HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-13, Page 1TH VOL, XL. -NO. 2045. A full line of Guaranteed . Remedies If they do not give satisfaction they do not cost you ore cent. We refund the mrn ey paid. 100 REMEDIES One remedy for each ill. They are not cure ails. Try the remedy you need and be cured. Theyseldom fail. ..ter... Walton McKibboU THE DRUGGIST Maodonaid Block, Winghana, i REAL ESTATE SNAPS FOR SALE OR RENT ---75 acre -farm between .Belgrave and Blyth. Immediate possession. LENNOX RESIDENCE --One of the finest in town, Beauti- ful situation. Plrice right. Archie Paterson's Briek Veneered Dwelling and two lots. 'Good corner. A. bargain. FISHER BLOCK -Josephine St. solid brick building with stores under and fine dwell- ing rooms above. An excel lent property. 50 ACRE FARM -The Campbell property in the Town Plot, one mile from town, A fine place with good buildings, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMIT BANKER WINGRAXOE, ONTARIO. Parings who want money to bas horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or &Renta, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. ChrisIie's Grocery1 PHONE 59. The Choicest OF THE BES r Is Here There is so much to piek and choose from in the things we eat that it takes very careful discrimination when teak. itg a selection. We've ' gone into it thoroughly and placed on our shelves and count ers only t h e cuoiar # r 0 F TEE DEMI Come and see what we've got Anyway A First.Rate 5c Lund,. A small tin of Clark's Potted Tongue Beef Veal or 13cef Ham makesan excellent quick lunch. The very thing for sandwiches Sc Per Tin THE TEA AND COFEE STDRE Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubere Died at Rev. D, vid Wa home in Teeswater)I ing last in his 8 had been in the mil for thirty years, bi death was living going to Teeswate ed at Bristol, near years. Yeeewater. drope died at his early Sunday morn- th year. Deceased �istry at Teeswater t at the time of his retired. Prior to he had been station-, Ottawa, for fifteen GIRL WANTED, -Good kitchen girl wanted. Apply at Queen's Hotel. Accident t Factory. Mr. A. Pike los the thumb off his Ieft hand while w rking on a rip -saw in Walker & Clegg furniture factory one day last we k. The young man was taken to t e hospital where the injured thumb as amputated. He will be laid off w rk for some weeks, NEWEST and latest designs in wall paper at Xerox's. Land for FI Mr, A. Tipling r on Tuesday from Fibre Co. to procee contracts with fa which to grow 11 purposes using mi did last year. Far to lease should see word at T. A. Mill mill in town will shortly to work up flax: x Growing. ceived a •elegram the C ada Flax at o e to make m rs for land on x The Company land than they ers who have land r. Tipling or leave store. The flax e put in operation ast year's crop of Call at KNox'S and look at the best wall paper values ever shown in Wing - ham, HIGH SCH OL NOTES. The elections oS Athletic Society were held on Tues follows :-Pres., Pres., Maud Fry McKee. Boys' C P, McEwen; See.- er (accl.); member Day, J. C. Stother -Convener, Olive Edna Dickson; n Norman, Francis Cool, Lila.Bowma the newly -formed f the High School .ay,and.resulted as . A. Mutton; Vice- See.-Treas., W. C. mmittee-Convener, Teas., S. McKerch- s, J. W. Ansley, H. ▪ Girls' Committee urrie; Sec.-Treas., ambers, . Jean Van- eemer, (Luella Me- ) ties. FARMERS ATTENTION! We have the best assortment of shoes, suitable for Farm Work ever shown in town. Prices 51.50 to $3.50. W. J. Greer. Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Nokomis, Sask., the eomme al and railway centre of the Las ountain Valley :'district, is one of e substan- tial new towns on the le - i of the Grand Trunk Pacific site to in the heart of a rich agriculture c " trict at the junc- tion of the Gr . Trunk Pacific and Canadian Pacific's Winnipeg -Saskatoon main line, and has great ,advantage over other points. And now comes the Canadian Northern, according to their latest folder, With a line from the Quill Lake country crossing the Grand Trunk Pacific at Nokomis, then leading South-west by the Last Mountain Lake in the direction of Calgary. With three railways