The Wingham Times, 1911-05-25, Page 6Look at that Loaf !
That's Cream of the' West Flour for you
If you'll only try Cream of the West Flour I'll stand every
risk, I know what Cream of the West will do. It will
bake bigger loaves and more delicious bread, too,
ream tie West Flour
the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread
You just try it. Ask your grocer. Tell him you're to get your money
back if it fails you on a fair, square trial, Tell him the Campbell
Milling Company, Limited, say so. He can charge it be us,
The Campbell' MillingCompany, Limited, Toronto
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
J. G,Dagg, a Bervie bay now in
Winnipag,purchased an English church
propert ,on Portage avenue about a
month ago for $50,000 and sold it since
for $85,(#00; •
Tired -Ont ySinneys.
Kidney troubles are so frightfully
common because the kidneys are so
easily upset by overwork or excesses
of eating and drinking. Cure is effect-
ed not by whipping them on to renew-
ed effort, but by awakening the action
of liver and bowels by the use of Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, This rests
the kidneys and makes them well.
Backache and urinary disorders then
The total assessment of Carrick is
$2;767,600 business assessment, $33,845;
income assessment, $1,600; children be-
tween 16 and 21 year's -1412; children
between 5 and 16-1055; total popula-
tion, 3998, or 50 less than last year.
There are 435 dogs on the assessment
Is- there anything in all this world that
isofmole importance to you than good
digestion? Food must be eaten to sust-
ain life and must be digested and con-
verted into blood. When the digestion
fails the whole body suffers. Chamber-
lain's Tablets are rational and reliable
euro for indigestion. They increase the
flow of bile, purify the blood, strength-
en the stomach, and tone and strength-
en up the whole digestive apparatus
to a natural and healthy action.
For sale by all dealers.
.A young man was lamenting to his
sister the other day because he wasn't
born a woman. "Try it for a day,"she
replied, "Fasten a counterpane and a
blanket around your legs:buckle a strap
around your waist so tight you can't
draw a full breath or eat a heartymeai;
have your hair all loose and huffy so
that it keeps tickling your ears atidget-
ting into your ey.;s; wear high heeled
Shoes and gloves a size to small for you;
,cover your face with a veil full of spots
that make you squint; fix a huge !tat
on pins, so that every time the wind
blows it pulls your hair out by the roots
and then without any pockets, and with
a three inch lace toblowyour nose with,
and short sleeves and open work stock-
ings, go for a walk on a winter's day
and en oy yourself. Oh yes; you'd like
it alright. t'
Do not scold and make the maids
Arrange matters before the arrival
of your guests,
The instructions as to linen, silver
and glass should be clear.
Give the cool: and waitress each a
copy of list to be served.
Superintending of the setting of the
table should be done early.
Let the maids rely on themselves; it
makes them more confident.
Be at your ease, and thus put every-
body at their ease.
Cover up all mistakes of the ser
vents, even the most telling..
Make light of accidents, which in
most cases are really accidents.
Try to remember these rules when
youfeel most in need of them, for they
will lift you over many a breath which
might make many more than yourself
and servants uncomfortable, and you
earn for you in the end nothing but a
just -mete of praise for your self-pos-
Postmaster J. R. Morris, of n
helm, observed an unique anniversary
on May 1, for it was 56 years since he
tools charge of the Blenheim postof lee.
He has the longest term in the service
of any man in the Dominion, and dur-
ing all the 56 years he bas served with-
out interruption except for an occas-
ional holiday. cd .
Children Cry
The first mail by rail was in 1838.
The lizard family embraces 1,500
Twenty years ago the average life
insurance policy was for $2,500; now it
is more than $3,000,
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism, You will find Chamber-
lain's Liniment is wonderfully ef-
fective. One application will con-
vince you of it's merits. Try it.
For sale by all dealers.
If a woman could by a new hat when-
ever she pleased, nothing could ever
drive her to suicide.
