HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-04-06, Page 1VOL, XL—NO. 2044. r WING AM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. .APRIL 6 1911.. $•1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE "w . n1 A full line of Guaranteed Remedies If they do not give satisfaction they do not cost you ore cent. We refund the money paid. 100 REMEDIES One remedy for each ill They are not cure ails. Try the remedy you need and be " cured. Tlied* seldom s 1 m fail. Walton McKihboo THE DRUCIIST Mrtodouald Block, Wingham. P, REAL ESTATE SNAPS FOR SALE OR RENT'S -75 aere farm between Belgrave and Blyth. Immediate possession. LENNQX RESIDENCE—One of the finest in town, • Beauti- ful situation. Price right. Archie Paterson's Brick Veneered Dwelling and two lots. Good corner. A bargain. FISHER BLOCK—Josephine St. solid brick building with stores under and fine dwell Ing rooms above. An excel- • lent property, { FARM—The i-- heCampbell 5C" ACRE T property in the Town Plot, . one mile from town. A fine place with good buildings. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER WIN GUAM, r ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for =Oat can have it on reasonable terms. 1, Notes disootntsd for tradesmen, Mer- chants or agents, on favorable terme,• Loans on real estate at the lovl,est rites going, ChristiesGrocery PHONE 59. .Thee Choicesl OF THE BES ' l i......- . s erre There is so much piair and choose from in the things we eat that it takes very careful diserimination when mak, ing a selection. We've gone into it tltoroughIy and placed ori our" shelves and count. ers Only t h e t:IIOIOEsT o li. TIM/ MST Come and see what we've got Anyway . .,,,...... A First.Rate 5c Lunch A small air of Clark's Potted Tongue Beef Veal e - l or Beef tram makes an excellent quick lunch, The very thing for sandwiches 50 Pe>c Tin TOE TEA ARO CDFEIE STORE Wear Or'eer's Shoes and llaberq • Grocery Busing. Change. 1VIessrs. Ritchie & report the•sele of the t aurant business fr( & Son to Mr. Ezra transfer Mr. Tindall residence on Cathe new proprietor took day and willhave ti many friends for business. Cosens this week grocery and res. R, J. Tindall Hart, In the kes Mr. Hart's ne street. The ossessien on Mon- e best wishes of 'access in his new NEWEST and latest designs in wall apex • at KNox's. Successful A One of the mos sales of farm stoc ever held in this held on Thursday af. Andrew McDougall A heavy team of ltor, a four year old heav; a milch cow at $91.1 geese at $5,50. The. of the prices. Otl> implements ;aid at tioneer Purvis recei McDougall has rent son-in.law, Mr, Cha lection Sale. successful auction and implements ection was the one ernoon last by Mr. East Wawanosh. es sold at $545,OQ; colt at $255.00; 0 and a pair of e are only a few ✓ stock and the nod prices, Auc-. d the bids, Mr. his farm to his Carter,' Fon RENT. — Suite of rooms over Greer's shoe store. Apply to DR. A. 3. laWIN. fiuron Spri The . Huron Spri will be unusually fact that two murd up for trial, will o Tuesday, April 1 judge will be Sir bridge, Chief Jus Bench;division, It two murder cases Edward Jardine the murder of Lizzie Anderson George Vanstone w five-year-old son VI LOST—In Wingh on Saturday, a pu of money. Finder leaving same et r Assizes. Assizes, which ventful from the r cases are to come n in Goderich on h. The presiding Glenholme Falcon- ce of the Queen's is likely that the i11 be heard first. 