HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-04, Page 4THE WI 'GJIAM TIMES, .MAY , 1911 Dominion Bank HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Capital Stoek (all paid up) $4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits . $5,300,000.00 Deposits by the public,$47,000,000.00 Total Assets, over $62,600,000.00 BRANCHES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, TRANSACTED. Savings Department, Current rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINGHA a BRANCH - Corner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS gtica of changes must be left at office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be1"'„ t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABL1S5ED 1878 THE WINfi1LAi I l;L. i�TRIES. U.B.,LiOTTUBLIe$IDa ANDPnOPRI�TI+ THURSDAY MAY 4, 1911. EAST HURON LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the East Hur- on Liberal Association was held in Brussels on Thursday afternoon of last week and was well attended by Liber- als from different parts of the riding. The following officers were elected:— President, Alex. McLaughlin, of How - ick; Vice -Presidents, Wm. Elston, of Morris and John Gillespie of East Wa- wanosh; Secretary -Treasurer, F. S. Scott of Brussels. Addresses were de- livered by Hon. A.G. MacKay, Mr. W. Proudfoot, M.P. P., and Mr. Archie Hyslop, ex -M. P. P. Resolutions en- dorsing reciprocity and expressing con- fidence in the leadership of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. Mr. MacKay were adopted. A public meeting was held inthe ev- ening when address were delivered by Hon. A. G. McKay, Wm. Proudfoot, M. P. P. and Arch. Hislop, ex -M. P. P. The following is the Toronto Globe's report of the meeting: "That we, the electors of Huron, de- sire to very heartily endorse the pro- posed reciprocity agreement with the United States, believing it to be in the best interests of the people of Canada, especially the agriculturists, and urge the Dominion Government to confirm the proposed legislation at once." It is doubtful if the merits and de- merits of any public issue were ever so thoroughly presented to the people of thecountry, both through the press and from the platform, as has been the reciprocity agreement entered into by the Minister of Finance and his col- league, Hon. William Paterson, yet there is no indication of lagging inter- est. The people apparently realize that reciprocity is the most important question the country has had to consid- er since Confederation, and are proceed- ing upon the assumption that it is im- possible to get too much of a "good thing." This has been evident at all the meetings addressed by Hon. A. G. MaoKay in the past three weeks, par- ticularly those held in western Ontario. The crowds have almost invariably tax- ed the capacity of the town halls. The meeting addressed by Hon. Mr. Mac- Kay here to -night was no exception. The Town Hall is a fairly large one, but it had none too much accommoda- • tion for those who gathered to hear the trade agreement discussed. At the close of the meeting reciprocity was warmly endorsed in a resolution calling upon the Government to put the agree- ment into effect this session. the audience included a considerable num- ber of Conservatives. With one or two exceptions these did not vote for the resolution but, on the other hand, only one voted against it. Hon. Mr. MacKay, by request, paid some attention to the argument that Canadian millers would be seriously in- jured by the rushed of wheat to Amer lean markets. He pointed out thatunder the present tariff system Cana- dian wheat milled in bond may ge into the United States free of duty. It had been argued that Canadian wheat would"not be taken to the States for consuniption, but to feed the large mills, and exported as flour. Free en- try of wheat, be declared, would give American millers no advantage they do not now enjoy in milling wheat for ex- port. It would allow them to use Can- adian wheat in milling for home con- sumption, but in no way could it be ar- gued that this flour was to enter into competition in the export markets with the product of the Canadian mills. The only advantage the American miller would