Anyway, the average woman knows
as much about things political as the
average man does about caring for a
Remember, there is a limit to human
endurance. The friend who stands up
for you may tire in the course of time
and proceed to sit down on you.
J. M. Howell a popular druggist of
Greensburg, Ky., says, "We use Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy in our own
household and know that it excellent."
For sale by all dealers.
Fifty federals are reported killed in
an engagement with Mexican rebelsre-
suiting in the relief of Ojinaga.
Pincers that lock when closed and
which require considerable force to open
have been invented by a California in-
Fell in a Faint,
Mrs. Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff,
Que., writes: "Before using Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food I was in a terrible
condition. Dizzy spells would come
over me and I would fall to the floor,
I could not sweep without fainting.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has so built up
my system that I can wash and do my
housework, Your medicine cured me
when doctors had failed.
Where Everybody Meets. THE CYCLOPEAN, EYE.
Life in a small town would lose half - ---^-^--
of it's interests ware it not for the post It. Exiotn Today in Rudimentary Form
office. I•lere the rich and poor high, and
low come everyday. The business man,
comes in takes his mail out of his box and
hurries on to his work. The farmer cones
1 nWhistling a tune and gets the mail for
his neighbors. The small boy sticks his
head up to the window and asks for
"tour mail," Then the maiden calls for
a letter that she knew would come to-
day, and failing to get it puckers up
her mouth so prettily that you feel like
sitting down and wt•itingher one. Soon
and so on, Through the postoffiee runs
joy, hope and disappointment.
For soreness of muscles whether in-
clucedby violent exereiseor injury Cham-
berlain's Liniment is excellent. This lin-
iment is also highly esteemed for the re-
lief it affords in eases of rheumatism.
Sold by all dealers,
The Marriage Law.
"No church has the right to say that
a marriage celebrated according to the
law is invalid. Dont fret about it or fear
that the civil law of this country is go-
ing to upset because no church has the
right to change the civil law of this
country concerning the validity of mar-
riage. If a civil court in Quebec should
say that a marriage ceremonyis invalid,
it is not because a church says so but
because the Legislature itself says so."
With incisive emphasis, Hon. Mr. Just-
ice Riddel hammered these statements
home before a goodly gathering of young
men and women, in the course of an ad-
dress on "The Crown, the Courts, and
Our New Canadians, "before the "'Catch -
My -Pal" Society of Cooke's Presbyter-
ian Church in Toronto.
Wherever there is any weeknese of the
heart or nerves, fleet -ging energy nr phy
aicaf breakdown, the use of . Iilburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills will soon produce-
roducehealthy, strong system. -
lifiss Beeeie .[tiusiey, Arkona, Ont.
writes: ---"It is with the greatest of
pleasum I write you stating the benefit
I hey' received by rising; your Milburn's
Hesrt and Nerve !'ills. This spring I
was all run •iv'. and 'could hardy Flo
limy work. I 'crest to a doctor and he
',toil me I bad heart trouble and that my
nerves were oil unstrung. 1 tonic his
medicine, as he ordered me to do, but it
did ins its, good. I was working in a
printing office at the time, and my
doctor ;„aid 1t uns the typo setting
tensed the trouble, but I thought not.
Myadvised me to buy a box of
fattier d
yy..t,trr l►'.lar.s be had derived to riuch
benefit ft,.., , t,atit. Before I had finished
hue lox 1 i,c.t..;ca c. great difiere i'0, and
cc;tdi wait fr,,ao i)ta rning to night ^lvith
out at,y t:ntotheritig feeling or het fiushee.
I ran reeivntn.eact therm higldy to all
nit and tun down people."
1x14 a"4 dtttt
l ceper b, oroxt for $1.25,
et t r:.'e t c lite T..hiburll Cu., Limited,
MRS. WISSLOVJ'!i S0O'TUWNO SYat;P has been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MIL,I.IONs of
is the best remedy for DIARRIIMA. It is abs
sofutefy harmless, Be sure And ask for "Mrs,
winsloe's soothing Syrup,>' and take oar other
kind. TYYenty.ave cents a bottle.
