HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-23, Page 66 VIE WIN-01IAM TIMES, You eau often tell what a woman real- ly means by what she doesn't pay. Cbnrches natty Soon be teed in New Westminster, A true friend ie one Who sticks to Tote like a porous plaster. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The breath epandal ie responsible for much breezy oonvortation, There rutty be nothing new under the sun but there are lots of things just as good. Bordered poniards being shown in the silk depaetmente are more bsautl.fn1 than ever. It you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that yon are not treating it properly, There ie no need that a oold should b trg on for weeks and it will not if yon tate Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, For sale by all dealers Since emancipation the negroe'pknow- ledge of reading and writing hasinoreas- ed by 55 per pent. Lame or velvet flowers are used to trim dresses and hats. A narrow edge of far outlines each petal. Not for several seasons have Swiesee been worn to any extent, but this year many appear, and entirely new patterns are to be found. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER 5c. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages. stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. .411 dealers -or t dmahson, Bates & Co., Toronto. An English rector hes been sent to prison for failing to pay a $60 tax bill. The man had ten ohildren to support and was in need. Thirty-five of the western U. S. ,rail- ways have decided not to protest the re- pent decision forbidding increased freigbe rates. riVElirYE'AliS7G0'41� Loeai History of the early Sees Ttems irom the "Tints" Eyler (From the Trams of Mar, 20, 1891.) LOCAL NEWS, A lodge of the septennial Benevolent society was organized in town last week by Mr. Richard Bowker, Provincial Or. ganizer, of Toro&F t. Messrs. Jos Young, of Souris, bean., and Gilbert Fergie, of Tnrnberry, sbip- ped a carload of horses to Manitoba on Tuesday per G. T. R. Wood is very seam in town, and un - 1 e es there i e a considerable supply brought in during the next few weeks, an the weather keeps cold, a wood famine will be the result. * ley resolution of the town council, ib has been decided to offer the old town hall for sale by public anatioa on Satur- day, the 28th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m, Mr. T. T. Watson; who has carried on a grocery store is the north end of the town for the past year, has disposed of his business to Mr. A. Galbraith, and intends leaving for Manitoba about the first of April. The worst storm of the season struck this section on Friday last and continue ed almost incessantly until Tuesday of this week. The north and south roads are badly blocked np, and there ls none e too much snow on the east and west roads to make good sleighing. Messrs. S. YcnhiIl and J. B. Fergu- son have been appointed enumerators for the town of Wingham, From a late nine of the Winnipeg Free Press It is learned that one former townsman Mr. J. J. Anderson, now of Mehta, Manitoba, is one of the champ- ion checker players of that province, LiTh Lame Back Pain, helplessnons and suffering ars overcome) by Del, CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. Mrs. Trank L1oom, Hardwood Lake, Ont., writes: "I want to tell you of the great benefit I found in the use ( of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I sn:,'ered so badly with kidney disease that whin I lay down 1 could not get up without help. I was completely Iain d up with Iante, aching back. I read about Dr. Chase's T:iiiney-Liver Pills in the almanac, got tlieia and they cure". mo of l.iu:til:y disease and back. ache. "My 1 l:,tau,l triad ureadful pains in his side; ai,a t.:,tainnd care by using Dr. ('l;U :a'.; 1' piney -Liver Pills. These pills are the bent on the n:cr1:et and T ,';` 7 to ro e i .e,:d them.,` 7)r. C::ase's IKidney-Liver Pills are ti: ii e and cntain in action, Enliven the In e: told L„v, I:, as well re, the 1ti•l- r y•;. ,, las+ , sly L nefcial and, eve. st inti l Ent to obtain these results Sud re, . 