HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-13, Page 6The first pound you use will win your lasting favor THE IVINWIAll TIMES, HELL 13, 1911 •••••,,,,,Arsee.,•••.••••••.4we Ma001V0ar1.621Nlaht,....,0,011102PCCVWS T c arir Pan i ••••11011,9PrItlnier...I.S. YEARS AGO, A•11111111M111111111.1. (From the Tams a April 10, 1891.) 41111••••=e•••••101•••••••••••• Local History of tte earl). SC Items from the ..a tuts" Pyles LOCAL NEWS. Mr. T. T. Watson and Miss Edna F. Watrcn, his danghter, left on Monday for the Northwest per C. P. R. The Lucknow Sentinel is now printed on a new Campleell pewer press, which greatly improves its appearance. Bro. Bryan s has been adding to his plant also, in the way of new type. Mr. John Emma intends erecting a residence on the property which he purchased from the Horticultural So- eiety last year. The house will be sit- uated haratniately west of the English Church and faciag John street. A junior eleven of the Wingham Cricket Club was organized last week and practice will commence as soon as the season will admit. ILO. Bell is the secretary -treasurer and Chas. Cargill, which resulted in favor of the latter by three shots. The score was as follows: Old Players. Young Players. M. McDonald, Rev, E.W. Hughes, John Inglis, E. L. Dickinson, S. Kent, Ed. Dinsley, J. Neeland, sk., 13. W. Paterson, sk.,1G Mr. E. R. Talbot, who has been .en- gaged in the mercantile business in town for upwards of fifteen years, left for Manitoba on Tuesday. He intends embarking in farming on a large scale at Poplar Point, which is situated about 45 miles from Winnipeg and 20 miles from Portage la Prairie. He has a large farm there. Miss Tufts. of Belgrave, formerly of Clinton, and A. T. Davis, Esqa of Lon- don, were married at the former place on Monday. . _ BORN, - Art Martin, A. Griffin and H. 0. Bell Graeae -In Wintsham, on the 5th compose the committee of management. inst the v-ife of M.. Walter Green; a The pupils of the Public School have daughter. organized a lacrosse club, to be known as the Wingham Public School Lacrosse . Irwin. -In East Ihn'awanosh, on March 20th the wife of Mr. Richard Irwin; a Club, the officers elected are: Wm. eon ' Friend, captain; W. Farquharson, trees- - urer; Ceo. Hanna, secretary. MARRIED. Mrs. Jos. Iiisdon and family have re- Walters- Thqmson.-At the residence turned frem Detroit and have moved' of the bride's parents, Zetland, on into the house vacated by them lost i March 26th, by the Rev. John Scott, fall. . IkI. A.. Mr. V. Walters, of East Wawa - Mr. Thos. Anew has disposed of hie i nosh, teMies . Ada Thomson. daughter livery business to Me. Reber. Tennant. 1 of Geo. Thompson, Esq. who took aeseesefen on Saturday last. DIED. We underetand that Mr. Agnew in -1 Pickell.- In Crime, 'n the 3rd inst., tends making aprospecting tripthrough I fleariet E. Picket'egcti 44 years, 10 Manitoba end the Northwest. eaan • • Imths d 2 days.. The final vurling match of the seaeon I Hot.eheaon--In Wiegleetre et: the 4th 4 was plawl Tue.-Orly het between ieeta Matey Jane Hotcheecre wife of t the eh n 1.1e.; , :6 mad du -• 'tor, en betide.% 1 Mr. ane. Hotchieon. ate d 28 pews and or, is crick,t perlanee, the -Colts*: 8 n.onths. ni•••111•11=ftle ;11•;.,: • le' :41 V- ile e give ti- • n en. etien ledien fit4 W.I.-41..09,f Ise Tine Lee remes 1,:eaanena - oat os cane; •e,,n n•lia No reol can serve two remstere and few can: master two servants. ; A shented man Jways hes hie eyes open -though he rene alneet to he blind. 1.-„e•se.,...eter lessele. , ` 'nla ; - e " ., e. -..- •?V' bed. test I- . e -se- aw ,a,„ : .:. :.• .. 2.,,,,,..,..,,,., . •,. .:7., ..,,„. „f„,....,,:.„,„•. „Et,o: it., . • :: ^.,'.:: ;...''•c,....' :',: -.:'..;,•'.S it • : • -,.-7,„--- 1 ; , _nee:- •,-.• ;ewe et. :::. e.e. , ..; e e • ,..., t ee, raweld Children Ory VCR FLETCHA'S ant er eve" . • ; ; i , . o etee !raU . been et nein 4,e he tulle, to net* about neezeld. .3.•• ".;;;!t;.. ; .; kenie ;• te n `seet) 0, a E'er kefasata tatd ahikta311. VE0 rt7,12.A .9; TJ„ ..