HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-02, Page 6TWENTY YEARS AGO.
(From the TIMES of Feb. 27, 1891.)
Reeve MeKerzie, wbo has been laid
up for some time, we are glad to see, is
able to be around again.
A peculiarity about "1891" is that
adding the first figure to the second
makes the third, and subtracting the
fourth figure from the third gives the
second. Adding the four figures togeth-
er gives the number of the centers,.
East Wawancth Spring Show will be
held in Belgrave cn Thursday. April
Mr G -ea. Pette, and Mr. areid Mrs John I
McMarreas ana their ears, James and
Jobe, of town, were en Mitchell last
week Atter,-X.rg the funeral of 'ear. Pett's
Mr. M. MoDereald has &sot -teed of his 1
barberirg business to Mr. Wellington
Martin, of Lnekonw, nephew of Mr.
John Martia. of the Brunswick Hotel.
A gezeteen reemee Cerain. has open-
ed a beet and she store one door north
of Miss E. Rush's restaurant.
Mrs. S. B. Webb has purchased the
house and lot on Francis street, lately
owned by Mr. F. Billingsley.
Metiers. Gilchrist. Green & Co., ship-
ped a carload of furniture to St. John,
N. B., on Wednesday Met per 0. P. R.
The rain and thaw of the early part
of this week has taken nearly all the
snow off, and wheels have again been
brought into use.
The final cutting match for this year
for the Neelande cup wee played on
Local History of the early 80s
Items from the "limes" telt:
Monday last, between rinks ekipped by
Messrs B. Willson and John Dinsley,
and resulted in a victory for Mr. Will.
son's rink by a majority of 9 theta as
Willson's Dingley's
M. McDonald, H. W. 0. Meyer,
E. R Talbot, J. Western],
John Inglis, W. Patterson,
B. Willeon, skip 24. J. Dinsley, skip 15.
The election of Dr. Macdonald for
East Huron by a good majorsty is con-
fided by all, but all who are in favor of
unrestricted trade with the United
States should use every legitimate
means to make., his majority as large
as possible. The watchword from now
till live o'clock on the 5th of March
!should be "Work, Work, Work!"
Mr. R. Truax. the Unrestricted Reci-
procity candidate in Eset Brace will be
returned with a gond majority. The
farmers are going eolid for free trade
this time.
Simmons.—In Wingham, on the 20th
inst ,the wife of Mr. A. E. Simmons;
a son.
Baby.—In Lower Wingham, on the
20th inst., the wife of Mr. George Relay;
a daughter.
Pinnell.—In Culroes, on the 4th inst.,
George, son of Mr. George Pinnell, aged
20 years and 10 months.
Morrie, on January
29th, Eliza Roddick, wife of David
Eirkconnell, aged 69 years.
IInteresting Paragraphs from our Exchnegs•
Wireless telegraphy won a new triumph
the other day, when the physician of an
ocean liner prescribed for, and oared, a
case of ptomain -poisoning upon a ship
eight hundred miles away.
Children Cry
Wherever there is any weakness of the
heart or nerves, flagging energy or phy-
sical breakdoen, the use of Milburn's
Heart aud Nerve kills will soon produce
a healthy, strong, system.
Miss Bessie Einsley, Arkona, Ont,,
writee: It is with the greatest of
pleasure1 write you stating the benefit
1 !ewe reeeivei by ming your Milburnie
Heaet and Nerve Pills. This spring I
was all run down and could hardly do
any work. I ', to a doctor and he
toll me I had heart trouble and that my
nerves were all unstrung. I took his
medicine, ae he ordered me to do, but it
did me zio good. I was working in a
,printing °Glee at the time, and my
!doctor said it was the type totting
caused the trouble, but I thought not.
;My father advisd tnC to buy a box of
lyour pills as he had derived so much
1 benefit from them. Before I had finished
one box I noticed a great differeece, and
coula work from morning to night with
out any smothering feeling or hot flushes.
I can reComtnend them highly to all
nervous and run clown people."
