HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-09, Page 53 DAYS
Qli Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week we
offer you special inducements in the above lines,
in order to clear out broken lines.
4 only Men's Suits, 1 size 39, 1 size 40, 2 size 44,
regular $12.50 for $9.00.
1 only Man's Suit, size 36, regular $14.50 for $10.00
1 only Man's Suit, size 37, regular $16.50 for $12.50
8 only Men's Suits, 1 size 35, 3 size 37, 1 size 3$,
2 size 39, 1 size 40, regular $19.00 for $14.00
1 only Man's Suits, size 36, regular $22.00 for $17.00
Off all Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats
These lines are all strictly up-to-date. No old st ck.
Worth your while to come and see.
McGee & Cam »el
Mr, limo Well left. Luokuow this
Week for Deloraine, Mao , Where ba has
secured a good poeitloe. He- intends
going further Went In the sprig. We
are sorry he has left thin community but
wiele him mach onetime in the fatare,
efettle WeeWANosfi,
liHenry Horney, who has been living
lin Goderioh tie winter, hal perohased
J. R,L`Mo0linton's farm at. Westf old,
Ming $2,700 for the Afty sores, Mr.
and Mrs. Horney moved out to the farm
last week, Mr, Harney has disposed of
hie threshing °atilt, which he had aro
eesetully operated for the past four sea•
SODS in Colborne townahip, to a synth.
oate of Nile farmers—Wm. Watson,
Harry Kerr, Andrew MoIlwain and A.
W. Yeong--who intend operating it in
the north end of Colborne. The ma-
chine was sold et a fair figure.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••:•••••••••••••••••
0 ..
PaY all txp Press!
and Postae
1 6hares4 1•
1We are showing P s rine Goods •
in many new Patterns
C• e
• •
and Materials•
• •
• •
w Ladies' Suiti•nia in tweeds, serges, Stylish Hats for the styliah fellows,
' pauamaa are the tavoritles for spring, Black Stift Hits in all the new styles
white and blank stripe, serge, grey for spring, "Ohrietie's" celebrated
tweeds, navy and grey serge° from
make and "Fit Well" well known •
.• 75o and $2.00 Hats, for sale here.
4. Ginghams and Anderson Zephyrs, 0•
• in oheoke and stripes, in linens,
brown°, pinks, blues, greens, mauves, NEW SKIRTS —Ladies' have a
1 navy and white, blank and white. look at our Skirts for spring. All •
AU guaranteed fast colors, goods thoroughly shrunkand stitched •
`# Men's New Spring Snits in fanoy
green and brown stripe, worsteds,
apeoial earthing with self lengtbing
sleeves and self enlarging vest and
the Battelle Patent Pookete. Prioed
$12 00 tO $15.00.
with silk, Perfect fitting in voice,
black and white checks, greys, blues,
and browns.
class Blooii Dress Goode for a atylieh
Ladies' IteadyMade Suite. This Black Drees, in Voiles, Permoes,
spring we have decided to sell Ladies' Armuree, Ottoman's Drap de Paris,
Readyto•Wear Suite, the very best Heurlettee, Fancy Trimmings and•
for spring, blank, grey and navy. Overlaoed to matoh,
PRINTS —New Prints, Cramer, •
Palatine and Clreet Brand, all good SUITINGS FOR MEN.—The up. T
English Prints and oolor guaranteed.
We have a large range of Leotards in to -date Snits is the tweed shit for =
all new ishades. Drees Sateene in
blanks and greys and navy,. Vest•
ings in blaok and white for dresses
and waists. .
opting wear, greys, and Browne aro
the noWeet colors, Leave your ♦
measure for re new Spring Suit.
erfeot fit
P i
On Wednesday evening, Feb. 22od,
Edward James, one of Howiok'e pioneers
passed away. For twiny years he had
been an invalid, but his end was peace.
ful, Mr, and Mrs. James were in the
fiftieth year of their married life and
had he lived till spring they could have
celebrated the jubilee of their marriage.
