HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-11, Page 3THE W]NUHAM TIDES NAY 11, 1911 ++s -- • ea,l:l1 'I, ea**fv.. fir csa •t:x seg+t ,.- WI.NOHAUM epi, 4110 a littzikt41,,teeifa.e Vera.'" rIr al • t°j4:0:ibt jtrte�„ a 7.ie"k .:. - ii 'y:^Y+� s-'ir'.: ._ir_--'.��-� ri - r�i�ac _a ._p.•�,!• ,�..s�j�. �'�..i�F� HI � t1 °• , . � f =�t. _ ••i'r`: �"se� ft4� - .,.:a.�a�._ .,., %+: 0t3 m N� . •t t� �' ; �, 'r •. • J:.i_;,,, . �r.. .f�'- _ -- t'srF �r`.4th '1� . >S-;1 '� X. tr•r fit'' -'.`�i•`L ,,�• `a'SF•S'et'y'�s3u:+.ux'1"i7.,�y,.� l.. '4i�r' 9`' •. l YiL :it-•.• ] .. t. a. d t ;,Tr.. ;fi't14 e4y ♦ a .t.t.t Sr .,..= ='..i'1' Yet aI {,+':�Y•lt(� ;. .1A ,<a<l r-. 'a'Y i*_ kf ! �:r 3"• -ter 'i: rwarisrss'f •!, ,E .. P �.;®st(+�:�r f-,°•:� - - �A , S rf rt is t 'r9t%s - i' . 'li;N•?t4: •lr..e.3c3t�' i # itw, tE�,'!." ?* y .--�• .- ': 1 r t t iSd •Y.lt �'.' '� 4401' Iii lllRall 1 Ill li'�) it t if :• '. ita,iu.vas,� 3•'t`?s.,i s ,„,{ .}. , ,... / / // �f // 1/4''\\%.\\\ ,\ I1I/////s,' I \��'�\` \1 1 / i \1111 111/10//,,// // 3a'Oi..'' s34. ip;luv Special Features Every Morning THE WOMAN'S NEWS PAGE in The Mail and Em- pire is the only Woman's daily news page in any Canadian Newspaper. FINANCIAL NEWS -Received every night over The Mail and Empire's own New York wire, the full financial service of the New York Sun, the ac- knowledged financial authority of America. Every morning you can read in The Mail and Empire precisely the same Wall Street gossip that New York financiers are reading that same morning. SPORTING NEWS in The Mail and Empire is every- where recognized as the best in Canada. Our own special New York wire enables us to publish the complete box scores of every baseball game in all the leagues. Same complete service with Raring and all other sporting events. You'll always find the best and most complete Sporting News in The Mail and Empire. "THE FoUItTI( COLUMN," on the Editorial page -a magazine article every morning, non-political, bright, interesting, always instructive, and illu- urinating the news of the day. Considered by everyone tite best special daily feature of any newspaper in Canada -alone worth more to any reader than the whole cost of the paper. P HERE IS YO U HERE now every orning--bright and early' For the first e.,me in your life you can get the daily news rely on for all a ner that best -informed leo/le e real news at a reasonable hour in the morning. The best, , lost com filete, most accurate and most interesting refiorts of the news that most interests you now ready hours earlier than ever before. THE MAIL AND EMPIRE is unques- tionably Canada's greatest NEWS - paper. Note that we emphasize NEWS. Compare any day's issue carefully With any other Canadian newspaper and you will find plenty of evidence -more real news, fuller, more interesting and more reliable re- ports of all worth -while news than in any other paper. To furnish such a complete news ser- vice costs a great deal, but we consider the best, regardless of expense, none too good for The Mail and Empire's readers. T1:IE MAIL AND EMPIRE hits• won and maintains its reputation as the best newspaper in Canada by furnishing its readers with all the real news found in any other paper -and in addition that of the splendid Laffan News Service, which in - eludes all the financial news and exclusive cable service of the New York Sun, the best - edited newspaper in all America. If you want ALL the news, when it IS news, you need The Mail and Empire. order the Mail and Empire from your newsdealer TO -DAY, or write direct to THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronto. Dr. Chase's Oint mentis a certain and guaranteed oureferoaohand every form of itching, bleeding r - and protrudingples. Soo testimonials in the press and ask your neighbors about it. You can use it and g�eetyYour money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all aeolers Enn1Artsoet, BATES &Co., Toronto. Di CHASE'S OINTMENT. Berlin waterworks had $14,000 profit last year. A certain lady one Sunday induced her husband, who was not a regular church goer, to accompany her to the evening service. During the sermon he fell as- leep, snoring at first softly, and at length so noisily that the good lady was con- strained to give him a sharp nudge in the hope of rousing him. To her con- sternation, however, as he slowly awak- ened, he exclaimed in a loud.voice:"Let me alone! Get up and light the fire yourself -it's your turn!" rr The Band Yen Have Always nought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per - i7 tonal supervision ervision s i s p nett its infancy. • We Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "dust -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children --Experience against Experiment. What 6s CASTORIA Casi•oria is ., harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parc' goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opiums, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Iiiv age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays recori131iS1ess. It cures Diarrhatla and Winti Colic. Itrelieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It asyinallates the Food, regulates the Stomach mut Metre :,, giving healthy and natural sleep. The C ftkidrel;;':4 Ptumeea-! he Mother's Friend. GASTORIA ALWAYS Beam tho Signature of Tho Kind You ilaveAiways0 Buh in Use For Over aO Years. ?NC etNTAU,tCtrMt,ANY, 7T MUNNAV lttWtkT. NCW V0,18 CITY. MOTHERS' DAY. A movement which has proved every popular one is that of observing the second Sunday in May as "Mothers' ( Day" by wearing a white carnation. Although only started last year already it has spread widley. In Canada the sponsor for the movement is W. G. Rook of Toronto, President of Canadian Home Journal. He is receiving cordial assistance from the press and the pul- pit. In the ;.Tay issue of Canadian Horne Journal there is a strong appeal for the observance: - "The email boy with his cut finger, the tiny girl with her torn frock, make an immediate chase for 'Mother'- sure of a wisdom that will repair the injury even if scme wholesome advice be thrown in about 'Not doing it again.' Then come the impatient, half-grown years when the exclamation 'Mother is aid-fasLi cued and herdor5 doesn't understand that things are different now,' are constantly heard. But the years, those unbolting years, march si;eadily by, and we hear the man and the woman, with their own stern pro- blems to solve, admitting regretfully -- 'I believe Mother Was right,' and 'I wish I'd done as Mather advised me.' So, on the breath of a white carna tion, on the second Sunday of May, will come back the old-time memories with their childish joy and pain, It may bring the keenest sorrow in 'rememb- ering happier things' or it may be but a badge in honor.of the living mother." A very touching little episode occurr- ed last May in a well-known and prom- inent Toronto family. On the Tuesday morning after Mothers' Day the post- man brought a letter from a member of the family who had been a wanderer and rather a black sheep for many years, addressed to the mother of the group. As that dear old person bad -been with the angels for some time, the letter was opened by a daughter, who read as follows: "Dear old Moth- er -The, nurse in the hospital � • 1 ) 1 t•1 le I 1 am h s been telling nte about tioti Mothers' ' Sunday, and I have made up my <mind to write to you. I am not ogs for this life, being fat gone in illness but if von are still alive, I want you to know ata thinking of you on Mothers' Day. T enclose the white flower nurse pinned on me this mo: Hing. (food -bye dear old mother," ar 1 tela& Features . Saturday Morning 11'O3IAN'S KINGDOM -For many years this has been a particularly interesting feature (4f THE MAUI, ANI) IIDIPIIIE. Tens of thousands of Canada's best women have never missed reading 'he W=) - MAN'S I{INGD.)