• .., ; 1.:i• . • • . .t • , • • In,: k; ; # ,./71/1 4../h.f7•02:7777,14. entaro -„sxre, seer; -,,ageneeetesela [Sam Walter Foss.] Wen you see a man in woe, Walk right up and say "Hull's:" Say "Hullo!' and "}low d'ye do?" "How's the world a-usia' you?" Slap the fellow on his back, Bring your hand down with e whaekl Waltz right up an' don't go glow; Grin an' shake an' say "Hullo!" Is he clothed in rags? Oh, she': Walk right up and say "Hullo!" Rags is but a cot re!! .Jut for wreppia' up a saul; An' a sorra is worth fl tees, Hale and hearty "Hew (rye do: Don't wait foe the crown to go, Jut walk up a -a* eeee "Hullo:" Constipation %rings enter eilmente in is train and i-. the Primary cause of much sickle:se Keep our bowels re- gular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments te which women are sub- ject. Constipatie6 is 0 very singe thing but like many supple iaings, it may lead to serious coesequi aces. Naturs• often needs a little as:stet:tease and when Cham- berlainn, Tablets n:e anvil at the first indieatioa, musn destreta ran etelfeliag may be avoided. Sell by all dims. Mis. Paul Burns of Boston, a small woman weighiag I e then ono tenalred pounds, locked the door when two stran- gers entered bee kitchen. and then horse- whipped them until they cried :for mercy. Lame Shoulder it needy; always due to rheumatism on the tnuseles, and quick- ly Yields to ib' free application o1' Cnam- eerlain's Ude:ere Ear sale by ali deal- brs. 1 That fen:mere, f.'..5 well as nem in °niter lines of business, occasionally resort to ! sharp practice, was illustrated the oth- er day at geeith's Falls, when a highly Irespieted agwiculturist didhis neirhbors i out of abont Yawata). He pretneuso o be bueing hcreee fn. ehipmene to the I west, end innuced his '1•Ierels to Leek i hiot,:s to ties tursenO; aboots salted. He them menu: 1 the reaas, wade sigernart teal in emenn iy (re seeeeared from the di.aelet. '(jtr ::aa. ode.. Chembt lain's Ceueen Roe:: T. in Ken - (nice. Lae. se :J. (.;e. 'ot ie the le ,et entigh rement- en tS; e;11t!-et t'u'ts. wide an:I crone. nor eatno abCealers. An enela'neas papar eaos the.-hve in- venten a new kind u.' ecit.l amusement that ina ctn. the "iYiX vitl"out. It is callet i aveledupoie party.-- All the girls a weighed, an the weight of each is written en a rorea (,f PaPon nnd put tee, a tat l yoar ren must draw. Tie: etents sat a tresst e:s to sup- per with the girl whoes. tatneent nraws, and netet pay -nee her tapaeteitt one-half cent pte• ocatad. It le estitOE s se, faans the ::ong •t•rtI1-;.!. W".1 meant in demand. ContracOed a Heavy Cold. Q It Becarigac a Lung Splieting Cough. ••••••••••••••• Mr, J. H. Richartle, 1352 Second Ave. East, Vaueouvcr, B.C., writes: "AlloW mo to write a few Baca in praise of your Dr. Woocre Norway Pine Syrup. Last fall 1 contracted a hoe:T.7y cold which left nte with a hacking cough and every time I would get a, nttle mere eoH thia hacking cough would become a Ittn3 splitting oni. It kept on gettieg S1:01:30 arid I kept on eeeeding toioneyymydre .444 ,,-,L cough DEARER TEA ••••••••••• Is L:loely.-Inabher Monopolizing Attest. Con In Ceylon ••••••••••••14 There are distinct .sigua which pint to a, rise in the price of the eup neat acre bot does not inebriate. In the nut place, the use of tea in Por- tal:ea cot -Atria:, is rapidly increasing, the moult !sting a bigger demand on fte reeearees of the tea plantations of :Leta, Leases, Chita, and Java. Last year, for instance, there was alto- ettner en inercase in the shipments of ‘dreiatholf90194.,000,000 at etpared Ca the other baud, there was a de - fl the shipments trent to Vnited Kingdom of over 9,000,000 aaarale legit year, which is partly ex- entaseel be the greater demand for tea en; and, although Indian produo, • ion nee shown a good increase during nne nest two years, apparently it is •tor. eliffielent to meet the steadily growing demand, and one really short trim in !luta might make tea dear for elesely are -supply and de- mand :tow aalreted. Some of the. Indian companies hold s -ave land, and some of it is itelle for tea, but they have been, seal Etill are, deterred from extension in getting labor, Then, ;or inereased production re hare mainly to rely upon good eerenter. Theee is always the risk of •eilettorras and floods, blight and Oresught, which nave to be faced, while vorlthas expenses are likely to in- :I:ease by degrees, owing to the diffis silty of finding all the labor for the ..arious branches of tree:neat agricul- aure now being developed in the East. There is another reason why the lupply of tea is only just enough to alt dtaTiol. In Ceylon, for in- • :itane4 only 10,000 acres have been -sdded during. the last four years, rub - '1:11.' having monopolieed attention. end rubber estates are competing with ';da, for the coolies of India that both acted. Moreover, the yield of the plan- iatiens is beginning to diminish by seeson of the rubber trees interplanted amongst 75,000 acres of tea. It is now proved, says an expert, and recog- nieed that the. heavy shade of rubber trees amongst tea is seriously affect- ing the output of the