HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-05-04, Page 1TIS
VOL. XL. --NO. 2048.
The best moth preventive
known. ,Agreeable odor.
Easily removed. Sure in
effects. The most conven-
ient. The most cleanly.
Use "Mothine' for the Buf-
uffalo Moth,
Walton McKibhoo
a2*.'' avow
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
farm between Belgrave and
Blytb. Immediate possession.
the finest in town, Beauti-
ful situation. Price right.
Archie Pat rson's Brick Veneered
Dwelling and two lots. Good
corner. A bargain.
FISHER BLOCK. -Josephine St.
solid brick building with
stores under and fine dwell-
ing rooms above. An excel-
lent property.
50 ACRE FARM -The Campbell
property in the Town Plot,
one mile from town. A fine
place with good buildings.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Partnere who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted :Or tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowers
rater going,
The Tea part of the grocery
business is a Most important part,
and we give it the attention
which that importance demands.
Genuine Tea
We claim for our Teas that no
better values are sold, and is fair
trial will prove this. ,
What hat Users
That they are good. That
they are better than ether 'rem
they have used. That they are
alt we claim for them.
This it The Tea
and Coffee
Wear Greer's Shoes and /tube'rs
Board of Tr de Meeting.
A meeting of the Ingham Board of
Trade will be held i the Council Cham-
ber next Tuesday a ening at 80'clock.
There are importan matters to come
before the meeting and all members and
citizens who have e welfare of the
town at heart are equested to attend
the meeting.
WANTED -General rvant, good wages.
Apply. Mos, R. V ToNE,
CALL 1N and have a look at KNOX'S
new 1911 wall papers.
Sunday Scho
The annual anni
connection with the
Sunday School will
when special sermo
morning and evenin
`Wooton of Stratfor
a special session of
will be held when a
livered by Rev, Mr.
G. Victor Collins, p
Church, On Mond
tainment will be he
cellent program has
sisting of recitation,
drill, club swinging,
cordially invited to
and entertainment.
ersary services in
Hingham Methodist
e held next Sunday
s will be preached
by Rev. F. N.
In the afternoon
he Sunday School
dresses will be de -
Wooton and Rev.
stor of the Baptist
evening an enter -
for which an ex-
been arranged, con-
, solos, duetts, flag
etc. The public is
ttend these services
WANTED. -Two good delivery boys.
Apply to Thos. Field's & Co.
POTATOES WANTED -Any quantity of
good potatoes wanted. CaII at store for
sacks. KING BROS.
Troops Whic
Militia orders
date of the an:
The Goderich ca
June 19th. The i
there are as folio
Canadian Regimes
don; Twenty-sixth
seventh Regiment,
lance (SectionnC),
Thirty-second Regi
Regiment, Twent
Signalling Corps 9
and Departments-
viee, Corps No. 1 C
Army Medical Corp
dian Ordinance
Canadian Army Pa
go to Goderich.
ssued announce the
ual training camps.
ip will assemble on
nits ordered to train
vs: Infantry -Royal
K Company, Lon -
Regiment, Twenty -
No. 1 Field Ambu-
hirtieth Regiment,
trent, Thirty-third
-fourth Regiment,
I, D., No. 1 Services
anadian Army Ser-
mpany, Permanent
detachment, Cana-
orps detachment,
Corps detachment;
To RENT. - A nicely furnished house
in a good location. For particulars
apply at the TIMES office.
The Regina Vacuum Cleaner, easy to
operate, for sale or to 'tent. Apply to
At the
The production.
in the opera house
under the directio
was a decided succe
attendance, and th
preciative and at
The idea of the pr
to present various
which one might m
there being little o
formers had only t
get up their parts,
so excellent -ashtwi
to their native abil
ing which they rec
ble to mention• eac
ers, numbering up
can say that all t
their parts in a ve
ing manner.
unty Fair.
