HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-11, Page 4TIRE WLNGIIAM TIMES, MAY 11, 1911 T1 E Dominion Rank Hr:u OFFICE: TORONTO Capital Stock (all paid up) $4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits . $5,300,000.00 Deposits by the public,... $47,000,000.00 Total Assets, over $62,600,000.00 RI1ANClins AND AGENTS throughout Canada. and the United States. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Current rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $L00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest, WINGHAM BRANCH . Corner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. VANaTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be 1 d t not later Athan Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 7.`ABLINFIEA t$V THE WINEDAM TIMES. H.R. SLLIOTT, PVRLI&MIIR NDPROPRIETO THURSDAY MAY 11, 1911. GORP.IE. The Bachelors and Benedicts of Gorrie gave a most enjoyable dance to many of their friends, Monday evening, April 24th, at the Assembly Hall which was artistically decorated. The music was furnished by Tony Vita's orchestra of London. The patronesses for the event were, Mrs. Robt. Spotton, Mrs. D. S. Hicks, Mrs. Lorne Shier, Mrs. G. W. Walker, Mrs. R. F. White. Stewards and committee in charge con- sisted of:- George Walker, L. Shier, H, V. Holmes, H. W. Dane, Dr. R. M. McLean, L. Stinson, S. Tait. Those present were: Mrs. R. F. Whitewear- ing fawn French taffeta trimmed with braid; Miss Gertie White in cream duchess satin with paisley trimming; Mrs, Lorne Shier in dark grey hobble dress with paisley trimming, her sister, Miss Darling, in blue hobble dress with blue paisley trimming, wearing a blue bandeau with gold tassels; Mrs. G. W. Walker in blaek; Miss Pearl Stinson in pearl grey with, satin stripe, wearing pearl grey bandeau; Miss Irwin in blue; Miss McGuire in cream with satin stripe; Mrs. J. Miller in wine silk with lace trimmings; Miss Mary Harris, pink with satin stripe and lace trimmings, her sister, Miss Millie, in blue mull with lace trimmings; Miss Gertie Har- ris in cream with lace trimmings; Miss Hull in brown with velvet trimmings; Miss Cora Sherriff in raw silk with satin stripe and lace trimmings; Miss Janette Black in cream, with bandeau;. Miss Smith in sky blue, her sister, Miss Rella, in pink, with pink bandeau; Miss Margaret Sanderson in mauve with lace trimming; Miss Rose McGlynn in lace dress over champagne silk, with pearl bandeau; Miss Margaret Ander- son in Alice blue silk, with Alice blue bandeau; Miss Evelyn Cook in white embroidered dress, with rhinestone bandeau; Miss Brown in mauve satin dress, hobble effect, with gold braid and tassels, her sister in pale blue dress, hobble effect, with satin and gold trimming; Miss Hunter in paisley dress, her sister, Miss Florence, in white hobble dress with embroidery trimming and pink satin bandeau; Miss Hutcheson in corded blue silk and her sister in cream French muslin; Miss Gibson in mauve mull with mauve satin trimmings and bandeau; Miss Wade in salmon pink with silk trimmings; Miss Maud Bushfield in mauve; Miss Blythe Wilson in Cream batiste; Mr. Smith, Mr, White, Mr. Doig, Mr. Walker, Mr. Hutcheson, Mr McGuire, Mr. J. Hutcheson, Mr. Earl, Mr. Edgar, Mr. J. Underwood, Mr. Scott, Mr. R. Mur- ray, Mr. Barton, Mr. Booth, Mr. Black, Mr. Colbfleith, Mr. Sanderson, Mr. R. McGlynn, Mr. Laing, Mr, T. McGlynn, Mr. J. Miller, Mr. Beswitherick, Mr. S. Findley, Mr. Strathall and others. -°- --4040•-'- - James Emerson a respected citizen of Belleville was arrested on a charge of robbing the parsonage. ST'S EMULSION Is now a summer as well as a Winter remedy. It has the same invigorating and strength -probating ef• feet in summer As in winter. Try It in a little cold milk or water. All, bttUCCIST THE BRIGHTEST QAY FOR EVERY WOMAN Follies With Good Health Through the Use cf Or, Williams' Pink Pills. Her brightest day for every girl and every woman is the day when she looks well, feels well and is well; but with most of the fair