latter product, and as time goes on a sharp shortage in the output of tea so situated must be looked for. This would mean an increaee in price to the consumer. AGED TWINS Two Brothers Celebrate Eighty -First Birthday Anniversary The other day 'two brothers, John and 'William Austwick, of Eelby, York- shire., celebrated their eighty-first birthday. The brotltera were born at Burn, a village three miles to the south- of Selby. They are the sons of a farm laborer, and were christened at Bray- ton, near Selby. They are twins, and are two of eight children, four of whom sln1 survive, 'the oldest being a sister aned eighty-ela and the youngest an- other sister of seventy. ; Austwick has been a atone- areezer and has worked all his life in be ("Taries. John was apprenticed to a tailor ,at Thorpe. 1 -le afterwards went to Inelley, where for over forty years Ii 12a8 followed his occupation. Ile resided in one house nearly half a etrtury. • !loth beothers have married and • - ear. gra'-:1•'n families -in fact, esredehltdren. They are „rah new cnjoymes the old age pen- s ems. ataiD THE GHOST The elene a surviving son of the neeetts aoe:. net. Mr. alired Tennyson t•-.! a•,11-sflm story in his ...tee. ate Fe; i oe Life mat Works," late :es Fill. it relates to eats; e ':s..-entyl a neighboring CT; WMCia etood a •-• ••• ae. , • ,•eaaller e-.Ited Charles e sae' tLe realdeervants all -7 ;ere:Lee to n: awe, Isle:ems, armed o E sun, and his whoa bludgeons, set out to . 7-7.7:1-..r.ly they raw a white. • ' nt en: to ard an awful noise. ewled. 'Wham' fast, or I fire!" ereered to be an astlauatieal old r3.:1 PIPE 3MOKERS n.T. ddatteville, of Paris, Is a col- ieerer of pis, and his etudy of the , -.nom has enabled him to judge viola by their pipes. The pipe., he tells us, is eharaeteristic of the race, telnle ;nee .; !ear and elearettee are coon The aetivflty of a race Is ea• ta tne leanth of the Stk.M.. • ;I• 1:13.1 the more eLu. itrvera,ly, .:();;(3 •': ; ;;;44;.r.. toe • •• • •. , • - • • - C- it --the, 1 [neer .be •• ;;;; • • • 4 ' • •?: rt, •'• taareseta '714, , a • - • • n tlean." ;,..;.o es tearw. e„„„ sfatehe; Osi•te THE TRUTH Mr. Short: -"If Long calls with that little bill, tell him I'm out." Mrs. Short: -"But that would be telling a falsehood." Mr, Short: -"Nothing of the kind; I'm out of cash," HIS FATHER'S WORK The Lady: --"And is your father worldliest,: my little man?" The Little s'pcso so, mann The judge said hard labor." AN EASY MATTER • Charles E. Biglow, the comedian, is almost as bald as be could be. One day at the club, he said to the barber: "I am in a great hurry. Can't you cut my hair with my collar on?" "Sure I can," said the barber. "I can cut it witl your hat on." TOC MUCH MUSTARD A sick Irishman, worn to skin and bone, had a large mustard plaster spread on his chest, which evoked this comment:- "Doethor, dear,- isn't it a great dale of mustard for so little mate?' A VERY LONG DAY A 'Western minister found cne of his elders, a farmer, coming out of a pub- lic -house, and told Mm lie !nest give up whiskey -or it would land him in the. grave. "Think so?" asked the farmer. "I am sure of it, farmer. And what is more, if you -will stop drinking, I am certain it will prolong your days," folded the minister. "Come to think about it,- 1 believe you are riga about that, minister," said the far:ner. "I went twenty-four hours without a drink about rix menthe ago, and I never put in such an infer- nally long day in my life." EFFECTIVE REMEDY A prominent physic!an was recently called to his telephoue by a colored woman 'formerly in the service of his wife. In great agitation the 'woman told the physician that her youngest child was in a bad way. "What seems to be the trouble?" asked the doctor. "Doc, she swallered a bottle of ink!" be ovca there in a short while to see her," said the doctor. "Have you done anything for her?" "I gave her three pieces of blottin' paper, Doc," said the colored woman doubtfully. ALL WERE YANKEES Lieutenant Takeshira, of the Japan- ese navy, says "The Americans are a very proud people. I was talking yes- terday with an Ameriean sailor. He said that no one outside of America amounted to much. "'But I asked, 'what were your fa- ther and mother?' "'Yankees,' said the sailor. ' '"What were your grandfather and grandmother?' "'Yankees.' "'But your great-grandfather and great-grandmother?' " 'Yankees.' "Finally I asked him, 'How abeat Adam and Eve?' "'Yankees, too, by jinits!' sad he." SCHEME WHICH FAILED To have theme:elves publiely eened out of a erowden alace of eta,: rtaita ment on the