HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-23, Page 1VOL. XL, ---NO, 2042.
A full line of
If they do not give satisfaction
they do not cost )'OU one cent.
We refund the money paid. •
One remedy for each
They are not ewe alis. Try the
remedy you need and be eured,
They seldom fail.
Walln McKibbou
The Store
liaodonold Bloch, Wingham,
FISHER BLOCK—Josephine St.
solid brick building with
stores under and fine dwell-
ing rooms above. An excel-
lent property.
KENT BLOCK—Corner Victoria
and Josephine, rents to pay
10 per cent. Will be sold at
50 ACRE FARM—The Campbell
property in the Town Plot,
one mile from town. A fine
place with good buildings.
Dwellings and building lots in all
pats of the Town.
want to buy or sell, ask our
terms before doing so,
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Farmers who want money to bny
hones, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoonneed for tredestuen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms,
Lonna on zeal estate at the lowest
rates goiug.
• Christie9 s Grocery
Isn't it worth something to
know that when you take home
your Food Supplies that they're
going to be good and relishable.
There are no unspoken wondet-.
ings as to their pleasing and
we buy the best in the land
We put Judgment Into the buying
We stand behind what we
We Want your business, but
would like to get it on the best
economical principles Ana that
means OM MeV /11 TIM MOD von
Extra Choice Butter Wanted
.41.0,101.114+41.........o.r, • A.A.r.
11 1 11 11 1
11.1 11 • MI 11 1 1 1 m
Wear Ctreers Shoes and Bubers
An Irish
• Last Thursday eve
wee held In the Met
the auspices' of the
Aq excellent progra
Rev. R. Robbe, of
well•known pastor
present and deliver
the oonolusion of th
moon were served a
ing on Irish 8°01131
dist Church under
Epworth League.
was rendered and
guter, a former
the church, was
d on address. At
program refresh -
all present report
a very pleasant evening.
IsTEwner and latest designs in wall
paper at Knox's,
s' Band will hold
tense on Friday
t, when an excel -
rendered by the
talent. The band
()pular orgame At
being held with
de with which to
Our townspeople
et in large num-
only 10 eeuts,
Citizens' Ban
The Wingham Cale
a ooneert in the opera
evening, March the 3
trine program will b
Band assisted by local
is one of Winghatia's
ions and this connert
a view of securing fn
'imbue new music.
should attend the cone
ben, The admission
Big Bargains in Footwear. Clearing
Sale. W. J, GREER.
Loge—On Josephine street, a band -
painted brooch. Finder rewarded by
leaving earns at TIMES office or Bell Tele.
phone office.
Woman'sJ Institute.
The Wingham br noh of the Woman's
Institute will hold fheir regular monthly
meeting on Thews ay, March 80th, et
3 p, rn. at the homi of Mrs Joseph Hell,
Victoria St., near 1. 0. Churoh, Sub-
ject for this meetiew, "Eduoation Need-
ed" to be taken by _Mrs. Gilleerie; also
"Home nursing" be Pars. (Dr.)Kenaedy.
Ladies are all oordi in
Oly invited to ated.
A sooial cup of t a will be served at
close of program:a . Visitors welocme
A. BONE, Se0y.
--- —
A11 mens rubbers and coarse shoes are
selling below cost et the store of the late
Business Colleg Literary Society.
The regular me tug of the Literary
Society of the Wi4bam Busmen Col-
lege was held an Tilureday evening last
with a good attend ine, The program
°oriented of selectia s by the Glee (nub,
Harnaoniort Band, roitations and dia-
logue and short sp echos by Mann.
Curran, Moffatt, T rrance, Carr and
Doherty, Mr. Stet re, of the High
Scheel was present a d gave an inter-
esting Wren on "So inee." The Huai-
nan College Journal was read by Mr. P.
Striuger. These meeteogs ate very help-
ful and interestingitoithe (Andante.
A Meteor SAYING SALE.—Big bargains
every day in the week at onr olearanoe
sale Of footwear. W. J GREER,
Hometeekers' Excursions
to Western Canada (via Chicago), in -
eluding certain imitate on the Grand
Trunk PeOlfi0 ROJIWRV April 4th 8th,
May 2ud, 161h, 30th, June 13t , 27th,
July Ilth, 251h, Anglin 8th, nd, Sep-
tember 5th, 19th. Winnipe' and retnrn,
$33 00; Edmonton .nd turn, $41,00.
