HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-16, Page 41.11 WUNGfl4M TIDIES, MARCH 1.6, 1911. T E SPRING REMINDERS Dominion Banks OF AHEUMATISN4 ii&Ail OIl'1o&: T0BONT4 Papltal stook (en paid ❑pl $4 000,000 00 Reserve Fund and Un diviii,tl Peelits $5,300,000.00 Deposita by the pabiio$47,000,000 00 Total, Ase 4to,ovelt,,,.•••• $62.600.000.00 BitalvORg* AND AORNTs throughout Orin add 8wt the United Staten. Raw, Damp Weather Starts the Pain but the. Trouble Lies in. the Blood. $priog eschar ie. bed for rheginatio sufferers. The ohengee from mild to severe weather, oold, raw, damp winds foltowiug madness start the aches and tdfingee, cc in more extreme cape", the t GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS tortures or the trouble. Bat e et be horde in mind that it it :es not t the TRANSACTED,weather th,t causes rhegmetiam, the trouble ie rooted in the blood -the Savings Department. changeable weather merely "tette the pains Toe Dilly way to Midi the. °arrant Resat of interest allowed, and trouble ali-1 to mire it is through the Dap mite raoolved of 31.00 and blood. "• he poisonous rheumatio acids upwards. mast hi thrown off and driven out, This is a solemn modioel truth every F,trmNr a sale states Collected, and rheumatic, sufferer should realize, Lini- advances made on them at lowest menta and outward application may give rate of interest, temporary relief but they never did and never can care rheumatism. Any dog• tor will tell yon this is true. The ant- ferer ie only wasting tame and money with this sort of treatm . t, and all the time the trouble is beton. Mg more firmly Solicitor. 1 rooted -and harder to cure, There is just one sere, speedy sure for rhenma• titan -Dr WtUieme' fink Pills. They act directly on the west, impure and tainted blood. They purify and strengthen it and tuna root mit the cause of rheumatism. Here is a bit of proof out of thousands of similar cases that might be given Mrs. F X. Boiesean, St. Jerome, Que says. --"For almost two years I was a terrible Ruffner from rheumatism The trouble first located in the rightleg, making work about the house impossible, and walking very d.tiio❑lt. I triedto o❑re myeelt by means of all sorts of liniments end lotions, but with no result -it was onty money wasted. The trouble constantly grew worse and the pains more unbear- able Finally it attacked the other leg, and I was all but helpless and complete ly discouraged, thinking I would be a sufferer for the reit of my life. At this time I read in oar home paper of the trouble being cured by Dr Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to try them. After using the pills for several weeks I could see that they were helping me, and I oentiuued taking them until 1 bad used nine or ten boxes when every aymptom of the trouble bad disappeared and I ooald walk as well as ever I did. Had I known of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills earlier I would have Bayed myself much suffering and mnoh money epent in other useless treatment as well." Whether you ere ailing or not a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will increase your vitality and give you in• creased strength to withstand the torrid summer weather Doming, when even the strongest feel eaeily fagged out. Yon can get these pills from any dealer in medicines or by mail at 60 cents a box or att boxes for 12.50 from The Dr. Wit. Pam' Medicine Co., Brookville, Oat. Bulls .................. 3 50 G 3eest I.,ighte. • • •...... .5., 4 25 Sheep"- xport ewes •. •, •,' ; 4 50 50 ,.,. , Culla , , • , 3 00 Spring Lambe soh. ., 6 00 °elves, eaoh 3 00 Wlsallaet BRAlrca-Corner John and Jpeiephiae Streets. W. R, GEIKIE, MANAGER. VAA'STONE TO ADVERTISERS &o. toe of olumges most be left at this oi&oe uotlater than Saturday noont The Dopy for ohanges must be lef. • not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of eaoh week. 3STABLIBH)i:l) 1873 TuE WINfillAill TIMES. B. R . R titdOTT, PIISLIHHAR ANDPROPRIETO THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911 EDITORIAL NOTES. The faetare of last Wednesday'a pro. ooedinge in the Legislature of Saeketohe- wan, when, by unanimous vote, which inoladed alt the Opposition members present, the reoiprooity agreement was indorsed, and a declaration made for absolute free trade within the British Emp're eventually, end an increasing preference to go into force at once, was the spt;eob of over an hour by Mr. F. W. G. Hanitain, the leader of the Opposi tion. The Qoneervative leader came out etrongly and unequivocally in favor of the reoiprooity agreement, and his speech, whioh had been awaited with mach interest. came as a complete sur- prise to the Goverement. Hon George P. Graham's anneal re - vie c of the transportation problems of the Dominion was presented to the Com- mons on Friday, on a motion to go into supply on the estimates for the Depart- ment of R always and Canals. In a clear and businesslike way he dealt with the rapid development of the railway facili- ties at Canada, the growth of the canal business, the proposals for the enlarged We' -land Canal, for the immediate Don- etructi.ln by the Government of the Hud son Ery Railway and the year's mom, fat administration of the Interoolonial Railway. In this