preterse that they rwe Wanted by importuiatte patients is sap - posed to tee oue *f the check eurdisele of advertising resorted to by doctere who wish to build up a practice. A young payskaan tri -'d the dedge with disappeintiug results not leeg back. He instrueted his man eereant to come to the stasso door of the thea- tre and say that a patient of his was in urrtent need of attention. -Right. you are, sir," said the zer• vent, with it solemn wink "Yea tea, it to me. matrears it all rasa:a" Bat apresneetly ;ij ea- r:ceded lent riletielli Li U.; al, •Tat when, at r Ia. ead 4.31 iii3z 33;3(13333i 3",r, ntereaer or"-- i• • t1,4' what he mid wan: - "If lir. Jo in the atone:ore, ara tsopeened. to tell hint tarsi ie 41 :r1f?.1,4 the peer ItA.o.'.• 44rn; gem; 1,E.; 41.10 ;3•33,-3-;1.3.-.3,, L1.0 13f.34t3f: 433.3 ever t -,i.;‘;;.." Amenice until 0 frteila asked rae en dee. • ty„,;..„ g7,1t. , . .; ; hail ever trial Dr. Wheel's Norway Pine • ' ' - 4.leaup. 1 teld him 1 wao willing to try reteetlang 1 thought woulrl cure, and on the earn° day bouant two betake. Bee fore half the filet one tra3 USC.4 my cough began to get muck eatier, and by the time I reed teed a, bottle and a half by ecugh was goo°. 1 am having the other half nettle in ewe it (loan Come again, hut I tau cure 1 have aarniiive cure. Let me recantr,eenti Dr. ttt ere re Norway Pine Syrup to all who mace from a cough of throat irritation of ally kind." peexe kait beca the filietCO3 of this evrenterful tamely, it is only natural that uumesoue pacene have tried to latitate it Dont be impor,e1 upon by taking anything but "Dr. Woodna" Put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price 23 ceate. Maweraentero (e1- nee Tne T. ?anal len Cu., " atai 'a .s.: ' .; ' I ;' •''' • ';;':1; ''`'-'• .• '; ' •'' - t. '1:-' •;" 711•1.t4 lite:4'41E1N .• •,•;:.1.;•, 4' ; ..,',.." :. • 0 "1•0., '". ' i' "I• • ;'," V.: •,'`'• . , ;'•'. .: . , .;._• 'I , ;;..4.4 ytnie Gly OW ! '.• ‘•",•-•'.' '''' ' -,• : 1.:. _. ;•• .0 .• '. :! •• ( . A .•'1 61 ; , , ..., tt•-•".• 1.; ' ;.;•• '.. ;It. -i!..;".0.,;• ,.,i7„%itty t t ...„ • .',• .if•ell!:, hi:.e.:ili!' IA, '0. 1.f ••- : vv• , . ,,,.,‘ (r.., ,. ve. .. Niast t., s, ..•. •.:. e e: • . ' • i. V• -e,. •, 4- • 4„i=j;;1;,,, (..;: ; •. ';'; ,;,,.••t,)1,;:ii•;;VI;;;;;;' l',1' i '':,1". • -i;,: •,;'" ;IA; 44 tl().1";',;. tilliii. 4;131; 'E.; 31;4104;; us t, .(,..; -.. • ,;. -. ---.. -,.• %. 14 - ,, t- t- -..•,,; r;" tqfr,,..it. ii• t••!.• .1.41'. ' , ; . 1 . . ' 1S7 010JE ll,, UV.1 4••;'7. ....4. , tt:,, VVii 4., .C.','*• , , • . ,.411'•'.' 0 • -••••';';* ••11.-''', i I tt., . t ... 4 ne. A ennes..;e ;I,f•tfi.44' tiff rt., k ‘ ; .14 ;;;.2., 4,e,4e41t-1, r;', .0.4; hue Isertent .ee, oadeen; - nut elietri,•I in,' a taine I oO ewes,: ... • sal teaesae, 'thOri4414 I; the C"%1;."'s.1;1tiu14 1 li•"•(' t t;•; •• ,7";• 11 .11e1 neevoti 0.: ; t. vs, fils4 •4:""ttlt i.11.:51;;;'Et.S141 1 and ftl.‘12C..5:teee.1- 'e11411141 4 j • 411144. 44e04r1u11544 ak..37 flpt'4 te.:1,C1110111:111 119 the Tuve and atii ; •41P,;4 Yti! f.11 11.14 it 4,111 ; ; • ;11 arindstk se, Arei,11.,aed aat and 1.2 •••:;: • ..•, • :J. ; 41Y., f..;;i4 .L',.ut; r • i•:,•12‘241..1,..il ; •"..11 ;.•; awl -11.;1w 1.. "..1 On• „ . ;?•: Z. Lord Leeao, aad erealv, 1 10 "Ind L'at:114-?'" 11;_r :.;.,t. ij •Cati1414,...H. "Nouoik.o. .. 7414 4.. '07,7,Qu411 . ;• at 4.11 (.1; .# •• vih:o.t.r.d Lord Ar1-7,a,,,ca, I • iV(-11tttaly itvit (x142.1.k, ••:;;;.;• • 011:11111:3i)11r t1.0 • 1 S "Sense" form, the difference: 1( aseen the two being that in the lett; two ...4 ' - - i 'tf' 1 7 . ' .4 , 4 i , ft, ... - NV 41; . 01 ' ' .; , '4 14, ) ° ''.04. 4 4' ; ' ' 7 . ' '. %44 .4fe' 4-'-' :1 " '' 4 -44 / 4 ' -'' . : . '• • ;-1,1,04r14,-4 : - . 1. / 4 '• .,..../. ...er ---d- --- . a .-,,p .i ‘. --.=-•$,, ,,. t i , •.: , 4 OA 4. ,241 7 i ,f7;,, ? I' I ' '1 Vig)1.11 kr I 1 i fe-4i'd ti •er $ :I ..•49.11,4 • ,sa. -en re 111.144111114 TWO Diet-SA:1O OS' VA' tifftsta Slildona "In Hen, r , • , 1,414134 Vo110145 hail to if;:?:‘• ..;• ..• „ 1.404. c4•4;40j! coir. -;ter lite . 