dyspep•
sia and indigestion cure.)
Walton McKibbon
Th.f242.j.022, sere
Macdonald Block; Wingham-
We Have It !
Town or farm properties
at prices to suit everybody's
We know values, and
when you consult us you get
the advantage of our long
experience in the Real Est-
ate and Insurance business,
Just at the present time
we have some exceptionally
nice properties on our lists
at right prices. •
Wingham is. a live grow-
ing town and you will make
no mistake in buying a horpe
Two or three nice houses
to rent.
Ritcbie & Cosens
. Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
Christie's Grocery
Wear Greers Shoes and Relbere
Muskoka Cont
Mr. F. J. Hind's
contest closed on Th
and Miss Margaret
Thos. Forbes 'were t
congratulate the ladie
a pleasant trip thrpu
of Ontario.
at Closed.
trip to Muskoka
sday evening Jest
Tibbs and Mrs.
Q winners. We
and wish them
the Highlands
Good buggy for sale. Apply at TIMES
Riding on
A number of yo
breaking one of
riding their bicye
and last week Chi
the offenders sum
Magistrate Morto
costs in each case
Allen is bound to
forced. c,
g men have been
he town by-laws in
es on the sidewalk
Allen had three of
oned before Pollee
A fine of $1 and
as imposed. Chief
e the by-laws ens
Don't fail to see 20th Century garments
demonstrated at McGee & Campbell's
Mondayevening, 'June 5th.
G. T. R. Time
Tnewtinie table
the G. T. R. on Mo
as Wingham is con
changes in the time
ternoon train from
erston now arrives
place of 2.08 o'clock
train to Toronto an
laves at 2.30 in pla
Table Changes. g
went into effect on
day last and as far
rned there are few
of trains. The af-
oronto and Palm -
t 2.30 o'clock in
and the afternodn
Palmerston now
Fe of 2.40 o'clock.
best assortment of shoes, suitable for
Farm Work ever shown in town. Prices
$1.50 to $3.50. W. J. Greer.
C. P., R. ime Table.
A new time tabl went into effect on
the C. P, R. on S nday last and the
time of all the tams have been chang-
ed except the mor ing train. The time
table will be as f lows: -Trains arrive
from. Teeswater 6.351. m. and 3.05
p. m, ; from Toro o at 12.41 p. m. and
10.17 p. m.; Trains eave for Teeswater
at 12.52 p. in. and 0.27 p. m.; for To-
ronto at 6.43 a. m. and 3.13 p. in.
Ws S. Sheppard piano tuner and re-
pairer is now in to n. All orders left at
D. Bell's music sto •e will receive prompt.
New Train Ser ce to Lake of Bays.
An important
inaugurated duri
will be a new trai 1
of Bays" district.
Trunk passenger
to with•through co
dining cars at 10.1
ing, 'daily except
ville, reaching th
three o'clock int
ing with the stea
"Lake of Bays"
passengers the o
their destination
The •Sunclay eveni
the Wawa Hotel,
Portage, Deerhur
ant calling ports o
Huntsville will be
as for season 1910,
of July And Augus
a boon to w
to return to the
ature that will be
the coming season
service to the "Lake
A standard Grand
Ain will leave Toron-
ches, parlor cars and
o'clock in the morn-
unday, for Hunts -
latter point at about
e afternoon, connect-
ers for pointssin the
istrict, and affording
portunity of reaching
in time for dinner.
g boat service from
ritannia, Point Ideal,
t and other import -
"Lake of Bays" to
'un on same schedule
during the months
, and which will be
ek-enders desiring
ity for business on
Losm DOG. -Col ie dog, almost sable,
with white breast. Lost on May 14th.
Any person harbouring the dog will be
prosecuted. 13. J. Doyle, Wingham.
Census Enu raters at Work.
