HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-03-02, Page 10
1.=• HUI IM .11 II II I
,•7 v • 1,
VOL. XL -NO, 2039.
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
One of the famous Rexall Remed-
ies of which there is one for
' each ailment.
Coughs, Hoarseness and Sore
Throat. Agreeable to the taste.
Prompt in action.
Contains no opium or morphine
but never fails to relive that tick-
ling sensation in the throat. We
guarentee this to give you satii-
faction or we will cheerfully re-
fund your money.
Walton McKibbon
The e.42.1....aa Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
If you have money you would
like to invest in Wingham pro-
perty to make you the above
rate of interest, call on us and we
will tell you where to place it.
Wingham is
All Right
Never in the history of the
town was the pay roll of our fac•
tories so large as at present, and
never were our farmers so pros-
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Wear Greer's Shoes and Ruben
St. Patric
The Ladies' Aid $oc
Presbyterian Churo
ments for the holdi
Patrick's meal 011 t
March 17th. Tine
popular events for
this year's enters
surpass those of pr
ety of St. Andrew's
is making arrange.
g of the annuel St.
*evening of Friday,
at ix en one of the
number of mei mid
nment promises to
vions years.
Big:Bargains in Footwear, Clearing
Sale. W. J. GREER,
The N4w Tailor.
Mr. W. J. Henn vg, of Mitchell, who
recently porches d Mr. R. Maxwell's
tailoring bnBineeal bas taken possession
this week and is n w ready for business.
Mr. Henning hese iad a number of years
ex perienoe as ajtailor and the Teams
weloraes him as resident of Wingham
and we wish hi every success in Me
and lots, milk b
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agente, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going. .
Christie's Grocery
• 100 Per Cent,
Value in Foods
All foods are alike, but • some-
times the lower grades IMITATE
IN APPEARANCE the better kinds
so closely that they are mistaken
for them There IS, hoWever,
this material difference—High
quality Foods always give satis-
faction /N" TELE EATING whilst the
poorer qualities do not.
We Make a Specialty
of Foods ,
If you havelnt given the' food
question that serious considera-
tion which it demands—do so
We carry very full lines
of High Grade Grocer-
ies and
fhe Tea and Coffee Store
ffer for sale my house
eines, milk bottlee, eto.
• I
A Setesaus Accident.
Price Hender ion, the little son of Mr,
and Mrs. T. M. eienderson, of the Blue.
vale road met Well a serious accident on
Thursday last inlet fall while playing in
the barn. The little fellow fell on n stick
whioh pierced his flesh making n nasty
wound. The boy -was brought to the
hospital and we “e Mewled to hear that
he is making a go- recovery.
A MONEY SAviNG SALE.—Big bargains
every day in the week at our clearance
sale of footwear. W. J, GREER.
M issiona Institute.
A meeting was held in the Baptist
Ohnroh on Friday e suing last to consid-
er the advisibility o bolding a Mission-
ary Institute in WI ham in the rear
future. Rev. G V. reline was elected
chairman and Mr. Jo n Kerr, as Secre-
tary. Rev. 0. 11. riest, of Toronto,
was present and ex lained briefly the
work of the Forward ovement and the
nature and purpose f the Missionary
Institute. The me ting unanimously
approved of the sobe e and it was de-
cided to bold a Mise nary Institute in
Wingham, on Mon ay and Tuesday,
March 20th and 218 . The following,
with Rev. D. Perrie, a Convenor, were
elected as a Oommitt e to eioniplete ar-
rangements for the Institute:—A. E,
Lloyd, F. Buchanan John Kerr, Mrs.
J. A. Morton, Alex. aumbell, Dr. A. J.
Irwin, Jae. MoGilli raya Mre. John F,
Linklater, J. 0. Smi h, 0. G. VanStone.
H. Jobb, Mrs. W. VanStone, A. Coe'
ens, W. D. Pringle, .0. Haley, Mrs. P.