411f2ov 4 ;4 you've hen peer leo I nomeliet; uo 1.01k.; La it small.; r. o. 410A:J.41" iftimok•wwki. "For Tea You Can't,Beat Lipton's" It Has Stood the Test of Time, While Others Have Been Buried in the Ashes of Inferiority. It's the Recognized World's Standard. ,311, Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly, A Real Lung T nic There are many prepar- ations that will relieve a cough -few tliat will cure it. The first class, containing such drugs as Opitun and Mor- phine, simply deaden the irritation and stop the cough, but do little Or no permanent good. 4.11••11, 12.3 uta; FatherMorrisey tam= -erse-,;,-reaeet,tded,,droea,dm "FaEter Mg3"/The 's No. 10" does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs, but is an absolutely safe and scieptific preparation of Nature's own ,remedies -Herbs, Roots and. Balsams. It entirely reinoi4s the irritation that caused the cough, by cleaning out t!,.. mucus, stopping the inflammation and healinc, the delicate membrane of throat and lungs. Moreover, it tones up and strengthens the whole system, particularly the lungs, and protects against future coughs and colds. Trial size 25c. per boale. Regular size 50c. At your dealer's. ir=t1tor Morrisoy Medicine Co. Ltd. - MN. VI•11.11=••••••••••••• 23 rsiontrea!, Quo, RENTING STATI INIRY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING'"PADS 7-ENVELOPES,Prl- LEAD PENCILS BUTTE R PA PER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIP:G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING we are in a better position than ever before io attend to your? wank :n the Job Printing line and all orders will ICCCOiVe prompt attention. Leave your order with us when h need of LETTER I -READS, BILL HEADS ENVELOPES . CALLING CARDS CIP,CUL Ana: NOTE 1 -READS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS 2 CATA LOOMS Or cr.c*ahing ytu mtly re(pire in the printing line. EtilbnCripti0110 t 5:Len for all the LeacCinai Newspapers and 11ganines. 4-y ireheJiggles reuliiie STONE BLOCK, •441.- -4- India, " Ire ii .,,,1 .1\11 ' iihallii Jf Ji- 1 .i. ' - i.. L •• i r ( \. ' I 'biLit rill 4 4 ..k... rt-,... ..... 1 '..jr.111';;'ef)'0.Atn ty 1 Pa rnt7 rarn Ill sn 17 V' fa 'all ogr achanges. , 11t-.....- ......_,... .......--- ;11•;.,: • le' :41 V- ile e give ti- • n en. etien ledien fit4 W.I.-41..09,f Ise Tine Lee remes 1,:eaanena - oat os cane; •e,,n n•lia No reol can serve two remstere and few can: master two servants. ; A shented man Jways hes hie eyes open -though he rene alneet to he blind. 1.-„e•se.,...eter lessele. , ` 'nla ; - e " ., e. -..- •?V' bed. test I- . e -se- aw ,a,„ : .:. :.• .. 2.,,,,,..,..,,,., . •,. .:7., ..,,„. „f„,....,,:.„,„•. „Et,o: it., . • :: ^.,'.:: ;...''•c,....' :',: -.:'..;,•'.S it • : • -,.-7,„--- 1 ; , _nee:- •,-.• ;ewe et. :::. e.e. , ..; e e • ,..., t ee, raweld Children Ory VCR FLETCHA'S ant er eve" . • ; ; i , . o etee !raU . been et nein 4,e he tulle, to net* about neezeld. .3.•• ".;;;!t;.. ; .; kenie ;• te n `seet) 0, a E'er kefasata tatd ahikta311. VE0 rt7,12.A .9; TJ„ ..• .., ; 1.:i• . • • . .t • , • • In,: k; ; # ,./71/1 4../h.f7•02:7777,14. entaro -„sxre, seer; -,,ageneeetesela [Sam Walter Foss.] Wen you see a man in woe, Walk right up and say "Hull's:" Say "Hullo!' and "}low d'ye do?" "How's the world a-usia' you?" Slap the fellow on his back, Bring your hand down with e whaekl Waltz right up an' don't go glow; Grin an' shake an' say "Hullo!" Is he clothed in rags? Oh, she': Walk right up and say "Hullo!" Rags is but a cot re!! .Jut for wreppia' up a saul; An' a sorra is worth fl tees, Hale and hearty "Hew (rye do: Don't wait foe the crown to go, Jut walk up a -a* eeee "Hullo:" Constipation %rings enter eilmente in is train and i-. the Primary cause of much sickle:se Keep our bowels re- gular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments te which women are sub- ject. Constipatie6 is 0 very singe thing but like many supple iaings, it may lead to serious coesequi aces. Naturs• often needs a little as:stet:tease and when Cham- berlainn, Tablets n:e anvil at the first indieatioa, musn destreta ran etelfeliag may be avoided. Sell by all dims. Mis. Paul Burns of Boston, a small woman weighiag I e then ono tenalred pounds, locked the door when two stran- gers entered bee kitchen. and then horse- whipped them until they cried :for mercy. Lame Shoulder it needy; always due to rheumatism on the tnuseles, and quick- ly Yields to ib' free application o1' Cnam- eerlain's Ude:ere Ear sale by ali deal- brs. 1 That fen:mere, f.'..5 well as nem in °niter lines of business, occasionally resort to ! sharp practice, was illustrated the oth- er day at geeith's Falls, when a highly Irespieted agwiculturist didhis neirhbors i out of abont Yawata). He pretneuso o be bueing hcreee fn. ehipmene to the I west, end innuced his '1•Ierels to Leek i hiot,:s to ties tursenO; aboots salted. He them menu: 1 the reaas, wade sigernart teal in emenn iy (re seeeeared from the di.aelet. '(jtr ::aa. ode.. Chembt lain's Ceueen Roe:: T. in Ken - (nice. Lae. se :J. (.;e. 'ot ie the le ,et entigh rement- en tS; e;11t!