The census em erators are out. on
their rounds, an all persons are re-
quired to give t e information called
for by the Oched les. The Census Act
provides that " ery person who, with-
out' lawful excu e, refuses, or neglects
to furnish infor ation required of him,
under this Act, .r wilfully gives false
information or ractices any deception
thereunder, sh 11 incur a penalty not
exceeding $100 nd not less than $10."
It may be of s. e relief to the feelings
of those who a not fond of answering
personal questi ns to know that the
census men rect've the information in
strict confidence and are bound to sec-
recy. Two of th enumerators appoint-
ed in East Huro were unable to un-
dertake the wor , and two others were
appointed -Wm. 'cholson in Wihgham
in place d John filder, and WM. Rob-
inson in East awanosh in place of
Jas. D. Anderson.
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham cemetery
during the summer months and guar-
ntees to give satisfaction. Price for
The Tea and Coffee Storeeason is $i per lot. Orders left with
John F. Grov, WIND Clerk, will RODre-
ceive.....drommiiveromMomerinoriirolmiimilommiNinetiji LIIT DLIELL.
prompt atti ;Winn.
Read Willis & Co.'s R4:11/on page 8
The annual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal Association and a con-
vention for the selection of a candidate
for the Ontario Legislature will be
held in the Town Hall, Wing.ham, on
Friday, June 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Hon. A. G. MacKay, leader of the Op-
position in the Ontario. Legislature,
and other prominent Liberals will be
present and deliver addresses. A full
representation front every polling sub-
division in the riding is requested.
SEED CORN -All the best varieties
for sale, KING BROS,
Large He Eggs.
Last Friday Mr
showed the editor o
exceptionally large
eggs laid by Black
the scales at 1 poun
five of the number
The nine eggs weig
than one dozen o
Paterson would be fj
any of our readersjl
equal this record.
• Arch. Paterson
the TIMES some
hen eggs. Nine
inorca hens tipped
and 12 sounces and
neighed one pound.
ed one ounce more
dinary eggs. Mr.
leased to learn if
aye hens who can
Housekeeper wanted. Apply to Mrs.
J. A. Moyniham, opposite the Hospital.
Muzzles f
Wi4h 'the approac
er and consequent
is probable that the
health will again or
province to be' inuzz
mer months. Alre
dog bites have bee
there were so few
summer when all
it is expected a si
issued shortly.
& Cempany, Limi
r Dogs.
of the hot weath-
anger of rabies it
provincial board of
er all dogs in the
ed during the sum-
dy several cases of
reported, and as
ases reported last
logs were muzzled,
ilar orde will be
y, D S. Perrin
ondoni Ont.
Grocery S ore Moving. ,3
Mr. J. Henry hristie, the grocer,
has leased the D. . Gordon store and
after the store as been remodelled
Mr. Christie will ove his stock to the
new premises. is new stand will give
a larger and muc better store and this
popular grocery 11 be the better able
to cater to the lar ely increasing trade.
The TIMES heartil congratulates Mr.
Christie on securi g such an excellent
stand for his .busi ess and we wish him
continued success and a largely increas-
ed trade.
Watches, clocks, silverware and jewel-
ry slaughtered at KNOX'S this month.
Bee De
A Bee Demonsts
the Apiary of Mr.
line of Morris, Fx
commencing at o
purpose of this D
plain the nature
show how to cure
the wax from th
the wax press.
aries will take
ings, assisted by
keepers. Be sur
your neighbors.
tion is to be held in
Jas. Casemore, lst
ay, June 16th, 1911,
e o'clock sharp. The
monstration is to ex -
of Foul Brood and
it, also how to save
combs by means of
our inspector of Api-
harge of the proceed -
successful local bee -
to come and bring
Ladies especially in -
Greatest bargains in watches and
jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at
KNox's Annual Sale.
A June edding.