1,•e' genuine Dr. A. W. a a^o'v Pills. Ora pill ", c •:.f. bo; nt all th:alct:+, or Ildniaz.l:,:i, I;atec G Co., Toronto. I)nrint« fit;", flown neaocn two st.eoial train» every day carry flowers from Nicer, In Southern ?Prance, northward to L'a`ic, tendon, Berlin and St. Peters burg. The production of flowers in 1909 was 7,560 tote, veined et $5,790,000. The growth of Prince Rupert, the Faeifio coast terminal of the ('xrand Trunk Pacific, is illustrated by the fact that last year over 300 ocean vessels with a tonnage of about 32'5,000 tent, and crews aumheriag upwards of 21,000 men, celled at that port, and inadditlon, 1,900 coastwise vetoes, with aggregate tonnage of 450,(;00 toes, and crews num- bering 46,000 men. ,....,..01.4.....,1.11111111!,. L,,.., The new town hall will be opened on Tuesday, the ?4th inst., when a grand concert will be giveu by the Lady True Blues of this town. The services of the Methodist Church Orohestra and other keel talent have been secured. Rev. Jas. Livingston, of Listowel, will deliv- er an address Edmonds & Shaw's big giftsbow nom• pang, who are at present holding forth in the town hall, and are doing good business. The show is the best of its kind we have ever seen. They give away it number of handsome presents each night, Petitions are being oirottiated in Luck - now, Ripley and Kincardine, asking ibe the railway company to run the morning train from London through to Rhon • dine, instead of waiting here for the noon freight. MARRIED. Taylor—Bell—At the residence of the bride's father, East Wawanosh, on the 4111 inst,, by the Rev. A. McLean. Mr. John Taylor, to Miso Agnes Bell, daugh- ter of Mr. James Bell, all of East Wit - warmth, Scott—Campbell—At the residence of the bride's father, East Wawanosh, by f B I r the Rev.Law, g G. o e ave , on the 11th inst., Peter W. Soott, son of D. Scott, to Annie M., daughter of John Campbell, all of East Wawanosh. DIED. Agnew —In East Wawanosh, on the the 15th inet., Mr. Thos. Agnew, sr., aged 78 years. Arsoott.—In Wingham, on the 16th Inst., Stanley S., infant son of Wm. Are lcott, aged 3 months and 9 days. No man ebonld be allowed to carry a revolver, dirk knife or other weapon in this fair land where peace reigna, law and order is observed to a largo degree, and justice is meted out to the wrong doer. Even with apparently careful handling of firearms there is frequently a sad toll 0f death, but in the hands of a youth, a half.drunken man, or one demented by an nnoontrolablo temper, not only the party who hes given the supposed offence but the public general- ly are endangered and often with little redress, if injnrod, owing to the too prevalent plea of temporary insanity. €?nt the ban on the use and consequent abase of murderous weapons. AP4,7 t Tc yibly Afflicted With Lame Back- @ould !lot Sweep The Floor. It io hard to do house work with a tweak and aching back. Backache corns:; from sick kidneys, and what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause. But they, can't help it. If more work t, tt on tno.n than they can stand it is riot t,3 ha wondered that they get out of ' order. Moan's 1Cidney Pills are a specific for lame, weak or aching backs and for all kidney troll:Ace, Ars. Xapole;ra Larrriour Smith's 1~ally, Ont., writcan--"I take pleasure in writ- in,', you stating the benefit I have received by us{tin 3)oan'n IKidney Pills. About a year ago I was terribly afflicted with limo back, and was so bad I could not even nivinsn my own floor. I was advised to try Doan's Kua .t y Pills, which I did, and itlk the l;raatest benefit. I only used tar: :, and I {u:.t am as well ever, e as I • It eels recoatirie¢id these pills to any s ilierer fr,a;n lava() back and kidney trouble." Doane Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil - Lent n t'n., Limited, Toronto, ()nt. 1 "r ii3n crdcin,g ditoot specify' • Moan's.,, • The Ladies of Wingham may Now Have Beautiful) Hair. F. J. Hind Has the Article and Guarantees it to Grow Hair, or Refund Your Mon- ey. F. 3. Hind, backed lap by the manu- facturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower, guarantees it to grow hair. SALVIA destroys Dandruff in ten days. The roote of the hair are so nourished and fed that a new crop of hair springs up to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Like all American preparations SALVIA is daintily parttime& It is hard to find an notrers who does not use SALVIA continually. Ladies of society and influence use no other. SALVIA is a non -sticky preparation, and is the Ladies favourite. A. large bet• tie for 50c. (The Scobell Drug Go., St. Catharines, Canadian distributors. A broiler for use on any stove, that a Virginian has invented holds the meat tobe 000ked in a vortioie position with. in a easing that catches every drop of