HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-25, Page 4R TM E j lominion Bank HE,A,p OFFICE: TORONTO { iital Stock (all paid up) $.4,000,000,00 eserve Fund and Un- divided Profits ..... $5,300,000,00 Deposits by the public.... $47,000,000.00 eta!, Assets, over ..... $62,600,000.00 BRANCITES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States. s GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. luerent rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $L00 and upwards. `armers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. V1NGHA1 BRANCH -Corner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER 1. VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS !totice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be i t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. NBTABLIBH$D x M T� WIN M TIMES. a.R.aGLIOTT.PIIBLma maANDPROPRIRTO THURSDAY MAY 25. 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES. Politics, like the weather, will be warm in Canada during the next two months. The word has gone out from the leaders of both parties for an ac- tive campaign in all the constituencies on the reciprocity issue, pending the reassembling of Parliament on July 18 for the final effort of the Government to secure the ratification of the agree- went before prorogation. After a final week's spurt, working twelve hours a day ormore, Parliament cleared the slate Friday night of the greater part of the Government's legis- lation agenda for the session, and at 9.30 adjourned until July 18, pending the absence of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and ' his two Cabinet colleagues and the Parliamentary delegation of eighteen at the Imperial Conference and at the Coronation festivities in London. The fanner can be the most indepen- dent man in the country if he could only be content to remain on the farm and follow the avocation to which his younger training fitted him. The man on the farm has no worry as to where his daily supplies are to come from, for with but little exertion he can feed his family and furnish them with more comforts than are attainable in town life. The fly in the ointment is the isolated life the farmer's family is compelled to lead. -Hamilton Speetator. That double liability clause in bank stock subscriptions, in addition to a liability for the refunding of all divi- dends in ease of failure, should have the effect in making all bank stock owners in Canada especially active in ascertaining that the bank in question is carefully, honestly and frugally. con- ducted. It also should have the effect in making all bank stock owners extreme- ly pronounced in their advocacy of a Government system of banking inspec- tion. A proper Government inspection should make future occasions for the double stock liability demand rare, if not impossible. -Ottawa Journal. What About Church Union? Many good stories have been told by Methodist ministers gathered in con- ference, and one of the best is that related by the Rev. Joseph B. Hingley, of Chicago. It tells of the raee be- tween ministers of rival denominations to establish a church in one of the growing :Montana towns. "A Baptist clergyman was headed that way," said the Rev.Mr. Hingley, "and was discovered by a friend in one of the forward seats. of the smoker as the train speed forward. " `Hush.' said the Baptist to his friend. `Don't mention me. There's a Congregational preacher three seats behind nes and I'm afraid he'll beat me to Montana. I am determined to get there first and establish my church." "But the man was doomed to disap- pointment, for a Methodist preacher rodev.est on the cowcatcher, C tuber, and was digging tha cellar by the time the Bap- tist emerged from the train." SCHOOL, A GOOD BEST. This school reputation for high. for the success We have three depart- epartments,--Connercial, Shorthand Ambitious young send at once catalogue. Write see what our gradu- time of the year classes. Students week. Commence once. is taken by people in #rope cal corriu•ics aIi the year round. It. stops