"The County Fair"
last Friday evening,.
of Miss N. Houghton
s. There was a good
audience was ap-
times enthusiastic.
duction was simply
ypes of character
et at a county fair,
no plot. The per-
ree or four days to
nd that they made
g is creditable alike
y and to the train-
ived. It is impossi-
one of the perform-
ards of fifty, but we
performers took
clever and pleas -
FOR SALE. --Good second-hand heavy
wagon and a water tank, suitable for a
cistern. Apply at TIMES office.
Maitlend Po
Last week two en
i of
Electric C nmixis
rich and held a con
den Geiger, Co. Cle':
sures Holmes and
the Board of Trade,
tion of the develop:
the Maitland River.
conference the Com
ed to say definitely
take whatever power
possible of developni
and then to furnish
quantity of power
and emit of develop
also that the Count
committee on this
Toronto this week
Commission on the
er Scheme.
ineers of the Hydro -
in were in Gode-
erente with War-
k Lane, Co. Tree -
representatives of
regarding the ques-
eat of power on
As a result of the
ission will be ask-
hether they will
may be shown as
at on the river,
n estimate as to
robably available
ent. It is likely
Council's special
natter will go to
to interview the
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham cemetery
during the summer months andguar-
antees to give satisfaction. Price for
season is $1 per lot. Orders left With
John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re•
ceive prompt attention.
ROHM Dr ri x.L.
Read Wlllls Es Co.'s' adv, on page l}
Census En merators.
Messrs. John Eld r and Abner Cosens
received word on Ti
pointment as cense
the town of Wing
will have charge of
or Josephine street
the east side of the
commence their du
of June.
esday of their ap-
enumerators for
Mr. Cosens
the territory west
and Mr. Elder on
town, They will
es on the 1st day
WALL PAPER from 5e, to $1.00 per
roll, at KNOX'S,
Lacrosse Clu
At a meeting h
Chamber on Thurso
Wingham lacrosse
for the season wit]
ficers;-Hon. Presi
President, C. G. Vi
J. Henning; Tress
agement Committ'
Jas. McGillivray,
Elliott and Chas.
will be held on
and Friday evenin
are requested to a
d in the. Council
y evening last the
lub was organized
the following of -
lent, Dr, J. P. Hen-
ieo, Spotton; Vice
nStone; Sec'y, W.
, L. Sadler; Man-
e -W. H. Gurney,
van Johnston, Ted
McLean. Practice
(onday, Wednesday
s and all members
tend practice.
FoIs SALE --A 14 story frame dwell-
ing on John St., Wingham, 7 rooms,
hard and soft water and good garden
(3-8 acre). Apply to R. VANSTONE.
All accounts ow g the`D. M. Gordon
Estate must be p t once, as the
business is being used.
Hospit Bazaar.
The handkerchie and apron bazaar,
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aux-
iliary of the Wing am Hospital will be
held in the Cou ciI Chamber this
(Thursday) after oon and evening.
The ladies have g ne to considerable
expense to make t e bazaar a success
and a large number of our townspeople
should visit the Council Chamber and
purchase some of t
be offered for sale.
of the best institut'
should receive th
our citizens.
e articles which will
The hospital is one
ns in the town and
hearty support of
WANTED -A coat
ladies' coats. App
aker to work on
y to E. C. White,
I. O. O. F. C
The members of
119, Independent
with a number of v
tended divine ser
Church on Sunday
ing to disagreeabl
dance was not as l
years. Rev. Bro.
ed an excellent se
marks on "Love."
highly pleased wi
choir, under the 1
H. Willis, furnish
of the service:
rch Service.
aitland Lodge, No:
der of Oddfellows,
siting members, at -
ice in St. Paul's
fternoon last. Ow -
weather the atten-
rge as on previous
H. Croly preach -
mon, basing his re -
The members were
the sermon. The
adership of Mr. W.
d the musical part
Come to the big, sale of up-to-date
millinery and boots and shoes going on
now at Mrs. GREEN'S,
Teacher at Ladies'
Mrs. Homuth, aughter of Mr.