The marriage w quietly solemnized
by Rev. E H. C •oly, B. A., at 12.30
'o'clock on Wednes ay at the home of
Mr. J. W. Dunce , Leopold street, of
Mrs. Duncan's c ughter, Miss Pearl
Burns to Mr. Ch ster Copeland, mail
clerk on the L. H. & B. train. The
ceremony was pe 'formed in the library,
wkich was beaut fully decorated with
flowers and fern, in the presence of
relatives and a •w intimate friends.
The bride was ttired in a dress of
cream crepe de chene, trimmed with
duchess satin a d wore a veil caught
up with lily of th • valley. Mrs. J. El-
der *Limbach, of ttawa, acted as mat-
ron of honor an the wedding march
was played by M -s Laura Kerr. After
the daintysweddi g luncheon had been
served and congr tulations extended to
the happy young ouple, the bride and
groom left on t e afternoon train for
Toronto and Nia ara Falls. The TIMM
joins with nurne ous friends in extend-
itig hearty cont eatulations. On the I
return Mr. and It's. Copeland will take t
up'hOusekeepin in their how on Leo-
pold street.
Volunteers to Camp.
Company B of t e *33rd Regiment
will go to camp at jdech on Monday,
June 19th,and there are a few vacancies
to be filled before ie date of going to -
camp. Young menj who wish to join
the company will lfndly make applica-
tion to C. G. Van one, W. A, Camp-
bell or N. T. SincIir.
Lon' -A brass aut obile lantern.
Finder will please retutflt to W. Lepard.
British Columbia Shingles.
I have just received the best car load
of British Columbia shingles ever
brought into Wingham. These were
purchased before the 1 recent raise in
price and will be sold at reasonable
prices. Parties in need of shingles will
do well to get my prices before placing
J. A. McLEAst.
Fon SALE. -A set of D yton, Ohio
computing scales, njiaj1 new; also a
first -claps coffee n1fi. Will be sold
cheap. Apply J. T. Lennox.
There passe
the 10th con. o
lasts Mr. Will
year. The dec
dent of this se
Besides his wi
family of six so
viz: -William i
Manitoba, Rob
berry, Edgar a
John Casernor
Jane at home.
servative in p
been a mernbe
The funeral to
afternoon to
and was unde
Orange Lodg
Resident Dead.
away at his home on
Turnberry on Monday
m Baird, in his 66th
sed had been a resi-
tion for many years.
he is survived by a
s and two daughters,
Michigan, George in
rt and John in Turn -
d Alex. at home, Mrs.
, of Morris, and Miss
Deceased was a Con-
itics and for years had
of Wingham L. 0. L
k place on. Wednesday
he Wingham cemetery
the auspices of the local
WANTED AT ONCE. -Good reliable
girl; no washing; no ironing; no house-
cleaning; good wages. Apply to Mrs.
(Dr.) Kennedy.
Mr. Will Ter 'it was home from
Monkton for ove Sunday.
Miss M. Reid as visiting for a few
days With frien.: in 'Brussels.
Miss Mary Mc Gregor was visiting for
a few days wit friends in Toronto.
Mrs. W.J. Ell oft, of Ingersoll. is vis-
iting at the ho e of Mr. H. B. Elliott.
Miss Hattie Wellwood, of Toronto
visited for over Sunday at her 'home in
'Mrs. • W. G. Patterson was visiting
for a few days ith relatives at Kin-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pugh and Mrs.
B. Jenkins were isiting in Kincardine
for. a few days.
Mr. R. W. Has ings, of New Liskeard
was visiting for few days in Wingham
and Turnberry.
Reeve 1VADona d is in Goderich this
week attending the meeting of the
County Council.
Miss Emma Pa tison is visiting at the
home of her brot er, Mr, John Patti -
ion, in Port Elgi
Miss Harrison, of Toaonto, was vis-
iting for a few d ys with her brother,
Mr. E. J. Harris 1. ,
Mrs. D. Rush eturned to Toronto on
Monday after a ew weeks' visit with
her daughter, Mis. E. B. Hart.
