HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-18, Page 4Tat, O.eminion Bank Heath OFFICE. TORONTO Capital Stock (all paid up) $4000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits . , ,.,,,, $5,$00,000.00 Deposits by the public.... $47,000,000.00 eotal Assets, over ,-. $92,600,000,00 BRiestOTWe AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department, Current rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and .advances made on them at lowest rate of interest, WINGnu BRANCE—Corner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIF, MANAGED' R. VM sTON'E, Solicitor, TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be rel t not later than onday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. tSTABLISHED 1872 TUE W!N llAII TINES $,R , 44141OTT,. Pu$Lis iRA LNDP aorre leo THURSDAY MAY 18. 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES. The corrected figures for the opera- tions of the Intercolonial Railway dur- ing the year ending March 31 last, show that the gross income of the road am- ounted to $9,863,783. In addition to the ordinary general and operating ex- penses of the railway, the government paid out of this sum $600,000 on equip- melit account, $25,000 a month for re- newal of equipment, chargeable to rev- enue, $76,000 to meet losses by fire at Campbellton, N. B., and $5,000 a month for a new fire protection system. After Inaking these expenditures there re- mained a surplus of $272,712. The British Empire has been made by men, not by machinery, It has been the pride of Britons that their political constitution was a natural and human growth, a gradual and historical adapt- ation of and to circumstances, and therefore a healthy and humane, free and elastic organism, rather than a rigid organization. The British consti- tution is not the hand -made, however skillful, finished document which holds the United States in a vise, and begins to embarrass Australia. It is not a made -in -Germany machine. And the same may be said Sof the British Em- Aire, London Advertiser. There was passed through the Cus- toms here a few days ago for a com- pany in Forest, Ont., a consignment of 27,772 trees en which $833 duty was paid, peach trees, plum trees, pear trees and apple trees. These are to be planted by this company on lands ithas secured in the neighborhood of Forest. This is done in the face of the probab- ility that the reciprocity pact will go through and speaks more eloquently and authoritively on the bearing of reciprocity on the fruit -growing indus- try of Canada than aIIthe super -heated editorials and speeches that have pour- ed forth like lave from the Conserva- tive platform for the last six months. —St, Marys Argus. Dr. MacDonald, the editor of The Globe, is going to England, it is said, to promote the movement for placing the relationship of Great Britain and the United States on a perpetualpeace has - ie.. It is a man's work, and it is a work for which Dr, MacDonald has shown both inclination and fitness, Canada is directly and specially interested in the peace movement and should not begrudge to do her best arid give her best for its promotion. The proposal to mark the centenary of peaee on the international border by the adoption of a treaty be- tween Great Britain and the United States is one that will appeal to the highest patriotism of this country. Woodstock Sentinel Revieey. The Globe reports that H. L. Trem- ble, of Mount Dennis, has e. hen which test week laid three eggs within 12 hours, This record is considered un- Tireeedented. CONSUMPTION Itr the cure of consumption, e nourishment nt 1* necessary. For 35 years Scott's Emulsion has heart the Statratta; worldwwiide ttmwt for cm. An tiresseets 114 INDIGESTION RIGHTLY CURED STAYS CURED 444,•4444,444 �1 Not by Treaty g the Symptoms but by Toning op the Stomach to do Uatura's Work. Indigestion should not be neglected for by depriving the body of its proper nourishment it grows steadily worse. Neither stimulatmg medicines, which ruin the already weak stomach by mak- ing it work beyond its strength, should be used, nor pre-digested foods, which do not excite • a flow of the digestive fluids, and bv disuse cause the stomach to grow weaker. Nowhere is the tonic treatment with Dr, William's Pink Pills more clearly useful. It's princi- ple is to enable the stomach to do its own work by building up the blood and giving tone to the nerves, When these are once more restored to their normal health indigestion disappears and the cure is permanent. In proof of these statements we give the experience of Mrs. Paul Gannon, Star they, Sask., who says: "For more than a year I suffered with all the terrible pains of indigestion, and my life was one of the greatest misery. It did not seem to make any difference whether I ate or not, the pains were always there, often accompanied by a severe bloating and a belching of wind. I did not even get relief at night, and sometimes hardly. got a bit of sleep in my misery, Itried many remedies said to cure indigestion, but they did me not one particle of good and I fully expected that I