worst ng and keep* v #ho strr:rtgth and Vitality in SLM.211tf;t' as well tits t:inter. A! :)713 in THE WINGRAM TIMES, MAY 25, 1911 ST ONE CURE � BULLS FOR SAGE, • FOB ANAEMIA, T Shorthorn Bit d $ and 11 is Through the Rich, Red Dhoti Or. Wilhelm' Pink Pills Actually Make. Two or oro u s, age months; of choicest breeding. with size and quality; color, sleep red. Will be sold reasgnable for quick sale. There is just one Lure for anaemia - more rich, red blood Anaemia is imply a bloodless run-down condition. Then the body becomes weak from overwork, worry or illness, an examin- ation of the blo6d will show It to be weal: and watery. The common symp- toms are paleness of the lips, gums and heeks, shortness of breath andpalpita- ,on of the heart after the slightest ex- rtioz dull eyes and a loss of appetite, Anaemia itself is a dangerous trouble and may pass into consumption. It can only be cured by making the blood rich and red, thereby enabling it to carry the necessary nourishment to every part of the body. It is a proved fact that Dr. Williams' Fink Pills have cured thousands and thousands of cases of anaemia. The are really intended to make new, rich blood and are compounded in the most scientific manner with the finest in e- dients for the blood known to medical science. These Pills are not a cure-all. They are intended to cure only those diseases that have their origin in poor, watery* blood, and starved, weakened nerves, and the record of their success I doing this is their constantly increas- ing popularity in every part of the world. Mrs, R. Colton, Golden. B. C., says: -"As a matter of duty I wish to sad' a word in praise of -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for what they have done for my I one 16 and the other 18 years of age. Both were pale and bloodless and suffered from many of the symptoms of anaemia: They would tire easily, suffered from frequent head- aches, were easily discouraged, and often fretful. I saw in our home paper the story of a young girl who had simi- larly suffered and was cured through , the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I bought three boxes of the Pills and my daughers started to take them. Before they were done they began to feel bet- ter, and. I got a half dozen more boxes, and by the time these were used, they were enjoying the best of health, with rosy cheeks and not the same girls at x11. I also gave the PilIs to my little boy who had rheumatism and they com- pletely cured him." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LITS STOCK 15&RRETS. Toronto, May 22 -Union Stock Yards, Receipts 103 cars, with 2,085 head of attle, 102 calves, 173 hogs, 17 sheep, and sixteen horses. Trade was quite brisk, and prices Sem to 5c higher on export cattle and Sc to l0c higher on butcher. The butch - er trade was particularly active, the local men having to complete with a good demand from outside towns, large orders coming from Montreal and points east, as well as from Western points. The quality of the cattle offering was good, including several loads of extra choice quality web above the average. Export cattle, choice S5 80 to $6 00 565 5 70 do medium .. do light 5 00 5 10 do bulls .......... • .400 500 do cows 450 530 Butchers choice 5 r 6 00 do medium .... 550 5 65 do cows .. ........... .450 5 20 do common.... 4 00 4 2.5 do canners ; :.. 2 50 3 00 Short -keep_ ... ..... , 5 80 5 85 Feeders steers 5 50 5 75 do bulls .............500 425 Stockers choice ... 5 25 5 '75 do light . .... 500 5 25 Milch cows, choice, each -55 00 70 00 Springers .. 50 00 80 00 Common and medium ..... 20 00 30 00 Sheep, ewes.... . 4 50 5 00 do bucks . 350 425 Lambs, yearlings 5 50 6 50 Spring Iambs, each 4 00 6 50 Hogs, f. o. b. .. 590 --- do fed and watered 6 20 Calves .... ...... 350 650 WINGHxstKAK ET REPORTS, Wingham, May, 24th,'1911. Flour per 100 lbs 2 35 to 3 00 Fall wheat .... 0 78 to 0 80 Oats. ...032to032 Barley. 050 to 050 Peas .............0 70to070 Butter dairy ... . ... 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doz.... .... 