HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-30, Page 6to-
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The more se man butts in the oftener
Ile gets kinked out.
It le good policy to look ahead if you
etre headed in the wrong direction,
The moat common canoe of insom-
nia i9 disorders of the stomach. Chamb-
erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablete cote
root these disorders and enable you to
sleep. For safe by all denten,
The wan who can do everything is al-
waya looking for something.
He wbo does what he can may soon
be able to do what he would.
Children Cry
Thesncces8ftll speculator watches rho
corners and keep& out of them.
It is a pity that the overage detective
can't locate criminals as easily as he can
find clues,
Jchn W Sickelemith, Greensboro. Pe.,
hoe three children, and Iucst ehtld-
ren they frequently take cold, " We have
tried several hinds cf ccngb medicine,"
he Saye, out never found any yet that
did theta as ranch goad as Charaterlain'e Thera is an Indian tribe OongliRemooy." Farado by all dealers In Bolivia
which attune the whites and lives as in� �
ons r
!ting too.a and reap S
There are men in this world who sim.ss
ply can't get along without a bo.
Lots of people pose as peacemakers be
cause of the opportunity it affords them
to butt in.
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Provisional census returns eetlwate
the population ot eluant at 28 e07 89e,
an tannase of 2 4t7.190-14 tem years.
Jobe W. Rounding, t'at-5dtanager of
the Ontario Feenteree Metuat Weather
Inatirenee Cemp"ny, was committed for
trial et Ornngevtlle on a charge of envoi:
lett the hooka of a he company,
Children Ory
'rue life of a heir renew from two to
et; years, utter whish it falls ont and is
replaced by a new hair. Abort fifty or
sixty hairs ere normally then every day
The work of taking the D et -inion Om-
ens will beirlo on Juste ter. An approp
r lotion of $1.ee0 000 hoe been made for
Betraying the cost. bnt Mr. Blue, Censve
Cetnmtssiocer, saes this will not be snfti•
Dr. Meseta Clint
went is a certain
and guarantee~
every f o r m ot
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. Sge; testimon'als in the press and asks
our neighbors abort= it. You can use it and
et your $chins back if not satisfied. SOc, at ail
era c;`. i:.T U NS0N, BATES 4:4 Co., Toronto.
toy;. CK:+tetw'3l olArrivianyr.
A big plan for mission oo operation
has been deoided on after months or hard
labor, by the Presbyterian, Methodist
and Congregationalist Churches of Can-
ada, This hie to do with tbree princi-
pal points; the adenetenent of overlap-
ping in existing fields, the arranging of
work in the districts, and the work
among foreigners:.
�tas. Wit:SLOW'S SoortrzDrc SYRUP has been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS or
OTERS for their CHILDREN wnien
is the best remedy for DIARRHa A. It is ab-
solutely harmless. Pe sure and ask for "'Airs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no outer
kind, Twenty.five cents a bottle.
Cumbered with many years beyond
the appointed three more and ten, there
passed away in Ubicairo an March 4tb,
one of Asbfiekd'e oldest residents in the
person of Janet (Jt'ss.i•) Nioliaison, wife
of the late Archibald MacLsod. She
was born in Portree, Isle of Skye, Scot-
land, in December, 122, where she lived
till 1840, when, v:ith her husband, the
sought a new home among the forests of
Ontario Four sons and six daughters
were born to them, theme left to sorrow
for her loss being Mrs, Einlayson of
Lncknow, Mrs Hill of Chicago, Anne
of Hammond, Malcolm of Chicago, and
Harry of Bstcn Rouge.
The late Doke of Wellington got a let-
ter once from a lady, saying she was sob
ioiting snbsoriptions for a aertain church,
and had taken the liberty to put hie
name down for x200, and hope9 he would
promptly send her a check for that am
aunt. He forwith replied that he was
interested in r o rt.in cbnrh which need-
ed sabsoription=, and, counting upon his
oorretponyent's we/l•koown liberality,
he ha -i tut her down for L200. "'And
so," he c•,uohaled, "no money need pass
between ns "
A I3itiou, Headache.
Bite in the Mood is poison and causes
pair. Mrs. Thos Covert, Highland
Grove, O., rcritef: • For 3ears I eta-
fered wish tilicuseets, elms:me' . tremble
and terr,b'e t esdat l es.. Errs r, used
Dr Obese** Bussey -seed L=ver Pins ..IIs
say nnhetitatarg;y them lets is 'fit;& trisei
effective trettmu
eut obta tas far twee
A machine to thoroughly clean ocffee troubles."
beano and sort them into three atzea has
been patented by a Colorado man.
