HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-30, Page 140
VOL. XL.—NO. 2043.
1i -
" 3entetricamiP
A full line of
If they do not give satisfaction
they do not cost you one cent.
We refund the money paid,
One remedy for each ill.
They are not cure ails. Try the
remedy you need'and be cured,
They seldom fail.
Walton McKibbon
?he Cea. ...me& Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
FISHER BLOCK—Josephine St.
solid brick building with
stores under and fine dwell-
ing rooms above. An excel-
lent property..
KENT BLOCK—Corner Victoria
and Josephine, rents to pay
10 per cent. Will be sold at
50 ACRE FARM—The Campbell
property in the Town Plot,
one mile from toWn. A fine
place with good buildinga.
Dwellings and building lots in all
parts of the Town.
want to buy or sell, ask our
terms before doing so.
Ritchie 86 Cosen
Wear Oreees Shoes and Mere
Auction Sale
of Cattle.
Mr. T. E, Walkef ill hold an auction
sale of cattle at theJNational Jiotel on
Monday afternoon, April • rd. The
stock includes 25 gcd lie cows, some
with calves at foot and thers due to
calve early and a- number of young
cattle. All good mock, John Purvis,
WALL PAPER from 5c. to $1.00 per
roll, at KNox's.
Citizens' d Concert.
Keep in mind the concert under t e
auspices of the Citi ns' Band in t e
opera house oreFrid y evening of t 'a
weel.. Loclta1ent1wi1l furnish an e
cellent program an the band will giye
several selections. The admission 'is
only 10 cents and the proceeds will
used in purtasing iew music.
GIRL WANTED.— Good kitchen girl
wanted. Apply at Queen's Hotel.
Sending Child
The Principal of t
School requests us
n to School.
e Wingham Public
ask parents who
are starting childre to school for the
Master-Sergt. A. -a. Sturdy, of Goder-
first time to kindly end them on 'April
ich; Corporal H. .itgus, of Wingham,
24th; immediately ter the Easter holi-
and Sergt.-Major iector, of Exeter, as
days. This is imp .rative in order to
secure proper o ganization. Parents the th'e three men to represent the 33rd
will kindly keep ti is notice in mind and Regiment on tha notable occasion.
These young mei are to be warmly
save the teachers onsiderab trouble.
congratulated on 1 eing chosen to par-
ticipate in such an historic event. We
To RENT—House o nt on Frances • wish them a very ileasant trip.
street. Apply to J Leathorn or at
TIMES office.
Read 011110 86 CO.', Adv. on page 8
Ladies" AixiliabrMeeting.
'The regular monti ly meeting of tlj
Ladies' Auxiliary of he Wingham Ho
pital will be held in lhe Council Cham
er net Monday aft rnoon at 4o'cIocl.
All members are equeated to attedd
this meeting as m ters of importan e
will be discussed.
NEWEST and latest designs in wal
paper at KNox's.
ancy rn
Mr. D. McPherso
old heavy draft colt
John Ballantyne,
This is a fancy pric
a good one and was
Mustard of the 2ud
was sired by Masco
for Colt.
% sold his 22 month
on Friday to Mr.
Elma, at $250.
, but the colt was
raised by Mr. Alex.
line of Morris and
FOR RENT:- Suite of rooms...over/
Greer's shoe store. Apply to Da. A. J,
aAn Ex -Warden' Death.
Mr. Alex, Munro, of rdoch, former-
ly Warden of Frontena County, died
very suddenly on Tuesd y of last week
of heart disease. His ife was recent-
ly stricken with para sis, Mr, arid
Mrs, Munro spent last ugust in this
district, Mrs. Munro be g a sister of
Mrs. John and Mrs. Ja es McGee, of
East Wawanosh and st August the
• sisters held a re -union, Mr. Munro was
67 years of age and as one of the
prominent residents f Frontenac.
any friends here will e sorry, to hear
o is death and Mrs, unros severe
BUTTER AND EQGS: —B 'n along your
trade. We pay highest p exchange
for boots and shoes. W. J. Greer.
gale • teat..."*„.
