HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-06, Page 8I fr • d 8 TEE WJNGJTAM TIMES, APRIL 1911 MINOR LOCALS. • —Winter is surely crowding over into spring. —Buy your envelopes andwriting pap- er at the TOMS office, —Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board Tuesday evening. Call at KNox'S and look at the beat -wall paper values ever shown M Wing - ham. The new directory for the North/Me- m Telephone Co, were mailed to the subscribers this week. —Ritchie & Cosens report the sale of Mayor Spotton's house north Josephine Street to Mr. James H. Finley. —Mr, J. L. Awde is tearing down the house on Leopold street which he recent- ly purchased andintends building anew house this summer. PERSONAL Miss Ina MeRitchie was visiting with friends in Ripley last week, Miss Mabel Thompson, of Dungannon is visiting with Mrs. J. A, Moyniham, Mrs. Chester Davis and child, of Tor - Onto,. are visiting with Mr, and Mrs, II, Davis. /Ur. and Mrs. Elmer Mahood left on Tuesday for Calgary where they intend residing. , Meg, R. M. Thomas and little son, e Tcronto are visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Beemer. On' BeenierretUrned tolfor on- to on Saturday, after spending a few weeit, at her home here, , Mr. Chas. A. Barber, of F'ilot Mound, Man., is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Barber. HiltOnifoiniei,-Purser f the L. L, "Assiniboia" is spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Dudley Holmes. —In F. J. Hind's trip to Muskoka contest there are forty-five ladies in the married ladies' contest and twenty in the single ladies' contest. —The ladies of the Hospital Auxiliary are arranging for ' the holding of a measuring social and bazaar. Full par- ticularswill be given in future issues. —Mr. John Mason has purchased a. gasoline launch which he will use on the river this summer. This is the first launch to be brought to Wingham. Last Saturday night Mr, Geo. Moffatt's barn in Kinloss was destroy- ed. by fire with nearly all the contents, A lantern exploded and caused the fire. —Mr. Bert Anistie, G. T. R. fireman on the L. H & B. has been promoted to the position of engineer and, has been given a good run on the G. T. R. out of Mimic°. —A meeting for the, organization of a lacrosse club in town will be held in the Council Chamber this (Thursday) evening. All interested are requeated to attend. , Some good April fool jokes were on the go last Saturday. Some people have been wondering if Chief Allen has yet located the leak in the water main • near the stand pipe. —The statutes. of 1008 provide that no muskrats may be shot during April, nor speared at any time, so the only way in which it is permissible to get the animals is by trapping them. —Special meeting of the Ladies' Aux- illioxy of the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon, April 10th, at four o'clock. A full attendance is requested. • —We regret to Flay that Mr. Robert Mason of BItievale was stricken with paralysis on Friday evening and as he has been in poor health for some time small hopes are entertained for his recov- ery. • — The announcement came from Ot- tawa on Monday .of the appointment of the following gentlemen as Census Com- missioners. For East Huron, Elam Liv- ingston:. West Huri'ea. Henry Morris; South Huron, John Essery. —Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stapleton will have the sincere sympathy of the com- munity in the death last Wednesday of their soil, James Stapleton, aged lyears and 2 months. The child had been ill for only a few days with scarlet fever. —On account of the horse show at Elora on April 13th, the Grand Trunk Railway System will issue single fare tickets for round trip, good going after- noon trains on April lath,. on all trains April 13th and good to return on April 14th. —At the regular meeting, of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday evening last, Messrs. Geo. Olver, J. H. Mitchell, M. R. Eeckwith and H. B. Elliott were elected as dele- gates to the annual meeting of the High Court in 'Toronto next June. ---The postmasters in the different towns have received word from Ottawa that under an order -in -council the post - office saving banks are .authorized to accept deposits to the extent of $1,000 in any one year and the maximum limit of an atiount i fixed at $5,.000, exclus- ive of file.leist. The former figures were MOO and •:.