HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-25, Page 1•
VOL. Xi -NO. 2051,
The best moth preventive
known, Agreeable odor.
Easily removed, Sure in
effects. The tnost conven-
fent, The most cleanly.
Use "Mothine" for the Buf-
falo Moth.
Walton McKihbon
??1 w Slone
Macdonald Block, Wingham:
We Have It !
Town or farm properties
atrices to suit. everybody's
We know values, and
when you consult us you get
the advantage of our long
experience in the Real Est-
ate and Insurance business,
Just at the present time
we have some exceptionally
nice properties on our lists
at right prices.
Wingham is a live grow-
ing town and you will make
no mistake in buying a home
Two or three nice houses
to rent.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
even extent, • ONTARIO.
Farmers wlio want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
oan have it on reasonable terms. •
Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on reel estate M the lowest
ratee going.
Chrisiie's Grocery
PHONE 69. •
Ty . o wee gore
Wear Greer"s SbbeI and Rubes
Next (Monday' wi be meeting day for
a number of Town hip Councils in this
district. Courts . Revision will also
be held on the sa a day, as follows:
Turnberry, Cler 's office, Bluevale;
East Wawanosh, oresters' Hall, Bel-
grave; Morris, T wnship Hall; Culross,
Town Hall, Tees ater; Kinloss, Town.
ship Hall, Holyr d,
SEED CORN—MI the best varieties
for sale. RING BROS.
Auction Sales.
Mr. Joseph Clark, will sell his prop-
erty and household goods by public
auction in Whitechurch on Thursday,
June 1st, Mi. Clark has a good proper-
ty and it will be sold at a reasonable
price. John Purvis, auctioneer.
Mr, P. S. MaeEw
Turnberry, will hol'
farmstock and i
nesday afternoon,
thing to be sold
giving,up farming
n, of Iot 4, con. 3,
an auction sale of
+plements on Wed -
May 31st. Every-
Mr. MacEwen is
John Purvis, aur -
NEWEST and latest designs in wall
paper at Knox's.
Coronation Contingent.
Representatives on the Canadian
contin entf all
units in Western 0
Toronto on MondaS
evening via speci
where they will h
Mr. Arthur Angu
J. Proudfoot of
Major Hector of
the 33rd regime
They sail from
June and Mr. A
Monday mornir.
the return tri
Liverpool 9.n•
Empress of Brig,
tario assembled in
last and left in the
1 train for Quebec,
re a week's training.
of Wingham, Mr.
oderich and Sergt.-
xeter, will represent
t on the contingent.
ebec on the 2nd of
gus left Wingham on
for Toronto and on
expects to sail from
ae 2nd of July on the
PASTURE. — Parties requiring good
pasture for cattle for the season can
secure same by applying to W. J. De -
yell, Wingham.
Huron Coun
The officers of t
having expressed ti
the County Courfcil
the second week
that body could cha
the June meeting f
fourth Tuesday of tl
Clerk Lane, by inst
Geiger, wrote ever
Council asking the
change. Favorablei
received from 20 of
two dissenting, and
heard from, so the
almost certainly b
would therefore a
June 27, instead
rich Star.
y Council.
e 33rd Regiment
wish to entertain
of Huron during
f the camp if
e their time of
m the first to the
t month. County
uction of Warden
member of the
r opinion on the
replies have been
the members, only
nine remain to be
(change of date will
made. The Council
�semble on Tuesday,
f on the 6th.—code-
Fon SALE. --Good second-hand heavy
wagon and a' water tank, suitable for a
cistern. Apply at Tuns office.
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and
Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
Death of
After an illness
'eral weeks, Mori
the late Hues
rs, Gibson.
extending over sev-
It Cornyn, relict of
+ Ibsen, passed away
at her home on Su day evening last, in
her 76th year. 'eceased was born
near Ottawa, her , arents being natives
of Ireland. In th • spring of 1855 the
gham and setted on
h now stands the
8 she Was married
Gibson, who died
, and they Iived
farm two miles
n the death of
ed lady came to
Iady held in
large circle of.
re been a mein-
' ' Presbyterian
ived by one son,
daughter, Mrs.
December. Mr.
is the only sur-
• father's family.