juice that falls from it, In discussing in the Senate the bill to prevent the use of opium and other in. jnrione drugs Sir Richard Scott said that Canada imported enough opium to supply the legitimate need of 50,000,000 people. John W Sickelamith, Greeneboro, Pe., has three children, and like most eland - ren they frequently take cold. "We have tried several kinds of cough medicine," he says, 'but never found any yet that did them as much good as OhamberIain'a Cough Remedy." For sale by all dealers Ex -Mayor Charles Waterena of Brant- ford favors tho reeiprooal trade agree- ment as benefiting the farmers and not injuring the manufacturers. According to the official return made by the city corporation to the London County council the present rateable val. on of the city is $28 351,385, an increase of $705,2e0 ciaoe the lash quiugnonnial valuation, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beare the Signature of 1444. A1AICII 93, 1911 Restless Babies, I0 nine ossesout of ten, shin irritation is theoepee, sen 000ap1ouel anointing with Znm Bolt balm, and thence of `L inn 13nk SoaP (95c. per tablet) in tht' bath well egad the trouble. Wherever aim are erne• tlons, rashes, or ohappe'i places apply Zvm Buk, Thiafamoue household balm oonipounded from purity herbal essences and is hied in it'saotion. M scores of mothers daily testify it is an ideal balm for the skin troubles of babies I1.edieel men and nurses connive Zana Bok is en so so very useful iu the family. Cares outs, burns, akin troubles, eruptioue, ab• seesses, uloere, piles, eczema, and as a "first aid" preparation is without equal. Ail druggists and stokes sell at 600 ts boas or poet free from Zara -Butt Co. Toronto, for price. 1 During a period covering one year, and the last ycer of which there is ally definite report, there wore admitted at 011ie Island, NOW York, 424 insane tnr- Sous. Immigration iuepoctors sueceed©d in deportinl all of this number, { Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S I CAS" +OR1A ---^--•^fir---•^ Galt'a population now is 9,718, and if it increases es mneh this year, which there le no doubt about, the 10,000 shark will be reached and Galt can then be incorporated as a city, At present there is no talk of inoorporaiing Galt, but in a couple of yenta it will come. At present there is not a city in Waterloo county, although Berlin is large enough to be incorporated. There are three kinds of people, those who go backward, then vuo gene still like stationary laundry tuba, and those i Who plunge ahead and get phren. With the firet class, the longer they live the leas they know; with the second, there 1I] is the stagnatleu of commonplace inter- , tete; With the Kent in i•it•:.a., re;t, energy, spirit tend oonraga. Spring Term from April 3rd _ 77,- 6)44 Zit if /MR rr a-!Cfee -. g We have three departmente:— Commercial, Shorthand' and Telegraphy. AU courses aro thorough and praott• cal. The teaching is done by seven experienoed inotruotors and we plane graduates in good positions. Some of last year's students are now earn- ing $1000,00 per annum br better. Students are entering each week. This is a good time for you to enter. Write for our free catalogue at once and learn what we can do for you. D. A. McIACHLAN PRINCIPAL. Sample b.lacos of tomatoes, paokad u peat and Sa i•doet, wore recently die pa•ched from Toronto to Covent (larders, Laudon, Elm', It is thought that a Wok tr .de in this vegetable can be developed bliwet,u England and Ontari a, • a REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER ANA CHILD. liras. Wwseow'a SO0TntNQ 5 1 UP has been used for over SIXTY TZARS by MILLIONS or MOTHERS for their Crilli,aRBN WHILE TEETHING, with rnuraCT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for I)IARRIICEA. It is ab• solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Winalow'a Soothing Syrup," and take uQ Other laai, Twenty-nve cents a bottle. RAW FURS I will pay theta prices on a liberal assortment or stfictly seasonable furs; SKUNK No. 1,10.00, No, 2,12,00, No. 0, 21.10. No. 4, 50c. lures vox. Large, $7 E0. pled., 2.0 00. Small, 25.00. Springy, damaged and unpritne furs will be valued according to quality. Also 1 pav highest prices for all other raw furs I pav all express charges, charge no coin, missions, hold goods separate on request. Consignments solicited, Write for price list, J. YAFFE, 72 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. WANTED NOW For Wingham and surrounding die• trict for Fall and Winter months an en ergotic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. 'Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free Exclusive Territory. 