For Infants and, Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
in Man'e Drain.
lis •were, uiawittiu 1 , vie
The Gree g yvery
near an auatonaical truth when they
ascribed to eertalu monsters called ey.
claps only one eyeapiece, which was
placed in the center of their foreheads.
• The cyclopean eye exists today in
the brains of men in a rudimentary
form, for in the pineal gland we flu
the last vestiges of that wbloh was
once a third eye and whieli looked out
into the world, if not from the center
of the forehead, at least from very
near that point. There is ,alive today a
little creature which would put to
shame the one eyed arrogance and
pride of Potypbemus and Argos and
Brontes and Steropes and all the rest
of tate single eyed gentry who, in the
days of myths and myth makers, in-
babited the "fair'Sicilian isle."
The animal in question is a small
lizard called Calotls. its well develop-
ed tiiircl eye is situated in the top of
its head and can be easily seen
through the modified and transparent
scale wills!! serves It 45 a cornea.
Many other lacertilians have thisthird
eye, tbougb it is not so highly organ-
ized as it is in the species just men-
A tree lizard which is to be found is
the mountains of east Tennessee and
Kentuolcy has its third eye well de-
veloped. This little animal is called
the "singing scorpion" by the moun-
taineers. On dissection the third eye
,+,will be found lying beneath the skin.
It has a tens, retina and optic nerve, -
New York Herald,
Breaking Up of British Estates.
Largely as a result of the new sys-
tem of land taxation introduced in
Great Britain by Lloyd George, great
estates are being broken up. This
change, The London Times says, is
bound to have a profound effect in al-
tering the life of rural England. The
enduring -connection of families with
certain parts of the country has, it
says, given continuity to the life of the
people in the past, and if land is now to
change hands as freely as shares in an
incorporated company, human ties which
connect the present with the past will
be broken up. The resistless charm
which rural England has for the strange
er is, adds Lord Onslow, made up in
the main of its variety, its mixture of
the old and the new, the marks of an
unbroken continuity " and the -grace
which time and peace have scattered
with generous hand. It would seem,
however, as if all these things could be
ensured under a system which will pro-
vide for the occupancy of the land, in
small allotments, by owners instead of
by tenants.
World's New Storehouse.
The Review of Reviews says the
foreign commerce of South America is
indeed one of the marvels of the cen-
tury just opening. Since the construc-
tion of the first railway in Chile, and
from the time the first steamer touch-
ed at a port in Argentina there has
been a steady expansion in the ship-
ment of natural products and the con-
sumption of foreign goods. Within
the last ten years, however, this growth
has in some increased over 100 per cent.
and is limited only by the capacity of
vessels to carry it. The world could
not to -day advance a step without the
rubber of Brazil, the nitrate of Chile, Scotland. The census shows a decifne
tin of Bolivia,the cocoa of Ecin rural population all over the north
dor, the copper of Peru, the quebracho and west of the country. In some dis-
ef Paraguay, the chilled meats of the tricts the failing off is so great that it
appears, as stated by theBritish Week-
ly, "like a ease of • galloping consump-
tion." In Aberdeenshire, of thirteen
districts enumerated, only two show an
advance, while in thirteen districts
which ten years ago had a population
of 16,936, there has been a decrease of
993, or almost 6 per cent. The popula-
tion of Tober'Inory has fallen from Ar-
gyleshire, so far as received, show a
decrease that is in some cases reminis-
cent of certain Irish counties at their
worst. It is expected that the returns
as a whole will show an increase of
half a million in the population of all
Scotiond, but this inerease is due to the
building up of the towns at the expense
of the rural districts.
Nor is the change confined to Scot-
land. It is believed that if a division
could be accurately made between ur-
ban and rural sections, that every dis-
trict in England, Ireland would show a
declining population, Part of the de -
eine is due to a reduction in the birth
rate, ' Fewer births were registered in
Scotland last year than in any year
previous singe 1900, and the birth rate
per thousand Z.1e per cent --is the
lowest ever recorded. The marriage
rate -0.20- is also, with the exception
'of 1009, the lowest on record,
••--•-• •m. --
Has a Preparation That
Will Grow Hair Abund-
This is an age of new discoveries. To
grow hair after it has fallen out to -day
is a reality.