Race on 'Tuesday
gime cemetery..
family came to Wi
the corner on whi
Queen's hotel, In 1
to the late Hueston
some eleven years a
for many years on th
north of Wingham.
her husband the deco
Wingnam. She was
high esteem by her
friends and had for ye
ber of St, Andrew
Church. She is survi.
Mr. Joseph Gibson, h
John Helm, died last
Wm. Corryu of town
viving member of h
The funeral took
temoon to the W
The undersigned is prepared to take
re of lots in the Wingnam cemetery
during the summer months and guar-
antees to;give satisfaction. Price for
season is 31 per lot. Orders left with
John ft Groves, Town Clerk, wilt re-
ceive prompt attention.
l onnrer Dlvant,.
Read Willie & Co.'s adv, on page 8
British Columbia Shingles,
I have just received the best car load
of British Columbia shingles ever
brought into Wingham. These were
purchased before the recent raise in
price , and will be sold at reasonable
prices, Parties in need of shingles will
do well to get my prices before placing
J. A. Manner,
Auctioneers nd Pedlars.
County Treasur- Holmes has fur-
nished the Tibias with the following
list of licensed au ioneers and pedlars
for the County of uron:--Auctioneers
—Thomas Gund , James Stanley,
Henry Torrance, John Purvis, C. F.
Vandrick, Patric Walsh, P. S. Scott,
Thomas Camero , B. 8, Phillips; R.,
McCharles, G. Walker, D. N. Wat-
atson, C. H. Wits • , Joseph 'White, Thos.
Brown, Frank °Connell, James Hen-
derson, Ed. Bos enberry, Thos. B. Car-
Iing. B. W. F. Beavers. Pedlars° -A.
Taylor, Geo. Mi °hell, A. oke, W. J.
Powell, Albert orner, John Darroch,
F, L. Wilts°, ' J. McCracken, Jas.
Cassels, Dune. McDonald, George
Beatty, Geo. H. Lowery, R. A. Mc-
Donald, S. P. Gel. as, James R. Cutt,
Geo. K. Holland, i' obert Shaw, John
Young, Edward M tebelt.
WALL PAPER from 5c. to $1.00 per
roll, at Keiox's.
East Huron
The annual rime
on Conservative
in the town hall a
afternoon. The c
Peter W. Scott, o
following officers
cierrent year: --
Scott, Belgrave;
Wilford, Blyth, R
and M. H. Moore
C. G. Vanstone,
W. M. Smith,
ng of the East Hur-
ssociation was held
Brussels on Friday
air was occupied by
Belgrave, and. the
ere elected for the
resident, Peter W.
ice -Presidents, John
Musgrove, Bluevale,
Brussels; Secretary„
ingham; Treasurer,
alton. Stirring ad-
dresses were deity;'
Carstairs on orga
Meighen. M. P. f
on reciprocity; A.
for North Huron;
Wingham; J9mes
township, and D
East Huron. Res
expressing Contin
leader of the Opp
of Commons, Mr.
T. Chisholm, M. P
ment of Ontario;
elation of the re
Legislature, Mr. A.
the evening a me
which. there was a
President Peter W,
addresses were deli
holm, M. P., A. H.
and Arthur Meighe
red by Messrs. J. S.
zation work; Arthur
Portage la Prairie,
Musgrove, M.P.P.
eorge Spotton, of
owman, of Morris
Chisholm, M. P.,
lutlons were adopted
d confidence in the
sition in the House
. L. Borden; in Dr.
a'hd in the Govern -
o expressing appre-
nsentative in the
H. Musgrove. In
ting was held, at
nod -sized audience.
.cott.presided, and
ered by Dr. Chis-
' usgrove, M,P.P.,
M. P.
To RENT—Seven-roomed house, good
garden, hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office,
Presbyte al Meeting.