at the age of five years Noko- mis certainly has'a good start in life. Norm. -All accounts due the lata Geo. Green must be paid at an early date. Accounts can be settleti at the store. • • - B Spring What change landscape in the month ago every with snow. You window and saw white and dazzli But now! A look dow shows a visor with oId eans, brok odd ash heaps h fairyland scene an back yard. Walk parts of the tow white, now is d heaps draped with have disappeared, ash -piles! All of that spring and s gether. Those tit oId boots and rul backyard, we me came there -it do as if they grew no matter how t have to be taken disappear of their certain, velatioas. as come over the last few weeks! A •ping was covered ooked out of s our he fields and hills in the sunlight., rom your back wing f black earth strewn •n. bits of china and e and there. No longer; just plaits hrough the various; a and what was all t. Those roundel, leecy snow -wreaths, n their places are - which reminds us *ing cleaning go to- ms', broken dishes,' ere that litter {he wonder how they s seem; sometimes, ': ike nn shrooms-^-but ey cams, they will way. They will not own volition, that is WIN(iHAM WINOHAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 13 1911. Read Willis 8e Co.'s adv. on page 8 ..,, __Farm Chang Hands. Mr. T. M. Henders n, of the BIuevale read last week sold h s 100 acre farm to Mr. C. P. Smith of to n, In the trans- fer Mr.. Henderson to es Mr. Smith's house and lot on Dia onal street. Mr. Alex. Davidson will ntinue as tenant on the farm for the resent year, and Mr, Henderson will Iso reside on the farm. CALL IN and have a look at KNox's new 1911 wall papers, Personally Conducted Tours To Cuba, Europe, Mediter neap, Panama, Orient, South an Central America, Mexico, Alaska, nd around the world. Particular attention is cal- led to the Coronati n dr to England, also the national ation Association tour to San Franca co. Full particulars from A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway System, Toronto, or L N. Gordon, St. Cathar- ines, Ont. SEED FOR SALE.-Timotby, all kinds Clover. ete , etc. The best grades only. KING BROS Death of M Many friends in with regret of the Mrs. J. A. Pre name was Rachel born in Kinloss to Thirteen years ag A. Prentice,who,, left to mourn her lady was a Baugh G. Taylor, Lower of Mrs. W. J. Cu Taylor, East Waw s. Prentice% is section will hear eath on Mar 22. of ties whose maiden , Taylor, who was nship,near Langside. she married Mr. J. ith one son George is oss. The deceased r of : Mr. and Mrs. ingham and sister e and Mr. Thos. nosh. I will sell a li for hatching fr Chief strain of per setting. ited number of eggs my celebrated Red hods Island Reds. $1 L. KENNEDY. No Substitute or Paper Advertising Advertising ays if the man that has something o sell so regulates his advertisement s to convince the peo- ple that it is w, rth buying. All the substitutes can be easily avoided or disregarded by t e people the adver- tiser tries hardes to attract, the man or woman that e n afford to buy. They do not stand gapi gat billboards and they clo not bother wi h circulars in the mail because they ar too busy, but their old friends, the aewsapaper, is taken in- to inmost priva y of the family circle. It is discussed • t the breakfast table and at supper, ' is read at leisure. in the evening, au 1 its pages aro scrutin- ized with the interest born of lents habit and disci: ninating taste., 'FOR SII4- --A 11,: story frame dwell- Improve Telepho .e Service. In the Telephone G zette for March in an article on "Co- erdtion in Tele- phone Service," th following good advice is given to sub cribers on party lines; -"Do you take own your recei- vir on a party line to listen to your neighbor's conversatio Don't do rt prevents further s nals being re- ceived by the person c ]led and destroys the feeling of confiden e in the privacy of the service which s ould exist." The • Dental offices of Dr in and Dr. Pri&e will be closed e = c • ednesday afternoon, during Ma ., June, July, August and September.' Training Ca p at Goderich. The unanimous of the various Ontario to have Iocate the perms Goderich has me the Governmen sectioned