The Wingham Times, 1911-05-11, Page 6•
With Every Bag . of Flour
There Goes A Guarantee
That guarantee means that 1 believe Cream of the West to be the
best bread flow on the market. if your bread doesn't beat any
you ever baked before, if it fails to rise or doesn't give extra
satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back your
money on return of the unused portion of the bag.
wore incuraMenua meats= EINICICICACCION the bard £ sheat flour guaranteed for bread
If people will fairly and honestly try Cream of the West they
will have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. We are
sure of it.
The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto
...:u -s::. •
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The Australian Labor Ministry has
sustained a severe defcaut.
More than 2,000 cords of wood are
'burned in Hazelton every year and the
price is $10 a cord.
site Gained 36 Lbs,
Mrs. Gegrge Bradshaw, Harlowe,
Ont., writes: "I was troubled for
many years with weak, watery blood
and dropsy. I had nervous headaches,
dizziness and sinking spells, and was,
in fact, a semi -invalid. Doctors told
me my heart and kidneys were diseased
and gave me up. By using 10 boxes of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 1 have been
cured of many of my old complaints
and gained 36 pounds in weight.'
It is the mind that makes the man,
and our vigor is in our immortal the
wind will carry disease bacteria souL
Anthracite coal has slightly less heat -
Mg value than charcoal and about twice
the heating value of thoroughly dry
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Arrays Bought
Bears the jJ�r.--�.
.',Signature of � �'&"drft dd0
• Tests of various kinde of Concretes
and cement mortars now under way in
Germany will extend over a period of
80 years.
A moving picture camera operator
successfully photographed the fall of
an aeroplane in France in which two
men were killed.
For soreness of muscles whether in-
duced by violent exercise or injury Cham-
berlaine's Liniment is excellent. /.Chis lin-
iment is also highly esteemed for the re-
lief it affords in carer of rh':tmnatiern,
Sold by all dealers.
A combined display stand and writing
tic s1s, which can be fouled into a com-
pact sample case for a travelling sales-
man, has been invented by an Ohio man.
At Cllit'ago formal demand has been
made by the Brotherhood of Freight
Iial:dle' e fi:x an answer to the request
mule in Pel,ruary fee a 20 le:: cent. in-
ergese le wages.
r•..o t' °V.'•f`' 611 LE
erY' !tis l
1 T:3:n U nova' '
To/boil eggs three minutes will boi
them soft, five minutes will cook hard
all but the yolk, and eight minutes will
cook them hard clear through.
An electric searchlight to be attach-
ed to the barrel of a gun to aid a hunt-
er to see game at night is a German
The United Kingdom launched 1,143,-
169 tons of new merchant shipping last
year. Germany 159,300 tons and the
United States 391,379 tons.
A woman seems to have a notion that
to prove what a good wife she is she
ought to worry all the time about how
hard her husband works when its over-
eating and smoking.
Sick headache results from a disord-
ered condition of the stomach, and can
be cured by the use of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it.
For sale by all dealers. .
Np it f t all ege,i a•nd both
1,1.fVita fnc lt, c 'k: is n^.ttLr-
it he 'ii ,i C' ell reel through the liil,her
' ci.,> ' i c••.id :more delicate
tie) 'ysteel,
tale , t I titters hes, for years
I:^ .: Y;l t .,ul'1 of l:eat:ucitr,, and if
a s ',: s r t'i ac it a ti's .l wo feel oars
E.: t t. i.►. s..s.1 ..Fiat it lets dtxio for
tee t s.tsid s o; (abort during tits k,set
y etre.
lira. IL :tl•^a4o..:,Cixrksburg, Ont.,
--"Por ecar.n I was troubled with.
se a ' ':ec :tad dexeineee, r<d
dyi.,,i try
j/ •', ..., k.i..' ., 1 tt.sly tt>:,sz
1,..11„1.1 i„i f,e3 or tl.e lit(.di::li`:f:; r'i ew 1
no.r woman. 1 lind 1 ni t
c : « r Bated, and 1 reit truthfully
test h; ti et .t ie tie best medicine I have
ti's Pit1t t i`! Ii a•'ui:ar'-
t'I: • 1 Z.`.,y :.* Y hi., uirn Co,, Lit.lit-
t,', :....._ ,. ae,e.
