HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-20, Page 4THE WINGRAN TIMES, APRIL 20 , 1911 THIw jA Good Medicine QonIrnIon .forThe 1IRAo O:'FIt`P: TORONTO ! Do Not Use Haas PU' atiVes'..A Capital Stock fall paid up) $4,00000.00 Tonic. is Ail You Need. Reserve Fund and Un- divided ndi' ifi ' t Profits .... $5,300,000.00 Not er,:etlr Shin --but not feeling Ise toric: by the pu blic,...r;+"_7,0kI0,n')O.00 quite well Th is the way most pee - Total Assets, over §1" tS'2,6e0,i, 0.Oh pie feel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches BRAN=',;,•' : .,:ND AORNTa throughout and a feeling ei depression. Pimples Canaria and the United States, I or eruptions may appear on the skin, Cri,Pr'G .A I. BANKING BUSINESS1 or there i av he. twvinges of rheuma- tism or p ,re.gia. Ally of these in - TRANSACTED. I dicate that the blood is out of order; that the indoor life of winter has left Savings Department. its mart: i'i you and may easily de - t. Current rates of Interest allowed, and }eDor't die p iv.urselfoee serius withublepurgatives Deposits received of $1.00 and as so nix' people do in the hope that �wvards. you can ea: i e sir blood right. Purge, - Farmers' Sale Notes Calleeted, and tiw es gw , ex, nrough the system and advances made on them at lowest weaken ms.ead of giving strength, rate of interest.. Anv doctor wa*ill t ill you �2iiis is true, «hat you need in the sp ng is a tonic WINGII.t I BRANCH -Corner John and, that will make new bloc and build up Josephine Streets. the nervis. Dr. Will' m=' Pink Pills is the only medicine hat can do this W. R. G EIK 1E, MANAGER, speedily, safely d s r sly. Every dose of this m kine ineps to make new blood, which cletee, the skin, strengthens the appetite, and makes tired, depressed men, women and child- ren bright, active and strong. Mr. B. Martin, Deux Rivieres, Que., says: "About a year ago I was all run down. I was pale, weak and had but little appetite. I also suffered from a severe pain in the back, and though I tried several medicines nothing helped me until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these soon fully restor- ed my health. I can strongly recom- mend these pills to every weak person. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents abox or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTa1SERS t Notice of changes must be left at thi, office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be IV, not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements aceepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 'yL'A13LI3tiftio isia , T$ WiNi IDLES. $.ti. i$LLIOtT. P UnLIBUI112 611DPROVAPITO THURSDAY APRIL 20, 1911. Total Abstainers. From the London Telegraph. A dear old lady who was lately stay- ing near Dartmoor was very much ex- ercised in her mind as to the physical and spiritual health of the convicts confined in the prison. Meeting a squad one day, she asked the warder charge if she might present them with some delicacies she had with her and a few tracts. The warder, as was his duty, replied in the negative. Then she pleaded to be allowed to speak a word of admonition and comfort. "No, ma'am," said the warder, "it's against the regulations." "Oh, dear, dear!" sighed the old lady. But, tell me, do you think they are all coifverted?" "Well, ma'am, I shouldn't take upon myself to say that," he answered. Then seeing her distressed face, he added: "But there's one thing I will say for them -they -re all teetotlers and non-smokers." And the old lady de- parted much comforted. in is "Fngland's first skyscraper" is the name that had been applied to an in- surance company's building which being erected at Liverpool to be 300 feet high. The proposal to appeal the Hebert marriage ease to the Privy Council Lhas been abandoned, as it was found that Mrs, Hebert was a consenting party to the annulment of the marriage. The average costperpatient daily in the Bruce County General Hospital in 1910 was $2.27, Toronto General $1.41, London General $1.62, Galt $1 55, Owen Sound $1.11, Berlin $1.64, Wingham $1.