latter conneotion he was ebbe to announce a earplug for last year of $630,000 and to promise for the year ending with this month a enrpine of nearly $700,000, despite expenditures of considerably over $300.000, which ander the 013 Administration would have been charged to capital account. Farmers will be surprised to be told that the artioles appearing in this jour- nal and nearly all other country news- papers with scare headlines against reoiprooity are being paid for, presuma- bly, by mannfactnrere--for who else would spend so mnoh money to defeat the treaty? We are paid $5 a column for spade in The James Papers for these anti-reoiprooity ''alarmist" articles Fanny, isn't it, that after they have been enabled to 'toll in riches" by a protective tariff that they are striving so h.rd to prevent so ne trade advantages bung given fartn t rs, stockman, fruit Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health.. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil withhypo- phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis- sues, and makes rich blood. volt Neuf ay eat Intetiolia'i's seat ilia., atlas et tiapde484 tit. iii. for eat beedeil,0 &ease Nee sod 0804'. eketeb.-aeoIG Sae% Usk e0i istar<1.0064 Lvek ratify. SCO'rr s< ISOM NE Lis W.uk.et.tt sweet, Waal Tototti, fief 425 4 50 4 80 25 8 50 7 00 50 wireartA13tf. atmaroCT Ituromr8 Winghaul, Mar. 151h, 1911, Floor per 1pplbs,,,. ,,.,,. 2 35 to 3 00 ran Wheat. ,.., 0 80 to 0 80 Oate, „ 0 30 to 0 30 Barley,,,. , -0 45 to 0 48 Peas ,, 0 72 to 0 75 Batter dairy ,,, 0 18 to 0 00 Eggs per dor..., .. , , . „ 0 19 to 0 20 Wood per cor, ., .•, ...., • 2 50 to 2 50 Say, per ton , , 8"00 to 10 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 040 to 0 40 Lard .,. .. ... 0 18 to 0 18. Live. Hoge, per owe. 6 90 to 6 90 BRICK AND TILE IAD o PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers two brick and tile yard pro property on the Binevale 100 aoree of land and a good briok an sale -`hi& =sties. The Dad oontaina good buildings le making plant. The property north of Wingham ooutains 50 sores with good braidings and brick and tile making plant; also 50 aoree of land on the 13 Line of finrnberry. ELI ELLIOTT, P. 0 Box 95. Wingham P 0, PROPERTY FOR SALE A good property in the Town Plot is offered for sale, consisting of three acres of land. On the premises are a good eight roomed frame hunee; a bank barn, 26 feet egnare; hard and soft water inside. Property is in good looation and buildings are in good repair, An ideal home for a retired farmer, For Parti• oulars apply at the Tates OFFICE, men and others who will benefit by freer trade with our nearest neighbors? Don't you think it high time, farmers, that yonmade known in some public way your own views on this proposed tariff pact as an offset to the hullabaloo ant up by boards of trade, which are dominated largely by manufacturers, bankers and financial men whose inter este are closely allied with them. -Bow• manviile Statesman. The further the pendulum of preju- dice swings one way, the further inevit• ably it will swing the other. If an .his- torical character is blaokened enough in one generation, be sure that some other generation will try to change and vary the disagreeable, sooty color with one coat of moral whitewash or k:aleomine. This suggests that the day cannot be far off when journalistic screaming will no longer be fashionable, beoanee it will no longer pay. Men have given up the vile babit of "swearing" before now for the same reason. A "round oath" too often repeated, ceases to interest or alarm, and only Ieay'ea disgust. The moat per. verse musical taste tires in time. of the loudest gramaphone, and of that more blatant instrument, the calliope. but which circus mansgers now seem to have abandoned. As sure all night fol• tows day, the front page screams, the simulated agony, of yellow newspapers concerning innocent and beneficent rect. privity prooeedinge will fail to interest oven the most unsophietioated, except to di'guet them, and all the wild absurdt• ties which are now being told about an - flexed rn will recoil upon the author's head.-Idontreal Witness. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby give 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38 t claims against the estei of the Township , f E County of Boron, Farn on or about the Eleven 1894, are required to se deliver to R. vanstone, minis$ratrix on or befc ril A. D. 1911. their nau oriptious and a full sta their claims and the n i pursuant to R. 8. 0. at all persons having e of John Taylor, late fst Wawanosh in the er, deceased, who died day of May, A. D. d by post prepaid or to Solicitor for the Ad- e the First day of Ap- es, addresses and des- emont of particulars of are of the security (if any) held by them dul,ertifled, and that after the said day the Acimifistratrix will proceed to distribute the assets ,f the deceased among the parties entitled the -eto, having regard only to the claims of wide she shall then have notice. Dated this 711i day of ()larch, A. D. 1911. R. VAMSTONIG. Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor fo said Administratrix. NOTICE TO _CREDITORS Notice is hereby give - pursuant to R, 8. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, atat all persons having claims against the estate William Messer late of the Village of B uevele in the County of Enron, Merchant,. ..ceased, who died on or about the Fourthe-.th day of December, A. D.. 1910, are req' ired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Soli- citor for the execut,as on or before the Twentieth day of March, A. D. 1911, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of parti ;tilers of their claims and the nature of the s.surity(if any) held by them duly certified, a,.d that after the said day the executors will broceed to distribute d among the parties regard only to the then have notice bVAaNSTONE1911. Wingham, l'. 0. Solicits for said. Executors, the assets of the deceas entitled thereto, havini calms of which they sha Dated this 21st day of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that all persons having claims against the estate of Flora Roes, late of the Townshjp of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, widow, deceased, who died. on or about the Fourth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1911, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Twentieth day or March, A. D. 1911, their names, addre's- es and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certi- fied, and that after the said day the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 25nd day of February, A. D. 1911. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for said Executors. Mite Stock Markets. Toronto, March 14. -city Cattle Mar ket-Reoeipts were 62 loads, with 882 head of cattle, 357 'beep and Iambs, 200 hogs, and 217 calves The choicest botcher cattle were pick- ed out early, Belling firm at $5,75 tip to $5 90. Thebe were in small lots of twee atld thtoes, a eonple of choice heaters, 1,000 pounds, selling at $5 90, Good straight loads of mediate choice butcher were steady at $5.60 to $5.70, and good So medium $5 25 to 5 50. A tett` odd selected fat cows and heavy belle bold firm, one choice heavy bull seiner at $6 - sad a fat ohoioe Dow at $6 40, The general run of fat cows bad bullet,- bow - ever, are IOc to 151, easter than last week, The tollovting are the quotations: 8`t2orters' cattle- Per 100 the. Choloe...... . ..... 35 85 36 10 Biedinal .... 6 66 6 75 13utle....<............. 4 50 5 25 Light 5 00 5 10 Cow* ......... 4 60 640 FeederI beet. ,1000 ponitdtt and ups0 - /j/� wards e ales.. ., ,s..,, 0 Stockers Onmon.-....a 4 15 r'bu1Is. i...,,5.,,..l 50 Bnfeliti 's'., .. Picked . .......... 5 15 5 25 //���{y,,,,,..�,.11iY.'i. ....,... i. i. Coira..t,,,...,..,,, 6 00 Gathered from all Countries Are the "foodstuffs" that help to make onr stook of groceries the best in the town. It is really a pleasure to order. Your Groceries From such a welt stocked store as onr&. Nothing but pure and whole' some grooeriee aresot.dby us, but you will find our prioeaas ]ow es any; and our service beat. • SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOlITR• WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY person who is the Sole head of a family or any male over 18 yearsold, may hoe - stead a quarter section of available Dominion land is Manitoba,w or Alberta. The applicant must st appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made as any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by liim or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a honieateader in good. standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his hodiad. Price $8 00 Der acre. - Duties, -Must r e upon the homestead or - pre-emption six months in each of six years from the date of homestead entry (Including the,time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivatelfty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted fits home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption mayy enter for a pnrohased homestead in certain districts..Price $3.00 per acre. Duties --Must =Tag;months in each of three years, cults• vete fifty acres and erect a bouseworth $300.00. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. 13• B. --Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement willnot be paid for. 528 5 00 4 25 6 40 66 FOR SALE J. F. McGilIivray Phone 54. Where Good • Clothes Come from In this world a Iran mast be well dressed. Custom demand it and all -having any ambition at all follow the custom WE DO FINE TAILORIN G And can build you a snit of the very finest material of your own selection, trimmed with the best goods made for the purpose, charging you no more than you would pay for ready-to•wear clothes that cannot possibly com- pare with those we make. You may choose from our splendid assortment of spring suitings and be able to put on The Snappiest Suit of Clothes made from the goods selected at HENNING'S THE TAILOR Robt. Maxwell's Old Stand C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT F1RE Lan AGGzpENT - PLATE PLASS W EAmHEIZ eboEridi6dl Insurance Coupled with. t1 R1Ar. ESTATE and MONEY LoANINal Business, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BOYS AND. GIRIS Should learn those subjets by which they can earn a living. Spotton'n Business Colleges are the largest train- ers in Canada, and our gradu- ates secure the best positions. Yon can study at home, or partly at home and finish at the College. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION 001oe over Malcolm's Grooery. ENTER ANY DAY WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, - President. A splendid chance for investment front lots in the city of Lethbridge, Alberta. Alto in the new and ra- pidly growing towns situated along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Watrous, Melville and Begger in Saskatchewan. • Tofleid in Alberta. 3 sections of choice Faith Land in Saskatchetran, C. N. GRIFFIN Beall Estate sad insurance There's Feed and Feed There's 811 kinds of feed. and food. the best kind gives better health, mote brawn and mnbote. I❑ baying Flour sae that you get All the Best of the Wheat That's the kind we hell. Toprodiioe good Stock you must prodnoa good feed for them. Poor food meals poor stook. Buy your tattle and thicken 'feed ,here. No higher in prioe, mach batter rebdltb. EZRA. MI i t L1Y PHONE 84. SETTLERS' TRAINS -TO- MANITOBA, . ALBERTA . SASKATCHEWAN The only throe„h tinel LOW COLONIST RATES For s^lllers traveWn? with livestock sod effects Special Trains Willleave Toronto Each TUESDAY Hann and APRIL 10.101'.M. - Settlers sad families without livestock should use Redular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.10 P.M. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers Colonist Cars on all, Trains No charge for bertha Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask our 0,8,5. Alleut for copy of "Settlers' Guide" J. R. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham Spring Term from April 3rd CENTHAL - , STRATretRD :unix. We have three departments: - Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. All oourses are thorough and practi- cal. Tile teaching is done by seven experienced instructors and we place graduates in good positions. Some of last year's students are now earn. ing $1000,00 per annum or better. Students are entering eaoh week. Thio is a good time for you to enter. Write for our free catalogue at once and learn what we Dan do for you. D. A. MCLACHLAN • PRINOIPAL. Winter Tours To, Mestoo, U California, and Colorado, Pacific Coast Points. The Grand Trunk Railway System is the popular route from all points east through Canada via Chicago. FEATURES. Double Track, Fast Service, Finest Roadbed, Modern Equipment, Unex. celled Dining Car Service, all tile - meats of safety and comfort. To the Sunny South No more desirable route than via Grand Trunk and connecting lines. VERY LOW RATES. For tiokete and further information call on G. Lamont, Depot 'Agent of address J. D. McDonald, D. P, A., Toronto. LOOK OU For the nouncement of the TAM O'SHANTER Millinery Store MACDONALD BLOCK 1 <$111121211110112112110181MINENOSIMOISIONINI. The Profit Sharing Stere (HERR & BIRD Agents ---Ladles' Some Journal. Agents -Rome Journal Patterns. NEW DRESS GOODS NEW SUITINGS, NEW SILKS There is satisfaction in knowing that your Dress or Salt is really good, and that you have the very newest shades, made in the most popular style, You are sure of getting the newest shades and styles, and satisfaction in quality if you buy here Beautiful Black Silk and Wool Dress Goods, very dainty, only per yard - • • 51,20 Protty New Broadcloths in popular greys, greens, browns, eta., 65c at per yard - Dainty Fawn and Green, Cordovans, newest shades, extra 65e quality, per yard New Black and White Cheeks and Stripes, correct styles, perto 6pe yard - . You should see oar New Fancy Silks, a splendid range of the very newest shades and weaves at popular prices. We offer handsome new Silks at per yard - - 50e to 75e To The Home Dressmaker Our patterns are the most stylish, and yet so simple to use. They are a wonderful help to those who do their own sewing. We can guarantee satisfaction, and the very latest and most popular styles. Monthly style sheets given tree, ask for there, Large Quarterly Style Book and a 15e Pattern, all for only - - - - 20e Bargain Sale Next Week , This big store is offering great big bargains in every department. Here are some specials for next week. 16 dozen pairs Black Overalls, with or without bib, quality and workmanship guaranteed, new goods, regular price 31.00, on sale next week at only per pair - - 750 85e Overalls for 58e, 75e Overalls for 48e. $1 Cottonade Pants 73e. Bargain Sale 'of Hand Bags Here's an.offer such as the people of this locality have never had in • a special sale of Hand Bags,, A quantity of Ladies' Hand Bags, regular 32.00 for only 98e We want large quantities of Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, etc. GARDEN SEED. -Get you garden seeds for early planting here. NEW SEEDS 12 PACKAGES for 25c. ♦ 1_i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8AMVtMAAAAAAAAAA AMAAAAA JJF � ten Ali AT KNOX'S INEW 1911 WALL PAPER i 1Fis 1 1 PHONE 65 OPPOSITE BIRUNSWICIK HOTEL s i 0 wvvVVVVVVVVWVVVVVWVI/VW VVVVW/wwwWVVVWl,wt wvyvVV BANK OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON Capited Paid Up . . . $2,150,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits . $3,250,000 $6,000,000 Total. Asset . . . Over $40,000,000 Saving. Bank Department at an Branches. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith, Agent.