HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-18, Page 6it .8
KERNELS iftiV, 1E1 .111111( MILL
interesting Paragraphs from our exchanges,
The Government gave a favourable "Blushiug apples" are a pretty des -
reply to the Toronto deputation who sert, and can be recommended at this
;inked for a lease of land near the wes- season, when many cellar -stored apples
tern harbour entrance for a. park. ' are a little flat in flavor. Peel and
A piece of leather can now be trans-
stew -pan.
eore the apples, and set in an earthen
formed into a pairof boots in 84 minutes Make a nice syrup of sugar
and hot water, adding enough red cur-
andpassing through the hands of 63 people
rant ght jelly to color it brired. Pour
through fifteen machines.
this over the apples, and cook them un-
..... --ene-------- til soft all through, but not mashed.
When eooked allow the apples to cool,
A. weak Chested Boy. then put in a glass dish carefully, and
"My boy Frank seemed week -chest- pour the syrup over therm When quite
ed and took a very severe cold," writes cold the centers of the apples may be
Mrs. D. Stevens, Ninga, Man."- Th
e filled with stiff sweetened whipped
many medicines used did not seem to
cream, piled up in a little rosette an
benefit him, until we tried Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and top.
found it to be exactly what was wanted
to cure him." No treatment is so Sick headache results from a disord-
a eure for
-thorough and effective as
croup and bronclaitis,
Covetable McKay and Mr, Gordon
were bringing two prisoners across Co-
balt lake in a canoe when one of the
lawn stoodup and the craft turned over.
They clung to tbe craft andwere saved.
Is there anythingin all this world that
is of more importance to you than good
digestion? Food must be eaten to sust-
ain life and must be digested and eon-
verted into blood. When the digestion
fails the whole body suffers. Chamber-
lain's Tablets are rational and reliable
cure for indigestion. They increase the
flow of bile, purifythe blood, strength-
en the stomacho and tone and strength-
en up the whole digestive apparatus
to a natural and healthy action.
For sale by all dealers.
Many cinematograph firms are selling
their old films to boot manufacturers of
leather dressers, who treat the cellul-
oid by chemical process and use it for
making the gloss on patent leather
boots and shoes.
For Infants and. Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
signature of
ered condition of the stomach, and can
be mired by the use of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. nu it.
For sale by all dealers.
Attacked by two wildcats, Edgar
Clarkson, a farmer, of Pawling, N. Y.
bad a bard fight for life recently. He
was terribly scratched and bitten.
Clarkson missed one of his calves and
made a tour of his farm in search of
him. In a clump of bushes near the
foot of the Pawling Mountains he
stumbled across the body of the calf,
on which the wildcats were feeding.
They turned on him with fury. He
defended himself as best he could and
at last killed the smaller of the cats.
The larger cat sank his teeth in the
farixer's neck and mild not be beaten
off. When Clarkson was fast losing
strength and staggering about blindly,
his dog appeared, sprang at the fero-
cious wind beast and killed it.
Children. Ory
cAs-r ORIA
Young calves. *eye Hoard's Dairy-
man, shcnld be fed very seeringly at
Ent; three er four rounds of whole
nd'k at a rowel is suite euuugh helve a
day. It is better to =derfeei at the
bee"r-tg to overfees1; overfeed-
ewee.tne 14`4.,•%•A!g to smeoe as a
- treeneit f ernetweerien. As the yaraeg-
ieter wenee, the annexa.oef the wieeie
Coolies carry the raw cotton =es.- netree =ay be grenereanny meree..seO.. At "nlyfiaughter suffered from infiam-
the mountain ranges semirating tneetTel ran' el, the enenea week seme _edeyeines zed eczema on her bead,"
Bashi in Western China from Ran VS:. =1+17 aneene to tae rate= ennti
4.611jci arPoartbPalcainsford,
ley. On an average each carries a roeeet rase azae:=Aca- wag the an- ruered greatly. The doctor fail -
weighing 150 pounds 16 miles a dae-o=n fendereen-onnn ad neereasing the whole ed to help her and on recommendation
of a, friend; I used Dr. Cbaseis -Oint-
111 \\t.
Who lbw) New
Headaches effeet all ages and both
sexes alike, but the female sex is natun
ally the more effected through the higher
nervous development and more delicate
organization of the system.
Burdock Blood Bitters has, for years,
been curing ail kinds of headaches, and if
you will only give it a trial we feel sure
it will do for you what it leas done for
thousands of others during the 'as
thirty -eve yeers.
