HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-02-23, Page 4a."LU! WUNttI AM, TIMES, FE13RTTMRR 231 1911 T 1 E make lbenieelvee H41041o13s. They were never. tore ludioroue than in the heatmini they have worked thetutelver into over reciprocity, It maim be that they veeU !Mil in the preened Agreement ,oma possible Sinai Omen; Toi orxo glory for the Lander Gorernwent,TM. $tniooe Retorter. The Optarto brauoh of the Modal= Alliance silted Sir James Whitney at Toronto on Thursday to ezpumga the tbree.fittba ohne from the local option law et this Province and also to duct prohibitive legislation affecting the liq, nor tramp, as for ae poeeibie in Ontario. lBoth ot these petitions were uuegviv. ovally refused by the Premier, who said it was impossible to have perfect prohi. bitten in Ontario, Uon, W. J, Hanna, who wee in oonipany with Sir Jame", vigorone.y defended the three•fitthe chane ni a foroe tor 1ptewperenoe. He also otitioized Rev, Ben H, Spence for bevtng said to convention the day before, as reported by one morning newspaper, shat the Conservative party had been "treaoberous", Mr. Spence denied the ellegsIioo, and later in the day deotared that his charge had been that "trickery" was the sin of the Conservative govern- ment, while "treaohery" had been the oberaoteristin of the Liberal party. The three fittbe cleave passed by the Whit. net Government, Mr. Spence claims, was nothing more than a political Wok. Oapital Stook tail paid up) $4,000,000 00 Reserve Fund And Un- divided Profits $5,800,000.00 Depoeite by the public.. , $47 000,00000 Tout. Avesta, over .., , . $62,600,004.00 One: es *Maoism throughout Orin ads and the. United Settee. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department. Current Rates et Igtereet allowed, and Dap isita received of 51.00 and upwards. Farmers' sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them et lowest. rate of interest, WrNorUid Bltaxaet—Corner John and Josephine Streete W. R. GRIME, MANAGER. R. ValegroNn, Solicitor TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be lett et this office not later than Saturday noon, The copy for ohenges must be lef. not later than Monday evening.. (Usual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. IMABLIQ$$Ii 187% 'iE WINfllAM TIMES. 13, FS . e LLICITT. Puurasti la •wuPnophisTo THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1911 EDITORIAL NOTES. Dominion inland revenue reoeipts for January totalled $1,279,662, inolnding $1;279,6:: in excise. Reoeipte for the same month Iaet year were $1,135,157. The present Government of Canada has paid out $16,315.862 in iron and -steel batman, $1,580.793 in lead bounties, 5243,254 In manila ilbre bountles, cad 51,888,195 in petroleum bounties. Toren.' ey million dollars, which these aggre- gate,1. tints a tidy spend on s naming •'bottle. Thhees is no reason why the `Iron and steal bounties should be renew. ed. --Toronto Star, A series of articles on "Farmers and Reciprocity" will appear to the Titus from week t0 week. These arttolea do not express the views of the editor of the Taus on this great question but are in. sorted orderfrom A.Meltim Limited,Ad. vertizing Ageooy, Montreal. We are publishing them to the believe that both sides of the gaestion should be read and studied by our reader. ''' ' - The Dominion Government's January bank statement, whloh was issued Mon. day afternoon. contains the following figareer.-Ciroulationof $77.110.971; de- posits on demand. $270,178.480; deposits payable after. notice, 5549,774,470; dopes - .its outside Canada, 560 200,781; can loans outride Canada, $88,798,665; cur- rent Loans in Canada, 1683,506,695; else- where. 