HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-23, Page 8MINOR LOOM -A. Bove Nutt renewed your subsoriptiota ;a the TruicS'; This week's rails weather has al. 2i3Oet finfplied the sleighing. --Baud oonaert is the opera bone an ; Friday evening, 51ereh 81st. —•Spring weather this week. Wednee ' day's rain finished the sleighing. - --A large dock of wild geese Sew over the town au Sunday evening last, —Mr. Geo. Shaw, formerly of Wing• barn line gold his hotel business at Ory. etr►l City. Man. —43. I. Griffin roporta the Bare of Juices Pngh's house and lot on Shuter street to Joseph Ruddy. —W. G. Patterson, the jeweler, will bold a big three hour sale on Saturday evening. See hie advt. in another col. Lima. Copt, Mabee,. of the Salvation Army, . W. C. T„ U. COLUMN. will hold his farewell lervioee in the S. A. Roll on Sunday next. The Oap- taiu eltpeots to leave Winghain.early next week. —George Edward Dodds, the latent. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodds, pass. ed away on Wednesday, aged 21 dare. Mr. and Mrs, Decide will have the eYet. patty of their friends in their time of afiotion. A, Bell hae. sold his hones and lot flu Martha street to Mr. Gilbert Stevens The sale was made through Ritohie Omens. —Mr. B..Jenkine of town has been awarded the oontract of rebuilding Vit- toriahall et Jamestown whish was re- cently destroyed by fire. —Mr. T, Fells intends leaving for England on Tuesday of next week and all patties indebted to him are requested to settle their a000unts at the office of John Wilson, V. S. before that date. ---About one cent on the dollar is the latest estimate of the dividend for the seekers for wealth who sought quiok and easy fortunes through the medium of Chas. D, Sheldon'e "blind pool," at Montreal. --f. J. Rind, the druggist, is starting a contest in which the most popular young lady and married lady will be given a free trip to Muskoka, See Mr. Bind's Large advt. in another oolmmn for full partionlars. ,'=Mr. Wm. Caslick holds the record for having the earliest chickens this spring. He set a hen an twelve eggs and on Monday of Iasi week twelve chickens were hatched. This is a record hatch for the 13th of March, —The blizzard of last Wednesday and Thursday gave name of the worst storms of the season. I,aat year at this date farmers were busy plowing lent we bad bad weather in April, We should now be near the end of our winter weather. —The Fordwich Telephone Co., with a capital of $10,000 has been granted a charter by the Ontario Government. We understand this company is taking over I)r. Foster's lines that are connect- ed with the Bell Telephone Oo's central at Fordwich. V VIIIIyy1yyYVVVIIIIVVIIIV1 so te A BOOK FOR MOTHERS. a. I t 4 4 j a' 4 IPP4 so4 4 4 ► 4 Ir4 IP 44 4 Everyrmother is naturally acus for information that wit able her to keep the little good health. The Dr. Medi a b oine o., have issue book whish 000tain: a of information on th lee and young ohildr le mother ought to know. The book W will be sent free to any mother r b. • who will sendher name and address 4 ts with the name of this newspaper, ► to The Dr, Williams' Mediaine0o., I Brookville,Ont, 4 4 A▪ AAUAAAAAA►AAAAAAAAAAAAA* X. en• es in diem's a little eat deal re of bah• that every The. C. P. R, is negotiating for an en- trance to Stratford. BURN. ANGUS—In Wingham, on March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs Frank Angus; a son. DRUMMOND—In Wingham, on March 7011, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Errold Drummond; a daugh- ter (Margaret lietterfleld.) DUCKETT—In Morris, on Marclt loth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Duckett; a son. DANE --In Howiolt, on Marsh 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dane; a son. GAMBLE—In Howiok, on March 