The annual Pre
the W. F. M. S.
last, in Knox Chur
the weather was
ing, there was a v
The sessions were
and evening at 2.
ly. The report presented showed
'splendid progress nd enthusiastic in-
terest in the woe . At the afternoon
meeting the printat work of the So-
ciety was diseusse and a very interest=
'ing address delive ed by Miss Margaret
O'Hara, M. De o Mar, India. In the
evening the Rev. +' . J. Davidson, of
India, was the spe ker. Mr, Davidson
is an excellent spe, ker and his splendid
address on the wo in India was great-
ly appreciated by 1I present. The fol-
lowing Akers of + e Society were el-
eeted for the ensue g year:—President,
Mrs, D. Perrie, 'ingham; 1st Vice,
gm, R. A. Lundy, Walton; 2nd Vier,
Mrs. J. L. Hardie, + ochalah; 3rd Vice,
Mrs. It, IVMclaacherp, Whitechurch; 4th
Vice, Mrs. • . Perrin, Wrsxeter; Secre-
tary, Miss Mather, I incardine; 'Treas-
urer, Mrs. D, Tait, eeswater; Seere-
tary of Supplies, rs. .1. J, Elliott,
Wingham; Tidings ',Secretary, Mrs.
Ferguson, Belgrave Superintendent of
Mission hands, Mrs Coombe, Kincar-
dine. There are 26 Auxiliaries in the
Presbyterial with a membership of
about 600. The t tal contributions for
the year were $26:9,65, nearly $300 of
an increase over * e past year: Mrs.
Petrie enters apo '. her sixth year as
President of the `ociety. To much
praise cannot be : ven to the zneankers
of the .Ripley wxilinries for their
kindness and Iibe lity to the 'biting
deleagates, bin er and supper Were.
served in the ea niedioua new township
hall and itis ti ("Hess to arid: that the
menu was of the very best,
yterial meeting of
as held on Tuesday
h, Ripley. Although
somewhat threaten-
ry large attendance.
eld in the afternoon
and 7.30 respective-•
Died at Ciabait,
There passed away
day, after a few
pneumonia, Adam
est son of Mr, and
mans of this town,
The young man had
his father at Cobalt
His sadden death will
to the family and in t,
they will have the
of a large circle of
mains were brought
Tuesday and the f
from the family res
day afternoon to th
eery. •
at Cobalt on Mon-
ays' illness with
and Bowman, eld-
rs. Joseph Bow -
n his 21st year.
been living with
for some time.
be a severe blow
eir bereavement
ncere sympathy
friends, The re -
to Wingham on
neral took place
ence on Wednes-
Wingham acme -
GIRL WANTED--Foreral house
work, no house -el ' g, Apply to
My new shop spe
opposite Dr. Tamly
the C. P. R. Just
of Tudhope and
ranging in price fr
just received half
manure spreaders.
ing of getting am
see me before b
farm implements;
Pump Co, windmi
and Melotte crea
full line of rep
Any person wanti
these lines should
as. I can sell the b
ed on John street,
's, on the road to
received a carload
cLachlan buggies,
m $65 to $140. Also
car of Corn King
Any person think-
nure spreader should
ing. All kinds of
ntariq Engine and
s, Cockshutt'plows,
separators; also a
rs always on hand.
g anything in any of
es me before buying
st as cheap as the.
cheapest. Thankin you all for past pat-
ronage and hoping for a continuance of
the same. I am,
Yo s truly,
B x 13, Wingham, Ont.
Phone 109
oning at the stea
ri or woman to do ir-
laundry. Apply to
Wingham horal Society.
Those having in charge the organiz-
ing of the Wingh • in Choral Society are
highly pleased wi• the progress being
made. The . mem.ership list is now
past the •one hund ed mark and any of
the young people f thetownwho are
not yet members d desire to join the
society should see Dr. Price early as
the list will clos on Wednesday of
next week. This organization is one
of the best of its ind that has ever
been started in Wingham and our
townspeople can 1 ok forward to some
good entertainme to The first prae-
tice will be held i the Mills' Memorial
Hall at nine o'clk on the evening of
Wednesday, May 31st.
CALL IN and have a look .at KNox's
new 1911 wall papers.
Agnes Kn
Agnes Knox Bla
dramatic reader wh
of occasions highly
audiences has been
evening's entertai
Hall, on Friday
Mrs, Black will
local talent and th
of the•best cancer.
town. The admis
served seats at 35
hall opens at Mc
at 2 o'clock on
June 2nd. Th
London, England,
Black says:—"Miss
has been Governme
tion to the universe
ing the Ontario S
and who has lately
great acpeptanee on
gave her recitations
effect,and such pa
audience completely
, the well-known
has on a number
pleased Wingham
ngaged to give an
ent in the Town
vening, June 9th.
able assisted by
promises to be one
s ever given in the
ion is 25c with re -
and 50c. Plan of
ibbon's drug store
Friday afternoon,
British Wee cry,
speaking of Mrs.
