The Wingham Times, 1911-06-01, Page 4The Profit Sharing Store {ERR & BIRD WE AREAGENTS FOR THEA 'LADIES HOME OURNAL r., PATTERNS +1aii1�'li�N441.1 `7/ AGENTS—Ladies' Home JournaL 1luteresting Store News From The Grocery Department WE HAVE TOO MANY PitUNES and we are going to offer the balance of oar stock at LESS TuAN WHOLESALE PRICES. GOOD, BRIGHI', CLEAN FRUIT. Choice Prunes, regular price 13e Ib., now to clear, only 10e lb. Choice Prunes, " 10e " 3 lbs for. 20e. Best Canned Peas, Quaker Brand or French Peas. Regular price 15e to clear, 2 cans tor 25c. FRUIT JAM—Plum, Strawberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry,ete. only 10 jar. Orange Marmalade only 10e. Pure Clover Honey, Canned Apples, Plums, Pears, Pineapple, etc. Preserved Raspberry and Stawberry, pure 25e. A BAKING POWDER BARGAIN—A quantity of "Art Bak- ing Powder", one pound tins, regular 25e, to clear at 15e a tin. SHOE; POLISH BARGAIN—Six dozen tins No. 1 Shoe Polish, (paste) "McPherson Brand," equal to any 10e polish on the market, or money refunded. Our special price 5e a tin. Only half price. A BREAKFAST FOOD BARGAIN—That tasty Breakfast Food "Post Toosties", regular price 10e a package, to clear at 8e. SEED "RAt:,INS—We have secured a quantity of the very best Seeded Raisins on the market, at a very low price, and offer them to you while they last at only 10e a p/o and package . . MAPLE SYRUP BARGAIN --Yon have been paying as high as $1.50 gal. for pare Maple Syrup. We offer to clear a few gallons at $1.30. Quality guaranteed. QONDEVSED COFFEE—For a quick cup of delicious eoffee, try Condensed Coffee, no milk or sugar required. One teaspoonful makes a cap of good coffee. FOR HOT WEATHER—Lemons, Oranges, Bananas, choice fruit. Lime Juice, Olives, Peanat Butter, Celery Relish, Canned Fish, and Meats, Pork and Beans, Tomato Catsup, Worcestershire Sauce. Also a. splendid assortment of Sweet Cakes and Biscuits, 10e to 20e lb. MACK'S "NO RUB" LAUNDRY TABLET—We have it. It makes washing easy. Try it. Only 5e a cake. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY JUNE 3rd. Ilk mmouvenimmoniummalll 4 TOE WINGHAM TIMES, JUNE 1, 1911 THE Dominion Bank HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Capital Stock (all paid up) $4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits $5,300,000.00 Deposits by the public.,.. $47,000,000.00 Total Assets, over $62,600,000.00 BRANCIIES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States. QENERAI. BANKINQ BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Current rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINGHAM BRANCH — Corner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIiiLE, MANAGER. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. . TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be 1 t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 55STABLISHED 18V THE WINGIlAN Tuns. S.R. f.LLLOTT, PIIBLISRER ANDPROPRIRTO THURSDAY JUNE t. 1911. EDITORIALL NOTES. Dr. J. G. Rutherford, Dominion Live Stock Commissioner and Veterinary Director -General of Canada, one of the most valued officials of the Dominion Government, has tendered his resigna- tion to the Minister of Agriculture, and intends to go to British Columbia to reside. During the past ten years Canada has received nearly two million immi- grants, of whom approximately 750,000 were from Great Britain and Ireland and 700,000 were from the United Stat- es. An immigration bulletin just issued gives the actual figures up to the end of the last fiscal year, March 31, as 1,714,321 for the decade. Since then nearly 200,000 more have arrived, divided about equally between British and American. The stories sent from Ottawa to the Conservative press throughout Canada emanating from the Opposition leader, to the effect that Parliament will be dissolved on Sir Wilfrid's return from England and a general election held in September on the reciprocity issue, are not based on any facts that would warrant so definite a statement. The political