by a r on to proceed i to negotiate w' Attrill estate chase of this id some hundred wooded park ov River and La this property t is evidently i more adequate` district comms ing strength of and in keepin Niagara and Pe quest of the officers giments of western e Militia Department ent training camp at with the approval of and was Thursday uest to Mayor earner - mediately to Toronto h the owners of the or the rental or Aur- al training ground of of acres of natural rlooking the Maitland e Huron. In securing e Militia Department. ent upon developing aining quarters for this urate with the inereas- he numerous regiments with the improved wawa ca pe. Come to the millinery and 1 now at Mrs. G big ale of up-to-date s ayd shoes going on EEN'S. HURON'S PO In preparing Ontario Gove Lane is able to esting figures, of Huron coon years. It will figures that Wi largest town in turns from the a of course not yet ULATION DECREASING, an annual return to the 'nment, County Clerk give the following inter- owi t the population y for the past three noticed from -the gham is the second the county. The re- sessment of 1911 are available: TO 1VSHIPS. Ashfield .... Colborne .. .... Goderich Grey .... ..... Hullett ... Hay .. Howielt ., . . Morris .. .. McKillop .......... Stanley.... .... Stephen ..... .... Turnberry . ..... Tucker.oniith .... .. Ll'sbortte . 17"awano4It Wawano::h, W Beyfield ' Brussels ' Weddel at Sarnia. Murray, London I ads Sarnia, was the ,Goderich . evening of last we k when their only i,'‘`i4ehg'ilee/1.„ earl, was united in Wroeeter ;* . J. Aftehison, for - Total for county e, who was attended g gown of white 'lace carried a boquet of 0 groom was supported ongman, of Windsors TO. At 6.80 o'clock entered the parlor, el:nations and roses, to lentlelsshon's wedding Miss Lelia MaeAlpine. was tied by Bev. W. pastor of the Central h, in the laresenee of el. guests. At the con- oyemony the wedding o the dining room . wedding supper was ell the newly wtsdded eouple received . he congratulations of those present. The presents - were many and heauti shOwing the high esteem in whieh the bride and grown are held in Sal ain. Prim& from a distance who a tended the wedding were, Mrs. Wan. Robison, mother 'of tiw groom and brother Thomas, also an• d Mrs. 3. E Lintel and daughtee Delight, t)1". Clin. on. Amid nhowein of rice and coact the happy eouple left the bride's bon tv reside at 309 North College alto Sarnia. The grooni's an• d to the groomsman a port stick daughter, Edna marriage to Mr. V Sarnia. The bri by Mies Maud whita roses. -T by Mr. Chester an intimate f the bride] pat which was tas pink and white the strains of march piked 1 The nuptial kno H. Barraelough Methodist Chur about fifty invi elusion of the party adjournec where a dainty Fon lenleT. se Suite of rooms over Greer ahoy store. .Apply to Ma A. J. 1908 1909 1910 ...2710 2889 2993 -1527 1452 1472 , .1959 1956 3066 3004 2848 -2475 2450 2432 .8140 3154 3071 .3600 3602 3505 .2210 2170 2125 . 2303 2234 2198 ...1829 '1788 1785 . 8650 3583 3508 1806 1805 1655 -2109 2123 2196 .1975 1003 1850 1646 161e 1569 Wedding at The following fr Beacon refers to th young people well our readers and the numerous friends 1 congratulations. "An eveat of more est to the general to the contracting 163 Puron street, S their eldest daughte united in marriage Huron county, in th performed by Rev. Caledonia, uncle of by Rev. P. M, Woo took place at high n April 5th, 1911, this niversary of the we father and mother. dressed in a steel g taffeta, with satin a wearing a tulle ve wreath of bridal rose sister of tbe groom, and wore mauve carried a wreath The groom was a Norman Brandon, o er of the bride. A leaning on the arm ed by her sister After the ceremon Hazel Brandon beautiful solo en Morn," Congr company sat do wedding dinner justice. A num presents were r among which cabinet of silver the groom, a che her father, an At from her mother cabinet from her b en the Stratfor nowe to many TINIES joins with extending hearty he Beacon says: - than ordinary inter- ublic and especially arties took place at atford, the home S. Brandon, when , Cora May, was young farmer of township a East emony, which was e