-et t'u'ts. wide an:I crone. nor eatno abCealers. An enela'neas papar eaos the.-hve in- venten a new kind u.' ecit.l amusement that ina ctn. the "iYiX vitl"out. It is callet i aveledupoie party.-- All the girls a weighed, an the weight of each is written en a rorea (,f PaPon nnd put tee, a tat l yoar ren must draw. Tie: etents sat a tresst e:s to sup- per with the girl whoes. tatneent nraws, and netet pay -nee her tapaeteitt one-half cent pte• ocatad. It le estitOE s se, faans the ::ong •t•rtI1-;.!. W".1 meant in demand. ContracOed a Heavy Cold. Q It Becarigac a Lung Splieting Cough. ••••••••••••••• Mr, J. H. Richartle, 1352 Second Ave. East, Vaueouvcr, B.C., writes: "AlloW mo to write a few Baca in praise of your Dr. Woocre Norway Pine Syrup. Last fall 1 contracted a hoe:T.7y cold which left nte with a hacking cough and every time I would get a, nttle mere eoH thia hacking cough would become a Ittn3 splitting oni. It kept on gettieg S1:01:30 arid I kept on eeeeding toioneyymydre .444 ,,-,L cough DEARER TEA ••••••••••• Is L:loely.-Inabher Monopolizing Attest. Con In Ceylon ••••••••••••14 There are distinct .sigua which pint to a, rise in the price of the eup neat acre bot does not inebriate. In the nut place, the use of tea in Por- tal:ea cot -Atria:, is rapidly increasing, the moult !sting a bigger demand on fte reeearees of the tea plantations of :Leta, Leases, Chita, and Java. Last year, for instance, there was alto- ettner en inercase in the shipments of ‘dreiatholf90194.,000,000 at etpared Ca the other baud, there was a de - fl the shipments trent to Vnited Kingdom of over 9,000,000 aaarale legit year, which is partly ex- entaseel be the greater demand for tea en; and, although Indian produo, • ion nee shown a good increase during nne nest two years, apparently it is •tor. eliffielent to meet the steadily growing demand, and one really short trim in !luta might make tea dear for elesely are -supply and de- mand :tow aalreted. Some of the. Indian companies hold s -ave land, and some of it is itelle for tea, but they have been, seal Etill are, deterred from extension in getting labor, Then, ;or inereased production re hare mainly to rely upon good eerenter. Theee is always the risk of •eilettorras and floods, blight and Oresught, which nave to be faced, while vorlthas expenses are likely to in- :I:ease by degrees, owing to the diffis silty of finding all the labor for the ..arious branches of tree:neat agricul- aure now being developed in the East. There is another reason why the lupply of tea is only just enough to alt dtaTiol. In Ceylon, for in- • :itane4 only 10,000 acres have been -sdded during. the last four years, rub - '1:11.' having monopolieed attention. end rubber estates are competing with ';da, for the coolies of India that both acted. Moreover, the yield of the plan- iatiens is beginning to diminish by seeson of the rubber trees interplanted amongst 75,000 acres of tea. It is now proved, says an expert, and recog- nieed that the. heavy shade of rubber trees amongst tea is seriously affect- ing the output of the latter product, and as time goes on a sharp shortage in the output of tea so situated must be looked for. This would mean an increaee in price to the consumer. AGED TWINS Two Brothers Celebrate Eighty -First Birthday Anniversary The other day 'two brothers, John and 'William Austwick, of Eelby, York- shire., celebrated their eighty-first birthday. The brotltera were born at Burn, a village three miles to the south- of Selby. They are the sons of a farm laborer, and were christened at Bray- ton, near Selby. They are twins, and are two of eight children, four of whom sln1 survive, 'the oldest being a sister aned eighty-ela and the youngest an- other sister of seventy. ; Austwick has been a atone- areezer and has worked all his life in be ("Taries. John was apprenticed to a tailor ,at Thorpe. 1 -le afterwards went to Inelley, where for over forty years Ii 12a8 followed his occupation. Ile resided in one house nearly half a etrtury. • !loth beothers have married and • - ear. gra'-:1•'n families -in fact, esredehltdren. They are „rah new cnjoymes the old age pen- s ems. ataiD THE GHOST The elene a surviving son of the neeetts aoe:. net. Mr. alired Tennyson t•-.! a•,11-sflm story in his ...tee. ate Fe; i oe Life mat Works," late :es Fill. it relates to eats; e ':s..-entyl a neighboring CT; WMCia etood a •-• ••• ae. , • ,•eaaller e-.Ited Charles e sae' tLe realdeervants all -7 ;ere:Lee to n: awe, Isle:ems, armed o E sun, and his whoa bludgeons, set out to . 