sox such days are rare, Instead they suffer from a painful lan- guor, have a terrible weakness in the back, headaches that make everything seem blurred, and a ceaseless aching in the limbs. Tneae and other trials afflict girls and women through the lack of rich, red blood nature is calling for. Dr. Williams' fink Pills have given the joy of real robust health to thousands of women who are happy to -day be- cause these Pills actually make the. rich, red blood that makes weak one well and strong. This statement has been proven over nadover again. Here is further proof from Mrs. 0, J. Brook, Manitou, Man,, who says: "After a busy term on second class work, follow- ed only by a short time of relaxation, and a strenuous two and a half months' normal course, in March, 1903, I began teaching school. I had a heavy rural school, with a large attendance, and consequently a large number of grades, thus I found the work a reat nervous strain. This, added to tale overwork of study previous to teac• g, soon result- ed in a 'run down' ondition. When vacation time came did not pay much attention to my con itiou as thought the holidays wouldjully retore me, but as I resumed work again I found this was not the ase One morning when I came to b ea ast everything reeled before me ai almost fainted away. The lady with whom I was boarding ad- vised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She always •s oke very highly of them, her daughter having used them with the most beneficial results follow- ing a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I decided to take her ad- vice, and had only taken a few boxos when I began to improve in health - and such an appetite as I had. I rap- idly gained health, my face had a healthy glow, and I gained in weight. I have since often recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to others who have used them with equally beneficial re- sults, and I believe the Pills to be a standard remedy for the ills for which you recommend them." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, May 8 -Union Stock Yards -Receipts, 95 loads, with 1906 head of cattle, 110 calves, 241 hogs, and 519 sheep and lambs. Included in the re- ceipts were 15 loads of Michigan ex- port cattle, shipped through in bond, through the firm of McDonald and Halligan. It was understood these cattle were the property of the Swift Co., and were not on sale. Trade was active, with prices about steady at last week's best, choice ex- port probably being a little firmer, one sale being reported at $6.15, but this could not be confirmed, as the parties were mum. There were plenty of sales for export at $5.90 and $0, and one or two $9.05 to $9.10, Export cattle, choice ... $ 5 90 to $6 10 do medium ... .... 5 65 5 70 do light . . 5 00 5 10 do bulls ........... 4 00 4 90 do cows 4 50 5 30 Butchers choice . 5 75 5 85 do medium ... 5 25 5 65 do cows ....,.. . 4 50 5 15 do common .... 4 00 4 25 do canners .... 2 50 3 00 Short -keep. ,. , 5 70 5 80 Feeders steers 5 25 5 75 do bulls 5 50 4 25 Stockers choice , 4 75 5 10 do light 4 25 4 50 Milch cows, choice, each 55 00 70 00 Springers .... 40 00 60 00 Common and medium 20 00 30 00 Sheep, ewes 4 75 5 25 do bucks . 3 50 4 25 Lambs, yearlings 3 00 6 50 Spring lambs, each.. .. 3 00 6 50 Bogs, f, o. b. 5 75 --- do fed and watered ' 6 00 Calves 3 50 6 50 WINGUAaZ MARKET RETORTS. Wingham, May, 10th, 1911. Flour per 100 lbs .... 2 35 to 3 00 Fall wheat ... .... 0 78 to 0 80 Oats ... 0 32 to 0 32 Barley 0 50 to 0 50 Peas .. .... 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy..., 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doz......,.. 0 17 to 0 18 Wood per cord 250 to 250 HaPotatoes per bushel • 0 45 to10 50 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt .. 5 75 to 5 75 BRICK AND TILE IARD PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his two brick and tile yard properties. The property on the Bluevale road contains 100 acres of land with good buildings and a good brick and tile making plant. The property north of Wingham eon- tains 50 acres with good buildings and brick and tile making plant; also 50 acres of laud on the B Line of Turnberry. ELI ELLIOTT, P. 0. 