Tickets good for 6, d, u. Proportion.
ate rates to priocip, *Milts in Manitoba,
Saskatohearan and Alberta. Homeseek-
ere' excursion tickets will ale() be on side
on certain dates via Sarnia and the
Northern Navigation Compeny. Senn
tiokete and illnetrated literature from
any Grand Trunk agent, or address A,
E, Dnff, District Passenger Agent, Toe.
onto, Ont.
Ntyrion.-1 am prepared to give prompt
attention to all Orders for painting and
paper hanging. Phone 161, Adam SAW-
The Queet 's Maeies.
On the oodasion o the Coronation -of
the Queen it is prop ed that the Marina
of Canada shall nni with their neme-
sakes throughout th. British Empire in
offering a gilt to Her Mejesty, Tho /re -
petit' Order Of the Deughters Of the
Empire have been as ed to collect for
the gift in Ontario. • ottributions Will
be reeeined trona five mate to dye dol-
lars, and may be g en only by those
who bear the nam of Mate', Mae'.
Maria, Marian or Ma ie. A Wit 02 oon.
tributors will be for rded bat not the
arnettnt given by ea° . The choice of
the gift will be lef entirely to the
Qtmen. It is hoped t at the Mertes of
OiAad a Will appreoia e the opportunity
or obi:ming their affe tionate loyalty to
Queen Mary, The 1 t must be closed
by April 201b. Ladi s in this district
whiting to contribut natty leave their
Contributiolis ht the nk of Oommeree
and the amounts wll be forwarded to
the proper perties,
WALL Pideelt from Ile, to $1,00 per
roll, at XNOX'S-
. •,
Bead, Willis St Co.'s adv. on page
Barber Shops
The barber's of W
to close their shops
neaday evening the
evenings of the we
will be the only e
shops will be open
arty Closing.
gleam twee decided
Al 8 o'elook on Wed.
same as on other
• Saturday evening
ning on which the
Iter 8 o'olook,
Cane IN and have a look at Knox's
new 1911 wall papers.
Aged 8 Years.
Probably one of tjie oldest men in the
Dominion died nea Gerrie last week in
the person of Mr. eorge Totten, who
had ;earthed the wr iderful age of 108.
Deceased was a nawve of Ireland, but
the greater part of •te life was epent ip
Howick toweaslup. He retained bis in-
telleot to the last.
Call at Knox's and look at the best
wall paper values, ever ehown in Wing.
St. Patrira's
Tbe annual St. 'et/Ariake, social was
held in St. Andrew' I Church on Friday
evening and was ttended by a large
number of our towiapeDple. The pas-
tor, Rev, D. Peale, occupied the chair
and a splendid prog of solos, reoita.
tions, elm was re4ierod alter which
refreshments were 4irved. This annual
social is improving a the years go by
and the ladies of t e ohuroh are to be
congratulated on the success of last
Friday evening's oeial. The proceeds
amounted to $45,
Brien along your ShoesWe do re.
pairing and we do it right,.
tmportan to Ladies.
11 18 not often a opporturtit 000nrs
at your door to se the lat 1-erieian
and New York sty es in a- Goods, yet
such is the case, a Prof orenwend of
Toronto is visitin this t wn, and invites
your inspection f then goods at his
private apartment reserved itt the Hotel
These Hair Goo stylen,when proper
ly adjusted, prate t and ornament the
head, soften and h autity the expression
of the face, and c neequeeitly tone np an
aged appearanee. Be sure and see them
at Brnuswiak otel on Wedaeeday,
April 5,
Another Re procity Debate.
This all-iinports t question was thor
oughly threshed o 1 in a meeting of the
Yorkisippi Mutua Improvement Sooiety
at Baimore on iday last. The form
of the debate s:—"Reaolved, that
Reciprocity with eTaited -States wonld
be beneficial to Ca ada." The leader of
the affirmative as Mr. Irwin Zinn,
who was Moet abl supported by Messre.
Scott Inglis am! Otto Johann. Mr.
Fred Johann etoteet as leader of the negro
tive and hie eappawters were Masse& Ed-
win Lnoas and George Lowry. The
debate 'Woe far ver an hoar and was
heard by e full le nee, the people being
eager to learn toe advantages of reel-
prooity. Alter a lengthy and most vig
orous discussion of the various pointe
brought up by tin debaters, the judges,
IliceSra. 0. 'Mae*, W, Tremble and J
Inglis gave their lesion in favor of the
aMrmative, great deal of he.ro ork in clearing the
land. He lied fo yeare been a number
Death off. Tait Seott.
