HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-02, Page 3Every Day Religion, Religion that isn't good for every day isn't mach good for any day, If it dose not stay with a Man ou l4onday it Was only a cloak and a mookery on Sunday. ' If ft doesn't show itself in the home breathing upon everyonethereto a kind • ly and helpful and strengthening Influence then it will make a fine show in the Hen$e of Clod $0 very little pun. vole indeed. If religion doesn't grip a wen's seal, if it lea's the ouething in hie w hole life Sunday and Saturday, day aid night then it becomes so pear to being nothing that it is paaroely ream- ing at all, When we %leak of everyday religion we.epeak tit the only genuine kit d of religion that there is. And it is Itou,riy every day quality that will Dom Mend it to the world and will in the slid win for it the allegiance of the world. Religion is for everyday. Its blessing tend beuefitrr, its oomforts and sweet con• polatione, its guidance and its inspira- tion, are for the common-plaoe days end in the oommon•plaoe lives of common- place men and women. It is something to take with oue, something that will never be cut of place anywhere, some- thing that will add to life's joy its beat touch of sweetness, and will mix with ail Iire'e sorrow, hope and enrage and power. A met: who has everyday ro'lig- • Ion In good wholesome quantity can easity afford to be without a good many other things. Colo storage plants of the United States have a total r,•i'+igeration capacity in rx- oesr t 2C0 000 000 cubic feet. Was So Bad With Heart and Nerves Could Not Sleep At Night. Many men and women toss night after night upon a sleepless bed. Some con- stitutional disturbance, worry or disease has so debilitated and irritated the heart and nervous system that they cannot enjoy the refreshing sleep which comes fro those whose heart and nerves are right. Mrs. John Gray, Lime Lake, Ont. writes:--" Last summer I was so • bat! with my heart and nerves that I couldn't sleep at night. There was such a pain and heavy feeling in my chest that I cowl' 1 not stoop, and at at times I would become dizzy and have to grasp some - thin; to keep from falling. I tried differ- ent things but never got anything to do me any good until I tried Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and I can now recommend them to all troubled as I was." Milburn's Heart er Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box, or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. An English Chemist Has Discovered How to Grow Hair. In England the ladies hey% entirely abandoned wearing rats, whiob !s. due entirely $o this new discovery, It has been proven that Henna leaves contain the ingredients that will poet• tively grow hair. That they ocnialn this long•looked•fOr article is proven every day. The Amerioans are now placing' on the Market a preparation containing the extract from Henna leaves, which is having a phenomenal sale. This preparation le called SALVIA, and is being sold with a guarantee to cure Dandruff and to grow hair in Alum• dance. Being doing!), perfumed, SAL VIA makes it pleasant hair dressing. F, J. Hind, your druggist, is the first to import this preparatiou into Wingham and a large, generpns bottle oan be par - oilseed for 60o. A Warning Case Our attention has been called to a case which was decided by the Division Court at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, a few days ego nn der section 116 of the (rim. inal Code of Canada, by which it is de- olared to be a criminal offenoe for any person to Bell or give a pistol or an air gun to a minor under the age of 16 years, In the case referred to, a boy had purchased an air gun, and while shooting sparrows, a shot accidentally struck a woman in the eye. She brought eta action for damages against the per- son who bad sold the gun to the boy, and recovered $800 and costa and the High Court has sustained the verdiot. It is also made a Criminal offence by the same statute for a person to sell it minor or adult without keeping a reoord of the sale, with the date, the name of the pur- ohaser and the name of the maker of the gun, or other mark by which it may be identified. If their are local complaints and we are told there have been, strict attention should be paid to obeying the law in the future. Itis estimated that electric illumation is used by about 