-3,000. Mr. R. R. Davis, of Toronto, and Mr. Mr. W. R. Davis, of Mitchell, were visiting for over Sunday with their brother, Mr. H. Davis. Miss Lizzie Barber has returned home from Toronto having completed her duties as stenographer at the Parliament buildings during the session of the Leg- islature. Mr. Geo. C. Manners has returned home from California where he spent the, winter months. His numerous friends are pleased to find him enjoying such excellent health. - Mr. Arch. Martin, of East Wawa - nosh, left on Tuesday for Winnipeg where he will spend the next few months. Mr. Martin has purchased a farm twelve miles from Winnipeg. —Miss E. Quirk slipped on .the side- walk in front of the postoffiee one day last week and sprained her ankle, and has been confined to the house. Many friends wish her a speedy recovery. A aulee :,:oece. wedding tool: place at the home of Mrs. James Lowish, Gorrie, at 12 o'clock noon on Wednes- day. Meech 2,9th, when her only daugh- ter. Hs.len W., was united in marridge to IL' William Trench of the same village. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A, B. Dobson, of Ford - with in Ca: presence of the immediatc. ralativae and friends of the contracting park. he bride wes given away by her brother and wore a gown of ivory bath*: de A.:liene with tulle veil and orange. blossom wreath and carried a boquet of carnations and maiden hair fern, The wedding march was played by Miss Tuna, -iter of the groom. Both bride and grotee were unattended, The groom's gift to the bride was a family bible. Aftee congratulations the wed- ding dinner was served and Mr. and Mrs, Trench left on the afternoon train. for Toronto, Megan: and other points. The bride's travelling suit being of nava blue broadcloth, •Roltert Klinesule. of Sratford L dead as a result of falling downstairs &tar - 41.1y night. W. C. T, U. COLUMN. This column has been reserved for the use of the Wingham W. C. T. U. and will be edited by the members of that Society. FOXLS FOR PROiff ° • The Skin of the Silver For la Elteed4 Hy Rising In Value In thla Country ,A,* peel deal has been written e late /Pare RAI to the possibilities of raising foxes tor protit, says Rod and Qun Itlr. T. L. Borrowman, Of Wy. Q111111g, Ontario, .is believed to be tha pioneer in the field ea fox raielug in ;confinement In Ontario and he has met 'with a good deal of 511CO2.55. In the Gonree of a recent Interview ho said: "The breeding of the diver fax is comparatively new, and is so full of little points and conditions that are; required to make a success of it nt \the start, that few, unless they have acquired some knowledge beforehand, are .successful at first. The silver fox is our most valuable fur -bearing ani- mal. His skin is steadily advancing in price, and within the last five years has advanced over three hundred per cent. At the Lampsou January Per sales in London, England, 1910, there were skins sold that brought as high as $3,000, so it is easily seen now how profitable a business it is. It eves at one time thought that the silver fox would not breed in captivity, but they are now reified quite successfully in wire pens, They breed once a year, in March, their young numbering from three toenine, according to: the age of the mother. The puppies attain their full growth by fall, and the stock is generally disposed of by then. I sell almost all my surplus stock alive, es there are a great number of people eager to start into breeding them, I have been in the business for the past sixteen years, but owing to not know- ing how to handle them, was unsuc- cessful for v. number of years, but now I have the best of success with the.m. I think I have one, of the most profit- able businesses in Lambton or Any other country." If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Cor. 3:17. The W. C. T. U. will hold a prayer meeting on Friday evening at .eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Moi - row, Patrick street. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be,helcl on Tuesday, April llth, in the C. 0. F. Hall, at 3.30. Every person interested in the worla is cor- dially invited to be present. Rev. L. G. Broughton says of the cigarette: "Lhave been through the cigarette factories of North and South Carolina and elsewhere and what I say I know to be a fact. , The bleached paper in which the tobacco is. wrapped is thoroughlyesteeped in arsenic. It is made M China, a heathen production. We cannot make it here thoagh we make at it; and make a more danger- ous article. It is this arsenic that gives the finger ends of a cigarette smoker the dirtyarellow colqr, always so plain. It is generally thought that this color- ing is produced by nieotine, but I know that it is not. Do you ever see it on the fingers of a man who smokes. cigars? No, but there is as =eh nico- tine in one cigar as in a barrel of cigar- ettes. The poisoning comes from • the arsenic, and it is this . miserable viper that first enters the brain of the smok- er, after being absorbed by -the blood in tha lungs where it is thrown to be purified, and instead of that is loaded with impurites." The cigarette smoking is denounced because of its blighting, blasting effect upon one's success