HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-18, Page 11 VOL. XL -NO. 2050• Wf(GHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18 1911. $31 AYE It IN ADVANCE RED CEDAR FLARES The best moth preventive known. Agreeable odor, Easily ;removed. Sure in. effects. The most convenR lent, The most cleanly. Use `eMothine" for the Buf- ' falo Moth. Walton McKibIiOn THE ERUCWST The Yid.. Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. We - Have It ! JUST WHAT YOU WANT Town or farm properties at prices to suit everybody's wishes. We know values, and when you consult us you get the advantage of our Iong experience in the Real Est- ate and Insurance business. Just at the present time we have some exceptionally... nice properties on our ..lists at right prices.. Wingham is a live grow- ing town and you will make no mistake in buying.•a home here. - Two or three nice houses to rent,- • Ritchie 86 Cosecs I REAL ESTATE ST TE AND INSURANCE N CE A E. SMITH BANKER AN/NOBAlv1, oNTAB%O, Farmers who want money to buy horses, oettte, or hoge to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes dieoounted for tradesmen, mer• chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at., the lowest fetes going. Y .CroceryGhristie PHONE 59: . • Try Us On Toa They're ' good" ` and they'll) please. Gook 1n and consult us on groceries. ' e Onnaware (Up -stairs) Every piece in the store at smashed prices. Our ?rovisions• Are always of the best. TIDY PRAY BENTOS 20C per lb, CORN BEEP roc per Ib Wear Qreer'a Shoes and Sobers Wingbann Ch The Wingham Ch ly organized, will h tice on Wednesday The lists are stil desirious of beeom organization will mation upon inqu', F. J. Bill, Mr. C member of the co aiSocietty, ral Society, recent - la their first prae. venins, 11'l:ay 31.st, open and anyone g a member of this e given full infer - of .Dr, Price, Mr, •istie or any other ittee. Good kitchen g Apply at Brunswi '1 wanted at once, Hotel. . liaise, Columbia Shingl I have just received the b t car load of British Columbia s ngles ever brought into Win ham These were purchased before t o eeent raise in price and will be d at reasonable prices. Parties in eed of shingles will do well to get !tiy prices before placing order. J. A. McLEAN. Three trimmers busy for the elosing out sale, ladies get smart millinery; also boots and shoes at cost, at MRs. GREEN'S. / Double Liability. There are 852,0 es on the list of contributors to th Farmers .Bank of Canada fyled with the official referee, Mr. J. A. 1VIcAnd w, An will be re- quired to show ea se why they should not be called upon to pay double liability 'on their stock and also the amount of dividends received It is claimed the dividends were p ' out of capital, and therefore illegal. The smallest contri- butor is $106, whil the largest appears against M. D. Cha man of New York as trustee. Inelu ng double liability, he is on.this prelim nary list for$1,100,- 000. Mr. McAndre said that double liability would be e leeted from persons in the United State as well as in Can- ada. WANTED — Good . girl for general. house work, Apply to Mrs. Croly at the Rectory. The Huro At a meeting of Huron Old Boys' Prince George Ho nesday evening of tided that the ann eursion would be Kincardine on S special feature thi drive areund the c eronage of the e will last for the ful is expected that th of over forty peo the members of bo ment for the count Old Boys. he executive of the Association in the 1, Toronto, on Wed - est week, it was de- al three days' ex- it' to Goderich and urday, July 8. A year will be an auto unty under the chap cutive. The drive three days, and it e wiii be a party e altogether. All houses of parlia- are expected. To RENT—The small store one door south of the Bank of Hamilton. Pos- session given first of August. Apply C. N. Griffin, Real Estate and Insur- ance. The Tor` Readers of the who would have not been for a tote service_ werepe 1 beginning with Mo they were able to paper with their ht Monday, May 8, train—"The The l r ng Toronto daily', exce a. m„ reaching L connecting there north, south, east special newspaper. Toronto for Hanel on at 4.25 a. m., connecting at that c y for all