HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-02, Page 81.01 441. 'A A.- • • - • TUE WINGLIAM, TIMES, MARCH 2 1911 MINOR LOCALS, ••••••"rn," -YealerdaY Was At111 Wednesdity. complete line of staple stationery On sale at the TtlittS add°. Henning, the new tailor has lan advt. in this issue, Read its Rear the We1611 Ledies' Choir in the Opera house next Tuesday evening. -Bear the Welsh Ladle a Chair in the Opera hettee next Tuesday evening, -Get your wedding invitations and, Visiting cards printed at the Tim office, -The regular monthly meetiug of the Town Conned will be held next Monday evening --Robt. Knox is receiving his spring shipments of new wall paper, Read his new advt. in another column, -Hugh Campbell, ex Mayor or Mit- chell is dead. He was a life-long Liberal and had been a resident of Mitchell since 1857. -We aresorry toreport that Miss Jen. nie Sneath is seriously in with slight hopes for her recovery. -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Matheson, of the 8th concession of Huron Township celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on February 131b. -The report that emanated in New York some time ago that rich deposits ot potash were diaoovered at Goderioh hes greeted considerable interest in the County town. - Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, of Ripley, underwent a serious operation et the Wingham Hospital last week and we are pleased to report that she is making a speedy recovery. - Mr. X. E. Swarts is making con- aiderable improvement to the interior of the Queen's hotel in having metalio placed on the ceiling and walls of the sitting rooms and bar rooms, -One and one-quarter million -dollars are to be spent for advertising during 1911 by the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railroads. The railroad officials certainly believe in advertising. • -Goderioh firemen handed in their rubber boote and coats Saturday and quit the job because the Conneil would not accede to raising their pay. Several new men, however, took their places. W. C. T. U, COLUMN. a disease. The deteriorationa produced in the ..•••••••,•••.,•••••••• • This column has been reserved for the woe or the Wingham W. Q, and will be edited by the members of that Society, The skeleton of a man has been found near the Thames River, England, which is said to be li0,000 years old. The Norwegian Parliament has adopt- ed a measure admitting women as state officers, save- those having to do with the Cabinet, military, diplomatic and consular services. ..4.4••••••• ,•••••••••• "Add to virtue knowledge " II Peter 1:5. If the purity of our boys and girls is to be coneerved, it must be built upon something stronger than ignorance, Them if, not a saloon in San Joan County. New Mexico A distiller en deavor, d to establish himself in that county but the fruit growers banded to - gather and agreed not to sell him any frit for distilling purposes. As a result the oonn,ty i without saloons and there Is not prisoner in the county jail. For a large part of the last year there were no prisoners in the jail for drunkenness, and only one man was arrested for in- toxication during the past eighteen months. The total number of prisoners in the county jail for a year and one- half is only seven. One man only in the county was arrested for assault and battery during the year 1909. Saloons have been out of the county for two years, Eighty eight per cent. of the manu- factories ot the United States demand total abstinence on the part of their em• ployees, and about 1,000,000 of the rail- road men of the country are compelled to be total abstainers from both ferment- ed and distilled liquors. • Alcohol lowers the body's power of • infectious diseases. An active campaign againif alooholism is therefore funds- • mentally important in the movement against tuberculosis. The brain is the organ of the mind, and the temple an instrument of con- duct and oharaoter. Alcohol is first of all a nerve poison, which, used immoderately for a long time, causes serious changes in the ner. vous system, whioh give rise to mental disorders; the reasoning power is weak• ened, the will relaxed and the disposi- tion coarsened. Whatever disorganizes brain disorga. nizes mind and character; and whatever disorganizes mind and oharaoter diem.. .ganizas society. Whilesaelf-control lets, a bad habit is a vioe; when self-control is lost, a bad habit is a disease. While a bad habit is a vioe, the treat- ment of it belongs to the Christian and the philanthropist. When it becomes a disease, the treatment of it belongs to physicians. In probably nine oases out of ten among the physical difficulties produoed by the use of alcohol, and not inherited, the trouble is a vioe and not • •.4++++++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++44-++++++++44++4 A A • I blood by alcohol are peculiarly lojuttous to the brain on account of the great quantity of blood sent to that organ. To nos liquor is to the nervous system like plitoing sand in a watoh; it wears it out rapidly, melting of it a WOrthiess, useless thing. Alcohol, even in small quantities, used cooasionally, contrary to the general opinion, steadily lowers the power of attention, judgment and efflotenoy, he regular meeting of W. 0. T. U. was held in the 0, 0. F. hall on Tuesday of this week, Further particulars next issue. From Ontario to Winni •:".g without Change of 0 rs. If you travel to W -torn Canada by the Canadian raot direct line, The trains make t astest time with no change of cars route, no transfers or customs examination, The route is inter - eating andattraotive and through Caned. ian territory the entire journey, Special train service for settlers in effect during March and April. Mrs. Fraser, mother of the late Hon. 0, F. Frazer, died at Brookville, aged 88. BORN. RA"S.