700,000 out of a total of about 8,500,000 households in United States. Old velvet oan be freshened by this means: To one pint of hot wator,add five tablespoontnlls of household ammonia shake well and apply to velvet with stiff clothes brush, using considerable force in order to remove all dirt and creases; then lay between cloths until the water is some what absorbed from the velvet, then hold the damp fabric over a hot flatiron until steam arises from the pile. TBE WING/IAN TINES, MARCH 2 1011 THE LAST GQOD•ISTE. [Louise ()handler Moulton.] How shall we know it i1 the lett good' bye? The skies will not be darkened in that bone, No sudden blight will fall on leaf or (tower, No single bird will hush its careless cry. And you will hold my bands, and mile and sigh Just si before. Perchance the sudden tears Io your dear eyes will answer to my f But thereears; will °owe no voioe of proph. eo- No voice to whisper, "NOW and not again, SE?aoe for last words, last Melee, and lost prayer. For all the wild, unmitigated pain Of those who, parting, clasp hands with despair;" "Who knows?" we say, but doubt and fear remain; Would any choose to part thus un- aware? What Causes Declines The question that naturally suggest, itself is: "How is this deoline iu num- ber of scholars attending rural schools accounted for?" In our opinion, says M.A, James in the. Bowmanvillo States• man, two or three oonditions account for the decline in attendanoe. As the country grows older population becomes lees. There is no question that there are many fewer people living in the country than there were et quarter cen- tury ego. Another reason is that tam• ilies are smaller than they formerly were, whether from race suicide or from natural orioles. Entrance examinations and employment of female teachers are a joint pause, also. En- trance examinations have become a sort of graduation from Public school, sabot, ars leaving sohool at a muoh younger, age than in earlier years. Then female teaohere have had en effect in this way, that few boys end girls from 14 to 18 years attend school as they did twenty. five years ago when the male toaohers were more generally engaged. Young boys and girls, too, go to work earlier than formerly. Some tulle ns, too, that children are better educated now at 12 years of age than they formerly were at 15 to 17 years of age. Possibly, all these reasons a000nut in et measure for the smaller enrolment in the rural schools. To whiten handkerchiefs which have become discolored through careless washing, disolve some pipeclay in warm water and leave them to soak in the sol- ution all night, Next day wash and boil the handkerchiefs in the venal way, and they will be wonderfully improved in appearance. Quick Returns Honest Assortment correct Market Prices Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS Send your collections: to REVILLON FRERES I$TA.L,IHIe 1723. The Leader in the world's Fur Trade, 134 et 136 ttengIStreet, fleetreel, Our ?RICE LIST FREE for the asking Wit. PAY B,XPRP,SS CIIARGRS Dr Friedjung of Vienna has been studying the comparative health of ohUd ren who are the sole offspring of their parents and children who are membe s of large families, He finds that of "only children" but one in eight is thoroughly healthy. Of the children of large fain ilise, on the other hand, two•third■ are healthy. The differenoe is attributed to overmuch oare, petting and solicitude bestowed on "only children." CARTEFS ITTLE IVER PI LLS. UR E Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Ind - dent to a biilo't state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nauuan, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Sido &c. While their most remarkable success has beer. shown In curing S!CK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting this annoying complaint. while they also correct all disorders off the stomach, stimu.atotlie liver and regulate the bowels. liven if they ouly cured Ache they would be almost pricek es to those who suffer from thisd streesrngconiplaint; butforui- nately their goodness does notend here,nnd those who once try them will find thew little pills valu- able in so many ways that they v. i11 not be wil- ling to do withoutthem. Butafter all flick head CH E Is the bane of so many lives that here !s where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver PIlle aro very small and