Price 50 eeets per box, or 3 for $1.25,
at all dealer, Or mailed direct on receipt
r)f price by The T. Milburn feta, Limited,
Toronto, Oit.
The Department of Agriculture at
Washington has published a statement
showing the comparative value of farms
in 1900 and 1910, in sixteen states in
New England and the Middle West. In
all mem the value of land per sore
shows an increase, the smallest increase
being from $10 to $13 In Vermont, while
in the Middle West values have in some
cages more than doubled, the per sore
value in Minnesota, having inereatied
from $20 to $42; in Iowa, $36 to $83; in
Illinois, $46 to $95, and in Indiana, $32
to $62.
It you have trouble in getting rid of
your cold yon may know that you are
not treating it properly. Thereieno need
that a cold should hatigon for weeks and
it will not if you take Ohetnberlain's
Cough Remedy, For sale by all dealers.
The Midland Farmers' Aesociation
with headquarters in Nottingham, a
ecooperetive organization, made sales
during the past twelve months, ley.
The Standard of Empire, amounting to
nearly $150,000. The AserlolatiOn was
formed three years ago, and during ito
first year's trading had a turnover of
$75,000. There are 462 farmers in the
Organization and they occupy over
10,000 ROM!. At first its operations were
mainly confined to barley, but it hat
now bean deoided to Start In the retell
milk inanities, and to open a factory in
Vehieh, When the price of Milk is no
satisfactory, the produot Mt be turned
into oheeie. It has paid 15 per tent.
dividends on Capital emOirlyed.
A Natural Mistake,
The servants were abed aucl the dottier
answered the bell himself. A colored
man stood on the steps holding a large
"Is Mies Matildalt, the cook, at home,
sail?" asked the num,
olres, bat she has retired," returned
the dootor,
I 'Oah I leab die fee her, ash?"
'Certainly," paid the dootor,
He took the bundle, from which flow.
ere and buds were protruding, and, aft w
bidding the man good -night, carefully
carried it to the kitchen whore he depos.
ited tt paper and all in a pan of water,
The dootor thought nothing more of
the thing until he heard Matilda's voice
raised in oonversation with the maid.
"If I had de pnsson heah," oried the
wok, "Dat put mak uew spring hat in
die yer dish pan I'd &meld 'im for shot"
Do yon know that of all the minor
ailments colds are by far the most drag
erous? It is not the cold itself that you
need to fear, but the serious diseases that
it often leads to. Most of are known as
germ diseases. Pneumonia and consump-
tion are among them. Why not take
Chamberlain's Gough Remedy and care
your cold while you elm? For sale by
all dealers.
A Chance to Rise.
Farmers generally believe in making
as much hay as possible before the sun
shines—before it gets very high and hot,
And turkey -farmers, vouches a writer
in the St. Louis Globe-Demoorat, are
no exception.
I was visiting a California turkey.
farm last mouth,when a boy applied for
a job.
"Your references aro good. I'll try
you," said the farmer.
"Is there any ohanoe to rise, sir?" the
boy asked.
"Yei," said the farmer, "a good
ohanoe. You'll rise at four o'olook
every morning."
by looal applicationa, as they oannot
reach the diseased portion ht the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Eno.
tacnian Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en.
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine cases out of ten are canted
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
fiammed condition of the mucous stir.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any ease of Deafness (catirsed by
catarrh) that oannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Care. Send for ciroulars free.
F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druegiste, 760.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Volcano in the Philippines.
There is a volcano situated on an
Leland 34 miles south of Manilla which
has been active eight times since 1709.
Recently the volcano broke into renewed
aotivity with disastrous results. The
volcanic notion was accompanied by
severe earthquake shocks and the island
on which 11 is situated sank several feet,
while the water of the lakes rose in the
tidal wave ten feet high and spread over
the coast for a mile inland, destroying
several villages in its course, ruining
crop twenty miles around and leaving
five thousand families destitute. Be-
tween seven and eight hundred people
were drowned or killed by the falling
shower of scalding mud, hot stones and
ashes. The eruption was accompanied
by an electric storm.
