HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-16, Page 8t a 8 MINOR LOCALS. —'on ern buy yr writing paper and. envelopes at tbeoffice. —.There are at present 80 inmates is the Hems of Refuge at Clinton. --Many of the Partnere in this section are now busy making maple wall, --The mild weather of the past few days has almost Walled the sleighing. --'heeled riga were used in \Ving• hams on Monday for the first time this lessor. —Ten thousand new citizens will er• give in Canada this week ;from Great Britain, —grange cel orations will be held next 12th of July at Kincardine and Goderieb, —The Wingham Salt works were put lin operation on Monday morning and Mr, Sperling now has a good stook of salt on hand. —Mr.D.T Hepburn, formerly Manager of the Dominion Bank here is being transferred from Oshawa to become man- ager of the bank at Uxbridge, —Mies Reynolde•announces in our ad. vertigo); colmmae this week that her opening display of spring millinery will be held on Thursday and Friday of next week. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm Sneath wish to thank the many friends in Wingham and outside places for the many acts of kind nese shown them in their time of bereave anent. —Provincial Constable Pbippen has e good music box which he will sell cheap. The original cost was $55, but the box can be purchased at a price much lower than this sum. —Mr. Wm. Brown, of Hallett, sold e fine team of horses at the last monthly fair, which tipped the scales at 2810 Ibe, They were purchased by Mr, O. A. Rin• tons, of Wingham, at a good figure.— Blyth Standard. —At the auction sale at Mr. T, M. Henderson's, Binevale read, some person took away,in mistake,a box -containing a number of hens. Will the party who has the hens kindly oommnnioate with Mr. Henderson. —After the first of Jane, if the bil now before the Legislature becomes law in its present form, no children under the age of 15 years will bo allowed to attend moving picture theatres unless accompanied by an adult. —The Teeawater News plant is being anoved to new premises this week and no paper will be issued. We know the work connected with moving a printing plant and do not blame Brer. McKay for ceasing publication for one week. 444+++++44+++4 4++++++++4 A —Dr, William. Sagndere,• Q. M,. [G„ who for the twenty,eight years hail been Director of Experimental Fgtme, at Ot• two, has tendered hie resignation to the Miuieter of Agrioalture, and et the end of the month will retire on superaanna• tion, —We are always pleased when our readers send us items of news, such as births, marriages, deaths, visitors, trans. fere and ealee of real estate, church yews, eohool reports, pnblio meetinge, eto. By doirg so you help to make your 'local paper a suooeas, —Messrs. Salter Broil,, of East Wawa• nosh, south of Wingham, have upwards of 1C00 maple trees tapped and are now busy at the work of making maple syrup This week', weather has been very favorable sap weather and Meson. Salter expect to have a large quantity of syrup for sella. —An important change in the looal option law, which will considerably alter the situation in some municipalities, will be introduced in the Legislature during the present session. The ohange will practically limit to bona fide resi- dents of a municipality those entitled to vote upon a local option bylaw. PERSONAL. - Mr. Edwin Elliott left last week for the West. Bite'. Ted. Elliott is visiting with friends in Toronto, Galt and Stratford. Mrs, 011ie Wade of Brantford is visit- h,g with friends in town. Mrs H. B. Elliott is visiting with rel.'