528,362,549; total meets, 51,211,- 259 062; deposits on demand have .in- oreseed by ten million dollars, u com- pared with December, and those payable after nolioe have increased by five mil- lions; • Call loans have depressed by three million". There is such a thing as trying to be more Ioyai to Brit",in than are the people of Britain •thems.tves. Why should Canada) retuee to buy and sell with the - United States when Britain buys and vile with Germany to the amount of hundreds of , millions yearly? Over there it is admitted frankly that oetit- meroe le Independent of political intim soy. Here our Opposition politicians are hart to every ides but one, defesttng the Government. and so'fregnently NtJItSING MOTHERS show the beneficial a fact's. of Scoff's Emulsion in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour- ishes the child. .1 Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food. tonic, trot only to keep up their own streah host to properly mulish their children. - IRA 0.4.1 int •tat,, nitttriesllee • *set iise.,sweet et egret 4%4 Ow at, 110 4111060 Melt nal Mitt. altelaVgalk .tiMtir Seryl , ansiterilet i°ant VMS* iremens, Owed Lwtt ThrW.W11414 %Milk VIEWS ON RECIPROCITY. The Goderioh Signal has obtained the views of a number of representstIve men throughout the county on the sob• jeot of reoiprootty and we take the fol. lowing from the columns of last week', Signal: Wingham, Feb. 8sh. As a farmer i think reaiprooIty is going to be a benefit to all farmers here by getting them a better market for their farm produce. TOY K. PO WELL. • Belfast, Feb. 9th. I am highly pleased with the proposed agreement with the United States. In looking over the present and the proposed tariff schedules, I see a great difference. It can't help but benefit the Oanadian termer and merchant. I could say a good deal more, but I don't think 11 is needed. I must say with The Signal. "Harrah for Fteldb3gt" end "Hurrah for Paterson tool" JA8. R. HAOKETT. Westfield, Feb. 8th. In view of the astonishing figures presented by I espeotor Robb at the re. pent county council meeting—that the numbers of pupils on the eobooi roll in the oonnty had decreased forty-four par cent.—something drastic mast be done by aur statesmen to improve She port. tion of the farmere. Larger and less sestrloted markets mart be obtained In order that the farmer may obtain the greatest freedom in the rale of bis pro. duets. The greet problem of how : to keep the young man no the farm, hinges on this fact, that the fanners ahs not. doing well enough to enoonrage their families to engage In the game !melees.. A larger market will engonrage more competition amongst the buyers and a out into the profits of the, middie•man. That the great importance of this move - Ment was known to all our statesmen it proven by the faot that every Govern- ment "thee confederation hu endeavored to obtain a etmilac agreement. THOMAS WOODOOOK, Arnesels, leb. 8111, fly views on the trade agreement be. $ween Moeda and the United States Ire u follows: That if the proposed egression be. comes law—as It should -it will be a great benefit to both countries. That within" the next three years It will largely enhance the value of our farm lands, and, the farm being the baste of prosperity in this country; and likely to remain so, the farmers' oral - MU, means the prosperity ot every other trade and industry. That the increase ot trade and enitt. Tattoo of more friendly relation. with the people ot the United States and onr- salves le not likely to affect its• as a nation within the British Empire, or foster annexation, but is more likely to 'have the opposite effect. That every'Prodaoe in the Dominion trill be benefiotally effected. That if the people of this country could only like a broad-initded national view of the question, eitmtnate party polittos, stung selfishness and Cans (Ilan jtagotsm, there would be no opposi- tion to snob an agreement: I happen to be one of those who were fn heathen through the teras of the for- nier treaty, and I klsew sonnething of the benette of the open door. ' JOHN LRORIN. liar. Jr J. H1ll Will Wild a eatition. dollar station for the.Great Northern at wttalpeg. ll[t. Prondfoot hie toot notice- or a resolution looking to the rbolltbii of aha the fifths dent. -The tiCttltilob$ Chitin Gro ins' Moo - Chilton !tate *Minted R. itloltenito SO repie1en$ that Aseattatfdtt It Ottawa for the pnrposa of watching legieleiitu at+ ittiblng the interests Of th Wool** tat-, rite, Another Modern Miracle Locomoter Ataxia Cured The Sufferer Had Bean Given Up as incurable by Several Doctors --Hospital Treatment Also Failed—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills worked the Miracle, Before the discovery of Dr. Wiiitame' Pink Pill,, locomotor ataxia was conoid. erect an inonrable disease, It hes beeu fully demonstrated however. that this diseaie osn be cored through the nee of these pills, where the treatment is