have would be a slightly better market for his bran and shorts. Ines A few years ago flying machines were hardly thought of, nor was Scott's Erntilsioaa in summer. Now ,Scot! • Emulsion is as much a sum. mer AS A Winter remedy. Science dill` it.. All bni&sts JAM1Q4'TOWN. Mr. Murdoch Fraser, of Galt, visited his nephews, Duncan and Will MacDon- ald last week, We are sorry to state that Miss Nei - lie Miller is on the sick list this week from the effects of a bad cold, Mr. Tom Small, of Listowel, visited at R. T. Miller's on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Vanloon, of Iowa, visit- ed friends in this vicinity lest week. Mr. and Mrs. A, Pollock visited the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Gibson, on Sunday last. Mrs. A. Simpson is not improving in health the way her many friends would wish to see her. Miss Elsie Strachan, of Wroxeter millinery parlors, visited under the parental roof on Sunday last. Mr, Alex. Casemore, of Wroxeter, resumed his work in the store last Monday after being home to help his father with seeding. The Misses Alma King and Mary Forrest visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler near Wingham on Satur- day last. Final figures of the trade of Canada during the past fiscal year show an in- crease of $81,952,200 in the total vol- ume of imports and exports as compar- ed with the preceding year. The ag- gregate for the year was $759,094,389, or nearly double the trade of ten years ago, and over three times the trade of fifteen years ago, when the present Government assumed power. A GREAT REMEDY FOR LITTLE ONES. That is what thousands of mothers say of Baby's Own Tablets. We have received thousands of letters praising them—we have yet to ret ve a mangle one condemning them, The ,Tablets cannot possibly do harm,evdn to the newborn babe. They contain none of those poisonous drugs whidh make the so-called "soothing' mi tures so dan- gerous to the welfare o the little one. They are a scientific edicine prepared by one of the gre est specialists on childhood ailments and should be kept in every home where there are babies or small children. Mrs, Fred McCart- hy, Pinewood, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found them a great remedy for the little ones, I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •--•rte LIVE STOOK MARKETS. BULLS FOR SALE. Two Shorthorn Bulls, aged 8 and 11 months; of choicest breeding, with size and quality; color, deep red, Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. FYPE, Wingham P. 0 Toronto, May 1—Union Stock Yards. —Receipts were 66 cars, with 1,345 head of cattle, 84 sheep and lambs, 40 hogs, 44 calves, and 40 horses. Trade was fairly active, with mod- erately good demand for both export and butcher. The opening of the St. Lawrence navigation and sailings from Montreal booked for Saturday next, has slightly stimulated the export trade, and there was a better demand for heavy cattle than a week ago. Butcher cattle were in normal de- mand, neither too active nor too slow. Prices were on the whole steady, with a slightly firmer tone, but quotations practically unchanged. Feeders and stockers in fair demand, to go on grass, Sheep and lambs steady, and un- changed, with very light receipts. Hogs, market very weak, and prices 15c lower. Selects $6 f. o. b.., and $6.35 fed and watered at Toronto. Export cattle, choice ... $ 5 00 to $6 00 do medium ... 5 65 5 75 do light . 500 5 10 de bulls ... ,............ .450 500 do cows...........450 5 30 Butchers choice 5 75 5 85 do medium ... .... 5 25 5 65 do cows .........,. 4 50 5 15 do common ... 4 00 4 25 do canners .... 2 50 3 00 Short -keep.. .. , , 5 00 5 75 Feeders steers 4 7,5 5 25 do bulls 3 50 4 25 Stockers choice.... . 4 75 5 10 do light ... 4 25 450 Milch cows, choice, each... 40 00 70 00 Springers 25 00 60 00 Common and medium .. 20 00 20 00 Sheep, ewes .. 8 50 4 25 dobueks 400 4 50 Lambs, yearlings 3 00 6 65 Spring lambs, each.. ,.... , 300 6 60 Hogs, f. o. b. .. ... 6 00 -- do fed and watered .... , ... 6 80 ' 6 35 Calves 8 50 6 50 WING1t.ADt hXA88.AT JtE1 OrtTS. Wingham, May, 3rd, 1911. Flour per 100 lbs •..,. 2 85 to 800 Fall whe=at .... 0 78 to 080 Oats .. 