0 17 to 0 18 Wood per cord .... 250 to 250 Hay, per ton .... .. 8 00 tole 00 Potatoes per bushel 0 45 to 0 50 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt 5 80 to 5 80 L+EALEI) TS:7T)ERS addressed to the under. t:tened. and endon.`ed 'Tender for Pctb,ic Kuilding, tieafortrn, Ontario: Will be reeetred until 4 p m., on Monday. Mar 2%1911, for the construction of a Pab:le Building at reaforth, Out. Pians, spec:flcation and form of contract can be seenand lentos Of tender Obtained a,, the r+,??ee at Mr. H. J. Lamb. District eeneirtrer. Lot,don. Ont., at the post o See, Seatorth, sod tat this Department. Persons tendering ere notified that tenders will rot be conside: ed unle' a made an the printed forms supplied. and. signed with their jlactual signatures statins their oecupationt and placav of residence. In the cavo o• errrs, Ithe mount signature, the natnrn or the u'enpe. tion. and place of residence of cacti raem' er of the- brill trust be givep finer tender must he ateampeoied by 1st, m r Item ehezzue on a chartered .:suis aveble to the ordor of the Elm:nurair:e the Micister Of ^,Paul'e Worii!, tgael to ten nor C. nt fKtp.e) rf the a no:int of the ton>:rr, wit.e?i will be forfrited1 the Terson tendering decline to renter into a contract when a-ilted upon to do iso or ba tri e+;r^[r2ete the work contracted 5,r. If thcf tet 1 t tie not at.•e;ted the eserine wit( Lir, rite nol. 'Ito L epart mint 6 C3 na tltd 1tae.f tri se eept tie loore t or any tender. Ey order IC t Ui',SriOCri f3¢ Secretary. Dip lrtm wawa May I t 1 , Zt,•aspatier4 veal n t bet 1M d 1.s tb n larva - f isewr. tit if •Lest i_:eat i': Wit.t..ut natti.,,.,tg fri;u the Department. 3. G, FYFE, Wingham P. 0 1st line, Morris. Richelieu sTEA. Leaves Toronto For Bay Connections Tourist "Kingston" June p.m. For rates, H. FOSTER and Ontario Navigation Gam zany and and to A., i ! ME1 ..BELLEVILLE9 Hamilton 12.00 noon. Leave 7.30 p, in, every Tuesday. ' of Quinte, Montreal intermediate ports. at Montreal for Quebec and Saguenay. line steamers "Toronto" commence running 1st, leaving Toronto 3.00 daily except Sunday; after July 1st daily. folders and tickets write CHAFFEE, A. G. P. Toronto, Ont. STRATFORD. A SCHOOL, has a grade its students. ments,-Commercial, Telegraphy. and women our Iarge it at ates This you to are entering your CE LARGE THE continental work and should free once and are doing. is a good enter aur each course at AL/ ✓//7„ ONT. j or and men for for for SCHOOL, A GOOD BEST. This school reputation for high. for the success We have three depart- epartments,--Connercial, Shorthand Ambitious young send at once catalogue. Write see what our gradu- time of the year classes. Students week. Commence once. 0. Ar McLACHLAN PRLNUIPAL. for the safe -keeping of the fund you ' wish to accumulate for old age or to make provision for unforeseen needs. Interest on deposits of $1.00 and To drink from the to the Stock Setts, 20 per 1! ir„ , paid upwards. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingharn. eat to s. ice; , CROCKERY IT'S A PLEASURE - from a dainty cup or a plate that is attractive eye. It adds zest and relish meal. reducing sale of Dinner Tea Setts and Toilet Setts, cent. oft all China. F1 McGillivray Phone 54. Where Good Clothes Come from In this world a man mast be well dressed. Custom demand it and all having any ambition at all follow the custom WE DO FINE TAILORING And eau. builds -ea a snit of the very finest material of your own selection, trimmed with the best goods made for the purpose, charging yon no more than yon wottld pay for ready-to•wear clothes that cannot paseibitr tom - pure with those we make. Yon may ei:oose from our splendid assortment of spring1 suiting' and be able to pat on ; The Snappiest Snit of C tithes made frons the gods tie'eeted at 1 HENNING'S THE PAIIOfl Root. Maxwell's Old Stand Summer Nililinory AAA ChI1dreo's Misses' or Ladies' In no other store in Wingharn will you c find as large and choice a range of Millinery to select from. 1 IMISS R -4 iOMVVt/WWW . St. Bass, owned by Mr. Harry Gidd- 1 Over $15,000 was contributed to th e ings of Oakville, won the King's Plate, Y. M. C. fund of Stratford. mating a new time record. Exports of aluminum from Prance St. Thomas and Kingston district during the firstten months of 1910 were meetings of Methodists voted in favor 3,512 tons against 3,432 tons for the of Church 'Union. same period of 1909. 