12011, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac gamble; a son. DIED. Dors In Wingham, on March 22nd,George Edward Dodds, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Dodds, aged 21 days. TAYLOR—In West W.awanosh,on March 17th. John H. Taylor, in bis 83rd year. MOFFAT—In Howick, on March 8th, Mrs, Robert Moffat, aged 70 years and 11 months' JARDINE—In Howick,. on March 8th, Janet McIntosh, relict of the late John Jardine, se., aged 64 years and 24 days, GALLAGHER—In Howick, March on 11th, Catherine 'Sanderson, beloved wife of George Gallagher aged 68 years, 8 months and 8 days ToTTEN—In Howick, On March 14th, George Totten, in his 108th year. RoBB—In Brussels, on March 16th, David Robb, Inspector of Schools for East Huron, in his fifth year. BoTz—In Grey township. on March 10th. Philip P, Botz, aged 81 years, 2 months and 11 days. ELLIOTT—In Grey township, on March 11th, Mary Maxwell, repot of the late Adam Elliott, in her 72nd year. ScoTT.—At Fort Worth, Texas. on March 10th, C. Tait Scott, formerly of Wingham, aged 81 years. ASTELL.—In Morris, on March 21st, William H. Astell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Astell, of Nutans, Sask., aged 4 years and 8 months. • ++444+++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++:l44+++4+4+++++4 4 4 :4< E 4 This oolmmn bite been reserved for the nee of the Wingham W. 0. T, U and will be edited by Ike members of that Society. Add to faith, virtue; to virtue, know. ledge; to knowledge, tereperanoe. t Peter 1:5 G. The regular monthly meeting of the W. 0. T. U. was held in the 0.0 P. Rall on Tuesday, Maroh 141b, with 28 members present. Mrs, Rutledge son. _. Mooted the devotional exercises after whish the regular business was attend- ed to, Seven new members were re• oeived into the Union, 411 Superin- tendents report there work very encour- aging, After discussion it was .deoided that we hold an open meeting in the 0, 0, P, Rall on the evening that our Pro. viuoial President, Mrs. Magee is here. Everybody is invited. We cordially invite all tbeladiee inter- ested in the work to attend our meetings whioh are held every second Tuesday of the month in the C. 0, F. Rail, Next meeting will be April 11th. If we want to draw our inspiration from alcohol, we had better remain un- inspired. If we desire to know the nak- ed troth of thinge, the lose we have to do with strong drink the better. Olear eyesight and self command are in some degree impaired by it always. Ler us remember that liquor cost Scot• land her greatest poet, Burns; cost Eng. land her greatest alt -round man, Coler- idge; made her two greatest orators gamblers and paupers and inmates of jells; dimmed the glory of our Webster; quenched the torah committed to the hands of a man like Stephen A. Doug- las. It doesn't pay to have one citizen in the county jail because another oitizen sold him liquor, It doesn't pay to have fifty working men poor and ragged in order to have •one saloonkeeper dressed in broadcloth and flush of money. It doesn't pay to have these fifty work- ing men live on bone soup and half rations that the saloon• keeper may flour- ish on roast beef and turkey and chem. pagne. It doesn't pay to have smart, active and intelligent boys transformed into hoodlums and tbieves to enable one to lead an easy life by selling liquor, T I'S WI GHAI►t 'z'tMRS. , 1444.11CII., t9I1 a► s It doesn't pay to have one thousaud homes blasted, ruined and turned into hello of disorder and misery in order that one wholesale liquor dealer may !masa a large fortune. A prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. John Monk on Friday even• ing of this week. Members of W. 0. T. U. are requested to attend. 