Mrs. 0. Meadows, Clarksburg, Ont.,
writes—"For years I was troubled with
sick headache and dizziness, and was
awe constipated. I was advised to try
nurdoek Blood Bitters. I only took
three bottles of tbe medicine; now I
feel like a new woman. I end I am
completely cured, and .1 can truthfully
testify that it is the best medicine LW)
ever used.
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac-
tured only by The T. Milburn. Co., Limit.
ed. Toronto, Ont.
, . &
RUnneti FOR Dile nING, WI id
A Hundred Oysters and Twelve Pepe
Keep tbo flies away from t
sic?' 1 If Renew,. de Balzace the "Shake-
especialle those ill with corita, • i ds- epeare of the uovel," did not live to
eases. Kilt every fly that at s • into ;A great age it was probalny due to
t sick room. His body I. . leered Ins reversal of nature's rutin for •
with d .ease germs.
Do not allow decaying in it nial of
any sort to accumulate on or e your
All refuse which tends in a y way to
fermentation, snob as beddin , straw,
paper, waste and vegetable itter,
should be disposed of or cover 'with
lithe or kerosene oil.
Screen all food, whether in t wise
or exposed for sale,
Keep all receptiteles for garb care-
fully covered and the cans denied or
sprinkled with oil Or lime.
Beep all stable manure in v tilt or
• pie screened or sprinkled with 1, lime,
or other cheap preparations, slob as
are sold by a number of reliabl nanu-
lecturers. .
See that your sewerage syste is in
good order, that it does not leak, is up-
to-date and notexposed to fies.
Pour kerosene into the drains.
Burn or bury all table refuse.
Screen all windows and doors, eniec-
!ally in the kitchen and dining rite n.
Anybody can tell a good thing that If you see flies you may be sure that
comes to him after it has gone about a
thousand miles past him.
A woman could vote better by the
ribbons Iter party wore than most men
lo by the principles their's claim.
It doesn't take long for a smart man
in business to learn there are smarter
nen in the same kind of business.
If a man knows the different cats in
the neighborbood by their yeowling on
•the fence he thinks he has a fine ear for
Fewer words, the more trutb.
A friend can get mighty fond of you
Mien he wants you to do something for
The minute a man gets hard up there
are a lot of his best friends who doubt
his character.
When a man looks his solemnest it's
hard to tell whether he is going to the
dentists or to dine with relatives.
A young woman pretends to know
less than she knows and a young man
there breeding place is the door, u ider
the table or in nearby elth. It mai be
behind the cuspidor.
If there is no dirt and filth, there will
be no flies.
Mrs. C. Pardy, of 471 Seigneurs St.,
Montreal, writes:—"I cannot tell you
how thankful I am for the cure Zam-
Buk has worked in the case of my baby
son. He was troubled with scalp dis-
ease and I tried everything I could
think of, but in vain. Finally I tried
Zam-Buk. I could see an improvement
after two applications! After perse-
vering with the Zam-Buk treatment he
is now completely cured. Zam-Buk is
certainly a wonderful balm, and I shall
always keep it on hand."
Mothers should use Zam-Buk for all
children's skin sores, ringworm, scalp
sores, cuts, cbafings, bruises, etc., be -
When a man is attentive to okl cense of its great purity. . Also cures
ladies its a sign his wife reminded him
piles, eczema, bad leg,. varicose sores,
to be for some advantage to be had out etei 50.egmoaall (32.regvasbtisetainsdbessrlosr.
of it- baby's bath _____0_,an(rfor delicate skins.
A woman can he most mistaken about
bavnig married a man and yet be very
Law Regarding Dangerous Weapons.
glad she did it.
The Provincial law in regard to the
Brzeina. and Sore Byes. sale of deadly and -dangerous weapons
is now in force. It provides that no
such weapons shall be sold to anyone
under eighteen years of age, or to any-
one else who does not hold a certificate
from the proper police authorities per-
mitting the purchase. All sales of
such weapons must be recorded, and
there is a penalty of fine or imprison-
ment, or both, far violation of the law.