To Continue foe Grant.
Last year the count. council gave a
• special* grant of $2,100 to the High
SchOols and Collegiat Institutes of the
Represent 33r at Coronation.
Wingham will h. e a military repre-
sentative at the coronation of King
George V. in Lon Ion next June. Lt. -
Col. Wilson has r commended Quarter. -
LOST -In Wingham, ne
on Saturday, a purse co
Tourist Cars to Western Canada.. of money. Finder
There is no more comfortabI way to leaving same at Pos
travel to the West than in Canadian
Pacific tourist sleeping ca . These cars
run from Toronto to Wi ipeg, Calgary
and Vancouver, d ily at 10,10 p. m.
Berths are fully eq • ped with bedding,
every travelling- convenience is afforded
and an attentive porter is in cha%ge.
The extra charge is very small and
tourist cars are attached to each Home'
seekers' special train from Toronto.
Early application to local C.P.R. Agent
should be„..made for berths.
Sudden Deat
a. Master Norman
eldest son of Mr. an
dersona of the Jun
• suddenly on Sund
year. The child h
Wednesday evenin
Farmers who want money to b y
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market sorrowing paren
oan have it on reasonable terms. place on Tiles ay afternoon to
Notes discounted for tradesmen, met- Wingham eemet ry.
°bents or agents, ou favorable terms. *.4.-‘.• •
rates going. • TAKE NOTICE—All par es owing the
Loans on real estate at the lowest
late firm of J. G. te t & Co will
kindly call and sett efore the 15th of
April as we are leaving town.
Christie's Grocery J. G. STEWART & Go.
rthur Hendersoa,
Mrs. W. J. Hen -
ion, passed away
last in his 10thk,
been ill only since'
of last week: An
opsration was performed at the Hos.
pital on Saturday last, but was not
successful in remoing the obstruction
to the bowels whin was the cause of
death. To Mr. alid Mrs. Henderson
will be extended t e sincere sympathy
of the community -in their sudden, and
severe affliction. The child was a par-
ticularly bright soy and his sudden
taking away is i heavy blow to his
. The funeral toojd
PHONE- 59.
Hannah Ingram, lagloved wife of Ma.
. W. Hawthorne, passed away ap
Sunday last after a Lhort illness. Mil Call at KNOX'S and look at the best
post office,
aining a sum
e rewarded by
Locating i Alberta.
Mr. A. J. Melee!j left town on Fri-
day last for the 1, est. From Dublin
he shipped a car loa . of settlers' effects.
He purposes locatiag on the site of a
anew tom on a bra i ch line of the Cana-
dian Northern Rail -ray in AlbFrta. He
has taker.' a quarte I section °fiend and
will engage in the general store busi-
ness. Mrs. Male lm will not leave
Wingham for a fear weeks. Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm mac ke a large circle of
friends during thei residence in Wing -
ham and all will 'ah them every suc-
cess in their new 1I,:ene in the est.
I FOUND—A gentle an' hunting ease
gold watch. Owne c have same by
ailing at McGilliva s grocery and prov-
ng property.
hrough Train to th 1 West via Chicago
and St Paul.
Personally conduated Grand Trunk
special train will leave Toro 0,11 p. m.
April 4th, for Edm nten, toping at
all points on Grand rrun Pacific Rail-
way west of Winnip g. ullman tourist
sleepers will be car le fully equipped
with bedding a s orter in charge.
Berths may be se d in these cars at
a low rate. This is n exceptional op-
portunity for those vishing to take ad-
vantage of the re rkably low one-way
settlers' rates, oi round trip Home -
seekers' excursion , through the Amer-
ican cities. Ticke s, berth reservations
and full particula s may be obtained
from any Grand T unk Agent, or ad-
dress A. E. Duff District Passenger
Agent, Toronto, nt.