Word wa reoe ed in Wingham this
Week of the dee 11 at Fort Werth. on
March 10th, of 0 Tait Soott, a former
well-known resi tit Of Wingham in his
Slit year, Deoe ed, when be resided
in Wingham, wa engaged in the private
banking businee and will be remembered by the elder esidents of the town.
He built the use now used by St
Paul's Churoh o ngregetion no a rectory,
lie left Wing eine for Teen nearly
twenty-five yea age-
/WANTnn—Girl for gener
Apply at Queen's Hotel.
°use work,
Prisoner Confesses His Crime.
The following despatch appeared in
Monday's Toronto Globe, dated from
Goderich:—Edward jardine, aged twen-
ty-two years now confined in the county
jail here awaitkig trial at the Spring
Assizes next month for the alleged mur-
der of Lizzie Anderson, has made a com-
plete confession that he alone committed
the deed. This confession was secured
by Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith, Inspector of
Prisons and Asylums, of Toronto, who
was here yesterdAy. Chief Coroner Ar-
thur Jukes Johnston, of Toronto, was
also here yesterday to examine the sani
ty of Jardine and George Vanstone.
The latter is awaiting trial on a charge
of murdering his six year-old son here
last fall. The men will be tried at the
Assizes opening April 11, and Mr.
George T. Blackstock, K. C., will act
for the Crown. A later despatch from
Goderich denies the foregoing rumor in
these worde:--The rumor which flew
about town on Saturday evening that
Edward jardine had confessed to the
murder of Lizzie Anderson
of Tuesday, Si'
not received az
Considering the
would know t
that any defin
learned until ti
on April 11 ne
.A.ndersori on the night
. 20, of Int year, has
fr official confirmation.
attitude of those who
o funs, it is not likely
te information will bo
Opening of the tIEWZO
Missionary 1 titute.
The Missionary In Woe held in
Wingham on Monday rid 'X'aesday of
this week was a sumo , but the meet.
Inge were not os tar ely attended as •
they should have bee The progrero,
was one of the best f the kind that
Could be prepared, T ere were a rern-
bey of delegates prase from the neigh-
boring Churl:item hese meetings
should have the etre° of awakening
deeper interest in the iesionory clause
Mondathe meetiugs ere held in the
Presbyterian Churo , Monday after:
noon's meeting inolu ed an address on
"The Supreme Motiv of Missions" by
Rev. W. J, Wen, U. A ; op "Bliettiou.
ant Methods in the nday School" by
Rev, A, E. Armstro g, M A , Assistant
Foreign Miesionary Secretary of the
Preebyterion Chum ; on "Work Among
the Junior," by Mrn F, 0. Stepheneon,
of the Methodist Yang People's For-
ward Movement." From five to six
o'olock there were m WOE study dames
wben the different tutees of mission-
ary work wee discus ed. At the even.
' ing session an cddres4 was delivered on
"Canada's Horne Mfssbon Problem" by
C. J. Cameron, B t., and on "The
Awakening World" tr Rev. A E Arm•
strong, M, A. Tun yei meetings were .
held in the Method et Church. The i
afternoon program w -s, an address by
Rev. Dr. Rutledge ea "Intercession a
World Force" and ba_ Rev. 13.0 Priest,
B. A, Secretary of ti e Young People's
Missionary Moveme tt on "Missionary
Methode in Young People's Work."
The evening progra included an ad-
dress by Rev, H. 0. 'riest on "Oppor-
tunities in India" an Christ as Islam"
by Rev. canon Giuli Secretary of the
Missionary Society the Churoh of
England. The ran cal program on
Monday was in oh go of Mr. (a W.