persist- ed in, and the directions carefully followed. L000mgtor ataxia Is a disease of the epinal nerd, and first shows itselt in an inability to stand erect when the eyes are closed, or in the dark. It is character iced by peculisr disturbances of the gait, and difficulty in governing the motions of the legs. One of the commonest and earliest signs is a tired feeling, partioalar- ly uoted in the knees and ankles. Tbie sensation is provoked by slight exertion, end is not relieved by rest. Often a numb feeling is anointed with it, and these two symptoms are always present in the early stages. As the disease pro- gressas, there Is an increase in the duration and extent ot the numb teetings, covering at times the foot alone, then extending to the leg. The disease is usual- ly of slow growth, and the inoresee and intensity of the symptoms is not noticed, but 1U grogreea Is content, and gradually approaches a total lack of feeling to the legs, causing a wobbling gait and an entire inability to govern the steps As she disease progress." the patient loses aft central over bowels and water, and becomes utterly helpless, and has to be oared for like A chit la proof of thepower of Dr. Williams' Pink lits to cure this terrible malady, Mrs. Sarah. Jane Buller, of Antler, Sask., env, "For .even years from 1900 to 1907, my 505 James was ellifoted with 'name or ataxia. During that time he was treated by several of the best doctors in a West, but their treatment failed. to be of any benefit, and he kept growing w se and worse, MMU finslly • he lost all control of Ids limbs, and could not more et *II. I had to carry him from hie bed to a chair. where I would have to tie him, to enable him to idt Op. He was u helpless as in infant; he lost all control of h kidneys and bowels, and we dally hoisted for death to relieve him of his suffering. I 1905 we int him- to Brandon S0.pltal, hoping that the treatment there won d neat him. in ih1., though, we were die• sppointed, and the hospital dootor a ,red me to tale him home, as they said they oonld do nothing for him. At this time a friend advised the nn of Dr. Williams' Ptak Phis. Being willing to try anything in the hope of !lading relief for my boy, I bought a supply. In less than three months I noted a slight improvement in his condition. In six months he could walk onoe more and from that on the improve- ment continued. till now he is fully oared and once more able to attend .aohooI and do chores about the house. What Dr. William' PInk.Pilis hare done for.hita is truly wonderful, and I would strongly recommend them to all sufferers, for they most certainly saved my boy's lite." Ia ssbstsntistton of. what Mrs. Roller, says, •Sir. A E, 8te.le, the welt,khowis lumber and omit dealer of Antler, writes: "With reference to what Mrs. Bolter says concerning; her son's cure by Pink Pill*, I hive no hesitation in .uuyhng that what she says is sbaolnlely tree in every particular, as I sm personally sogaatnted with lbs Daae." This great Dare is not the only one performed by Dr. Williams' •Pink Pills. They have brought thousands back to health and strength alter some of the beet doctors in the country has been forced to glue up the case ss incurable.- Not 'only in cues of l000motor ataxia, but in oases of perked paralysls, •soiatioa, acute rheu- matism, and merry other severe ailments have they been successful. The whole secret of their wonderful success is in their power to make rich, red, health -giving blood—the one essential for good health. The pills are told by Ali 4mediolue deal- ers, or direot by mall at 50 oents a box, or six boxes for $2.5e:from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Wasting Time. When 1 was young I wasted Lime in_ sweating o'er the prose and rhyme, of grand old bard. and sages, men world. famed u masters of the pen. ' When. then old masters had a-*mien•they hid it 'math a ton of rot, and one mush dtg and claw and rake, to finding the, meaning of eaoh break. The higb.brows told me I must soratoh around that ver. bid garden patch, if I would store my - youthful mind with thought -gems, brit. Haat and refined. And si,shat work was thrown away; and now that 1 am bald and gray, no longer by ambition 2rea, the grand old writers make me tired. 