very easy to take. Oneor two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. UM= 5SMDIOINE CO., NEW TOM. kmall !ill, :mall he.:mall Priest Free to Stock and Poultry Raisers C9 We will send, absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it. Ata cost of only two-thirds of n cent a day per Animal, Royal Purple Stock Specific makes each Animal worth 25 per cont. more. You never heard of any other Specific, or "Stock Food," doing likewise. • Royal Purple will permanently, cure tho Dots, Colic, Worms, Skin Diseases and Debility, and restore rtin - down Animals to plumpness and vigor. It will increase the milk -yield three to five pounds per cow a day inside of from two to three weeks. It makes the milk richer than over before. MR. ANDREW wrianICII, of Wainflett, Ont., says : "This is to certify that I have tried your Royal Purple Stock Specific for two weeks, on one cow. On the 10th I weighed her milk as 17 oan noticed $ ds I pati a change f oto 5 0r 6 days, as there was an extra weight of milk. On the 29th,' I carefully weighed the milk, and she gave 22 pounds. I am giving an order for 5 boxes, as I consider it the best I have ever used," "Stock Food" will not do this. Decease "Stock Food" is nothing more oe less than a mixture of the very things which you, yourself, grow on your own farm.' It is not more food your Animals need. They must have something to help their bodies got all the nourishment from the food they are getting. So that they will fatten, and stay fat, all the year 'round. They need something to prevent disease, to cure disease, and to keep them in the best of health, all the time. Not a Stock Food Royal Purple is net ft "Stock Food,' nor a "medicine." It is a Conditioner. It does not contain Grain, nor farm products. Nor does it contain "Dope," or any other injurious ingredient. Royal Purple does not merely temporarily bloat or inspire the Animal. It fattens and strengthens it, permanently. No other Specific known adds flesh so quickly asfoyal Purple. It makes 6 -weeks -old Dave,' as large as ordi. nary -fed Calves are at 10 weeks, and heavy. And it builds up the health and restores the, former plumpness andvigor of run-down stock, in little or no time. The very bust time to use this Con- ditioner is NOW. It digests the hard food properly' and prevents the animals pot- ting indigestion or losing flesh. . 50 per. cent. Cheaper Ono 50 -cent Package of Royal Purple will last one Aniutal 7,1 days. This figures a little over two-thirds of a cent pet day. Most "Stock Foods" in 50 -cent Pack- ages last but 50 days, and are given threo times a day. But Royal 1'ur^lo Specific is given only once a day, and lasts Jo per cent. longer. (A 31.50 fail, containing four times the amount of the 5u -cent Package, lasts It makes your Poultry worth more 280 days.) than they could. ever bo without it. So, you see, it is euly necessary to give Yet one 50 -cent Package will last 25 Royal Purple :)peri:ic once each day. liens 70 clays. Or a ;1.50 Pail will do Just think of ranking each Animal 25 Mons 2.0 days• Th's is four times worth 25 per coat, over its cost I {Vhat stare material a.t only three times the will that mean to you, Idr. Stock Owner 1 cost. It makes :the liens lay Eggs in Winter as well as in the Summer. MRS. WM. BURNIIAIM, Sanford, Ont., says : ."Dear Sirs, -'Phis is to certify that I have used two boxes of your Poultry 'specific for my irons. They laid so well while feeding it to them, I won- dered if you would mind sending me word how or where I could get some this winter. I bon^•ht it from your agent last winter. I had 02 hens, and soma. days I got two dozen eggs a day in February and March, while feeding thein the Specific." Royal Purple Poultry Specific prevents Fowls losing flesh at moulting time, and permanently cures .every poultry disease. It makes their plumage bright and keeps theta always in prime condition. Centralia,. Ont., Feb. 7, '10. The W. A. Jenkins Mfg, Co., London, Ort,: Gentlemen, -Wo have been using 'toy al Purple 1?oultry arid Stock Specific for col 1a.4t three weeks, and must say that re- sults aro remarkable. Am feeding the Muck Specific 10 two mi.king cows, and they have increased 30 per cent. in the:r milk. The Poultry results aro oven ware marked than this. We have about e'.0 here laying age. When we commenced -. _ viLLAGGl Nl l>4 Remarkable 'Escapes in the Black