. f and Mrs. Hawthorne came to Wingharq wall paper values ever shown in Wing -
from the West last 'all and had spena, ham. .
15c, 20c, 30c, 40c, 6de
Per Dozen
the winter. here. M'. Hawthorne left .
threeaweeks ago for le 'West and his{
wifeawaiatoafollow in a few weeks,
The deceased lady w :s taken seriously
ill some days ago ant the husband was
summoned home frou the West, Her
very sudden death hi s caused much sor-
row es she was highl
large circle of frien
resided here with her
• time prior to her ma
some years in Bruit
esteemed by a
s. The deceased
mother for some
iage and then for
•els before going
West. The bereave r husband and two
little children will • iave the sincere
• sympathy of many friends. Service
was held in the Meth )(list Church yes-
. terday afternoon and the remains were
taken to Brussels ,n the afternoon
train for intermentair the family plot.
Gentlemen wit • are Bald.
Investigate and see for yourself the
Art covering in V4igs and Toupees.
Prof. Dorenwend P tent Toupees are
now loan on over 90 00 heads by all
classes- in all stationsof life. In this
particular structure tJle ventilation is
perfect; as light as a teather; is secure-
ly adjusted to the heti ; can be combed
just as your own hair they melte any
man look ten ,years oJinger, besides the
. protection you get fr Catarrh, Colds,
Neuralgia, ete. Cali and see them at
the Brunswick I-fntl on Wednesday,
April 5,,
Spring Sha.v at Clinton.
The Huron cou ity seed and stock
show will be held Clinton on Thurs-
day, April 6th. Ikelf rates on all ,rail-
ways for stock to ie shown have been
Vsecured.' In the h a•se classes the prize
aiit takes care of th Clydespales, Shires,
ercherons, Hackaays, heavy draughts.
agricultural, gener ti purpose and road-
ters, as well as a number of specials,
"uch as child's' tu •nout, best walking
earn, etc, In -he cattle elasses
fire included 5 iorthorns, e r e
fords, Polled Angu :, dairy and fat cattle
nd a sweepstakes First and second
rises of $3 and $2 each, respectively,
ate offered for the wo best two bushel
samples of grain, :eed and potatoes.
Among the special gins is one of $10
in gold, given by th association for the
best heavy gray teafn. The best heavy
team in harness wi win $10 in gold,
presented by Win. Proudfoot, X. C.,
of Goderieb, and the heavy ' draught
stallion sweepstakes is worth $10. The
last-named prize s given by George
Hoare and T. McMichael & Son. C. E.
Dowding, of Clint fl, is the Secretary.
'CAM IN and have a look at Medea
new 1011 wall pal...vs.
county, divided am
schools on the same
ular county grant.
tinning the grant fo
at the January sessi
g the different
osis as is the reg -
he matter of con -
this year came up
i of the council and
was referred to a aaecial • committee.
This committee met in Goderich last
week, and decided te-recommend to the
council at its June session the continu-
ance of the grant, so that in all probab-
lility the schools will get this additiona
grant again this year
NOTICE.—AR accounts due the late
'Geo. Green must be paid at an early
date. Accounts can be settled at the
Farewell S4vice.
Captain and Mrs, jtiches conducted
farewell services in tile Salvation Army
Hall on Sunday even g. last, and on
Monday evening a falawell social was
held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Sim-
mons for Capt. and Mrs. Riches and
Mr. Harper Simmons, who left this
week to attend the Salvation Army
training school et Taronto. Capt. and
Mrs. Riches have cane to their new
field of labor at Leamington and will
take with them the 1st wishes of many
Wingham friends. Ir. Simmons will
have the best wishes -f his many friends
in his studies at the raining school.
Low Round Trip Rates to Ni netr North
west Points.