The most common cause of insom-
nia Is disorders of the stomach. Cliamb
erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets °or-
reot these disorders and enable you to
sleep, For sale by all dealere.
Children Cry
itching Piles
For 27 Yrs.
Despaired of over getting relief until
cure came 3 years ago with use of
Mr. John johnson, Cawley, Alta.,
writes: "Throe years ago I was eured
of blind, itching piles of twenty-seven
years' standing by using Dr, Chase'.q
Ointment. I used to think that death
would be the only relief I could ever
get from the terrible misery of piles.
"Dr. Chases Ointment is worth six-
ty drakes a box instead of sixty cents.
I am a different man since using it. I
ant farming all the time new and never
miss a day. Words fail to express my
gratitude for the cure this Ointment
made for me. I caned tell half as
much about it as it deeerves. Any
ane doubting this dart Write direct to
Me. "
Do not accept an imitation or substi,
Lute in place of De. Ceaso's Ointment,
for there has yet to be discovered a
treatment width so promptly gives re-
lief from itebing and to thoroughly
cures every form of pilot. 60 dente a
beta nt all &Mere, or Eilmarisen, Bates
& Toronto, Vttrite for a free copy
of Dr. (Imes Iteeipes.
Cured ot Plea by Zam-Buk,
Mr. Thomas X. Hogan, Champion Oleg
and Pedestal Dewier of Canada, who re-
sides at 59 Chambord St., Montreal writ -
ea; "It gives me much pleasure to let
you know my opinion of your wonderful
Zam Buto For some time past I have
been troubled with pito, but this year
buffered so much that I was. obliged CO
cancels number ot engagements. I tried
all the so called remedies that were re-
oomended, but they seemed to do me no
good Having been advised to try Zeta-
13uk I purchased a box and after apply-
inte it a few timer) I felt tuarked relief.
I continued with the Zem•Buk treatment
and the relief was extended iuto c per-
manent cure. I gladly permit you to
use my exporieuce as an illustration of
the greet value of Zam Bak for piles,"
, Another illustration of how Zam Buit
mitres long standing oases of piles is pro
vided by 61r. William Keuty, of Upper
Niue Mile River,Hants Go., N.S. Hesayb:
"I suffered terribly froth piles, the pain
at times being tamest unbearable. Zane.
Bak was reoommended to me so I pra.
cured a supply and commenced with the
treatment. Atteravery short time Zen].
Bak effected a otenap.ete cure."
Zam•Buk is also a cure for ulcers, ab•
susses, eczema, cold sores, chapped
hands, varicose uloere, rashes, blood.
poison, ringworm, outs, burns, brniees
ohildren'a abrasione, tetter, salt rheum,
etc. All druggists and stores sell at 50a.
box, or past free from Zem•Buk Go., To
ronto, for price. Zene-Buk Soap whiuh
may be had from any druggist at 25o.
per tablet, should be used instead of or-
dinary soap to all oases of eruptions and
skin diseases.
For colds there are a dczen and more
pleasant cures in the garden. Beans,
bruised and boiled with garlic), will cure
the most obstinate cough, as well as
supplying a nutritous supper. Red or
black currant jelly, with a wineglass of
brandy and some hot water, nearly al-
ways nips a cold in the bud.
Other ouree for coughs and °olds are
the juice of red cabbage, made into a
syrup with plenty of sugar, and taken in
teaspoon doses. Peel and equeeze a few
turnipo, add three ounces of sugar,
horseradish at meals and at intervals all
day for the persistent cough following
in finer za. Relief will be speedy •and
Corns or warts youaran oure by apply-
ing boiled potatoes, the juice of green
figs, dandelion juice or elberberry juice.
Better still ie a thin slice of pineapple
bandaged over the corn and left for
eight hours. The corn is then quite
soft, and can be easilyremoved.