(.)M for years. T1U' Fi,ANI:IUR-Never so good as to -da; . An ex- tremely interesting and instructive page. CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE by KATHERINE HALE-Ileautifuily writttn reeicws of ad the now books, and interesting chats about boolts and their authors. LEGAL QUESTIONS AND OPINIONS by EDWAIU) MEEK, K. C. -Free legal advice in any difficulty in which you may need it. Questions of your friends and neighbors, with Mr. 1leek's Answers and Opinionst make very interesting reacting. MUSIC AND DRAMA -This has always been a very special feature of THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, and those who are interested in Plays and Players, Composers, Musicians and their work should nut miss a single number. 130.37 SCOUTS -A carefully conducted department of interest to the boys and young mon, who are mak- ing this new movement in boy life so popular. ' J?IELD AND WOOD by "CALTIRA"-Delightful and interesting, especially to Children and their Mothers. FIRST-CLASS SiRIAL STORY --Always running with generous instalments each atom lay morning. If you want a first-class, respectable, earefully con- ducted, well edited, live, up-to-dato newspaper, subscribe for TILL MAIL ANL' EMPIRE. Some startling statements were COURT SENTENCES. brought out in an investigation before the Railway Commission of Canada som e few days go as to the profits of Can- adian e':nl.ss companies. These, how- ever, were small in comparison with those obtained by the Wells -Fargo Com- pany in the United States. This com- pany started with a capital of $5,000,000, increased it to $24,000,000, paid 10 per cent. dividends for sixteen years, de- clared a 310 p sr cent. dividend last year, and still has•$3,000,000 cash surplus. MUSKRATS Wanted in any quantity at the fol losing• l 1 ccs: Springs Winters Smalls Kilts 42c 35c 25c i Uc Also I pay highest prices for all other raw furs. Consignments solicited. Write for my latest price list. J. YAFFE, 72 Colborne gt., Toronto, Ont. a1. 01:v0I'81S OI C.1NA OILDT IN 01011. ti'Is4T LAND atii(kt'LATIONS. ANY person who is the sole head of a family or ams male over 1;3 years uht, luny hoarse• sit:0d n quarter s, c tion of avaihtble t)ondnion laud nl Manitoba, N.1-Bntehewan or Alberta. The applicant mu.t nUpenr its person at the Domiaiton I.a.tds Ager ey or Nub Agency for the di+triol. T.ntry by proxy natty he made at any al'l'ays, on cusum cor.dttletW, by father, another, t:ohonen, daughter, brother or sister or intending :tender. I)uti(s.-Nix mentis:' resttl(nee upon and cultacatiun of rhe land to 40(11 of f lire a year A h,:nlcyt4 at r utas live within pint+ milts of his 11011.4F+Itatl ou a farm or et least RI acres solely °weed and tamped by hon or by Ins Either, mother, s00, daughter, brother or N1 1ter. In ceratin distriote a hones tender fat Hoed standing may preempt it tlnarter•section alongside his llonlcstend. Prier• $3 00 tier acro. Iestaas.-1Nust resddc bran the homestead ttr prt•entption six seentbs in each of six ;Years frena the date o; 1.; matted entry (includiiag c, earn homestead patent) time c t the tib, t 1 nutd cultivate to acre a e xtr0. A Ilomeett tide)• tel" , n!i exhausted ids home - (dead right and cannot obtain a pre.•omptiett may enter for a eurehased h(nu•atead in certain districts. Price Se.tu per next. Duties. -Must reside six 111011 ills in each of three 'Sears. cultt• vete fifty notes and ertet a house wortli $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deleuty of llie X41iuister of the healer. N. B.