'Box 95. 'Wingham, P. 0. NOTICE TO FARMERS We are open to rent any .number of acres of Tends for the growing of Flax, or will buy any quantityof first-class gulled Flax, dry, for wich we will Pay $11.00 per ton delivered at the Wing - ham Flax Mill, Seed can be _obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store, CANADA MAX FIBB.t Co., mann, M0N TEAL, A. Tipling, Manager. BULLS FOR SALE, Two Shorthorn Bulls, aged 8 and 11 months; of choicest breeding, with size and quality; color, deep red. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. FYFE, Wingham P. 0 let line, Morris. Richelien anti Ontario Navigation Com lany STEA.1111ER "BELLEV1LLE" Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon. Leave Toronto 7.30 p, m, every Tuesday./ For Bay of Quinte° Montreal and intermgdiate ports, Connections at Montreal for Quebec and Saguenay. Tourist line steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" commence running June lst, leaving Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily except Sunday; after July 1st daily. For rates, folders and tickets write to H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. CEUTRALO Z'9Aa.'1rr ntT Quo . A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments, -Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. IT'S A PLEASURE To drink from a dainty cup or eat from a plate that is attractive to the eye. It adds zest and relish to the meal. Stock reducing sale of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Toilet Setts, 20 per cent. off all China. I. F. McGiIIfvray Phone 54. Where Good Clothes Come from In this world a titan must be well dressed.. Custom demand it and alt having any ambition at all follow the enstom WE DO FINE TAILORING And tan build you a snit of the very finest material of your own selection, trimmed with the best goods Made for the purpose, eharging you no more than you would % pay for ready.to.wear clothes°that gannet possibly earn. pare with those we make. 'you may choose from our splendid assortment of spring suftings and be able to put on The Snappiest Suit of Clothes made from the goods selected at HENNING'S TILE TAILOR Robt. Maxwell`* OW Stand AAAMMAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA/1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J Summer NliIIinery IChildren s, Misses or Ladies ...... ....^...bar ...... .....w u . •. . v In no other store in Wingham will you find as large and choice a range of IVlillinety to select from. 1 j MISS REYNOLDS *. VVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVWVWVV vv vvvv vvWWVW/VVWVVVVV The merger of the Richelieu & Ontario, Northern and Inland Navigation Compan -ies has been finally arranged. Mrs. Angelina Napolitano was sen- tenced to be hanged at,Sault Ste. Marie for the murder of her husband. The Guelph Junction Railway return- ed $6,489.to the city for the quarter ending in March. Four children in the Quarrie family near Belwood have died of scarlet fever and Mr. Quarrie is ill with the same d isease. ^ n lh ► We have in stock for your inspection Tapestry ►► Rugs from $5,00 to $2o.00 each, according to size and i• quality. Velvet Rugs from $rs.00 to $3o,00. • Axminister from $2o.00 to $4o.00, the prices are i sastonishing low considering the beauty as you will see 3 e 4 Spring Announcement From the House Furnishing Departmeut This season we have made the selection of Home Fur- nishings a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in our unrivalled display of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock to choose from Nairns Scotch Linoleums 4 yard width. Also Inland . 4 Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 1 Rugs and Carpets r.. r . 