Agnes Knox, who
t lecturer on elecu-
students attend-
ool of Pedagogy,
ppeared here with
several occasions,
ith true dramatic
hos as held her
Pell -bound."
BUTTER AND EGGS: —Bring along your
trade, We pay highest price in exehange
for boots and shoes, W. J. Greer,
Adam Sholdiee, e
of this locality, pur
N. H. Hutchison, 1
Ifillop, ee mile we
farm eontains 127
one, with good b
paid was $8,150.
At a recent in
the new town a.
we are pleased to
E. 'Bryans, sex o
Bryans, well 1ci.iw
town locality, sto
winners i,i it lively
es, He should n
and we expect to
motion to the hes.
ell known resident
hased the fame of
t 30, con. 14, Me-
t of Welton, The
acres and is rt fine
ildings, etc. Price
He gets immediate
nicipal eleption for
armangay, Alberta,
iOtice that Dr. Will.
Edward and Mrs.
residents of James -
d 2nd in the list of
ass of 11 cartdidat-
ke an A 1 member
chronicle early pro-
of the table.
The Dominion
organized at Bran
irattioti of a m}]leo
lour Company being
ford with a'capital-
a><id a hhlf,
The Presbytery of Maitland met at
Ripley on Tuesday May 16th, with
Rev. Mr. Wishart,
The books of W.
Pine River, Rlue
Huron churches
found tg be neatly
Notification from
teries of the ehurc
applying to the ne
for the reception
from other church
formed Episcopal,
byterian Churches,
1 from the United
the Congregational
by the Clerk, no o
B. A., presiding.
Kinloss, Brussels,
ale, Eadies' and
ere examined and
nd correctly kept.
e several Presby -
that they intended
t General Assembly
f several ministers
s, one from the Re -
from other Pres -
2 from the Baptist,
rethren and 2 from
Church, were read
jections were made.
The committee on Evangelism re-
ported through 1 r McLean, recom-
mending that spe • al meetings be held
from time to time when deemed advis-
able by Session.
Mr. West pre ented the report on
Statistics, shawl g that the average
givings per themr and per family was
much below the erage of Synod and
of the whole chu .ch. It was agreed to
have the report p inted and circulated
among the familia.: of the Presbytery.
Mr. Perrie repo ted for the H. M. C.
The Presbytery un : nimously disapproved
of the proposed c ange of constitution
of membership in the Assembly's H.
114. C, and the Cle • was authorized to
forward the disap-royal to the Assem-
bly's H. M. C.
Mr. Moyer rep rted for the F. M. C.
recommending: + The encouragment
of a systematic study of missions by
(a) the use of t e regular S.S. mission
question for S. (b) the organization
of mission stud classes for the adult
members of th congregation and young
People. 2 Th use of S. S. offerings
for mission pu .oses, and the support
of S. S. by th -: congregation. 3 The
thorough cane s of the congregation
for both regule, and missionary reven-
ues on the ba 's of weekly offering.
The report was dopted.
Revs, Wilson .f Walkerton, David-
son of India an• Rivers of Ripley, were
asked to sit as •orresponding members.
Mr. Bremner reporting foie the Aug-
mentation Co ittee stated that all
but one congree tion had come up to
the minimum stipend, and that the
Synod's Commit ee expressed pleasure
at the increased _ ivings of several of
the congregation : of the Presbytery,
and that the mi of the Synod was
that owing to th increased cost of liv-
ing which, is fort per cent more than
it was ten years go, Ministers stipends
should be raised o$1200per year. The
report was adopt d.
Mr. Tait and Mr. Perrin were ap-
pointed to draft ;: a resolution anent
the death of Mr. so avid Wardrope.
Mr. Moyer rep., ted that Dungannon
and Port Albert ouid soon be ready
to call a -minister.