The stars are in their places by in
violable law; but more than once Jones
has been ready to swear that the eosic
plan was disrupted ---at two o'clock in
the morning.
Tan boots will not easily stain if they
are well polished several times before
being worn for the first time.
Sunlight and air are the finest dis-
pellers of disease They should, there-
fore, be freely admitted to every house.
For squeaking boots prick the soles
of ;the boots so as to let out the air
from between the soles. This is the
cause of the trouble.
When giving sticky medicines to
children heat the spoon by dipping it
for a moment in hot water, thenpour
in the medicine, and it will slip quite
easily from the spoon.
New walking shoes are sometimes
inclined to "slip" at the heels, and a
nasty blister is the result. A. simple
preventive is to rub the inside of the
shoes with a little soap at the heel be-
fore rc ut i
p g them on
Black leather bags will be much im-
proved if polished occasionally with a
good boot cream. This cream nourish-
es the leather and prevents it drying
and cracking, as is so often the ease
with bags, especially those not con-
stantly in use.
To mend an umbrella take a small
piece of black sticking -plaster and soak
it in water until quite soft. Place this
carefully under the bole inside and let
dry. This will be found to be better
than darning, as it closes the hole neat-
ly without stitches.
To renovate a black chip hat, brush
it well to remove all dust, Pour some
olive oil into a saucer and well brush
hat all over Place in front of fire to
thoroughly dry in the oil. This is all
that would be done if sent to a clean-
er's. Should the brim be somewhat
out of shape, wring a cotton cloth out
of warm water, lay on, and press with
a hot iron before applying oiL
Mrs. George Hiles, Grimsby, Ont„
writes:—"Just a few lines to let you
':now what Milburn's Heart and Nerve
:ills have done for me. I suffered
;reatiy with my nerves and became so
nervous and weak at times I could not
work. A friend of mine advised me to
try a box of your pills, which I did, and
soon found great relief. They are the
hest medicine I have ever taken for the
heals and nerves, I recommend them
to any one suffering from heart or nerve
Itlilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills make
the weak heart strong and the shaky
nerves firm by imparting a strengthening
and restorative influence to every organ
and tissue of the body and curing pal.
pitation of the heart, dizziness, sleepless-
ness, anaemia, twitching of the muscles,
general debility, lack of vitality, etc.
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for 31 25,
:'t ell dealers. or ;nailed direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
[S. E. Kiser]
Texas expects to reduce her diphtheria A man who/ kicked and a man who
death rate 90 per cent, by the recent did'nt together set out one day;
decision of the State Health Depart- And the man who kicked could be
ment to make a free distribution of heard complaining forever along
anti -toxin among the indigent poor. the way; •
The people frowned when they: were
7) REST AH watching him coming, and they
isns.w:n h
sLow's SooTnn O S1 RVP bas been
used for ovC gladly saw Lm go
fora CHILDREN wHIi,>a . But be carried away the things he
T]~$TIiiNG with Piy.RIriCT SUCCESS. It
SOOTHRs cite cfflLD, SOI TY:;NS the GUMS. ( wanted, for letting the people
The man who never was heard com-
plaining was given people's praise,
And they gladly smiled when they saw
him coming, bemuse of his cheer -
full ways;
But they let him pass with his pockets
empty for the public is still in-
To forget the need of patient people
who never appear to minil,
If you have a mind to Iook for.the mor-
al this little rhyme contains;
The time you spendwill be merely was -
is said, bean bluti�n nut to sea hc'actrle. ted, you'll have nothing for your
Now is the time to get rid of your There's no such a thing as moral in it,
e i5r1 You will find Chamber- day, s Liniment i5 wy,.st'erftitly efIt ;silt always the sunshine spreader
festive. One application willyen--
vince you of it's merits. Try it, who's drawing the biggest pay.