5. . * t 4 mrrvrvrvrrvr fvVVMONSItifif.�77+/rrrrr + r r+ r tt►'tr rYr�frrr�r+�rri't VVIrVVIPVVVIF,VVVV,V111 PROPER CLOTHES Are stylish, but never so extreme that they become distasteful in a month or two. They are distinctive without becoming conspicuous, and their ever-growing popularity with younger men shows that they are on the right side of every comparison. People; say it must be the cut that make our clothing Iooks3different. Of course its the cut -but that isn't all. There's the "know • how" back of it all and such per- fection in every detail of tailoring that makes "PROPER CLOTHES" hold a distinguished position by themselves, Come in and see what we call style and value -'-if only to see! We show goods (leer - fully regardless of whether or no you are ready to • buy. { 4 r 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantities. IT11 MILLSI P1L0lfl 89. WINGEAM, ONT. The Profit Sharing Store KERR BIRD -I; IIOMIJOURNAL OR PATTERNS MONTHLY STYLE 500K FREE AGENTS -Ladies' Home ;Journal. BUSY HOUSE_CLEANING By the time you get through house cleaning you will have discovered that you need some NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS. We offer splendid values in Brussels and Tapestry Squares, -new designs, Matting Squares for bedrooms, etc., Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades; Linoleum, newest block and floral designs, Velvet Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Door Matts, Verandah Matts, etc., Beautiful Lace Curtains, new designs in white and ecru. SUMMER SHEETS Usually our stock is low in this line during the summer months, but there has been sueh an increasing demand for WHITE FLANNELETTE SHEETS that we hale put into stock this 'week 75 pairs, fine quality, all sizes. The prices for these goods are lower now than they will bellater on, $1.25, $1.50, $1.85 a pair. DIAMOND DYES Big sale for Dyes at this tune of year. Why not bay Diamond Dyes? They are the best. We are agents for Diamond Dyes. Note the price, 8e pkg, 2 for 15e, 4 for 25e. They are usually sold at 10e package. NOW FOR A WEEK'S B16 SELLING, . MAGNETIC PRICES HAND BAGS and LADIES' UMBRELLAS oa the 'BAR - GAIN COUNTER. Ladies' Umbrellas, regular price $1.25 and $1.50 one week only 89c 11 e1 1/ 11 $L.00 1. " 68e Girls' " 75e 11 49e Ladies' Fine Quality Hand Bags, newest styles, reg. $5.00 for $2.98 11 11 18 44 11 $4.00 " $2.39 1, 41 81 it It $2.50 " $1,78 Regular $2.00 for $1.24, reg. $1.50 for 99e, reg. $1.00 for 68e, reg, 85 for 54e, reg. 75e for 49e, reg, 600 for 39e, reg. 50e for 34e. 1t's not profit that we are after in these special sales. Stooks will get too heavy. We must reduce. You get the benefit. All goods in this store marked in plain figures. Bay your Mange! Seeds, Sugar Beets, &e. here. All new seeds. Prices right. liumisomiumwsamimmimmusame AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAARAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAMMAMAAAAAAA JUST ARRIVED 1 AAT KNOX'S NEW 1911WALLJ PAPER1 '' 1 R.KNOX \ PHONE 65 OPPOSITE BRUNSWICK. l30TEL WVvVNVWINvalw wsisivvstvtivV4NMVWIVVteseta vvvih 44444,44464444+++.1444+++++44 t 1 Say, What f About I Good Couch? We tae some "Dandies," 4, wear a life time ego%' at $8.00 1 Walker's Furniture Store :14. +4 +4t+.'C1(tHei C '4. moi:"R it *.+' :T•A "i-, -Ia4-I:,&` ,. •F.'Fkiri -erk4 t Capital Paid Up- .. $ 2,750,000 Preserve and Undevided Profits >. ,.,. 3,250,000 Total Assets 40,000,000 .1 `-i lit •-,4i t The Bank of Hamilton invites Sav- S ings Aceaunts--and has eliminated all } undue formalities, both in the opening IVA of such accounts and in the making of . t withdrawals.