HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-16, Page 6• NNA 6 IINENTY fl AGO. Local History of tbe early 80s Items from the "9 fru." fylas (Front the TIMES nf atm., 13, 1891.) LOCAL NEWS Mr, Robt. Orr, of the Bear, left last Thureday for a trip through the South- ern States. He expects to go as far south as New Mexico before ho returns. The Salvation Army people are buoy building their now barracks, on Edward street. The banding will be 30x80 feet, and'will be used as a barracks, except 16 feet at the back end, which will be used as a malaria for the officers in charge. On Tuesday last, Mr. Pater G. Mc- Ewen, son of Mr. John A, bloEwen, of Morris, ard Mr. J. Hawkin, of Morris, left for Manitoba, taking with them a car load of settlers' effeote, which in - eluded several horses. Easter falls on March 29, an unusually early date. The earliest date on whioh Easter oan fall is March 22, and this only in case the moon is full Maroh 21, when this date happens to fall on Sat ur. day. Mr. C. N. Griffin has purchased the building adjoining the Royal Hotel building, south side, and intends fitting it up for a store and win move into it shortly. John Neelands, S. Kent, F. Paterson, ok., 15 J. Dinsley, sk., 16 A game of curling was played on the rink here on Friday, 6th inet, between four Sootchmen end four of any other nationality. The result was as follows: Sootchmen. Any other nationality. Aodrew Mitchell, J. Taylor, John Inglis, David Sutherland, Walter Scott, John D LA sley, F. Paterson, ek., 22 G. McKenzie, ek. 15 Majority for the Sootchmen, 7 shots. Scotland for ever. As we expeoted,East Huron has return. ed Dr. Macdonald with a largely in. creased mejority. Had the time not been so ehort, there is no doubt but Dr. Maodonald's msjority would have been much larger than it is. The Liberal polioy of unrestricted reoiprooity is one that commends itself to the farmers and laborers, and will be adopted by the pace ple in the near future. The eleotors of West Huron have spoken with no uncertain sound as ta free trade with the United States, and returned the old veteran, Mr. M. 0. Cameron, with a very large mejority. Mr. John Lipngston, of the Listowel flax mills, succeeded in polling votes in four Ridings on election da—and voted Mr. George Shaw has purchased the - each time for the winning candidate. building next to the Brunswiok House, on the north eide, and is having it fitted up for a butcher shop. Mr. W. Martin will also 000upy a portion of the build- ing as a barber shop. Mr. John Ambler has purchased the building lot situated on the corner of John and Leopold streets, opposite Messrs. Lloyd 83 Sons' door factory, from Mr. Charles Taylor, and will erect a residence thereon the coming Bummer. The sale was effeoted through Mr. Sam- uel Youhill's real estate agency. A close and exciting game was played here on Tuesday, 10th inst, between four Grits and Four Tories. The Tories succeeded in winning by one shot, as following score will show: Grits. Tories, Andrew Mitchell, Gorge Hughes, John Inglis, E. R. Talbot When a 'Minna exhibits unusual coon- omy you may often look for the answer in the unneual extravagance of her bus. band. There may bo nothing new under the sun, but there are lets of things just ng gooq, NeFvzsWere.. Exhausted Minato, others to know of her remark- able care byuse of DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. Mrs. Martin's condition as deserib. ed in her letter below gives some idea of tho extraordinary reconstructive power of Dr. Chase's N'erve rood. Such eures as this have placed Dr, Chase's Nerve Food where it stands today as the most popular and most offeetive nerve restorative that money will bey. Mrs. Edwin Martin, Ayer's Clif, ,r Que., writes,_"Defore I begat using Dr. A. W. chase's Nerve rood I was in a terrible condition. Dizzy spells -would coma over me and i would fall to the floor in taint. I coul1 not even Sweep the floor without fainting and my nervous system seemed to be entire, 3y c3hausied, "The lifle of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve has built up my system wonder. folly so tbat 1 can do my housework end washing without any trouble, and I want others to know about it." In. KW on gvf ting tho genuine Dia A. W. t haw. Nerve Food, 50 ets. a 'ism 6 Wises for $.