Exceptionally low r,a to principal
points in WesternC nada on Canadian
Pacific Homeseek s' Excursion, leav-
ing Toronto, pe ay, April 4th, at 2 p.
na, and eve second Tuesday during
the summer. Tickets are good for six-
ty days with liberal stop -over privileges,
Special trains are run by the fastest
and most direct route—avoiding any
change of cars and possible delays.
Berths in tourist sleeping cars can be
secured at a small additional cost. Full
particulars given in Horneseekers' pam-
phlet, copies of which may be obtained
from any C. P. Ry. Agent or direct
from R. L. Thompson, District Passen-
ger Agent, C. P. Ry., Toronto.
Independent Fore tore Change.
The government o4 the Independent
Order of Foresters 14 all parts of the
world by the Suprem Court is expect-
ed to follow the new Supreme Court
session to be held in Toronto commenc-
ing May 2 next. This 's a radical change.
but one which many )f the officers and
members feel will la a distinct advance
and in the interests of the order. The
change if made will mean an immense
saving.to the order and throw the re-
ponsibility for the sirection, of the order
upon the Supreme Court, which meets
every four years. When the Supreme
Court is not in seraion the Executive
Council in Tosonto aoverns the order.
FARMERS Aaalasi TON) • 'We have the
beseassortrfient of es, suitable for
Farm Work ever s own in town. Flues
' $1.50 to $3.50. W j 0
. reer.
finds his pathway strewn with rocks. Hasting, tlth
Li our village t iere's a man who has lath at 4.00 p.
MARCH 30 1911,
Whitechurda March 27th, 1911.
To the editor of the Wingham Timm:
Dear Sir, —I thwght some person
would have correcaed the statement
made in your paper that Mr. IVIcEacla
ern had been ill fel some time through
overwork in the W iteeburch and Lang -
side eharges. W have it on good
authority that Mr .1VIcEachern was con-
ducting evangelis services at Bel -
grave and speak ng every night for
nearly; two weeks In returning home
he airas caughl in a storm, and,
assisted by ot ers had to trgmp
.through a porti n of the road and
then took a coldl We do not know
of any minister lhore conducting five
meetings on a . unday. There must
surely be some m stake.
Yours truly,
The Literary So dety held its regular
meeting on Friday afternoon with' Pre-
sident J. Porter ir the chair. The pro-
gramme was of artIrish character and
consisted of the
Speech by Mr. Sm
Miss G. Kennedy,
H. 'Mutton, boy
"Advance Class i
monica band, Jou
Price, speech on Ir
cher, dialogue "Th
and critic's remark
The Society is ar:
enade to be held W
at which a good
given. A hearty i
to all ex -students.
Thawing numbers
•th, instrumental by
peech on Ireland by
' chorus, dialogue
Geography", har-
nal read by M. C.
land by S. McKer-
Irish Philosopher",
by Miss R. David-
anging for a Prom-
dnesday, April 12th
programme will be
vitation is extended
The estimates o! the Presbyterian
Home Mission Boa d for the ensuing
year total $267,000 and include, among
others, the followi tg items:—For the
mission work amona.foreigners, $3,000;
building fund for Mew Ontario, $2,500;
mission work in Bri ash Columbia, $29,-
000; mission work k Alberta, $43,000;
mission work in Sas catchewen, $64,000;
mission -work in IV nitobd (including
Galician), $31,000f'nod of Hamilton
and London, $2,100: jSynod of Toronto
and Kingston, $28,5qO: Synod of Mont-
real and Ottawa, $1 ,000. The estimat.
es show an incre se of $19,000 over
those of the past lyear, owing to in-
creased mission wk in the west and
The next meeting of the Farmers
Club will be held ira the Foresters' Hall
on Thursday eveninIg, April 6th, when >eal/Era." Sa-Brow
A. H. Musgrove, P.P will speak on Mrs. Wm. Mayn
"Reciprocity." A the farmers of the home in ' Listowel
district are reques ed to attend this pending the winte • months with her
meeting. Ladies a e also cordially in -t sister, Mrs. Abner • osene a
wiled to attend, l - ,...., ......
