The Wingham Times, 1911-02-23, Page 88 ler.MINOR. LOCALS. LOCALS. .......i ._ TUE WINGHAM TIMES, FESR[T*RY 28 1911 —Geed Friday title year falls on April 14th. -• s ext. Wednesday will be the IM day of Kerala. ---All k#nde ot 44tiow iry on We at the Tisza of ice, —Mr, T. A, Mills shipped a oar load. +Rf potatoes. on. Tuesday, -- Bay ycur writing pgper and envel- opes M the Toms office.. -Mr. Q. N Griffin reports the sale of 14 H. Bosman's house and lot on the west nide ot Leopoldstreet to J 14, Awde, —The regular meeting of Court Afait• land, ganedian Order of Forester° will be held on Friday evening of this. Week. —Mr. W. Henry last week moved bia family to Galt, he having a permanent Tun on G. T, R. as oondnotor between Galt and Elmira- -Secure your tickets early at MOKib- bon's drug store for the Welsh Ladies' Choir entertainment to be held on Tues- day evening, March 7th, —A. G. Gamble, manager of the Stet. - ling Bank at Goderioh since the opening of the branch in that place is being trans- ferred to the Toronto offioe, —Mr. Jas, Morrison, who has been W, C, T. U. COLUMN, This column has been reserved for the use of the Wingham W. 0, T. U, and will be edited by the monnere of that Society. It we are to win this country for sobriety and leave a clean heritage for our ohildren we mast put our best into this. work. It needs the best just now and there should be no faltering at the present time for the King's bneinese re quires haete. Lat ne believe in our future and let ns believe in ourselves, in our ability to do, to serve and to vanquish. BE strong in the Lord and in the power of His might . servio r find strength for e "Good cheer" for the lonely, the mat - oast and the poor, has been the Slogan of the "Y" girls thie year. We need the girl with the ready pen, The girl with a song in her heart, The girl with a clear and steady brain, And the girl who will do her part. For the harvest ie great and the fields are white And the reapers indeed are few, We never will wintin we all unite, And we want those who stand by the right. We trust, dear, that girl is You, At the 82nd annual convention of the living in Wingham for some time • has Woman's Christian Temperanoe Union, returned to his farm near Langeide, our Provincial President said in her ad - moving his family to the farm this week, dress, that the history of our W. 0. T. —The Sterling Bank of Canada has Wooed tbe Kintail sub agency of the Dun- gannon office as it wastonnd at present unprcdtable. Kintail business will be taken oare of M Dungannon branch. —At the close of the regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland on Monday evening, the members spent a pleasant social hour at I. Kennedy's restaurant where oysters were served. —Dr. Fled, Principal of Goderioh Col- legiate, who was appointed Inspector of Public Sohools in East Huron, will take up his work on April 1st instead of July let se was stated. Inspector Robb is in ohsrge'np to the close of Maroh. -•---Many friends will be sorry to hear of the •serious illness of Mrs. John Ritohie. While at the tea table on Friday even- ing last she was strioken with a alight stroke of paralysis, The Times, with her many friends, wishes her a speedy recovery. —Madam Melba, the renownedAndtral- ian Soprano, while In Winnipeg, notic- ing an advertisement of the Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, said:—"The Welsh Choir is magnificent, perfectly splendid, and yon may say I said so."—This Choir will slog ill the Wingham opera house on Tuesday evening, March 7th. —Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Currie, of East Wawanosh will bave the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the death last Thursday of their youngest dangh. ter, Agnes Menzies Carrie, in her 8th year. The funeral on Saturday after- noon to tbe Wingham cemetery was largely attended. The service at the hoose and grave being conducted by Rev, D. Perris. PROPERTY FOR SALE A good property in the own Plot is oleced for sale, ooneieti of three acres of land. On the ' re ses are a good eight roomed ire e ogre; a bank barn, 26 feet square; rd sod soft water Inside. Property is in good iodation and buildings are in goad repair. An ideal home for a retired farmer. For parte oalare apply et the Thies ()molt U, was a history of weak things, which had in a marked way, confounded the things which were mighty, that its weakness was made strong