outlook is practically unchang- ed from what it was when Sir Wilfrid left for the Imperial Conference a fort- night ago. The late Sir John Macdonald—the greatest leader the Conservative party has had in Canada, the peerless one— did not content himself, while in Oppo- sition, with saying that he knew the country, and that when called upon he could prescribe for its wants. He pro- jected the . National Policy and won after five years' loss of power. So it must be with Mr. Borden. He has been a long time in Opposition, and he may be there a good while longer, un- less he takes the people into his confi- dence and tells them what he will do if given the ehance. He need not be• afraid of the Government stealing his ideas. Thus far the Government has led in all things, and hence its popu- larity.—Kingston Whig. HOW TO TREAT SKIN TROUBLES • Greasy ointments of No Use— Thi Trouble Must be Cured Through the Blood. It is not a good thing for people with a tendency to have pimples and a blot- chy complexion to smear themselves with greasy ointments and such things, In fact they couldn't do anything worse, because the grease clogs the pours of the skin making the complaint worse. When there is an irritating rash a soothing boracic wash may help to allay the pain or itching, but of course it doesn't cure. Skin complaints arise from an impure condition of the blood and will persist until the blood is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many cases of eczema and skin disorders because they make new, rich blood that drives out the impuri- ties, clears the skin and imparts a glow of health. Mrs. S. L. Peterson, Brandon, Man., says; "I suffered for years from eczema, which brought with it other trou- bles, such as a poor appetite, headaches and weakness. The portions of my body affected by the eczema gave me constant torture from the itching and heat. I tried several doctors and all sorts of lotions and ointments, but did not get the least relief. Finally I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to do so. After using the Pills for some time the irritation and heat began to grow less and I .seemed in better health otherwise. I continu- ed taking the Pills for several months and every vestige of the trouble disap- peared and my skin is again as free from blemish as in youth. Given a fair trial Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not disappoint those suffering from skin eruptions or weakness of any sort." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' cure all those troubles due to poor blood sim- ply because they make new, rich, red blood. That is why these Pills cure common diseases like anaemia, rheuma- tism, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, headaches, indigestion, St. Vitus dance, and the general weakness and special ailments that only women folk know. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tiftEY. Alex. Lamont, son of'Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, 10th con., who has been at- tending Toronto University, has ac- cepted a position at Indian. Head, Sask., for the vacation and will go to it at once. Monday night of last week three good cows, the property of Robert Davidson, 18th con., were killed by lightning. They were found Tuesday morning under a maple tree. The loss is placed at $180.00. Misses Allie and Tessie Switzer left last week for a holiday visit with their sister, Mrs. T. II. Piggott, of I3rigdnnt Mrs. W. A. Pollard, who was visiting her neiees here, returned to her home in Listowel on Monday, the Misses Switzer visiting there en route. We wish the young ladies a pleasant stay. is almost the worst thin for consumptives., Many ofthe lust -as -good" preparations contain As much as 20% of alcohol; Stott's Emulsion not it drop. Insist on having na t. . FOR PAM r'. ,1, zi Gt9'13 Mrs. Hebert has asked for a hearing in her appeal against the Quebec decis- ion annulling her marriage. Land monopoly is not confined to Scotland but extends even to the new country of Mexico. More than half of the land of Mexico, it is said, is held by monopolists who live in luxury while the masses of poor are starving because they are not allowed to occupy th e land. BULLS FOR SALE. Two Shorthorn Bulls, aged 8 and 11 months; of choicest breeding,, with size and quality; color, deep red. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. FYFE, Wingham P. 0 LIVE STOOK MARKETS. Toronto, May 29—Union Stock Yards —Receipts, 100 cars, with 1,973 head of cattle, 989 sheep and lambs, and 55 calves. The demand for export cattle was very dull, with practically only one buyer in the market, and this one in- sisting on lower prices, while dealers were very reluctant to make any con- cession. The result was a slow market, with a fine lot of export cattle still to be sold when the noon hour arrived, and the best bid up to that time $6, and down to $5.15 for•medium quality, Export cattle, choice.... $5 65 to $600 do medium 5 65 5 70 do light .. 5 00 5 10 do bulls . . . 4 00 5 00 do cows 4 50 5 30 Butchers choice . 5.75 5 90 do medium 5 50 5 65 do cows .. , , ............ 4 50 5 20 do common. ... 4 00 4 25 do canners ,... 2 50 3 00 Short -keep— .......... , 5 80 5 85 Feeders steers . 5 50 5 75 do bulls . 5 00 4 25 Stockers dhoice . , ......... 5 25 5 75 do light ..... .... .... 5 00 5 25 Milch cows, choice, each ....55 00 70 00 Springers . ..........55 00 80 00 Common and medium ..... 20 00 30 00 Sheep, ewes . 4 75 5 25 do bucks ,... 3 50 4 50 Lambs, yearlings 6 50 7 50 Spring lambs, each 4 00 6 50 Hogs, f. o. b. ... ... 6 10 do fed and: watered 6 40 Calves .... °. 4 00 6 50 WINGHAM MARKET REPORTS. Wingham, May, 31st, 1911. Flour per 100 lbs , . ° , 2 35 to 3 00 Fall wheat .... .... 0 80 to 0 82 Oats • 0 35 to 0 36 Barley. 0 60 to 0 60 Peas ...,070to070 Butter dairy . , ... 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs per doz.... .. . . 0 17 to 0 18 Wood per cord ... ,...,2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton ..., 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel .°...... 0 40 to 0 45 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt......,6 00 tor 00 f,i'r1 , POPULAR STALLIONS. The irnpnrti41Clydesdale Stallion "Mascot" will moire the season of 1511 as fo11ows:� Monday—L; :ave his owner's stable, Blnevale for D. Miller's, Moffatt farm 21.' miles east of Ban vale. for noon; -end north by way of Lovell s corner to Rerr's hotel, Wroxeter, for night. Tutsrlay--8trton -Bros , Con. 5, 7uruherry for noon to Alen McPhe•son's, rain. 7 tilt 5.orleel and to John Smith's (Ion. R. for night Wednesday To Tae. Porter's. iron. 10. 9urnb...try for noon and to Dennis' etabls, onpostte Clement Weeks. Winghnin, for nia t. 9 bun Ila,—Ta Toa. T. ICerr's ('nn, lII 1• st C`To anosh, for neon; then `to Dennis' table, of 0 r ite t•e o ks, Wingham. for nihhr. 1 rt�lay. . enlaria, Rluevale rrarl for noon, and t en to his owner's stable endreiunia until Monday rnr.rninff. J. W,1(ING, Proprietor. lst line, Morris. Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Com iany STEAMER "BELLEVILLE" Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon, Leave Toronto 7.30. p. m. every Tuesday. For Bay of Quinte, Montreal and intermediate ports. Connections at Montreal for Quebec and Saguenay. Tourist line steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" commence running June 1st, leaving, Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily except Sunday; after July lst daily. For rates, folders and tickets write to N. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. OENTRAC/`�'+ STRATFORD., ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments,—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. -r / ss B;Nrt( - 1A�P113L%'0_P1 _t!F • Capital Paid Up. .. $2,750,000 R e s e r v e and Undevided Profits ..... ,. . 3,250,000 Total Assets 404000,000 ' .. - .. i ^1' - .