points in the Niagara district , and carrying a later edition of Th 'Globe. The new service means that f ore three to nine hours will be choppe off the time of delivery of The GI be at practically every point in Ontar a;west-of Toronto. The Globe has org ized a news ser- vice completely cove ing the territory affected. A bureau as been establish- ed at King street, sendon, in charge of Mr. Claude Sana an, a thoroughly trained newspaper The Globe is to -day a bigger pa sr, and. in all re- spects a better pape than at any time in its history. It i in very fact as well as name "Caned 's National News- Taper," ttnd the n early morning delivery throughout extern and much of Northern Ontari in its development. Newsdealer or writ re subscription rates to Globe. obe—and thousands sen readers had it ly inadequate train sed tokno w that day, the 8th inst., njoy their favorite akfast. Beginning special G. T. R. Post"— is leaving t Sunday, at 2.55 don at 5.55 a. in., th trains running d west, Another train will leave arks a new era onsult your local rect to The Globe A car load of Wh a Sewing Machines just arrived for D Beil. CaII at his wareroom and set e best sewing ma - •hchime ea the mark t. When they are on ht right they an be sold right..at D. BELL'S ware Read wtllis & Co,'s'rdv, on page 8 Notice to Wednesday Of n public holiday—Vie dertisers are retitle changes of their a this office not la morning of this we be printed next we; than usual, dvertiser.. xt week will be a aria Day—and ad - ted to have copy for vertisernents reach er than Saturday k. The TIMES will k one day earlier WALL PAPER from 5c. to $1.00 per roll, at ICNOX's. Inspeeto 's Report. The report of D . Spotton, Inspector of High Schools, ho recently Visited the Wingham His School, has been received by the is oard and is a very satisfactory one. he building, grounds and equipment a reported to be in first-class eonditi, and the staff of teachers are repo ed as doing excel- lent work. A f= minor alterations are recommended. WANTED -Eerier 1 servant, good wages. Apply, MRs. R. ANSTONE, hnported P rcheron Stalliini. The importe, Percheron stallion "Gallon" r a lou awe - G n by the Bluevale Per cheron Horse ssociation, will be in this section for he present season and is at the Excha ge hotel stable every Thursday morni g. "Gallon" was im- ported from Fr. ce in 1910 and is reg- istered in the A erican Breeders and Importers Pere eron Registry. He is a fine animal an, farmers wishing to improve their stck will do well to see this horse. For ull route and pedigree see large bills. i r. J. C. Johnston is the manager and r. John Suggitt, the groom. PASTURE. — Parties requiring ' good pasture for cattle for the season can secure same by applying to W. J. De. yell, Wingham; NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP. My new shop opened on John street, opposite Dr. 7, amlyn's, on the ( road to the C. P. R. Just received a, c oad of Tudhope and McLachlan ggies, ranging in price from $65 to '. 40. Also just received half a car o Corn Ding manure spreaders. An • erson think- ing of getting am nu spreader should see me before b rg. 'All kinds of farm implements' +ntario Engine and Pump Co windmills, Cockshutt tt pto ws , and Melotte cream separators; also a full line of repairs• always on hand. Any person wanting anything in any of these lines should see me before buying as I can sell the best as cheap as the cheapest. Thanking you all for past pat- ronage and hoping for a continuance of the same. I am, Yours truly, J. J. FRYFOGLE, Phone 109 Box 13, Wingham,-Ont. All aceotfnts owl Estate must be pa business is being c g the D. M. Gordon at once, as the sed. Death of Mrs. Elliott After a lingering illness, there pass- ed away at her h•me, bn Gorrie side - road south, Howick Tp.,an Monday, May 8th, Elizabet Manary, beloved wife of Wm. R. Elliott, to whom she was married in t year 1867. The deceased was born n Lanark County, Ontario, in the y-ar 1844 and came with her parents ' o Listowel, Perth County in 1856 and as one of the old- est residents of tha town, until a few years ago, Her hu band having been connected with the armory there, for over 24 years. Abd t 