HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-02, Page 4'1'U1 wilvtall AM TIMILS , MARCH 2: 1 711 THEBank RHEUMATISM CURED Dommion TO STAY CURED HEAD OI'FI0o : TORONTO • Otepttel Stook (all paid up) $4,000,000 00 Adserve 13'und and Un. divided Pr•efits ., .... $5 300,000,00 DepOette by the emelt°... $47 000,000 00 Tata1 Ass: ad, over ..... $02,600,000,00 3411,4110iPIS AND A.CIENTs throughout Can ado, end the United States. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department. Current R iter of Interest allowed, and Depasits received of $1 00 and upwards. Farmers' Bale Notes Collected, and advanoee made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINGHAM BRANCH—Corner John and Josephine Streets. W, R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. VANSTONE, Solioitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ohenges must be left at thie office not later than Saturday noont The oopy for changes must be lef. not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of oaoh week. ItSTABLIeHED 187E THE WINIIIA 1 TIMES. H. R. C tt1OT.T. PnnLIen2R ANDPROPRIETO THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1911 EDITORIAL NOTES. A000r,tiag to a reply given in the Oomtnone by Hon, Mr. Fielding, to a question by Mr. David Henderson, there will be uo royal oommission appointed to investigate the affairs of the Farmers' Bank, and the Government does not think it will be wise public policy to relieve the shareholders from doable liability. Party linea are being broken on the reciprocity question. In Ontario, The Ottawa Citizen, The Ottawa Journal, The Kiugston Standard, all etrong Con• eervative papers, and throngbont the country many papers usually opposed to the Lander Government refuse to take part in the anti-reciprooity oam• paigo. The Calgary News•Telogram (independent with Conservative lean- ings) says reciprocity would carry the West at the ratio of seven to one. Na change in the date of municipal elections will be made at the present session of the Legislature. Mr. A E. Denovan'e much heralded bill to provide for the holding of nominations on the second Monday in January and elections on the third Monday found the atmo- sphere deoidly chilly in the Mnnioipal Committee room After the question had been diecueeed for an hour, the members began ceiling for a vote, and when the hands were counted only five members supported the man fro.n Brockville. Mr, John N Mckenzie of Ashfield ex- presses himself on reciprocity in the God erioh Signal as fol:ows:—"I believe the reciprocity agreement is a good thing. Is will not make such a great change in the course of trade as some people seem to expeot bat it will make a tendenoy to steady the market, and as it gives the farmers another outlet for their prodnots the result oannot but be bensfi• tial to them. Cattle -raising is the great industry of Huroa County, and with the Muted States market open to ns prions will be steadier and somewhat higher. Lambs also will undoubtedly be sold at better prioes if we seoure free trade with the States Altogether aside from the commercial features of the Tues. SCROFULA Scrofula disfigures and causes life-long misery. Children become strong and lively when given small doses of Scott's Emulsion every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healed, and the tainted blood vitalized. Good food, fresh air and Scott's Emulsion con- quer scrofula and many other blood diseases. FOR Same BY Ar.r, tome Gisre send 16c., name of paper and this ad. for oerbeautiful Savings Bank asd Child's $ketteasook, Idea'. beide emanate x Good duck Penny. SCOTT & SOWNk. 12a Wagterton St., WOO. T.M.ta'O t liniments of no Avail --The Trou- ble Must be Created 1 hrough the Blood. This article is intended as a talk to the men or woman with rheumatism who wants to be cured, Not merely relieved, not hell cured, but actually oured. The most a rheumatic) sufferer cau hope for in robbing something on the 13w010. 0, aching joints is a little re- lief. Aud all the while the trouble is beoomteg more firmly seated. Medical authoiiw'4 now know that rheumatism is roote.i ie the blood, and that while rubbing ou liniments or hot fomenta- tions u ,s give temporary relief, they cannot paasibly care—you mutt go to the root o" the trouble in the blood. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure rheumatism. They make new, riot] blood, whioh expels the poisonous aoid, and the rheumatism disappears. There are th lasends of former rheumatic sof, ferers to Canada, now well and strong - who thank D^, Williams' Pink Pills that they are now free fro•. the aches and pains and tortures o this dreaded trouble. Mr Joseph L. s dingtou, New Harbor, N. S., says: "Some three years ago my wife w•. B stlioken with rheumatism, and Buff : ed eo much that we despaired of her etting well again. At first she was abl: to go about, brit io spite of all we • id or her she grew so bad that we halift her in and out of bed, and final the pains grew so ex• oruoiating that we could only move her little, with the sheet under her. Fin ally we were induced to get Dr. Wil- liems' Pink Pills for her. I do not re• member just how many boxes she took, but I do know that they were the first medicine that reached the disease, and that she oontiuued to improve until she was again as well as ever, and ooald do her household work. To us it is simply marvellous what Dr, Williams' Piuk Pills did for her, and we are glad to give thie testimonial in the hope that it will benefit some other poor sufferer." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the De. Williams' Medi- cine Oo., BrookviIle, Ont, tion I must say that the flag-waving and treason crying whioh is going on in cer- tain quarters is disgneting. The "loyalty" cry as need by the opponents of a real enable agreement with our next door neighbor is an insult eo the intelligence of Canadians" A correspondent of the Toronto Star finds that both farmers and fruit grow– ers, Liberal and Conservative in the counties north of Lake Ontario, are en- thusiast:oddly for reciprocity. The ohief opposition comes from the Niagara die• triot. The fruit growers there ere by no means unanimous, and the agitation a- gainst the agreement is being fostered largely by the canners' oombine. Canada's trade for the first ten months of the ourrent fiscal year totalled $634.• 431,075, au increase of $70,144,295 over the corresponding ten months 011909-10. The imports totalled $376 481,620, an in- crease of $74 431,313. Exports of domes- tic products totalled $238,907 285, a de. crease of $2,767,934. Exports of foreign pradnote were $19 042 27G, a decrease of $1,519,084. The January trade totalled $56,431,447, an increase of $4 631,346. Free Books on Western Canada. If you contemplate going to the West thio year you will need these fro ooke just issued by the Canada' Pacific; Railway entitled "1911 Settles Guide" and "Western Canada" see books contain a wealth of inform tion regard- ing the Western Provinces, orop states. tics, land regulations, clic ate conditions, latest land maps.el t and passenger rates by the 0. P. . direot line, and particulars of train service during March and April. These books are now ready for distribution and may be obtained from any Agent of the C. P. R. or R. L. Thompson, District Passenger Agent, 0. P, R Toronto. AUCTION SALES. Mr. Bert J Reid, Toronto, will hold an auction sale at Belgrave on Saturday afternoon, March 4th, o1 one mare, 12 years old, in foal and a quantity of good farm implements John Parvis will be the auctioneer. Mr. Arch. Paterson will hold an ane. tion sale of farm stook and implements on the Fowler farm, Bluevale road, 1e ini'ee east of Wingham, on Thursday aft'rnoon, March 16th Everything is to be Bold as Mr. Paterson is giving up farming. John Purvis will be the ane- tioneer. Mr. J. Tod ,3oott, of lot 11, concession 11, Tnrnberry, has rented his farm and will hold a clearing auction sale of farm stook on Thursday, March 9111. Every animal will he sold and there le a good list of stook, John Purvis will be the auctioneer. Mr. T. E. Walker will hold an auction sale of 41 head of cattle at the National hotel on Saturday, February 25th, at 1 o'clock. The stook inotudei five cows doe to oalf about time of sale, 10 for- wards ;10 cows due to calve in March and April and 16 last spring oalvee This to sp loially selected lot of Dnrhame and Holsteins and not a Dull cow among hem. John Purvis, auotiOneer. Live/ Stock Markets. Toronto, Feby 28 ---Oily Oattle Market —Receipts were 85 oars, with 1,100 head of cattle, 400 'heap and lambs, 460 hoge, end 140 oalvee, The ran wire a little heavy tor the de. mand, and quite a few loads were held over for the later tuarkets. 11 is prole' I able, jadeite; froul the many opmptainte heard, that drovers have in many CMOS been paying too high prioes in the conn try --•A risky proceeding, in view of the fact that last week showed a pteady de, olive, prions at the week end being at the lowest for thieseason, The following are the quotatioua: Exporters' oattle— Per 100 lbs, Choice Medium $ 5 Gb $6 90 Bulla 4 60 Li ht .,,. ,, .,...,., 6 00 Cows ,,,, ...,...,,.. 4 50 Feeders- best 1000 pounds and up- wards_., p- wards.. 6 00 • 6 25 Stockers choice 4 75 5 00 " bulls „350 426 Butohers'— Picked 6 75 Medium 5 30 Cows,.,..... 5 00 Bulls 3 50 Hogs— Best • 6 75 Lights 6 90 Sheep— Export ewes 4 25 Buoks.... 3 50 Culla,-„, 3 00 Spring Lambe each.. 6 00 Calves. each, - 3 50 5 75 5 25 6 10 6 40 5 40 660 ' 5 30 4 25 4 75 4 00 3 50 6 40 8 75 WINGHAM 1IIARKET REPORT8 Wingham, Mar, let, 1911 Flour per 100 lbs. 2 35 to 3 Fall Wheat •-• 0 80 to 0 Oats, . 