To brace the nerves, out celery roots
into small pieces, dry and grind them,
and make the powder into celery tea.
Yon can take it with cream and sugar,
and it will cure neuralgia if you suffer
so. Rosemary tea quiokly removes tier;
vous depression; and a headache can be
cured by thyme tea or lavender tea.
Earache is oured by a warmed cab-
bage leaf placed over the ear.
For sleeplessness hop tea or a hop
pillow neva fails.
For burns apply red currant jelly
without delay.
For the brain, apples strengthen it by
moans of their phosphorus; asparagus
brings forth one's genius; sage and
balm improve the memory; creases in
vigorate the intellect; prunes and hope
soothes the nerves; and both celery and
aloe gin remove brain fag.
Dr. Chase's °Int
ment is a certain
and guaranteed
curefor each and
every form of
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
Tour neighbors about it. You can use it and
et your money back if notsatistied. 60o, at all
menus ter KDBILITSON, BATES & Co., TOrOnt.O.
Lynchings in 1910.
The lynching statistics of the United
States for the year 1910 are more sates -
factory than those of the previous year,
because there seems to have been a de.
crease of very nearly fifteen per oent in
total number of these horrible and un-
lawful events throughout the country.
In 1903 there were 87 lynchings while in
1910 there was only 74. Oneof this year's
lynching was in Ohio and the victim was
white mane. Of the 73 lyohinge in the
South 9 viotims were white men 3 were
negro women and 61 were negro men.
Theee leen tell there own story. At the
same time the records of only a few
years poet prove that the black bele
is not the only section subject to the
shame of lynchings. Delftware is not a
Southern State, yet in Delaware ocoured
one of the most heinous oases.
For Winghem and surrounding die
trict for Fall and Winter months an en-
ergetic reliable agent to take orders for
nursery stook,
Good Pay Weekly. NM Free
Exclusive Territory,
tinder cultivation. We guarantee to
deliver stook in geed condition and tip
contrftot grade, 'We cart show that
there is good money in representing a
well known reliable firm at this tirae.
Established over 80 years, Write for
PELHAM titY1iSEI4Y 0o.
Totelito, Ontarie,
Treatmest for the Hair.
A thorough treatment of the hair with
kerosene QV coal cit is said to give tie
cellent results. Is should be waned
yet nlarly ono° a fortuight in this wise:
Pour a little oil iu A saucer and rub into
the imam with the lips of the Angers.
gettine it well into the roote of the hair
iner d of on the heir itself, Let use
epplioation be slow and thorough,. the
Retitle waseage with the film r Opp being
neneetary to open the paris for the ab.
Rorie son of the oi'. Make this treatment
51 ntglat, ant afterwards tie the head up
^ie an old ei k tandkerolue , or any old
eat 'quare of silk, if silk night oapa are,
ot to be had. There is a virtue in tbe
sibr tee it. retains the electrinity of the
hale. snoon the next day the odor
ot tne oil will have escaped, and the
elle ne oilnesa will soon follow. The
effect of thia treatment on the heir
should be quickly noticienble, and as the
applioetion Is contioned, the heir will
become thick, glossy and soft After
the growth and improvement of the
hai has beoome satisfactory, the apple
tattoos may be at longer intervals.
This is a safe, sure and inexpensive hair
estoretive, and it is sure to give health
re the scalp, stopping falling hair, and
it many instances the users claim, stop.
:ug the greying also.
When you have rheumatism in your
foot or instep apply Ohamberlein's Lin
loosen and you will ger quick relief. It
°cats hut a quarter. Why suffer? For
sale by all dealers. e
Halt a mtllion immigrente will prob-
ebly aol r Canada this year, of whom
350,000 will be English speaking people
from Br tain and the United States. It
is expected that 30.000 of the very best
typ of egrioulawal laborers frutta Soot.
land are expected to emigrate to Canada
during the present year.
Women Bare Backache.
Many women have kidney disease and
do not know it because they attribute
baOlinche to otber °SASES The use of
Dr Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills
makes short work of backache and pre.