Eel' sale by all dealers.
is the best remedy for DIARRRcaA. It is ab-
solutety harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
'Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. TwentySve cents a bottle.
British India now has two agricul-
tural colleges and the Goveriirnent wilt
establish several more to prepare the
natives for scientific wor.: along that
More than a dozen birds, iattluding an
owl, wrens, thrushes end ch ;inches , al-
ightt.d exhausted on the deck of the
steamer Caledoiiitt, hound from Man'
chcstt'r to Boston. All es:sept two chef-
fiaeh 's died iintrn dintdit. They had, it
rh t�inat u t but this is as plain as day,
Until Half a Bore of Father Morrisoy's
Linirnani Cured His Shoilldorr.
Mr. Jos. J. Roy, a prominent tinsmith
of llatlnirst, N.D., July 16, 1909 :
"I cannot let this opportnnity pass
without letting you know what benefit
I received from your Liniment. For
five years I clad a sore shoulder, 'which
e e I e of lei r
rez ut 1 r t £r Lox iti or from
P '1 g £ ,
steeping at °iJ flit. I lead tried everything
possible and i till could find no relief,
until I was advised to try a bottle of
your liniment, wllielt I purchased with-
out delay. I rutty used one half of tate
bottle wlie•t I was completely cured,
and now I ;eel as if T never had a sore
shonider.'I would advise anyone suffer-
ing from l:lieuutatic pains to give your,
liniment a trial, for I cannot praise it
too highly,"
A liniment that will do that is the
liniuwnt you want. It is equally good
for sore throat or chest, backache, tooth-
a.lte, a !r arhe, sprains, sore muscles,
cuts, brui,,es, burns, frost -bites, chapped
hand.; orc'sil'iluins. Rill it in, and the
p tin conte.; c t•:. 250 per bottle at your
dealer's, or from lather Morriscy
Medicine Co, Ltd., Montreal, Que• 64
One of the big New York Sunday
papers, recently had a lengthy article,
the pith of which was contained in the
heading: "A man is really measured,
not by what he thinks of himself, but
what others think of him. He cannot
afford to ignore the opinion of others."
And is there not a great deal of truth
in it? No matter how important, how
great or how clever we ourselves may
think we are, it availeth little if we
are alone in that opinion.
Many men fancy that they are so im-
portant, so sufficient unto themselves
that they can safely ignore the opinion
of the whole world, but no talent, no
inherited or acquired power justifies a
man in following the dictates of his
own sweet will.
Among the the millions and millions
of people in the world a man is little
more than an atom. He is fortunate if
he can make =impression on the world,
if by doing something that is of service to
his fellows he can be remembered a lit-
tle while. But fame itself is only the
world's estimate of a man, only the
place he has made in the opinions of
It is easy for one to say that he
would prefer to be right though the
world was against hlm; but remember
that when the whole world is against a
man he is never right.
The weight of public opinion is al-
ways for good in the long run. For
the general public mind, happily, prefers
integrity to sham, loves courage and
self-reliance, and disapproves of every-
thing that is dishonest, or scoundrelly
or purely selfish.
The Icelandic ponies wase shoes made
of sheep's hor). In certain parts of
Central Asia, the horse's have shoes
made from the antlers of the mountain
deer. The: t' are fastened to their feet
by teens of horn pine.
Seventy-five Cleveland contracture
have signed the new agreement pro-
posed by the painters, whieb provides
lett' art increase of 21,,'+, cents; all hour.
'i.'he paperlrali;;ers' new pk'ee scale has
also been aceepted, as hat; been the
scale of the Jewish painters. after a
short strike.