Mrs. (Dr.) A new and Miss Mary
Agnew left this •eck for a few weeks
visit with Miss Agnew's brothers in
Messrs. F. B hanan and John Kerr'
spent the past eek in Stratford at-
tending the me 'ting of the London
Mr. R. K. Wi son, of Bangore, Maine
was visiting for a few days with his
sister, Mrs. A ex Ross, and left on
Tuesday mornin qn a trip through the
Canadian West.
Dr. Agnew lef this week on a trip
through. the W t and will visit at
Calgary and Ed onton. Dr. Worth-
ington, of Clinto will have charge of
Dr. Agnew's pr; ctice during his ab-
Dr. A. J. Irwi , Mr. John Horwood
and Miss Horw od left on Thursday
last for London, England, sailing via
the Lake Erie. r. Irwin expects to
be away for sonsix weeks and Mr,
and Miss Horw od for a year. We
wish them a saf voyage and pleasant
isit in the Old and. Ur. IL Davis,
ocal agent for us Allan Line supplied
he tickets.
PAsTunn. --
pasture for ea
seeure same 13
ell, Wingham
artier requiring good
tie for the season can
a' plying to W.J. De
Fon SALE. - Sufa, 1 mirror, --show
eases, 1 platfourn mettle, tit chests,
small' delivery wago , 10- ot step lad-
der, electric light fi es. -These may
be seen at Mr. John Galbraith's store.
1, ; .
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Brigadier Taylor of the Salvation for will deliver a special address and
Army Training College, Toronto, will
visit Wingham on Saturday and Sunday
next. The Saturday evening and Sun-
day morning meetings will be held in
the S. A. Hall. On Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, the meeting will be held
in the Town Hall when Brigadier Tay -
Mayor Spotton will occupy the chair.
Sunday evening's meeting will be held
in the Town Hall. Special music will
be given by the S. A, Band and orches-
tra at all the services. Brigadier Tay-
lor is an excellent speaker and the
meetings should be largely attended.
The June meeti
cil was held on M
was a lengthy ses
in. before the Co
the members wer
Bell. Minutes
special meetings
A communicatio
Vanfrtone statin
would ask for da
sustained in .lis
over the emba
street. On moti
and Hall the m
the Executive Co
next meeting.
A communicatio
riston Council ask'
inst. to get infor
Electric Enginee
town on that d
said he purposed
that date
Petitions were
asking for wate
street, between
streets and on Le
Patrick and Victor
On motion of Co
the petitions were
missioners with
with the work if
signed and also p1
corner of Victoria
Mr. R, Clegg a
dressed the Coun
for the Wingham
ted reports shos
done by the Hos
Moved by Co
that the usual‘ g
to the Wingham
Moved by Ree
McKenzie, in a
granted to the
After consid
amendment wa
motion carried.
of the Town Coun-
day evening and it
ion, it being 11.30 p.
ncil adjourned. All
present except Coun.
f last regular and
ere read and approv-
was read from R.
that Geo. Karges
ages to cover loss
orse. ands rig going
kment on Victoria
n of Couns. Elliott
tter was referred to
mittee to report at
was read from Har -
g Council to send
that town on 7th
ation from a Hydro -
who would be in that
te. Mayor Spotton
isiting Harriston on
ad from ratepayers
mains on Diagonal
ictoria and Francis
pold street between
a streets.
ns. Elliott and Hall,
referred to the Com -
request to proceed
titions are properly
ce a hydrant at the
and Leopold streets.
d Dr. Redmond ad -
1, soliciting a grant
Hospital and submit-
ing the work being
ns. Elliott and Bone,
nt of $200 be made
e McDonald and Coun.
endment, that $150 be
ingham Hospital.
rable discussion, the
withdrawn and the
Mr. F. J. Hin asked the Council for
a refund of the balance of his trans-
cient traders' cense,..fee as he had
paid two years' taxes. On motion of
Couns. Hall and Bone, $14 was refund-
ed to F, J. Hine balance due him on
transcient trad s' fee.
