HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-20, Page 1VOL.TH NL --NO. 204(1, Walla ONTARIO. TRURSDA.Y, APRIL 20 1911. A full line of Guaranteed Remedies If they do not give satisfaction they do not cost you one Gent. We refund the money paid. 100 REMEDIES One remedy for each ill. They are not cure ails. Try the remedy you need and be cured. They seldom fail. WaIIou McKibbon T nnun11ST The J Store Maodonesld Block, Witerhem, 1 REAL ESTATE SNAPS FOR SALE OR RENT -75 acre farm between Belgrave and Blyth. Immediate possession. LENNOX RESIDENCE --One of the finest in town, Beauti- ful situation. Price right. Archie Paterson's Brick Veneered Dwelling and two lots. blood corner. A bargain. FISHER BLOCK—Josephine St. 'solid brick building with stores under and fine dwell- ing rooms above. An excel- lent property. 50 ACRE FARM—The Campbell property in the Town Plot, onemile from town. A' fine place with good buildings. Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E SMITH BANKER WINGRAliI, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms, Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer. chants or agents, on favorable terms, Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Christie's Grocery PRONE 59. The Store That STANDS FOR iXV htJ NGY IN ALL KINDS OF Groceries and e.' _ Provisions About Our Teas We are offering Teas that are unbeatable in quality. A bold statement this, but our customers say so. We have given our Teas a flavaur"peenliarly their own—a 'flavor that is extremely delicate, at the same time keeping them at their fall; strength value. Our Prices are 80e, 40e, and 50c per lb. We r. re Confident They Il Please r Wear Greer% Shoes and Rubens Our w Stem.. The opening cha tern of a new story will be found on a other page of thisis- sue, the title of ich is 'Parted at the Altar," by tha well-known author, Laura Jean Libby. Miss Libby is the author of many go d stories and this is said to be one of h r best. .FOR RENT. -•- Suite of rooms over Greer's shoe store. Apply to DR, A, J. IRW1N, The Worn n's Institute. The Wingham ranch of the Wo- men's Institute w I hold their regular monthly meeting the Council Cham- ber, Thursday, Aril 27th, 3 p,m. Subject for discu ion: Linen, its care, how, when and hat to buy, by Mrs. Cosens. Also discovery meeting. All members .-taking. Members requested to atte d. Visitors welcome. rs. A. Bone, Sec'y. Moving Mr. J. S. Lyo lishing the Goi years, has decid to and is moving that place this.„ ' Gorrie without Lyons has found limited;',andhis i town of 2500 po is no newspaper is a good newsp ple of Desoront in having him I o Desoronto• s, who has been pub - ie Vidette for some to locate in Desoron- his printing plant to eek. This will leave a newspaper. Mr. the field in Gorrie too w field he wil'I have a elation in which there published. Mr. Lyons per man and the pee - are to be congratulated ate in their town. WALL PAPER from 5c. to $1.00 per roll, at Xerox's. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada (via Chicago) including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, May 2 16th, 30th; June 13th, 27th; July h, 25th; Aug - 8th 22nd; Septembe 5th, 19th. Win- nipeg and returi 00; Edmonton and return, $41.00. ickets good for 60 days. Proporti nate rates to principal points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Homeseekers' excursion tick- ets will also be on sale on certain dates via Sarnia and the Northern Navigation Company. Secure tickets and illustra trated literature from any Grand Trunk Agent or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. GIRL WANTED. -Good kitchen girl' wanted. Apply at Queen's Hotel. ar We have corr up to April lath, subscribers to lo paper and see if credit for pay any have not know at once, that proper cred have a word to us for back su tried to give y has cost us mone the paper. We and thereby give do even better. your memory. and need it now, titled to it when ing List. cted our mailing Iist and would ask our at the label on their hey have been given ents made to us. If ceived credit let us nd we will see to it t is given, Now we y to those- who owe scriptions. We have u a good paper. It to supply you with ant you to pay up s encouragement to Don't Iet this slip e need the money, We think we are en - e have earned it. BUTTER AND EGGS: -Bring along your trade. We pay highest price in exchange for boots and shoes. W. J. Greer. Death of > r. Bethune. An old and hig y esteemed former resident of Wing am passed away at Enio, on Saturda April 8th, in the person of Alexa der Bethune, M.D. The deceased w 'born in Fifeshire, Scotland in 1833 . nd came to Canada when eleven ye; •s of age. In the spring of 1858 he graduated fro?. Queen's College t Kingston and ore lst of May, 1858, commenced the prac- tice of his profes ion in Mount Hope, near Hamilton. e was for nine years Reeve of the Tow ship of Glanford and in the Dominion el etion of 1874 he was the Conservative •andidate for South Wentworth. He w + s for some years a member of the Po inion Medical Cot - lege, In the sprin of 1877 Dr. Bet- hune came to Win _; am and was here for some years wh: he moved to Sea - forth and remained there for a few years. Returning to Wingham game seven years ago he emained hero until two years ago who . he went to reside with his son at Ern• Mrs, Bethune died in 1905: Deceased made many warm friends in Winglia who will regret to hear of his death TAKE NOTIal-A11 parties owing the late firm of J. G. Stewart & Co will kindly Ball and settle before the 15th of April as we are leaving town, J. G. ,'ruvrawT & Co. Read Willis & Co.'s Adv. an page 8 Handkerchi f Bazaar. The Ladies' Auxih ry of the Wing- ham General Hospit 1 purpose holding a Handkerchief Base. r, in the Council Chamber on Thursda , May 4th. The Bazaar is being held aid of the hos- pital and every per on is invited to attend. Come and se what the Ladies' Auxiliary has to offer for sale. CALL IN and have a look at KNox's new 1911 wall papers, St. Paul's Ves The annual Vest Paul's Church was day evening with Messrs. Wm. Moor were elected as del G. VanStone as R E. Porter, Peopl Griffin, Vestry Cl Board is the same the addition of R, year's Sidesmen was decided to ad velope system. '1 report was give Messrs. Wm. Moo Stone, to be brou ned vestry meeti ing, May lst. ry Meeting. y meeting of St. eld on Easter Mon - good attendance. and John Nethery gates to Synod; C. etor's Warden; A. 's Warden, C. N. rk. The Advisory as last year ' with Vanstone and last ere re-elected. It pt the duplex en - ie annual financial to the auditors, e and W. F. Van - ht in at theadjour- on Monday even - NEWEST and latest paper at KNox'S. designs in wall NOTICE. -All accounts due the late Geo. Green must be paid at an early date. Accounts can be settled at the store. Death of Wi Mr. William Mo' dent of Turnberry, home in Ralston, Io of last week in his ceased was a broth. Moffat, of Turnber tion many years was twice married his widow and a gr and one son, Mr. vale road, and one eph Robb, lst line mains were brough home in Morrisa place on Saturd Bluevale cemeter lam }Moffat. t, a former resi- t led suddenly at his a, on Wednesday 9th year. The de- r of the late David and left this sec - go fee! Iowa, He nd is survived by wn family in Iowa lex...sMoffat, Blue- ,,.. aught.er, Mrs. Jos - f Morris. The re - to lis daughter's the funeral took afternoon to the SEED FOR SALE. -Timothy, all kinds Clover, ete , etc. The best grades only. KING BROS HIGH SOH s.OL NOTES. The annual A Home and Promenade of the Literary ` oeiety held on Wed- nesday evening, April 12th, teas a very successful eve t, even thought the weather was n of the best. The pro- gramme given n the earlier part of the evening was e joyed by all. The Lunch was served in be Assembly Hall which was tastefully . ecorated for the occas- inon. The foil wing numbers constit- uted the eveni g's programme: --Trio by Misses Laur pavidson, M. Homuth and Ethel Tip. ng; Harmonica Band; Recitation, E. inklater; Chorus; In- strumental by : rjorie Dobson; Dialo- gue, a police co 't scene; Violin Solo, Miss E. Tipling Journal read by H. Thompson; Fa e by Messrs. Wes. Jacknon and W . Buchanan. I will sell a . mited number of eggs for hatching f om my celebrated Red Chief strain o Rhode Island .Reds. $1 per setting. L. KENNEDY. EAST RON LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the East Huron Liberal Association will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on the afternoon of Thursday, April 27th, commencing s 1.30 o'clock. Annual reports will be .resented,.oficers elect- ed and other titters of business at. tended to. Ho ; A. G. MacKay, Leader of the Opposi ion in the ?rovineial House, and o • er prominent Liberals are expected t ; be present and give addresses on th questionof Recip ro- city. All Libe • le in the riding are in- vited to attend his annual meeting. In the evenin a public meeting will be held in the russets Town Hail at which addresse ' will be delivered by Mr, MacKay a • others. FAItefERS ATTENTION! We have the best assortment of shoes, suitable for Farm Work ever shown in town. Prices $1.50 to $3.50, W. ,1. Greer. The Dental offices. of Dr, Irwin and Dr. Price will be closed each Wednesday afternoon, during