0 32 to 0 32 Poi y ............. 0 7b to 0 70 Butter dairy.......... 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doz.. , . ,.., 0 16 to 0 18 Wood per cord 250 to 250 Hay, per ton 600501000 Potatoes per bushel . 0 40 to 0 45 Lard. 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt •.600 to 600 lst line, Morris. ,� .+.,,.x„, .•,mow•, * .....,4..,+...+... i ,,, :�' '� r iv�•vi t.z +,7vn o�,r _ S, fitt}(�7!{� ��(tyyy tr..f y ,, r 4t 2. i...,12 .r at i.6 .uTRA1NS — TO — MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through Tinel °LOW COLONIST RATES For settlers trovelAod with livestock awl efforts especial T'raitt.: Will leave Toronto Eueh TUESDAY ARCH oral APRIL 10.10 P.M. Settlers sod dallies N+,6-„+ ll;rtstoc. se. t4 u.e ae,ular• Trains Laved Toronto 10.10 PJid, Daily Throuih Colonist and Tonrist Sleepers Colonist Cars ozl all Trains No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ash ss, e.t.a. Atm for ropy of "Settles' Gclde" J, II. REEDIER, Agent, Wlagham ,/, CEN ERAL ,; / / i /rilG;'���f��l...-L/GST IsT A•i'1'Qr1Ct. anti .. A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments,—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. , O. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. F . \� a lir CROCKERY* ,;� IT'S A PLEASURE To drink from a dainty cup or eat from a plate that is attractive to the eye. It adds zest and relish to the meal. Stock reducing sale of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Toilet Setts, 20 per cent. off all China. J4 F4 McOiIIivray Phone 54. Besides offering an incentive to save, a savings account affords a safe and convenient method of keeping the ac- dollars. custody is of paramount im-portance--either for the hard-earnedl for . Where Good Clothes Come from In this world a man must be well dressed. Custom demand it and all having any ambition at all follow the custom WE DO FINE TAILORIN G And can build you a suit of the very finest material of your own selection, triinmed with the best goods made for ' the purpose, charging yon no more than you would pay for ready-to•wear 1 clothes that cannot possibly tom, pare with those we make. 'on may choose front our splendid assortment of spring suitings and be able to put on The Snappiest Suit of Clothes made from the goods selected at HENNING'S 'viii timLoit Robt, Maxwell's Old Stand AANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA INNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Summer Millinery 1Ch1Idreo's, Misses' or Ladies' c C MISS MwVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVV VVVVWWVVWWVW/VVWVVVW In no other store in Wingham will you find as, large and choke a range of Millinery to select from. } 1 3 y REYNOLDS While excavating for the foundation of a new Presbyterian Sunday School in Weston a number of skeletons were turned up from 18 inches below the sur- face. Twenty-four skulls all told were brought to view. It is believed that the excavators have disclosed merely a sec- JON tion of a long trench in which a number of bodies were long ago buried. It is thought possible the skeletons are those of Indians killed in one of the old Indian battles at a time before Canada became a British possession. .v.vriwwvw?lW+,>•1,*WO 'VWdwsrt i'...5 ": Tr9VRIVPMMTIMMVPVVVIIVIPV,VVICIP OP 4 4 SpriogAnnouncement From • 3 1 the House urnishin i i 4 4 Department � •,e • • P. • • •► • 0. This season we have made the selection of Home Fur- s nishings a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural i pride we have in our unrivalled display of Rugs, i Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths. In Linoleums ittwe have a large stock to choose from Nairnshe I,,'"' Scotch Linoleums 4 yard width. Also Inland . 