11 be charged with zie Anderson, and th the killing of his ddie. m, near post office, e containing a sum will be rewarded by st office. Tourist Cars t There is no moi travel to the We Pacific tourist sl run from Toront and Vancouver, Berths are fully every travelling and an attentive The extra eharg tourist cars are a seekers special ' Early application should be made f Western Canada. comfortable way to than in a Canadian ping car. These cars to Winnipeg, Calgary aily at 10.10 p. m. tipped with bedding, nvenience is afforded orter is in charge. is very small and ached to each Home - rain from Toronto. o local C.P.R. Agent berths. Coming ,•Mr. Geo. H. M in town en Mond week a special pat farm laborers err have been placed section. On Sun run from Toronto with another lug ers. Owing to th to 1 l qii a and eliildre :take them to thei 'day. They are a firers and farmers nierried or single wii°heMr,. • Mooney the ney, of Ripley was' and reports that last y of Scotch and Welsh ed inW i aand gm ith farmers it this y a special train was o Ripley via G.T.R., party of farm labor - number of married it was necessary to, estination on Sun.' ne class of farm lab- ile are in need .M enshou11getin toefcit Low Rates for nest> Via Grand Trunk Rai ay System, Return tickets at sin e fare (with minimum chargee ,f 2 cents) between all stations in Ca a.., also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo Y„ Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Good going April 13,14, 15, 16 and 17th. Return limit ednesday, April 19th, 1911. Full par- ticulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Hotel Rusin bs Change. This week a busin pleted in Wingltain Hanson, of the leased his premises of Dundalk and th take possession on Doyle has had a perienee in the hot keep this well-kno present high gh t .tel intends going to To circle of friends evil his removal from to ss change was co n• which Mr. L. W. Mona} hotel has Mr. Bernie Doyle, new landlord will he 1st of May. Mr.. ber of years' ,exY 4 business and Will n house up to its ard. Mr. Manson onto and his large be sorryhear to of BOYS BO S • BOYS The Canadian Cent ry are sending 20 Canadian 73oys on a ve weeks trip to England during thee ' sensation. Their advertisement appea in this issue and will be read with inte •est by boys. Read Willis .& CO.'S lady on page 8 Bowlers' eating.. A meeting of the Ingham Bowling Club will be held in't e Council Cham- ber on Friday evenin of this week for the election of officer and organization for the coming se son. Our towns- people.interested in his popular sport are requested to att nd the meeting, CALL IN and have a look at KNox's new 1911 wall papers. Collecti Mr. Edwin Mar') Whitney Law Cot ford, Mass. and To week looking up b ney Law Corporati Agency. , representing the ration of New Bed onto, is in town this siness. The Whit - n has been very suc- cessful in eolleetin : accounts for manu- facturers and busi, ess men in various parts of Ontario. Their advt. will be found on another age of this issue. SEED FOR SALE—Tlmotby. all kinds Clover, etc , ete. The best grades only. KING BROS Wingham Bo Mr. Jas. C. Cur Wingham young m manager at the Kini the Traders' Bank a transferred to Lakef the Traders' Bank ii Tutus is pleased to of this former reside Promoted. mings, a former n, who has been street branch , of Toronto has been ld as manager of that place. The rport the success t. WALL PAPER from 5c. to $1.00 per roll, at KNox's. Death of There passed awa home of Mr. Jas. M. Mrs. Moyer, inher 7 was stricken with been ill for only a f behind her to mour Matthew Wild an remains were inte teryf where the de ed, and left a larg The family have t community. re. Moyer. last week at the ild,Centre street, th year. Deceased aralysis and bad days, She leaves her loss, Mrs. 3, Miss Moyer. The •ed in Ingersoll Ceme- eased formerly liv- . circle of friends. e sympathy of the GIRL WANTED, -• Good kitchen girl wanted. .Apply at Queen's Hotel. Address and resentation. Prior to leaving ilot Mound, Man.; Mr. Chas, A. Barbe •, who is now visit- ing with his paren in town, was the recipient of a kin Iy worded address and a gold ring wi blood stone set- ting engraved with he three links, from the members of tII I. 0. 