HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-02-23, Page 5bio +to P1. Per Cen DISCOUNT On Men's and Boys' Suits and Over - Coats, Pea Jackets, Odd Pants and 'Knickers. What it means to you. $5.00 Garments for $7.50 Garmenis for $io.00 Garments for $15 oo Garments for $20.00 Garments for • 4.00 - - $6.00 - $8.00 $ 12,00 $16,00 We are giving an extra special price on Boys 3 -piece School Suits, regular $4.50 and $5.00 for $3.00. Penman's wool Underwear, regular 75c for 55c. Special prices on Gloves and on other Winter Goods, worth your while to come and see. McGee & •Cam)el MEN'S CLOTHIERS TUE, TV atallAtt 11.141123i FEBRUARY 28, Olt aergeollERT. The *adhere' report for *hie township has been prated, The total receipts for the year Me were $10,458 teal ex pecdtturee, 010,06 06, leaving balance of $01 ilk not a very large moons elf mob, but the towIlehte'il Credit ie most The ants are plowed M $1385 40, and the liabilities at $867,35 ORITNSIOLe. Atter a years eojoure under the pre, ental roof, following averal yeare, Menitobs, Pert.. yew:west eon of R. T4 .and Um. Iiingstou, ABB t Wet ime gime Kenton Where he takes a positiou in a drug dere. Robert ROle has joined the gem of Blears, Walker & Blade and wilibmonce a Wideman for a while at beret, Bud. OrrAnTIMOOK, nen should be well looked after, The Annual Report of Knox church Mb ee Dag Wilson, daughter of SO. has been blued thawing the general Willem, grocer of Brussels, has percher regelPtil to be 070.98 and expenditure ed the millinery business of Miss Vickers $428 07, leaving a Mimeo ot $42,91 on et Kingsville, and will take np her raid. hand. $187 74 were contributed to the enoe there shortly after a visit to the schernel of the ohuroli and other Pod leading wholesale" purohasing fcr next mem $120.00 of the alcove were for seanon's trade. Miedons. Rev, D, B. Maim hese been the faithful pastor for the past 35 yeas. The Elder" are W. Cameron, J. P. Mo. bash, J. 5, McNair and Wm. Pavia, Board of Manager', Win Patterson, Ed. Felton, N. D. MoNair, Geo. MoTaggarts Alex. Peale and A. McDonald. The latter is the Seoretaryareasurer. True. tees are Wm. Pe.rie, L. McNeil and John MoNabb. Ethel congregation is anoolated with Oranbrook as one charge. JAMESTOWN. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Three Days Only . Saturday 1Monday and I Tuesday Feb. 25, 27, 28 • Mr. John Pollock of Listowel visited iree •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,+.+.,..•..•,•••,•,,44+ In order to wind up the season's business expedient. ly and clear out all Odds and. Ends SO that we can start Spring B si ness March lst, with everything bright, fresh and new. We will hold a Days Gean Three Days Only Saturday Monday and Tuesday Feb. 25, 27, 28 his brother Andrew last • Of all Seasonable Merchandise at prices that are Monday. Mist Myrtle Wilson and Mrs. W. W. .0 Harris of Brussels visited the former's + sure to make business hum. SATURDAY, sister, Mre. Dunoan MeoDanald last ' MONDAY and TUESDAY, FEB. 25, 27, 28. Monday. • • We are pleased to state that Mrs. A. • Simpson is on the mend atter her serious • renieras. • FURS Mr, jots. A. Simpson left for his home 1110131". ° Bleb' "huden ebtPPed a eelv'leed 01 in Teenier Sask., last Friday after a horses ea the Wed* He intends Ping few week; visit with friends. here. in a couple of weeks. John Oook, lith line, has had 6 Dorset Wedding bells are ringing south of lamb" added to his flock already this Jamestown. a imam One of them has attained to 25 Mr.and Mrs. Len. Rattan entertained pounds weight. Mr. Oook thinks the • a °amber at their many friends 1111 Fri Donets lead the sheep van. • -darer:ming, all report a pleasant time By natio° in another column it will be spent. observed that Anna Scott, youngest . - (blended:Stir lad. Week.) • daughter of Andrew Lees, formerly of Mr. Jas. Outt,sr. ot pi*th.yisited his • 7th line, Morris, died at Howard, Kan, brother; Iohli; on Monday last. sas. Jannary SOth, after a brief illness Ma. Andrew Simplon a quite 111 with of pneumonia. Deoeased was a relative ,pneurnotI Her many.friandi lippe 1 of the Hielopfamilies of Grey townohtS. °badge ger iliibetter will soon fake plum - A tholes draft tally rising 2 years old, 'Wand Mrs. Minos° MaoDoneld end sired by, "Maroolt," was sold by Alex. thtisi Denlidir ilitted et' A. pellOak's on. . Mustard, 2nd line, to D. MooPherson sand4 met; for the neat price of $225.00. Is pays • ' , Berntoe Payne lost a valuable , grow the good ones and Morris forma are not behind when it comes colt litsilIaturdaY from blood poisoning. to dandy Wrath • Cada a panther are . on the oak llst A line 4 year Old cow belonging to with:15 grill"!naineby :-Mr. Ed. Bar. nird,. Mi. Vintric. Wright,: peffook John Mustard, and line, took dok on a recent Sunday mule week later. went to • • • '• • 7.!