0 30 to 0 Barley .... ..... 0 46 to 0 Peas .,.. 0 72 to 0 Butter dairy ..•. ,,0 18 to 0 Eggs per don 0 19 to 0 Wood per cord ....... 2 50 to 2 Hay, per ton 8 00 to 10 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 40. to 0 Lard ••. . 0 18 to 0 Live Hogs, per owt. 6 90 to 6 PROPERTY FOR SALE 00 80 30 48 76 20 20 50 00 40 18 90 A good property in the Town Plot is offered for sale, consisting of three acres of land. On the premises are a good eight roomed frame hones; a bank barn, 26 feet square;' hard and soft water inside. Property is in good looation and baildinge are in good repair. An ideal home for a retired farmer. For parti• enlars apply at the TIMES OFFICE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap, 129, Sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the estate William Messer late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the Fourthenth day of December, A. D. 1910, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Sol:- citor for the executors on or before the Twentieth day of March, A. D. I911, their names. addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security(if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the caims of which they shall then have notice Dated this 21st day of February, A D. 1911. R. VANSTONE, "Wingham, P. O. Solicitor for said Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice 18 hereby given pursuant to R. S 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of Flora Ross, late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, widow, deceased,. who died on or about the Fourth day of Janu- ary. A.D. 1911, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Execntors, on or before the Twentieth day or March, A. D. 1911, their names, address- esand descriptiins and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security lif any) held by them duly certi- fied, and that after the said day the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 21nd day of February, A. D. 1911. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O. Solicitor for sate Executors. ti SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULAT1ONS. ANYperson who is the sole head of a family or any male over le years old. may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 aures solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his horeetead. Price 83 00 Her acre. Duties.—Must ramie upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from the date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) ' and cultivate Sty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts Price 53.00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years, culti- nate fifty acres and erect a house worth x300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—tinenthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. FOR SALE A splendid chance for investment from lots in the city of' Lethbridge, Alberta. Also in the new -and ra• pidly growing towns situated along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Watrous, Melville and Begger in Saskatchewan, Tofleld in Alberta,' 3 sections of choice Farni Land in Saskatchewan. C N. GRIFFIN RealFstato and Insurance FOOD FOR A KING May have added expense in prepara- tion for the table, as oompared to what others eat. At the grocery store, though • A KING'S GROCERIES are like those you buy of ne, All. ' groceries Bold by as are fit for Mugs and princes Tbey're as reasonable all king's servants oan buy them. We are grocers to the people, 1. F, McGiIIivray Phone 54. Where Good Clothes Come from In this world a man must be well dressed. Custom demand it and all having any ambition at all follow the custom WE :DO FINE - TAILOR�7N And can build yo /a suit of the very finest .t at dal of your own selection, tri .i ed with the best .goods made for the purpose, charging you no more than you would pay for ready-to-wear clothes that cannot possibly com- pare with those we make. You may choose from our splendid assortment of spring suitings and be able to put on The Snappiest Snit of Clothes made from the goods selected at HENNING'S THE TAILOR Robt. Maxwell's Old Stand BOYS AND1 GIRLS i Should learn those subjets by which they, can earn a living. Spotton's Business Colleges are the largest train- ers in Canada, and our gradu- ates secure the best positions. You can study at home, or partly at home and finish at the College. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY DAY WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO, SPOTTON, President. 