in exposing evil, in unearthing abuses and in mak- ing plain the path of duty for those whose strength was equal to bringing about reforms. We do not know any other society which could or would frighten the Toba000 Trust into spending $100,000 to beat ne on an Anti -Cigarette campaign or oell antagonletio remarks from the Brewere and distillers. Our duty is along the old lines of pre- vention and ednoation, while still hop- ing for a plane in helping to legislate. No. of Unions in Ontario, 225; No. of Juvenile Sooleties, 62; No. of children In societies, 13,007; total amount of money raised, $18,79190. Miss E. M, Fisher's presence and helpfulness was very much missed at our meeting, Monday afternoon, Feb. 13th. The Iadies of the W. O. T. U. ex- tend their sympathy to her and her rela- tives in this time of anxiety and afflic- tion and pray God if it is Ilia will to re- store her to her usual health. Those who have a heart to do good never need complain for laok of oppor. tnnity. We are tested by oar dutien. We do not begin to realize how much depends upon our faithfulness in the common dept. To fail in our testing is to come unready to great oriels. Christ appeals to the,human will, not to emotion but to the central kingly power which marks us off from the.low. er creation. It is the will whloh gives .wan moral distinotion and snpremaoy. The young people who feel their im- portanoe will realize that their minds are given for high and noble and worthy use and they will not weaken these minds by filling them or weakening them with trashy reading or with Un - pure or nnolean or low or hateful thoughts. It is not necessary to reiterate the evils of drink. We will not stop for those who do not observe and sled will not read to know that alcohol poisoning is the major peril of in which we live. It is entrenched not only in profits as wee slavery but also in appetite's and yields very slowly to attaok. But it is foroed home that nations may be wreck- ed to -day as in the past by alcohol, that while its reckless use continues man can never come to hie full stature and the vision of a higher humanity oan never be fulfilled. Our country spends a bil- lion dollars a year for drink. Mise M. Hammond, our superintend- ent of press work is M present taking a holiday. A bill to impose an annual tax on each bachelor to be applied to a fund to aid in the enpport of epinetere, is being consid- ered by Maesaohnaetts House. Mr. Proudfoot has given notioe of a bill authorizing municipal ooanoils to buy and operate spaying rmachinee for orchards. His idea apparently is, that authority should be given to municipal councils to buy machines and lease them on *rental to those who want to use them. it0/ 1Y. SAIn —In Winggham, on February 19th, to lir. andMrs. R.H.Saint; ason. SAeWNs.—In Howick, on Feebruarr 7th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Haskins • a daug titer. C11uTrR.—In East WAwanosh, on February 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas Carter ; a daughter. MA.IIILIED. Prau—War,sn —On February 22nd, At St. Stephen's Church, Toronto, by Rev. J. S. Brougball, Miss Hazel Walsh, to .:,1r. Chester A. Pugh, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pugh, of Wingham, both of Palmerston. MoSAT—MoLx.art.—At the Manse, Srnssele, on February 15th, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., Mr. Hugh M. McKay,, of Earl Grey, Sask., to Miss Janet Isabel, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean, Ieth con., Grey township. DIED CAltnisy.—In Grey township, on February 11th, Addle Berri, infant daughter of N. 13 and Mrs. Cardiff, aged 8 days. How. tn.—In Grey township, on February 10th, Margaret Jane, daughter of John and Mrs. Howard, aged 18 days. Lase. --At Howard, $ansae, on Wednesday Jan. 25th Anna Scott, youngest daughter of Andrea Lees, formerly of Morris, enbtn�veoJUeJLiLittle-John, f Mr.n $tWart, or., aged e7 years, 9 months and 3 days. WIIAvan.-»In Wroxeter on Febrtnsry 12th, Mts. Thos. Weaver, aged 5t years. Jurl9 utrlith ie Mensies Oryougent daughe 61 Mr. and Mts. Andrew cnrrio, in her 8th year. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice ie hereby given pnrsu t to R. S 0, 1007, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that al crams having Matins against the estate of J' ,ra Roes, late or the Township of lnloee In the County of Brace, wide d od, who died ort or Rbeut the F rah day of Jann- e*, A.D.1911, are aired to send by poet armada er to deliver to R. Vanetone Solicitor for the 8:xeentore on Or before the Twentieth day or Ydrohi,sA, i .1812 their name*, address• particulateea and deeeritions and a fun statement of y� either 1 aeny)ihe d by' themadu yncertl tore will proeend eeadf ttoo diet*rlbute the Make ofethe deceeeed Among the partiesentitled thereto, fuming regard only to the elainie of which they tahaltalienlutVe notice, listed this "and day of Fehrcary, A. t1.1911. Ft. Wi Ntth m, 2'. G. Solicitor for saidzecators. NOTICE TO CREDiTORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to 13. S, O. 1897, Chap. 129, Seo. 88, that all_ persons having claims against the estate William Messer late o; the Village of Blueval in the County of Sturm, Merchant, decea d, who died on or about the Fourthenth ay of December, A. D. 1910, are require to send by post prepaid or to deliver t 11. Vanstone, Solt- otter for the execute on or before the Twentieth day f March, A. D. 1911, their names, addre , s, and descriptions and n full statement of rtioulars of their claims and the nature of t e seeurity(if any) held by thele duly certified, and that atter the said day the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the calms of which they shall then have notice Dated this 21st day of February,A D. 1911, R. VANTONU. Wingham, P. O. Solicitor for said Executors. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT • FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTA.TE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Tllialoolm's Grocery. LADIES Save your Combings or Combings made to order into SWITCHES, PUFFS, TRANSFORMATIONS, etc. Latest American Weave. Mail ,order promptly at- tended to Toronto Publicsohool pupileare rtpid- ly nearing the $100,000 mark their penny bank deposits. The total to their credit on Penny bank books is now $96,044, 1 and this is divided among 61 schools. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WREST LAND ItEGIILA';t'i0I'8S.A. NY person who is the hole head of a family or any male over IS ycare old may home• atead a uarter section of available Dominion lend in Mahitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant mast appear ih person at the Dominion Lands Abgenvy Or Sub'A envy for the district. Entry by proxymay be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Dnties.--Six menthe' residence upon and cultivation of the land in eeeh of three yenta. A homesteader may live britbtu nine miles of his homestead on s farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied b1+ him or by hie father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts A homesteader in good standinmay pre-empt a quarter•aection alongside hie honnelltead. Price 83.00 bet here: Duties... Must Mac upon tke homestead er pre-emption milt months ineach of six yeas from the rnnureearnompeadptnt) and Cultivate- ffty acres extra. A hoinAeteader who has exhausted his home• stead right and cannot obtain a preemption mayenter fora ptirchasedhonteetead inoertlin disricts, Price 88.00 per iter.. Duties. -Httat reside alt month* in each of three years. Multi - vete fifty scree and cruet a house worth 8800,00. De tyat the Minister 61ttheinterior. N. B.--L'nauthorl ed ptibiiestion of this lid- vertitement will not be paid tor. MRS. SMITH, 459 Colborne St., LONDON, ONT. I Clearing prices on all Silks and Dress Lengths suitable 1 for evening wear. New Prints, Ginghams, Laces and Embroideries, just to hand: IONS THIS WEEK TR APE 414E Ewe's VOA �ARGiArN$ 1 'PP Fr WANT YOUR, • KINGS', THE BUSY STORE 111R ARE MENTS E RT.VE STANDARD L FATTERN3 1) 10&15 CENTS.NONE HIGHER F000 FOR A KING May have added expense in prepara- tion for the table, as compared to what others eat. At the grocery More, though A KING'S GROCERIES • are like those you buy of, us, All groceries sold by us are fit for kings and princes. They're as reasonable alt king's servants oan bay them. We are grocers to the people. 1. F. Mdllullivray Phone54. RARE VALUE Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, a rib, a job lot of 5 doz, only to clear at 2 pairs for BOYS AND GIRLS 500 yards 86 inch, Wrapper- ette, especially good for quilt lining, per yard... 110 Dressing Sacques, made of dark wrappette, faced with sateen in various dark colors, splendid for Ladies' morning wear at each .. L d' ' 11'urs Muffs Stoles J Fur and Far Linedac• kets, clearing at from 25% to 50%off regu ar prices. 