On Saturday afternoon, April `39th
the il:'ath of Joseph Abell, aged 89
years, occurred at his residence on the
south nide, iiiueardirce. 'Deceased was
born in Avorlee, Devonshire, and came
Canada1 I
to in ti7i. I u carne, direct to
Kincardine •• r nt and for a time melded d with
uni'le, Lir. S. Avery, who tht'n lived
on the south line. In 1877 he moved to
London and in it381 went to Detroit,
but came back to Kincardine in 1881;
and lived there continuously ever since
Ile married Miss Mary t lizabeth'Tooke
and :.lie with one sun, Alfred, survives
nen t95(1/1
cannot reach the seat of the disease,
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis-
ease, and in order to cure it you must
take internal remedies. Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts dir-
ectly on the blood and mucous surfaces,
Hall's .Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of
the best physicians in this country for
years and is a regular prescription. It
is composed of the best tomes known,
combined with the best blood purifiers,
acting directly op the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients is what produce such won-
derful results in curing Catarrh. Send
for testimonials free.
F. 3. CHENE'Y & CO., Props , •
Toledo,. 0.
Sold by Druggists, price 750.
Take Hall's gamily Pills for consti-
Ar::l are worried snit irritated you can
ect t"^ liver right by ming Or.
Crease's Kidney -Liver Phis.
I.ite i:. ,,:lie •t to lt,. rets, xl;d
' .”.,•:•t•. 4'.n n•'t .•tai Sic°1W your-
.? i •• .•mite. but sl -n these about
t"It. 1)"n't Is:ata•' r,t': •r Blame your.
• if fur nit k' pine the fiver right.
'1• ole is ti',thiti. :n the world itliiell
e iii i.' ,r.' ptt,tiiotiy Iiia -1 y+en relief
• n 1)1Chase'sWolin, :and Liver
if i':. fir. ^.:stein In ie tette :e: trial
will eortvitt t• you.
Yr. Thee. 11 • Iai.l Lae mix :ketole
'' .r t.t 'iii t' .rusty, flea'. writes —''I
f ,cr.i.l Dr. 4'�e:i •'. 1ii+1m i,'-T,iv•r
Pill, the hest treatz:tout r,l„tinablr' ler
lhelig,,.tdl'.t and impure bleed. They
.« of
i. ,.Itt
i t
1 urf t•�ct ler f"� tts
ei•rtiiitatar i .;iveit t. ith:cit.
• licitatiou, ret that etluns, luoy not
Lusty their money buyitih mc'}ic•ines
of no valuta tvh, it they Pan get 1)r.
t.'itus,i's Kidnt,y.I,it•or Pills, evl:telt 1
CIA eonviUCPd ;'i'" tlnl bir ."
iii•. i fi:i••e''- : li L • :sir'..,,.
25 ml.ri..r
iiiuc:.':'tt. < at ill e
i:,iluailAdi, I;:ite't? & Co., '1't,rento.
To remove odor from a knife used in
peeling onions, run it through a raw
Mahogany or any other collored wood,
may he darkened by polishing with cold
drawn linseed oil.
A tin kettle or coffee pat is easily
cleaned by being rubbed with a wool-
len rag soaked in paraffin.
When cleaning house, use plenty of
turpentine in the scrub water. It means
certain death to moths.
They Are Very Ancient) and gxperts
Differ as to Their Origin.
The origin of going into mounting
was discussed recently by a Way of
anthropologists. Some Studtrits hold
that the wearing of binelt was orig.
tnally a disguise manned as n protec-
tion from the dead [tel:sun's sitirit,
The idea was that the demised WAS
naturally die gusted to find hiniselt
dead and that he wreaked his resent•
upon ui on itis relations, Therefore
J 1 t
the relations thought that to alter
their appearance would be a means of
escape, and all aver the world volts
were used to hide the faces of Luouru-
ors—a practice still surviving In the
impeuetrable veil of the widow,
The disguises mounters used—such
as tbe veil, the turning of tbe clothes
inside out and the shaving of the head,
as praeticed by the Amos—were sim-
ple enough, but supernatural beings
Were always, It appeared, easy to
r'I C
Another theory of mourning was
that it was put ou to warn people that
its wearers had been contamlnateasby
death. There was an idea of pollution
attached to the great mystery. Ail
early people shared the horror of death
and the fear of the return of the spir-
its. Thus In the Sudan widows sprin-
kle their food with asbes to prevent
their husbands' ghosts from eating it.