May, June, July, August and September. Holidays in June 3, the birthda King George, and Jun day will be proclaime legal holidays in Cana Ms majesty instruete that he would prefer day celebrated on th ary of his birth inste the precedent set by King Edward, whose ficially celebrated o stead of on Nov. 9. une, of his Majesty 22nd, coronation as statutory or a. Some time ago the colonial office o have his birth- actual annivers- of adhering to e late Sovereign, birthday was of - Victoria Da , in - WANTED -A coat ma e to work on ladies' coats. Apply E. C. White, tailor. Bowling Club At the meeting of in the Council Chambe ening of last week th was re -organized for the following officers: W. Hanson; Hon. Vic Pres. C. G. Vanstone; Porter, Secy. Trees ganized. ingham Bowlers on Tuesday ev- Bowling Club e season with Hon. Pres., L. Pres., C. Dallas ice Pres, A. E. Jack Mason; Grounds Committee - Jos. Stalker, C. N. Griffin, It. Rae; Executive Com- mittee-President, V e President and Grounds Committee; Reception Com- mittee -A. M. Craw ord, D. Holmes, B. Cochrane. The cl b has one of the best grounds in We ern Ontario and lawn bowling promis-: to be the popu- lar sport in Wingham for this season. To RENT, -A nicely in a good location. apply at the TIMEs offiYe. ryrlshed house r particulars People Who Rea • Newspapers. The following is a boy's composition: his paper, he general] puts his feet on the f and smokes and read He always reads th begins on one page interests him. The continues in this wa He generally gets, chair, sits in th eds When a woman sta the paper over She watches the on at their lesson do and is restless comfort." SALE OF HOR at the Nationa Saturday, April well-bred Perch colors, blacks from one to fou • matched if desi chance; sale a Walker, proprie Ingham school hen a man gets lights his,,pipe, nder of the stove for a long time. right way. He nd reads all that he turns over and until it is all read. is back against a position and rests.- s to read she turns ree or four times. ildren, hurries them gets them work to She does not take Es. -By pull( auction Hotel, Wingham, on , a rload of fine, rbc. dings and fillies; n greys. They run years old and can be d. Do not miss this one o'clock. T. E. or. An Ea The home of town, was the aster wedding o Nellie, the young W. H Haines, wa to Mr. Gillies Hai wedding ceremon five o'clock p. m. Rutledge, in the eighty guests. Mi: Owen Sound, playe and the bride was father. The bride' ter Wedding. r. W. J. Haines, of cone of a beautiful Tuesday last, when st daughter of Mr united in marriage es of Holyrood. The was performed at by the Rev. Dr. presence of about s Lily Sheffield of the weddingmarch von away by her gown was of pale blue voile and lac . The travelling suit was of navy b ue venetian cloth and tusean hat. Th groom's gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain end to the organist presents to the erous and costly, which the young er the ceremony the dining room set with amethysts, a gold brooch. Th bride were both nun showing the esteem couple are held. Af the guests repaired t where a sumptuous eddieg dinner was; served. The decor • tions throughout were pink and whit • The early part of the evening was pent in a social' manner during whie time a very ap- propriate solo was rendered by Miss' Lily McLean. As ti in time began to', approach a Targe nn ' bet of friends ac- companied the bride and groom to the station. The young couple left by the night train for theihome at Holyrood. Mr. Haines is a pr.=perous young far- mer of that district acid we wish the young couple mue joy through their life. Among thee from a distance were guests from /wee Sound, Mitch- ell, Melesworth, a yth, Glamas, Strath- roy, Walton, T 'eswater, Muskoka, Woodstock, Toro to and Lu now. The Begins Veen ni ' leaner, easy to o-torate, for sale or • rent. Apply to WM. GANNETT. FOE SALE OR R T ---A la " e house, good barn, orehar and 6 res of land, well watered; thr a in' es walk from Lueknow station. Wi be sold or rent for $5 per tnont Apply to Mrs. H. C. Cook, Luckn , Ont. Beak St Mr. Herbert R ledger -keeper at for some time ha the Winnipeg br Pugh has been ad son's place. Mr. 1, the local branch the young men their positions, ff Changes. • ainson who has been e Bank of Hamilton been transferred to finch and Mr. Paul anced to Mr. Robin- eo. Moffatt enters as junior«. We wish ontinued success in WANTED. -Good g'ri or house work. Apply to MRS. GEO. LLEN, Immigrant/ to Canada. Mr, W. D. Scoff Immigration, wh from a two-mont Great Britain, pr gration to Caned this year will be crease of fifty p The quality of t steadily improvi pick of