Mrs. F.G. ing. has accepted a
position on the
Ontario Ladies' C
will take up her ti
the 1st of Septem
uth is a graduate
a medalist in her
Mist Marguerite 1
to Whitby and co
studies in the c
it n at
heartily co gr u
her appointment
numerous friends
success in her po
eaching staff of the
allege at Whitby and
rk in the College on
er next, Mrs. Hom-
f this college and was,
ear. Her daughter,i.
Iomuth, will also go
tinue her h Hi School
liege, The TIMES -
tea Mrs. Homuth on
dwit e join w With her
wishing her every
SEED POE SALE.• -Timothy. all
kinda Clover, ete , ete. The best
grades only. KING BROS.
The annual ora .rical contest was
held in the Assem• y Hall an Thursday
evening, April 2 h. This year the
t in addition l on tc the Principal's
P p R
prize for Oratory offered prizes in
Form I and II for ::says, the essays to
take the Mina o original stories
There were three +ontestants for the
Oratory prize, Mes rs. C. McKee, W.
Jackson and 3. C. S others, The judg-
es unanimously d. ided in favor of
Mr. C. McKee. T • essay prize win-
ners were, in Form II Miss E. Armour
and in Form 1 Miss Anna McRitchie.
Besides this Erma Copeland in Form
I was given honors •le mention on ac-
count of the high excellence of his
work. The progra : me for the evening
was as follows; -So o, Miss Marguerite
Homuth; speech, 'Life of Abraham
Lincoln", by Mr Wesley Jackson;
reading of prize es ay, "Rescued", by
Miss Anna McRitc ie; speech on "Suc-
cess and How to A hieve it", by J. C.
Stothers; Form I prize essay, "A
Wayside Adventur-", by Miss Elma
Armour; speech, " anada's Obligation
to Great Britain," .y Mr. C. McKee;
Form I, honors mention essay,
"Banished", by E,man Copeland; ad-
dress on" Citizens ip" by Mr. J. W.
The High Sch..1 Football team is
preparing to go to Listowel on Satur-
day next to con st the team of the
High School of th:t town for the far-
famed Haugh Cu The boys are prac-
tising hard and f: thfully and deserve
to succeed but o Ing to the earliness
of the season it is impossible to predict
the result with a. curacy. It is hoped
that a good repr:-entation from Wing -
ham will go dow with the boys and
cheer them in th • struggle, for nothing
can do more for < team than generous
and hearty enco ragement on the field.
It is rumoured at all the High School
teachers, exce t Mr. Smith, will ac-
company the term as rooters and these
with the addi ion of ardent student
supporters and others should make a
good delegation hi Listowel, ,� --'"--s
Good kitchen gird weed at once.
Apply at Brunswick -Hotel.
WANTED. -A reliable girl or woman
to stay with ladyhois not very strong.
This is a good plpe' for a woman des-
iring a comforta6blle home with very lit-
tle work. Apply Box B,, Times office.
Trunk Line orpletion.
The trunk line of the North Huron
Telephone Co. bet een Wingham and
Lucknow will be c. pleted this week
and will be brougt into service on
Monday next. On : nd after Monday
North Huron subsc hers connected to
Wingham and Luc • ow will have a free
service one with the other, Also,
North Huron subs 'hers connected to
Wingham can ge conneetion with a
Bell subscriber at Lneknow on a 5e.
charge and a Nor Huron subscriber
connected at Luc ow can get a Bell
subscriber in Wi : gliani on a le charge.
DOTTER AND Enos: k-Brieg along your
trade. Wepay highest price in etehange
for boots and shoes. W. J. Greer.
Friday Evenin
The beautiful c
will be given in
Friday evening o
auspices of the
The choir will be
talent and our rea
to one of the best
ments ever given i
dition to the canta
number of musical
ceeds will go in aid
organ fund. Seats
Mckibbon's drug s
tate, "Bethlehem"
the opera house on
this week under the
aptist Church Choir.
ssisted by other local
ers can look forward
musical entertain-
Wingham. In ad -
there will be a
umbers. The pro -
the Baptist Church
can be reserved at
Three trimmers busy for the closing
out sale, ladies get smart millinery;
also boots and shoes at cost, at MRs.
