HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-13, Page 4The Profit Sharing Store KERB & BIRD W E ARE• AGENTS FOR THE LAQIFS I[OMdOURNAL PATTERNS 0 MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE AGEN £S—Ladies Home Journal Cucie Waists and Blouses We are agents in Wingham for the Cucie Waists and Blouses. This name is a guarantee of material, workmanship and style. Warmer weather will mean New Waists of course, and our large display of these seasonable goods will tempt the most indif- ferent. These New Smart Waiis Are stylish in appearance, ve. y moderate in price and lavishly trimmed with lace and embroid- ery. Our special $1.25 range appeal to all, very dainty and with don.. or short sleeves and a variety of neat patterns. Our $1,50 line are neatly em- broidered Waists with long sleeves, very pleasing in appear- ance. Our pretty Middy 'Waists for girls are simply irresistable, Ecru and Navy, White and Navy and Light Blue, $1.00, $1,50 and $1.75, Colored Waists, White and Black, White and Blne, etc. stripe and spot patterns, easy to launder and pretty for either house or street wear, at only 50e, 75e, $1,00, $1.25. Handsome Silk Waists in White, Black, Green, Brown and Wisteria, very dainty and only $3.50. Weekly Bargain Specials This week we put 69 pairs Ladies Shoes in the window and ticket them at prices that will move them out quick. On sale to day—and for one week. 21 pairs Women's Don. Kid Biach. regular $1.50 and $1.60 for $1,19 21 " " " and Box Calf " $2,00 for $1,49 A quantity of Patent Slippers and Oxfords, regular $1.753for $1.30 It will pay you to watch for our weekly specials They are money savers. SMININIINNINSININIMNSININIINEMMIRIN 1 TRE WINGIIAM TIMES, AMU 13 , 1911 T H E SPRING IMPURITIES II II BEAD OFFICE: ToRoisTO Capital Stock 4a11 paid up) $4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits ....... $5,300,000,00 Deposits by the public.... $47,000,000,00 Total .Assets, over .. $6,600,000.00 BRANCHES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United Status. GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings. Department. Current rates o£ Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINGHAM BRANCH—Corner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. VANSTONT, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notices of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be 1 t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. IN THE BLOOD Make the Use of aTonic Medicine a N amity, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an all year round tonie blood -builder, and nerve -restorer. But they are especial- ly valuable in the siring when the sys- tem is loaded with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the long winter months. There is no other sea- son when the blood is really so much in need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of these Pills helps to make new, rich, rad blood, In the spring one fe'ls tied and weak—Dr. Wil- liams' Pi,ik rills give strength. In the spring t'r' a.;)in.tite is often poor—Dr. William:-' t'iiik Pills develope the ap- petite, toile th.- stomach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet in (disfiguring pimples and boils—Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, and many other troubles ar' most persis- tent because of poor w.•.` blood, and it is at this time, when all nature re- gains life, that the blood most seriously needs attention. To improve and forti- fy the blood is the special mission of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and that is why they are the best spring medicine in existence. If you feel the need of a medicine this spring give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a lair trial and you will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy, and will be especially fitted to stand' the torrid heat which comes a little latter. These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 renes a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SSTABLISHEL LB7a THE WINGulAM TIMES. H. R . 6LLIOTT. P oBLI8H14R AND PROPRIBTO THURSDAY APRIL 13, 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES. BULLS FOR SALE. Two Shorthorn Bulls, aged 8 and 11 months; of choicest breeding, with size and quality; color, deep red. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G, FYFE, Wingham P. 0 A meeting of the Executive Commit- tee of the North Huron Liberal As- sociation was held in Wingham on Tuesday when it was decided to hold a nominating convention in Wingham on a date in the last week in June, when a candidate will be nominated to contest the riding for the Ontario Legislature. The most amusing feature of the Conservative campaign against the reciprocity agreement is that while the party organ here in Winnipeg denounc- es the agreement on the ground that it shows too much consideration for the manufacturers, the party organs in the east denounce it with no less indigna- tion on the ground that it threatens the very existence of every industry in Canada. —Winnipeg Free Press. Another return in regard to the reciprocity representations w a s given to the House of Commons on Monday by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. It in- cluded 64 memorials. Of these 62 were in favor of reciprocity; the other two were against, and they came from the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba and the Conservative Association of North Wellington. All the pro -reciprocity memorials came from the west, except four from the Liberals of Ormstown, Que., the Liberals of Niagara township, the farmers of South Oxford and the farmers of Thorold township. The new story of the opponents of reciprocity, namely, that the agreement will not give the Canadian farmer a bet- ter market in the United States, but flood Canada with the agricultural pro- ducts of the United States, bears false- ahood on its face. There are ninety-two million consumers of food in the United States, eight millions in Canada. Both countries produce food, but the widest opponent of reciprocity will hardly say that the ultimate food -producing power of the United States is eleven times that of Canada.. In all probability it is not much greater than that of Canada, if we exchitle the Southern States, whose products are so different from ours that they cannot be regarded as rivals. —To- ronto Star. A 5o -cent bottle of Scoll's Emulsion given in half -teaspoon closes four times a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near- ly a month, and four bot- tles over three months, and will make the baby strong and well and will ' lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. POE SALE BY ALT, DRUGGISTS Send itc, mane of paper and ebb ad. tot our beanni SSvtngs 3iinit sad Child's Sketch. Ude. hack beak contains Goo tack Retrace. s oT'r & BOWNE SAS Walliatten St$. , WMR TM hfa, Oia4. lst line, Morris. FOR SALE A splendid chance for investment from lots in the city of Lethbridge, Alberta. Also in the new and ra• pidly growing towns situated along the Pine of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. I c in c LISTO W EL. The death took place in Hamilton on Saturday last of Mrs. Annie Bishop, a well-known resident of this town. De- ceased left here about a year ago to reside in Hamilton. She had a large circle of friends who will be sorry to hear of her death. She was the mother of ten children and is survived by her husband and nine children. The child- ren are Mrs. M. Wildfang, Listowel; and Miss Bishop, at home; Charles, Walter and John, of Calgary; Peter, in British Columbia; George, of Woolsey, Sask; Abraham and Andrew, of Hamil- ton. Mrs. James N. Showers, who died last November, was a daughter. The remains were brought here for interment. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA c Watrous, Melville and Begger Saskatchewan, Tofield in Alberta. 3 sections of choice Farm Land in Saskatchewan. C. N. GRIFFIN Real Estate and Insurance BOYS ANO GIRLS Should learn those subjets by which they can earn a living. Spotton's Business Colleges are the largest train- . ers in Canada, and our gradu- ates secure the best positions. Yon can study at home, or partly at home and finish at the College. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY DAY 1 COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, • President. WINGHAM BUSINESS Big Corporations Better Than small Concerns. I believe, writes George W. Perkins, of the U. S. Steel Trust, in an article in McLean's Magazine, that there, is more safety to the public and to labor in having very large business enter- prises than in having small or medium- sized ones; for the larger the under- taking is the more generally it is ob- served and the more thoroughly its affairs are scrutinized. Then, too, the large concern provides more steady em- ployment for labor and minimizes to al- most nothing the chance of financial collapse and failure. Of course, proper precautions must be taken to prevent the results that come from unrestricted monopoly, and this can surely be ac- complished by frank and full publicity, with proper supervision and regulation by federal authority. Chief of Police John Mattson of Arn- prior was committed for trial on charge of embezzling Corporation funds. LIVE STOUR MARKETS. Toronto April 10 —Union Stock Yards —Receipts were 103 loads, with 2,150 head of cattle, 511 sheep and lambs, 33 hogs and 104 calves. The demand for good butcher cattle was very active; and prices held firm at the best quotations last week. The export trade was quiet and dull, the American buyers showing very little anxiety to get into the market in competition with the butcher buyers. The lamb trade is dull, and prices are easier. Export cattle, choice .. $ 5 85 to $6 00 do medium 5 65 5 75 do light ... , 5 00 510 do bulls ... .... .. , 4 50 5 25 do cows . . ...... . 4 50 5 50 Butchers, choice ... .. . 5 75 6 00 do medium .... .. . 5 25 do cows ... 4 50 do common .... 