18 years ago the deceased, with the evilly, moved onto a farm on the 8th c'ncession of time, but after a residon there of only one year, they returned to Listowel. Some months later ,the f ily moved onto a farm on the lst eon of Howlck (near Mayne), where they resided for a couple of years, go ng Mine there to Harriston where r. Elliott became engaged in the marle business which he continued until f . ur years ago last March, when he m• ed to her last resi- dence on Gorrie sideroad. The late Mrs, Elliott was a aunch member of the Presbyterian c urch and took a lively interest in all thumb work, es- pecially the Ladies' id Society,while a resident of Harriston. She was a woman beloved by 11 who knew her, of most kindly natu e and eiveays ready to sympathize with { nd assist those in si:ekness or distres Besides her 'be - !reeved husband the its left to Mourn her loss two boys a • two girls, They are: --Mrs, Wm. Graham, Howick Tp., J. H. R. Elliott, Editor and Publisher of the Blyth Standard = 'd; Mrs. Alex. Til- ker of Harriston, a d Frank E. ElIiott of Brantford. The eceased lady ws an aunt of the Editor of the Times. rs. Elliott. Drainage De The Ontario Agric emphasizing the v again this skimmer, fo drainage demonstrati• in many parts of t Monda:*, May 22nd, a o'clock one of these will be held on the far Robertson, concession Wawanosh. This me: of special interest a places to drain are in the discussion of the lems of Mr, Roberts wiii be a demonstratio finding the fall over a ing the grade, digging etc. Those of our re in drainage shouldnot ing. Anyone wishi about the drainage wo Prof. W. H. Day, O. nstration, Rural College is ue of drainage whieh purpose s are being held e province. On the hour of 2 demonstrations of Mr. Geo. T. 0, lot 35, East ing should be some difficult olved. Besides articular prob- n's farm, there of methods of itch, determin- rue to grade, •ers interested iss this meet - information, should write C. Guelph. ., NEWEST and latest designs in wall paper at KXox's. Fifty -Second A . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breen rick street, on Wednes celebrated the fifty -se of their marriage. W their family and a few bors from Turnberry evening was spent. E ing supper and refresh e7.1 at L.• Kennedy's and Mrs, Kennedy 1 wants of their guests way, amply supply inner Haan. Mr. W. Fryfogle L. Attridge furnishe the evening. After s ment was made to very pleasant time chat; etc. Two ye golden wedding was members of the fa but this year Mr. Thos. Breen Johnston, of Sault S able to be home. T family present ever Grand Rapids, Mich Sault Ste Marie,' O Geo. Breen, Dighto Breen, Milwaukee; R Rreen and Mrs. Wm. mines berry. Mr. and Mr large circle of friend congratulate them o of their fifty-second ary and will wish years of happy life. iversary. Breen, of Pat- ay of last week nd anniversary h members of of the oldneigh- very pleasant rly in the even- ents were serv- estaurant. Mr. king after the n their pleasing e wants of the yfogle and Miss the music for pper an adjourn - e home where a as spent in social rs ago when the elebrated all the ly were present, s. Breen and Mrs. e Marie were un- members of the ---W. J. Breen, Mrs. Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. ,' Mich.; C. A. bt. and David A. ines, of Turn- . Breen have a who will heartily the celebration edding annivers- hem many more The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and Dr. Price • I be closed each Wednesday afternoon, ernoon, during May, June, July, August and September. • Married in alifornia. The foIIowing fro a California paper refers to the marria :e of Miss Louise Ferguson, formerly •f Wingham:—"A simple, pretty home wedding occurred on April 20th, at th home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson when their daugh- ter,>Miss Louise became the bride of R. Beech Jones. T e Rev. George L Long, of the Se and Presbyterian Church officiated, a d only the imme- diate family, about hirty in all, were present. A pink and white color scheme was attract vely carried out in roses. The living rooms, wherethe ceremony took ple, were fragrant with garlands anmasses of these beautiful flowers