Mrs. D. M. Gordo:
of household furnitu
Furniture may be s
or evening.
will sell a quantity
ar`her residenee.
en any afternoon
• Death of rs. Taylor.
`There passed a ay at her home on
Diagonal street .n Saturday evening
last one of the old r and highly esteem-
ed residents of Wi gham in the person
of Rosanna Wau beloved wife of
t Talo in her1st ear,
r. Wale 7
.. YY
The 'd eased lad'"a bebn""rr '-poor
health for some t e. She was born
in Dumfrieshire, ` otland and came to
Canada in 1855 s ttling in Blenheim
Township and whe e she remained un-
til coming to Wi gham thirty years
ago. Mrs. Taylor was a woman held
in high esteem •r her many friends
and had for many ears been a member
of St. Andrew's + resbyterian Church.
Besides her husba d she ie survived by
one daughter, Mr J. W. Pearen, of
town and four br. hers and three sis-
ters, viz: -Geo. ' augh, Culross; Thos.
and William Wau:. h, Woodstock; David
Waugh, Bright; s. Anderson, Melita,
Man,; Mrs. Fieb, Chicago; Mrs. Me-
Vittie, Ayr, he bereaved will
have the since)" sympathy of the
community.' Thfuneral took place
on Tuesday : ternoon to Wing-
ham eenletery, t e eerviees being con-
cluded by Rev. i. Petrie,
A. ear load of White S nig Machines.
just arrived for 1} 1, Cull at his
wareroom and See best sewing ma-
chine on the mark . When. they are
bought right they can be sold right at
D. BELL'S wareroom.
The regular M meeting of the
Town Council w held on Monday
evening with all m - mbers present and
Mayor Spotton pr==iding. Minutes of
previous meeting ere read and ap-
A communication was read from the
Provincial Tress er's department
showing that Wing : m's share of rail-
way tax was $215 28 and from this
$109.50 was deductefor maintenance
of inmates from Wi gham in Provincial
asylume and cheque for balance, $105.78
was enclosed.
Communication f •m Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital Board asking for annual
grant to hospital,
From V. R. Va orman, Chief of
Fire Co., asking for hree months leave
of absence and askin: that R. A. Dins -
ley act as Chief d ring his absence;
also from V. R. Va orman resigning
his position as Water and Light Com-
From the Fire Co. sking for a re-
fund of part of $21 :II rent recently
On motion of Co n. McKenzie and
Reeve McDonald, F e Chief Vannor-
man was given three t onths leave of
absence and R. A. Ansley appointed
to take control of Fir Co. during that
The Fire Co. was refunded $12 on
hall rent on motion of Reeve McDonald
and Coun. McKenzie.
The matter of Com' issioner Vannor-
man's resignation wa laid over until
next regular meeting.
Couns. Elliott and one introduced a
motion providing for he usual grant of
$200 to the hospital. Reeve McDonald
and Coun Mitchell i roduced a motion
to make the amount100, when on mo-
tion of Couns. Hall : nd Bell, the matter
of making a grant t . the hospital was
deferred anti] a sta ement of receipts
and expenditure f.r last year is pre-
sented to the Counml from the Hospital
A petition was read from L. H. Bos-
man and others sking that a•water
main be placed on eopold street, north
from John street. On motion of Couns,
Elliott and Bell, t e matter was refer-
red to the Water and Light Commis-
sioners with a request to proceed with
the work if the petition is sufficiently
The Fire and ViLter Committee re-
ported as follows: -1. That 300 feet
of new hose be purchased to replace
damaged hose, 2. That a clock be
purchased for use of nightwatchman.
3. That all ashes and refuse from the
streets be dumped on the townproperty
on Josephine street, north of C. P. R,
tracks and that this property be given
to a manufacturer who would erect a
factory to employ ten workmen who
are heads of families.