WANTED—Fifty cords of good dry ced-
ar wood. Apply at the Western Foun-
The Gerrie aggro
ere :same over and in
Juniors on Wedne
tion of puok °haa-
t the High School
day night. The
juniors, confident aft r their recent vio.
tory in the enemy's own back yard,
were rudely repulsed $y the visitors who
had reoeived reinforcements from their
twin city of Wroxerer. Gerrie drew
first blood and show d up as winners
from the start. Alth ugh handicapped
by look or weight, tho uniors put up a
good battle, the score half.time being
6 5, The second half the visitors by
some lucky shooting 8e3nred a lead win.
ning ont by the score m 10 6.
The Literary Sooiet held .their regu-
lar meeting on Frid
with Miss Edna Dick
dent in the chair.
enti rely in the hands
they soored a remark
boys in turn must pre
at the next meeting
ohallenge by three stn
Reciprocity offering
barnibg question of
other three students
'and we understand t
have accepted the
y afternoon last
n, let vice presi.
e program was
of the girls and
ble emcees. The
pare the program
the soolety. A
font supporters of
debate this, the
clay, with any
the High Sebeol,
t three students
&lenge and the
question will be foug t out at the next
Meeting of the Soolet
The program was 411 follows:— Chair,
Man's Address by Mf s pinion; instru.
mental by Misses Stats and Jenkins;
reading by Mies A. ixter; club drill by
seven girls; glrlsf °hernia; journal;
°rifle's reMarkd by 0, W. MAO; "God
Save the King".
A SIMI Orrort,r11NITY:— One. fourth,
0015$ tb 11d to One.bfilf Cif regular priced
at our clearing sale, W. J. GRIM,
Read Willis 86.Co.'s adv. on page 8
Promotion E
The Huron Prom
will be held on April
Papers will be set fo
III, Sr, III and Jr
Huron teachers are
3. M. Field, Esq., 1111
Goclerloh of the nuni
ed for eaoh class as ea
the National LIotel
tion Examinations
6th, 7th and 10th.
Jr. II, Sr. II, Jr.
IV olassee,,East
(quested to utility
pectin of Scheele,
ber of papaya need.
on as po
ir girl; apply at
All accounts due me must be paid by
Marob let or they will be plaoed in other
hands for collection.
3. T. LENNox.
Waterworkl Deputation.
On Thursday last s deputation from
the Ridgetown Twee Council was in
Wiogham looking into the workings of
the Wingham wateirorks system. Rid-
getown has no wet watifrworks of any kind
and purpose install ng a system during
the coming summa
All men's rubbers
selling below cost a
Division Co
There are 338 D
Province, and der
year the number of
exclusive of tram
summonses, was
of claims entered wi
amount of mono
the courts was $817
coarse shoes are
e store of the late
rt Business.
inion Courts its • the
ng the past financial
nits entered in these
ripts of judgment
9,439. The amount
s 0,125,455, and the
collected through
786, 84.
Bring along your •Shoes I We do re.
pairing and we do it right.
Marks Broe.' Company.
The well-known concert company,
Marks Bros., gave entertainments in
the opera house the erst three nights of
thie week and play d to good houses.
Monday evening th appeared in their
well-known play, ."Down Where the
Orange Blossoms Grow." The com-
pany carry a large amount of scenery
and the actors all t ke their parts well.
The epeoialties betareen note were of a
high.olass variety.
FOR SALE.—I onnr for sale my milk
route business in the Town of Wing
ham. I am now s .11ing about 166 quarts
of milk per day. Business must be sold
es I am going W et. W. J. KELLY.
One Way Fecor d•Class Settlert Ex
cursions Every Tuesday
March 14th to epril 25th in • sive via
Grand Trunk Be elway fro.. all points
in Ontario, Kiege
iton an. . eat to princ
pal points in Sas toh au t nd Alberta.
including pointe a. e rand Trunk Pam
fin Railway. Tee Grand Trunk is the
only double trate to Chicago. Full par-
ticulars, rates, literature eto. from
Grand Trunk Arents, address J. D.
McDonald, D F. A., G. T. Ry., Toron-
to, Ont...
Royal WiOehatadies' Choir.