‘3.50, at all dealers, o Ed- nianson, 1htLe 82 Co., Toronto. (St BORN. Johnson—Io Wingham, on the 4th inet, the wife of Mr. Fred Johnson; a daughter. Seymour—In Winghan, on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr, Eli Seymour; a daughter, DIED. Lever—Milner—On the llth Inst, at the Preebyterian manse, Whitechurch, by Rev. W. H. Geddes, Peter Lever, oon. 11, East Wawanosh, to Annie Mil- ner, of St. Augustine. Galbraith—Hays—On the 4th lust, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. W. Torrance, Mr. John W. Galbraith, of Turoberry, to Mies Sarah Jane Reyes, of Garrie. The year 1909 was the most prosperone in the history of coal mining in Iowa. Of the 35 women recentlyeleoted town councillors io Sw eden I7are school teach - gra, Dr. Chase's °Int merit is a certain and guaranteed cureforeach and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials in tho press and ask your neighbors aboutit. You can use it and royotir money back if not satisfied. 60e, at all Jewels r EDMANSON, BATEE4 86 Co., Toronto. Mt CHASE'S OINTMENT. If ironed with eleetrio irons clothing will be as effectually sterilized as if boil- ed, It you have trenble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it properly. There is no need that a cold [Mould harts on for weeks and it will not if yon tabe Chamberlain's Coogh Remedy. For Sele by all dealers, It is a saddened politiolan who diner. era his whilom plum tree in fall fruitage of a lemon orop. Sohn W SielKelsrettb, Greensboro. Pa., has three ohildren, and like most child.. ren he frequently take cold, "We have tried several kinds of dough medicine" be says, 'but never found any yet that did them as ranch good ad Chamberlain's Coogh Remedy." Per lisle by all dealers. AISOording to the Paris Figaro Preeld- era Pelliers will Visit both Xing' Albert of Belgium and Queen Wilhelmina of Holland in May. Great Britain has municipal tramways worth S229 381 000, and during the last year over $9.000,000 was paid in to hold- ers onsuch amt. It is calculated thst 4 000 persons make a livino in Leaden by begging, awl that their average inerane ernounts to about 303 a week, or aver £200 000 a year. The Feat in Prison. Tightly imprisoned in the modern shoe tbe feet p repire and the skin is chafed and iri irat.J1 until it is in any - thirst; but a hstklthy notalitiota Corns and bunions are formed and walking becomes torture Pootibly you never theught of D-. Chase's Oinment in this connection bat it brings wonderful relief and comfort alamet ioetantly. Its sooth- ing, healing effects are magioal, ANOTHER SPASM. Without doubt there is a very con. siderable volume of independent and disinterested opposition to the agree. ment. A blind man can see that .the agitation, to n large degree, is not spon- taneous. It is being planned, nursed. stagemanage,d, financed and advertised: Wbo are the men on the jeb? First, of (mum, the leaders of the Oonservative p rty, who, living up to the full oppor- tnnitiss of their positions, are steaming the Government with all resources at their comman 1. Ttie Toronto m tchln- ery of tee party it adept at terming I "raging end tem nig" propaganda& Kindly reoell Daudoriald, the echool question and the naval controversy. Haab of these agitations started off at a t irrino clip wi h the Newe and the Tele. gram pounding on the big war drums and working up the marching hosts to a frenzy. They mostly petered out, it will be recalled, and nobody was a bit worse for all the terrific minting 10 which Brer, Willison et al. indulged. If the Toronto Conservatives think this the time and opportunity for an- other spasm, let them liavo it Possi - bly they need one about so often to relieve the prosenre.—Manitoba Free Press. ehietly owned by Hon. Clifford Sifton. Contracted a RAW FURS this celebrated food cure." aud feeble nerves are soon restored by •••••,r -Nr'• :5;x5,51 • 4., "1/4„,, 5. , 1N114101410. T1id}101 16 , 1141 K[RNELS RIM TEE ,141111A MILL Interesting Pareguil I t from our Exchnegs.1 Nothiog more modern than an o rdin- ary ou lamp was used for lighting in ,Palectine tuntil !shout four year e ago, when the first electrie plant was erected. The fleet building to bs thew lighted was the Frenoli convent of Notre Dame de France. The eeccnd liehtirg plant was put up about three years ago in the East Hotel. The third was in the new Ger• man sanatorium opened during the last summer by Prince Eitel, The fourth is now under constr potion in the new Grand Hotel. These installatione con- sist of a store battery and a generator driven by a petrol engine. All the ma - Oriels, even the distilled water, are brought direct frcm Germany, Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dung. (irons? It is not the ooldo itself that you need to fear, but the seri.ous diseases that it often loads to. /Most of are known as gerata diseases. Pneumniaand consump- tion are among them Why not take Ohamberlainle Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can? For sale by all dealere. The rioh man gives ten million yen to benefit his fellowmen. And when he takes it from the bin where he has stor- ed