Cline and on Tueada by Mr. J. A. Mor•
ton The addresae by the different
speakers were the best ever heard in
Wingham. The o mmittee in charge
of the work are to e congratulated on
the successful Insti te, the first of the
the kind ever held Winghtim2„.-
Death of Inseeector Robb
The following fret, lett weekha Brus
sele Post refers to th death of Inspector
Robe, who was well known and highly
• esteemed by many if the residents of
this section :—At 6 0 o'clock Thursday
morning of this we h, David Robb, In-
speotor of Publio S hoole for East Hur-
on, passed away t4 his reward, in his
64th year. He had been in failing health
for some time b t his ambition kept
him gamer about when many another
would have giveJi up the fight, Last
Monday he was tit for a drive but had
a weak spell later. in the day. Pleurisy
asserted itself sad he quietly fell asleep
as anted above. Mr. Robb was born in
Co, Arnaagb, in n.eland, Deo, 23rd, 1847,
and in early life made his home at King
sten, where he reoeivod his educiation,
afterward atte iding the Normal at
Toronto. He taught suceessfully for 9
years as Math matical Master in the
Clinton Colleg ate before his appoint
went as Inspec or 21 years ago, which
office he mien last Jennary, his term
to expire on Ap 11 let. He was married
to Miss Annie atter of East Wawa
nosh, in 1881, ho is buried et Blyth
and afterwards t Miss Tuck, of Brae•
sels, who survive him. Dealring to be
more centrally 1 aced in hie work he
came to Bruteel 13 years ago and resid
ed here eince, specter Robb counted
his friends by he hundreds and was
most loyal and ainstakiug to all deltas
pertaining to hi office or work. Be was
a Liberal in politics, re Presbytwien in
religion and was a member of the A. F.
and A. M. at Oiketon. An active inter-
est was always manifested in Brnaaels
Public Sobool, ' the Public Library
Bowling Club, to. He was a great
student, spboucllJlly posted on many sub.
jests and he w4 be greatly mined.
NoTion —AD neltiotintSedue the late Beautiful violin
Geo Green must be 4IC at an early for s lady: for eel
data. Accounts oan eettled at the 8, 0 mownereon's
Death of Jo n H. Taylor.
There paned aw on Friday last an-
other of the aturd pioneers of this (lo-
tion m the portion f John H. Taylor, of
West Wawauosh, • his 83rd year. D.
ceased lied been n the very best of
health up to witbi a few days of his
death when he co treated n heavy cold
which developed to pneumonia. Tho
deceased was b n in the County of
Darhara, Englan and came to Canada
with hie father en 12 years of age,
settling in Nana weya Township, Hal-
ton County. He e he resided for some
years and was married to Elizabeth
Inglis, who died tree years ago. In the
epriug of 1852 h came up into what was
then the Queen s bush and settled in
Wein Wawanos and hero made a home
for himself and linty. He was a man
of many good qt.:L.111in and was held in
the very highest isteem in the commun-
ity in which be e long resided. He watt
always a hardy also and bad seen a
SEED FOR SAL imothy. all
kinds CI° ver, et , ete. The best
grades only. GEO. E. KING
North hi uro
The North Huta
been extending th
new subscribers to,
the pant few weeks
a 1181 Of reocot 95
L Geddes;
Mirehonso; Clalross
Tele phones.
Telephone Co., has
0 lines and adding
xistieg linea during
nd the following is
scribers; Belgrave
Kinlose—Mr, Thos
fleeter A. McLean
Jae, McGlynn, A.fMo0otmlolr, Philip
Davenn; Ternberr — Wm, S Mug,
Bdoltinnoti Huse , ao. Bryce, 0. Aitken,
Win, Beitehell; WH. Mundell, Geo
Oasemore, 0 IL rffnrehlson, Jas. Poe -
ter; East Wawano h—Herh Shiell, R.I.
Scott, Jas. A L aver, West WAWA.
mesh —EdWard 13 ines. A new direct-
ory will be issued and sent to all oub-
seribere as soon a %few more telephones
are installed. T e Nettie Huron Co,
purposes pushing he work of building
linos and install g telephones during
the obreing seas° and already have oon-
treats from a bar number Of now seb-
tieriberie Work rill bo pushed along in
West Wawanoth end Kinloss townships
where a number if enbeeribere want to
have connection it the Ieteknew centrei
office of the Bell Telephone 00. Work
onc trttnk line la tween Wingham and
Lnaknow will b started at onoe and
when this is oo leted there will be a
free servo() bet
eubscribere cone
Lucknew. Par
the tovenehiPe
sen the North Hurea
otod at Wingham and
es residing in any of
ere the North Huron
of the Methodist
was ae offieial in
years past he ba
torten Church,
Liberal and had
worker in the di
waive Jul:flee of
some time Colleo
Witwanosh, H
S. 5 No. 8 from
organized. Ten
od and hie late w
Church and Inc years
the church. For some
attendert tho Presby -
ti polities he was a
Ivertys been an active
erent oaropaigns. He
he Peace and was for
or of Taxes in Weet
was Seo'y-Treas. of
he date the section was
yeare ago the deceits.