---MT:-aWTNffi:ltoi t. Astell and family,
. ..Ir. George Aitc eson, whose serious who have been Visi ing with relatives
illness was noted in our last issue, pass- and friends in this istrict, left on Fri-
ed away at Sundrid e on Wednesday of day last for their hh le in Nutana, Sask.
last week, in his 29 h year. The young
man had been ill fo only a few days
with appendicitis. Deceased learned
the cheese -making n the factory here
and for sone years had been following
this work and for me time had been
located at Sundrid e. He was a young
man held in high steem in this com-
munity and by h s genial character
made many warm riends and all were
grieved th hear •o his sudden death.
The TIMES edito
to publish the foil
to the late Miss K,
One Jess
The charmed circle
Missed day by (lay
But cleithed'and s
One mo
has been requested
ing as appropriate
M. Fisher:—
Lt home!
broken; a dear face
rom its accustomed
ed and perfected by
in heaven!
One les at home!
One voice of wele me hushed, and ever-
One farewell w d unspoken; on the
When parting co es not, one soul land-
ed more— .
One mare in heaven!
One lei at home!
A sense of loss th it meets us at the gate;
Within, a place anfilled and desolate;
And far away, o ir coming to await,
One mere in heaven!
One le is at home!
Chill as the eart iborn mist the thought
would rise
And wrap our otsteps round and dim
our eyes;
But the bright sunbeam darteth from
the skies—
One reore in heaven!
One r lore at home!
This is not hone, where, cramped in
Our sight of Christ is dim, our love is
But there, whe face to face we shall
Is hone and heaven!
Onelless on earth!
Its pain, its s =ow and its toil to share,
One less the zilgrim's daily cross to
One more the crown of ransomed souls
• to wen..
' At lame in thetkven!
One more in heaven!
Another thaight to brighten cloudy
days, r
Another thee for thankfulness and
Another link ...on earth our souls to raise
• • To hone and heaven!
That home w
That home
more at home!
ere separation cannot be,
hence none are missed
• . eternall ;
• Lord Jesus, g ant us all a place with
Thee, •
At h e in heaven!
SEED FOR SALE.—Timothy, all
kinds Clover. ate , ete. The best
grades only. • KING BROS
Miss.Maud Hanra, of London is visit-
ing at her parenta home in town.
Miss C. Henry • d Toronto, formerly
of Blyth spent a f ew days with her sis-
• Carling 'Terrace.-- .
rd returned to her
on Tuesday after°
Some of the distinctive
features of this style is the
Fren2h Last, which is
made for a short vamp and
forepart, a Cuban heel and
a high arched shank and
instdp, which accentuates
the graceful lines of the
foot, and has the appear..
ante of being a full size
Where qUality counts we win.
Extra Choice Field and Garden Seeds
Every grade we sell bas been ed.
by the Government at Otte-% We
• stand behind every ba of se we sell.
Timothy, Red Clover,Luc ne, Alsike,
Grasses of all kinds or p rmanent pas-
tnre, Seed Peas, e Oats, SpeItz,
Buckwheat, etc.
ly selected Seed Corn, Essex grown;
one car now in stock; car load to arrive
April 15th, $1.25 per bushel. Call and
see our stock before buying elsewhere.
Prices right.
T. A. MILLS, Wingharn,
Mrs. Joseph Stall
last for Elora to un
rheumatism. Mrs.
wish to see ber ret
stored to geed heal t
• Mr. and Mrs. Ca
of Berlin who have
home of Mr. A. Kel
home in the West o
accompanied by Mi
To the bereaved f ily will be. extend- rMastel-&-a-r•
ed the sincere sy pathy of the corn- a Mr. and IV rasaaTir
=nay- The re ains were brought left left this week for
home and the fun''al on Friday after i purpose spending
noon to the Blu vale cemetery --ite 1
w . .