-Unauthorivecl publication of this ad. • vet tistmos t 4i f11 not be paid for, The following article is taken from Toronto Saturday plight: - By what method do the courts deter- mine sentences? I am given to con- cluding that whatever rule does apply, if thea is one, it requires revision. Here art' three sentences dealt out last Neel: in the Frovinoe of Ontario: Police Chief John Mattson. of Pem- broke, stole $11,1C4 of town funds and gel: tweiv: monde; in jail. Daniel J. McGurk, letter carrier, Toronto, stole ;1.50 from the mail and got five years. M. T. Buchanan, of Ingersoll, mem- ber of the County Council, of Oxford, pleaded guilty to conspiracy, breach of trust, and using his public office to pro- cure bribes, and got away on suspended sentence. That the carrier of His Majesty's mails should be more harshly dealt with than the ordinary criminal is a question which the statutes decide, for the maximum sentence in the ease of Mc- Gurk as seven -years and the minimum three, but surely this letter carrier's breach of trust was no more serious than was that of the chief of police who took upwards of $11,000 which did not belong to him. or the case of Buch- anan who took in bribes more mosey than McGurk would have earned in a year. The higher up you go the lighter the sentence, appears to be an established rule, while as a matter of fact the re- verse should be the ease. 'l'he more brains the less reason for a criminal career. e'entagioue Diseases. Statisties of contagious diseas.•x in the province for the mouth of April show that there were r2 cases et' small- pox, with one death, compared with RI cases and no deaths a year ago; scarlet fever. 1113 cases and out' death; diph- theria 220 eases and 2d deaths: measle'., 1S5(i eases and 1.; deaths; Whooping' cough, 2ir cases and two deaths; ty- phoid £ever, 4.a OAR'S ti a l 15 deaths; tuberculosis,122 eases and Sideaths.s Deaths from terebro-spinal meningitis oceurred its the following }daces:' ' Toronto, Itingsston, Condo*, Niagara Falls, Oshawa, Port Arthur, Huntley and Ryerson rownships. Each of the eight eases was fatal, CARTn T)37 -,N3.4 Rrad•Gon Wine. The cheerfull faced dandelion is still offering great medical advantages to whomsoever cares to avail himself of natures free dispensary. For the wile pick the blossoms and stems and over three quarts of them pour four quarts of boiling water and let stand over night, Strain in the morning. Take three lemons sliced fine, three and tine - half pounds of granulated sugar and cup of raisins cut open and add to the liquid. Pour into a covered jar allowing e it to stand twelve days stirring it every day. Strain again, let the lipuid stand for a month, then bottle. Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sust- ain life and must be digested and "con- verted into blood. When the digestion fails the whole body suffers. Chamber- lain's Tablets are rational and reliable cure for indigestion. They increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strength- en the stomach, and tone and strength- en up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy action. For sale by all dealers, AN ABLE SPEECH. (Stratford Beacon') Mr. J. G. Turriff presented the west- ern view of reciprocity to the House of Commons. He spoke very plainly of the course of bankers who took Cana- dian deposits to do business with in the United States without feeling that their loyalty was at all affected. "But," said he, "if the farmer, for- sooth, sends a steer or a pig, or a car load of wheat or barley to the United States to secure a better price why he's disrupting the empire, and what not, Did ever men hear anything so abso- lutely absurd?" Mr. Turriff pointed out that when Mr. R. L. Borden visited his (Turriff's) constituency in 1907, the hugh banner over the platform from which he spoke bore the motto of the Conservatives, "Reciprocity with the United States." That was rubbing in the evidence of the Conservative party's perfidy on this issue with a vengeance. Mr. Tur- riff, who is a brother-in-law of Hon. Clifford Sifton, was expected by the Opposition to follow the lead of the "•Napoleon,of the West" in opposing the measure, but his fighting speech showed that he is with the peo- ple as of yore. He brought to a fitting conclusion the debate on the Govern- ment side. It is now expected that the talking will be left entirely to the Opposition, whose obstructive tactics will be noted by the country. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA.STO F I A �;3•.sly Slee lliadac n:id gale's) F.C. tite troubles Seel. den to .1 b' .state of tee system, each ns Dirz;rosa, 2 '.,t.. ",r> t rov''ine:'. 131-10-, tat -.1 cattle:, Pain i:' t ,t: t :et ;''.,. .. hiie their nr,bt tea.aa.ftaib:e sant a :-s h.:n nt c'a s:sewn is etrh.g elf Headache, 7,".z eeeer's.ittle Liver ?alis ere cquaflyc;...sr?e,:,: :naf,tal aen.infra,tar, venting' ?h'.:..:: iryi:: a coa1r..at.t. s. hi•e tiste te:., ir- 5::: .l 1: e t :++n acs, ct::att atef••.3 ih•nr gist t get t 1:o, t.ls tit nt: the/utily correct :LH s erred .1.1 G EL:a � 4F Arise they trout: be , r = •, + e•p,• who bt- r;atvigr. .. pito ottt•.e'rw t,_ai .i3. •lt• .,u••!-r'1.'a t•.1:1• ahl. °Root.1tny t:e's : .t'e f:a be st!• ling to do n'ithout thrtit, tile:: 211 the bane of e.0 many lives 11 at here is team wer.,al.eoar great beret. Our pills cam itw:,.ee others do rut. Carter's Little Liver Alia am wee email r.ni very easy t., trite. Oneor two psi,ata:3ke a d.tee. They are strictly vegctelee and do not gripe or purge, lint by ti:c .r g; retie a;tioa please alt alto nee them. ' bp1:a:i fel Tbatl, ELL 1°1S �it"lz�ti !�L'astt@ a One of the pioneers of Ii:ineardine Township. Mr. J. P. 111facintyre. pasaad away at his re'.-idenee on the leth con- cession on Monday, the tiith April, at the advanced age of teinser:4. I'Jr. Mae- ,,..). 'ntltyrc edtat@ to Briley in iti31, and toe!: up the farm upon which he passed his days ever since. He was horn i)1 the County of Glenpai'ry in 15.1.3, and was the son of a V. I.. I.eyoli t who crus,. to Canada from the Stat, of New York and settles} near the v illttg' of Marin - town. The late J. P. MaeIntyre enjoy- ed to an unusual degree the respect of the community i wlth h,lived. and Why 'It Pleayad. "I had a tine ear ride tod.ty." "Scenery good?" "Not especially.", "Seats easy?" "Just ordinary." "Then where • t:ie. It shiner' I1)e conductor ntisee(I 1`e." in tali: - 417, fait the fares." Just Like. Hee. -whet ttc,llid you ,it:t:te a ttelel.m ee "1 wonhlu't Judie her by anytO!." -via, would ret er'•e the decision if I did, so what's the {st':'" Rathate "Ile runs 11 skin game." "I.p on the eighteenth fluor." "That's what you luight call high finance, Isn't 1t2" e e '-' ' t g t i Jas"Jt1.7q � F 'T'tij 4�� ">t e ti uL:fli as+�,l' %11 • a L•ili ilU "u,i'' • itL 0 C,.t:, "e(eatt, Saris a _e•. , i.•.•l,.r al1'•'i, f •+ . li i.:17 . {' •1 `then 1 n.. L.t„ t_uae . 11-.• ••.;1"1!i'.o: se.: I vas tsititflu „..: v ramble '"al- in. `ttv:1 tiger doetl•ret t. .,I: <,'.•t,l 1 tit at la+^t''"tg cot:1'1,1 44*t r, 1;. El,ni'. Un the roe.:r:arj•,• .a r:: a 137_• e.,1 t,i t I t: v :,.1 flea.eared arc. 'o -(t =. I t. •i' ej -tires" as 111'C Only :':vitt:`.'.•, L • li :.t eec:11e11t Ileaith, end a Fri:i.-.1 tate. " a5 the Medicine that err,11 1:.•• a";. r I had been at Ileatlt'i) ):••• 1 •i 5111 glad to be el ,i ' to oliva .17011”1: 1 teetittioniaf. It mai betteelt &ant.• outt'r woman t:uffetlnt; as f l tiietetl, t)a I believe that 1 mould ta.;. be ;Hive to -day had I not used "V tui';-a•tive.•l" 1111:5. 1'. L. t1 EI;131;1:. " ltruit•a-tit's:" }•v its marvellous action an the kidneys ]ne•ta -. coulp1ete1 v restore; these vit.ti i3 ane. to their normal strength x1111 ei:or--attd cures every traee,of Kidney Trouble. "itruit• a- fives" is the only methane lit the world tirade of fruit. sot. a box, ti for S.2.i' t:q.11 size. 25e. Atdealers,orfrau I,r .t ati„:•.Limited, Ottawa. served ea reeve of Iiiticardine Township for seven years. He was a tabu (ester- ling integrity and was of a sleep piety. though any parade of his religious feel - lugs was alien to tht' natural reserve of • one who in all essentials Continued to ! be a typical Scat.