7-7.7:1-..r.ly they raw a white. • ' nt en: to ard an awful noise. ewled. 'Wham' fast, or I fire!" ereered to be an astlauatieal old r3.:1 PIPE 3MOKERS n.T. ddatteville, of Paris, Is a col- ieerer of pis, and his etudy of the , -.nom has enabled him to judge viola by their pipes. The pipe., he tells us, is eharaeteristic of the race, telnle ;nee .; !ear and elearettee are coon The aetivflty of a race Is ea• ta tne leanth of the Stk.M.. • ;I• 1:13.1 the more eLu. itrvera,ly, .:();;(3 •': ; ;;;44;.r.. toe • •• • •. , • - • • - C- it --the, 1 [neer .be •• ;;;; • • • 4 ' • •?: rt, •'• taareseta '714, , a • - • • n tlean." ;,..;.o es tearw. e„„„ sfatehe; Osi•te THE TRUTH Mr. Short: -"If Long calls with that little bill, tell him I'm out." Mrs. Short: -"But that would be telling a falsehood." Mr, Short: -"Nothing of the kind; I'm out of cash," HIS FATHER'S WORK The Lady: --"And is your father worldliest,: my little man?" The Little s'pcso so, mann The judge said hard labor." AN EASY MATTER • Charles E. Biglow, the comedian, is almost as bald as be could be. One day at the club, he said to the barber: "I am in a great hurry. Can't you cut my hair with my collar on?" "Sure I can," said the barber. "I can cut it witl your hat on." TOC MUCH MUSTARD A sick Irishman, worn to skin and bone, had a large mustard plaster spread on his chest, which evoked this comment:- "Doethor, dear,- isn't it a great dale of mustard for so little mate?' A VERY LONG DAY A 'Western minister found cne of his elders, a farmer, coming out of a pub- lic -house, and told Mm lie !nest give up whiskey -or it would land him in the. grave. "Think so?" asked the farmer. "I am sure of it, farmer. And what is more, if you -will stop drinking, I am certain it will prolong your days," folded the minister. "Come to think about it,- 1 believe you are riga about that, minister," said the far:ner. "I went twenty-four hours without a drink about rix menthe ago, and I never put in such an infer- nally long day in my life." EFFECTIVE REMEDY A prominent physic!an was recently called to his telephoue by a colored woman 'formerly in the service of his wife. In great agitation the 'woman told the physician that her youngest child was in a bad way. "What seems to be the trouble?" asked the doctor. "Doc, she swallered a bottle of ink!" be ovca there in a short while to see her," said the doctor. "Have you done anything for her?" "I gave her three pieces of blottin' paper, Doc," said the colored woman doubtfully. ALL WERE YANKEES Lieutenant Takeshira, of the Japan- ese navy, says "The Americans are a very proud people. I was talking yes- terday with an Ameriean sailor. He said that no one outside of America amounted to much. "'But I asked, 'what were your fa- ther and mother?' "'Yankees,' said the sailor. ' '"What were your grandfather and grandmother?' "'Yankees.' "'But your great-grandfather and great-grandmother?' " 'Yankees.' "Finally I asked him, 'How abeat Adam and Eve?' "'Yankees, too, by jinits!' sad he." SCHEME WHICH FAILED To have theme:elves publiely eened out of a erowden alace of eta,: rtaita ment on the preterse that they rwe Wanted by importuiatte patients is sap - posed to tee oue *f the check eurdisele of advertising resorted to by doctere who wish to build up a practice. A young payskaan tri -'d the dedge with disappeintiug results not leeg back. He instrueted his man eereant to come to the stasso door of the thea- tre and say that a patient of his was in urrtent need of attention. -Right. you are, sir," said the zer• vent, with it solemn wink "Yea tea, it to me. matrears it all rasa:a" Bat apresneetly ;ij ea- r:ceded lent riletielli Li U.; al, •Tat when, at r Ia. ead 4.31 iii3z 33;3(13333i 3",r, ntereaer or"-- i• • t1,4' what he mid wan: - "If lir. Jo in the atone:ore, ara tsopeened. to tell hint tarsi ie 41 :r1f?.1,4 the peer ItA.o.'.• 44rn; gem; 1,E.; 41.10 ;3•33,-3-;1.3.-.3,, L1.0 13f.34t3f: 433.3 ever t -,i.;‘;;.." Amenice until 0 frteila asked rae en dee. • ty„,;..„ g7,1t. , . .; ; hail ever trial Dr. Wheel's Norway Pine • ' ' - 4.leaup. 1 teld him 1 wao willing to try reteetlang 1 thought woulrl cure, and on the earn° day bouant two betake. Bee fore half the filet one tra3 USC.4 my cough began to get muck eatier, and by the time I reed teed a, bottle and a half by ecugh was goo°. 1 am having the other half nettle in ewe it (loan Come again, hut I tau cure 1 have aarniiive cure. Let me recantr,eenti Dr. ttt ere re Norway Pine Syrup to all who mace from a cough of throat irritation of ally kind." peexe kait beca the filietCO3 of this evrenterful tamely, it is only natural that uumesoue pacene have tried to latitate it Dont be impor,e1 upon by taking anything but "Dr. Woodna" Put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price 23 ceate. Maweraentero (e1- nee Tne T. ?anal len Cu., " atai 'a .s.: ' .; ' I ;' •''' • ';;':1; ''`'-'• .