South Kinloss congregation were
granted the pri liege of removing
their old church b tiding and erecting
a new church on t e old site or on the
opposite side of t e road. A confer-
ence was opened • y Mr. Edmison on
systematic giving which was entered
into with a great c cal of interest, It
was agreed that t committee on sys-
tematic giving co ,.ist of members as
laid down by the ssembly's Commit-
tee. A discussion . rose anent the pay-
ment of supply of pulpits of ministers
when attending t Assembly. It was
agreed that only he railway expenses
be paid,
Presbytery ad earned to meet at
Ashfield on the rd Tuesday in Sep-
. J. WEST, Clerk.
It is our sad dut
the death of one
esteemed of the y
water, Miss Alice
R. E. Little, Esq.,
Friday, May 12th.
for some time that
poor health, so that
was, not altogether
same time the ne'
as a shock to her
difficult to enter i
the deceased for i
that she was a y
ally worth and b
nese of personal
had much more
ability has devel
by the advantag
That which dis
most of all was 1
character. No
contact with h
inftuenee of her
knee. She was
the Presbyter!
sleep interest i
always as *lie
active part in
will be greatly
its Well as in tl
to record this week
f the most highly
ng ladies of Tees-
ittle, daughter of
ho passed away on
It has been known
iss Little was in
her passing away!,
nexpected, at the
of her death name
ny friends. It is
too high terms of
is universally felt
ng lady of exception-
euty and attractive-
haracter. Miss Little
hon average natural!
ped and strengthened
s of a good education.
nguished Miss Little'
er beautiful Christian
ne could come into
without feeling the.
uperior iteral excel -
an active member of
Church, mid took a
Missionary work, and
as able, took a very ,
Y.P.S,C.Ii:. She will
iissed lit Knox Church,
community generally.
Mr. Percy Kerr
days in Toronto.
Mrs. E. A, Dreg
days With relative
Mr. Lloyd Hewe
few days with rela
Mrs. Chester Da
to their home in T
is spending a few
is visiting fora few
at Centralia.
is visiting for a
Ives in Toronto,
is and chiiel returned
Tonto last week.
Mr, Walter Rose, of Teeswater was
calling on Wingha friends onMonday,
,Mrs, Wm, Gann t is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs, - Howell in Toron-
Mrs, K. Chowen of Clinton is visit-
ing for a few d• ys with her friend,
Miss Pearl Moore.
Mrs. Chas. Bar is spending the
holiday with her aughter, Miss Lina
Barber, at Londo
Mr. W. J. Bre has returned to his
home in Grand Rapids, Mich, after
spending a week ith his parents in town.
Mrs. E. W. P rcy and grandchild,
Master Percy 1 of Alviston, are
visiting the for en's son, Mr. H. A.
Mr. and Mrs. ohn Long and Miss
Winnie Long, of :russels•and Mr. and
Miss McKinnon, of Grey Tp. were
visiting for over `•unday with Wingham
Mr. E H. A er, Excursion .Agent
for the White S ar Line was in town
on Thursday ma ing arrangements for
the big Greyhou d excursion, Goderich
to Detroit on S urday, June 17th. -
To RENT—The small store one door
south of the Bank of Hamilton. Pos-
session given first of August. Apply
C. N. Griffin, Real Estate and Insur-
The Sp ctacle Game.
The old specta le racket was worked
in town Thursda last by a glib -tong-
ued young man al out twenty years of
age. His missio as usual, was to sell
some useful hou ehold article — this
time can -openers' and before leaving
he would introduce the spectacle game.
As he went from house to house his
story vase that he ad. just arrived from
Centralia and whi there had picked.
up from the steet pair of gold -rimmed
spectacles. He in ; uired and could find
no owner and as t ey were of no use to
him he would sell hem cheap—adollar.
Those who boughwill have a better
idea of their "ba sin" after wearing
the spectacles a ew days. Thus the
old old adage ag in applies, "a fool and
his money soon parted."—Mitchell Ad-
best assortment of shoes, suitable for
Farm Work ever shown in town. Prices
$1.50 to $3.50. W. J. Greer.