This to a certain extent has been ren-
dered necessary by the influx of for-
eigners from countries in which the
law has not yet succeeded in convinc-
ing the people that it may be trusted
to protect them without the necessity
lief it affores esses of ineeeratism. tnre lots of sae- five or six acres. If
of arming themselves for their own
Sold by ell dealers. the area is small, hogs will root and protection. They arm themselves with
The Dead Sea contains n4 per cent. that will call for rings. I don't like daggers, knives, pistols and other mur-
derous weapons, and when they lose
their tempers under the influence of
liquor er other exciting cause there is
herrn done. There is no necessity for
any person in Canada under ordinary
circumstances to tarry' • dangerous
weapons. It has been given out that
the law will be strictly enforced and
those who violate it must be prepared
to take the consequences.
for this is paid the equivalent -of abaet Iren'e 4.:tz-Za iI44:1;c14.)=-"ItzXiIe 03,74is -
wh,L,,2:1 takes at intent, whien made a eomplete cure.
seven cents United States currency. .1With a tee:2i hewn I write von tins
a week. iene-e enme far oneegitg -tetter."
frare nizele mine lb &peens
S5=e7Ittat Z4P.S71 tiee coreitien ef the -
OATABEFt CANNOT' BB CUR.E.1, Abundance of Pasture for Hogs.
eta and cireumstat..-zem...
vuith LOCAALPPLICATIONS, as they Speaking on the question of pasture
cannot reach the seat of the disease. For soreness of muscies witetiter in- it for hens a writer in the American Ag -
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- aced tveiseent enercievoritijeryChainni
lxiculturist, says: "I like to have an
ease,eind, in order to cure it you must nerlai,n s Ifrnment is excellent This lin- t
takeinternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh t hl 7 a.'""l'11(.te a pasture arided into pas
Cure is taken internally, and acts dile
ectly on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Heins Catarrh Cure is not a. quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of
the best physicians in this country for
years and is a regular prescription. It heavier than the human body. The
is composed of the best tonics known,
combined with the best blood purifiers,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients is what produce such won-
derful results in curing Catarrb. Send
for testimonials free.
1". J. CHENEY & CO., Props,
Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, price 15c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
of solid matter and is, bulk for halk,
By recent changes made in the de-
sign of the Motorcycle its appearance
is greatly improved by making use of
the tubes of the frame for the storage
of many of the parts which are now
hung to it. For this purpose it is nec-
essary to make the tubing a, trifle heav-
h is Miserable
To Be
Drepsie is one of the most. prevision
trou les of civilized life, and thousands
suffer untold agony after every meal,
Nearly everything that enterer a weak
dopeptre stomach, acte as an irritant;
hence the great difficulty of efteeting a
The long train of disttessingsymptems,
which render life a burden to the victim
of dyapepsia, may be eirotriptly relieved
by the Use of Burdock Blood Bitters,
Mrs, Soho Sberrett, Fortier, Man..
writes:—"/ was troubled with dyimpeli-
iot yearn. A friend of mine told me
about Burdock Blood titterer so I got a
bottle to try, and before I Ives hen
drilled 1 could eat anything without
*offering. and when I had used two
bottlee1 WAS sound and well. Now I
'$sf jut fine; indeed I can't say too
Irma in favor ef your medicine."
Surdork Blood BMW is manuftte-
tared only by The 'I% Milburn Co., Limit,.
44, Toronto, Otn.
the rings, because they interfere with
the eating to a Certain extent and to
density of tbe water in this inland sea ring them is not the most pleasant job.
will be realized when it is stated that Give them a large field or orehard and
in a ton of water from the Caspian Sea there will be little or no rooting. If a
there are Ileibs. of salt, in the Atlantic hog is confined, he starts around in the
there are 31 lbs.; in the English Chan- manning to seek an opening in the
nel 12 lbs.; in tbe Mediterranean 85 fence, and if perchance their be one,
particularly if the enclosure is small,
he will find it even if be has to root to
do it. If placed in a 10 -acre pasture,
buoyancy of the water simply renders he soon gets tired tramping around,
it difficult to make much headway, a and then either lies down or goes to
feeding. Hogs cause far less trouble
in a large pasture than they do in a
small one."
lbs., and in the Dead Sea 187 lbs.
Many believe it is impossible to swim
in this sea but while the excessive
swim is both feasible and enjoyable.
Indeed, did Palestine belong to any
power but Turkey, probably the north-
ern shore of the Dead Sea would be a
popular bathing station. No doubt the
ebloride of magnesia which enters so
largely into the eomposition ef the
water would be found to have medicinal
and curative properties.
Children Orsr
Will Mine Salt.
That more than a passing interest is
productive of the rumor of experiments
to be made at Goderieh by the German
potash trust towards the discovery of
that much-toveted mineral is evidenced
in the negotiations for lands suitable
for such tests. A. large tract on which
one of the first and most progressive
stilt wells was operated in the days of
the Godernh salt boom has just been
purchased by a party of British capit-
alists, who will enter into the manufac-
tore of salt on an elaborate scale.
Machinery for the work en route to
Goderich from England, and when in-
stalled and the plant is in operation
test -holes will be sunk in the expecta-
tion of finding potash depotits which
their geologists are -confident exist uhe
der the brine.