1 de not care bow great hie fame Lime not for a poet's game, unless he makes hie meaning clear; if I mast dig for halt a year, to find what he is drly. lag st, I'll throw hie volnma at the oat There le no ease in writing dope that makes the reader dig and. gr,pe. The writer who 1. truly great U he whodtsh- ee up the freight of bnrntag 'bought' in words so plain that any man with half a brain gets win to what he hes to may. .and read'' and pats his book sway. The akilfal orittsmen Intel his hand to writing things men understand.—Walt Mason. = stns ,Net r,wa,te. Toronto, !,by 90 --Union Stook Yard. -Reoeipte were 110 toeds. with 2,263 bead of cattle, 531 sheep and iambi, 229 hogs and 89 °elves. The rather heavy run of cattle for to- deiy's market seems to have relieved any anxiety there may have been a few den. SRO as tot posetbie icarolty. In view et the large offerings, buyers early trade a very determined effort to lower prices and se well encoeeded that by noon there *nano question but that the mar. kit wee "off." Exactly bow much off was $hi point about which opinions att. fried widely. "Ten to fifteen ciente' off," gays ons, but the decline was promptly put at twenty to thirty dents illy hill a cloven sans, who moll em- phastoolly declared that She inarke l was fully that mach lower. It would be safe, is usual In 'non 01.60,10 draw ,tie flat ioniewhere b$ttften the two, and to on fhb deoline on good butcher emits at about snooty gents. Per light export - and obotoitt butcher ten W fifteen cents **or than las' week. Sheep cad Iambs were easier, eon trade drill. Hogs seedy find trnohaSged at 56.90 t, o. b. 4nd 17.10 fed and weltered. The folioed,* are the gaotetiens t Mr erteri' Battle • Per 100 by, Chien il[tdinan •. � 65 0 56 75 Valla 4 20 5 95 Light..YYYYIYY...YYY•, 4 50 50- 6 10 Ours ' 44 bel��t,�,1yy000ponnds sndt'p. card. 5 00 6 25 fltooker�.�+{�dyheler 4 77:/h5 6y r00 Rotate/rest Plotted... . d 60 SAO M dittrn....",;.s...r Y.xr +10 1100 , • Balis 8 60 Hoge— Beet.,.,..,..w ,% 20 LightsSheep— •• .:. $.90 • Export owes : :,y, a 1 . 496 • . -4 50 Backs,,., .... `4 00 -.Outlet < -8 00 .. .. 8 50 Spring Larhbs' each, . "6 00, , s 60 Calves. each ...., ,; ,,. :Yl 50 8,72 495 W1NONA* arAsi;lT sternum; , • • Y ::. Winghamt, Fgpy „g29d, 1011, 'Plot r per 100 lbs 2. ,.: ' 7 44 -to 600 Fall Wheat , i.,. e.. 0.88;:tit 0.81 Oats, ' ., ..: 0 32 • to. 0 33 Barley .... ..... :..'.;: 0'45 to 0 46 Peas ....•...: 0.79 to 0 75 Hotter deny ...,........ 020 to 0 29 Btggrper'dos 0 19 to 0 10 Wood Per cord ...... ..:. •2 50 ill 950 Sal, per ton 8 00 5010 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 40 to 0 40 Xmzd... ..., .• 018to018 Live Hogs, per cwt. • '' 0':90 to6.90 Chtoketbe,•per Ib - 0 10 to, 0 12 Dunks. per Ib • 0 12,to 0.11 Geese, per ib 0 Ilio 0 13 Turkeys per ib ` - 0 18 to 0. IS FOR SALE A sptendid chance for investment from lots in the city .of. Lethbridge, Alberta. Also in the new and ra- pidly growing tomtit• situated alongg' the line of the Grand Trunk. Pscilic Railway.• • Watrous, Melville' and Begger . in Saskatchewan. . • - Toffeld iii Alberta. - 3 sections of choice Farm Land in Saskatchewan. • C. N. GRIFFIN Real Estate •a,d Insurance The much -dreaded bubonic plague wbigh lets olaimed seventy-five thousand Ave, in .Ohtna up to date, Is reported to have broken oat 1n Gliegow, There are jut a few isolated oases, however. $sing "bulli too heavily," se elle ex• PIMP', the Boor wife of Premier Botha decline, to oarUey to Lady Gladstone, thewtte of the British Governor Genre', on gerenioniel opeasione; and tho other Beer wives have tollowed Mrs. Botha'. lead. When Roberta and Kitchener ooagnered the. Poet republic. they failed to subdue entirely the Boer women. SETTLERS' TRAINS -- TO -- MANITOBA., ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through nal LOW COLONI RATES • For,etlten trnelll.L,' Seniors u1 with livnteck e,/ whileb.!erl pmerehels ettect. l Special Trains Regular Trains Will leave Toronto Leevisj Toronto Each TUESDAY 10.10 r.a. Dein NAM end ATMI. Throej6 Colonist. 