For nearly fifty years Mr. James was a
faithful member of the Methodist
ohuroh, and also a charter member of
the Canadian Order cf Foresters, being
appointed a member of the original
Board of Trustees. At the ripe old age
of seventy-eight years he laid down his
task and entered into rest.
An old and highly respected resident
of the village passed to the great maj•
ority, on Friday, Feb. 24th, in the per-
son of Mrs. Hector MuKay, at the age of
77 years. Though for some weeks she
had suffered from an illness from which
it was not expected she would recover,
the end came somewhat nnexpeotedly.
The late Mrs. McKay, accompanied by
her husband who died five years ago,
name to Kinloss in 1887 and resided on
a farm there until 1894, when they mov-
ed to Luoknow. Serving members of
the family are: Rev. John Mackay,
Vancouver; Alexander, on the lecture
staff of the 0. A.O. at Guelph; William,
Yellow Grass, Sask.; George, Calgary;
Mrs. D. B. Forster, Vancouver; Mrs. A5
A. Mo0allum, Kintour, Ont., and Belle,
Mieses Wallaoe and Willis and Mr.
Lawrence Willis visited friends in Bruce
(30. last week. -
Mr. Andrew Pollock visited his broth.
er Johnin Listowel on Saturday last.
Mr. and Miss MoKellar of Alain Craig
are spending a few days at Donald Mao.
Donald's. •
Messrs. Daff and Stewart's gang of
saw -log men finished their contract in
Stoke's busk last Saturday.
Mise Stella Wright entertained a num •
ber of her friends to an enjoyable time
last Tneaday evening.
Mre Andrew Simpson continues to im.
prove in health, Her many friends hope
she will soon be able to be around onoe
Mrs. Duncan MaoDonald and Donald°
'netted at D. W. Rae's at Wroxeter last
Mr. and Mrs. David Breokenridge are
visiting friends at Whitby.
Mr. Foster of Detroit is visiting at
Bernice Payne's.
t n
The following is the correct standing
of the pupils of the Union S. S, No. 14,
Etat and West Wawanosh for the month
of February based pn general proficien-
cy, good condnot and regular attendance.
Annie Laidlaw, Ethel Clow, ,Toho Par•
den and Herbert Laidlaw wiu honors
not having lost a day during the month.
Entrance Class --Willie O'Oaltahan,
Annie Laidlaw, John Purden.
III Class—Maggie Laidlaw, Nellie
O'Callehan, Loofa Nailer, Riohard Thom•
1I Class — Jean Eggleeton, Robert
Stuart, Herbert Hobbs.
I Claes—Nat Thomson.
Some pupils again absented themselves
from Exams Suoh pupils need not ex-
pect promotion, Increase in daily aver•
age for tho month 1,41. Good but
might be better.
D. 0. DORRANOE, Teaoher.
Mr. Alex, Grant and family left on
Wednesday for Elderton where he has
secured a situation with a farmer in
that vicinity. Mr. Louie Grant has
moved to A. E. Dnrnin's farm as his
successor. ,
Mies Minnie McDonald, 1of Goderioh,
who has been staying wi,h her aunt,
Mrs. Thurlow, left for Wingham on
Domain Philips, of Goderioh Clolleg.
late Spent Sunday at his home here.
Mr, Pratt, of Saskatchewan, who has
been visiting at Mr. Thos. Phillips' for
some time returned to his home last
Mr. W, J Todd, who has beeneere:ma
ly ill with pneumonia, we are pleased to
report, id recovering.
Mise Ilomnth, of Windham, id stay-
ing with her aunt, Mre. Hugh Ruther-
Mise L Rutherford spent Sunday at
her home here.
Mr, and Mre. W. J. Miller visited
friends at Goderioh and Mled 0. Miller
returned home with them.
Mt, John Mo0taetle left last week to
take charge ot a bohool iu New Oatario.
Me. L. Weetherhead gave a dance on
Thursday night
There was no school on Friday owing
colors, 11
and do O
s ns c
11de1� .
25 Moquette Rugs, 2yx54, In all gto repairs hating to be done to the fur
$.3,0o for $I,95 Sig Bargains, i nape.