would al- ways be afflicted in this way. At this time my brother came home. on a visit and he urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got six boxes for me By the time I had taken four boxes I began to improve and could eat with some relish. I was greatly cheered, and continued taking the Pills until alt traces of the trouble had disappeared and I could once more eat all kinds of food without the smallest inconven- ience. We have since used Dr. Willi- ams' Pink Pills in our family for other troubles. I am so firmly convinced of their virtue as a family medicine that I have no hesitation in recommending them to all weak, ailing people," Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LIVE STOUR AL Toronto, May 15—Union Stock Yards —Receipts, 144 cars, with 3,066 head of cattle, 74 calves, 23 hogs, and 18 horses. With such a large run of cattle offer- ing, trade was slow, particularly for the heavy cattle. Buyers were present in good numbers, and there was a de- mand for both the butcher trade and for export, but a very determined ef- fort to break prices down a little below Last week led to long haggling between the buyers and sellers, with the result that finally the buyers got the best of the argument, and the cattle were weighed up at an average of ten to fifteen cents off for butchers, and five to ten cents off for butchers. There was a. good demand for feed- ers and stockers, this class selling good and firm. There were no sheep and lambs on the market. Quotations unchanged. Hogs—Market steady, but a little weaker than at the close of last week. Selects are quoted unchanged at $5,75, f. o. b., and $6.05, fed and watered. Export cattle, choice.... $5 80 to $590 de medium.,.. 5 65 5 70 do light ............ ...... 5 00 5 10 do bulls................... 4 00 500 do cows . 4 50 5 39 Butchers choice .4....... .. , 5 60 5 75 do medium 4444 .... 5 25 5 40 do tows ............... 450 5 00 do common....... , , . do canners . . 4..... 4 Short -keep. Feeders steers ,... do bulls 550 425 Stockers choice... . 4 75 5 10 de light 4 25 450 Mitch cows, choice, each 55 00 70 00 Springers . , 40 00 60 00 Common and medium 20 00 80 00 Sheep, ewes.. ,,. ., 4 75 5 25 do bucks . ...:350 4.25 Lambs, yearlings . 3 00 6 50 Spring Iambs, each 3 00 6 50 Hogs, f, o. b. ... 5 75 --- do fed and watered .. 6 05 Calves . 350 650 2.50 3 AO 5 75 5 80 5 25 5 75 WENGHJtII MATIECfT REPORTS. Wingharn, May, 17th, 1911. Flour per 100 lbs ..... 2 35 to 3 00 Fall wheat :.:. .... 0 78 to 080 Oats 4,44,4... 0 32 to 0 32 Barley 050 to 050 Peas .,...070to070 Butter dairy..... .... 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doz. ... ......... 0 17 to 0 18 Wood per cord ..., 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton ..., .... 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel.....:0 45 to 0 50 Lard . 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hoge per cwt5 65 to 5 65 BRICK AND TILE 'ARD PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale, his two brick and the yard properties. The property on the Bluevale road contains 100 acres of land with good buildings and a good brick and tile making plant. The property north of Wingham con - table 50 acres with good buildings and brick and tile making plant; also 50 acres of land on the B Line of Turnberrryy, ELI ELLIOTT, F. 0. Box 95. Wingham, P. O. We are open to rent any number of acres of lands for the growing of Flax, or will buy any quantity of first-class pulled Flax, dry, for which we wilt pay $11.50 per ton delivered it the Wing - ham Flat Mill. Seed CSE be obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store. CANADA PLAX FIBRE CO„ LIMITED, MONTREAL, A. Tipling, l+Cailager. • TILE WINGII.A.M TIMES, MAY 181 1911 BULLS FOR SALE, Two Shorthorn Bulls, aged $ and 11 months; of choicest breeding, with size and quality; color, deep red, Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. FYFE, Wingharn P. 0 lst line, Morris. Richetieu and Ontario Navigation Comuany NM,* STEAMER "I 4LEVfLLE" Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon. Leave Toronto 7.30 p, m. every Tuesday. For Bay of Quinte, Montreal and intermediate ports. Connections at Montreal for Quebec and Saguenay. Tourist line steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" commence running June 1st, leaving Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily except Sunday; after July 1st daily, For rates, folders and tickets write to H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. ENTRAL ij STRATFORD, ANT A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments,—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men. and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. MoLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. IT'S A PLEASURE To drink from a dainty cup or eat from a plate that is attractive to the eye. It adds zest and relish to the meal. Stock reducing sale of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Toilet Setts, 20 per cent. off all China. twommimmommoor J. F, McGiIIivray Phone 84. • Where Good Clothes Come from In this world a marl most be well dressed. Custom demand it and all having any ambition at alt follow the custom WE DO PINE TAILORIN G And can build you a salt of the ,very finest material of your own selection,. trimmed with the best goods made for the purpose, charging yott no more than yoU would pay for ready-to-wear clothes that cannot possibly cord. pare with those we make. "rot' mays Choose from bttr splendid assortment of spring eultfngs and be able to put on The Snappiest Snit of Clothes made from the goods selected HENNING'S 1IIE TAILOR ht.. Maxwell's O1 S ic1 U. ._$ Capital Paid Up ..,$ 2,750,000, Reserve and Undevided Profits „ 8,250,000 Total Assets,,.,.,....,..... 