The Royal Nelsh Ladies' Choir will
be greeted by n largo andieuce in the op-
era house next nice -lay evening as there,
has been an e .cellent advance sale of
seeta. This 0 nth has appeared before
large andienoce in all the places they
have visited are this promisee to be one,
of the beat entertainments ever held in
Wingham. Tienets can be secured at Mo
Kibbon's drug etore.
WELL PAPER f o 6o, to $1.00 'per
roll, at KNox's.
le columns this week
is announced a other business ohange.
The business of heeGeo. E. King Estate
has been taken over by King Broe. The
store will be °tweed on Thursday and
Friday and will •e -open Saturday with
a big clearing sai of general merohan.•
dise, Messrs, T es. 0. and Robt, H.
King, the memb s of the new firm have
grown up with the business and are two
young men who h
the public) and wil
venture. They
Wishes of the Ti
of friends'. Read
page eight of this
eve the confidence of
do well in their new
have the very s bent
,s and a large circle
their large advt, on
C/all at ENOX' a • look at the beat
Wall paper vain er shown in Wings
Hon, Mr, L4mlenx has anntintteed
that before the erotiatien a new Series
of (Uneaten et Mpe Will be tuned bear.
Ing the image f Inv George.
The Monthly Arse Fair.
The first monthly hoe& fair was held
on Thursday of last vaeek and a large
number of farmers err -e in the town.
Many came to buy an others to sell
horses and quite a nut ber of animals
changed handle These airs are a good
means of getting buy r and seller to -
gather on a given date The next fair
will be held on Friday, March 17th, and
it is expected that a number of the
prominent Masa dealer: will be pre ent.
WANTED—An apprenti
barbering business.
ti1earn the
ply to D
July Examin tions.
The Ontario Dapartm nt of Education
has issued the annual ti intable for the
July examinations, 191 Entrance to
Normal Sohool examine, ions begin on
July 8, and continue unti July 7. The
examinations for entraue to Faoultiee
of Education, pass mat 'carnation, and
honor and soholarehip matriculation,
begin on June 29, and ter inate on July
12, with the exception of onor matrion.
tation, whiter is oouolud on July 13
Oommeroial specialist ex urinations wil
be held from July 3 to J ly 7. The ar
open/Wet examinations ill be held at
the Department of Edu 'ration, Toronto,
on August 8, 9, 10, L., following the
close of summer sohoolnt Toronto Uni-
GREEN B01E.—FecI1 your poultry
green bone which is on of the best egg
producerknown. rothine but the
genuine artiole sold atl A. E. Lonttit'e
butcher shop,
Wedded in loronto.
'A quiet wedding was solemnized in
St. Stephen's Anglioat Ohuroh, Toronto
on Wednesday of last week when Rev.
W. J. Bronghall meted in marriage
Hazel, second younge- t daughter of Mei
and Mrs William Wath, of Palmereton.
to Chester A , ()Mee , son of Mr, an
Mrs Joseph Pugh, o Wingham. Thn.
bride was tastefully " deed iu a grey,
tailored snit, with hatJo match, a dies
mond ring, the gift f the groom, and
oarried a shower of Jlily of the vane?
and violets. Mr. a d Mrs Pngh left on
the evening train fJr Montreal where
they will sperid a f w days after which,
they will visit St. ohne, Qaebeo, New
Loudon and 'other eastern points, Oa
their return they ill reside ia Palmer.
ston whore the gr m bas foesome years
Been an employe of the Grand Trupk
Railway. Thei many friends. wiah
them a long and appy life.
— - 4. -
GIRL WANTED.—A gpdd general eery
ant girl wanted. to Mrs. W. H.
Riutoul, Leopold reet.
Death of Mr4 L. McLean.
The TIMES this week again recorder
the death of anothi r of the pioneer resi•
dents of this secti m in the person of
Susan McElroy, wise of Mr. L. MoLean,
who pastel away oi Sunday after about
five weeks illness The deceased lktly
was born toRitaaread. Oa tario on June
lith, 1829 and was a daughter of Henry
MoElroy, of Counts' Mayo, Irela/nd, an
officer in the Bri 103 Army and who
served end: r V791 ington at Waterloo,
th3 family living cet Antwerp at that
time, a few miles from the battleffeld
and where one of hJir brothers war born.