SALVIA, the Great Hair Tonic and
Dressing, will positively create a new
growth of hair.
If you want to have a beautiful crop
of hair free from Dandruff, use SALVIA
once a day and watch the results.
SALVIA is guaranteed to stopfaiiing
hair and restore the hair to it's natural
color. The greatest hair Vigor known.
SALVIA is compounded by expeal chem-
Watch your hair if it is falling out. If
you dont you will sooner or later be bald.
SALVIA prevents baldness by fasten-
ing the hair to the roots.
Ladies will find SALVIA just thehair
dressing they are looking for. It makes
the halt soft and fluffy and is not sticky.
A Iarge bottle, 50c. •
"Is Scotland to sink into the position
of a playground for English, American
and Jewish millionaires?"
This question propounded by The
British Weekly, has been called forth
by the results of the late census in
And the Tiny Cells That Give Them
Their Brilliant Hues.
A. leaf is one of the most beautiful
things in nature, and it is very won-
derfnl to think that it owes its lovely
color to minute l[ttte living bodies or
cells of chlorophyll. This word roans
AVM twu Orin.% ones, rhlot'os. green,
and 'Mullion, a leaf, and' is used to
describe the ordinary coloring matter
of vegelntlari.
The chlorophyll rolls or trnnuir's
absorb the tight and heat of the suu'n
rays and to some marvelous way,
ivilich only seieniists eon understand.
manufacture the sugar which Is neces-
sary for the life of the tree itself by
combining the carbonic acid gas of lite
atmosphere with the water drawn in
by its roots. These tiny erns are so
very small that as mauy as 400.000
have been counted in a square milli- •
meter of the leaf of a castor oil plant,
and in order that they may come in
contact with as muck sunligbt as pos-
sible the leaf turns slightly on its stalk
toward the suo.
If you notice the arrangement of the
leaves on a bough you will see that
nature bas placed them so that they
form an almost perfect "light screen"
and catch all :the sunshine that there
is. If it were not for the constant,
work of these little chlorophyll cell;
the splendid trees in our Pinks:would
wither and die and there would be not
green things left be the world. --Lore
don Home Notes. `
During an alarm of fire in Rectory
Street School at London, Ont., the pu-
pils marched out in perfect order, al_
though the corridors were filled with
The directors of the Canada Cement
Company have replied to Sir Sandford
r'leming's charges. They say they had
them investigated some time ago and
found his position untenable.
Sick headache results front a disord-
ered condition of the stomach, and can
be cured by the use of Chamberlain's
Sternal+ and Liver Tablets. Try it,
Fot' sale by all dealers.
River Platte, or the wheat, the corn or
the wool of Argentina. Europe is prac-
tically dependent upon these staples for
the material well-being of her people
Brazil delivers annually $60,000,000 and
more of rubber to the manufacturers
of the world; the $50,000,000 of nitrates
or Chile fertilize half a continent, and
the people of Texas, without knowing
it, are wearing some of the export of
Argentina wool in their clothing or of
her hides in their boots and shoes.
James Layton of faint Lick, Ky.,has
'o Spanish milled dollar
possession a
in his.o
bearing the date of 128. The, coin was
eliopped out of an old log that done ser-
vice litany years ago in a pioneer dwell-
lie good to the robins. A single bird
of this family has beenknown todevour
18.5 eaterpillara in a day, while this crop
of another was found to have a collec-
tion of 100 potato bugs.
T �[4TErit$R.'
A thefees worker so long as supplied -
with rich, red blood.
The brain is one of the most,
t,ntit,:it ;tad industrious cleans of the
body. It ran be induced, by good
treuttn.'nt, to aerfortn prodigies of
walk. But it is sensitive and will not
bn,nk them!, It responds to the lash
at first. but if the lash is laid on
rot hard it' balks.
