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The Wingham Times, 1911-04-13, Page 3
ALFALFA A SPUN= CROP. Ontario farmers who have gone into alfalfa• experimentally have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is the best paying fodder crop that an 'agriculturist can grow. Alfalfa has been known since 490 B. C. and was successfully grown in Greece and Konno nearly 2,500 years ago. In the -Mate of Kansas there were in 1891, 20,000 acres grown, while last year nearly a million acres of alfal- fa were under crop, resulting in untold financial benefit to the farmers of this State. There are five different varieties viz., Ar.erican, Turkestan, Arabian, Peru - vitae end Garman, but for Ontario the American variety is best suited. Alfalfa, unlike many other crops, enriches the soil rather than impov- erishes it. The roots extend into the earth from 5 to 12 feet, reaching down and bringing to the surface nitrogen and other valuable mineral plant food. It has been grown continuously on a farm in one of the counties of this pro- vince for nearly thirty years and still produces good crops, It can be grown successfully on sandy, heavy clay lo1;m or on nearly any variety of soil proper- ly drained. Successful experiments with it have been conducted on a limit- ed scale with success in nearly every part of Ontario both with and without a nursing crop. Spring sowing has given best results. If sown with a nursing crop, barley at the rate of one bushel per acre is an excellent one for this purpose. Eighteen ors twenty pounds per acre of alfalfa is the proper quantity of seed. From three to four crops have been harvested in one sea- son and the average height of a plant runs from fourteen and twenty inches. When about one Wird of the crop is in bloom is an excell nt time to start cut- ting, as it then, possesses its greatest food value. The cutting should be done in the forenoon when the dew is off the ':grass and the fodder should follow im- mediately and be kept at work until late in the afternoon and the crop left in windrows, This process should be repeated the following day and the hay put in coils and left for several days. It slieuld not be' cut too close to the ground as the • plant may be injured thereby. The yield per acre of green crop is about 20 tons and of dry hay five. It should not be allowed to remain too long in the hot sun, as the. leaves are ✓ liable to become dry and break off and they contain most valuable nutrients. Seed is produced best from either first or second cuttings and averages five bushels per acre, although it sometimes runs as high as ten. Alfalfa hay contains about C0 per cent. more digestible protein than hay from red clover. It makes a splendid pasture for horses or hogs, but care is required when sheep or cattle are turn- ed in as there is a tendency to bloat if allowed to eat too much, especially when the grass is wet. An application of about twelve loads of barn yard manure per acre every four year; has proved very satisfactory. Fertilizers containing phosphate have given the best results. When a field of alfalfais ploughed dawn n tha surface soil is completely filled with roots rich in fertile elements. ti It is to be hoped that every farmer in Ontario who has suitable well drained soil will put in a field of this most desirable 044:1). In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest passible. This may be obtained by applying Chamber- lain's Liniment.. For sale by all dealers. $:lalth and Marriage. It fill: often been suggested that a ' certificate of good health should be required