She oame to Zstiax4l with her sister and
brother•in law, Mrj Beckett, in 1854 end
was Married to he now bereaved hup(
band, who, we are very sorry to repor is
in very poor heals , in October, 1 50,
and moved on a tam in Kinloas Tow •
ship, west of Wh* eoharch where Oleg
lived until 1868 frhen they moved' 6
Lower Wingharnl and where Mr. 1tc.
Lean was engag d in the saw -mill ng
business. Hero they remained n til
A speoial meetin
oil was held on
all the members
The Sewer Co
commending tbat
Chief's duty the
septic tank is kept
the Clerk prepare
cation of sewers a
town; that the
a mended in each
ty the same and
town plumbers b
of the Town Conn-
nday evening with
mut except Reeve
mittee reported, re -
here be added to the
rk of seeing that the
'n proper order; that
plan showing the lo
d connections in the
plumblng bylaw be
manner as to simple
at the advice of the
taken in the 'natter.
This work to b done at a speoial or
regular meeting of the Council; also
that Bylaw No. 312, reopening frontage
assessment for a were be referred back
to Council and ferred to Town Solici-
tor for legal adv cue if deemed advisable.
On motion of Jenne. Elliott and Bone,
the report of 3ewer Coramittee was
adopted and t le aalerk authorized to
seoure the assist ;nee of Wm. Nicholson
in preparing plc of sewer.
On motion of ones Elliott and Bell,
By-law No 630 nthorizing the issuing
of debentures to e amount of $7,000 to
pay for lateral ewers was passed as
read at last regal r meeting of Council.
On motion of oune. Bone and Mo -
Kenzie, By. law . 612 was referred to
the Town Solicit.° for his advice as to
its legality. -
E Lewis tender d his resignation as
Nightwatohman nd Joseph Gibson
made application f r the position. .
On motion of onn. Bell and Hall,
Joseph Gibson w e appointed Night-
watchman at a Dal ry of $30 per month
the hours of duty n be froth 10.30 p. m.
to 5,30 a, m.
Mr. Robb. Bro ks spent Sunday with
Miss GlIchrist,f Tiverton is visiting
at the home of hr aunt, Mre. 0. Gil -
Very Plea ant Evening.
The large numb r of people who at.
tended the enterta nment in Mills' NM'
oriel Hall, on Tljurday evening lest,
under the anspio of the A. Y. P. A., of
St. Paul's Churn ., had the privelege of
hearing one of 11 a best programs ever
rendered by loos talent The program
was "United Stereo ve Canada, in Song,
Story and Feast' and every timber on
the program, in - ding therefreshments,
were enjoyed the large midtown) .
The Auxiliary easury has a net retura
of some $60 as result of the entertain.
meat and the tubers are to Lecongratn.
CALL IN and b.6 look at. litrox's
new 1911 wall pap rs.
W 1311E:CH CRC II.
I beard the gra birds on Sunday and
the crows aro ale $ here.
Mies Eunice Peddle has returned to
Wingham Hospleal, training ne nurse,
after six weeks . .1 home with a slight
attack of fever.
Mr. John Mot) eight, we are pleased
to report, is abl to be around again.
If other roajls loading to Wingham
have es much od and loge drawn over
them as the hitechuroh road there
must be a goad supply of these articles
in Wineham.
Mr. Charlie eiloKay left on Wednee
day for tho Wet, accompanied by Mr.
John Jacques. We are sorry to see
these young me ri leave here, but the
young men lie4 a desire to see the
A very happy
at the home of
event was solemnized
re. James Martin, East
Wawenosh, on Feb. 220, when her
youngest daught r, Ida May, was unit-
ed in the holy bands of matrimony to
Mr. Robert Harry Thompson, eldest
son of Mr. Samn Thompson of Danny -
brook. The inte esting ceremony was
ev. J. A. Fergeson,
tater, Belgrave. Pre-
. the bridal party en -
room to the strains of
roh played by Mrs.