They Extend East and West For More
- Than a Thousand Miles.
Few persons are aware that the
shortest route from San Francisco to
Japan is by way of Alaska. Nearly a
thousand miles are saved to vessels
trading with the orient by coasting
along tber Aleutian l: rather than
following the Ilawsiian route.
Tho .l.lentiau i5ht:id5, whil'h extend
in a th;iln t'ast anti west for mitre
than a thousand i.i:!t'.;, are Lula•: blte,l
by the'1bmmnt of the Aleuts. ';'heir
tear of the revieetto;i c•;osed lust as
the A,merlean itt':ni::iunar;; tear he-
pctn. So irati•i011: were the ':etas. so
brave in their airu;..;r:e f r t:'.epend-
twee, that tb:y e:a :.uta eel ru the l:us-
oniy ni'tr'e cunlli''t of :10:1rl%
fifty years, stud than *tut;•:y bet maw
the race was atia.nat t•xicrc ... 'eel in
the struggle.
While the ,tertian ba:::ids must
eventually form au iw;,urta'it Ha:; in
the emulsive between , the railed
States and the orient. other islands
Link our ementr;; wit tit:' vast empire
to the north. In tha narrow tiering
strait ale two little Wanda, tale occu-
pied by Russia. tl:e oilier by the Unit-
ed States, so that clti::ens of the ;;two
great nations lire ou respective islands
within a few miles of each other.—
New York Press.
The Courage of Life.
The two virtues that help us along
most in life are trust and courage.
Apart from the tragedies invited by
sin and violence and self indulgence,
a large part of our trouble comes from
anxiety, distrust, apprehension. It was
not all frivolity that dictated the an
sorer of a young girl who, being urged
to prepare herself for a profession or
a definite work, responded: "I'm not
going to look ahead and worry. I can
do a lot of useful things. I can mend,
and make salad, and amuse children,
and be patient and economical, and
help people to enjoy themselves, and
I don't believe nice girls starve<"aCour-
age and faith are always assets. Even
if life goes back upon them and fats
to come up to expectations the prac-
tice of these virtues is just that much
to the good, and we have at least not
lived in the evil moment until It ar-
rived.--•Harper's Buesntr.
White oilcloth is the bt'st covering
for pantry shelves. Keep red pepper
around edges to ward off insects.
Very pretty curtains for living rooms
or dining rooms may be made of ma -
drag. It washes well and is durable.
If gilt frames are coated with copal
varnish it will preserve them, and they
can be washed with water without re-
moving the lustre'horn the gilt.
To take axle grease out of goods rub
the epot with lard. Pub the goods in
the bands as if washing. Let stay in
three hours, and then wash out in cold
water, using plenty of soap.
Cold water, a teaspoonful of ammonia
and soap will remove machine grease
when other means would not answer
owing to the colorsgunning.
Wipe off screens with a duster each
morning, rind beat with a soft brush.
The beating should be done lightly in
order that the wire be not bulged.
Children 'Ory'
Fur Peace Only.
It is well known that the Friends
leave always been devoted to the prin-
rinciples of peace. As they had a con-
trolling influence in the public affairs
of Nantucket, there was no military
organization on that island for several
generations. How the matter watt
managed is told by the author of
"September Days on 1'Tantucket.”
, Whenever military companies came
to the island for a holiday young wo-
men thronged the windows and waved
handkerchiefs, but there was no rico
of military ambition in the town.