Frank J. Gould alas given $100,000 for Canadian tacks cr ased t: r roma-
the construction of a special motor road mercisi chane to C =s'= b $r GC
between Washington and Richmond, a during February, s tenmease ; it
distance of NO miles note cis a:e o LLe« :G u afr et^.,^_,Wer
Children Cry
sial p;,si'ios. Fent-tee c.:r c raial teens
were reciar e4
A Ivan may be his own worst enemy
but he is seldom his severest critic,
Developed Into
fibers are more nniti-n uilionairea in
the Stone Age, ms
America than in any other country, but s ofstone, wool or bone
in England, Fiance, Holl ;n i and Bel -
glare a greater proportien of tee people I If you nave. trotble in getSing til of
Ste in InLLc• ^Y deet t:ir•:c.n:� ' �r � your Geld you may snow that you aro Neglected Bronchitis is very often the
t" et not treating it properly. Tbereis no need direct cause of Cot:sumption, and on the
thata cold ;Mould bartton for weeks and ;; first symptom appearing Dr. Wood's
----- it will not if yen take Chemberlait:'s, No sty P Syrup shook/ be used and
Cough Remedy. For sate by all deaites,
ut' . r j lU p Public opinion and no )Phoma alroui3 the Bronchitis Cured.
n n'fi . I ` TROUBLE The symptoms are, tightness across
regulate tee nae of profanitystagethe cheat, sharp pains and a difficult in
� Y
tiErdi,'113 r:. a i a� , "i,ISTRUMC. t on the
is the opinion of the New York Baerd of breathing, a secretion of thick phlegm,
be ke stet• there is any r:eai:riess of the R ,d.Ipetmen, which has refase3 to pant at first shite, and later of a greenish of
it"'_ to or rterve3 fageing energy or Ph -y- '. each an ordinance.
sr .il becaL•elet u. to use of Milburuef I yellowish color, coming from the brow-
Ll hrL oriti Norte pills „in scan prae34c,. t t;n:ipts, but eminently aetdble and cbiai tubeswhen coughing, especially the
a l e it by eve!, teatime first thing m the morning,
elite Css.e k.i - v, e gee E3nt i the honeymoony Quit s tnneset�ton was Dan J TlcCormacIr Cleveland,
r,men Lt t t.rttt the (;retreat of ; dio. e. S tate gr doople.. "ill' writes: "My little boy two years
pimento o T v. rite cu stetting the benefit G fillet' passed it at the stale agrioultnrat
fel tame rt .slut' I n i.e ;out ..11lFt1.." p colle,;e, weero te,t voyn Iialbs old caught a lead cold which developed
lies. t, and Nerve Cliffs. this sl, u.grl „ a ,bort courca in modest! fa, ruin dme o tt into Bronchitis. Ho was so choked up he
rets ail r:nt ti.tt n anti eouttl hardly do
n Ap week. asses to a ,`c;ctcr an". be @ or<, and the brido in delineate;s.lt3nee. ouId hardly breathe. Reading about
tate1 m 1 li.t..1 c,hrt true.,"e and time rev % No great degree el prerhetic shill is s',3-` Y°St� wonderfules uv de, Dr. try e
ar,Ei_'.s L eters alt,rdercd t0 rie7, l Wt itoetk t "!aired to forfeit llapai1Oess and anreess', ``olray rine byrup, 1 dod -dot] to try !t
tkii me no ,:ud. 1 v...s t ::rktr.t; is a !' Por therein the canain;; years. b^ttle atm svitli such good result I got
panting (,.thio at the tire, and my ocher which completely cured him;
e Il ` r i s• �• ,tactical, 6.E1 Y t
doctor said It etas the type setting % After aevorel mantl:a' illness, Mt' without heving a doctor. 1 cannot say
ca efl'itert. u'r,vied,I1 Ito iauaJ::dhty a nox t.
Thomas McIver, ttu aged resident of the foo much in its praise; I would not be
ye, t^,pat; a3 the had derived so mug' t "rd concession of Harc7i Torvneintg pees• Without it in the ltou,.a es I consider it tt
em, ':t(r'+:titi,ent. Before had ineelueti to away on Tuesday mornlog1 March ; sure e5urofor Colels and 131."el 'i,:'
t t A
. 1, Jlst,
1 u'l�e z r ith native greet dh .c a = tai ,
z. Vd =
C .tt of C3 Wood's"
t, t eye Breton, firs .,
Tte �.,.