in life; because it draws off the energy, saps the vitality and force which ought to be made tell in one's career; because it blunts the sensibilities and deadens the thinking faculties; because it kills the ambition and the finer instincts, and the more delicate aspirations and perceptions; because it destroys the ability to con- centrate the mind, which is the secret of all achievement. A very interesting motto adorns the wall of Chalmer's Presbyterian Sunday School, Toronto. It was evidently a gift of the Brotherhood Chapter in that Church to the School', as a reproduc- tion in .colors of the Brotherhood Button is appended to the motto. It reads: I am not much of a mathematician, said the cigarette, but I can Ann to a youth's nervous troubles, SMISTILlel from his physical energy, MULTIPLY his aches and pains, DIVIDE his mental powers, TAKE INISEES'P from his work, and DiseOtneT his chances for success. at:Aymara. 'Fire on Tuesday practically wiped out a number of firma doing business in the Scott Blocky a three-storey brick building on Main Street /t originated in the top storey, and was discovered about 5 a. rn. The cause is unknown. The heaviest losers are F. Holm:quad, lawyer; lir. Fisher, dentist; Edge and Cutteridge, contractors; W. IL Sertith, grocer; and Alex. Wilson, druggist and stationer. The total insurance on build- ing and stocks was, about $14,000, but that will not cover the loss. SURROUNDED BY WOLVES Blind River Man Killed Two, the Rest Being Driven Off A. story of an attaek by wolves upon a hunter named Thomas Koswack 12 told by a local pacer at Blind River. Koswack was hunting in the neighbor hood of one of the Hope Lumber Com OanY's camps when in the dark of the evening he was surrounded by the wolves. He shot and killed two, but still the fierce, anhnals pressed upon him. Fortunately, however, the noise of the wolves and the shooting at- tracted the attention of. those at the camp, and reinforcements arrived in time to drive off the wolves. The hun ter believed his life' to be in danger, and thinks he was saved only by the arrival of assistance. Bounty was claimed upon the two animals killed. NURSERY STOCK The Principal Regulations Governing the Importation Thereof The attention of all persons who intend to import nursery stock into Canada is called to the regulations of "The Destructive Insect and Pest Act," which may be obtained on application to the Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa. In particular they should ncte the following rcculatiors governing; the conditions under which nursery stock may be admitted:— "5. All persons importing nursery stock into Canada shall givelmtice to the Minister of Agriculture within five days of despatching the order for the same, and they shall again. notify the Minister on the arrival of the shipment in, Canada." • "Notice shall also be given. to the Minister by all transportation com- panies, Custom House brokers and other persons importing or bringing nursery stock into Canada, immediate- ly such a consignment Is received by them. Such notice shall include the name of the consignor and the con- signee, the points of origin and desti- nation, the name of .the compauy cur- rying the nursery stock, as well as the nature, quantity and origin of same." "C. European nursery stock, and such other imported vegetation or vegetable matter as the Minister may determine, enteeing. Canada, may be allowed to proceed and shall be In- spected at the point of destination, but must not he unpicked except in the presence of an inspeetor." a8ou f KING BROS. I gm THE STORE AT WHICH TO DO YOUR SPRING BUYING Every Department is filled with new and Seasonable Goods 1•2•1111•1••••••111111.11MMINEN NEW WASH GOODS Dress Linens, Vestings, Cotton Suitings, Cham - brays, Ginghams, etc. New Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces, etc. Our range consists of the newest and most up-to-date, that can be had. NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS da• Oui import order of Rugs, Carpets; Japanese Mattings, Floor Oilcloths, Linoleums, etc., just to hand. FUR DEPARTMENT •••••=•=11=11)! A'few odd lines left at big reduction prices. KING BITS - PRODUCE WANTED 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE' BORN. ELLTOve—In Wingham, on March 27th, tb Mr. and Mrs. W. 13, Elliott; a daughter. MAIGRIED • MCDONAT:0-81ErnESSON—At the Parson- age, Etliel, on March 25111, by Bev. 15. Wren, M. Mr. Welland McDonald to Miss Elva Stephenson, all of Grey township. DIEU. Int:GAM—Di Brussels, on April lst, Alex- ander Maclem, formerly of Kincardine, aged 85 years, 0 months and 3 days. WILTAAMS--In Winglutin, en April Ora Jessie May Williams, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Williams, aged. i year, 11 months and 10 days, STA.Pnelmox—Iii East