• Vivea in London „and Ingersoll, Mrs. Barrowmen of Toronto is visiting; with her mother, Mrs. John MoRitchie, Miss Fannie Hogg, of Brnasels was vieitingwith Wingham friends this week.. - Messrs. John and Peter Kelly, sons of Mr. A. Kelly, left this week for the 'Went. Mies Lina Barber left this week for London to resume her former position in a millinery, store. Mrs. W. W. Hough is visiting with Ther father, who ie cerionsly i11 at his ease 1n Donny_brook. Para Roland Beattie and little son, Mao, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. T. H. Kay, of the Listowel Ban- ner was in town on Tuesday and gave the Tlnizs a friendly call.- Mrs. all:Mrs. O. G. VanStone was visiting for a few days last week with her friend, Mies May Reid, at Luoknow. 44444♦+♦440++4+++444♦4+++4 Mre, Chevalier, of Maple Crock, Sask. is home visiting with her father, Mr, Geo Wade, who has been seriously ill, kr.' A ifred Elliott, of Goderioh was visiting for few days with his brother, Mr. Wm. Elliott at the boundary brink :yard firs Jas. Pugh and family left this week for their new home in the West, near Saskatoon. Mr Pagh went Westin January, -. Mr, M. Lamont, of London was visit- ing for a few days last week with relat- ives and old friends in Wingham and,' dlstriot. _' Mies Abbie Haines has -returned to her !home in Woodby Man., after spending a tfew weeks with her parents, Mr, and 11¢re Arthur l pipes, Mr, Henry T. Thomson, of Southamp- ton, was visiting in town this week, hew- ing come to attend the regular monthly meeting of the Directors of the North Huron Telephone Co. Mr. Jas. McMichael of Seaforth was visiting for a few days last week et the home of Mr, F. G. Sperling. Mr. Mo. Michael celebrated his 88th birthday while here and is hale and hearty and en- joying excellent health. Mr, Geo, Findlator, who has spent the winter with his parents on the 2nd line of Morris left on Tuesday for his home in Broderick, Sask., a000mpanied by hie sister, Mies Annie Findlater. HORN. QROLY.—At Winglia,n, Ont., on March 11, 1910, to the Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Herbert Croly; a son. AnMSTnolcG.—In Belgrnve, on March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Arinstrong; a daughter. RoniNsoN,—In Feet Wawanosh, on March Gth, to Mr. and !Sirs. Rhos. Robinson ; a son. STAPLRTON.—In East Wawanosh, on Murch 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Emmanuel Stapleton; twin daughters, HENNING.—At Winchain General Wosuital, on March Oth, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henning: a daughter. Dorms.—In Wingham. on March 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dodds; a son. • KNox.—In Howick, near Gorrie, on March • 12th, to Mr. and Mrs Knox; a son. MARRIED. HAMILTON—FORSYTR.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on March 8ih. by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B A., Mr. George T. Hamilton, of Jamestown. to Miss Lizzie E.,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forsyth, of orris township. DIED. MCDONALD.—At Kincardine, on March 1st, Rev. Dr. K. McDonald, in his 80th year. WILLTAMSON.—In Walton, on March 2nd, Elizabeth Jano Millikin, beloved wife of Tilos. days.Willtamsou, aged 66 years, 5 mouths and 10 DARTER: In Brussels, on March 511i, John Carter, in his 79th year. CAniPBELL.—In Grey township on March 6th, Jessie Isabella, daughter of Angus Campbell, aged 18years, 6 months and 24 days. SNESTR.—Iu Wingham, on March 9th, Don- nie Sneath, in her 81st year. SPROUL —In Dungannon, on March 8rd. Mrs. Andrew Sproul, aged 77 years. 3 Weeks Stock Recduction c THE WINUHAM T1MES, MARCH, 16, 1y11 .„„„„„m„„„,„,. Great Display e• C i i • • e.4 4 In the materials of the spring showing comprises in the 4 ► staple lines, Serges, Panamas and Hairline Worsteds in s i the heavier goods, Cashmeres and Fine Serges on lighter 70, weaves, as well as a nice showing of fine Mesk Voiles, •Tweed Effects and Mannish Suit• ings are also shown. Crums' English Prints (the word Crums is a house- hold word and needs no explanation) we have them in a b. great quantity of patterns, other prints at 7c,8c,and 9c per yard, Dress Ginghams, Anderson Zephyrs, Lawns, i White,. Cream and Black Vesting, Repp