d took their places
!frilly decorated with
d roses. The bride,
ay by her brother,
•ogether charming in
wearing a long wed-
eath of orange blos-
a baguet of white
den hair fern. The
•y Miss Ella Thomp.
oom, who wore pale
om was attended by
brother of the bride,
khart, niece of the
ower girl and wore
. While oongratn-
hes wore being tend -
Ferguson sang "Oh
e groom's gift to the
ond broach; to the
rl pendant; to the
f gold ontr links; to
Id locket and ohain;
pearl br000h and to
performed by
Presbyterian mi
oiaely at 4 30 p.
tered the drawi
the wedding m
Charles Martin,
under an arcla bea
Panning glory a
who was given a
quanta looked al
,ciasam taffeta silk
ding veil with
some and oarryi
carnations and m
bride was assisted
aon, sister of the g
blue silk. The gr.
Mr. James Martin,
aud little Helen Lo
groom acted as
'Mr. and Mrs. O. ItraWalker are visit-
ing at Mr. Walker's parental home in,
Ingersoll. are, es
Mr. Weir Elliott spent the week end
with his friend, Colin MaoNaughton at
"Mite Eteotof TorOnteWclit;e-chiCe.
of Mrs. Green'
this elerlein.
Miss Belisle St
tion at the order
departuaent ia E
Aliases Elia an
millinery department
platen a000pted a posi-
esk in the millinery
tonne Toronto..
lee Rogers have been
spending a few dos with their cone°, blue Daohess sett
Miss Arlie Bisbee of.London, Ont. lesions and best wi
Mr. J. A. Morten was in Stratford last ered, Mre. (Rev.)
Thursday attendi g the annual meeting Perfect Love" T
of Ontario Pablio ibraries Assooiatioo. bride was a dia
Mr. R. H Oro
mer well known r
was calling on old
Mr. Abner Ooee
this week attOodlnp
of the Mutual Li
Mr. Walter Dun'
is renewing old ee
Der. Dunbar reside
twenty years ago.
Mr. aud,alro. WI
Melville, Seek., ar
of Joseph Pagh.
to Mr. Platen.
Mr, and Mrs. J,
son were visitors in
OR their way to th
where Mr. Elliott
dna -Mrs. F
Ing for a few day
in Toronto and M
ler, of London, a for•
sident of Wingham
friends in town last
s was in Waterloo
t ee annual meeting
a Assurance Co. of
ar, of L angdon, N.D.
naintances in town.
in Wingham some
r and son Cecil, of
visiting at the homer
rs. Weir is a sister
• 11.; Elliott and little I.
Wingham on Monday
r new home In Blyth
now publisherof the
Buchanan were visit.
last week with friends
Buchanan attended
the annual nteetbdg of the Ontario Grand
1891 when they moved tip town. he Connell of the Bo al Templars of Tem -
was the last me' aber of her family of "ranee'
four brothers an 1 two eietere. She was
a member of the Presbyterian Church
for many yeare and a true Christian in
every way and as beloved by the large
circle of friend 1 she had made during
her long reside] ce in this seetion, Her
fahiity consiste of two daughters and
two sons, viz: Mrs. Crowaton, deceas.
ed; Mrs, J. H. arruth, Orillia; Fred,
W. MOLean, Tc.ohto and J. A Mtn
Lean, of town. 6 the bereaved will be
extended the sin ere sympathy of the
community in titair time of bereave-
ment, The toner 1 took plane on Tues•
day at 11 o'clock in. to the Wingham
cemetery, the [16 ice being eonclueted
by the deoeased's aster, Rev. D. Perrie,
HITCHER CABINETS—Great time sayers
for the ladies. They certainly ere et
useful edible for the kitehen. You eon
get them at from. 57 to 523. need
pitying $80, 5811 or $40 for one, when you
can get one for far less, Cali and be
oonvineed as td what I say at S.
GltAtelneS tuthitureOtore.
NoTics---narties found t spassing in
the sugar beetle on 1 s 5
Tarnberry, east o
D. B. Anderson,
Jas Fowler.
Direct to ()stern Canada.