3 ► Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. sI.io i M v. t Rugs and Carpets 10 4 4 4 to 4 • We have in stock for your inspection Tapestry t 1. • Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00 each, according to size and i quality. ,,' Velvet Rugs from $i5.00 to $30.00. • • Axminister from $1o.00 to $4o.00, the prices are i astonishing low considering the beauty as you will see 4 • when you come. • I • Lace Curtains 4 3 Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready • for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties, Filet Mesh and Butagalow Nets, New Insertion $orders and Plain Centres and Curtain Muslin and Scrims, M• r..rr.r..r. You owe it to yourselfand to economy to see our * showing and ask our prices. IButter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantities. T. A. MILLS timimmillOPOWNIMMIONIipowemplowmammmempowi The Profit Sharing Store KERR & BIRD AGENTS --Ladies' Home Journal. L DIES ioME�OURNAL PATTERNS Akat MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE ILAD1ES WHO DRESS WALL Must wear perfecting Corsets. We have the very best Fitting Corset on the Market at very satisfactory prices. Directoric Corsets fine quality contil, deep lace trimming. 4 garters attached. Very best workmanship and newest styles. Prices 50c, 75c, $i.00, $1,5o. Just think of it Directoric Corsets at these low prices. Ghildren's hats and Gaps Our showing of Children's Hats and Caps for Spring will please you. The new shapes are very pretty. Round Soft Felt Hats in green, navy bine, and red, price 50e Caps, new shapes, tweed. navy blue, red and checks, price..250 to 50e New shapes in dressy Straw Hats for Girls and Boys..... 10e to 50e A FEW OF THOSE HAND BAGS LEFT, REGULAR $2,00 FOR 98c I On Our Bargain Counter for the Next Seven Days Big sale of Corsets—over 100 pairs on the Bargain Counter. These are not long corsets, but are good style, good quality and perfect fitting. . 23 pair Ladies Corsets, maim*price $1.00 sale price J690 11 " 11e ' 1 U 11 75e '' ... , .. .. 49e 50 " 50e 37c 13 " it 14 1. tt 40e 11 25c 11 " Tape Girdle " " 35e ,' 23e Economical buyers will take advangage of this sale. There's money in it for you, Seeds! Seeds ! Seeds'i Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety—new seeds. Rennie's Seeds 2 packages for 5e or 12 for 25c Ferry's Seeds 5e a package or 6 for 25e Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel—Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Giant Sugar Mengel -Jumbo Sugar Mangel-Leviathan Sugar Mangel. ••••••••••••••••*••••••••• •••••••••••••,.•X•••••••••, • • I r Y r Easter:. orde ou •• . i • 4 Clothe ri NowW f 4 Tailored to Your Measure• • And secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics,: and that snappy individuality, so much sought • IAnd be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion day i of the year. Have your choice of our elegant assortment of new Spring Suitings after by all good dressers within a price of all. I LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY. • t • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• +44444.444+4444444444+444444 E. C. W i -I ITE WINGHAM, ONT • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Say, What • About Good Couch? We' have torn 'Dandies,' that will wear a life time at $$.00 aOr 89. AM, ING ONT.W isFurni Ore Store 3;+f 4++ + 41+t 44+T~i4A+ 44.44.+.3;0. 'i: ti:3!i.4.21 :140*.+' .+As 1�N/i ii ,i t►AAM 'il A�ii!'� iiithUAZIMINtitinitiaLCAAA4 BA11KOf41A14kTON F Capital Paid Up.. $ 2;750,000 R e s o r v e and Undevided Profits - .. 3,250,000 Total Assets 40,000,000$2 • s' x - r'} r1• i, 4 Besides offering an incentive to save, a savings account affords a safe and convenient method of keeping the ac- dollars. custody is of paramount im-portance--either for the hard-earnedl for . 0 ��� �� -Safe y'`' i�:.:,1144,11 ,1cumulating savings of the worker or trust funds. The Bank of Hamilton invites yours' savings acoount, whether large or small, • C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. AANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA INNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Summer Millinery 1Ch1Idreo's, Misses' or Ladies' c C MISS MwVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVV VVVVWWVVWWVW/VVWVVVW In no other store in Wingham will you find as, large and choke a range of Millinery to select from. } 1 3 y REYNOLDS While excavating for the foundation of a new Presbyterian Sunday School in Weston a number of skeletons were turned up from 18 inches below the sur- face. Twenty-four skulls all told were brought to view. It is believed that the excavators have disclosed merely a sec- JON tion of a long trench