of an applicant for a marriage liceesc quite as much as of an appli- cant for life insurance. No insurance company, says the Springfield Republi- can, vrould take a risk en a man's life unless its medical examiners had passed him as sound in mind and body. Why should the state take a risk on a man, or a woman, in granting its marriage license, without souse' assurance from medical examiners that the union pro- posed would not result in children handicapped from birth by disease? The state has quite as watch Ii;lit to protect itself from all forms of social derl',rtlt?tioIi as the il:zari+nce conlpaiiy Lae to protect its eu'.'1iu 4. ,,:; deceased child may increase tit,, Lu;•d..•m; of the commonwealth in Vaish31.13 sty S. The ,hospital, the at:yluni or the prison may flaky herons* hits p.: int.t:u'i1': retreat. If the moss i'Ul lath( Il(,1 i t l,a1e:1l pre bleu➢ of cIviiisation is :v ,i; Y Children well burn and they- )i 1,' .sell b'kii befog.' thy ran It, %l(en nurturol of well t•dueated - •it would on that no form vi floci..l it1 uraue•e could be bettor justifhccl thee the. simple ilisui'anee of •. the state throughlh,• rt'li°I,-..Ili(.Iit:: of ♦ s . health Lt ttitit.< ted fi ,nl 11::rnr a(. .laking, for lice.tse., in marry. Beware of Swindlers. h y Our readers should keep their weath- er eye open for fakirs and swindlerseas they aro numerous and 'work ettery scheme to catch people. The latest swindle worked by a sharper in one of the cities recently is an apt illustration of the ability of these dead beat fakirs to catch not only the ignorant, but all others who are not constantly on their guard. This swindler Walked into a jewellery store and selecting a $125 watch left a check for $600 drawn on an out-of-town bank, with, instructions that the watch be regulated and that he would come after it and his change a week later, On returning he was in- formed that his check was no good, "Well, that's strange," he said, "it's the second time the bank has done that on me. But here's your money for your watch." He counted out $125 in curreney.and started for the door, "Oh yes," he said, turning around, "Yon had better give me that check." It was willingly handed over to him. On the back was the jeweller's endorse- ment, With this the man r,yent to the bank, got it cashed, and was never heard of afterwards. ,S'•i,ATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO 1 ss. LUCAS COUNTY, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem- ber, A. D., 1886. • N (SEAL)`isw irA.W. GLEASON, re.�,,•,,:F .t ,. - NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts 'directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. POPULATION FIGURES IN ONTARIO. The statistics with reference to On- tario's population contained in the last report of the Bureau of Indusrries are instructive. According to this report the rural population which had been decreasing, has since 1907 taken an up- ward turn and has Lean increasing • at the rate of about three thousand a year. The statistics show that the decrease began twenty years ago at least. In 1890 the township population of Ontario was 1,117,533. In the next three years it decreased by over 21,000, then rose again, reaching its 'highest point in 1896-7. From these two years, in which itremained almost stationary, the drop was steady until 1807, when the rural population amounted to 1,043,- 658. Since then it has been increasing an average of three thousand a year. In that same period of twenty years the population of the towns and villages has increased from 375,421 in 1890 to 515,078 in 1909, every