Once a coterie of` young men formed a
training company and sent to Boston
for equipments, but their elders com-
pelled them to make the first article of
their constitution read, "This company
shall bo disbanded immediately in case
of 'war."
Hot- Stipulation.
The pale young Iran with aheepieh
eyes elnnced timorously at hilt fair
companion. They had eat together in
the conservatory for fully Iib minutes
and had liarcily exchanged a word.
At last, in desperation, he dived his
hand into his breast pocket and
brought out his cigarette eat',.
"I)o you mind, Aliso Smilax, It 1
smoke?" lie asked.
"Net in the least," replied the young
lady sweetly, "If you don't think it will
make you sloth"
Close tlelatians,
"You advise that man's cul:stituente
to stand by him?"
"Yep," replied Farmer ('orntossei.
"/ advise 'cin to stand by elo::e enough
to watch everythiug Ire noesis'. -Wash.
ington War.
"For Tea You can't Beat Liptons s '
His Inheritance,
"Does he inherit his Sather „n
cul d?'
>; u
"No; only his father's eccentricities
of genius. That is why we aro giving
it benefit for him."—Chicago Record.
The ,A c.cepted Standard of Tea Perfection
All Over the World Is 'p•
LIPT1..'N'5 T
Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly,'
Lome Consolation.
I amold andgrayand spavined and
I look like twenty cents, but I have
one consolation now that life is in' its
fall; I can sit upon a boulder, with my
back against the fence, and forget my
tribulations when I see a game of ball.
Oh, I loye to see old fellows in the sere
and yellow leaf, sitting, happy, on the
bleachers; yelling fifty-seven waysl
For the time they have forgotten all
about old age's grief, as they shriek
.appreciation of the home -team's foxy
'plays. I am old and stiff and sweenied,
and my ringbones bother much, and
the undertaker eyes me in a proprie-
tary style, but I'd go to see the ball
games if I had to use a crutch, and I'll
yell like ten hyennas as I wave my
ancient tile. You may say I'm full of
codfish, that my block is out of plumb,
when I make the sad confession that
an old man me annoys, if he moons
around his dooryard, looking woebe-
gone and glum, when he night be at
the ball game, raising thunder with
the boys. If you are so beastly an-
cient that you do not feel a thrill when
the home team's winning learels and a
gorgeous lot of fame, you should rent
a hearse to haul you to the boneyard
on the hill; for it's mighty foolish liv-
ing when you're weary of the game.
—Walt Mason.
What a hippy :ut'It1 thio would be
if every titan spoke as well of his tree
neighbors as he does of hie dead ones'
Children Cry
The Ladies of Wingham May
Now Have
u i
Beautiful 1 Ha r.
F. J. Hind Has the Article
and Guarantees it to Grow
Hair or Your Money. Back..
F, J. Hina, backed up by the manu-
facturers of SALV the Great Hair
Grower Guarante s it to grow Bair.
SALVIA dest oys Dandruff in :Od eys.
The roo o the hair ar : so nourish-
ed and fe hat a new crop '.f hair
springs up to the amazement and de-
light of the user. The hair is made
soft and fluffy, Like all American prep"
orations SALVIA is daintily perfumed.
It is bard to find an actress who does
not use SLLVIA continually.
Ladies of society and influence use no
SALVIA is a non -sticky preparation
and is the Iadies' favourite, A large
generous bottle for 50e. The Scobell
Drug Co., St. Catharines, Canadian dis-
If the rock and earth dug out in
making the Panama Canal were to be
built up in a solid pyramid, it would'
make one 1,150 feet high, by the side
of which the famous pyramids of
Egypt would look insignificant.
J. M. Howell a popular druggist of
Greensburg, Ky., says, "We use Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy in our own
household and know that it exceIlent."
For sale by all dealers. '
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
' Stationery and can supply your wants hi
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
JOB PR11`+1TI1`dG
We are in a metier position than ever bcfore'to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing lino and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line. •
Subscriptions ttrken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office
Wingham, M Ont.