On motion of Couns. Elliott and Bone,
clauses 1 and 3 of the report of the
Fire and Water Committee were adopt-
The Finance Committee reported,
recommending that no action be taken
in the matter of having taxes paid half -
yearly and that the following accounts
be paid: -
Annie McLeod, scrubbing hall.. $ 2.00.84
Thos. Calvert, salary 49.25
Arthur Haines, work
A. Sanderson, teaming. .. ...
J. F. Groves, sal, and postage.
Geo. Allen, salary . .. ....•
Jos, Gibson, salary, ,.
R. Rankin, salary ..... 7,
W. H, Rintoul, work at hall 41.30
C. N. Griffin, sal. and postage 130.00
L. Aitcheson, service at Chis-
holm fire... ..
H. Saint, drayi g
fight Com., band Mall lights
. C. McDonald, work
igh School Board, on levy 600.00
Public School Board, on levy400.00
an ofC
k ommere coupons270.00
'Dominion Bank, e upons 22.50
Moved by Reev McDonald and Coun.
McKenzie, that th report ' of F'i anee
Committee be ado ted and that account
of Perth Contract o. of $5.10 be paid
when properly cer ified to. -Carried.
Coun. Elliott, s Chairman of the
Street and Proper Committee report-
ed that the Street IComrnittee had pur-
chased a new stre=t sprinkler at a cost
o Property Commit -
t for making eonnec-
own Hail closets and
repair fence, care-
nd make other im-
ns. Hall and Bone,
eeeived and ordered
of $300 and that t
tee had let contra:
tion to sewer for
had also decided t
taker's building
provements in the
On notion of
the reports were
to be flied.
By-law No. 6 2, providing for the
closing of all clo • eta, cesspools and rep -
tie tanks on b•th sides of Josephine
street, between .victoria street and the
G. T. R. tracks . efore the lst of Sep-
tetnber next wa given three readings
and on motion o i Reeve McDonald and
Coun. Elliott we passed as read.
Moved by Co ns. Beit and Elliott,
that the Clerk hill the Township of
Turnberry for a . ount of taxes paid on
electric light plan with interest
date, -Carried,
Mr, Pigeon. on ehalf of the Perth
Contract Co. addr sled the Council and
asked for a settle eat,
Moved by Cou s. Elliott and Bell,
that members o Council to -morrow
morning, examin the streets on which
sewers have ben laid and that the
Council do now a journ to meet again
on Wednesdayev nsi
next at
8 o'clock.
WANTED. -Good girl for house work.
Apply to MRs. GEO. ALLEN,
Population and th
Show Increase
Total Assessment
Over Last Year.
Mr. C. N. Griffi
ed his work for thi
ed his roll over to
this week. The
Wingham is not
increases are she
ment. The figur
are herewith give
Real Prop.
Ward 1 $119,810 $
Ward 2 136,510
Ward 3 207,370
Ward 4 259,970
$723,660 $
The population
431; Ward 2, 438;
1028; total, 2,481
over the figures of
very satisfactory in
people will be plea
town is increasing
The number of
to 21 years is 568
of 5 and 16 years,
dogs is given at 86
Below we give
assessor, has finish -
year and has hand -
own Clerk Groves
figures show that
oing backwards as
n in every depart -
for 1911 by wards
liminess Income Total
seele't Assesem't
0,699 $ 908 $141,409
4,165 5,352 156,027
5,052 400 232,822
6,170 1,000 271,140
6,086 $7,652 $807,398
ward is: -Ward 1,
and 3, 584; Ward 4,
an increase of 108
last year. This is a
rease and our towns -
ed to know that the
n population.
children between 5
nd between the ages
24. The number of
comparative state-
ment for this yeaand last: -
1910 1911
Total assessment $798,477 $807,398
Business assessm nt78,512 76,086
Income assessme t3,600 7,652
Taxable real pro erty 703,865 723,660
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and
Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
Centre Huro
The License Com
tre Huron granted
ses for the ensuin
Queens, Mrs, T. St
Pickney; Commerci
Diek House, F. KI'
son. Clinton-Wa
Normandie, S. S. t
J. Rattenbury; Co
ford; Graham Hous
C. IL Pugh. Goderi
Colborne, T. John
Annie King; Unio
Fred Davis; Britis
Swartz; Huron, J
House, W. Babb;
J. Querin; Centr:
Killop-L. Wolfe
the same numbe
granted for last
issioners for Cen-
he following licen-
phens; Royal, D.T.