, I u a of Dr
,� TV
l +r i
Vi;74i l tt��;n I tf,rti
7 to eight C'
McIver G C. Ca•. r
•t, t4 awn to Bruce County in the `:' MO Syrup 19 .h5r. i't is litlrY up in a
1 i 2ny elm,! C f them 1 rr et li ,l�:Al pioneer days. iter maiden namo was a yellow wrapper. '1breb lino trees id the
l P ' Mary Mc1 ianon. A broiler, sandy R trade marl;. Fuc sure and accept no
VI � 1 I , , f Sl...r, jt Ki u, eotne years *Oran a tailor• r substitute for fir. SL ootl'B„
tet II ,, 'ler-. or rt. tt'F• 1 L r -,,t ,t , r •t fes bu i rc '
1.4.1-C. it: tn.i tri t ilei Wilt ; <_%iy 1e.•
i;,:o v'1 CCitt9 :er ;i,3 or '3 f o. ` 5 a thno
t i e res in let eknow, while other ,,r ithn:;1b.;"; i' feet" 1, �,; 'Ti:e T 'Tilt
e 4. c 1 - 1 idl i.:t Lt-eeei tae., Lieee-ell* • - Milburn
tee s:, 'ea ett,t members o; the family were located in Co, Idislitair T„rts::t,, Vol,
C 'those. I)e,eat d was 7 i years of rage.
°She'd look better witheet tea )nett
Zam$iul , • forvtler end rouge Cll."
"Yes. She lett't *o brad ea either!
taItett "
Mr. Situ Vaogban, treine'r of tbe
Hamilton Tigers Football 'Ceara, and
admittedly one of Qanadeet finest traio-
ers, says of Zana Suitt " In my estima-
tion it the ti test heeling baht obtain.
able. artd lhe. athlete) institution, or no.
rthlete, should be without it. l; Psi
tine after fitteep � eerie eape'tienee ee a
statues of athletes, sand after expetf•
men tin(t with nearly all known embro-
The Above opinion is shared by aitch
well•knowtt athletes as Sherrfng, of
featniirott, Longboat, the Ail Blacks, of
N- w Z-aland, and all the /ending foot
bell nrgaaizetions of England, For
epreins, cute, abrasions, Eti&nese, thew,
ueatism, a' d is an all round embrocation
and balm, Zinn -Belk is unequalled. All
druggiste and storeit et BOO. box,
A. W. Day, the general manager of
the Right .El Elmo, one of the leadirg dry
,Ioode houses of Hamilton, is a strong
advocate and believer in newspaper ad.
vertitiole. The Right House menage-
¢hent will this year spend over $25,000
to advertising in the three Hamilton
newspapers. The late Timothy Eaton
attributed his wonderful success to
newspaper advertising and elevate] main-
tained that the newspapers were his
stannoh friends. John 0. Eaton, his
saecessor, has just doubled the appro.
priation for newspaper advertising, and
is to -dry carrying a full page advertise-
ment every day In the six daily Toronto
newspapers. Tbat means a cost of over
$200,000 a year in the city of Toronto
Sadly H rtEn Thresher
Mood poison set in—Great suffering—
Cure effected by OR. A. W.
Mrs. C. ttopltins, St. George, Ont.,
writes:—""I feel like shouting the
praises of Dr. Chase's Ointment. While
threshing grain, my son got bnaly hurt,
Cate of the men who was pitching
sheaves, missed tbe sheaf and ran the
prongs of the fork into my son's leg.
tie did not take much notice of it and
in a day or two it got sore mei very
Reny and blood poison set in. We did
everything for it but it would heal one
pace and break out at another and
kept on this way for three months.
"'Finally I thought of Dr. Chase's
Ointment and in a week's time we no-
ticed a wonderful ebauge. By the use
of three boxes he was completely cured
and the wounds healed up. There bas
not been a sign of a spot on him since."
Wherever there is itching or irrita-
tion of the skin or a sore that refuses
to heal you can apply Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment with every assurance that the re-
sults wilt be prompt and satisfactory,
do eents a box,
at all dealers, or Ed-
menson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Write
for free eopy Dr. Chase's Recipes.
I will pay these prices on a liberalassortment
of strictly seasonable furs:
Sr UN1
No. 1, $3.00. No. 2, $2.00. No. 3, $1.10. No. 4, 50c.RED FOX
Large, $i.10. Med., 10.00. Small, $5.00.