year showing an increase except 1892, when there was a temporary lull. The growth- of the cities has been even more marked. From 424,70 in t 1890, the urban population has increas- ed to 725,120 in 1909, the last year of record, and there has not been a single yearthe intwentywhich has not shown an increase. Taking the population of the province as a whole the total in 1860 was 1,917,- 544, which in twenty years has increas- ed to 2,280,438, with 1892 on 1893 as the only years showing a decrease. One of the great draughts upon the population continues to be the settling of the West, end there are little or no signs of it abating. • BULLS FOR SALE. Two Shorthorn Bulls, aged 3 and 11 months; of choicest breeding, with size and quality; color, deep red. Will be sold reasonable for quick sale. J. G. FYFE, Winsham P. 0 1st line, Morris. 9[170- ilgED: 50 WEAK 1 l' t61E ES Mrs. Georg(a stiles, CGrhnsby, Ont., •.,rites:---"Ju•�t a low lines to (et yon what 141illurteo II(:<rt an(l Nerve ,l':➢ have done for 1'fe. I suffered ,::ttly with nay n2rr:es and L naL-lo Ca Ms and weal: at tiin.'3 I conk' not ..oil:. A Mend v_ nine advi :1 n:.o to ."r a box of your t it;, ~;rh}ca i did, mid te.••Ut found c t ,'.•l:af. Tiley • t'a thea InCL3in•J li,I lave over tal.en�for tot+ t*it and nerves. I rec(a Intend themi 4 t.:ty a1.J I ,;4te.ring fro::r 1'.:xrt U•.' ncr•A ',iiil,urn's IIelr( and Nerve Pili: °rake 4 ,tl Cr t'0!w Lena 1•,"c+F1(; and the .:l :?ley Slay. ': y li'l't: ➢l:n,'.° a 5ti'C, -' 111 ll,l(" :i➢i:1 ➢ 1F tlt'E4 iltaittenee to every y c•rp ai nazi tI ➢+ <; t''e I:::dy anti Burinq pal- 1lilatlli e.7 the It4':'.It, dl➢7rII1t:: S, Lit'dlE;:, t'..itehinr; of the niuselea, amoral (I6,:11 r, lack of vitality, et! Children. x' Price 3(4 etntn 110r 'FOX, or ;, for 81,tri, ,�+(� a�+r� •-f 4111 rte or 11 •il.tl th.' rt ea 1 e, ` FLELL7�u`JtaR'S ( :0 i t.l ., CAs.r. CHRA A'auiont t, i :.w TRE lTIYGDAM TIMES APRIL 13, 1911 A GLORIOUS FIGHT An Irishman, describing a glorious 'tght, said:— "There was only one whole nose In .lie house, and that was the taypot's." TH2 ABJECT QF IT Mrs. Crawford:—"I don't see how you could join such a club when you lon't see the object of it??" Mrs. Crabahaw:—"You sre. drar. It Teets Mondays, and that's the only lay in the week I had no place to go:' WASN'T TAKING ANY RISK Customor:—"I3e sure and have that overcoat ready this week, as I want to wear it at the football Snatch." Tailor; ---"Are ,you going to be in the game?" Customer: --"Oh, yes," Tailor (stiffly) :—"Then, sir, our tants aro invariably cash in advance." THiN LEGS DESCRIBED "Does Strutter pad his calves?" In- quired a professional. "I should think he does," replied an- other professional. "Why, in all my vast experience I never saw such thin legs ump handles?" asked the first speaker, "Pump handles ain't in it! They're the sort of legs you'd use to clean a pipe out with if it wouldn't draw." NO DOUBT Mrs. Lateststyle:—"This gown just came from Madam Chargem, don't you think she gave me a good fit?" Mr. L.:—"Yes, but not as good a one as her bill will probably give me." Ha TOOK THE ADVICE It was et an evening party, and a gentleman at the gay gathering asked a friend in a whisper: "How shall I stir the fire without Ju- terruptirig the music?" "Oh, between the bars, of course," was the reply. NOT A WINGED SERAPH "Of course. before your tila: _iL4 " you told your wife that you wot.E never be absent from her side exc: pi when business demanded your pres- ence elsewhere?" "Yes," "And you said you would ,^.,'rat::'y every wish et hers?" "Yes," "And that you would never speak a cress word to her?" "'x es,' "Have you kept your. promise in these Mil::':1?' "What y c u take me 'for? Do 1 look like' a withg:d rem pli?" • 1.' J,• : R 4!.C'D't:3 i• -:i .cPIAKE r� g> el;al'il'.da:- ..