* EokIncI rAll sowdoln deeldle al1. that mold be -done. unoso 'F'1'1/4191:1"4"' The many friends of Mrs. Win. Holt It was decided to investigate cattle of • death to and as the surprise of all, a 3 inch -will 041"(141)11ear'illat elleAs able wire nail was found driven into the . be around again after her recent • ill• Upend end of. the:heal. It is supposed me' bossy had swallowed the nail while nos• ' Mr. and litre Ed. Smith and daughter ing Mut thin" obi inintrffi: The' case of Tessier; Seek., and Ma; Thomas is speedier inie and the like not °fan owletal. Thomas, 1. visited' at% A. J. heard Of. . • fiRMERSANDF •PeRECIPRillooktiliall Thursday. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butterick Patterns NOTICE -Telephone your order to No. 70. 1 411 NOTICE • Five dollar Raft a bargain • 0.90 Isabella Sable Muffs, worth $7 50, sale prioe - - $5.75 Large Isabelle. Sable ltuff $10 00 value, for • • - $7 90 • . • • Boys Suits $8.25 value, for - $2 50 •$ 75 value, for - • 0 00 $1 00 value, for • • - $3.25 $1 50 value; for • $8.75 • $5.00 value, for • - • *400 $6 00 value, for • • • $4 95 .• $7.50 value, for - • • C6.00 • • OVERCOATS • Men's °variants, $7 00 value for$5.00 4t• $$98.0000 rvoialonee.; ffoorr - • $07..0000 • $10 00 value, for • • • '$8.00 $11 00 value, for • • - $EL7i • $12 00 value, for • . $9.00 • $15 00 value, for - $19.00 CLOTHING • MEN'S SUITS $8.0•0 value, for - - • 8600 $9.00 vette, for . - -. - $7 00 $7.00 Value, for • • • • $6.00 • *1000 value, for • • 18.00 • $12 00 value, for , f$15 00 value, for • • $12.00 t. i Themost suomesful mason in the r history of this store it jest d/wlr nor to a dome, and we know better way to show our appreolati n of your appreciation than to Ord three days of genuine ion nDUCTION that will save dol r r you. Moderate prices befog the key note of our polio, we would not promise you so much unlees these bargains were really extra ordinary. They ARE; -we have tried to prove this in type, but that is a difficult matter. The goods themselves will prove it conclusively and more easily than anything else. We hope for the attendant* of all our reinter patron.. We invite also Close who -have not made our ao quaintanoe to mine and see for What little price good goods can be Bold. Prices quoted do not apply to New Spring Goode PHA received although most of the Goods offered are adapt- able for spring wear. • LADIES' COATS Ladies' Black or Fancy Kersey Cloth Coats. $12 00 value for - • 0 00 $10,00 value for - $7.95 $15 00 value for • $11.25 $20 00 value for • • $15.00 $8.00 value for - • PM $7 00 value for . . 8*00 DRESS GOODS: Out Prices in all line' of Dress Good". No room -to quote prima here. Buy your Drees now and save money. UNDERWEAR Out prices in alt flues of UnderWeell M :e i .deer at • _ • . St. See 'pedal line at - 4. ...Aga 1. Heavy Ribbed Hose - el 25 Underskirt for - . Mo - • 350- 123 Flannelette, sale prim- • ha ' 2 papers safety Pins tor .. 5o Big Bargains in Groceries A45 A • LA • ' • • h* OCITY ! -!++++!:++++++++++.0f+,4+0•• ••••+.*••••••••••••••••••• . - • The.Canadien Century of Moiltientlelleiing' that. Reci- prociti with the United Statetwenktinipekil the future of Canada and that it would be SpeCially disadvantageous to Canadian farmers, wishes to place view of the question before the whole farming community and hu arranged, for: le series of articles in newspapers Of both political parties. The first article follows and Others be published% from week to week. • 1 • • We want part of your Mail Order Business and will be t able to give you prompt delivery in any lige of goods I we carry. We pay all postage and express charges. Z • All goods exchanged if not satisfactory. We send goods on approval. • LADIES' We are offering this week different colorer sale price $3.7‘5. 