Springy. damaged and unprime furs will be
valued according to qualityAlsoA1 pay highest prices for all other raw
fur s. I pay all express charges, charge no com-
missions. hold goods separate on request.
Ce ttiguments solicited. Write for price list.
Colborne St., Toronto, Ont.
Spring Tern from April 3rd
STRA-ereseet) one',
We have three depattments:—
Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.
Alt coarses are thorough and practi
cal. The teaching is doze t,r term
experienced f-tlstrnatere and we yreste
graduates in geo1 poaiticna. Some
of lost year's students are raw eare-
ing 1;1000,00 per annum a teeter.
Stndente tare enterirlg eases week
This is a good time for >*o= to enter.
Write for oar tree catetore ._; at creel
and learn what we can elm fa yet:.
For Wingham eat etete r.d.eie deft i
tract for Fall zed Winter =ere }.
ergetio reliable agent tes tete ryt;aiy, foe
nursery stock,
Good Pay Weekly, evil' e
Exclusive Terrlrnry,
e'rlre got th4 nick," mid Slittttlus.
"Whet hn'.y, you beets dtttt't '" Itt-
;utred Drown.
"Nothing," replied SlloUlntl,
"No wontici' $oft t -,et tliat'tttirpjrtl,
Owe" ;aid ilrttu•tt.
1ftANTER MIXED) titt,R'i'S
.0., hey \rent Into le ellen tit buy' DAN
rho matt at the itttlittft: it 011ia0t7, I
good-natutrd SOUL anal to tutu:
"You Can 1111,17n Brenyou
ealleee if yoi
"All right. shirt ttiti ttr,'� "$-nit nttty
put in one tar tete sett` tore lit, It sea
;HOW TO ttle'T A .St•l Ali
team Bernard urns :ttyrll14 gest Th,
jtreet one altureanttt i;;l t viopA'c+tl to,
watch men art r ink roti a &iailed tr.1,-;
ley. All the nueteerreateet Were on emit
!tide of the surer tsar -e *t Otte. stet iirilt..
She was en the kerb, ertnet lair r\ish•
big to cross, but aneaid. ,i s Ber7n:ir i
came near, the reeked hen:—
"Would it glee Slee . sheet if 1 tehoet i
put ney feet on :late siren car retie"
• "No, madam," nrteoer d Mr, Bete
nerd, as he lifted hie' tent and .stems,
"not uuless yen s onit put your other -
foot on the ire32ey wire."
"Yes, the poor fellow had three doc-
tors attending him."
, "Is that so? And rcnidn't the co: o-
ner's Jury find out ws ieb one frilled
him?" -
The seeretary asked the ehief of -
the weather bureau, "As a scientific
bean, can you tell me anything definite
e.bout an earthquake?"
"Certainly, 1 can." replied the wea-
ther man, who is witty as well as wise.
"An earthquake is a great movement
ext real estate."
He was a great bore, and was talk-
ing to a crowd about ,the election. He
"Bunco is a good man; he is capa-
ble, honest, fearless, and conscientious.
He will make the very kind of ALP.
we need. He once saved my life from
drowning.' '
"Do you really want to see Bunco
elected?" asked a solemn -faced old
"I do indeed. I'd do anything to
tee him elected," said the bore.
• "Then never let anybody know be
saved your life," concluded the solemn -
aced man. •
AN OLD QtlOrivrtoIIJ
TJoeto e e C y estset iree very iiI?
Letsr e ec 5ou to "„ 1,,r", please?"
Z'a ento -"teettatte fee este dee:ioe?
1 e tons.'.e ear. i.C.i este. bed f feet:'
y,� Fff`d r ELECTF iC- CAR
rid t. 'F1 1;y o m-. i".,1 tot - a a ere :d
1 s4 p5.. rReec,i to sere tee first eleetrie
ear a '. nn Y ttesing tee toretta.ta-
teense ar:•. eeriettatlr.'aIintorrere-
deet i ' ' i.4tiee,
'Act itt.oee clot I tl n ver e0ts:igeleeteee ,;tee [AU meatn.o
'ereettetti is , d tor, the reoferraan
i ret e, f> ".(i. Ctc otet lady mere d
Wet- i ea e .S '2to,
til` ail ii '.. t•. to. J,r,(,
'Vete tem • Meryl £':l: Levee state."
Under etiltiva
We R ,0
raters tm�
ih Cit in good
condition on i
d rias!
to contract grade. We can show and
good money in represent.ng a.
well known reliable firm et thls time.