0. F., and •a gold chain and lock et from the citizens of the town. Mr Barber was for a number of years p blisher of the Pilot Mound Sentinel an was very popular with the people of he Manitoba town. Mr. Barber has of yet decided on 'where he will locat FOR SALE -•-A 1e story frame dwell- ing on John St., Wingham, 7 rooms, hard and soft water and good garden I3-8 acre), Apply to R. VANSTONE, • Citizens ind Concert. The concert giv in the opera house last Friday evenin under the auspices of the Citizens' Bad was largely at- tended acid the larg • crowd well pleased with the evening's s nterta}nme twht included selections y the band, songs by Mr. A. H', id'fl ord; quartette by Misses r s Mannar dM r ismWillis and Nash; quartette by Miss (Minn, Mrs. Beattie' and Messrs Clinean iil1•s0 1r Miss Griffin;; recitation by Tiss Copeland, dia- logue by young ladi and gentlemen, and a cornet solo by W. Duncan. The people of Wingham a, e very much pleas- ed with the Citizens' Band and are al- ways pleased to assi t itt anything that the band may uncle ake. • 1 will sell a linti •d number or eggs for hatching from my celebrated Iced Chief strain of Rh, de Island Reds. `81 per setting. L. KENNEDY. Death There passed an home of his so Long on Saturda the pioneers of TC son of Alexander year. The decease( the GT.R.atI years and was a ma7 by a large circle mains were taken tc day fortttermenty s „ a Pioneer, y at Brussels at the -in-law, Mr. John evening last one of ncardine in the per- Maelam in his 86th wase connected c d with ineardine for many beld in high esteem friends. The re- ineardineLxt1'ues- POTATOES WAN 1 Any quantity of potatoes e c ( a11 at store f goodp o s wa l or hacks. ICING $ftOS. Address on Tube ulosii, Dr, Geo. D. porter, 5 cretary of the Canadian Association f the preven- tion of Tuberculosis w 11 deliveranadd- dreas on. "Tuberculosis in the opera House on Wednesday evening, April 12th, commencing at 8 o'clock. Dr. Porter has addressed large meetings from one end of Can a to the other, and everywhere the p ess speaks high- ly of his lectures, Th experiences of his own life have pec iarly fitted him for this wotk, while hi • platform ability is of a high order. • e is a talented speaker and present this important subject in a popular a d most attrac- tive manner. As thi subject is one touching the health of all, and as the lecture is free to the sublic, we trust there will be a full h• se on Wednes- day evening of next . eek. FAR SALE.- Good 10 ro ed, two story frame house; No. arn, and 3 acres of land. Will old right for quick sale. For parte Lars apply to F, McConnell, real estate agent. THE CITIZ S' BAND. Wingh m, April 4th, 1911. To the Editor of the Tains:— Dear IMES:Dear Sir,—The Ci + zens' Band wishes to thank all those who so willingly assisted at their • ncert an Friday evening last. The c.. cert was a suc- cess, the proceeds • mounting to $35. The band is going to purchase new uniforms as soon s the necessary funds can be raised. The suits now in use are about worn +ut as they have been in use some . -ven years. The new uniforms will co: about $300 and we hope to receive li. eral support from the ratepayers in •ur undertaking. Our regular expense are as follows;— Leader's salary, $250 and other expens- es of nearly $500 per year. We receive from the Council $1 r t and free light, while °the towns • ive from $250 to $300 to their bands, It keeps us strug- gling to keep a 1i tle. inoney in the treasury as the mon y we receive from the Council is $100 s, ort of paying our leader's salary. W will be running eight years next Ma, and make annual reports to the Cot cil. The corpora- tion owns the .instrt ants, mpsic and stands. We would suggest that the Councilnt I:1or.`:.;_,. use on band conce •t nights and also that the Chief of P ice stop the noise on concert nights a this is not allowed in other towns. A. J PILON, Pres. N. ° . FRx, SEcv. H. INSCLIFFE, TREAS. is n th:= park for HIGH S , We desire to ea ex -students to the ary Society of the ing their annual ., nesday evening, A lent programme is and the Band will promenading. Owing to the ' torical Contest ha: after Easter and evening af' April offered additional Form II for the GDL NOTES. the attention of all act that the Liter- . Selma] is hold - t Home" on Wed- il 12th. An excel- eing arranged for rnish music for the t Home" the Ora - been postponed till 111 take place an the 27th. The staff has 7rizes to Form I and best original story written by any s dent in each of these Forms. 