Country, England. During the past few weeks there has been a recurrence of subsidences or "crownings-in" at Quarry Dank, one of the most desolate villages in the Black Country, England. It is. in a district which has suffered great• ly from subsidences caused by min- ing operations. Tho area principally affected is that known as Hammer Bank, near the dismantled Cradley Forge Ironworks, and in many in- stances the tenants have had to quit their houses in haste, Damage is most apparent at the Waggon and Horses public -house. Here the plaster has fallen from the ceilings, the win- dow frames are being displaced, and, the stonework is being dislodged and the front elevation, although the buijding has been bound with iron bands, is considerably out of the per- pendicular. The whole back wall of one building collapse while the daughter of the occupant sat in the kitchen, but fortunately the masonry! fell outward. The front of anothee house, a few yards off, split from top to bottom, and the occupants had to beat a hurried retreat. In a third inv stance a washhouse parted from the main building, and while the wife of the occupant was digging potatoes Sri time garden a landslip occurred with; in a yard of her feet and rocks ward exposed beneath. Another dwelling; house seems to be fast falling tc pieces, for in the brickwork of the washhouse there are cracks several inches wide, but wooden props hav been erected against the back of the ht.sise to hold it together. In ons; corner of the house there is a subsitt deuce of a foot and the garden ground. outside has sunk about eighteen inches. The water stains along Forge lane have received constant ate'''. 'tion, and the ground appears to be moving in the direction of t'te valley along which runs the Mouse Sweet Brook, a tributary of the Stour. The brook has had its bed dropped two or three feet in places, and thq masonry of a bridge over the main road leading to Cradley Heath is notch broken. Sailors' Trousers. Sailors' trousers are probably the strangest that are to' be found in use by any class of men in the world. The gradual increase in size between the knee and the ankle produces strange flaring out effect that seems inexpiicablts, yet there is a very good reason for the apparently superfluous cloth that flaps about ` the shoe at revery step.. In the old days when many harbors were unapproachable by large vessels nods had to be transferred in smali boats driven shoreward by the sturdy; rrnis of the ship's crew. The beached upon which they landed wore ofteri shallow, and it became necessary for the sailors to step out into the wate( linty drag the boats up on the shore. Their trousers became very wet in' aced as a result. Close -fitting trousers' l iter drying, were apt to shrink and impede the free movements of the wearer. Moreover, in their wet stats they clung to the limbs in a very and disagreeable fashion. But ]vide-bettotned trousers can very easily be rolled up above the knee; hence the sailors' trousers as we know them to -day. Circumstantial Evidence. "Do I believe in circumstantial evil lenee?" repeated a lawyer to the quest tion the other day. "I most assured= iy do if the evidence is anything like 'the evidence in a story I heard re- cently. `e1 saidyoung and pretty girl had been outer walking. On her return her moth- : ;.. " 'Where have you been, my dear?" " 'Only walking in the park," she replied. "With whom?" " 'No one?' mamma," said the 'young girl. "`No one?' her mother repeated. " `No one?' was the reply. "Then," said the mother, "explain 'how it is that you have come home reeding, Wo wore getting live and six eggs with a walking stick when you started d,:y, and in the last live days the sails out With an umbrella.' fleck of hens laid 150 eggs, alinosi an average of 31 each day, and those diva days have loon the co!d�st this winter. l','u c :n soe math:: plainly in two or line days crier tate use of "Royal Pur- ple," and the. poultry have the same II u, In aad appearance note as in the sum- mer time. ',Vith cows and poultry, ant u:.in� exactly the same feel and care as before starting to feed ";loyal Purple." R hen farmers and stockmen get ac- quainted with Royal Purple, it trill have a greater demand than all other tonics and stock foods on the market combined. Yours truly, ANDREW IHICE.S. Aug. 28, 1010. W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, Ont.: Centtemen,-Last fall we had in our stables 0 young mare belonging to Miss Clouston, of Aiontreal. Wo could not feed her any; bean on account of causing sco,g STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS to iolent h coma ringweakoandnseqritlin entlas Wen com- menced using your Royal Purple Stock Specific, and the results were wonderful. After using it three weeks, we found we could feed the animal bran or any other has soft kid without scouring her, and sew actually took on in this time twenty-five pounds of flesh, the working her at the MUM time through the hunt. I can heartily recommend your Stock Specific. TOM SMITH, Trainer for the Ilon. Adam Deck. Royal Purple creates an appetite for rood, and helps nature to digest and turn it into flesh and muscle, As a clog fattener, Royal Purple no equal. Never Off Feed Dan McEwen, the horseman, says "I have used Royal Purple Stock Specific persistently in feeding 'The i:'lol, 2.021, largest winner 'of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1008 and 1000, and 'Henry Winters,' 2.10i, brother of 'Allen winters,' winner of 335,000 in trotting stakes in 10013. "'Chose horses have never been oft their fend since I started using. Royal Purple Specilla. I will always have it in my &tables. Your Cough Powder Works like magic." Make This Test Every ounce of Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specific is guaranteed. To prove that Royal Purple etas no equal, we want you to make this test : Decd Royal Purple to any one of your Animals for tour weeks, And at the same time feed any other preparation to any other Animal in the same condition. We also manufacture : Royal Purple Lice Killer 25e. Royal Purple Gall Cure 28c. 'Royal Purple Sweat .Liniment.,50c. Royal Purple Cough Cure • GOc, Our Cough Cure Will euro any ordinary And We'll ask no questions -make no cough in four days, and will break up oxeuses. You will be the judge -- hot us. and euro distemper in ten to twelve days. I1 your dealer cannot supply you with our Royal Purple Brands, we will supply You upon receipt of i 1.50 a pail, Pro - paid, for either poultry or stock, or it you want any Liniment, (fall Cure or If you are not satisfied, after testing Cough l'.otvder, we will send it by mail, it, you don't 1080 anything, do you? postpaid, upon receipt of price. For Poultry U o y a 1 Purple Royal Purple Poultry Specific id our Makes naturally- other Specific. It is for Poultry,- not Olt Animists fat for stook. It Royal Purple does not prove to you, by actual results, that it is the best you ever used, we'll return your money, This IS an honest test, isn't it ? We ask you to make it because we know that Royal Purple is the best Conditioner on the market. W. A. J+ECNIKINS MOM. COM 'AX 'Y, LONDC101NT, oArrA1i i 3 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS AND FREE BOOKLET CAN BE. OBTAINED FROM T. A. MILLS, GENERAL STORE, 3 WALTON McKIBBON, DRUGS, AND SAM'WAYS PAUL, BLUEVALE III All Kinds of Miles. The English speaking peoples have four different miles -viz, the ordin- ary mile of 5,280 feet, the geographi- cal or nautical mile of 6,080 feet•, the Scotch mile of 5,929 feet and the Irish mile of 6,720 feet. The German mile is 24,318 feet in length, more than fbur and one-half times as long as ours. The Dutch mile is 10,295 feet, the Danes have one of 24,875 feet and the Prussians one of 24,856 feet. The Swiss mile is 27,450 feet in length. The Italian mile is only a few feet longer than our own, the Roman mile is shorter, and the Iascan and Turk- ish miles attain some 450 feet more. The Vienna post mile is 25,037 feet in length. Bury Your Troubles. Train yourself to keep your troublo to yourself. Don't pour them out up• on acquaintances or strangers. It isn't their fault if yon have trouble,, and they don't want to hear of yours, because they have so many of their own. And, besides -here is a point to consider -if you insist en telling other People of your grievances they will at length come to dislike and shun you, because thereby you prevent them from telling their troubles. Black Knowledge. A Senator complained of certain false charges that had been rasa • against a coin/tatty he fortnerly repro. 