• a.Joky..4410alaii40.24.0
J. M. Howell a popular druggist
Greensbur Xy., says, "We use Om*.
berirtinte ugh Remedy our 'own
household and know that it excellent." =arson, Bates & Co., Toronto,
For sale by all dealers.
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism, You will find Chamber-
lain's Liniment is wonderfully ef-
fective. One application will con-
vinee you of it's merits. Try it.
For sale by all dealers.
The Stomach
Needs Help
The liver, kidneyt and bowels must
be kept active with DR. CHASE'S
The liver and kidneys are over-
worked in their efforts to remove the
poisonous waste matter from the Sys.
tem. They fail and become torpid
and clogged. The bowels become
constipated and etomaeh derange.
:tient? follow.
There is one meilieine which will
overcome this condition more cer-
'le inly and more quickly than any
other. and this is Dr. Chases Kid-
neyneiver Pills.
This medicine gets the bowels in
action ut once and by awakening the
liver and kidneya ensures the thon
ough cleansing of the filtering and
excretory systems,.
With the poisonous (instructions te-
moved, the digestive System resume*
its healthful cm -Within, appetite ine
proves, pante and aches disappear as
well as irritability and depression.
You cannot imagine a more tads=
factery treatment On pill a dowt,
:Cy eelde h thlx, ;di ei,a1c,r4, ler En.
nuet Started His Meal,
work and recreation. He labored as
no other man in the history of litera-
ture hat labored, -and then, after per-
iods entense application, would go
to the opposite extreme. Frederick
Lawton, Ills latest biographer, mak-
one feel some of the folly of the as
weil as the comedy.
He not only burned the midnight
oil, but Would. keep up his eighteen
or twenty hours' daily labor for weeks
together until some novel that he was
engaged on was finished.
During these spells ot composing
he would see no ane, read no letters,
but write on and on, eating sparing-
ly, sipping his coffee and refreshing
his jaded anatomy by taking a ba.th,
in which he would lie for a whole
hour, plunged in meditation. •
One of these prolonged claustra -
tion, in October, 1834 --the day was
Sunday — interrupted liy a call,
most unexpected, on his friend Wer.
• deo His face was sallow and gaunt
with vigil, He had been stopped in
the description of a spot, he explain-
ed, by the oncertainty of his recon
lections and must go into the city in
order to ?afresh them, $o lie invited
Werdet to accompany him in playing
truant for the day.
Tice morning was spent in the
slums, where he gathered. the informa-
tion required, and the afternoon they
whiled away in listening to con-
cert at the Conservatoire. There he
was weleomed by the fasbionebles
both sexes, notwithstanding fila that -
by coeturrie, which he had donned
in view of ins morning's occuoation.
On quitting the concert room he
earz-ied Werdet off to dine with him
at Very's, the most expenttive an.1
aristocratic restaurant in Paris.
.ie place was fun. ol. guests, and
eeose woo were in proximity to b e
*.a.b1.7 where, the two newcom.r, :417
,lessei were astonished to see the 'on
al -
.wing nienu ordored and ne y 1
eeneunied by one man, since eVerdet,
teine on diet, k only a p ill 1
Cajal:11: A 'tuner. oy, r e 2
eal,ps, a young duck,- a pair r ,a
ourtr:kns, a sole, h. re d'o vr .
,,wecte, fruit (more then: a z . can
were seveineweln (elf e, 1
Never since the time of Re belak o
eerhape Louie X1V. lied :etch a e-
ean.tuan appetite been witnessol. , al
Lac was renarohre himself for et ri
To renovate -a black alp hat, brush
it well to remove alt dust. Pour some
olive oil into a saucer and well brush
hat all over Place in front of fire to
thoroughly dry in the oil. This is all
that would be done if sent to a elean-
er's. Should the brim be somewhat
Out of shape, wring a cotton cloth out
of warm water, lay ant and press with
a hot iron before applying oil.
When in exile at Biba, Napoleon told
a story of how his mother spanked him.
One day, it appears, his mother:a
mother was hobbling along the street
itt Ajaccio, when Napoleon and his sis-
ter Pauline followed the old lady and
mimicked her. Their grandmother
turned and caught them in the net,
She complained to Madame Letitia
Bonaparte. Pauline was at °nee spank-
ed and disposed of, Napoleon, who
was out in his regimental*, Could not
be handled, since the uniform was as
the flag. But his mother bided her
T'he next day, when her son was off
his guard, the called out, "Napoleon!