:4ervctus trouble is generally brain
trc,tilik:, rind no suffering is to be
c„ntparo:I to mental suffering, with
the accompanying; dread, . suspicion
ui,l melancholy.
One-fifth of the blood in the hu.
attain body is consumed by the brain,
Gtr make the blood rich and red by
ming De Chases Nerve Food, and
r cl SA e, of the
c t trill ,vc'rcorn i ns
b e
R icor
*Ives. Headaches 14111 ,c1i a r
t rvc . ilea lac i,.s
unit ability will pl
go, Flt *e::tiott will
improve, and wealtnesa and despon-
deney will giveniece to .'low hope and
courage, new vigor and energy.
Dr. A. W. Chasene Nerve Food will
enable - you to avoid such extreme
nt,rvou, trouble aa prostration and
+ralyils. Gtr c nfa a box, f; boxes for
4.50; at ail tl,.tic'rs, or Ed1ua*sen,
need & %',,., Toronto.
.The Secretary Bird.
The long legged South Afrieen see-,
tetany birds travel in pairs, male anti.
female. If disturbed or pursued their
pace is niing horse.eTheyas that
seldom use
;wings and if compelled to do so eau!
hoar to a considerable height. They;
build bulky nests, and where trees are
to be had they select one fifty to a1
hundred feet above the ground. Their
nests are built of sticks and sods, lined
with grass, and measure -as much las'
five feet in diameter and three feet lie'
thickness. As a rule only two eggs are
laid. Incubation takes six weeks,
which' is done by the female. The'
young have to remain in their nests'
heverai months before they can stand
on their long, slender Iegs, •which are
very weak and brittle. The young,
easily break their legs if disturbed.--.
Scientific American.
Old Time Theater Rowdies,
l3.owdyism in London theaters was a
common occurrence in the old days/aS
Is shown by the following from the
London Post of Oct. 27, 1798;
"Two men in the pit at Drury Lane
theater last night were so turbulent
and riotous during the last act of
`henry V.' that the performance was
Interrupted upward of a quarter of an
hour. The audience at last asserted
their power and turned them disgrace•
fully out of the theater, This should
always be dons to crush the race of
disgusting puppies that are a con-
stant nuisance at the playhouse every
Spain,produces about 400,000,000 gal-
lons of wine a year.
A learned scientist has discovered
that air is the principal ingredient in
To prevent tomato soup from curd-
ling add hot tomatoes (with soder in)
to the thickened milk.
ceps the Wheels Moving,'
OMETHING broken down? Maybe its
the plough or the mowing machine,.
What's to be done? Delay means loss.
The nearer supply depotniay be miles away. It
may be that the necessary part can only be obtained_
bta sled -
in some distant city.
has already a large number of Rural Subscribers in this,
district, The . Company's lines will be considerably
extended during the present season.
To avoid delay, or disappointment when you may
require the Service urgently, get your contract now
before the lines are located and built.
Farmers in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who,
desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of
the North Huron Telephone Co. Leave your order with the
Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham.
Greatness and Smartness,
"Which would you rather be --truly
great or really smart?"
"S'aiart, of course."
"WWI, you may be truly great and
no ono ever know it, but if Vo'l'ta
smart you can make people think that
you're great.'' -Chicago Post,
High Pinanob.
i#riggs-,-Is It true that you have bre.
ken off your engagement to that girl
Who lives in the suburbs? Grigg --
Yes; ,they raised the continutetioli
rates on me, and/ have transferred to
a town girl. -Life.
Rifted the Ants.
Small D hItcr-ra
me a nick.
el. Papa -Why, !Later,
you are most
too old to be beggi* for ra niehel.
Small: Elonetkg glees yolr'rer
nape. Make it a d elite-Chieago Neots.'
people goensitd k ft Is time t
to do right • unless a crowd lap-
pens,rto be edrnt4- Cb C* o Re' *
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing lineand all
orders will receive prompt attention. .
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office