'— ! bods and her elates of
11ANNA S CMile Ellen W
• Zio>d, vltlted at lf, 15, Wood on Sens
eof Lnoknow, 00•
• R . Mr, Treleaven, w
ev ,
• onpled the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Mr. D. Halliday returned home after
spending a week with friends in Toronto.
Mise AI, Higgins is at preaeut spend.
ing a few days at her home.
Mr. and Miae Scott of Morris spent
Sunday at the home of Ml'. and Mrs,
Ed. Higgins.
Mr. W. McKersie is at present o a the
sink list' with a heavy attack of la grippe;
also quite a number of others around.
Mr. Ohne. Gathers spent Sunday even.
ing with friends on the 6th.
What might have been a serious acci-
dent occurred on Wednesday evening
last, when Mr. A. Gallagher was driving
the team, by some means he was tib sawn
out and badly hurt. He is recovering
A quiet but pretty wedding took place
on Wednesday last at the parsonage.
when Mies Hannah Baker became the
bride of Mr. A. Fergie. We wish the
young couple many years of happy wed-
ded life. -
Council meeting held Maroh 61h.
Members all present. The minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Messrs. Mulvey and Wheeler.
S",Moved by Mr, Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. MoBurney, that the Olerk be in.
struoted to notify C.A. Jones, Towusbip
Engineer, to make plans, profile and
award of a drain•in let con. commencing
at north en lot 39 and with a branch in
2nd con. and a seoond branoh in 3rd eon.
' Moved by Mr. Mulvey, seconded by
Mr. Rutherford, that Drainage By -Law
No. 19, 1910, be finally passed and de-
bentures issued for the sum of $430 50. —
Moved by Mr, Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. McBurney, that the Clerk ask for
tenders from Wingbam Advanoa and
Wingham Time for the township print-
ing for the year oommenoing April 1st,
Moved by Mr. Rutherford, seconded
by Mr. Mulvey, that any changes want-
ed in the offices of Path master, Pound -
keepers or FOE 00 Viewers bo sent to
some member of the Council before next
meeting —Carried.
Moved by Mr, Rutherford, seconded.
by M. Mulvey, that the Olerk be in-
etruoted to write to a nnmber of bridge
builders asking for tenders for solid
rivet steel bridge 100 ft. between the
abutments and 14 ft. solid oemeat fluor,
also for the building of two gement
abutments. Plans and epeoifioatioue
oan be seen at the Clerk's office. Ten•
dere to be received up to 2 30 p. m. April
The tollowiag aocoante were passed
and cheques issued:—Munioipal World,
rolls and notices', $5.10; I3. Ringler
Whooping Cough
057A8L1411ID 1078
A atropic salt and+loattve treatment fork en-
ehial Vn o i ', re,e-
+ avoidin dro a. , or,n.d t:
torso stops the croup
once or i h 13000 Cn1 f,
add reflects ront erndp a,t The. it e n erect to nf' .
antero ft•e, inspired, the air tendered ,b0 .'y
brttaeptic, inspired with every hrete 01,
thaaoedqit ass soothes the ul ,lig threelitis eters
hs 1* mallet*
net* With Yattol nhildre It is lnvat,.+
able td mothortl Withh roi:n children.
Send ntl po5ihi lot` descrlrpt,ve booklet. ' tO)
Try croenterie f4s ice
adptin R h rot1:t tab. CU.io +'
bats for the irritated le�
thrust. They aro sinlpk
effective and antt�.eptio. j
oa yetis drdgaiat or ;
trona Vs, lac, in stamps.
., Yape Creseleoe Cb.
PHONE 70 oh tote
+00.441.0.40.4244 n Sendai the absence of the I
1�14Z44i10.40+►44.41040 s" , pastors
l.benting.Miles nidi.
extra on gravel, 40o.; Treasurer, East
Wawanoeh, balance on gravelling, $3 95;
Alex. Findlater, tile and drain, Howiok
Boundary, $6.05, tile and drain, side,
road, $2; Allan Fraliok, removing abut-
ment, $2; T. K. Powell, attending audit,
f1leeticg adjourned to meet Monday,
April 3rd, an 10 o'olook a, m.