� m ... The average man or woman seldom develops the habit of saving until a Savings Account has been opened, i The possession of such an account acts as an incentive—your natural. i desire to see the fund grow encour- ages that tendency to thrift so metes- sary to success. No matter how little- you can afford to lay aside from the weekly wage, open a Savings Account 01 gi gt ��$��� i� • S ; - ": , ill , r fk �/ - I ,j ; ;'• it y•. i - . 4 , rin in the Bank of Hamilton. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. r AAnMAANAAAAMMAAn/NAAAAAA c C / AA AAI AAISMAAAA usS4A0e1VAA .Summer Millinery Children's, Misses' or Ladies' In no other store in Wingham will you find as large and choice a range of a Millinery to select from. `c 1 IMISS. REYNOLDS t? i vVVVWVVVVWWVWVVWVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVWWVVVVVWVVWV Andrew Laidlaw, aged fourteen,. of Galt, was drowned at Ayr; Constable Harry Cooper and William Holiday were drowned in Lake Nepigon, and Charles Drake was drowned at Wend- over. Mr. A. F. Wallis was appointed Sur- rogate Registrar of York County. It is brobable that at the end of June the new Dominion stamps, with King George's effigy thereon, will be issued. There will be no ,special C oronation issue. •rvvvvvvvvvvirsvrr►'vs* 'WYVM'v gliVIISVVVVVvvvvvvw.v,v►V..s4 4 WOOL WANTED CASH OR TRADE IT'S A PLEASURE To drink from a dainty cup or eat from a plate that is attractive to the eye. It adds zest and relish to the.meal. Stock reducing sale of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Toilet Setts, 20 per cent. off all China. f F. McGillivray Phone 54. . Let Us Mai.sure You For a new Summer Suit to be made from the new exclusive cloths we are showing. • You Kndw Our tailoring by reputation. Here is a chance to known itpersonally. We are mak- ingconsiderable price concessions to those who order at once. HENNING THE TAILOR Bring your Wool to us and receive in exchange the best Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns made from good long wool by the Wroxeter Mills, not 'made from clippings, and will give the best satisfaction. Also Carpefrs, Rugs, and Linoleums, the best stock in town to choose from. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a large stock of the most up-to-date suits .that can be obtained, which we have marked very low ▪ considering the quality. Boys'_ suits very nobby, double seats and knees. i; ► • SHOES ► 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 w 4 4 4 4 a 4 14 3 4a Men's Heavy Work Shoes from $1.25 'to $2.5o pair. i ► Also all kinds and sizes in Ladies' and Children's 4 ► Light and Heavy Shoes and Slippers. 4 IP Anderson's Gingpams, Muslins, Foulard and everything 4 3 r i s for the hot weather. Men's Cotton Socks. »•Ladies' and Children's Hose, We handle the famous Wear Well Branca, etc. • No. I Granulated Sugar, Too sacks to sell yet at ► $4,75 cwt No. I Granulated Sugar 20 lb. sack $ i ,00. r. We const make room for another car to arrive in July •MIONIIIIIMMIlt Mit Produce of all kinds wanted, Highest prices paid. IT' AMILLSI PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. KAAivaMAAAAAA/i#it i AAA�(1 i;AAA iC"/ ASIAAAAriiliKATAXWAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A(1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAA Good Typewriters I Little Money! Every business letter should be typewritten. Most are. ?. 1 • Are yours? / If not, here is your opportunity. For ten days from this c date we will hold a clearance sale of rebuilt typewriters. ri We must clear out the stock. • We need the room. c TERMS TO SUIT. Every make represented. ; Every typewriter carries our guarantee. Every typewriter carefully rebuilt. Write to -day for particulars. r The Monarch Typewriter Company LIMITED. ► 46 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont. WVVVVVVVVWWVVVVVWWVW VVVVVVVVWWWVVVVVWVVVV.• -- 4-14.1.4.++++++++.11++++++++++++ ssis ••F+++.1.44**44.1 .14+ +++F+I`++4. 4. 4. 1 Say, What About I God Couch? We have some "Dandies," that will wear a life time PollricaT; ' at $$.00 W'aiker's Furniture Store +++++-44.++++++.4..÷44+44.4,014.4, ;t+:t; :+f+ 4±4,: mJm tiAt++t,++ A s.