bride, assisted ton, of Stratford on tea Wednesday, date being an wk. ding of the bride'e The bride wa4 y silk and wool d lace trimming, and carrying, a Miss May Reide ctecl as bridesmaid oile over pink and f pink carnations. ly assisted by Mr. St. Marys, broth - the bride came in of her father, the g march was play - Miss H. Brandon, was performed Mr. ompanied by Miss the piano sang a tied "BeloVed, It is tulations over, the n to a well-prepared which all did ample er of useful and costly ceived by the bride, ight be mentioned °a nives and forks from ue for a piano from strian china tea set and sister, a china others and sisters, of her young friend in the city, besides many other useful articles from heie numeroes *tends. r. and Mrs. Reid took the 4.20 train f Smith's Falls and o settling down to t life on the farm, congratulations and ers oe the bride a ding guests were c tral Methodist Chi and Mrs. W. A. Meesrs. Norman Miss Hazel Bra Reid and Bernict True 8111 Aga Late Tuesday af jury at Goderich Jardine, charged Lizzie Anderson, for murder, and Wednesday mornin conbridge intimate $1 A YEAR IN r%1)VA he trial of Edward th the murder of turned a true bill ie trial proceeded . Mr. Justice Fal - that the case must proceed with all sp ed, and it is proba- ble that a sitting ill be held on Good Friday. George ate Blackstock, IC. C., will prosecute and L. F Daniels will defend. The rial of George Van - stone for the in der of his son will not take long. It "s probable that he will be sent to an syluro. Death of rs. Ritchie. It is with deep r gret that the Toms this week records t e death of Annie M. Plato, beloved wif of Mr. John Ritchie, who passed away her home on Centre meet on Friday e ening last. The de - teased lady was s ricken with paralysis seven weeks ago nd had been making a splendid raw ery until Wednesday evening when sh had a relapse, after which she did n regain eonseiousness. -IVIrgrnitehie‘wa -born • near Kingston and had been a resident of Wingham y Is ago. Be ides her husband she is s by on daughter, Miss Mary; also her aged parents, who reside at Tweed, and so, on account of the severe shock, *ere unable to attend the funeral. T o brothers and two sisters also surv ve, viz: Wm. A. Plato, St. Catharines; ohn D. Plato, Califor- nia; Mrs, 3. E. °alma, Denver, Col.; Mrs. W. D. Co ie, Brockville, To the bereaved family will be extended the sympathy of th community. The fun- eral took place en Monday afternoon to the Wingha cemetery. r points before i e duties of horns] followed by the veil wishes of their ng and prosperous! fathers and moth - d groom the wed - posed of by Rev, . Wootton, of Cen-1 *chi Stratferd; Rev. Findlay, of Embroa lid Brock Braneon, don, and Misses elay DET,TER AND EGGS: Ilr!nt.; along your .37911 87827 36t314 trade. We pay highest peiee m exchange for hoots end shoee. W. J. Gmer. . .1179 1110 1091 . :1148 2n00 . -1606 1510 16o3 toil among the g ...4dee 4551 46at with eighs the sum .. 2251 2145 2142 . 240 2351 2385 life s day is waxing 17en1 160) 18925 . 54:355 51017 52230 went. ploddin A Lot. A little while we' TAKE NoTien -All parties owing the late km no' .1. Sn‘wart et Co will kindly call and settle before the nth of April as we are leaving town. Three trimmer: • a' the dolling, out sale, ladies nt smart millinery; aleo boote and shoes at oost. ac, MRS. Why Profk.SI ting Plans rail. in certain lane in.:In:Arial companies a fair wage, supple- ' ca• pital aa.1 labor. Ila• shown that . loonnony Law, Porhins, of the 1. la. Steel Trust, ha an goes on to s:,y: fly pwili-sharing I rid if sach expecki isms are- realized,. cer- tain eetra cea 0, ;Settloae wile be paid, ity that reply ent= an investiaent in ing. 