Sometimes a ma gets the notion
that he is so import nt in the scheme
of things that if he ere to draw back
his hand everything would collapse like
a house of cards. otions of this kind
have been entertai ed by kings and
queens, by men m naging businesses
large and small, b women presiding
over households, by peasants directing
the cultivation of li tie farms. Because
a man does the ding he seems to
think that without me there would be
no guidance. But • e is wrong. For-
ever and ever there is the other man
who will do well when he gets his
One can imagine dmiral Jervis pac-
ing the deck of his agsbip and worry-
ing to think what t e might of Prance
would do to Britaii were .anything to
happen to him, alt .ugh under his or
ders—and might eontemptuous of
them—was a youn commodore named
Nelson, who made short work of the
enemy once he sue ceded in outwitting
the caution of his uperiors. Did ever
a man seem so in•ispensable as Bis-
marek? Yet not oc ly was he dispensed
with, but antagon ed, and Germany
moved along, erasii Y him as she went.
It seems but the o her day that Mr.
Roosevelt was not only President of
the United States, ut the source of
thousand activities that eleetrifi:ed the
republic. When e quit office few
among us supposed that he relinquished
power! Yet for so lie time past he has
sat a silent and wie-eyed spectator of
a countr, rushing .nd running its enor-
mous affairs quit as if already un-
aware of his eels duce. The truth is
that nobody is so i iportant that people
dig him up anal once he bas been
buried, uness hi enemies do it in
malice, as happen d to the tired bonss
of Cromwell, who e poor head. shrank -
en and repellent: is exposed to view
just now in Lo? on. and proves. to
oxert a horrid fa eitia.tioe on the cur-
ious. ---Toronto .8 :r Weekly.
LAST NOTICE, All enebunts owing
to us not settle, y cash,ernote before
the first day o + ane wilt be plaeed in
other hands for 'olleetier,.
J. G. S'tL"tvecinn.
Outing Shoes
WE'VE Outing Shoes in
• • great variety and, for
all purposes.
White and colored canvas
and mercerized materials.
Tennis and. Golf Shoes,
Shoes for the veranda, for the
sea shore and for all outing
Some with Rubber soles and
heels. Oxfords, Ties, Pumps.
$1.00, $1.25, $L50 to $2.00
We have some very choice
leathers, els
also, withi
1 ght
soles or rubber soles and heels,
built onpurpose for outings.
See us for Trunks and Valises.•
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
Ins era ncewe
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grooery.
The first sittin_ of the Court of Re-
vision for th revision of the
Assessment Ro 1 of the Town
of Wingham f r the year .191 om
will be held in th Council Chamber• on
Monday, the 2` ::y eBay, a
o'clock p. m.. A I parties interested
will please take notice and govern
themselves accord r gly,
By .rder,
Wingham, May 1 h, 191 =ears, " ,
F. Gxovxs, Clerk.
The Synod of Huron will meet in
Stratford on Jun 13th.
Annual Sunda School Convention
for the Deanery f Huron will be held
in St.. Paul's Sc col room, Wingham,
Friday, June 2nd
Services in the Sacred Heart Church,
Wingham, on S day last and every
evening this we k have been largely
attended. Rev, Fr. MeRory, of the
Oblate Order ha been assisting Rev.`'"
Fr. Blair in the rvices.
Grace Methodi . t Church, St. Thomas,
has invited Rev R, W. Knowles, of
Avon, to beco e pastor, succeeding
Rev. Dr. J. R. a undy, who retires in
June, aftsr fifty one years of service in
the ministry, i r. Gundy expects tb
return to active..ervice after one year's
rest. Dr Gund, is a former pastor of
Wingham Meth dist Church.
The Presby ries throughout, the
Dominion have oted in favor of church
unio* on the ; reposed basis. There
are sixty-eight Presbyteries in Canada
and all have n voted on the resolu-
tion. Fifty -fp r have voted in approv-
al of the basi , of union, 12 have voted
against, and wo have modified their
vote in stieh . way that they met be
counted in o , rosition.
Rev. Chari ; s A, Seager a, St. Cy-
prian's Angle. an Church, Toronto, has
derided to b 'come rector of Vernon,
B. C., and ha notified the wardens of
Grace Chute. Toronto, to that rete.
ltev. Mr. Sea, er had accepted he call
to Vernon wh he was asked to be-
come rector of race Chttreb;,il7tr,
A1r. Seager • native of Gt:derich and
graduated fro Trinity College in 1896