4 00 do canners 2 00 Short -keeps 5 00 Feeders, steers.... 4 75 do bulls 350 Stockers, choice 4 75 do light.. 4 25 Milch cows, choice, each40 00 Springers 25 00 Common and medium 20 00 Sheep, ewes . 4 75 do bucks 4 00 Lambs . .... , . 7 00 Hogs, f, o. b .. .. . do fed and watered........ • Calves ........... .......4 00 5 65 550 4 25 2 50 5 75 525 4 25 510 4 50 70 00 6000 30 0 000 4 50 750 15 8 5500 w INliltiAM 5IA1iKE1 REPORTS. Wingham, April, 12th, 1911. Flour per 100 lbs . 2 35 to 3 00 Oallmwheat , ., 0 30 two 0 80 30 Barley 0 45 to 0 48 Peas ..... 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy ................ 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doz.... .... 0 14 to 0 15 Wood per cord . 250 to 2 50 Hay, per ton 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bushel. 0 40 to 0 45 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per ewt .. 6 16 to 6 16 Don't Try to Remember. Everything in the way of groceries you may need. A much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pick out the things you want as they meetyour eye. There Are Probably Groceries Here. Entirely new to you. But you need'nt be afraid to try them. If they are here, they are good. • 1. F. McOillivray Phone 54. Where Good .Clothes Come from In this world a man must be w ell dressed. Custom demand it and all having any ambition at all follow the custom WE DO FINE TAILORING And can build you a Snit of the very finest material of your own selection, trimmed with the best goods made for the purpose, charging you no more than yon would pay for ready-to-wear clothes that cannot possibly com- pare with those we make. You may choose from our splendid assortment of spring snitings and be able to put on The Snappiest Snit of Clothes made from the goods selected at HENNING'S THE TAILOR Robt. Maxwell's Old Stand EASTER I MILLINERY 3 wasimmummommenom Make a note of the fact that Easter is less than two weeks away, It's none too soon to get your order placed. You run the risk of being disappointed if you wait until the last few days before Easter, 3 3 We can give you every attention now. ?� I MISS REYNOLDS VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVWVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVW/VWVVVVWWVVV GAND TRUNK RAIL Easter Rates Single Fare for Round Trip With minium charge of twenty-five cents) between all stations in Can- ada, also to Niagara Falls and Buf- falo, N.Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Good going April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17th. Return limit April 19th, 1911. LOW RATES TO THE WEST Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent about "Homeseekers", "Colonist" and "Settlers" excursions For Tickets and further Informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To- ronto, Ont. There's Feel and Feed There's all kinds of feed and food. The best kind gives better health, more brawn and musole. In buying Floor see that yon get All the Best of the Wheat That's the kind we sell. To produce good stook you must produce good food for them. Poor food means poor stook. Bay your cattle and chicken feed here. No higher is price, maoh better results. EZRA 1VIERKLEY PHONE 84. 411`/;11, mot Mossfium'o, "MAT ..... lifig9/%i i'Sfi'k w",21pO 'e JAEZ,!15 *vNNei y :,;i%%i%i /Ji START SPRING WITH ONE OF WALKEWSBed SP INGS We have a full line of all kinds of Furniture For the Spring Trade. Watch this space next week for a full list of prices WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE 1111N41419116131142 911. BANK OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON Capital Paid Up $2,760,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits $3,250,000 $6,000,000 a Total Assets . . . . Over $40,000,000 Savings Bank Department at all Branches. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith, Agent CANADI - T1 P :rtFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains lave Toronto 2.00 p,n: ca APRIL 4, 11 MAY 2, le, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 26 AUO. 8, 22 SEPT. 3, 1e Setoad cion deluge from Ontario Madam b principal Northwest pokes at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES W eipei s,dTeter* $3p3..dai iaEri�montgn sod rood too Mots lW to air 60 da„ Keil taint dab. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS os aH exeeesioer. Comfortable bertha, tally oorlooml with beddios, eau be secured ,rt modesua taw amok local attest. Early application must ba 'nada ASK RbR NOMtttittat S• PAMPHLET eoetaisiaa obs sad full bkmsa Apply b woes( G,P.R.Aleut of to R. L,Tbet poca, Dist. ase. Ass., Tesoata ONLY DIRECY LINE NO CHANGE OF CA$ JAL DEEMER, Agent, Winghain. STRATFORD. ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We have three depart- ments, --Commerciale Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our gradu- ates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes, Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. somiliamorosaumwiliarilmo D. A. M*LACHLAN PRINCIPAL. +0.1'4 3