- 79, Goderich $1.73, Fergus $1.52, Kin- cardine $2.35, Stratford $1.28, Guelph )5 cents, St. Joseph's Guelph $1 03. A thoroughbred collie belonging to A. Brill, of Edmonton, disappeared sixteen months ago, shortly after it had been e ken there by express from Bolton Cen- :re, near Sherbrooke, Que. The dog las now turned up at its old home in 4uebae, having in some way found its Gray back. The dog will be sent back Al Edmonton by express. r In disorders eases of children seldom do often do harm. Careful feeding bathing are remedies. ScotI's Emulsion is the food -medicine snot only nourishes most, but also 1 their digestion, wonderful tonic dren of all ages. rapidly gain health on small 1 o8 ;umsit A.Li, and 'dis- drugs good and and the babies' that them regulates It is a for chil- They weight and doses. (DRUGGISTS I Jeno lee., mime or paper and tills ad. for etre eve:titre Savings suck and child's 8ketch.ntok. Eich beelk contaies a c`,aad Lock Penny. ;SCoi'r A iiollonet r awouro,aynp BATHTUBS IN MEXICO. Made of Cement, They Are a Real Lux- ury In a Hot Climate. "Unless you have been in the trop- ics," remarked the men who had just returned from a trip to Mexico, "you can't possibly realize how great a lux- ury a cold bath can be. It's not that the climate is necessarily warmer than a New York summer, but the natives have worked out the problem of bath- ing to its ultimate conclusions. They have invented the ideal tub. "On the great private estates in Mexico baths are in use today which were hewn out of the solid rock cen- turies ago by slave labor. They are located for the most part in the vicin- ity of running water and are fed by bamboo pipes, but in many cases they have to be filled by the old fashioned method of carrying a bucket to and from the spring. "In the cities the so called stone baths are made of cement The resi- dences of all well to do people are provided with them, and they are a feature of the native hotels. They are usually about ten feet long by four deep -baby swimming tanks, in fact. "The tropical custom is to fill the baths late at night. By the following morning the water will have acquired a limpid coolness that acts like a toale upon the body. When one remembers that near the equator it is almost as warm in the morning as it is at noon and that water taken direct from the city mains is always tepid the advan- tage of the stone or cement bath is evident." -New York Sun. TIGERISH TUNAS. Wild Carnage When They Meet Their Natural Prey, Flying Fish. One time at St. Clements we sighted a feeding school of tuna, an exhilarat- ing sight. A flying fish weighing a pound and a half or more -would start from the water and soar an extraor- dinary distance, nearly out of sight, but every inch of that flight I knew was corered by a big tuna keeping his place just beneath the "flier" and ready to seize it the moment .it fell into the water. This rarely failed. The moment the fish began to drop the tuna would spring at it like a tiger, turning and tossing the spume into the air with a splendid and electrifY- Ing rush, a maneuver that was re- peated all over the bine cbanneL The sensational charge meant that a school of tunas bad discovered a school of its natural prey, Hying fishes. At one the lust for blood and food was on. and the carnage was the result. I have observed some curious scenes. at sea, but never have I seen fear sb forcibly expressed as by a school of Hying fishes exhausted and at the merry of the voracious tunas. T have had them gather' about my boat and cling to Its keel as closely at they could, while the air was full of leap- ing tunas and soaring Hying fish. At such times when a school of sardines Is rounded up the fishes are so terrified that men bare rowed lip to them and scooped them in by the pail/al.-O, F IIolder in Outing. Delhi and its History. Shah 7ehan in 1631 built the prebent .itj- of Delhi, close to the.old Delhi, tad Runde it the royal. resldence. The iohammedans still calf it Sbahjehana. bad, the "city of the king of fhb orld." Nadir Shah, the Persian usurp- s=. raptured It in 1739, massa4ret1 housande of the inhabitants and bore sway plunder to the Value of nearly 100,000,000, including the famous pea- 'ock throne and the great ICohinooe lamant7. The British first came into batted in 186C;, -when the riitbrattaa ere defatted near Delhi by Lord . eke. When the sepoy mutiny broke Nit in 185; Shah bto3tami ed Baha - or, then ninety yeas old, took tot* tttrid of the city and rintil. the Entlialt n triumphed enjoyed the itnperfal tate to 'laid/ he bed long been a ce l AFI7 S'rQOK atoxttmrs. Toronto, April 17,JUnion Stock Yards, -Receipts, 40 cars, with 854 head o, cattle, 567 sheep and lambs, 503 hogsf and 109 calves, As usual for an Easter Monday mar- ket, there was littleaetivity to the trade to -day. It was a light run, and the at- tendance of buyers was small, A firmer tone to prices made business slow. Tak- ing the quality of to -day's offerings as being a little below the average of a week ago, it was estimated that prices to -day were from five to ten cents high- er, though quotations were practically unchanged. The top for a bunch of 13 export cattle was $6.10, and grading down to $5.75. A few choice butchers sold at $5.70 to $5.80, the general run of medium butch- ers from $5.30 to $5.65. Sheep and lambs unchanged. Hogs steady and unchanged at $6.15 f. o. b. and $6.45 fed and watered. Export cattle, choice ....