500 yards Dress Goode for new shades for the spring trade. • SKIRTS. for special, 25 Ladies' Skirts in Ladies' and Children's Dresses in all Special price 25c per yd, Tho Door W(de Open: (Fr00 The caned* OentarY, Feb. 18.) If ' the reelpirmity compact Merely Opened the doer Of the Canadian food market to Amer!can armoire it would be. very Injur1nu °nand" of Chenedian. fanners. Iromelstio more ,to transport American fords parade, fro. Caeldien: Nein" and cities then it dna Oatmeal: Canadian ferniproduote to cities of the United States, and the American farm. as have the advantage of an earlier se*: son. Moreover there are AO least:ten times as many fanners in Are'lgalled States as there are In Canada, and so ten American tamers win get Potreo:se to the markets of Canada for one Canadian fanner who gets entrance into the mar- kets of the United States. That the WRAPPER ES . 1 American farmers *81 hike advantage ofthe open.door there Dan be no doubt. Even with $ tiriff. wall spinet them In stripes and plain colors; all good patterns. Special price • •' they have mumeeded felling immense 00, regular 15c. 15 pieces of 12je Pnnt in light and dark colors, good patterns. • ‘ These prints won't last long at Special price 10c. . 4 'BOYS' SWEATER COATS Tan and Green, Blue and Red. This is a chance to get...,..t. owing to •favored nation good Sweater Coat for 69 cents. , a j mishit, any tariff advantages granted . : by Canada sto the United State' must deo apply to the following countria: Argentine Republio, Austria•Hungary, BOYS' OVERCOATS. Bolivia, Oolumbia, Denmark, . Japan, 26 Boys' Overcoats in all sizes, with and withottt 'College Norway, Russia, Speln, Sweden, Swit- zerland, Venezuela. ( d a Collar. Regular $7.00 to $8.50. Specula price *5,00. Then It is provide"that the dvisee quantities of farm products in Canadabe, more than Canadian farmers home en able to sell in the United States. With ✓ eolproolty in farm products *0.tin American farmers will crowd the one Canadian farmer pally close in hie own • -- - mares. But this Is not all that.; the .0anadian farmer ham to face under the reolprooily • MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS We are selling 'alt' oar Men's and Boys' Suite at reduced price. HOUSE. FURNISHINGS We have our • spring Lace Curtains and, Madras Curtain Materials. Nett Spring Bilge and Squares, in Bizet 318, 3x8i, 304, 6114} •Ali kinds of Trade wasted, highest prides paid. We have a large ethek Of choice Fresh Groceries, HANNA & • PHONE /0 4.0444.4400:4444.4.44.000 44400,1Fr44400.01004tatitSfra loges 'granted to the United. State' shell eased to the United Kingdom add the several Hellish oolonies." This will bring tholit free entrance of feria Dr* deals from 0066 *eat food expiating 'mania. Attains Mut NOW-21eittand. is Mel Canadian fartrierio will have to enetteite their own Maur *aka Wilk faro product. from ill the great food producing Marotries Of the world. adding to the Uncoated!. , Thai is away" @Mild rineataiety abOut argotic g.• The farmer never knows when be puts the seed in the ( retina What the 'walker oonditione • Will be. There may be Most or hOdi ,er drought or tee much tabu Added to ell Ikea. uneertaintise dee to Nature's valitions there is the Mi. aerainty regarding prim" which *in Orman when the crop is harvested. Me* Malt, tote "Would be devoted to OM Otter and how Mary a another d* Mad" teen a gnats 18 td What deticend shete Will be for the digerati flgtielli. bend at os stele Of barrelling had What petal will prevail. Whirl is *150 0! figel crepe 11 elle tate ef 815 Sala Ill" einspirativelr Stay for the tertiteelistudy *0 COMMA5 tif the • • konhemarket, but when he has to oom6 :pete with the farmers of the world at largait le much more difficult to deter. mine who the future will be. - It ie now propmed *0 .46 to the un- certainty of Canadian farming. Itn. pried fame tieo riots from the United States, the Arge0stne Republic, Den- mark, NerwaY;111weden,, . Russia, lens trans, New Zealand and number of ether countries miming into Canada without payment of any duties will to a • considerable extent displace Comedian farm•prod'aots in lie home Markel as a Tani* et the refproo1Sy