25e Men's Clothing. greatly re- duced -5Q Men's Suits, sizes 86 to 44, regular 810,00, $12.00, $15,00 and $18.00, at a straight 25% discount. Boys' Blue Berge Knickers, 3 dozen only, sizes 24 to 33, to clear at per . pair 50e. Men's Fars at prices never before beard of, come in and be convinced that this is the store for Real 39c value in Furs, clearing at 25% to 50% off. Clearing prices on all Heavy Un- derwear, Leggings, Odd Pants, Vests, Smocks, Winter Caps, etc. a 1 PRODUCE WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Beans, New. Feathers, Raw Furs, etc. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. CHEPRICESAP *t �•s+•s ►•s+•1••*OS • • • E. C: WHITE • • • Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor • • The only stock I carry contains the newest all -wool fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from •• the most reputable Mills in the world. •• • • • Fina Clear th Sale W nter Goods SATURDAY NEXT, FEB, 25 FELT SHOES OVERSHOES HEAVY RUBBERS (BOTH IN LACED AND BUCKLE) ON SALE NEXT SATURDAY AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES BUT TAKE A..NOTE OF THE FACT THAT THIS IS . THE LAST DAY OF SALE OF WINTER GOODS WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. •••••••••Srt t•. ••••••••• • • • • ••• Should learn those subjets by which they can earn a liding. Spotton'e Business Colleges are the largest train. ere in Canada, and our gradu- ates secure the best positions. Ton can study at home, or partly at borne and finish at the College. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY NAY WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE (IED. S71'OtXON, (resident, • • • • • • • Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- • • vailing the day you are measured. You get everything • 1 the very latest and best when you let us make clothes expressly for you_.. • You will find our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and BIues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings, Melton, Beaver and Crornbies Over - coatings give the best satisfaction. • i• • • •• • • • • • • E. C. WHITE - WINGHAM, ONT 1 • LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR • • IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCS• S •••••••••440+444••••••••••• •••••••••;••••tt•M•• 44••t! Mr. David A. Hutohineon of Chatham was asphyxiated by natural gee, and hie wife and daughter are hi a critical con- dition from its offsets. A $12,000,000 opal merger has been formed in Montreal, to take Over wee- tern goat properties. Rey. Dr. A, J. Mowatt died suddenly in Erskine Ohntoh, Montreal, "just as he Was about to begin bis sermon. Because she was jilted by her lover Misr Mtnnie Peaohey of Burk's Falls oomwitted suioide by potion, Mr. T. H. Sohwitzer hat been appoint. ed mechanical superintendent of thb Government Printing Bureau. Mrs. D. A, Rntohinoon died at Chat- ham frons inhaling gas, This makes the second death in the faintly from that cause. BANS OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE t HAMILTON Capital Plaid Up . . . . v $2,7110,000 Reserve end Undivided Profits . $3;80,000 $1,000,000 Total, Meets Over $40;000,000 Savings Bank Department at all Branch**. 'stiassM WINGHAMVI .BRANCH Sole Agents 0l. for Ladies. sHOF! VERY SPECIAL - BARGAINS FOR ONE WEEK v s 41 FROM FRIDAY FEB. 24th We are still giving 25 per cent 'off all Winter Goods, we have to make room for Spring Goods which are stead- ' ily coming forward of which announcement will appear later., A few Men's Fur Coats, worth $35.00 for $2o.00 cash Ladies' Fur Coats, worth $4.o.00 and $5o.00 for $25,00 ALMIN1STER MOQUETTE RUGS Having bought a clearing line of these Axminister Moquette Rugs in Floral and Animal Designs, worth re- gular $3.00, we will dear the entire lot for $2.00 each. Come early and get first choice as they will not last long at these prices, sizes 2y x 54 inches. A FEW SPECIALS IN GROCERIES 20 lbs, of Best Granulated Sugar - $1.00 2I lbs, Light Yellow Sugar - $I,00 Fresh Prunes, per ib - - - roc Choke Raisins, 3 lbs for - - 25c Gallon Apples, per tin - - 3oc Maple Syrup, pet tin - - 25c Oat Meal, fresh, 9 lbs for - 2Sc Sardines in oil, per tin - - 04e Good 4 Cord Broom - - 25c Large quantities of Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted, taken sante as cash, PONE 89. C• Pf Smith, Agent. .i11 ici 414 WING'tAM, ONT.