't'he res Ile of this Essay Con- test will 1•e an iounced on the sante evening as the 0 atoricat Contest. The High Scho••1 students, at a mass meeting held. r ently, decided to or- ganize an Athl tic Society to take • charge of he sp its of the school. A committee was : ppointed to draft a .constitution. T is constitution is now • before the stud t -body for discussion tv modifications u act . and with some: 0(1 c o and wit i improvements iit l eco the i me basis E for all future athletic regulations. With a good con titution which provides for the election .f,suitable offieers to conduct the athl tics of our school, it sports of students is t that ththeS (En isi ,cl 1a 1 will be regulate for the highest sue- cess and to the est interests of all, , The 11. S. Fe thrill Club re -organiz- ed on Monday e ening, April 2rd, and elected the full •wing Officers: Presi- dent, Mr. H. A Percy; Secretary, S. McKercher; Ma ager, H. E Thompson; Captain, Peter • crwen.. Football is on , of the live sports here and ft is hoped hat the Club will have a successful sea. on. They have issued a challenge to L .towel, the holders of the Hough Cup and an effort will be made to bring th historic piece of sil- verware to Wi tgham, The football boys should hav . the solid support of all sport -loving tizensin theirlandable attempt to capt 'e this cup, an attempt which, if success ui, would be an adver- tisement for W ngham and its High 1. The co mittee of officers c s it t- tend to artangf. for some exhibition games with local; earns and thus • pre- pare our team fo the great struggle. PUIBLIC SC OW,.. REPORT. Honour and pas marks of pupils of Wingham Public hool for the month of March, EETRA CN CLASS. Maximum 350. Honours 263, Pass 210. Honours—T. L tton278, W, Davidson 314, }L Willis 30 , S. Donaldson 287, H. Hall 296; G, Du • anan 308, A, Lock - ridge 220, N. R h 270, G. Patterson 311, D, Haugh 31', A. Williamson 306, 3, Richardson 291 E. Smith 303, F. Gan- net 801, M, Rob= tson 285, R. Hardy 322, 0. McPhers n 276. Pass—W. Hai : s 236, E. Helps 220, G. Day 213, H. a ear 255, H. Guest 235, A. Groves 255, G Deyell 237, M. Rog- ers 246, A. Reid 13, J. Angus 213, A. Reading 240, R. It oyd 243, M. Murch 245, G. Bowman 233, J. Blackball 239, F, McDonald 26 SEN OR THIRD, Maximum 73 Honours 549. G. Robinson. 74, J. Richardson 668, W, Hinscliffe 54, H. Niergarth 640, N. Gracey 619, S. Maxwell 616, H. Gray 582, V. Armou 576, W. McCool 576, C. Wilson 564, F. Mureh 550, J NIOR TIiIRD, Senior Secti n. honour Roll. J. Maxwell 1030, V. Webb 950, A, Blackwell 930 E. Erskine 928, 0, Isard 911, R. Smith :50, 0. Rintoul 848. Junior Seed .n -G. Cantelon 725, N. Christie 700, . Jarvis 692, N. McRit- ehie 660, 5. M Lean 720. SE 'TOR SECOND. Senior Sects n. Maximum 1345. Neil McLean 1161, Archie Williamson, 1130, Kathleen Mills 1124, Ruby Hewer 1078, Chris Nee man 1064, Jean Chris- tie 1064, Fred u urdy 1047, Willie Dear 1029, Phyllis Jo ns 1009. Junior Sectim Maximum 1210. Charlie Isard 985, Margaret Piper 964, Earls Huff an 024, Jim Seli 908. JUNI +R SECOND. Senior Sectio Marks given, 780. .75 per cent., 585. Grace Irvine 7 4, Dora Lundy 698, Percy Joynt 690 Mary Coultes 672, Elizabeth Hamilt n 652, Harry Angus 652, Leonard Jar is 625, James Dobie 624, Evelyn Angu 617, Ruth Anderson 605, Thelma Sand .rson 587. Junior Section. Marks given, 536. 