40,000,000 „ ri;=1 ,Qg Alin an age of extravagance, thei/% thrifty forge surely ahead—while their less provident neighbors accumulate Many a thrifty man or woman can Qi . / �; ;'Q lit,debts. 0i r ` II point to the first decided step in life as having been taken the day a bank y I' i account was opened, A savings Account in the Bank of Hamilton will prove a sure incentive, ; 4 4 toward thrift, C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 010•00011AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMb4Ah"A Summer Millinery Children's, Misses' or Latlies' In no other store in Wingham will you S find as large and choice a range of Millinery to select from, MISS REYNOLDS VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvvvv VVVVVWWV Y Writs have issued for a general elect- ion in Nova Scotia. Polling day is June 13. Sir Sandford Fleming makes charges of misappropriation against some of the intermediaries of the Canada Cement Co. merger. IP INNIONIMME II The Profit Sharing Store KERB 6c4 BIRD I4DILllOMdOIJRNAL PATTER N S 0MONTNLY STYLE BOOK FREE AGENTS ---Ladies' Homme Journal. BUSY HOUSE CLEANING) By the time you get through house cleaning you will have discovered that you need some. NEW HOUSE FURNISEIINGS, We offer splendid values in Brussels and Tapestry Squares, new designs, Matting Squares for bedrooms, etc., Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Linoleum, —. newest block and floral designs, Velvet Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Door Mutts, Verandah Matts, etc., Beautiful Lace Curtains, new designs in white and ecru. SUMMER SHEETS Usually our stock is low in this line during the summer months, but there has been such an increasing demand for WHITE FLANNELETTE SHEETS that we have put into stock this week 75 pairs, fine quality, all sizes. The prices for these goods are lower now than they will be later on, $1.25, $L,50, $1.85 a pair. DIAMOND DYES Big sale for Dyes at this time of year. Why not buy Diamond Dyes? They are the best. We are agents for Diamond Dyes. Note the price, 8e pkg, 2 for 15e, 4 for 25e. They are usually sold at• 100 package. NOW FOR A WEEK'S BIG SELLING, ""~'"�"'"'�" ' . MAGNETIC PRICES The assessment returns of Port Elgin show a decrease in the population of 42• The village now has 1190. Sir John Carling of London, is grow- ing weaker, and his condition is critic: al. trrrrTLVVII VVvrrrrvvv vary •r OP rnrrrrrrrrrV1/111,r*IFV7rI r r 44 4 PROPER LOTHES Are stylish, bot •never so extreme that they become distasteful in a month or two. They are distinctive without becoming conspicuous, and their ever.growing popularity with younger men shows that they are .on the right. side of every comparison. People; say it must be the cut that make our clothing looksidifferent. Of course its the rut ---but that isn't all. There's the "know how' back of it all and such per,. fection in every detail of tailoring that makes "PROPER CLOTHES" hold x distinguished position by themselves. Come in and see what we call style and value—if only to see! We show goods cheer. fully regardless of whether or no y g you are ready to buy. k• Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted, ri 1 la'.Ai if/ iq ?EOM 89 • vG NGHAM* ONT. istioavialocomatigustarisit 4 de 4 4 f 4 .I 4 s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 HAND BAGS and LADIES' UMBRELLAS oa the ‘BAR , GAIN COUNTER, Ladies' Umbrellas, regular price $1.25 and $1.50 one week only 89e /I II It tl 01.00 t, "68e Girls' " ," " 75e " " 4,9c Ladies' Fine Quality Hand. Bags, newest styles, reg. $5.00 for $2.98 I/ tl It " $4.00 " $2.39: " 02.50 " $1.78 Regular $2.00 for 01.24, reg. $1,50 for 99e, reg. $1.00 for 68e, reg. 85 for 54e, reg. 750 for 49e, reg, 60e for 39e, reg, 50e for 34e. It's not. profit that we are after in these special sales. Stooks will get too heavy. We must reduce. You get the banefit. A11 goods in this store marked in plain figures. Buy your Mengel Seeds, Sugar Beets, &c. here. All new seeds. Prices right. .1%,NNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAORAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA 1M11MAMAAAAA Iii JUST ARRIVED AT KNOX'S NEW 1911 WALL} PAPER3 R. KNOX PHONE 65 , OPPOSITE BRUNSWICK HOTEL • +++4444+4444444-144444++++4 +444444444+44+41444444444+ • Say, What I About Good Cauchy We have some "Dandies," that will wear a file time testi' at *8.6 11.04.:+4t:r..i oatimilowr:a tout---t--+- Walker's Furniture Store