Jona Eeriness, Olerk,
Cured After Long Years of Suffer-
ing by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -
There is an excellent reason why Dr,
Williams' Pink Pdls have oared the
most severe owes of neuralgia, sciatica,
and other oomplainte in the group that
are known as disorders of the nerves.
This group also includes St Vitus dance
and paralysis, and the common state of
extreme nervousness and excitoability.
Each of these oomplainte exist baoanae
there is something the matter with the
nervous system. If the new have
tone—are strong and healthy you will
not have any of these cornet into. The
reason Dr. Williams' P,WIr Pills cure
nervous disorders is tt they revere
nor .0 to their proper
sot both directly on
weak, run-dow
state of tone,
the nerves an on the blood supply.
The highest medicai authorities have
noted that nervous troubles generally
attack people who are bloodless and that
the nerves are toned when the blood
aupply is renewed. It is thus seen that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills onre nervous
disorders by oaring the eaaee of the
Mr. J. 0. Adams, Norris Leke, Man ,
says: "I am writing you at my turn
band's request to let you know the great
benefit Dr, Williams' Pink Pills h;ce
been to him. Ile is a river drivet and
therefore much exposed to all kinds of
weather and wetting. As a result he
had an attack of rheumatiem, and then
to add to his misery a severe type of
neuralgia set in, looating on the left
side of the fade, and causing him such
terrible pain that it would drive him
almost wild. He was treated by several
doctors, and finally went to Winnipeg,
where they blistered his head and ap
plied hot plasters which really only add-
ed more to his misery, and he returned
home 'still uncured, In this way he
suffered for nearly six years, trying all
sorts of medicine, but never finding a
onre. One day while he was suffering
I went to a store to get a liniment, but
they did not have the kind I wanted.
ani the storekeeper asked me what I
wanted it for. I told him about my hue.
band and bow he suffered, and he planed
a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills on the
counter saying, "Take my advioe, this
le what your husband ehonid take." I
took the Pills home with me and my
husband started taking thein. I am not
sure how many boxes he took, but one
thing is certain, they oompletely mired
him, and he has nsvor since had a touch
of those torturing pains. Yon oan tell
how much he suffered when I say that
the hair on the side of bis head in which
the pain was located turned quite gray.
It looks odd, but he says it does not
matter since the pain is gene. I believe
be wonld not have been living now had
Dr, Williams' Pink PilIs not cared those
terrible pains, and yon may be sore we
gratefully recommend them to all our
friends and all suffering ones."
Sold by all dealers or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brookville,
•••••M••••••••••••••••••* ••••••••••••••••••••••• •
Are being opening up and placed on display
ievery day now.
• If you want to see what Dalne fashion has,
• created in styledom for Spring, 1911, pay this
• store a visit,
• Don• 't wait till you are ready to buy. Colne
• to -day.
• New Dress Goods, New Silks and Satins, New
• Dress Trimmings, New Prints, New Ginghams,
• New Carpets and Rugs, New Patterns in Lino-
+ • leums, New Window Blinds, New Motor Scarfs,
• New Belts and Collars, Ladies New Skirts,
• Ladies New Coats, Ladies New Suits, New
0 Clothing for Men and Boys.
Minutes of meeting held in the Town-
ship Hall, February 1811a. Reeve in the
chair and members all present. Minutes
of last meeting readand adopted. Audit
o.s' presented their report and by motion
of W. Elston and 0. B. Wilkinson the
report was adopted, Moved by W. J.
Johnston eeoonded by 0. B. Wilkinson
that Council entertain the petition of
ratepayers and that a resolution be pas-
sed memorializing the Ontarlo Legielat•
are to grant the power to manioipal
Councils to withold as well as issue pool-
room lloanees. Osrried. Moved by 0. B.