4 4 4 4 4 4 E when you come, • ... . . f 10 F. i ••► • Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready i for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties, Filet Mesh and Bu.ygalow Nets, New Insertion Borders a and Plain Centres and Curtain Muslin and Scrims. 4 4 4 4 4 You owe it to yourself and to economy to see our 3 showing and ask our prices. olomiuminemskirimarnimmismitoohomisintonimoloaoriorohirieamoulti Putter, Eggs ,nd Potatoes wanted in large quantities. Ais MILLS 1UONi 89. WXNGF#AM, ONT. i i arountemomoi The Profit Sharing Store KERB a‘ BIRD WE ARE AGENTS FDR THE 1 DItS IIOM, UURNAL C) PATTERNS MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE 01 AGENTS—Ladies' Home Journal. LADIES WIlO DRESS WALL Must wear perfecting Corsets. We have the very best Fitting Corset on the Market at very satisfactory prices. Directoric Corsets fine quality contil, deep lace trimming. 4 garters attached. Very best workmanship and newest styles. Prices 50c, 75c, $r.00, $I,,o. Just think of it Directoric Corsets at these low prices. Children's fiats and Gaps Our showing of Children's Hats and Caps for Spring will please you, The new shapes are very pretty. Round Soft Felt Hats in green, navy blue, and red, price 50e Caps, new shapes, tweed, navy blue, red and checks, price.. 25c to 50e ' New shapes in dressy Btraw Hats for Girls and Boys..... toe to 50e A FEW OF THOSE HAND BAGS LEFT, REGULAR $2.00 FOR 98c On Our Bargain Counter for the Next Seven Days Big sale of Corsets—oyer 100 pairs on the Bargain Counter. These are not long corsets, bat are good style, good quality and perfect fitting. 23 pair Ladies Corsets, regular price $1.00 sale price... 69e 11 " 4 „ " 75e .... 48c 50 " " ' „ t, 50c 37e 13 " {, ,l 4. " 40e ,t 25e ' 11 " Tape Girdle ' ° " 35e 23e Economical buyers will take advangage of this sale. There's money in it for you. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety—new seeds. Rennie's Seeds 2 packages for 5e or 12 for 25e Ferry's Seeds 5e a package or 6 for 25e Giant Yellow Intermediate Rangel—Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Giant Sugar Rangel-Jumbo Sugar Mangel•-Leviathan Sugar Mangel. amid ••••••••••••4041••!•••••••••• •••••••••••••4••*•••••••••i • !•i • • • • • • • • •1 , 2 i • •• • • • t • • • 1 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Order Your Easter Clothes• Now; And be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion day t of the year. Have your choice of'our elegant • assortment of new Spring Suitings • • Tailored to Your Measure•. And secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics, f and that snappy individuality, so much sought • after by all good dressers within a price of all. LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY. AMINO E. C. WI-11TE `fi WINGHAM, O>NT ++++++++++++44++++++++4•++ • • • • •• • ••••••••••••••.••*•••••••••1 Say, What I About Good Couch? We have some "Dandies," that will wear a life tiiirlle rar>saat: at $8.00 W'alker's Furniture Store *.+.444.444.444:4444.44:* TM Capital Paid Up.,....$ 2,750,000 Reserve and Unevided Profits . ., 3,250,000 Total Assets,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40,000,000 „LL +-1 -1. 1 4 It is not easy to alter the habits of a lifetime -no small matter to for- sake extravagance and learn to save. You will never learn unless you 4P ii iif iiti i i , i 1 ° Ci il 1 5'4 have the incentive of a Savings Ae- U rt is I . count, Do not procrastinate -call at the Bank of Hamilton -and open an ac- l ' t at count. C. F. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. AAAMMAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA/1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J Summer NliIIinery IChildren s, Misses or Ladies ...... ....