hich were lavishly used. The bride nd groom for the reading of the sere ee stood beneath o canopy of smilax a d orange blossoms. In the dining room pink roses were on the daintily set t+'r le, and • roses and smilax garlanded he room in a most satisfactory mann.. The place cards, which were the bride's hantl'lwork, were decorated ith wedding bells swinging from d .licate blue ribbons caught with garl ods of pink roses. They were paint d in water colors. The groom's brot •r, Ivor Jones, sang "0 Promise Me; ' before the bridal party entered the oom, and his sister, bliss Annie Jones, played the wedding tntareh. There we e na attendants and the bride, an attra five young girl, was simply and bee, mingly gowned in white marquisette, trimmed with bands of Cluny lace. She wore orange blos- soms caught with tulle bow in her brown hair, and rn de a sweet picture of happiness. A elieious dinner fol- lowed the eerem ny. The handsome wedding presents, natty of which came from Canada and England, were on display, and the . bride's going -away gown was a tailor suit of navy blue serge, with evor;yt 'ng to match. The bride canoe here • out a year and a half ago frank Ingham, Ontario, Canada, She is a evable and womanly girl who has girt. . Fy endeared herself to many freettsls. The groom is from Wates, aid it tine, manly fellow, holding a good osition in the cabinet aieparbmont of t o Chane Lumber Co." East Huron Co aervatives• The annual•meetin of the East Huron Liberal -Conservative ssociation will be held in the Town Iia , Brussels on l+ri- day afternoon of thi week commencing at 2.30 o'clock for th election of officers and the transaction f general business. Addresses will be d ivered by Arthur Meighan, M. P., Po age la Prairie;Dr. Chisholm, M. P., E st Huron; A. H. Musgrove, M P. P and J. S. Castairs, Conservative Orga izer, Amassmeet- ing will be held in he evening when addresses will be von by the same° gentlemen on the ciproeity puestion. SEED CORN —All the best varieties for sale. KING BROS S Baseball S = . on Opened. The baseball se son was duly opened here on Tuesday : ening of last week by two teams re. esenting the Western Foundry—Moulde s vs Mounters. The game was full of ' est and sensational plays. The star performers for the moulders were s ing Canary, on the firing line; his sp- d was of the best, with a fine assort ent of curves at all times. Bill Piffle ',in right field,elearly showed that he is •f big league quality. His hitting and lding were equal to that of Cobb. Cr, • Hickey was a shin - ng star on the bird sack. For the mounters Sam Ra ney proved a comer and is a sure and peedy player, as also are Lutton, Hu s tan and Stapleton. Ab Small at first , ase covered himself with all kinds of ::dory, accepting all chances and havi as many as four put outs to his c dit. The moulders are anxious for a -turn game with the mounters and are eady to play at any time. The score; R. H. E. Moulders,14 12 8 Mounters..... 6 7 10 Batteries,— M ulders — Canary and Karges. TMoun ers — Drummond, El- liott and Sturdy. Umpire, W. Neeley. Scorer—R. Bro• s• BOARDERS WAN gF —Apply to Mrs, Alex. Ard, on Ed rd .St. or at the Times office. Owing to havin position .a large we find it necess test till the 10th stead of July 22n in by this time. testants and their buy early what t is only limited. sold out t our op - portion o our stock, y to s ten our con - u • at 10 p. m. in - 11 ballots mustbe e would advise con - friends to come and y need as our stock e our ad. on page 8. FRED J. HIND. CHURC NOTES. A mission will . • held in the Church of the Sacred Ile. t, Wingham, begin- ning on Sunday, tl e 2Ist of May, and will last for a wee t. It will be conduct- ed by Rev. Fr. M. Rory of the Oblate Order. The Local Cori Army, wish to tl their kind assista Self -Denial effort, aided success. 