--: ^-'I ran t keep a do;; ""1d Te?egre ph I i�; :�:' All (v•.•'; ..:c 1h 1E:r• t, (.1 d }r'lrti• �: ,•a -ei , "9•,i i:i --- we had to give ride t•w'. • r+•, (. s'1.•. 1 • (:, o : , y p• v(:: (t:ta ar.t i' t:E:rick had his dear t•s1t.++ • : I- • :.4.•. -:e 1Iraee t f i u• . HF'"i V •.N:1..T,�A Ti'ht')p ' 1 ani sorry you were .fat at try r'ec'eption last evening." 'Mrs. Mo'lup (coldly) :•--"l received ao in"itnticn." 11rN. Tiptop (with affected sur• price) :—"indeed' It • must have mis- carried. I had a'1o" my gnc•sts three foreign E'et+nts." Mrs. 11ic;hup:--"ito that is w:t re .?t(;y were? 1 el:1:ircd to ollsa,''e tl1r1:1 last evening to wait at tab.o at our Gard -party supper, but the employ. =Out agent told me th, y vie re out" THE ARTFUL SPORTSMAN A gentlenu(n who bad the reputa- tion of being a bed shot invited sone of his friends to dine with him. Be- fore dinnee he slowed then a tar'•et Painted on the ba.ii (icor with a h"l. let in the bull's-eye. IIo sra'd be bad shot this at a distanc of five Inn, Bred yards• During the dinner aIle of the gar sty asked him hat: he managed to fire Such an excellent shot. "'Well," said Le, "I shot the bullet at the door at a distance of five hun- dred yards and then I painted the tar- get round it." TRAPPED Ogre Sunday morning, when every- body( had gone to church, a traveller t)ndertoolc to show the landlord of a country inn how to draw three differ- ent sorts of wine from the sante cask. The two went down into the cellar, and the stranger bored a hole in the cask, over which he asked the land- lord to place his thumb; he then bored a second hold, which mine host had to stop up with his other thumb. He then set to work on the third bole, when it apparently struck line that the landlord would not be equal to the task of stopping that also, esti be ran out of the cellar to "fetch a tap, He never returned, and the inn- keeper had to wait by the side of his cask until his family had return..d from church. The rogue had by t':at time, of course, decamped with ell he Could lay his hands on. WHICH? "I never saw mei; a man! He's s. ways running down his neighbors," "Scandal or motor?" I will pay tiles fr 1,1•ive* on s liberal ss -ort meat of strictly s(asunable furs: 1+KUNIe No. 1, ; L(a'. No. 2,12.00. No. 3, $1.10. No. 4, :,0e. RED FOX. tj,:.t:11. h1n:t11,3.f0. r:prir42: • • •••1,::g 4 nr.*t u:,Since furs wiilLo yahoo. Le... r n'; t(,"rlua it -c. Also 1 1•:••:_hi(.h'srt;ritesfor all other raw furs 1 Iva; .• '•1 prosy (•hat;;(.;, c•btsrge 1:0(uue uo(1N s•c paratt/ on rtqu.,et. t••,,0 t v ,' list. (;oa,r•i::r1. - ucz (d. Write for priee J. qtly, t4 a...,.rrp r.., ,'e• . f 4 Z! , il1)�.h a . .*4. cs ao 'std � ,. ?, 617 •'r 1 ler;• .:10:1 :� '. ,,,.? I1 1 • Two koraArgil 3r CRIPPLE rnoM RHEUMATISM NOW IN ° PERFECT HEALTH Tib THANKS TO "FRUSTA-TIVES" VARCnrve t, B.C., IV). ISt. 1910, "I am well aeguaillted \brit a man, known to thousands in Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster, who for nearly a year ryas practically a cripple from Rheumatism. He was ;to troubled With the dist ase that he found it difficult to even turn over in bad. His heart appeared so weak that he could hardly walk up stairs, Last June, 1he received a sample of "Fruit-a-tives". He used then and dates his recovery from that time. To -day, there is no man in Vancouver enjoying better health. He was building a house this fall and shingled a good part of the roof in a driving rain, without suffering any bad effects". JOHN 13. LACY, Mr. E. E. Mills, assistant postmaster at Knowlton, Que„ ) also writes : "I honestlybelieve that "Fruit-a-tives" is the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world". Try it yourself. Sac. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 250. At dealers, or front Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. The Gui!ty Party, "Who signed Magna Charta?" asked the school inspector, thunderously. The village class sat mute. "Who signed Magna Charta?" roar- ed the inspector again. "P.please, sir," wailed little Billy Smith, "it worn't me." The inspector snorted. The class was the most ignorant it had been his lot to examine. He strode from the room and outside met the schoolmistress - Angrily he narrated the last incident. "Who d'ye say said that, sir?" quer- ied the mistress. "William Smith!" snorted the in- spector. "Bill Smith," repeated the teacher. "Then don't yer believe 'im, sir. 'E's the biggest liar here! Yer may take my word Ler it, 'e done it " REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mas. WINSLOW'a SOOTInINd SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MII,I,IONS of MQTHERs for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHQ;A. It is air solutely itartuless. 13e sure and ask for "Mrs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take :to other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Times Have Changed. WE CAN GURE- L91EST DDIUAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRE, K. & Ifs YOUNG OR MIDI LE•AGED MEN /� .' •. - •, '-I,; alto 42*" 1 taexervieca of exp* rt apu•eislista , y_ 1 tti4+•.• w;lstey air 14.14(3' to t4e,E I. -J 4th M1(101133ut111. -w n*.t::.:,g of, 4illyy ris.to " your mouey 1". i. worthM••s 14'rtilo Lets ('r drag.' rtu: a.n rtua:3, when you 1 15 Ire 1 ifto r till e•l. rt le, 14 (14 4:1 1 Irv. ; iY(N 1 trr(04'11 1 tit assts ,c,sa i"rt. kyr K. i •.,t.'1 J}1.4 Luta era tee.,4. sese r 4...,I :. vises i c:'ept n, y (ur:.• Ir. ca (r '1 r!e.r„lely:•t:r C.;.o trove tncu.at.lo f.. I(.el to C(2',•(4youacert. 1. yon 411w urt4•'-' +T:113 0pr Weft for npersonLl esa ' •:: r-':. a g ill'sill4 W' C1111d!`jiio:pel• you c.4i+a t• e-..' ('41 you W!tether yen tiro cr n':e or t • t. '.•.:en VO tit; 1 I, leeerite spec .el reels ;19 1 •;, t ler yorr 1;:*ilius: 1 e,➢ a wai.•:1 1�' u eat* fi.-.. ? -...., talc at limns. Wo have no cur .-•alt ;eth. ,ly thetas mrd t:, everyb+.dy a=d:;e a+ Ir est s;,ecialistado, tut Wo F1 Sr•4:' e t rt •:1. e 1 1(qulre'1 for e(:c1, In tivi :14•(1 eve!. to coat:dote t➢ e•:t•e. That's ono of the Etelrtt➢ Of car tvlmdcef,.1 s;. 'c: s'4 Whirl (t!1t'r'( fc 71. Send for our Free Eooklet on Diseases of rsr.:a y !d. "1, tLl 'i e de:�� Men CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We Gaalantee to Cure Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases', Varicose Veins. Kidney, Bladder and • Urinary Disea.ci CONSULTATION mg If unable to call, write for a Question Blank for Borne Treatment R :” EDS' 'tl © � _ . Cor'. Michigan. Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. rfir,, ®� "� E. All letters from Canada must be addressed %,t 9 6frc to our Canadian Correspondence. Depart- �5 atrm niszsum me ment in Windsor, Out, If you desire to see, us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as fellows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. _Write for our private w1,1Yrs5. r't`'i�r"„'' .:$+;;LLt,•,rd . `2.4 , ;11.4 ',�-atlf+ :a +++4+*-4.!1»bili4�3•�1.++4+++4.+4.