• '; ' •'' - t. '1:-' •;" 711•1.t4 lite:4'41E1N .• •,•;:.1.;•, 4' ; ..,',.." :. • 0 "1•0., '". ' i' "I• • ;'," V.: •,'`'• . , ;'•'. .: . , .;._• 'I , ;;..4.4 ytnie Gly OW ! '.• ‘•",•-•'.' '''' ' -,• : 1.:. _. ;•• .0 .• '. :! •• ( . A .•'1 61 ; , , ..., tt•-•".• 1.; ' ;.;•• '.. ;It. -i!..;".0.,;• ,.,i7„%itty t t ...„ • .',• .if•ell!:, hi:.e.:ili!' IA, '0. 1.f ••- : vv• , . ,,,.,‘ (r.., ,. ve. .. Niast t., s, ..•. •.:. e e: • . ' • i. V• -e,. •, 4- • 4„i=j;;1;,,, (..;: ; •. ';'; ,;,,.••t,)1,;:ii•;;VI;;;;;;' l',1' i '':,1". • -i;,: •,;'" ;IA; 44 tl().1";',;. tilliii. 4;131; 'E.; 31;4104;; us t, .(,..; -.. • ,;. -. ---.. -,.• %. 14 - ,, t- t- -..•,,; r;" tqfr,,..it. ii• t••!.• .1.41'. ' , ; . 1 . . ' 1S7 010JE ll,, UV.1 4••;'7. ....4. , tt:,, VVii 4., .C.','*• , , • . ,.411'•'.' 0 • -••••';';* ••11.-''', i I tt., . t ... 4 ne. A ennes..;e ;I,f•tfi.44' tiff rt., k ‘ ; .14 ;;;.2., 4,e,4e41t-1, r;', .0.4; hue Isertent .ee, oadeen; - nut elietri,•I in,' a taine I oO ewes,: ... • sal teaesae, 'thOri4414 I; the C"%1;."'s.1;1tiu14 1 li•"•(' t t;•; •• ,7";• 11 .11e1 neevoti 0.: ; t. vs, fils4 •4:""ttlt i.11.:51;;;'Et.S141 1 and ftl.‘12C..5:teee.1- 'e11411141 4 j • 411144. 44e04r1u11544 ak..37 flpt'4 te.:1,C1110111:111 119 the Tuve and atii ; •41P,;4 Yti! f.11 11.14 it 4,111 ; ; • ;11 arindstk se, Arei,11.,aed aat and 1.2 •••:;: • ..•, • :J. ; 41Y., f..;;i4 .L',.ut; r • i•:,•12‘241..1,..il ; •"..11 ;.•; awl -11.;1w 1.. "..1 On• „ . ;?•: Z. Lord Leeao, aad erealv, 1 10 "Ind L'at:114-?'" 11;_r :.;.,t. ij •Cati1414,...H. "Nouoik.o. .. 7414 4.. '07,7,Qu411 . ;• at 4.11 (.1; .# •• vih:o.t.r.d Lord Ar1-7,a,,,ca, I • iV(-11tttaly itvit (x142.1.k, ••:;;;.;• • 011:11111:3i)11r t1.0 • 1 S "Sense" form, the difference: 1( aseen the two being that in the lett; two ...4 ' - - i 'tf' 1 7 . ' .4 , 4 i , ft, ... - NV 41; . 01 ' ' .; , '4 14, ) ° ''.04. 4 4' ; ' ' 7 . ' '. %44 .4fe' 4-'-' :1 " '' 4 -44 / 4 ' -'' . : . '• • ;-1,1,04r14,-4 : - . 1. / 4 '• .,..../. ...er ---d- --- . a .-,,p .i ‘. --.=-•$,, ,,. t i , •.: , 4 OA 4. ,241 7 i ,f7;,, ? I' I ' '1 Vig)1.11 kr I 1 i fe-4i'd ti •er $ :I ..•49.11,4 • ,sa. -en re 111.144111114 TWO Diet-SA:1O OS' VA' tifftsta Slildona "In Hen, r , • , 1,414134 Vo110145 hail to if;:?:‘• ..;• ..• „ 1.404. c4•4;40j! coir. -;ter lite . 411f2ov 4 ;4 you've hen peer leo I nomeliet; uo 1.01k.; La it small.; r. o. 410A:J.41" iftimok•wwki. "For Tea You Can't,Beat Lipton's" It Has Stood the Test of Time, While Others Have Been Buried in the Ashes of Inferiority. It's the Recognized World's Standard. ,311, Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly, A Real Lung T nic There are many prepar- ations that will relieve a cough -few tliat will cure it. The first class, containing such drugs as Opitun and Mor- phine, simply deaden the irritation and stop the cough, but do little Or no permanent good. 4.11••11, 12.3 uta; FatherMorrisey tam= -erse-,;,-reaeet,tded,,droea,dm "FaEter Mg3"/The 's No. 10" does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs, but is an absolutely safe and scieptific preparation of Nature's own ,remedies -Herbs, Roots and. Balsams. It entirely reinoi4s the irritation that caused the cough, by cleaning out t!,.. mucus, stopping the inflammation and healinc, the delicate membrane of throat and lungs. Moreover, it tones up and strengthens the whole system, particularly the lungs, and protects against future coughs and colds. Trial size 25c. per boale. Regular size 50c. At your dealer's. ir=t1tor Morrisoy Medicine Co. Ltd. - MN. VI•11.11=••••••••••••• 23 rsiontrea!, Quo, RENTING STATI INIRY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING'"PADS 7-ENVELOPES,Prl- LEAD PENCILS BUTTE R PA PER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIP:G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING we are in a better position than ever before io attend to your? wank :n the Job Printing line and all orders will ICCCOiVe prompt attention. Leave your order with us when h need of LETTER I -READS, BILL HEADS ENVELOPES . CALLING CARDS CIP,CUL Ana: NOTE 1 -READS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS 2 CATA LOOMS Or cr.c*ahing ytu mtly re(pire in the printing line. EtilbnCripti0110 t 5:Len for all the LeacCinai Newspapers and 11ganines. 4-y ireheJiggles reuliiie STONE BLOCK, •441.- -4- India, " Ire