3elltltcl. The spirit its which some of thee.: charges were brought," he oai.1 "nial.es the think of the b'_a k::sailT declared ..lu r " 'Knowledge is power.' "Then, with a wink, he ethit..1: "'Yes, knowledge is power-- if yt0 know it about the right person.' " Roumania. Romania's population is only 6,500,000, yet it Could place 650,006 men in the field if wax came. EN YOU NEED NER' Wonderful Nervous System RS. KEN N EDY& KEN MEN EARLY INDISCRETIONS Alt EXCESSES HAVE UNDER,' MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nervus control all actions of the body so that say - thing that dabilitatus them s 1A weaken 1,11 organs ut the system, Early Indiscretions and Excesses hams ruined thousands of prowl lm:; young meu. 'natural Drains sap their vigor and u itikty en i t:,ever dev.107 to a proper condition of n1 anl:ood. They 1 main wet I:- lioge, irlcutally, phys:eally and texuni:y. How youfpci? Aro you nervous and mak, d rpondt nt a' l {tl:•oiug. specks before the eyes nitit da:!: c:'eI's u,u.er titeut, weak back, kidney a irritable, pa .pit ,ti• 'n of- the heart. Willful, debilitating dreams, sediment 10 ur.ne. pine lea on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, di. trustful. 1::ck energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nighc:t, eh'rgs• able moods, premature decay, bond pains, hair law, ate. This is the coaditionour New Method Treatment A GUARANTEED TO C1JRE Wo have treated Diseases of Nen for almost a 111e. time and do not have to experiment. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you are curable or .not. We guarantee curable cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KiDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. If unabl. to call write for QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICNOTICE All letters from Canada must be a.ldressed E to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- , . trent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. . .3,i, . •,... 1...l hi 11 ...L:..,,.M I.4 ,14, .a 1 ++ +44.4412'4W.f 41;4•2•d'•i43'•i•+++ ++++44+444+1 4:34444444444+4,:t +4444444++'..}}. The Times Clubbing List + + + + Times and Weekly Globe Times and Daily Globe Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and Toronto Daily Star....... Times and Toronto Daily News . Times and Daily Mail and Empire. Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Farmers' Advocate Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) Times and Farm and Dairy Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. Times and Daily Advertiser ..• Times and London Advertiser (weekly). Times and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition • Evening Edition ........... Times and Montreal Daily Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Witness Times and World Wide Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...., Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times, Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Busy Man's Magazine Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Youth's Companion • . • - , . Times and Northern Messenger Times and Daily World Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Canadian Pictorial Times and Lippincott's Magazine Times and Woman's Home Companion . Times and Delineator Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Strand Times and Success Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Designer Times and Everybody's These prices are for addresses • Britain. + + + + The Times and Weekly Globe The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00). 1,60 4 4.50 1.85 1,80 {� 2.30 2.30 4.50 1.60 2.35 1,60 1.30 1.60 1.60 3.50 2 90 3.50 1.85 2.25 1.60 2.25 2.25 3,25 3.40 2.50 1.75 2,90 1.35 3.10 2.90 1.60 3.1+5 2.6G 2.40 2.30 2.50 2,45 2.60 2,55 1.85 2.40 in Canada or Great The above publications may be obtained by Times subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica- tion being the figure given above less $1.00 representing the price of The Times. For instance : $1.60 1.35 $2.95 making the price of the three papers $2,95, The Times and the Weekly San.... ,. $1.80 The Toronto Daily Star ($2.30 less $1.00).. 1,;(m The Week13 Globe ($1,60 less $1.00) 6U I. the four papers for $3,7o. ▪ If the publication you want is not inabove list, let ++t+ us know. We can supply almost any well-known Cna- + • dian or American publication. These prices are strictly + cash in advance. "3 70 Send Subscriptions tions bypost office or express order to p p iThe Tirnes Office Stone Block WINGHAM ONTARIO riehtlieeLisiektelkinkiktfekt.