',UM serious trouble from deranged kid.
neys Ask your neighbors about this
family mediolue.
Hon. S. H Blake in a letter to P. C.
Larkin, in speaking of the (Merge that
receproeity will lead to annexation, nay s
"If permitted to work on the ewe that
open to them such trade. businette, and
financial results as will conduce to their
prosperity, people will not think of any
ohmage of allegiance; but it thy ere
thwarted in this way, dissatistaotion will
be introduced and change will he ne-
Process by Which Things Receive
Their Designations.
Besides port and sherry, other
wines indicate the districts or coun-
tries from which they are obtained
by their names are madeira, cham-
pagne, moselle, and the town of
Cognac, in France, is inseparably
connected with good brandy. It may
not be so generally known that the
word "grog" was derived from the
nickname of Admiral Vernon, who
introduced the mixture into the navy,
and who was tailed "Old Grog,"
from the grogram breeches that he
Another textile derived from the
name ef a place is calico, from Cali -
cut, in India; and the province of
Ulster has given its name to the long
overcoat with a cape much in vogue
a few years ago ; while millinery is
generally supposed to be derived from
"Milaner," a trader in Milan goods.
Wellington and Blucher boots ob-
tain their names from the two fam-
ous generals who took so prominent a
part in the Battle of Waterloo, and
Hessian and Balmoral boots were
named after places. Names of vehi-
cles which originated from names of
persons are' hansom, after its inven-
tor, Joseph Aloysius Hansom; broug-
ham after Lord Brougham; and Vic-
toria, after her late Majesty, Queen
Victoria. The name of Charles Mack-
intosh is preserved in the waterproof
coat invented by him, and of John
Loudon Macadam in the word mac.'
adumize, the process of mending
roads by rolling in broken fragments
of granite or other stones, which he
Currant takes its name from Cor-
inth, from the neighborhood of which
the small dried grape is exported;
cayenne pepper from the province of
Cayenne, in French Guiana,; peach
is the Persian fruit, damson the
Damascene or Damascus plum, but
the so-called Jerusalem artichoke
has no connection with the capital of
Palestine, being a corruption of the
Italian giraeole (sun -flower), a
plant which it much resembles itT
erminater„ Axminster, Turkey
and Brussels give their names tee
special kinds of carpets, and the
last-named to Brussels sprouts;
Gruyere, Cheddar, Stilton, to special
kinds of cheese; Manila andllavana,
to well-known branc1s. of cigar; while
Cochin -China and Guinea are repre-
flouted in the names of farmyard
fowls, and the latter also in the now
obsolete cein at one time tainted from
Gpinea gold.
Personal taines given to roses and
other flowers ,,and plants, to pears
pies, and other fruits, to vines Of
ographical featuree are too nutlet.-
Fewne, riversmountains, and other
bug to mention. Among names of
countries and states the foliowing,
however, are worthy of notice:
erica, after Amerigo Vespucci., wbo
did not discover America; Coliemb ti,
after Christopher ColumbPs, who did;
Victoria and Queensland, after her
late Majesty Queen Victoria; and
amongst the latest creations Rhodesia
after the late Cecil Modes.
The Hind. Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
. and has been made under his per.
sonal supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or
Infants and Childreu—Experience against Experiment..
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parc..
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups: It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wornake
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, Cures Constipation
and Flatulency,' .It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Claildren's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend,
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A "Woman's Club." in New Guinea
has a meaning quite different from any.
thing associated with the term in Amer-
ica. A traveller notioed three heavy
clubs standing outside the door of
native house. Inquiry brought out the
fact that they were the implemente of
oorreotion and discipline which the hus-
band used on hie three wive's. The wo..
man did not objeot to being beaten, but
they would not be beaten by a club that
was used on another woman.
Three men were welded to death in
the pulp mill at Hawkesbury, and a
fourth probably fatally injured through -
some man opening the door of the boiler.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Ot anything you may require in the printing line,
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office
Wingham, Ont.