compact. To make p for • lases .in the kerne markt °medlar farmer Will her!. to Tay gest1y imam hie exports to t e U 11.6 Satee In Maine seed, in r si "took, in growing vegetables and f a he will alweyshave to -consider at it Most likely to satisfy. Apiaries° • demands. And after he has made his arrangements, while his crops kre .5111 ungarnered and the live stook, which he !training speoiallyie mit the American market, is half grown, the United.Statee Congress may suddenly deoide to shut . on$ Clauediau farm prodnoti dill kinds. Remember the Reolprooity Crimped is not c treaty. It may be ended at Will by the United Stales Oongrets or she Canadian Parliament. It le Well that we are nor tied down tO•At permanent arrangement. Even the Free Trade Farmers' Convention to Ottawa on De- cember 15 Amid tO, 1910, recommended . that 1 *tormentor' treaty :should not be made, bue that any undemanding sr. dyed at should,..bee pet into effeot by rimentreat'IegIulItiOn, All; daeses of the oottiMunity were the Notate opinion in that -egad, and she GOverament could not have defied she timid:note sentiment at the community,. So when we peas oat that either the United States Con• grim or the 'Canadian Parliament iaiet liberty to end the agreetnent. 0 dial • notiot.ere are Mt blender thigaven ment Tor this We belitiorthatOsned• lens general, Intending birth lemon and eity.treople, wiul ,ffsidshe errenote meat a linektiefinnory that they will. be thankftff PaOlinniene has the power to teriniethelt. hot NAN tamest should prove arcing there vrfli always overhung the doeid of. uticeddeo ‘regirrdlnitt the attiendatif the United States Clongrens. There *ill dwelt" be "WON lattaeriose at WOrk in the trailed &Mee OW rani Miele Convert to alter the WM. Am Marra fantail !My be , disatieded or tifientitetterarC war think they are not getting eaongh One of the agreement end •dadaticlbettertame. If* Toil has nidde tie p _ etal his ex Oakdan.. that the potted Steal hi to get greater drinedidesei later tea It the United Steal Coligrea adorer% the Median it wfil be teettnee :*ha Peotathet. .I.Inder dab; 0011ditieel With Whit adage ef. tuatelotaly will the ,Oattadiats torrent Vial* *irk feta year ahead. " • nmoliAltic; • totilffahirdilY our boy. journeyed to Blnevale and *therthe boys in a well ion - tented mood hedrey. The ice was :in bad condition but snot; our boys Mored, "Pop" doing.the trick from :Mid ioe. They son moored 5 •inor�. making the snore lit half time 5.0 In fava 'patentor,. The Binevalis'beys now changed their line up and soon soared while our beys netted 6 there making the score . at fall the 7-1 toi Balgrave's favor. Line 'rip:- Belgrave i -S. Stonehoune, goat; N. Fer. guson,pehit; W. Geddes., o point; Brandon, Myer; Pop" Geddea centre; 0. G dd s 1. win • • W. Watson,r wing Mama reelt Hendersori,goal; R And- rew", peat; L. McKinney, ce* point; Shaw, rover; R. Torrey, centre; A Foir;, lir, t. wing; E. Aitoheson, r. wing. MOWICK. Once again our oommunity is milled to sorrow over the departure ef a loved one in the person of Mrs. John Stewart. sr. The bond of affection last severed. by Moth was formed. between Mr, and Mrs Stewart in Scotland, where they attend. ed the same school. Mrs. Stewart came to this country with her. parents while dill in her teens. is also did Mr. Stew- art. Mrs. Stewart's parents gelded in the neighborhood of Weedssock, Stewart eventually marrying Jennie Litelejohn and coming to Howiok in 1872 where they have since resided. Twelve • ears ago she received a stroke, sines wig* time she has been an invalid, her affliction being borne with Christian for. tiade. The immediate muse of her, death was pneumonia, of about a we' k's Phaeton. • Maine& 'Theft; died, et his home, one Mile north of Teeswata, on Monday morning, Fele,' 13th, Ma James Goodfellow at the rite old age of age of 88 years. Deceased WM,• three weeks previous. stricken down with a paralytic stroke, bat was making steady progress to wads mom. ay until last week he took a sudden turn for the worse and gradually sank 'until on Mondey morning death"teleav. ad him of his offering. Ile was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, to 180$ and mute to Ibis °entry when a ad. 01 17 yeas. Arta his antral in Osnada he took upterming