4 Great Display of Spring - Dress Goods'. In the materials of the spring showing- comprises in the staple lines, Serges, Panamas and Hairline Worsteds in the heavier goods, Cashmeres and Fine Serges on lighter weaves, as well as a nice showing of fine Mesk Voiles, Tweed. Effects and Mannish Suitings are also shown. 4 5 , Dainty Waist Fabrics in Large Assortment Cr'ums' English Prints (the word Crums is a house- hold word and needs no explanation) we have them in a great quantity of patterns, other prints at 7c,Sc,and 9c per yard. Dress Ginghams, Anderson Zephyrs, Lawns, White, Creatn and Black Vesting, Repp Suiting, Mus - lips, etc. Silk Department 4 A We have bought heavier in Silks this year than i ever during Spring and Summer, Silks will be strong and 3 we are, now showing Messalines, Paillettes, Peau de Soie, Bengaline, Taffeta, Pongee and Satin Surfaced Silks, 40 inches wide. 4 4 . 4 4 Grocery Specials No. 1 Granulated Sugar, $4.75 cwt. 20 lb. bag Granulated Sugar, $ t.00. ro lb. pail Pure Honey $1.25. r lb Section Comb Honey 16c. 4 ik Large quantities of Butter, Eggs, and Potatoes wanted, cash or trade. 1 '4 lA ® Asy MILLS 4 4 PHONE 89. WINGHAMe. , ONT. 7r+illi ulaAgAAAA.1146- 444,004A llEA rEAAAANKT476NA AK141 A7iAAAA A 1 Week More Stock Reduction Sale The past two INC BROS. SUCCESSORS TO GEO. E. KING Estate Attention Farmers! The snow will soon be gone and you will no doubt need new farm shoes for the spring and summer work very shortly. Let us direct your attention to two lines of shoes made especially for farm work that are exceptional value URIS GALE ROW BORT Made of smooth soft leather that will not get hard, good solid leather soles, solid leather counters, uppers sewed with heavy waxed thread, sold usually for $2.75 per pair but our price $2.00 per pair in all sizes 6 to 11. The other line to which we draw your attention is a first-class Canadian Cali Shoe, a red first-class : hoe in every particular, we hand tack every pair of these before you take them from the store an&'recommend them as fully equal to home-made. The only difference is the price namely. $2.75 Per Pair in all sizes 6 to 11 Which is $1.25 cheaper than the home-made shoe WE HAVE' ALSO A GOOD PLOW SHOE FOR $1.50 PER PAIR Do not forget rips sewed free. Butter and Eggs taken in trade as cash, WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. ++4+++++004:044+44• +4. 4 ;` o- ti•4 4444+44440444444444++PM4* tale F' $20,000 StockMust be Reduced to $12,000 weeks have been the Greatest Merchantile Boom for the People of Wingham and Surrounding Country ever held in Wingham. THE REASON THE BEST GOODS ! LOWEST PRICES.! COURTEOUS TREATMENT ! ONE WEEK MORE For another week this GREAT, SALE- goes on and any person needing goods for immediate or summer use can save BIG MONEY by attending this sale READ CAREFULLY THE LIST BELOW roo pieces of English Print, regular 121c Dress Goods at never before heard of 50 dozen Men's Pure 'Worsted Black Sox, for 9c prices. Purr; X.+inen 'fable Damask, 72 -in. wide, regu• lar $1.25 for 7Sc. 5 dozen Ladies' Rip Cashmere hose, regular • 5oc pair, now 3 pair for a dollar. 20 pieces \Vrapperette, regular 12'c and t5c for 9c per yard. effoIsi 5 Pieces Circular Pillow Cotton, 40, 42 and 4: , inch, wide inside, to clear at 20c yard. regular 25c, 7 pair for one dollar, FURS.—The chance of a lifetime. Get busy while the sale is on. difffosfsamiofiroief Ready -to -Wear Clothing ---A grand stock—all Overalls and Smocks, regular $l,00 for 68c sizes, no old goods, all 25 per cent. off. Boots and Shoes and Rubbers 25 per cent off. STAPLES—Ask your neighbor about the the bargains she got. PRODUCE W. TED. M ,Butter, Eggs, Beans, Feathers, etc. +++++++++++.4.44,44+44++++4+,+#4.+++004.010.0,0+.0,+.4*"*"" +++++.4.4444+44++++4+,+#iii+0 4,Z.i10.0,t +.0,+.4 No matter what you want in the genera. line of Merchandise get our prices before buying Open an account with the new firm 1 KING BROS.