+.I••;• d•.b+++�++.4WI'3'+++44444"141 . + F • 4 The Times 3• .j. ClubbingList 4.,F a( -•£i ▪ Times and Weekly Globe . e 1.60 + Times and Daily Globe 4. 4.50 + • Times and Family herald and Weekly Star.... 1.85 + 4. Times and Toronto Weekly Sun • 1.80 + Times and Toronto Daily Star , . • • .. 2.30 t. Times and Toronto Daily News., 2.30 + Times and Daily. Mail and Empire. 4.60 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.:... • ..... 1.60.,• • Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.85 'Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 1,60 Times and Farm and Dairy 1.80 Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 Times and Daily Advertiser . • 2.85 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) . 1,.60 Times and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition , 3:50 Evening Edition 2 90 Time's and Montreal Daily Witness 3,50 Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.85 'Piens :'rd WoSrld vCidf 2-25 Times and Western Hon e Monthly, Winnipeg1,60 Times and P ^slreterkui .......... `3.25 Times end Wi- :1 ninster `2.2:1 ••a Presbyterian tip• Tint, and 1 t 11 t smn es' ., , Y 'flint* and Tc,E..t�a• Sa•tuae:a.r �iiglit :l4(► Times and Ihis Man's Magazine '..i (1 Time, and Home Journal, Torerto . :211:...:99741;; tate .Iar.i'm ...N M 'llrlaE:e ;'l:el L'1t1•i:f*Y,• 3'4° ..^r+-)•e..r. •,,then 1').d D;11.4 EVoric'ral:ei• at -d Can:tRien hl ":!zine (monthly). ae Times ..'td Ca;*Ite.!an Pictr•riiil!.. Tittles :•t.d Lippir,..','tt', 1+•l: ,zine .. - 3.15 `i)Lf•S and (1 1't 1::,:: e':• Iia it e Con.pa.ricln . `2 1'it "i::ites :111(1 I);:lali.""t.4' . ' :1:•70 Times and C;s.l:t'•s-olitim :',3ti "rimes and Strand 2.50 Planes and Success 2.45 Tines and Mee!tre's Magazine 2.4;0 Tines and 11iniey'., Mese:sine 2,55 Times and I)esl?;I.eI' 1.85 .g: Times 11)111 EB:"'yi".:ciy'o4. 2.404. These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great 4. • 4. When I was young, I used to go adown the long potato row, and whack the weeds cut with a hoe. - Or early in + the summer morn, with one old mule, morose, forlorn, I'd go to cultivate the •1 - corn. All through the summer day I toiled, m�• raiment reeking wet and 1 soiled. and I v:a : cried and baked and '1' brolly-. And when ::t night I sought I rayk.•sI•, re.;• feet vier.: like two tons of T. lead, and illi next morning I was dead. ':' •1• 'When to the cvit11'ry I repair, and see •8 the end:eu$ ehat•s •s there, I always ,'I -t, <Ia up in1'•' 'r. • farmer the ,.,, For now the fa 1 gov is:144(1} ',... ill.. L::.•' , st:.. 4:5 h 14',.1; along; • tl 1'le;ws With Spirited :wheels. He di'I.e., a large? and ir.a,dsolue teen; his k eats are lik:' a treat(➢; 8171'1 1= :teatsto• ,pil.e(1 to. eviev be•ani. • , • blit!t.,i� L7!'. hiss fertile lands and never soil- his i::,y ii� I1de nor 1;h the rti.4c1 '1444 7 ter ;u.t S:£Sal.. Lis pets an: erer:'ie( al,:.l ., (lift: i11, ret i. ere by des the U. - .44 i, h(• siren ,v*' rs a p..b. J r"• p; ��r , iv 1 LE. �i. :'i. And 1hCI1 lit' ;IO.S lo'} ,; 1 toe' he melee(; the journey is a 'brae*' , •a :hal J tt Of . 4,.1•ei 111E auto runs to beat .,1•' i y. ��a 1 g - anal ee. lie has a gas plant Of hi: r..:::, ss CCidtliij(t•'.1r cla!, aorr and ; a 1 .:t uncurl and a tuft phone, and often : 1' •l• + he hu • ,cads to loan. Thus are the oid t ' 1 changes a run ! It seems to me I + na. t I wee; young! WALT MASON. t' Ur_( 5 c ltl, ge, ii. bee (. ( ,�, t ' I was stung long, long am; 'rh-:1 T 1la:e hark rut in our phonograph." t; •'•t''; °' . 1.1 , , '•'3 " i . 1t ; 7 ^tslnt -. + ���' •° �•*,... � •^*•- • I or 4,:• 1440,+i . 