0 a special musical in their Hall, whe effort will also be welcome. Rev. Dr. Boyle popular rector, c inPaul's St au s C hu preached excelle congregations. social evening w room when an ad Dr. Boyle and an tiered, and a ple all present. His Grace Per s P. McEvay, Arch- bishop of Toront,'and Bishop of Lon- don from 1899 0 1908, died at 12.25 o'clock Wednes • ay morning of last week at his offici ,1 residence, Toronto, after an illness of .nearly two years' duration, The en) was not unexpeeted, as some weeks a+: • it was learned that he could not long survive the inroads of pernicious anaemia, the disease that had been sappin his strength for a long time. A meeting in connection with the Laymen's Mission ry Movement is to be held in the Ba iat Chtereh, on Mon- day evening, May 2nd. This will be a meeting of interea wider than that of the local church. t will be addressed by Mr. W. C. Seni . r, who is a clear, strong speaker a • will present his sub. cct after an int, resting fashion. A cordial invitation extended especially to the mer of the own. There will be no admission fee , collection. s of the Salvation ank the public for e and support of the which has been a de - Thursday, May 13th, seting will be held the results of the ade known; all are of Toronto, a former ducted the services ch on Sunday last anti t sermons to large n Monday evening a held in the school ress was delivered by xcellent program ren. ant evening spent by li'A.inetl e ATTENTIONf We have the best assortment of shoes, suitable for Farea Werk ever shown an hewn. Prices $1.50 to $3.50. W. 3. Greer. Come to the big sale of up-toelate millinery_ and boots and shoes going on •rtiw at Mrs, Gann'(. LANG DISTANCE CONNECTION. Dominion Railw an 0 Chairman J. P; M inion Railway Com day of last week ga is of more than pass he granted the appli en independent tele western and central compelling the Bel pany to give thos distance connectio, Company's system, tains a quatifioation act of obeying the b ment. The eonnecti Board Issues dr. bee, of the Dom- ssion, on Wednes- an order which ng interest when ation of the elev- one companies of ntario for an order Telephone Com- companies long- s over the Bell ut the order eon- whieh snakes the and only an experi- n will be tried for twelve months, an I if it works out satisfactorily, then he conditions crea- ted by the board's rder may be made permanent. Chairman Mabee ordered that the Bell Telephone C•mpany connect up with the cornpani s constituting the applicants in the a se, or those com- panies '.desiring 1 g -distance connec- tions, on the terms of the board's order, with their long-di,:tance wires. Each of the independe t companies is to reimburse the Bel Company for all expenses in conneo ion with the act of connecting these dompanies, and any dispute as to the charges to be paid by the independent co panies will be re- ferred to the electr cal expert retained by the Railway Bo rd for settlement in order to prevent : ny litigation. The connections will be i force for twelve months, and each of the independend- ent companies will eke monthly or weekly returns of he long-distance traffic and the calls or ginating on their systems and being trnsmitted over the Bell Company's lines and they will al- so furnish returns as to other details in connection with the .haracter and vol- ume of traffic thus o iginating on their systems. A long-distance co nection toll of 15 cents for each hong-s istance can which originates on the in ependent lines and is transmitted over the Bell Company's lines will be paid •y the independent companies to the "ell Company, This 15 cents toll will will be additional to the regular Ion u distance tolls of the Bell company from the point where it connects with the ndependent line to the destination of i e call, The inde- pendent compel es will pay to the Bell Compa . at the end of each month the for g -distance tolls plus the 15 cents. Thi part of the order, the Chairman poi ed out, dealt only with outbound raffle. Regarding inbound traffic rr r nating on thee Bell Company's 11 es and being trans- mitted over the ndependent lines to. destination, thes } calls would not be subject to the 1.5 • ent charge, but the independent con 'hies must keep re- cords of all inb• and traffic as well as outbound, • Chairman Mab -e stated at the end that any other i dependent companies making such ap ication as that made by the indepenent companies in the present ease, bt t which were notinclud- ed in their list, •ould not be heard dur- ing the enter ement of the twelve months' order j st made. The Drtissels, Grey and Morris Tele- phone Co. is o of the companies in- terested in the application. While the order will give the subscribers of this company long istance connection, the charge will be much that the connection will be rather expensive to the sub- scribers of tha company. As affecting Wfnglrt{rn the der, will work out this way.