Suiting, Mus- lins, etc. ro} Silk Department ► ► s 4 4 of Spring Dress Goods !. Dainty Waist Fabrics in Large Assortment t Pk Large quantities of Butter, Eggs, and Potatoes wanted, ► cash or trade. s s i •WILLIS % A aMiLLSJW it PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. SP 4 s 4 ATAA+ufAAAAA'AiAAAAA:71,-KAAAANA i AOAAA;All A?5itilfiMI ATAAAAAA 4 We have bought heavier in Silks this year than ever during Spring and Summer, Silks will be strong and 3 we are now showing Messalines, Paillettes, Peau de Soie, Bengaline, Taffeta, Pongee and Satin Surfaced Silks, 4o inches wide. 4 4 a 4 Grocery Specials No: i Granulated Sugar, $4:75 cwt. 20 _Ib. bag A Granulated Sugar, $ t.00. Io lb. pail Pure Honey $1.25, I lb Section Comb Honey 16c. 613 Some [xceptiondlly Good Shoe Values for Women In our North Window we are showing a few of the new Spring Shoe Styles for women which we feel confident in saying are the best values you have seen. For instance this cut repre- senis exactly a new Patent Colt Button Boot, with dull kid tops, neat toe, Cuban heel, •in all sizes for women ?} to 7. Note the low price namely $2.40 Per Pair And the same Boot only with broad toe and low heels (very suitable for girl; who wear ladies sizes) • for the same low price $2.40 Per Pair Also the same styles in Gun Metal Calf either high or low heels at the same price $2.40 Per Pair Another Boot to which we draw your attention is a Patent Colt Blucher Boot, high Cuban Heel, Matt Calf top ;r1 all sizes 2} to 7 For $2.35 Per Pair. The above and many other new lines are open for your inspection and you are cordially invited to call and . see them. & CO. . THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents gesfittrafisr swooi for Ladies. 4444+44 U !r lAt •4♦0.4444••4+•4.4♦•444♦4•++ KING BROS. Sale GREATEST STOCK REDUCTION SALE IN THE HISTORY OF WINGHAM $ 2n nnn Stock Must be Reduced to $12,000 20,000 Stock Must Reduced to $12,000 SUCCESSORS TO GEO. E. KING Estate On Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Carpets. Linoleum s, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, etc. Three Whole Weeks of Great Money -Saving Opportunity DRESS GOODS 25 pieces all -wool plain and fancy weaves clear at 25c yd. 75 pieces to clear at 39c per yd. Factory Cotton roc and lase quality for 8c. Sheeting ---Bleached or unbleached, 2 yards to wide, to clear at 19c yd. 50 pieces all -wool Dress Goods and Suitings, regular $r,00, $r.25 and $1.5o for 75c per yard. KID GLOVES 190 pairs ladies' guaranteed Kid Gloves, all shades and sizes, regular $r.25 for 75c. Black and White Silk `Waists, all sizes 34, 42, regular $3.5o, $4.00 and $5,00 for $2.75, Flannelettes, one case roc and r2 /c quality, for 8c. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS Regular $i.00, $1.25 and $1.50 for 78c. Regular soc and hoc for 39c, Unbleached at 22C per yard, , MEN'S FLEECED -LINED UNDERWEAR 100 Suits, Drawers and Shirts to match, to clear at 84c suit. PRODUCE WANTED. -Butter, Eggs, team, Feathers, etc. $+4++++++++++++++++++++4i.1r3 +3444.4.44 1i♦_tt£134$+SNSw Bargains in Towellings Regular t 2 C for 8c Regular roc for 7c. t Regular soc Fancy Towelling for 39c. 5o bolts Silk and Satin Ribbon, all shades, regular 25c value for Ic. CORSETS Regular $r.00 for 60c, Regular $1.25 for soc. Regular $r.5o and $1,75 for $r, ro, Lace Curtains, Curtain Muslins, Madras, etc. at 25 per cent. off. Guaranteed Black Silk 5 only pieces suitable for Dresses or Coats, regular $1.25 for 79c. MEN'S FUR COATS Last chance to buy thein at prices never be- fore heard of LADIES' FURS Muffs, Stoles, Sets, Caperines, etc. about half price, Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, etc., at 25 per cent. off, No matter what you want in the general line of Merchandise get our prices before buying Open an account with the new firm KING BROS. +++++++++++++++++4+1++++ti44444N444444444+444:44444.