in Witterao Oe., Dan Galt, end remitted a resident et that. twenty for forty years. Thirty rats ago he Owe to Cairo's and boughtthii farm On which he has ever Skies rtoicted. In 1847 he wai Married to Itufriniterie Karin Waterloo Cr, Three Ione end de daughters were barn to theta; and' with the extreption of one son and two daughters they survive him, The lois are Thorned on the hoinestead and John .A WONDERFUL. MEDICINE' FOR.LITTLE ONES. Reber" Chapman of Teeswater; Mrs. Bricker, of UMW Gerrie; Mu. H. W. Ostler orOlifford, and lire. John Arm- rong, of u rose. • .of Whigliam, and the daughters, Sta. • *SALEM. Mr. and Ma. T. Higgins of Bluevale spent Monday of this week's' the home .M • of r. Tom Bolt. • Mr D. Chatters of Gorrie entertained nunibei et Salem young.people as his home on Meador °MAIM All report • an enjoyable time. Mr. James MoBurney and sisters spent a few days this week whh friends in East Wawarrosh. Alm, Herbert Henning ie at present . ;dotting 'with friends in Toronto and other parte. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Baker -on Wednesday evening last, when they entertained a number of Salem young people. Mines Liffie and Gerrie Bush spent Sunday evening with friends in Elowlek. The subject for Thursday night will he a debate, "Resolved, that Art is more pleasing to the eye than Nature." Affirmative, Mae 0. W. McKenzie and Jame, Hallidsy. Negative, Clara Mo - Kende and Charlie °others. • - Cornelius Wm, a rroently married MD, took a dose of potion at Kingston with fatal result. George Waller, a news agent, arrest. ed la 00011e0al tO With IAN Shoff of o pocket book on * stain, and acquitted, has recovered $300 damage" from the C. P. R. Co. Whooping Cough sitiffins ITAIrmAtoPuMsos 1617 teteelliMiei tele • A *hole, side red otottivii Institut fer bra'. ellialtroablea, avoiding dres. itsperlsotOrese- lees Mop: the t*totrite it Whooping Gogh rtteilgoetir:S= °TIM 111tVgiererth•th0V3auf Stter/tit, tanked with trey brolttl, mous =13 treigrtiwiteleettrilip. e &rat, able tei lathers Mitt yew, etbueren. ewe sr rend *ern nerkin. ALL DIRICG1301 yretoierassurse ett Cre err tern:mei . tro easkria481: • tool triiiiii. Leatiesellike SIOXIIINAL weemmere Bsby's Oren. Tabhhearor P.. won ill medioine for little one. Tho never .. . . fait to give relief to She baby en bis etemach or bowels are la • of order; when teething in painful • hen worms make their appear no r whet) any of the many obildh went! seize him. Wharfs more they are absolutely safe and cannot harm the younged child. Slathers have the guarantecof a govern - :tealwhat the de a have dem fon ir anal 10$ Mgt haseresohtf2neennonnirr IS J. Ward, Galt, Ont.; triyit•:--"I have 1 children,. ong y recommendelient.Mn. used Baby's Own Tabletelor over two years and would not be without them ia the hoes°. They are wonderful .medi- oine for little ones." BabellOwn Tab• lets are fold by medicare dealers or as 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brookville, Out. 01`. -Mies Ssokeld, of Gaderich, ie visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. W 3. Todd gave a dere% on Friday night. Miss McDonald, of Goderich, is spend. Ing a month with her atone, Yrs. Thur - low. Mhos Mary Durnin attended a party on Friday evening, gam by Mr. and Mrs Harry McAllister of Fordyce. •. A sletghload from the village "Dept Friday evening as Mr. Wm. J. Todd's. They danced She Ug*0 fantasia until the morning dawn. Tommy McDonald, of Winghain, spew a few days wish hi. grandpertinito, Mr. and Ma. Thos, Todd, Miss Courtney,. of Huron Towoolcip le visiting at the home of her uncle, Kr. John Rntheeford. The box motel on Wednesday even- ing was quite a mooed; in spite Of the storm. The proceeds were $43 and all enjoyed 0 good time. Mr. Case Moldlister 1. .riontieg with Mr. Frank Todd. Worth Trying. Nine personsput of tee, with s °haler or other foreign etbettinee id the Ob. Wilt initaally begin fried) it with ithe sou, While hunting for a beekeiroblit with the ether, Thin 1. 011 *rang. . TbS right *ay 1. 001 no titflite eye with the binder lit It, bet tO nth the Other vig- OW4 ea yob Ilke. Xt IP thiffltritt if the • forgoing advloebe.tellotted the Weigle body witi IMO Ind its WO tb the wilt of the ay. Ind be Washed eat lbte teal it 01011011.