The Finance ommittee recommend -
6 the paymen of the following . ac-
ounts: -
Electric Light om., band hall
lights. .. $ 2.98
T. C. Graham, lower beds 10.00
Factric Light am., supplies16.00
R. H. Saint, w od for charity 50
Thos. Calvert, salary 50,75
R. Rankin, sa ary 7.50
oseph Gibso , salary 30.00
Cceo. Alien, s.ary 32.50
ohn F. Grov s, salary and pos-
tage 55.50
R. Knox, toll( t paper 75
hoe. Groves, sewer connection 56.70
V. A. Currie, repairs 9.60
A. Sanderson, street watering 33.95
" w on streets-. 23.75
Robt Deyell, ork at cemetery 7.50
l'ox. Young, s pplies ...... 8.4d
V. W. Hough, 'all paper and
work, Cle k's office 19,15
Ilgtuilton Machi eny Co., stain's -
I, ler ,.. . 300.00
. Posliff, cutti g grass on p tnk 2.00
3. Dennis, tem ing........ 2.65
Theo Hall, ads Ttisines .... 4,65
W. 3, Dosrce, • 1 and repairs! 4.0.)
rthur Haines wdrk 45.6:4
'ublie Sehool oard, on Isvis400.00
sigh School n ard, on levy 400.00
On motion Reeve McDonald and
oun. Elliott, the report of the Finance
By-law No.
tient Traders
s adopted.
633 amending the Trans -
by -law was given three
readings and pro
a new clause a
words transcient
ing sections shall
bringing in and o
rupt stock or sto
by-law's/as raise
Moved by May
by Reeve McDon
633, be passed as
The yeas and
follows: -Yeas -
McKenzie, Mitche
By-law No. 634
of the ratepayers
complete the w
provide water f
was given two re
be taken on Mon
usual polling plac
is required for th
voir, putting in m
On motion of C
the by-law was or
in the Wingham
by law.
On motion of C
Elliott, the resign
norman as Conimi
On motion of C
Kenzie, the Cler
make the necessa
the election of a
Messrs W. J.
and J. A. Morton
cil, acing for a g
Agricultural Socie
the society would
extra expense thi
of a new foot brit
Moved by Re
Couns. McKenzie
the Turnberry A
Moved by Coun
amendment, that
Turnberry Agric
After a discu
was changed to
withdrawn, inak
Couns. Elliott
motion providin
the initiative
and cellar (Ira]
streets, but the
cillors favored 1
and the motion
ed for the adding of
s follows: • "That the
t aders in the preced-
ply only to persons
ff ring for sale a bank -
c s". The fee in the
from $50 to $150.
r Spotton, seconded
Id, that by-law No.
ays were taken as
potton, McDonald,
I . Nays -Bone, Hall,
providing for a vote
on raising $5,000 to
erworks system to
domestic purposes
a ings. The vote will
d• y, July 10th at the
. The extra money
uilding of a reser-
ins, services, etc.
o ns. Elliott and Bone,
ered to be published
dvance as required
uns. McKenzie and
tion of V. R. Van-
sioneo was accepted.
o ns. Elliott and Mc -
was instructed to
• arrangements for
ater and Light Com-
reer, W. J. Currie
ddressdd the Coun-
ant to the Turnberry
y, pointing out that
e put to considerable
year in the building
ve McDonald and
that we grant $25 to
ricultural Society.
. Bone and Hall, in
we grant $100 to the
ltural Society.
sion the amendment
0 and the motion was
g the grant $50.
nd Bone. introduced a
for the Council taking
constructing sewers
on a number of
ajority of tile Coun-
ving the matter over
s withdrawn.