^...bar ...... .....w u . •. . v In no other store in Wingham will you find as large and choice a range of IVlillinety to select from. 1 j MISS REYNOLDS *. VVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVWVWVV vv vvvv vvWWVW/VVWVVVVV The merger of the Richelieu & Ontario, Northern and Inland Navigation Compan -ies has been finally arranged. Mrs. Angelina Napolitano was sen- tenced to be hanged at,Sault Ste. Marie for the murder of her husband. The Guelph Junction Railway return- ed $6,489.to the city for the quarter ending in March. Four children in the Quarrie family near Belwood have died of scarlet fever and Mr. Quarrie is ill with the same d isease. ^ n lh ► We have in stock for your inspection Tapestry ►► Rugs from $5,00 to $2o.00 each, according to size and i• quality. Velvet Rugs from $rs.00 to $3o,00. • Axminister from $2o.00 to $4o.00, the prices are i sastonishing low considering the beauty as you will see 3 e 4 Spring Announcement From the House Furnishing Departmeut This season we have made the selection of Home Fur- nishings a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in our unrivalled display of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock to choose from Nairns Scotch Linoleums 4 yard width. Also Inland . 4 Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 1 Rugs and Carpets r.. r . 4 4 4 4 4 4 E when you come, • ... . . f 10 F. i ••► • Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready i for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties, Filet Mesh and Bu.ygalow Nets, New Insertion Borders a and Plain Centres and Curtain Muslin and Scrims. 4 4 4 4 4 You owe it to yourself and to economy to see our 3 showing and ask our prices. olomiuminemskirimarnimmismitoohomisintonimoloaoriorohirieamoulti Putter, Eggs ,nd Potatoes wanted in large quantities. Ais MILLS 1UONi 89. WXNGF#AM, ONT. i i arountemomoi The Profit Sharing Store KERB a‘ BIRD WE ARE AGENTS FDR THE 1 DItS IIOM, UURNAL C) PATTERNS MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE 01 AGENTS—Ladies' Home Journal. LADIES WIlO DRESS WALL Must wear perfecting Corsets. We have the very best Fitting Corset on the Market at very satisfactory prices. Directoric Corsets fine quality contil, deep lace trimming. 4 garters attached. Very best workmanship and newest styles. Prices 50c, 75c, $r.00, $I,,o. Just think of it Directoric Corsets at these low prices. Children's fiats and Gaps Our showing of Children's Hats and Caps for Spring will please you, The new shapes are very pretty. Round Soft Felt Hats in green, navy blue, and red, price 50e Caps, new shapes, tweed, navy blue, red and checks, price.. 25c to 50e ' New shapes in dressy Btraw Hats for Girls and Boys..... toe to 50e A FEW OF THOSE HAND BAGS LEFT, REGULAR $2.00 FOR 98c On Our Bargain Counter for the Next Seven Days Big sale of Corsets—oyer 100 pairs on the Bargain Counter. These are not long corsets, bat are good style, good quality and perfect fitting. 23 pair Ladies Corsets, regular price $1.00 sale price... 69e 11 " 4 „ " 75e .... 48c 50 " " ' „ t, 50c 37e 13 " {, ,l 4. " 40e ,t 25e ' 11 " Tape Girdle ' ° " 35e 23e Economical buyers will take advangage of this sale. There's money in it for you. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety—new seeds. Rennie's Seeds 2 packages for 5e or 12 for 25e Ferry's Seeds 5e a package or 6 for 25e Giant Yellow Intermediate Rangel—Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Giant Sugar Rangel-Jumbo Sugar Mangel•-Leviathan Sugar Mangel. amid ••••••••••••4041••!•••••••••• •••••••••••••4••*•••••••••i • !•i • • • • • • • • •1 , 2 i • •• • • • t • • • 1 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Order Your Easter Clothes• Now; And be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion day t of the year. Have your choice of'our elegant • assortment of new Spring Suitings • • Tailored to Your Measure•. And secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics, f and that snappy individuality, so much sought • after by all good dressers within a price of all. LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY. AMINO E. C. WI-11TE `fi WINGHAM, O>NT ++++++++++++44++++++++4•++ • • • • •• • ••••••••••••••.••*•••••••••1 Say, What I About Good Couch? We have some "Dandies," that will wear a life tiiirlle rar>saat: at $8.00 W'alker's Furniture Store *.+.444.444.444:4444.44:*