:I, A E. McLennan;
g; shop, E. Daw-
erley, J. Reinhart;
ooper; Rattenbury,
mercial, D. Craw-
, R. Graham; shop,
h-Saults, B.Saults;
on; King Edward,
M. Farr; Bedford,
Exchange, E. A.
mes Reynolds; Ocean
shop, W. W. Saults.
n, H. James; Queen's
I, G. McDonald. Mc -
Dublin. This is just
of licenses as were
FOR RENT. - Suite of rooms over
Greer's shoe store. Apply to DR. A. J.
PASTURE TO RENT- Persons desiring
pasture for the coming season can be
supplied by a lying to Thos. J. Hul-
ton, south of Wingham. Pasture is
convenient to town.
South Huro
The License Comm
Huron have grant
the co
licenses form
Commercial, L. W
W. T. Acheson;
Morley, Bayfield-
Darrow; Albion, M
-Commercial, W.
Dominion, R. R.
tial, J. P. Rau. Di
elson. Grand Ben
tier. Crediton -Ge
wood -Commercial,
application of Ja
Queen's Hotel, He
for further consid
of Mount Carmel,
of Khiva, were gi
out. There is this
the number of 1
township, the cou
having passed a
ssioners of South
d the following
g year: Exeter--
Palmer; Central,
etropolitan, John
ommercial, Henry
E. Elliott, Len-
Mogatt. Hensalt
Perkins. Zurich
ohnston; Commer-
ke-Mrs, W. Niel -
Brenner, E. Bren-
tral, A. Hill, Dash -
W. Zimmer. The
es Coxworth for
sail, was laid over
ration. 3os. Zilor,
nd B. Cunningham,
n 3 months to sell
ear a reduction of
Lenses in Stephen
cit of that township
duction license by -
PAItt01101 ATTENTION) We have the
•t l
best assortmentsuitable of shoes, ul abe f or
Fattn Work aver shown in town. Prices
$1..50 to $1504 W. S. Greer.
Your Foot Comfort
And Your Health
arauswomitosisimminumat num
are foundto be very intimately
Therefore, the IEST
000A shoe is
tone too good, if you want the best
of health,
That means for you "INVICTUS.
They'll bless your feet, do your
eyes good to look at them, and
make you feel proud and well all
See us for Trunks and Valises,
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
FIRE ed*
ACCIDENT .Insurance
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Offioe over Malcolm's Grocery.
To RENT -Seven -roomed house, d
garden, hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office.
NOTICE. -All accounts due the late
Geo. Green must be paid at an early
date. Accounts can be settled at the
Standing of !ad es in the
Free Trip to
Muskoka Contest
Mrs. Thos Forbes. .319
Mrs, J T. Lennox 159
Mrs. Prank Coulter 104
Mrs. M. E. Chapman , , , 83
Mrs. Goy. .... 54
Mrs. Thos. Kew....... 41.
Mrs. Wm. Helps .. .... 36
Mrs. J. Moynihan.,...,..,, 86
Mrs. D. Currie ...... • .. 10
Mrs Henry Calvert..,., 10
Maggie Tibbs bbs.
May Moore.
Irene Vannorman
Marguerite Murray
Eva. Breckenridge ......
Mary McGregor.,.....
L •leuty .,
Ida Abram.... . , ..
Ethel Rogers.
Minnie Pessant.......,
Iona Stewart......
Lizzie Attridge .....
Ester Bridges .. ....
M. King ....
Mary Sellers ,... ..
Martha E, Maxwell ..
L. Casemore . , . , , . .
Freda Kelly .... .
Grace Reaney.,... ...
. 978
.. 50
• 47
• 46
.. 16
. 10
. 10
Remember the blue coupons count
up very fast, 2 votes for 5c on our
own Preparrtions and Optical
r J1�a
ll Hindi •.
rdbrgTakNn ,•:u�„v♦1NGHAM