Napoleoel Quiekl You are invited to.
dine with the governor!"
Whereupon the future etriperOr ran
to his room to change hie clothes. Ills
mother quietly followed, and when she
judged that the proper tittle had define
rushed into the room, seized her un-
dressed hero before he guessed her
purpose, laid him acrosa her knee, and
belabored him earnestly with the flat
of her hand,
Why Gold Is Precious.
Pure er fine gold will steed any test
it may be put. to in compansen wita
other metals; it can be Toned or ham-
mered, extending it in any diresti.n,
until it becomes transparent. It can
inn) be drawn into a thread as fine
as human hair. It melte at about
2,000 F, and though it may 1)3 kept
in a molten state for an indefiaite.
time it loses none ot its weight, even
hosted the heat be increased. The
color is unaffected by • air, water or
heat, and will stand any teat or oxida-
tion. No simple aeid will dissolve
or attack pure gold.
In conjunction wibh silver gold is,
the fast metal with which man be.
mine acquainted, oriel is the most val-
uable by reason Of the vast, nuraber
of uses to which it de put. It is found!
hi abriose every country in a melellie'
stake, and nearly always in crystals, -
The old Egyptian symbol for gold sign
nified divinity and perfection. The
chemical term used to -day is mourn.
A Dish of Peacocks.
A Roman dinner at the house of al
wealthy man consisted die ,fty of.
three courses. All aorta of atiaredeuttst
to the appetite were first served wee
andeggs were indispensable to the
first eourea. Among the earous dishes'
we may • instance the gtoimea hen,;
pheasant, tnighltinegale and the thrush -
as birds most in repute. The Romani
gormands held peacocks in great est&-
=non'especially their tongues. Mae-.
robins sixties that they were first eatn
en ,by Hortensins, the orator, and ace
quired such repute that a singe pea-
cock was soli for 50 eknotrii, the den-
arius being equal to about 81-2 pence
of English money.—Chambers'
our -
The Source of Real Beauty.
A sweet, noble disposition is abao-
lutely essential to the highest foie*
of beauty, says Orieon Swett. Maniere
in Suecess. It has transfortned many
a plain face. A bad temperill nature,.
jealousy, will ruin the moist beautiful.
facie ever created. After tan there is'
no beauty like that produced by a'
• lovely character. Neither cosmetics,
message nor drugs can remove the
lines of prejudice, selfishness, envy,
Anxiety, mental vacilletion, that era
• the results of wrong thought habita.
A Family Trait. •
A school teacher had occasion to
send one of the pupils home to his,
father, giving him a mete to explain
eny. The lite said:
Dear Mr. Jones—Your boy Johnnie
talks a great deal during ettely hours.
The next morning Johnnie returned
to school and handed an answer to bit
note to too teileher, nolitinie's father
had written across it, probably with
a pee dipped into the bluing bottler
Dear 3ir—It's no weenier. YOU
ought to her his mother.
One Way of Stretching a Carpet.
In putting down a, carpet it is au
excellent plan to on& a pair -of rub -
bent over tbo inicoe. The rubber on -J,
alike the carpet to t* drove out and
stratified by simply walking or push-
ing the oarpet with the feet freiti. the
toertte to the earners.
A Modern Youth.
Motivr---I gave you a niekeIQ yester.
day to be good, and to -day yoiz are
just. as bad as you win be.
Willis—Yoe mai trying to ehow
you that you get your money's, worth
• yeeterday.
How to Keep ROW Juicy,
Lower the temperature of cui Wren
considerably niter a roast has been in
for twenty minutes and the juices
be retained.
• A «; ....A .10 • •***. **"
Posts the Farmer.. •
on Market Conditions
IVO useless trips to town .for the
progressive farmer. His Bell.
Telephone saves him all that , •
The lata market quotations are his,, and he'
waits till market conditions we right before
Ping Produce,.
The Bell Telephone is as necessary to the uP-to-
the-minute fanner as are modern agricultural imple-
ments. Re mut have both.
has already a large number of Rural Subscribers in this
dighict The Comiihny's lines will be considerably
extended during the present season.
To avoid delay or disappointment when you maY
require the Service urgently, get your contract now
before the lines are located and built.
Farmers in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who
desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of
the North Huron Telephone Co. Leave your order with the
Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham.
We have put in our' office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and 'can. supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines.,
• .tit
• P..
• and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
, when in need of
Or anything you inay require in the printing Iine
Subscriptions token for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
TheTimes Office
Win ham Ont. • .
Le.neinfbeennallielisemneneeeneisene.aonee.oeeeesree—e. _.___eoea in