-1n Wingham, on February 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Renneth Rae; a daughter. DIED, G1LLESPIE.-In Whitechurch, on February 22oc1, Mimic Rintoul, wife of John Gibson Gil- lespte. aged 26 years and 9 months. MeLEAN.-In Wingham, on February 26th, Susan McElroy, wife of Mr. Lachlan McLean, in her 89th year. • IESISTER.-In Morris, on February 25th, Edna Irene, second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ishister, aged 20 yews, 1 month and 21 days. Asthma CatarTh 1 WHOOPING COUGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS ESTABLISHED 1079 A simple, safe and effective trcatmentfor tron- chial troubles, without dosing the stomach with drugs. Used with success for thirty years. The air rendered strongly antiseptic, ins pired with every breath, makes breathing ensy, seethed the sore throat, and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene i invaluable to mothers with young children and a boon to sufferers from Asthma. Send usloostal for descriptive booklet. 810 ALL DRUGGISTS Vb.1 Try Cresolene Anti- /es sleep i septic Throat Tablets • Cl for theirritated throat, il .t /01,t featly° and antiseptic. ' They aro simple, cf. oe 02 your druggist or from es. 10c In stamps. k Vspo Crosolene CO. Lecnala3-11/ges Bldg. i) RioNTREAL I I 11111... virevvrrvvvitrvvvvvvvvvivrt Irmyvyymyymyrrynyx_TyltS o op VERY SPECIAL at BARGAINS. .,.. FOR ONE WEEK FROM FRIDAY FEB. 24th 4 lb 4 lb 4 r, 4 - 4 r .11 4 * 4 4 4 4 t • We are still giving 25 per cent off all Winter Goods, we 1 t. have to make room for Spring Goods which are stead- 4 • ily corning forward of which announcement 4 4 It14 It•will appear later. :03 1 • 1 EA few Men's Fur Coats, worth $35.00 for $2o.co cash .1 a., Ladies' Fur Coats, worth $4o.00 and $5o.00 for $25.00 i I ALMIN1STER MOQUETTE RUGS ...1 4 4 Having bought a clearing line of these Axminister • • Moquette Rugs in Floral and Animal Designs, worth re- gular $3.00, we will clear the entire lot for $2.00 each. Come early and get first choice as they will not last long I E at these prices, sizes 27 x 54 inches. . • '4. * . • 1 A FEW SPECIALS IN GROCERIES- 20 lbs. of Best Granulated Sugar - $1.00 i * It: 4 IP 21 lbs. Light Yellow Sugar - $ r.00 4 11. p. Fresh Prunes, per lb - - - roc . Choice Raisins, 3 lbs for - 25c * Gallon Apples, per tin 3oc I. Maple Syrup, per tin - • - 25c Oat Meal, fresh, 9 'lbs for 25c * * Sardines in oil, per tin 04C 11 4 4 . Good 4 Cord Broom - 25c 4 11. P. .• 4 I. Large quantities of Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted, .1 11. 4 taken same as cash. 4 * 4 4 •5• 4 o. 1 et a 'PE TM AN MILLO i 4 4 4 1 PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT.. NEXAmutit.AAAAAAli/iiikAlciLLAAAA4 IMIKAWAIKATWKWAKAKAAAAAA 4 4 BIG SHOE BARqIANS FOR MEN 43 PAIRS HIGH GRADE SHOES MADE BY GEO. A. SLATER, ASTORIA SHOE CO. AND ALBERT SHOE CO. • Regular $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes ON SALE ON FRIDAY AT 7 P.M. FOR $2.97 PER • PAIR None of these Shoes will be sold, promised or laid by before 7 o'clock Friday evening but the mate to each shoe can be examined and tried on any time before the sale. ON EXHIBITION IN SOUTH WINDOW WILLIS • & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. .**4+++++++++++++++++++++++ 4,4***••••;••••••••••******* +a. • *. • SPECIAL ANNOLNCEMENT BIG CHANGE 1 BUSINESS. The Business heretofore carried on by the -Geo. E. Icing Estate has been sold and henceforth will be known as KING BROS. Stock Must Be Reduced The new firm will give the people of Wingharn and vicinity three weeks of the •GREATEST MONEY -SAVING opportunities ever offered • The stock consisting of everything in Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods, Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc., etc. xn.ust be reduced from $20,000 to $12,000 and if price will:do it, it will not take long. Everything goes. COME TO THE SALE. • BRING YOUR FRIENDS. SAVE MONEY. 4 YOU WILL BE SATISFIED Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same we are, yours respectfully KING BROS. N. accounts up to March ist, 1911, must be paid at once to Miss E. M. Zing through •her solicitor Mr. J. A. Morton, 4 • Store closed Thursd Vi+4,01,.+4440.440+W44,44‘ • A • and Friday, Mar. 2nd and 3rd ---Reducing Prices ---Open for Business Saturday, March 4th. 74, ,++.40.0,++++.40+++.+.+044111Aktifit41+.0.4.01. - • .!!'•• • ". •