$ 5 85 to $6 10 do medium... .., 5 65 5 75 do light ..... 5 00 5 10 do bulls 4 50 5 00 do cows .... 4 50 5 30 Butchers, choice ....... r 5 75 5 80 do medium . 5 25 5 50 do cows 450 5 15 do common 4 00 4 25 do` canners 2 50 3 00 Short -keeps 5 00 5 75 Feeders, steers.... ..... 4 75 5 25 do bulls , - -, 3 50 4 25 Stockers, choice 4 75 5 10 do light . ...... 4 25 4 50 .Milch cows, choice, each40 00 70 00 Springers .......... 25 00 60 00 Common and medium 20 00 30 00 Sheep, ewes 4 50 5 00 do bucks . 4 00 4 50 Lambs ... - 6 00 '7 00 Hogs, f. o. b ... ... ... 6 15 6 20 do fed and watered...... . 6 45 Calves 4 00 7 50 WINGRA.wl BLARE ET REPORTS. Wingham, April, 19th, 1911. Flour per 100 lbs 2 35 to 3 00 Fall wheat. ..... 078 to 080 Oats , 0 30 to 0 30 Barley 0 45 to 048 Peas 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy .......... 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doz.... ... 0 15 to 0 16 Wood per cord .... 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel 0 40 to 0 45 Lard. 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt 6 15 to 6 15 FOR SALE A splendid chance for investment from lots in the city of Lethbridge, Alberta. Also in the new and ra- pidly growing towns situated along the line of the Grand Trank Pacific Railway, Watrons, Melville and Begger in Saskatchewan. Tofield in Alberta, 3 sections of 'choice Farm Land in Saskatchewan. C. N. GRIFFIN Real Estate aid Insurance 1 BOYS ANO GIRLS Should learn those sabjets by which they can ekrn a living. Spotton's Business Colleges are the largest train- ers in Canada, and aur gradu- ates secure the best positions. ' You can study at home, or partly at home and finish at the College, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY RAY a WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 i F. McGillivray GEO. SPOTTON, - President. t ft Phone 54. wA.rrwAtwAAaAAnAAAAAAAAhAAAAM _ M/1M!f4° AAAA1lA/U�/�AAA AAtAAi�I4A P • HOUSC, WING III1U TOM MARKS coi aa UNDER AUSPICES OF WINO HAM FIRE CO. p i TWO NIGHTS Friday and Saturday,fri1 21 8 221 Friday Night—"A Fool His Money. Night—"The rriage of Kitty." Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Saturday } Y SPECIALTIES BETWEEN THE ACTS, Prices -35c, 25c and r5c. Reserved seats on- sale at } McKibbon's drug Store. ^MvvvvvveovvW Wvvvvvvvvvvvy vvwwvvvvvvvvvvtovvvirvvvv Perry M. Graham, younger son of Hon. Geo. P. Graham, died at Brockville. Clergymen of Greater New York on Monday passed a resolution supporting the proposed arbitration treaty with Britain. Thos. J. Mulvihill, for 80 years an en- gineer on the Grand Trunk Railway, died in this Toronto week, having lived there all his life. 1 G',AND TRl NKAY$TEM Toronto $3.65 Return From Wingham Plus fifty cents for admission to "Canadian National Horse Show.', Tickets good going April 25th. Re- turn limit May lst, 1911. LOW RATES TO THE WEST Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent about "Homeseekers" and "Sett- lers" excursions. For Tickets and further Informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To ronto, Ont. rpm ;age -- THE VALUE AND THE VALUE SEEKER are brought together here. Nothing is lacking in this stock of CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE and nothing is omitted that would add to the comfort and satisfaction of those that come to buy. Stock reducing sale of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Toilet Setts, 20 per cent. off all China. Money makes Money Your many wIll won=t Wile yes steep 1f lined at gni Interest, and yea can find sate and sails- fatal hamsters bmb rlt In our C1 ni- flet Want Warns. A first mitten. att safe as a hank ind the interest Is take as Ola., oat M e ♦ Yfdwt, BULLS FOR SALE. Two Shorthorn BuIIs, aged 8 and 11 months; of choicest breeding, with size and quality; color, deep red. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. FYFE, Wingham P. 0 lst line, Morris. Where Good Clothes Come from In this world a man mast be well dressed. Caston demand it and all having any ambition at all follow the custom WE DO FINE TAILORIN G And can build you a suit of the very finest material of your own selection, trimmed with the best goods made for the purpose, charging you no more than you would pay for ready-to-wear clothes that cannot possibly com- pare with those we make. You may choose from our splendid assortment of spring cuttings and be able to put on The Snappiest Sait of Clothes made from the goods selected at HENNING'S THE TAILOR Robt. Maxwell's Old Stand There's Feed and Feed There's all kinds of feed and food. The best kind gives better health, more brawn and muscle. In buying Flour see that yon get All the Best of the Wheat That's the kind we sell. To prodnoe good stook you must prodnoe good food for Shun, Peer food mesas poor stook. Buy your Settle and obioken fetid here. No higher in price, much better results. EZR4 MERT[LEY PHONE 84. +++++++-i-+*++.i-++++++44+++++ ++4+++++++f4+4++++4'++++4 SPECIAL ON CHAIRS FOR Ls` THIS WEEK LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Waiker's Furniture Store '+'t+4++ —1 i++.i+p+1'+++-o .. .. i i 1 1 The Profit Sharing Store KERB be BIRD AGENTS—Ladies' Home Journal. THINKING ABOUT SMARTENING UP YOUR HOME? Spring is beret and every housekeeper in the land will be cleaning, renewing and brightening up the home, LET US HELP YOU We have the best stock of Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Chenille, Damask and Lace Curtains, Carpets, Linoleums, etc. ever • shown in Wingham. Roller Window Shades, plain colors, good material, good roller, at 35e, 40c and 50e. Roller Window Shades, plain colors, heavy oil filled blinds at 50c Roller Window Shades, neat dark green blinds, cream lace or inser- tion, only 50c. Roller Window Shades, pretty light green blinds, lace or insertion, only 60c. Roller Whitlow Blinds, pretty cream blinds, lace or insertion, only 60e Roller Window Blinds, light green blinds, lace and insertion, only 75e Extra heavy, two colored, oil filled shades, Hartsford roller, complete, only 75c. The above are 3 to 3i. feet wide, and 6 to 7 feet long. We can procure extra large sizes, or special colors or trimmings on short notice and at very moderate prices. Mahogany and Oak Finish Certain Poles, 4 to 5 feet long, with rings, 30e to 35c, Small Oak Finish Poles. brass trimmings, very neat, for only 20e. Pretty White Cottage Rods. enamelled, neat trimmings, complete, only 10c. Small Brass Extension Rads, complete, very low price 15e. Silver Finish Stair Plates, fur your stair carpet, price per dozen 20e. Carpet Squares, some beautiful designs, in various pretty colors, Prices 58.00, 89.50, 511.00, $1200, 813.00, $15 OD, etc. Also a very pretty range of smaller Rugs and Matts. Bee our elegant 4 PIy All -Wool Carpet, something very up to -date in both pattern and color at only $1.10 yard. Scotch Linoleums in a variety of Floral and Block Patterns. Something a little nicer than we have shown other years, and at the old price, despite the recent advanees in prices, Floor Oilcloths 1 yd., 11 yds., f yds. and 2 yds. wide. all new designs. \New Lace Curtains id tt, great variety of Patterns and prices. 3 to 3?• yds long, taped edges, hand' easy top, etc in white and also a range in Bern. Prices 50e, 75e, $1.00, 81.25, 52.00, 82.50 $3,00, 84.00, ete. A look through our House Furnishings Department will con- vince yon that our goods and our low prices are unbeatable. Capital Paid Up.$ 2,750,000 Reserve and Undevided Profits . 3,250,000 Total Assets. 40,000,000 Call at the office of the Bank of Hamilton and secure a pass -book. This is a simple transaction. Yet it may be the first step toward a com- petence. You cannot commence to save too early in life -and the place to keep your savings is in a Chartered Bank. Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and upwards. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham, CANAtDIAfig P,camCtoiU,cy HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoka, Saskatchewan, Alherta Special Trains Irate Toronto 2.d0 p.rs. on APRIL 4, 11 MAY 2,18, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11,'21 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 &coact ciao tieteu from Oetino ►ta=lons to principal Northwest point* at. LOW ROUND4R1P RATES Wia pet and return333.00: , Edaroaton end 'that* 41.00 , to other =w=att ,n proportion. trams - goodd to return within 60 days from rata dale. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS a4 all excwrdout. Cmntortabte berth*, folly ppi-d with beddirt, eat ha Meerut moderete woo throutb low atticc, tarry application mutt be made Atilt Fort HOMrsar, t, s' PA 01110141.Z oeetaiiintt tate* sad full itfamwion. APO,' toaearette. t?R.}ksentortoR.Lti>anrcom,. Dat. Pass, Alt., Toroalo. ONLY OIRE6t L1$E 116 CHANGE OF CARS .II. B1 EmtR, Agent, Wili;ham. t' G37I HAL -:4-ii/L4.7d,r 4r. k' T.Rarrnat>. Vf.rt. A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments, -Commercial, Shorthand and aen+uddstooefondwomshoAmbitious ncr our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. De A. MoEACHLAN PRINCIPAL. .- 1