Established aver 30 years, Write for
Toronto, Ontario, to belt buckle.'
'eelet:ts• !I.it- fat II'E Entrato
C,1ns relviete M i
pT 1- re re renetegy and for
detersate tee etereeerte re invited a
few ers tee
ANY e e"..';;,v e•eatelna" on n: tEta;
fe:i-s cilli~....re loGr feree;ey to the audi-
` Vie., to ten ettritloreen," he; said,
-et:'er+c Fete/et 61 1.1.4 3 !Mlle boll's
rereartiatey 4;e1l developed.
iZt £1+G it r_,£i,t c.di;o it proves that this
!tray lovas an eines/ere/inerlr love for his
.GG"p9 d4
t, .�.. f
#Sri the
1-. boy):
telentt teat .o'ittn .
jazzy 1- es1tated a inorncnt, then
raid: 'Please, air, T Iikea lnuvver, but.
don't ktre.7 so much about farver. "
"How h4 teat, my lad?" Asked the
' Profortfor.
'dell, if you cant tee 3O OV' may-
ayfink, foe buedmpriau'te blowiti' about is
where farett• , it ilio yeetertiti'. r.1tE,
For Tea You Can't &'eat Lipton's"
It Has Stood the Test of' Time While others
Have Been Buried in the Ashes of Antiquity.
It's the Recognized World's Standard
Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly. -
'Tv t'fare Nt Hcadaehe.
'Thr3 iaxperleuea of Mr, 0. Battier, Sim-
tee,11t1t., ie of interest teen who Puffer
tient hetnisohes He writes: "Far a
loshtt time I was troubled with headaches
WWII eatnetan >h about oncee week with
*Oh violence that I could not eat or do
my work, Heedeehe powders and quick
mares slid nit geed, I then used sex boxes
of Dr. A. '1V C7baso's Nerve Food and
have not bean troubled with headache
time, That was eight nacn'hs age,"
The 1. 0, O. F. in Ontario.
The achtevemente of the Grand Lodge
of Onterio L. 0. 0. P. during the year
1910 are get forth ooneieely in a report
jnat issued by the Grand Secretary, J.
B. $Ing# Toronto, Daring the past year
progress has marked the Order's coarse
in every department of its work; the
largest number of admissions by nearly
600; the fewest losses; and a conatant)
increasing interest manifested by the
lodges. During 11110 $1377,064 IS was
paid out iu sick and other benefits, aver-
aging for sante day of the year $377 98
One in each 12ete of the membership,.
received sick benefits. During the year
fifteen lodges were instituter', the num-
ber now being 880, and the membership
44,400, with invested funds amounting
to nearly $1,000,000. Had the o8ioers
of the delinquent lodges beau true to
their Ernst, liar. King says, as it is fair
to believe they might have been, the
45,000 members fondly boped to have
now reported would have been more
nearly realized.
Joseph Phillips of the York Loam has
been released from Kingston Peniten-
Jndee Deacon of RerliroW gon#ty
dead, aged 80years.
A good way to wash bottlea or Vine
gar cruets Is to put crushed egg 0l30114
and warm soapy water together in thein
and shake well. This will 0100 the
glees well and will not scratch it,
Monid can be kept from the top of,
preserves by putting a few drops of
get oerine around the edtr'+s of tile alt
before screwing on tbe cot. r.
$4 Worth of Father Morriscy's "No. Jr7
Cured Her of Inflammatory Rheumatism.
Mrs.Agnes Edgar,of Gran d I a11s,N.B.,
had a terrible time with Inflammatory
Rheumatism. Anyone who has had
this most painful disease will understand
her suffering—and her joy when she
found Father Morrisey's "No. 7" had.
cured her, She says:
"Itook Father Morriscy's Prescription
for Inflammatory Rheumatism. I had
suffered everything with it, but in three
weeks after starting Father Morriscy's
Prescription I was able to do my work,
and after taking four dollars worth of
medicine I was well, I highly recom-
mend it anysuffererwith Rheumatism."
Rheumatism comes from bad kidneys.
The poisonous Uric Acid which they'
should remove stays in. the blood,
accumulates in"joints and muscles, and. -
causes agony. Father elorrisey'S:
"No.7" puts the kidneys right. removes
the Uric Acid from the blood and the•
whole system,andcures the Rheumatism.
soc. a bog at your dealer's, or from
Father 1iforriscy Medicine Co. I,td.,
Montreal, Que. a
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective Milnes
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us -
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
Tirnes- ffi
Win gharn,
1. Ont,