To RENT -The small store one door
south of the Bank of Hamilton. Pos-
session given first of August. Apply
C. N. Griffin, Real Estate. and Insur-
In the opera hot
of this week Agn
popular dramatic
evening's entertab
pices of the Ladie
Andrew's Presbyt
Black will be assis
A critic speaking
"She hes won disti
pecter of good litei
a gracious, digaille
sonality, and with
voice, she is able
literature appeal
those who listen
pretations." Se
Plan of hall is
I store.
ox Black.
on Friday evening
Knox Black, the
easier will give an
ment under the)aus-
Aid Society of St,
'Ian Church. Mrs.
d by local talent.
Mrs, Black says
ction as an inter-
rture. Gifted with
and womanly pr -
rich and flexible
to make the best
ith living power to
to her vocal intr-
ne tickets early.
t 11IcIfiblson's drug
Oxfords That Keep
Their Shape
In ordinary low•ent footwear the
part which loses shape most readily
is the counter.
"INVICTUS" Czt are spe-
cially protected by a solid leather
counter, which holds the shoes in
Another feature of "INVICTUS"
Oxfords is the exact fit hey hug
the foot without cramping, support
the ankle and give th it feeling of
comfort so often lacking in a low-
cut shoe.
See ns for Trunks and Villi&es.
Where quality ccunts we win.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
Rev. W. McD
has accepted th
of the Elora Pr
The annual m
ton Association
being held in
and Thursday o
Rev. Dr. R.
Alma College,
elected as Pre
Conference of t
gall Hall, of Ottawa,
e call to become pastor
e byterian Church.
eting of the Walker -
f Baptist Churches is
iverton on Wednesday
f Ithis week.
S. Warner, principal
t. Thomas, has been
ident of the London
e Methodist Church:
circular for the 54th
• nod of the Diocese of
pens in Stratford, on
3, has been issued, and
re is a great deal of
isposed of at the meet -
The convenin
session of the s
Huron, which
Tuesday, June
shows that th
business to be
Owing to the
services in the
Sunday will be
ing by Mr. T.
by Rev. J. J.
Mr. John Kerr
in the Belgrav
Sunday evenin
The reports p
Conference for
satisfactory. S
a total member
crease of 323 ov
missionary givin
crease of $3,009,
ed for all purp
increase of $25,
A pastorate o
seven months
S. Young, who
active work of
at Clifford.
a splendid effo t
by a large
Young asked h
congregation e
and that the
better than it
illness of the pastor the
ethodist Church next
onducted in the morn -
all and in the evening
Durrant, of BeIgrave.
vill conduct the serviees
Methodist Church on
esented to the London
the year were very
mmarizecl they show
hip of 50,947, an in -
r last year. The total
was $72649, and in -
while the money mis-
ses was. $556,967, an
thirty-three years and
as the record of Rev.
has just given up the
he Presbyterian Church
s farewell sermon was
and was listened te
sgregation. Res. Mr.
at the support of the
given to his successor,,
rk would progress even
ad in the past,
Ieral Assembly of the
ureh of Canada, and
held at Ottawa, overl-
y with a long list of
it. Outside of the
atter that will be de -
portant cessations of
us interest are to be
ading men of the (lo-
clising forward to what
be the tto.4t significant
by the Church in Can -
The 37th G
the fourth to b
ed on Wednesd
business befor
purely routine
cided, many 1
social and relig
discused, and 1
nomination are
they believe wil
conference held
Ou int., at e 2 ()err
if Delgrave fl
nstitute will b
f Mrs. Wm.
xpeeted from
artment and
fficers. Musi
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin ands
Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday tersperaed an.
fternoen, during May, Juile, July, !close. The la
August and Septeaber. cordially invit
1011 of Ilionday, 12th
, . the Susoner meeting
anch of tlw I,Vomen's
held at the residesce
ray. Addresses are
speaker from the Des
so ono± of the District
11 sebegeDS will be hi-
luneh serve') at the
les of the coninu,:ity are