'HOSt lir tit -sharing plans have failed 14.cause hey did not in point of a summer dream. friends we'll meet i the street; and we chores, will say that bores. Ard when near done, and we 1 sun, and evening wi cold, we'll think abo old, and wish they (mei more from ou death's shore. A and slave, some m save; a little while plan to coet the bes And when life's littlt look baek on the sear murmur. with a dot, the best of life go- )4 put up grass, and .den sass, and fill er air, and groan bear. And when old, and evening cold, we'll back- ists of tears to all r years, and to Um, eon as golden as little while our daily walks upon intent upon my friende aro often ife's little day's thold the sinking PE SONAL • Dr. Thos. Chi ohlm,M.P. was calling, on old Wiegham friends last week. Mrs. Mark Ca' y, of Stratford was visiting for e fe days with Mrs. D. Mr. Harry Co s, of Hamilton was home in town. Mr. John Ams erry left on Tuesday for Saskatoon, S sk., where he has se - .cared a good posi ion. Miss Jennie B wman, of Stratford Normal School is pending the holidays Miss Amelia A,, leer, of Philadelphia Pa., is visiting wi h her parents, Mr. } and Mrs. John Ag ew. visiting :tor a few ys with her daugh- Miss Annie Bm er, of Stratford t Normal Schwl 59 nding the Easter , vacation at her hom 'n town. Miss Mabel MeDo is spending the holk Mr. Jelin Mertie, ing for 07er Ftu..,lay was visiting for f parents, i'dr. and MI Miss Baby Kerr, Nt Toronto Normal Seh tys vital her pa. - E. Mellonald. .r Whitechurch. Rh, of "Aleaford, daye with her ' ho. atn mling the 4,1 is spending the r parental home. . has returned tol hnr home in Maple C nn.k, Sask., after spending a few %yen. with her fatinon- M W. Blatt:lit° rd : and Mr. Tiros. Aitcle see attended the wedding. of Mr. Jt Aiteheson in . ds are drew: and ' t the friends of I might come back the shadows of e while we'll toil re samoleons e'll scheme and of Vother man. ilty is old, we'll h for gold. and ,Walt gamm. Sarnia last 1....nek. Mrs. 3. Trentain e' Detroit, and David Hume, f Toronto were i! PoLvrors WAN rro • Any 'quantity of good potatot s wanted. Cali at store fel' Charles Sibley, ag d Li, Grand Trustit ticket clerk at Taxi. ock foiled ae aern- Ruesell Vickers, afeel 14 was shot and killed by a eompenita while plee,ing at war at Belleville. vole et Iieeteehe. 'lite little eteazh fonodyrcd 017 Vant:ouver iiiostly passenger tain end matt! w were lost, The op. first ashare ie the ; visiting at the 110int' n. ElliOtt during the naSt week. Mr. Jas. 11,01,insoi 4f East Weasanoeh left on Monday for e West and in- ris was I'Llititkr, 'ton• days at Mon - returned !Awn:. reel the Go iph inKab tc:ilt...2 with hen who has rtn.nutly Mihorton 11k0.3 and week attending t Janet 1I. Steeple 't Mg. The bride is Mrs. Maxwell. tee T. Gail, lirsl t MIDAIR died in M Pearl Smith pi slaughter at the lb cli011 With thO Ond Was sentence 1 Galt, of Sir ,Inance Minister of Areal at tin, age of 7n. rrio A81.417.05: ill Coll- eatil Of her infant. 1 I to, seven year.; 1113 • • CR EASTER Do not overlook your Easter Shies alvvays play an important part in the dress of any man or Thwe's a touch of style and well. bredness to Lur shoes, and we've mob a variety of models and colors of leather that you are sure of find- ing here BSI YOUR EASTER SHOES! • There are handsome high cut Shoes in the best and newest models, Oxfords, Ties, Pumps, Ankle Strap Oxtords in twiny new features, just shown for Spring, Women's Shims $2.01 to $4.00 We have a eize to fit every Mau, Woman, 13.4 or t.4iri that comes to us. Where quality unts we win. SEEDS! SEEDS! Extra Choice Field and Garden Seeds Every grade we sell has been passed by the Government at Ottawa. We stand behind every bag of seed we sell. Timothy, Red Clover, Lucerne, Alsike, tare, Seed Peas, Seed Oats, Speltz, ConvN Ttatet'r°1‘iteir,L GROW -Also special- ly Felected Seed Corn, Essex grown; ene mit* naw in stock; ear load to arrive April 15th, S1.25 per bushel. Call and see our steeli before buyieg elsewhere. Prices right. There have '' alan;1.7 entries for this conte t it will he im- passiele to p .sh all the names but va.• will pubish those securing 10 • votes or mere each Thereare • abont n-1 of the ballots not cast as ;yet. VecTie holding the.se are wait - ng to t.iee who is corning out,. so we' would ntivi5e all who are considering the raatter to get in early. iqarg.:,.rite Murray MaY Moore Minnie Posswict .Teanotte Rush lrone Vannorinan .. 22 L, Robinson Lizzie Attridge 2151' Fster Luln Operand Annie Llo•yd, 13 "dory Seliorn L. Moldy 10 T.. Lockeitese Mrs. Wan. 11, Reflation -42 no 111 14 10 L Hind, Pm, DRUGGIST AND ortituts Out-ro Tatou by San W1NGHAM