the 'lining tin, he still hes heaps of gaudy plunks and builien lying round in chunks. Before he shuts the cellar door the bin is full and running o'er, for men- ey's pouring in so fast the little hole he made can't last. Yet I applaud them wealthy ducks who oast abroad their silver Uncles if millionaires could only live a thousand years, they'd learn to give according to the wholesome plan thats common to the workingman. Isaw a man in flannel shirt, a man begrimed with grease and dirt dig up Menthe wad of green to help a man he'd never Been, Tie gave five bones—he had but ten—to help his unknown fellowmen, andhe had worked, day after day to earn the plunks he gave away. It seems to me the work- ing man looks big beside the million man, I'll bet recording angels wink when mil- lionaires hand ont their chink.—Walt. Mason.' DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUE RD by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseaeed portion of the oar. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitidnal remedies. Deafness is mused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Ens, taonian Tube, When this tube is in- flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect heating, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in- flammed condition of the mucous eur, faces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co„ Toledo, 0. Sold by Drnagists, 750. Take Hall's FamilyTills for constipa- tion. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the e•je Signature of '91/Ntrde44 • Trained Nurse on Zam-Buk. Read What She Has Found, MOP T. Keitth, of Olds, Alta., a train ea vu', who has had wide experience of Zas., lithr, speaks of it as follows fa, "I wish sprees my high appreciation of Zam Buk. I have personally tested it in a great number of cases and find' it eacoellent. I have introduced it to Itev., eral patients,. with highly satisfactory results, Indeed, in many oases I have peen warmly thauked for Its introdue. tion. "Speaking n cossionally, I wmuld give all suffer -t'- from skin disease, the following advi Cleanse the part affected and apply Zam Buk freely and regularly. Use clean lint and mean, eoft rags for drying, Zarn-Bak and cleanliness will be found sufficient tor tbo most stubborn case of ekitt dteeaso," Zam Buk will also be found a yore cure for abscesses, uloere, blood tioieon, varicose ulcers, scalp sores, eruptione, children's rashes, piles, outs, borne, abraeions, soratehee, scalds, and all skis injuries and diseases. 50o, bee, all drug. Oats and stores. Try Zaro•Buk. eoap, too; 26o, per tablet, , I RISE TO REMARK. Many things are well done that are not worth doing. Keep busy and you'll have no time to be miserable. After :all intuition ie but another word for feminine suspicion. Of two evils choose neither. All men are equil at birth and death. Some men's only dein to distinction a pair of white duck trousers or a three colored hat -band. Most everybody wishes that he could live his life over again, but few would live much better. Eloquence is truth well told. .An echo is the shadow of a noise. A Christian doesn't have to tell any. one. Imagination causes more aches and pains than all other,ailmentit People with lots olf' determination are likely to be nupopular—and successful. —J. W. Bakcock in Woman's Home Companion for Maroh. • The most common oause of insom- nia is disorders of the stomach, (umb- erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cor- root these disorders and enable yen to eleep, For sale by all dealers, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS'TORIA A stranger oan make a hit in any town by telling the natives there is absolutely no room for improvement. Teacher's Nerves. Teaohers often have the reputation of being cross when the trouble is with the nerves rather than the disposition. , Mr. A. Sutherland, Principal South Bar Sohool, §ydney, N. S., writes: "I was nervous and worried, had indigestion and headache. Doctors failed me. You oan depend on me to recommend Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food for I believe it has entirely cured me." Tired brains eavy L0 I will pay these prices on a liberalassortment • of strictly seasonable furs: SKUNK No, 1, 18.00. No. 2, 12.00. No. 8, tido. No. 4, 50c. It Became a Lung RED FOX" Splitting,,Cough• Large, 17.10. Med, 1000. 