600 ACRES Under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in prod condition and up to contract grade, We can show that there is good money in rspreeenting a woll known reliable firm at this time. Established over 30 years, Write for particular?, - PELHAIM'I NURSERY Co, Toronto, Ontario. (ADVERTISEMEET.) Will Farmers Gain or Lose When Canada'a Door is Open? Is the Uniled States Market Worth the Price that We Must Pay for it under Reciprocity? A Question For Farmers. From The Canadian Century. When we allow vast quantities of food from Australia and the twelve favour- ed foreign nations to come freely into Canada how are we going to prove to American customs offaotals that the farm produota we are trying to send across the United States boundary were really pro. dnoed in Canada? Ask your neighbours this question. We may be sure that the farmers of the United States will insist upon ens - toms regulations that will prevent Can- ada becoming the baok door entranoe to the United States for all the great food exporting countries of the world. The enforcement of these regulations will be very annoying. The necessity of prow. ing that every oonatgnment of food im- ported into the United States from Canada is actually Oanadian will scare American buyers. They will naturally pay lower prices for Canadian farm products than for American farm pro- ducts when they have to take the risk of disputes with customs officials as to whether they are genuine Canadian or Dome from ccnntries overseas. Prices are always fluctuating in the United States, and while a consignment of Canadian butter or eggs is being held up at the United States customs await- ing proof of genuineness the price may go down. Australasian Food for Canada, Daring the fiscal year ending March 31, 1901, there came to Canada from Australia and New Zealand 568,989 pounds of butter, 1,140,97ii pounds of fresh mutton and Iamb, 107,383 pounds of canned meats and areal! quantities of other meats, In view of the feat that etch gaantitiee are imported under the preaent tariff, 'what may be expected when the duties on butter and cheese are abolished and the duties on meats great- ly reduced as a result of the Reciprocity Compact with the United States. Farm products from Australia and New Zeeland come in by way of both the Pacific and the Atlantic. New Zealand frczun iambs coining in by way of Van. sourer have iaeen sold as far west as Winnipeg. A large consignment of lamb carcases from New Zealand has just reachtd St. John, N. B. Th" ise, New '.?wand ateatmataip ;Ar asstnow on its way to astral With 0,000 caressesof New Zealand mutton and large quantities of butter. They cannot pates into the United States viithout payment of high custom`s antics. Is it not probable that such cargoes will be diverted to Canadian parts when the Reciprocity Agreement goes into effect? There is nothing in the Reciprocity Cainpaet binding the 'United States to admit farm products free or at reduced rates from Attetrali4, New Zealand and the twelve foreign oonntriea that hate favonred nation treatlee with Canada. He Loses His Bet. A Now Brnnsrriok fanner writes to The Canadian Century as follows: "There may be etmething in what yon to about the ho d n e f a y r ♦ competition front great food exporting nonntries like Minolta and Argentina, bot I'm willing to bet that not one oonutl rif fun i trritl come to Canada from Switzerland, which 11 one of the twelve countries von mention at entitled to the privileges of the Reciprocity Agreement. What do sato that? 1 yon You lose your bet. Daring the fidoal year ending March 31, 1910, 227,954 pounds of cheese wore imported into Canada from Switzerland. The Cana- dian customs tariff on oheeed was three Dents per pound. Is it not reasonable to snpppoee that when Swiss cheese can come into Canada free the quantity im- ported will increase rather than dimin. iah? Prices in the United States. Even it the Reoiprooity Agreement did not let in Australia, New Zealand and twelve foreign undone besides the United States, even if the favoured nation treaties could be got rid of so that Canada could open its markets to the United Staten alone, the majority of Canadian farmers would gain nothing by Reoiprooity. wbile they would take very great risks. Anyone who makes a careful study of the markets in the United States will note that the prices vary in different sections of the country. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, New Or. leans and San Francisco all have differ• est prices, and there le still greater varn ationa in prices in small oities, towns and villages throughout the country. The Canadian farmer should oompare the prices he obtains for his prodnote in a small village near his farm, not with the prioee in Boston, New York, Chica- go or some other large pity in the Uni- ted States, .but with the prices obtained by farmers in smulI villages in the Uni- ted States equally distant from the great centres of population. He must take into consideration not only the cost of transportation to the big cities of the United States, but Mao the middlemen's profits. A table of comparative prices in Mont. real and Boston the week the ,Eteoiproo• ity Compact was made was compiled by ' The Montreal Idetald, a Liberal news. paper, with the atsietanee of a number of prominent prodneo dealers and food experts, Cheese, eggs, Iive poultry, carrots, celery, lettuce, onione, squash, tomatoes, beans and oranberriea ail nom - mended higher prices in Montreal than in Boston. The boat creamery butter .sae 1?., Ionto per pound higher in Boo - ton that in Montreal, while storage crcamery butter was one cent higher in Boston, Dressed poultry averaged about the same in the two cities. tiny and oats were considerably higher in Boston. Since thou batter prices have declined In moat of the nlarketS of the United States, A loading produce dealer of Montreal received the other day a tele- gram from Chicago offering him 300 tube of September creamery batter, cold Oared, at 18 cede, Chtoago. At the time labia telegram was received the same kind of batter was worth 24 cents to 25 emits in Montreal, Mr. Gage, President of the Toronto Board of Trade, recently prepared a table of prices in Toronto and New York, ooei wring the Toronto market reports with the New York market reports ae given in The able followsk Uamineroiat Tarot N o n o. New York, Product— Wee price Bast dreamer? batter in prints, wholesale —26c —20io I'ritiie chickens........18 --40 —15 Prime turkeys 40 --22 —18 1lneke.... 18 00111-16 Ge^»ri .......16 -.16 —14 BMW 101 Ramo...,../ ., 133 `µi5 . u "For Tea You Can't .f'e'at Lipton'?" Millions Who Drink It Recommend to You Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly, A remareablo txperimeut in akin grafting has been completed et a $a11i more hospital, where since December, 1909, a patient negro has had 430 square inches of skin replaced on his burned. bank with cuticle taken from other parte of hie body, Father Morriscyrs Prescriptions have been curing for 3o years, and are curing to -day, all the common ailments that come to every family. We have huudreds of grateful letters to prove this. Father Morrisey's No. 7 tones up the Kidneys, re- moves Uric Acid from the Rev. Fatter c� [tteICM(PII`rtsc blood, and cures Rheumatism. In tablet form, Soc. Father Morrisey's No. 10 is a most effective and reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Whooping Cough. A real Lttlig. Tonic, Trial Bottle, 250. Regular Size, 5o. Father Itiori1SCy'3 No. 11 Tablets relieve and cure Dys- pepsia and all forms of Indigestion. Each tablet will digest 13 pounds of food. Per box, Soc. Father Morrisey's No. 23 positively cures Catarrh, A conibined treatment—tablets for the blood, and a Healing salve for the affected parts. Tablets and salve together, Soc. Father Morilscy's I11thneni is a household standby for all sorts of aches and pains. Pleasant to use—quick to relieve. Per bottle, 2 50. At your dealer's. 51 Father' Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., alcs,atrctfsa, Quo. d"�,9+:•a m. a:-via- Iu Cawnporo, India, with American mao'aicery, tbey are making sboea e0 cheaply. that the manufacturers of Lynn can no longer compete with them. The cottons and silts wbioh we one time, sent to Asia are now made in Japan and China. PRl1lTTIlVG AND STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock " of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS' PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in' a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE:HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions t %ken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wi ngha , tw Ont. r