75 per cent., 402. Laurie Dunce ' 509, 011ie Hamilton 49,x', Stanley Ito' inson 489, Joe Saint 452, Ella Dobie 13, Sarah Brown 440, Catharine Adam 411, Clara Hardy 405. RI T BOOK. I1. for Roll. Senior Section- Madeline Duncan,Alex Taylor, Oswald Iutton, Alba Galbraith, Agnes Williams n, Lawrence Lennox, Annie Blackhall Harry Gannett, Wit Ilam Pocock, Es a Rintoul, Willie Cur- rie, Shirley Do Odeon. Junior Secti n—Howard Huffman, Clifford Robert on, Doris Fells, Laura Ellacott, Minti Reid. D VISION VII. According; t • highest merit. . Fourth Chi _s Clayton Zurhrigg, Harold Mills, avid Perrie, Jean Van - stone, Sara Tclntosh, Verna Joynt, Kirkwood liu ton, Richard Clark, Helen Wilson. Third Class Marie Lougheed, Sydney Holmes, Nel 'e. Clark, Zorra Dickson, Eleanor Irvi , Alice Williams, Freddie Seli, Doroth3 Piper. Second CIa. Wilfrid Ellacott, Gertie .tce Pocock, Corson Boyce, Clarence Hinscliffe, Eddie Duncan, Fier I t Norma Isard Hickey. To RENT- ause to rent on Frances street, App t to John Leathern or at TIMES office, SAI.ai of Holism.; —B "public auction in Lucknow, on 5 tur ay, April 8th, a car load of fine ell -bred Pereheron 1 i. an lli lor blacks dings d fi , colors, b cks and greys. They run from one to four years old and can he matched if desired. Do not miss this chance ; sale at one o'clock. T. E. Walker, proprietor. TAKE 1vToTIcn --All parties owing the late firm of 3. G. Stewart & Co will kindly can and settle before the 15th of April as we are leaving town. J. G. ShwAnT & Co. BUTTER AND EGGS: -Bring along your trade. We pay highest price in exchange for b sand .groes Greer. cot 1 'V. J . t (i. Eleven Ottawa hundred dollars e eseent home for The Railway FOUND -.A gentleman's grunt; ease importunt tuli f. gold watch. Owner tan have same by 1meanies to m calling atblcGillivary's grocery andprov- i of a municipal' ing property, the "delivery l a TOWN COUNCIL. The regular A ril meeting of the Town Council w held on Monday evening with all t e members present. Minutes of previo - meeting were read and approved. An opinion was ead from Town Sol- icitor Holmes with reference to the ex- penditare of mone by the Commission- ers `on artesian w: 1s at the electric lightpowerhousepr+perty. Mr, Holmes- was olmeswas of the opinio that it would be hard to prove that e money was not expended in accord: • ee with the by-law that had been ap roved by the rate- paThyers. e Light and ater Commissioners presented reports . owing the receipts and eagpenditures f. r the quarter ending March 31st. Fro the waterworks de- partment the rece pts had been 8447.63 and the expendi ure $195.46 and a cheque for the • alanee, $252.17 was handed over to he Town Treasurer. The Commissione s also pointed out that many new w ter se.viees would be put in this season : nd it would be nec- essary fer the Cou toil to provide funds for this work. Fr'm the electric light department the r:eeipts for the three months amounted o $2900;25 and the expenditure, $171+,30. A cheque for $1100 was handed to the Town Treas- urer and the bale ce, $84,95 was retain- ed to pay indebte ness due at once. A resolution pa -ed by the Board of Health washand:d to the Council in whit$ it was requ sted that the Council pass a by-law f . r the closing of all closets, cesspools Ind septic tanks on both sides of Jose hine street, between Victoria and Mapl• streets. From Mayor •ary, of Toronto re- questing the May. - to secure subscrip- tions from the "G: orges" of this sec- tion for a present is King George. On motion of Co is. Elliott and Bell, the reports from th Water and Elec- tric Light Commisst'oners were receiv- ed and ordered to e placed on file. On motion of Co ns, Elliott and Bone, the Clerk was ins rutted to prepare a by-law providing f r the closing of all closets, cesspools nd septic tanks on. both sides of Jose hine street between Victoria street an the G. T. R. tracks. The by-law to e presented to the Council at its firs meeting. , The Sewer ommittee reported, recommending a umber of changes in the plumbing by- aw, which were read. On motion of Co s. Hall and Elliott, the clauses refert•ng to trap doors was ordered to be re oved from the by-law and on motion Couns. Elliott and Bell, the by-law was then passed as amended. The Finance C mmittee recommend- ed that the mond standing to the credit of the sewer aceounts be transferred to the general'acco.mt and also reported itt favor of the i>yment of the follow- ing accounts: Theo. Hall, prin ing, etc . ,.$ 6.50 Hook & Ladder Co., services.... 