The danadian miff° "Winnipeg BE.
press" leaving oronto at 1
daily, carries olonist,
Sleeping oars fo Winnip
West. The 0
berths itre free,
care and are e
This is the 0
points to Wester
the entire diet
territory, 133akfn
tween Toronto a
hours and ensuri
able journey wit
transfer troubles
bridesmaid, a pa
groomsman, a set
the flower girl, a g
to the orgtnist, a
Mrs. Irergason r. hand painted fruit
Jowl. After conyratulations, relator: s
and friends numb ring over nun trued
red retired to the Ipacious dini.4; room
tastefully decorat id with smi'ax, roses
and white bells mad partook of a sump -
Worts wedding d nner, nfter which the
evening wee/veal, oejoyably spent in
games, music a id dancing. Friends
were presect t era Cobalt, Londou,
Gerrie, Lucknoer and Witigham. The
good will and pest wishes of their
friend was show by the numerous and
and costly array of presents. Mr. and
Mts. Thompson -rill take np ,their resi-
dence on the Wroth concesson of East
Wawanoah and see best wishes of a large
circle qf friends go with them for a long,
ham and prosp irons life in their now
The people of shirt distriot were shook.
ed on Weduesdr y evening of lad week
when- it beoan e known that Minnie
Rintouabeloyea wife of Mr. JohniGibson
Gillespie had p Seed away so suddenly.
Mre. Gillespie gave birth to a little girl
two days previ s to her death and was
J' oon. 1' thought to be eking a good, recovery
gham, ill be
roseetted acoordin to law. np to within a s wort time of her death
The deceased le er. was the eldest neeffe.
ter of Mr and hrs. Chas. 3, Itintonl, of
East Waver:amass and was born in that
township nearlyetwenty seven years ago
and spent all he life at her home until
married to her now bereaved husband
0 p.
arid and
and Pacific
lonist rs, in whioh ,
w leather-naated
nftlly comfortable.
train frena Ontatie
Canada sad runs tbe ,
through 0 inediae
the fastest time be.
d Winnipeg by seVeral
g a fast and comfort.;
out change of oars or
some two yeare5go. She was a young
worrier% held in $he very highest esteem
n the common ty and her sudden death
s deeply regret ed by a large oirole of
Wends, To th, bereaved husband, little
-laughter, her ,arctits and Other relit-
riv s will bo ex Nided the heartfelt gym-
p.ttny of the c mitunity„ The funeral
o the Wing ani cemetery on Friday
afternoon waif very largely attended,
hosing the 4lgh esteem in which the
deceased wasjielcl In the community.
The servioep were concluded. by Re*.
Mr, Pergutto of 13elgrave, assisted by,
Rev, Mr, Ththlupson, of Whiteolturoh,
NEWEST sendeelatert .designs in wall
paper at IttieV.
Money Saved
Our Winter Trade is abour
over and we must get our
Store in order for the large
line of Spring Shoes that will
soon be here.
We need the Room and
can use the money and
we don't want the Shoes
we have on hand.
Every Shoe we own will be
offered at prices cut so low
they will sell at once.
Shoe up every member of
the family. The more Shoes
you buy, at our cut prices the
more you'll save.
The Presbytery f Maitland will meet.
in Wingham nee Tuesday.
Sacramental se vice, will be held in St,
Audrew'sPresbytbriai Ohnroh next Sun-
day morning. P paratory service will
be held on Frid4y afternoon at 2 30
Rev. W. R M Iatosh, of Elora has
been tendered it nanimoue can to be-
oome pastor of K 3g Street Presbyterian
Chart& at Lendo .
Rev. George V . Dewey, pastor of the
Empress AV3111.$3 Methodist Oharoh,
London has deatned the invitation to
become pastor o
dist Church as
au invitation
congregation f
the Wiugham Metho-
e has already accepted
remain with his present
another year.
Easter .. ost Cards
Sent Po .t Paid for 25e,
These Post Car s are embossed in gold
and just the thing o send to ycur friends.
DEPT. 211 TORONTO, ON r. '
Eyes Tested
All This Week
No -drops or drugs neces-
sary. No tedious trying
on lens'.
F1 Jv Hindi, Phras as"'
by 151ftil