--Subscrib rs of the Brussels sys tem who desire connection with a Bell subscriber in 4' ingHam will be forced to pay 30 cent A bell subscriber in Wingham will = able to have connection with any subs riber on the Brussels system at a c rge o$.15 cents. The undersigned is prepared to take care of lots in the Wingham cemetery during the summer menthe and guar- antees to give satisfaction. Price for season is 51 per lot. Orders left with John. F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re- terve prompt attention. HOnnRT DnYELL. There's a Running a new: running a hotel, or a man goes into a 1 thing on tke table him, he does not r landlord and tell im to stop his old{ hotel. Well, har ly. He sets that'. dish to one side and wades into the many dishes that tit hirer. It is differ- ent with some newspaper readers. They fend an arti le oce signally that does not suit th exactly and without stopping to think 't may please hun- dreds of tither re ars, snake a grand stead play and tie the editor how a newspaper ihould lie run and what should be put in . Bit leach people axe beaming fewer every year. ifference. aper is just like y different. When otel and finds some- vhich does not suit ise hales with the LOW CUT SHOES If we fail to sell the larger proportion of Women's Low Cut Footwepr sold in this vicinity this season, the fault will not be with our shoes — that's certain. We have chosen for our trade the best Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and Slippers the Coun- try's Best Makers produce We can quote prices and say $t.5o, $2 ao, $2 5o to $3.00, but what do these prices signify until you see theele- gant Shoes they represent? May we Shoe you, Madam? See us for Trunks and Vslises. W. J. GREER Where quality counts we. win. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT Pion LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE (GLASS WEATTnER rl@nrvL__ iiiiijraiice Coupled with a REAL ESTATE end MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office . over Matoolm's Grocery. Ammo. .....••• HIGH SCH O.T . NOTES. The High Scho. artists drove over day evening and pl with the team rep in the W. P. A. game was a good f ,4'or of the High twice to their op High School playe with the exception position as full bac by A. Wallace: S Ansley did the s with some brillia The baseball sea four teams have b High School under derbolts, Samarito Two game of the played, resulting bolts 6—Samarito Jackson and Ansle Swifts 12—Giants lagher and McEve Lean. team of football o Brussels last Fri- yed a friendly match senting that town, nior series, The. e and resulted in School who tallied •nents once. The their regular team of John Weir whose was capably filled McKereher. and W .ring for Wingham combination play, on has opened and en formed at the the titles of Thune•, e, Swifts andGiants, chedute have been follows:—Thunder- s 8. Batteries,- -Day and Johnson. 8. Batteries —Gai- n —Geddes Gal-n—Geddes and Mc - LAST NOTICE 11 • counts owing to us not settled b sh or note before the first dayof J i11 v be placed in other hands for collection. G TEWART. . 1'oR Sett. — due in June, now. Apply to WANTED. --A gi rung at the stead tered Jersy cow, ng four quarts milk Mrs. Tannlyn. i.1woman to do ir- ndr yy. a u . Apply to H. V. HAYDEN. BUTTER, AND EGGS: •-Dring along your trade. We pay highest price in exehange for boots and shots. W. 3. Greer. TOWN OF WING AM, outt't ot•' ttEVlatotrr. The first sitting of the ,aturt of Re- vision fear the r si+rn sf the Assessment Ito of the Town of Wingham the year 1911, will be hetd'le the Council Chember, on Monday, the 29th day a May, tit ,s o'clock p. m. All patios let. ts,d will please tike notice and re's themselves accordingly, By order, ,Tran. ie. GIIYovaOal, Witllthaatr, May ISth, 1911. •