Fells will return
largely attended
er left on Saturday
ergo treatment for
alker's many friends
n home fully re-
pbell and daughters
een visiting at the
.y left for their new •-a - -aa aa-aaa. •
Saturday and were • • •
J. A. Kelley and . •
arid children,
kangland where they •1
a few weeks. Mr. !:
ome as soon as his
d will again engage
y the old friends anli s is rapaire
in the butcheri ig business. Many
friends will wish alr. and Mrs. Fells a
• •pleasant trip.
The revenue from
'this year will likely
ion &liars, owing
orcement of regul
total was around $
• •
Chinese head taxes
ggregate two mil- •
to the stricter en -
tions. Last year the
Hereafter the ho day season in rural
schools will be t same as' in city
schools, thus makia a the rural summer
'holidays two week: ) longer than • they
are now.
A bill has passed the. House of Com-
mons under which medical men who
pass examinations ndei. a Central As-
sociation to be prov ed for the purpose.
• will be permitted to practice in any
Province in Caned
The Knocker.
If you take a gloomy view, as your
journey you par , youave a
weary jaunt, go ting nothing that you
want for the m in who always knocks
Itit 4 BERRY.
A very pleasant event was the at-
traction at the home of Mr. David
e, Turnberry. March
., when their youngest
Lavine, became the ,
ceremony WM per -
•ge Henry Coulter,
. V. Collins,of Wing-
utifully arranged arch
med with tinsel and
he presense of near
ride and groom. The
nely attired in grey
nd was unattended.
played the wedding'
igratulations relatives
:1ring about thirty-five
ing room where they
tuous wedaing
; ;Tent in mole and
ul Mrs. Coulter will
deuce on eon. IL Mole
shes of a large circle
ith them for a long,
•roue life in their new a
Five Month. of Winter. '
Tuesday's cold snap with more. snow
flurries has again gi 'en us another good
sample of winter w dither. Snow fell
last fall on the 28th lay of October and
we have had a suppl since that date.
This is too much wi Aar. In 1909 win-
ter did not begin pr merly until the:w-
end week in Becemaer, and a year ago
spring started in in _lamest on the lat
of March. By the niddle of the month
dust was flying on eie street>. To be
sure April and lalaaaof last year were
not desirable inotalis, being to a wet
and cold, but to the credit of the' terms
named, be it said, there was no snow
or ice on the a:trees or walks.
followed up th s plan, saying as he daughter, Guss
jogged along that all things on earth bride of 1VIr. Geo
are wrong; an. the gods have weary Turnberry. The
grown of his dirrial monotone, and they formed by Itay.
surely make h- m prance every time ham, under a be
they have a chit tee. If a thunder -storm of a viral LI. n tri
s loose, ll
ightnine hits his cheap caboose ; , w iLe bells, 111
if a flood is ragi ig round, he's the only i xelatives of both
one that's dreamed; if the fire fiend !bride was hands
visits town, it -ill burn his haystacks satin de chene
down; and his rags all roam astray, and i Miss J. Moffatt
his hens have +eased to lay, and his - mareh. After co
- daughters all v ope, and his heart is and friends muni
void of hope.
wails of misfort
counter all ther
'or the man who always retired to the dii
ne seldom fails to en- partook of a sum
is of that melancholy ! The evening' w:
dancing. Mr.
WALT MASON, 1 take up their te
ris. The best NN
• Wagner was' fatally frr friefKb
!wawa from his buggy happy end pros
• e
It is estimated that Toronto hotels tmr. H. T. Van
will contribute :00100 to the Govern- injured by being
molt under the aended license act. tear Hamiltori.
Our contest for free trips to
Muskoka with expense6
to be. a live one. Get
in the Lontest arily
and avoid the rti,,h.
For particulars
sEp page 4.
Fa .11 Hind DIP' 13
: Orders 'Patten
. 0