5.00 W. H. Rintoul, •oik on tank . 10.69 H. B. Elliott, p inting, etc ... . 35.15 Light Com., su pli:•s 3.14 Bell Telephone o., phone, Chief 10.00 .00 • inesrage ., .40..Bankaf Hann' on, sou ona ... 18 .00 It. Rankin,s:ridr - .... .... ..50 Thos Calert, isalary ..., . 50.00 Jos. Gibson, s 4 ary .. .. , . . 30.00 Geo: Allen, sa ary 82.50 J. F. Groves, . alary and postage 55.50 Ctttzens Bar , quarterly grant 37:,ati Firemen, salaries 65,110 A. 1VTCl eviat, :veiling snow. . 1.Oit Public School, on levy .. ..... 400.00 High School, n levy ,.. . 500,00 W. Stokes, fi siting sewer , ., . , 1.65 A. Sanderson work .... 8.05 0 r J. A.McLea lumber • ... ..,4a 1V , J. L. Awde, auling hose ti Arthur Heine., work ,..... ..•• 5.60 Win. Guest, : vork 1.05 Thos. Deans, teaming .. , .25 Canadian Ex The report tee was adol Bone and Bel ress Co., charges .40' of the Finance Commit -I ed an motion of Couns. As per noti e given at last meeting by the Maven a proposed by raw provid- ing for elle payment of taxes half yearly was ead and was referred to the Finance 'otnmittee to report at next meeting. The Transie tizens subscribed five t eh to yards a co Iva1.1 yphoid fever patients. ommision bas made an • compelling express e deliveries in any part and doing away with it Trailers' by-law was again discusse 1 but no action was tak-, en in the matt e% (bun. Mitch .11 wanted to know who had given autl rity to store potatoes in basement of T•wn Ball, Krone of the • Councillors hat • Oven authority. Council then djourned. Low Round Tri Exceptionally points to Weste • I'ae}tic Honzese ing Toronto, Tu m., and every the summer. TI ty days with lib tipeetal trains tend mast dire ehan a of car Berths in touri seemed at a aro particulars give E ihlet, copies of front any C. I' from R. L. Tho ger' Agent, C. Rates to Ninety North st Points. low rates to principal n Canada on Canadian kers' Excursion, leav- sday, AprilTuesday 4th, at 2 p. U . fl ' U19i1 P second '1 csd d ckets are good for six al stop-over11 niv,ileges. +S t .tun the fastest t to by t route—avoiding any anddelays. .lossiblc .lee ing cars rata be 11 adtional cost. Full in Homeseekers' pam- hieh may be obtained' Hy. Agent or direct son, District Passen- is. y., Toronto. faster Shoes The Robins are here and'Gloriotis Easter is but a few days c ff. Oar Spring showing of pomace', dainty and exelusiue Footwear styles has never been equaled in Wingham. It is ready for your inspeetien. You will find seores of Qut of the Ordinary and full of Individuality styles for 'Men and Women, Boys' and Girls'. Before selecting your +• ASTER . SHOES step in and bee what we have to offer. Our prices always please. Where quality counts we win. W. J. GREER SOLE AGENT SEEDS! SEEDS! Bette Choice Freldcaid Garden Eweds Every grade we sell has been passed by the Government at Ottawa. We stand behind every bag of seed we sell. Timothy, Red Clover, Lucerne, Alsike, Grasses of all kinds for permanent pas- tnre, Seed Peas, Seed Oats, Speltz, Buckwheat, etc. CORN TRAT WILL, GROW—Also special- ly selected Seed Corn, Essex grown; one car now in stock; car load to arrive April 15th, $1.25 per bushel. Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere. Prices right. . T. A. MILLS, Wingham. Fifty-five thousa opium has just bee furnace of the We Hill, Ottawa, Tli seized during the I. Canadian Customs British Columbia. id dollars' worth of c destroyed in the block on Parliament r opium had been st few months at orts, principally in FAR:IIERS ATTENTION! We have the best assortment of shot's, suitable for Farm Work ever shown in town. Prices $1.50 to $3.50. W. J. Greer. Norio. -All accounts due the late Geo. Green must be paid at an early date. Accounts can be settled at the store. 1 lur Trip 10 Muskoka contest has brought out some 45 in the single Ladies con- test and 2o in the mmirried Ladies contest. It is stead- ily growing. A list is at the store. Start now and get your name on th- list. Hind, mmt Wr it DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Orders 'I'M s i