fo celebrated the 50th
OMR veaary of Cheir marriage and the
happy old ceuph had spent 57 years of
wedded life, M Taylor eves truly an
honorable and upright naafi in all his
dealings and tbrbereaved will have the
ayntpathy of a urge (arab of friend,
Five SODS and ere° danghters survive,
viz: —David, 0 Myth; Benjamin, of
Westfield; Thca He of East Wawa.
nosh; Williant or West Wawartesh;
Robert, on the homestead; lelre. Mat.
thew Lockhart, tf East Wuwatiosh, and
Mrs, Joseph ;canter, 01 Wingham.
Two sons, John 'yid Charles are doer's.
ed. Mr, Thos. Pi. Tayler, o Winghem,
isa brother of deeeeeed and is the only
surviving neaten:a' of his family. The
funeral On Mecalay afternoon to the
13ethel cotnetere- Was lOrgelY attended,
Showing the big.= censer)) in wbioh the
deeeatted was hid in tho tommttnity.
The services et tho house and grave
were c Astir/Mel b IteV, 31r. Moyer, pa.
tor ef tbe St., Helens Presbyterian
Church and the pall bearers were the
four sons and two sons in law,
is operating and ho wish allophone ser. A SHOE.OPPorTUNITY 1.--One fourth,
Viee cart get full particulars by calling cne.third to One-half off regalat
at the Tistus office, tit one clotting enle Gunult
ade, suitable
reasonable price.
eller), store.
Mr, Andrew McDougall, of lot 40, con.
cession 12, East Wawanosh, will hold a
clearing auction sa e of farm stook and
implements on Thersday, March 30tb
There is an excelleet list of stook and
implements and everything must be sold
as the proprietor hoe rented his farm.
John Purvis, anoti
There will be sole by publio auction,
tinder mortgage at ot 34, oonoeasion 13,
East Wawanosh,ore`Thursday, March 23
1 horse, 4 mulch cloves, 1 Yorkshire
sow and a quantity of farm implements
A. E. Smith, Vend r.
Mr. Ohm, Button of lot 16, oononelon
9, (heiress, will hold an auction sale) of
farm stock and imp ments on Taeeday,
March 28111 at 2 o'e ek p. m. Every-
thing to be meld as p op:ietor is giving
up farming. John aryls, anotioaeor.
The London
speecia deltvered i November by Dr,
avertieer says— A
Chisholm, Conservative member for
East Huron, is now returning to re•
preach him. In tile debate on the Ad-
dress, he said:
"Personally would favor reeipro-
city if I though we could got a tair
deal. The v y word Reciprocity
implies fair de lug, even•handed just
tie, with no jelfltxh or dishonorable
advantage takeli by either party, In 1
faot, reciprocike has been defined as is
condition of•hinge in which tqual
rights and meturil benefite aro given
and received. Now, according to that
definition, the very first step toward
reoiprooity be ween (Debacle and the
United Stant should consist in an
equalization o the preeent tariff rates
between the o countriee, If the
United States 111 only do this, and
put themeelves 'n a position to begirt
negotiations on proper basis, I feet
Eittisiied that nadiaue, irrespective
of party, will upport any just and
reattohable taragreement which
this Oovornmen may make,"
Dr, Ohieholat neleded by ettYing
that if the Liberal brought in a proper
reeiprotity bill he fight vote with them
“3 he was "rt lel of an independent,
intim" It would b interesting to lam'
the member for Ea Pinto tel to square
hug opposition to r eiproeity In Metall
with his advocacy of it in November.
He has not yet atte pted the feat, but
he has voted for r, Elorden'e motion,
which was vide ly re eentiorenetion
of the ageoement. What kind of teei-
precity doeDr. Motes favot? And
What kind of 1 dependeuee does De.
Chisholm as ire 0
FOR RENT — Suite of rooms over
Greer'sshoe store. Apply to Dr. A J.
GR 'Y.