the men mother eountr abroad. , Superintendent of has just returned ' tour of agencies in diets that the immi- from Great Britain t least 165,000, an in- cent.. over last year. e immigration is also g, Canada getting the who are leaving the to seek new homes FOR SALE. -Goo. se d-handheavy wagon and a wate k, suitable for a cistern. Apply at IMMES office. The Local Taken all in all, world a cleaner local newspaper th da, and I can sa being connected wi cover affairs of local nature. If th its generation it wil and systematically country press, in or as possible, its mutu tian enterprises ai The editors and pu papers are, as a rul sive to the best inte pective communitie will be quickened b ly attitude towards in Christian Guardi ewspaper. here is not in the nd more excellent n we have in Cana - this frankly, not h it. It can best social or strictly church is wise in co-operate 'freely ith the town and r to enlist, as far 1 support in Chris - d moral reform. lishers of news - naturally respon- ests of their res- , and that spirit a frank and friend - hem. -Countryman PASTURE TO RENT - Pe ons desiring pasture for the corn' n eason can be supplied byapplyi to Thos, J. Hut- ton, south f Wingham. t\'ii1TE ,Et'a(li. Mr. T. Lovell as visiting around here for a few da Mr. Geo. Orvi we understand, is rejoicing; its a da ghter. The saw mill s again running and' farmers are busy .lowing and fencing. On the road be ween Wingham and Whiteehurch hou -'keeping is very in- teresting now. essrs. Geo. and John Tervit, Andrew Wilson and Ronald Lamont are bat hing it. Then comes John Webb, T .s. and Alfred Me- Creight. Then ome Wand S. Peddle and John Simp'.n and we finish up with Robt. Bair.Mr, John McCreight has been fortun e in securing a lady housekeeper fro England. To RENT -Seven -roomed house, good garden, . hard and soft water. Apply at TIMES office. Brilliant Cantata, "Bethlehem". The Wingham Ba, assisted by local fri the Town Hall, o May 5th, Dr. Root''; "Bethlehem," als duets, part song an. be a chorus of fort; promises to be on tainments ever give local talent. The c very finest. The c Henry Christie and. tions that will be Mr. Christie's pen. go in aid of the or tist Church and concert largely p pie of Wingham a very worthy the musical p chorus practice. with reserved Tickets on sal store or from 1 tist Church Choir, nds will present in t Friday evening, brilliant cantata, quartettes and solos. There will -five voices. This of the best enter - in Wingham by ntata is one of the nductor is Mr J. three of the select rendered are from The proceeds will ati fund of the Bap e hope to see the ronized by the peo- nd district and help se and also encourage pie of Wingham in The admission is 25c eats at 35c and 50e. at McKibbon's drag embers of the chorus. POTATOES WAN'ran -Any quantity of gn d potatoes wanted. Call store for One of the iarg t financial suspen- slons reported in Toronto for several years is that of he Wilkinson plow Company, Limit d, Brandon Avenue, Ward Seven, wlii assigned on Tues- day to Mr. G. T. arkson. The assets are between $400 and $500,000, and liabilities are bel ved to bo.sontewhat lets. JARDINE TO BE, HANGED. Vanstone Gets Life Imprisonment. .Edward Jardine Friday June 16, He the jury at Goderich noon of the murder after a trial lasting t Except for a sligh or, the prisoner dis agitation. He stood ude in the prisoners sing of the sentene Falconbridge and from the courtroo supported by the taken to the jail,. shortly before the court met were ready with foreman simply a guilty. Chief Jus sentencing the pr there was not th the sentence wou would recommend maining days left aration for the j to come." George Vanstone manslaughter in whom he beat to was sentenced b to life imprisonm burst into tears tence. The tria hours the defence yers for the pr left the defence o of the judge. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ill be hanged on as found guilty by on Friday after - f Lizzie Anderson o days and a half. y heightened col- layed no signs of a slouching attit- ox during the pas. by Chief Justice fterwards • walked unfalteringly, un- onstable. He was The jury returned oon, and when ain at 1.15 they their verdict, The nounced the verdict ice Falconbridge in oner declared that slightest hope that be commuted. ''I you to spend the re- ou on earth in prep. - gement of the world e was found guilty of nnection with his son eath with a stick and Justice Falconbridge nt. The prisoners wife hen she heard the sen- l4sted less than four Bing insanity the law- ecution and defence the jury in the hands Fort SALE -A 13i story frame dwell- ing on John St., Wingham, 