in which a number of bodies were long ago buried. It is thought possible the skeletons are those of Indians killed in one of the old Indian battles at a time before Canada became a British possession. .v.vriwwvw?lW+,>•1,*WO 'VWdwsrt i'...5 ": Tr9VRIVPMMTIMMVPVVVIIVIPV,VVICIP OP 4 4 SpriogAnnouncement From • 3 1 the House urnishin i i 4 4 Department � •,e • • P. • • •► • 0. This season we have made the selection of Home Fur- s nishings a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural i pride we have in our unrivalled display of Rugs, i Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths. In Linoleums ittwe have a large stock to choose from Nairnshe I,,'"' Scotch Linoleums 4 yard width. Also Inland . 3 ► Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. sI.io i M v. t Rugs and Carpets 10 4 4 4 to 4 • We have in stock for your inspection Tapestry t 1. • Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00 each, according to size and i quality. ,,' Velvet Rugs from $i5.00 to $30.00. • • Axminister from $1o.00 to $4o.00, the prices are i astonishing low considering the beauty as you will see 4 • when you come. • I • Lace Curtains 4 3 Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready • for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties, Filet Mesh and Butagalow Nets, New Insertion $orders and Plain Centres and Curtain Muslin and Scrims, M• r..rr.r..r. You owe it to yourselfand to economy to see our * showing and ask our prices. IButter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantities. T. A. MILLS timimmillOPOWNIMMIONIipowemplowmammmempowi The Profit Sharing Store KERR & BIRD AGENTS --Ladies' Home Journal. L DIES ioME�OURNAL PATTERNS Akat MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE ILAD1ES WHO DRESS WALL Must wear perfecting Corsets. We have the very best Fitting Corset on the Market at very satisfactory prices. Directoric Corsets fine quality contil, deep lace trimming. 4 garters attached. Very best workmanship and newest styles. Prices 50c, 75c, $i.00, $1,5o. Just think of it Directoric Corsets at these low prices. Ghildren's hats and Gaps Our showing of Children's Hats and Caps for Spring will please you. The new shapes are very pretty. Round Soft Felt Hats in green, navy bine, and red, price 50e Caps, new shapes, tweed. navy blue, red and checks, price..250 to 50e New shapes in dressy Straw Hats for Girls and Boys..... 10e to 50e A FEW OF THOSE HAND BAGS LEFT, REGULAR $2,00 FOR 98c I On Our Bargain Counter for the Next Seven Days Big sale of Corsets—over 100 pairs on the Bargain Counter. These are not long corsets, but are good style, good quality and perfect fitting. . 23 pair Ladies Corsets, maim*price $1.00 sale price J690 11 " 11e ' 1 U 11 75e '' ... , .. .. 49e 50 " 50e 37c 13 " it 14 1. tt 40e 11 25c 11 " Tape Girdle " " 35e ,' 23e Economical buyers will take advangage of this sale. There's money in it for you, Seeds! Seeds ! Seeds'i Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety—new seeds. Rennie's Seeds 2 packages for 5e or 12 for 25c Ferry's Seeds 5e a package or 6 for 25e Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel—Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Giant Sugar Mengel -Jumbo Sugar Mangel-Leviathan Sugar Mangel. ••••••••••••••••*••••••••• •••••••••••••,.•X•••••••••, • • I r Y r Easter:. orde ou •• . i • 4 Clothe ri NowW f 4 Tailored to Your Measure• • And secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics,: and that snappy individuality, so much sought • IAnd be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion day i of the year. Have your choice of our elegant assortment of new Spring Suitings after by all good dressers within a price of all. I LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY. • t • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• +44444.444+4444444444+444444 E. C. W i -I ITE WINGHAM, ONT • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Say, What • About Good Couch? We' have torn 'Dandies,' that will wear a life time at $$.00 aOr 89. AM, ING ONT.W isFurni Ore Store 3;+f 4++ + 41+t 44+T~i4A+ 44.44.+.3;0. 'i: ti:3!i.4.21 :140*.+' .+As 1�N/i ii ,i t►AAM 'il A�ii!'� iiithUAZIMINtitinitiaLCAAA4