-- A chartered bank is the logical place _; a - '- for the safe -keeping of the fund you ' wish to accumulate for old age or to make provision for unforeseen needs. Interest on deposits of $1.00 and L1 - -.11. z paid upwards. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingharn. Summer Nililinory AAA ChI1dreo's Misses' or Ladies' In no other store in Wingharn will you c find as large and choice a range of Millinery to select from. 1 IMISS R -4 iOMVVt/WWW . St. Bass, owned by Mr. Harry Gidd- 1 Over $15,000 was contributed to th e ings of Oakville, won the King's Plate, Y. M. C. fund of Stratford. mating a new time record. Exports of aluminum from Prance St. Thomas and Kingston district during the firstten months of 1910 were meetings of Methodists voted in favor 3,512 tons against 3,432 tons for the of Church 'Union. same period of 1909. 5. . * t 4 mrrvrvrvrrvr fvVVMONSItifif.�77+/rrrrr + r r+ r tt►'tr rYr�frrr�r+�rri't VVIrVVIPVVVIF,VVVV,V111 PROPER CLOTHES Are stylish, but never so extreme that they become distasteful in a month or two. They are distinctive without becoming conspicuous, and their ever-growing popularity with younger men shows that they are on the right side of every comparison. People; say it must be the cut that make our clothing Iooks3different. Of course its the cut -but that isn't all. There's the "know • how" back of it all and such per- fection in every detail of tailoring that makes "PROPER CLOTHES" hold a distinguished position by themselves, Come in and see what we call style and value -'-if only to see! We show goods (leer - fully regardless of whether or no you are ready to • buy. { 4 r 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantities. IT11 MILLSI P1L0lfl 89. WINGEAM, ONT. The Profit Sharing Store KERR BIRD -I; IIOMIJOURNAL OR PATTERNS MONTHLY STYLE 500K FREE AGENTS -Ladies' Home ;Journal. BUSY HOUSE_CLEANING By the time you get through house cleaning you will have discovered that you need some NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS. We offer splendid values in Brussels and Tapestry Squares, -new designs, Matting Squares for bedrooms, etc., Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades; Linoleum, newest block and floral designs, Velvet Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Door Matts, Verandah Matts, etc., Beautiful Lace Curtains, new designs in white and ecru. SUMMER SHEETS Usually our stock is low in this line during the summer months, but there has been sueh an increasing demand for WHITE FLANNELETTE SHEETS that we hale put into stock this 'week 75 pairs, fine quality, all sizes. The prices for these goods are lower now than they will bellater on, $1.25, $1.50, $1.85 a pair. DIAMOND DYES Big sale for Dyes at this tune of year. Why not bay Diamond Dyes? They are the best. We are agents for Diamond Dyes. Note the price, 8e pkg, 2 for 15e, 4 for 25e. They are usually sold at 10e package. NOW FOR A WEEK'S B16 SELLING, . MAGNETIC PRICES HAND BAGS and LADIES' UMBRELLAS oa the 'BAR - GAIN COUNTER. Ladies' Umbrellas, regular price $1.25 and $1.50 one week only 89c 11 e1 1/ 11 $L.00 1. " 68e Girls' " 75e 11 49e Ladies' Fine Quality Hand Bags, newest styles, reg. $5.00 for $2.98 11 11 18 44 11 $4.00 " $2.39 1, 41 81 it It $2.50 " $1,78 Regular $2.00 for $1.24, reg. $1.50 for 99e, reg. $1.00 for 68e, reg, 85 for 54e, reg. 75e for 49e, reg, 600 for 39e, reg. 50e for 34e. 1t's not profit that we are after in these special sales. Stooks will get too heavy. We must reduce. You get the benefit. All goods in this store marked in plain figures. Bay your Mange! Seeds, Sugar Beets, &e. here. All new seeds. Prices right. liumisomiumwsamimmimmusame AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAARAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAAMMAMAAAAAAA JUST ARRIVED 1 AAT KNOX'S NEW 1911WALLJ PAPER1 '' 1 R.KNOX \ PHONE 65 OPPOSITE BRUNSWICK. l30TEL WVvVNVWINvalw wsisivvstvtivV4NMVWIVVteseta vvvih 44444,44464444+++.1444+++++44 t 1 Say, What f About I Good Couch? We tae some "Dandies," 4, wear a life time ego%' at $8.00 1 Walker's Furniture Store :14. +4 +4t+.'C1(tHei C '4. moi:"R it *.+' :T•A "i-, -Ia4-I:,&` ,. •F.'Fkiri -erk4 t