7 rooms, hard and soft water and good garden, (3-8 acre). Apply to R. VANSTONE. t, Three trimmers busy for the closing out sale, ladies get smart millinery; also boots and shoes at cost, at MRs. GREEN'S. CHURCH NOTES. Next Sunday eve Paul's Church, the Croly, will preach young men on the Judgment." Rev. S. Young, Presbyterian cher resignation to the has been pastor of past thirty-five health has comp rest for a time. The Methodist c have a new hymn eided at a meetin Building, Richmo A committee wa on the sprit, and entirely new, and Rev, Professor College, London, rector of St. Paul' has accepted the extended to him b St. Paul's Churc take over his dt end of May. Mr. circle of friends i wish him sueees ing in St. Paul's ector, Rev. E. H. special sermon to ubject:- "The Final aster of the Clifford has handed in his ession. Mr. Young his church for the ars, and declining led hire to take a urch of f Canada is to ook. This was de - held in the Wesley d street, Toronto. appointed to carry ie new book will be lot a revised one. Jeakins, of Huron d a former popular Church, Wingham, all which has been the congregation of , Clinton, and will les there about the Jeakins has a large Wingham who will in his new charge. GIRLS WANTED -For woryeofilower sewing machines in knitt' mill, or on day work. Clean, st dy work .and good wages. Will y railway fare, provided applicants stay with us six months. Applfy,.,THE WATSON Mr•,o. CO., . LIMITED, 'ARTS, .ON'r. Coronati The contract for sue of postage sta the Coronation issu to the American B. and it is expected t tributed throughou 3rd, the King's stamps will be doub ordinary postage limited number will the case of the Q issue. The new ordinary use bearin new King Will not time. Stamps. rinting a special is- ps to be known as has been awarded k Note Company, at they will be dis- the country by June irthday. These the size of the amp and only a be printed, as in ebee Tercentenary o -cent stamp for the head of the o ready for some Yr>u Are Judi sed by the Shoes You Wear Tberotore, you ee snot eff,ed to he rareJees ab ui dressing von' feet, You are measured T , our Shoes, es well es FOR theta, "VNVICTUS SHOE". Wi11 •yid von in being taken et your full worth. ppey harmonize with true gentility. W. J. GREER Wherequality counts we win. Mr. Irwin Stanl Toronto after spe months in town. Miss Isabel R. of the Provincial Perth. William Wall, Grand Central Ho suddenly. The synod of this year on June vene in Stratford An Italian living Sault Ste, Marie was killed Sunday a ning with an axe in the hands of his ife. The woman admits the murder, nd is now in jail. Revenge was her t olive. Iter hus- band stabbed her so e time ago. A Canadian Pres despath to the Globe says that 'hum flesh was sold to starving Chinese. Large quantities of hutnatt flesh, it i reported, were found, either toaste or salted, and ten human tongues were preserved in pots. Ex -Chief Mat one year in jail of the Corporatio A meeting at Grenville route f and urged its im A young man ed a burglar at Express office. and gagged B papers around h heap. Bartson burned, and t s village were des y has returned to ding the past two thesor., eldest sister Treasurer, died at proprietor of the 1 at Hillsburg, died uron, which opens 13, likely will con- nstead of London. n was sentenced to r the embezzlement funds of Arnprior. • elland supported the the Welland Canal ediate enlargement. awed Bartson surpris- e safe in The Colborne The intruder bound tson and then piled and set fire to the vas rescued, severely business blocks in the royed. 4 HIND'S BIG FREE TRIP TO MUSKOKA CONTEST Our contest is growing keener every day and some are changing, in place, many new names are being added and it is impossible to givethe names of all those in the contest in the small space allowed us; we are this week publishing just the names of those having over 10 votes. SINGLE LADIES Maggie Tibbs..........403 Marguerite Murray 266 May Moore .. 83 Irene Vannorman . 52 Lydia Kew ..... 42 Jeanette Rush 36 Minnie Fessant ... 31 Iona Stewart ..... 28 Lulu Copeland . 23 Ida Abram.... ..... .... 21 Annie Lloyd, ...... . 20 L. Pleuty .... 17 Eva Breckenridge .... . 1.61 Mary McGregor ........ 15 Lizzie Attridge .... 15 Ester Bridges .. .... . 15 Mary Sellers .... 12 Martha E. Maxwell .. . 10 L. Casemore 10 MARRIED LADIES Mrs. J. T. Lennox. ... 129 Mrs. M. E. Chapman 63 J. Moynihan . 86- Mrs. 6Mrs. Wm. I-lolps 22 Mrs. 'Goy22 Mrs. A. Porterfield..*..; 21 Mrs. Thos. li;ew...,. .. . Mrs. Frank Coulter13 IulII I. r • s . Phrn. SM t 'r Ji DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Hera 'hate by Mehl WINGHAM 1