The 100 acre far of R, L. MoDonald,
Oth con , has bee lasered te bis eon,
Welland, who gen seession this spring,
Mr. and Mrs. ItIcDo aid evil! 'ie up a
trifle on the stremeius melt al a geed
many years and will 1ik1y reve eto the
stone house on the C, H. Knight; term,
adjoining their OV711 .3roperty.
Saturday eight, elezeb 11th, the spirit
of Mary Maxwell, reliot of the late
Adam Elliott, took its flight, the old
lady passing away ,1 the home of her
son-unlaw, A. Somer. , 1 Ith oon., in her
72nd year. 'While 1 tiling health was
noticed Mre. Elliott teas only in bed for
About 10 days before ensr demise, Pneu-
monia, following on 1igrippe, was the
(Ann of death. Dace :led was born and
married in Donegal, Inland, her hue
band dying in the Old Lend., Mrs. El.
iott rime in Canada i t 1880 end made
her home in Brunra
ie il Mn, Semen
end family moved It) Grey. jaws
Maxwell, of Brussels is tins ouly sur-
vivor of the family no...
Friday, March lOtb another of the
sturdy pioneers of Ory township was
ottlied to his long home in the person of
Philip Peter 13otz, 1e wee born in
Germany on leoembenI 27th, 1825 and
came to America wheel 16 years old.
After a reeldence of abcat 8 yeare itt the
Co. of Waterloo ho 4ovcd to Huron
County. He was Mar ied te, Isabella
Renter On iliereh Otb, 1 153 and in 1835
moved to lot 4, Wm. 11, Grey township
and bee lived on the ea e farm contin-
Do You See The
Man Well Shod?
He wears one of the important
marks of trgentility.
He proves that be is /he posses-
sor of good sense, by wearing good
shces—the BEST "good Shoe" that
he can buy tor the priee be pays,—
If you would be in bis class of
dressers, you will don Ole superior
foot -wear.
Where quality counts we win.
Miss Rose, of Det -eit is visiting at the
home of Mn.T. 0. ring.
• •
, Mr, John Kerr w
days last week in L
Mrs Geo. Oliver
with relatives and
Mee, Walter Fl
was \tatting for a f
Mr. and Mrs, P.
were visiting for a
ham f riende,
visiting for a few
as visiting last week
made io Wroxeter,
stern, of ea derich
days with friends
rown, of Clifford,
aw days with Firing -
Miss Maggie Met. ellarn left last week
for Castor, Alberte where she will visit
her Sister, Mre 130.OTichohloo. '
Mn. Oliver Mills eturned to the West
on Friday after sp diug n few weeks
with friends in Wi gham arta diAria.
Dr. Chisholm, P. Wale in town for
a few days last we k eettliug matters in
connection with th-fire in his block of
stores. •
Rev. Prof, Jeak1g, airs, Jeakine and ,
Master Reginald, o London were visit -
lug for a few days „len old Wingham
etre. (Rev) W
'Wag visiting with h
Mrs. Adam Reid a.
old friends in Wing
Mrs. James Shiell
on Tuesday for S
they will joie her
left two weeks previ
of neetlerni effeets,
commented let. her
bane. Mr. and Mre.
Palley, of Embro
r parents, Mn, and
with relatives and
CPI and dietriet,
nd SOLI Ernest left
ketehewen, where
or, H)wetel, who
ns veldt a oardoad
re. Staten was so.
iater and her bus -
!rho Halgenny.
Our contest for free trips to
Muskoka with expenses
. to be a live one. Get
-hi the Lontest eari;y
and avoid the tu,h,
• For particulars
uonsly until his deatt4 surviving his -
Wire over 12 ycara, 41 of les seven
children. servive him flhey are: —Das:
;feint Monate, of T kersmith; Wil-
liam, Philip, Peter an Mrs. Goo, Pelle,
of Meneheater, Kano ; Dr. John II., , •tl .
at Virginia, and .Ta s mad Mive Ian- , F j
'wise, at holm. 0.vet ed was (id yooro, 1 II i imj5
;i knonthe and 11 dart 10 Ho had been 1
a hearty, vigorous mat and had a wide ' DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN
eirele of acquaintances! although many
of the old timers ha( preceded hitt lit 1 ot,,,, ..
the toll call. Mr. ileft was an Elder la by'-M,v,t.*
Melville Presbeateriee Church, Braioele, 1
and weave* true tols *writ:gem. ,
:We page 4.