1 „t...-: t:,rn• i ®.o -� Britain. 1 Un,Pms.2... FOR T i!i FATHER, , it'et iti(`:.. J4 ,:,,1 :.r is ttlr, d' C:' tl ¢'i 4it 1•181 apal bi:i;10 4 �" • v;1(, a ;.ily •'i:d this pr'.•tty Hide , a t, :,1. 'i'i:r' is'-cit1alt occurred t' 4!44'4 110 ttt:tt r.e'tor of a famous old y 241'4° e ' . • t.hea➢((1 t 1 alt ,lantern city. .• 7 he e isles to him one evening the i of the proprietor of one 1 ete the ''.'.7 goods houses of the :3l Pi IN(111'AT,. city, allied ton t•ic;rk ill her :1,:..,I.ment, hector Davies d 1I ;1. aseorta in(icl that the : t :. r . k;l flit: ;tot have the approval of .i i,1:r• 1t`➢1t.i 01 ills young; woman, awl Eleclnl. d in t•nite them ill wedlock. it's Jr; ilia, t:t:y," skill.' the 'oi.11r. r; "la 714.1'., fr,ther has 'talked til"+. La e ; :y pre.: 'c:;l,i.''1 1:'''• Iy 3414.,`eeettSis he 1..14kt d lite mai 1, 1.--1c•ratel; in lot.'- .. " - •W e? o'.tl (;'i_u➢t:.14 :. 441 .,(1 •,ri ell:..l' t })e.1 ii:: a I'' '•i 71 ; - 410 ➢111te11 lit '>. ! " t('1`• 'f•i'1' t told 1ti114. 'the ..•Ale dt-,:,!':'i':,ftl ➢'1'()1:e.}.1 •1•e t.,... 1:t,4 aly. ,'..4 Teet!,:. i Ei('e. 1 .I4.• ;,dr➢i re.' PG31 n't • e: •• `i, hE: . • w' 11. 11't3e. 'but l a,.1 ::.i➢'.` 1 *'11:=11'14 , r'; t 'OU"t i .tl v 1 •e . 1' ! �tU1lE (, e, 1➢' 1; 1 - ;111-1 A. 1 •' Dar 41,,44.; .}. 'i* ,.' .4e t trial her:" "•1.Ve t 1d sen do tied?' 1 Pees.- " 'ee .43', t.. LE;'45:}y would do i,. .4 1 yOU,' 1.1' 1 ,•ti+'. ''19h :att9E'a t 11.0 Vtt11.1; 1y t • 1', I •..,.rli.'(I t':c,• , 1r 11'4 aqi18 1 t•:: t' .•. i cal :4.1. it E• �,GE4 i , �t i.e. u � :`,'1•11:iL^.4,� e, i 2+44 (41't,l°. YII' 0.4:,.44+L.4s4 7.4(4t1'r11. i %4 Esq.' 11.3..1419 33,4.141,4'. E(+ . 1 ,,, l .� ` , a4(.1• i c ec. LA, t , 114 1a!'1. {, - • til, W... •'. • I'u ( t. 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' t4411141434 b •)':11x1 t'oS'. 3 ', ,4:"1 ( I '_ � .- _ ; The above pubficatir,ns may t,be obtained by T nes ,' v:.." ; r'� ,'�`• �' :e subscribers in any t^•:,I'li.1t1 atit321, the price for any i):;b('.cii- i 11. ;' ;1 ' t ;1, tion b( ing the figure giv:'n above less w I.00 repre.st'ritirlg 4. :.':':.L;.•:1•:'•4 I . the price of l'he. Tiaies. For instance : 4' •3• et. 771 I "a The ,. 1 ,+ a *•9 7 • 1 : i. •i' i t eato () 1. .(.t,l •-L. 5 (? l'.., I; (7 itis' e•,„- ru t' •1.('4'.`.1' -feels I .g: lir, king tilt.: Iona: tot s.3" (.ia'i'el; 1?•af:Ll' $2.05. 4••••41• 1.1:111.l • ,e.. • , •�i ,x, :.4, '1144 'nese-% vsc0 , • '114\"'.. es. es..•.''l.et,. r The Tit13E'13 rnd w'.'( (:1:?b Cil. l'e , e . ...... ,. {e To, it._il -.,.- ,_"➢ "1 co)....s... 4,::,= Y. se Tie? s17t'.'..i1;(' ' !!.•5 .. 14,. i 4'1,0 t S r,. 1 i;, e., i 1 1 4 1 Se- 1 4.: 1. 4 , a> 4444,44 t.: L...,- i',li l ..4 p,(' t 834,1 , t,H 941' 41t, rte•>.ti Ul x_3(11 Oda ' *r, '4..-'4:1.4-------'.Vb t.':,4:41.1t1J" 4.'it.t4± , nut3eppu,:ry rL4._,..r _:qq,iiaae:tgnY1w�(_.ycautio WINQ'IAMM ONTARIO 4�uvUW it'.I1LiVlt.:4O C�.p O(1J(7 3Y:.L,. . i i 4. OI Ll fill cPITa L.�..tis 61r1 ".ga<,{4#1.3•+4,0i44."H,1,+,c t,•g,i•ieSsisSO!ielel1 r.,.•.., :.z,";'l'4,3'+F..i'++++.+4-'i +.t,g•y4t'!"+ .. a.l. E,! t� ,• 8•., -* 1.,�,,.,U.3 Sandi :it.,b.11 l'.e"sittu'.�; !YC e.s,16 e'.. tee 1 1 .l t.,.1 1110 (,,.,1 ' :1'3; i ,. 1 ` 14. -, 1e' tilt.' Is';;;;'• :i, t':, tor • ,3- .3. i t• ? 1t, .�' 1L ai ..'1i V4 44 `:'' , -.. 3'v iii i,Zrt•• L:: $ 'a •' l" - b . L• t , CI kll0V;. t4+1' i:lt°t " F1)Y t' ."'f::? :;( :tllo 6C1 ;,•i�31t:. e. , ;;I - .P . - 4. 1 •°,19 'r •(, r, <+,- t• ' '.r. a, ➢ 'tt:: b'i ...,_ ..1.;:.�1..... •� z .';, ib'1•'t', •:((. .f. t i L + *i IJ ,h J i II t: G.J 11,111-S1), Stone BIock or ex1Dresi East e:'3' t0 Office ,.c