1 1 coe.V�.4M-er--- There's Feed and Feed There's all kinds of feed and food, The best kind gives better health, more brawn and muscle. In buying Flour see that you get All the Best of the Wheat That's the kind we se11, To prodnoe good stook yon mast prodnoe good food for them. Poet food means poor stook, Buy your cattle and chicken feed here. No higher in price, much better results. EZRtA MERIKLEY PHONIC 84, C N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE *teeth LIFE ACCIDENT - Insurance PLATE GLASS VPEATrIER Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grooery. ,SETTLERS' DANA IA PAM TRAINS p dei — TO — MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through line] LOW COLONIST RATES For settlers tn,ellind with livestock sod effects Special Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 10.10 P.M. Settlers nod families without livestock should use Regular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.10 P.M. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for bertha Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask say C.P.B. Adeot for copy of "Settlers' Guide” J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham ei• GENIRAL - ,„,,./(_„. f. STEATroRD. Iv Write as at once for our free cata- logue and learn what ie being done in the leading business college in Wes- tern Ont. Our graduates eeoure good positions, and meet with success, business men say they are the best. We have three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give individual instruction and you may enter at any time. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. mei �11irie llill�k• • Winter Tours TQ Mexico, Colorado, California, and Pacific Ooaet Points. The Grand Trunk Railway System is the popular route from all points east through Canada via Chicago. FEATURES. Double Track, Fast Servide, Finest Roadbed, Modern Equipment, Unex- celled Dining Car Service, all oleo ments of safety and comfort. To the Sunny South No more desirable route than via Grand Trunk and oonneoting lines. VERY LOW RATES. For tiokete and further information call on G. Lamont, Detest Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. Are You Ru gured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. J. J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STRATIr0IW, ONT. Name .........s..........,.. Addtess,..r..r...rf+.....s... Age Time Rup ........ Single or double .. ion guaranteed. d. r 1 orissiostamit The Profit Sharing Store KERR & BIRD Agents—Ladies' Home Journal, Agents --Home Journal Patterns. TI1I GOMING OF SPRING. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW SILKS, BELTS, COLLARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ETC. • New Goods arriving nearly every day. Spring Goods nearly all in. NEW DRESS GOODS Our Spring Showing of Dress Goods is more com- plete than in former years, ot course we end savor to im- prove year by year, but the improvement this year is very marked. Such a display of Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Fabrics, Waistings, etc. as is seldem seen outside the cities, New Shades, New Weaves in light and medium weight goods. Silk and Wool Stripes, Permo, French Armure, Cordovan, Broadcloth, French Delaine, Serge, Henrietta, etc. SEE OUR NEW BELTS, GLOVES, COLLARS, MOTOR SCARFS, ETC! INTERESTING SATURDAY BARGAINS 136 pairs Corsets, long or short waist, white or drab, All good Corsess, but broken lines ttat we are going out ot for the present. 75 pairs Corsets, regular 50e, Saturday • - 34o 24 " " " 40e, ' 29e 7 " 35c, 23c 14 t� ,. " 75c " 49e 1.6 t, " $1.00, 69e Saturday Bargains in Boys' Tweed and Serge Short Pants, sizes 22 to 32 6 pairs Pants, reg. $1.25 for 89c 10 pairs Pants, reg. $1.00 for 69c 13 " " " 90e " 64c 14 " " 75c " 49c 6 " " 60e " 42c 8 " 50c " 34e REMEMBER THIS—Prices on all goods in this store are marked in plain figures. Examine the goods, see for yourself, and if you are not satisfied that any.artiele is not worth the price we ask for it. don't bay it. The REGULAR RETAIL PRICES marked on goods offered at REDUCED PRICES are NOT CHANGED. When goods are placed in stock in this stole the price is marked on the article in plain figures and is NOT CHANGED even though the article may be offered at greatly reduced prices. For example a $1,25 pair Pants offered for 89e on Saturday, is marked $1,25 in plain figures. The original figures are not changed. 1 0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAMMA/AAAAAAAA11 I JUST ARR VED f AT KN , 'S z1 CINEW 1 li WALLj c C 1 PAPER R. KNOX PHONE 65 OPPOSITE BRUNSWICK HOTEL } 1 2} i vVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvVvwwvvv b'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvs,A, BANK OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON Capital Paid Up $2,750,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits $3,250,000 $$,000,000 Total, Assets : . . . Over $40,000,000 Savings Bance Department at all Branches. WINGHAM BRANCH 5y C. P. Smith, Agent.