15.60, • Springy, damaged and unprim e furs will be valued according to quality. Also I nay highest prices for all other raw Mr. H. Richards, 1852 Second Ave. IlaYssel jest', Olid Latilairair Oitherrgigensti.em. East, Vancouver, B.C., writes: "Allow Consignments solicited, Write for price list. me to write a few lines in praise of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Last fell I contracted tvheavy cold which left me with a hacking cough and every time I would get auto° more cold this hacking cough would become a lung splitting one. It kept on getting worse and I kept on 'spending money buying different cough remedies until a friend asked me if ltael ever tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I told him I was willing to try anything Ithought would cure, and on the same day bought two bottles. Be- fore half the first one was used my cough began to get much easier, and by the time had used a bottle and a half my cough 'was gone. I am keeping the other hall bottle in case it should come again, but X am sure I have a positive cure, Let 'me recommend Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup to all who suffer from a cough Or throat irritation of any kind." So great has been the ;Success of this 'wonderftil remedy, it is only natural that numerous persons have tried to imitate it Don't be imposed upon by taking Anything Nit "Dr. Wood's." Put up in a yello* wrapper; three !pine treed the trade mark; price 2$ 'dnte. Man utneturea obly by 'the T. Milburn Limitc41, Toronto, Ont. ' J. YAFFE 72 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. WANTED NOW For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict for Pall and Winter months an en ergetio reliable agent to take orders for nursery atm*, Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free Exclusive Territory. . 600 ACRES 'Under oultivatien. We guarantee to deliver stook in good Conditien and up *0 oontraot grade. We can show that there 10 good money in representing a well-known reliable firm ht this time. Established Over 80 years, Write for partlerilare. PELIIA/it NURSERY Co. TOrOtito, Oitterki, Sunflower seeds are eaten in Russia lunch as pennnts are eaten in the United ' States. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ; CASTOR IA I Tranent Colliery, Haddingtonshire, England, from which coal bee been tak- en for nearly 700 years, was closed re- cently. A Simple Treatment that Will Make Hair Grow Now Sold in Canada Every up-to-date woman should have radiant hair. There are thousands of women with harsh, faded, charaoterlees hair, who do not try to improve it. In England and Paris women take pride in having beautiful hair. Every Canadian woman Oan have lustrous and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, the Great American Sago Hair Tonio. Every reader of the Trams Oen have an attractive head of hair in a few weeks by using SALVIA. Hind soils a large bottle for 0 cents, and guarantees it to banish Dan* druff, stop falling hair and itching Scalp in tell days or Mot ey back. SALVIA is a beautiful, pietism* non. sticky Hair Tenie, as The Kind 'You Have Always Bought, and which liar beat in uso for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of • and has been made under his per. sonas9 l pervision since its infancy. w".16.5 Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and. 44 Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endtutgei? the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What h CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute fol Castor Oil, Parc* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant.. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys WormS and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation stud Flatulency, it assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca—The Mother's Friend. CENUM.7. RIA ALWAYS. Bears theSicroature of - ,..:.0,145+161.roorteva, The Kid You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNE CENTAUR Ce....MPANY. 77 MUft•R1 NEIN YORK 075. OritgerailattagrAilg&Ilftialirkik. ilkalilICAMI&Alhil hi Many a man mots like a genius when all that ails him is indigestiou. New Yorleprovides many thihge for its public servants that other cities de- pend on private benevolence to pay for. For instance, New York's fire depart ment is regularly equipped with a coffee wagon. In Washington the firemen are to have one, too, but it is to bo supplied by merchants, who have contributed $1,200 for the purpose. On the railroads of the United States there are100,000 engines carrying millions oars and hauling 2,000,000 tons of freight. This practically Nails all the tonnage married by all railrosis Atli ships of ths rest of the world. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO FZ I A PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS; etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all • orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE:HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS - POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.