Wawiniosh, on. March llttliolemes Stapleton, son of Mr. and Mrs Rat, 'Stapleton, aged / years and 2 months. TifiVrObr—In WurnbOrry, on March 24111, Eliza- beth Scott /Anton, youngest daughter of the late Bohert Linton in her 50th year. ategtesnata—in Elgth, Oil March Wird, thigh McQuarrie, in his 'nt itar. Mori .... BRICK AND TILE YARD PROPERTY FOR SATE The undersigned offers for sale his two brick and tile yard properties. The property on the Bluevale road contains 100 acres of land with good buildings and a good brick and tile making plant The property north of Win ham con- tains 50 acres with good buliding, and brick and tile making plant; also Macros of land on the. B Line of Turtilserry. nu ELLIOTT, P. 0. Pox 95. Wingham, P. 0. .....•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••...... If Peary Discovered the Pole! i Whitney Discovered Some- • • • • • thing Better • • Judgment, of Accounts For Sale • • • • • • • • • • • CAPITAL $75,000, ESTABLI D 1889 o s NEW BEDFORD, -MASS., 4N16TRADERS BANK BUILDITORONTO Ap?ly or Write for Winahant List --Not Ready for Publication • • Am't. • • Harriet S. Farman, Due Doctor , 8 90 • John F. Vantier, Due Coal Dealer 9 21 — Thos. B. Forten, Due Liquor 58 17 • Lemuel Wett, Due Grocer . 15 33 8 93 21 26 • Peter Frenndschub, Due Grocer.. ... 103 87 5 49 108 36 X Edw. S. Eunroe, Due Merchant. 41. 32 8 90 50 22 : Mathew Mulvehill, Due lldw. Co ..... 29 16 5 -73 31 89 t Hundred p of others of, a like nature. Full information cheerfully given • e • We collect past due accounts. The *orld is our Territory • N.B.—Local accounts for sale each month. Watch our future list WHITNEY LAW CORPORATION Costs. Total, 5 49 14 39 5 73 1.494 0 90 67 07 • • ••••••••e•••••••4••••••••• ••••••••••••e•A•••*••••••• 11....H.....04.4.4.etee"*••••••••• •••••••••...e.****A••••••••• • • • 7 • it Order Your Easter . i • 4 • • • Clothes Now 21 g 0 1 o 1 ; And be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion day i ; of the year. Have your choice of our elegant : ' Tailored lo Your Measure assortment of new Spring Suitings • And secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics, and that snappy individuality, so much sought after by all good dressers within a price of all. LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY. E. C. WHITE WINGHAM, ONT • 40,44.********************* #11•••••••••••.*****e.•••400: GOOD FRIDAY JUST ONE WEEK FROM NEXT FRIDAY - You will be laying aside your rubbers and no doubt looking for New Shoes, We have a large variety of New Spring Lines that are worthy of your consideration. For instance this shoe for men is not only nice but is exceedingly good value The fronts are made of patent colt, quarters of dull matt calf, soles are oak tan, all sizes 6 to 10, PRICE $3.00 PER PAIR Other lines of Men's Patent Boots at $3.50 and $4.00 which are equally good vaiue. 1111101110111•••••=11•1•MO11. N•410.81owitIN•1•11111. This is one of the New Astoria Shoes.- The cut however does not do it justice, and they re- quire to be seen to be appreci- ated. The quality is of the very choicest. Patent colt fronts, dull matt calf tops, oak tan soles, fairly high heels, either buttoned or laced PRICE $5.00 PER PAIR We invite you to call and see our new lines and -you are under no obligation to buy. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. meet,- seeogi for Ladies. VVVIRIVIFVVIVVVelieesivvIviovelti, weerremeyeemeyey******” w 4 '30 4 ; Do You Want to Come in 14 er g - i :I 4 i on a Ifew Bargains in Staples? P READ .THIS LIST 1 . WHITE COTTONS, , Fine make, 36. and 37 inchwide; special for Ladies' and Children's Wear. TOWELLINGS Heavy Linen, Crash, Huck and Cotton at old prices, also ' colored and Bleached Turkish Towel, all size, special at 25c. SHEETINGS • • 4 44 4 141 .4 4 se Bleached and unbleached, twilled and plain, :4 and circular pillow cloths at old prices. not- withstanding the risein these goods, SHIRTINGS Imported Oxford Shirting, fast colors and splendid material for hard wear. Rock -Fast Drills in black and white patterns, the most - popular cloth for Working Men's Shirts. • APRON .GINGHAMS r. Indigo Dye, wide, border or plain, in that cannot be repeated at the price. MERCERIZED MULL 45 inch. wide, full beautiful goods for slips and motor scarfs, qualities 3 dresses RADIUM FOULARDS The greatest success of recent years for dresses in spots and stripes. E SCOTCH ZEPHYRS The famous "Anderson Brand," their fast color and soft texture, • ; GROCERY SPECIALS popular for Choice Prunes t.Oe per ib. 1 gallon Apples, reg. 35c, for 300 tin English Pickles, reg 13c, for 10e per bottle No. 1 Granulated Sugar, 20 lb. Sack for $1,00 No, i Granulared Sugar 100 lb, sack for $4.76 All goods delivered any place hi town. T A. MILLS PHONE 89: • WilIGITAIVI, ONT. Osigh:MtAAKAAAAAA4LILAAJE4A4114NA's17