Wiikinsou, Emended by W. Elston, that
we call for tenders for concrete ab-
utments for 3rd line bridge, let with 12
of stone and second without stone. Also
a steel suporatruotare, let a single amen
of 125 feet 14 foot road vay °tear of Abet
ments and gad a two seen strn°aura of
68 fent each clear of abutments, ten4ets
opened rt OOnnell0bsmber2o'cicok Mar.
13th. Moved by W. J Johnston, second -
ed by W. 0. Thrall that we oali for ten
dere for the -construction ot the Niobol
Marray•L+mb and MoCiell dralne, tend•
ere tube opened Stour next regular meet-
March 13sh M 1 a'°1tlck,
accounts were paid; —0, Agar, gravel,$1
61; Account Welt Boundary, $36. 24; D
W. Campbell, road allowable, $6 00;
Amount South Holladay, $24 10; Muni -
pal 'World ti000nnt tuppliee, $1145; A.
MaoEwen, stationary, $1,00; A, Med.
Ewen, express, 40cte; J'atktea Itiohmottd,
It is our aim, first of all, to create permanent
customers, not one-time purchasers; and we
believe that we can best accomplish that by
giving maximum value and satisfaction, We
are determined to do this and will.
H. E. ISARD'& C0.1
• •
p•r•rr♦++++1++++++++++++++ •444++•♦♦•+♦♦••'1•••••++++0
•••_••••••••o•••••O••••••••• ••••••t••v&••.t••f1c•••••••••l
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor
The only stock I carry contains the newest all -wool
fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from
the most reputable mills in the world.
You will find our Kingfisher
Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy
Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings,
Melton, Beaver and Cror►lbies Over -
coatings give the best satisfaction.
Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- 3
vailing the day you are measured. You get everything 0,
the very latest and best when you let us make clothes •
expressly for you. •
• •
rep bridge, $1.50; Alex Straohen,court
room rent, £6.00; Gerry & Walker, pail
and cup, 85ete; R. Johnston, auditor, $8.
00; P. MoNab, auditor, $8.00. Council
adjoarned to meet again on Maroh 13th,
at 10 30 o'clock.
A. MAOEwEN, Olerk.
Mre, MoVittie, 2nd line, is still quite
poorly but we wish her speedy oon-
Dr, Wilson, of Wingham, who taught
in S. S. No 10 abaat SO years ago, was
a caller on old time friends who Were
delighted to review the olden days.
Thursday morning of lost week John
Shortreed, 1h nue,
died et obstruc-
tion of the +hotvele, aged 78 years, 10
months and 7 days. Ile took i11 the
preeione Tuesday eight.
Dot k 'Thos l3rown and family
removed fromthe W H. Meanders'
farm, East griivet road, where they have
lived for a taw yeareto their newly
purchased, tarn, 10th eon., Grey town.
ship. While sorry to lose thein from,
Morris we hope they will prosper in
,their new home.
WILSON 13L001 •
•Orr* door r0414•044.40,4404•40.0.•
0aanoil mat on Fab. lath no per ad -
j oarnm ant. Members All present; Reeve
Billie in the chair. Mioatee of last
meeting read and approved, on motion
of Messrs. Watton and Altoheson.
Treasurer's statement was Sled on nide
tion of Meagre. ltlnrray and 'Wiloon.. On
motion of Masai. Wilson and Murray
the Reeve was empowered to arrange
with the Scolos Co., of Dangttnnon, re
the Scolds property, The audttcire' re-
port was preeented by Mesar,. Webefer
and Taylor and was adopted on motion
of Menge, Wilson and Watton. lin
motion of Meeere. Wise* and Murray
the Clerk was tnatrneted to by to sell
the rallfcay debeutares, and also to
write Oolonel MoD.ui ld, of i •uelp', in
o0nneotion with the- same. A bylesw
wee parsed to prevent the spread of
noxious weeds and S $•err and R. An.
dersou Wero appointed inspeotots to en.
roe the bylaw. Chr nes be
to t
amount of $41 were bstied is payment
Of 'neonate,
on motion o! Meseta. Wii-
son and Murrey. Connoil adjourned to
meet on Wednesday, l►furob 20th, et lb
NV. S. MCORoSTIis, Oletk.