10.10 P.M. and Twilit Steepen Colonist Cars on 111 Trains No ehnrge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West ' a1 an C.r.E.ti et ter cm et "Settlers' Mlle" JAI. BEENES, Agent. Wingham f GENTHAL �" total T ATFORD. CNT. Write as at once for our .fres cata- logue and learn what is being done in the leading baainens college in Wes- tern Ont. Our • graduates secure good positions, And meet with snooeu, business men say they ere the best; We have three deparataents— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give individual Instruction and you may enter et any *hoe. ,.1.. D. A. MckAGflU,tt PRINOJPAL. . GRANA TR(JhlKSY's EM Winter . Tours TO • ,. Mtztoo, Colorado; Contends, and Paetfie Oosat Points. . The Grand Trunk Railway System' is the popular conte hom all points eget through Canada via .Chicago. . FEATURES. • Doabte:Teaok, Fast. Se iioe, Finest Roadbed, Modern Equipment. Unsex. cellelil. Malan Oar Service, all est•. Menlo Of mfety end ootttiori. . . To ,the Sunny South :Zedlllori"4Mirebl. route Asn via. Grind Stank :n4; eonneoting, tines, .... VERY LOW RATES. . "Far lioketsand fartiherinformation ball on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or addteae J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Teresa.. • COVI NG J. S,. SMITN Rupture, Specialist ' of Stratford, Ont., will be at Bianswfck • l-iolel in Wing. ' ham on Millions in,Ose The SEPT Mont hie popular with the "tonere! rut, of Hafnia that the ONE .iiAZt ONLY. dealer belittled mere thin twice MI math as tiny otherkind. ' It Mixes Well With ell other ingi:edieletr tient In bik- ing, end is flue tend sntoolh abd 4tete trona all pon�nohrlshitlg outside hulls' 0? the- wheat. Try :snail , L' ZRA .•MEfE:LEY • I #IO K.8t.,,. _. I cure' •RupttSre without operation or loss: of time front your work, •What I have dorms for others I •can. r. 111110101101111011. The Profit Sharing Store KERR & BIRD Agents --Ladies' Rome Joarnat. Agents—Home ,Tonrr•,al Patterns. We are continuing our Big Clearing Sale of Winter Goods. Colne in and see the Pig Bargains we offer you. Remember, everything in Winter Goods goes at greatly reduced prices. SATURDAY BAROAINS AGAIN We don't wonder that people are greatly interested in our Saturday Bargain Sales. The prices that good seasonable goods are offered for, would interest any careful buyer. Read the list of bargains offered for SATURDAY, FEB. 25th ONLY. 11 yds, all wool Dress Goods, 56 in. wide, regular $1.25 yd Satur. 67e 4 ," ," ' 40 " " 1.25 '' 67e 7 44 4 ,. 3i'" 6 " 5l "" 221", 181" 7 " " u 7 ft 41 14 7t t. .1 tr 6 "1 •' 11 20 " 1" 21 " "" 4, 61.1 a re 6 pieces Dress G000ds 26 to 14t yds • .1 4, It 41 /1 14 44 56 42 54 56 40 40 40 42 42 38 42 38 41 56 40 36 • It '4 14 4' t, 1, /1 11 /1 4. 11 It 11 '4 ft • Saturday Bargains in the best quality antee the quality equal to the best Ribbed. Worsted Hose, pare wool, sizes 1.25 1.25 1.25 1,00 1.00 75e 756 75c 75e 75e 60e 60e 60e 4, 4, 11 If 14 ,1 41 " " 14 u 11 1.00 " 57c 50e 340 to 36e 40e yd. Satur 23e 67c 690 79e 64e 64e 39e 490 49e 49e.• 496 36e 360. 38e Worsted Hosiery. We guar- - on the market. See our prices. ' 8 to 10,reg 35e and 40c Sat. 23e 8 to 10; " 50e " 37e 8 to 10, " 35c and 40e " 23e 8 to 91, " 50e h 37e 6 to 7 fi, " 20e and 25e " 160 6 to 7•, " 30e " 196 8 to 10, " 35e and 40c " 23e 6 to 7i, " 30e " 19e.. 6to7a, " 20eand25e " 16e 1/ "1 11 44 1/ " Wool Fine Ribbed . If 11 ' 1/ 44 Plain Wool .k. , 1/,• " Al If 11 4, ", 11 1/ Do you want to get good merchandise at about Half Price? Then come to our Saturday Bargain Sales. •.. FARMERS—Bring, your Potatoes, Batter, Eggs, etc. to this store. OVIIIOrvourp.wirreroweftrionserreagolv a w i • OQiO( go 3JV:3S Ever( article in the store is marked in plain figures at actual cost for a week or two more, we will . give a discount of to per cent, actual net cost in other words, give you goods that cost us net Tooc for goo on the dollar. We have quite a good stock of Dress Goods and General Dry•Goocls, a good large display of Ladies' Fur Coats, • Muff., Throws, Stoles, etc., will all be sold at too below actual cash cost price In Ladies' Cloth Coats, this seasons • goods, will go down at the same discount. • . annorimmo Men's and Ladies' Waterproof Coats at to per cent below cost. Men's Overcoats, Suits, Youths' Suits and Overcoats. anmannonasomming Carpets, Oilcloths and every article in the store excepting groceries, will go down under the sante startling discount. c:• We want to get away and are bound to give our customers the benefit rather than to a jobber. D. M. GORDON do for you. .Free. consuita. 4 . - 41101 tion, . w-- 1140101.