HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-02-16, Page 1THE WINGHAM:: T..1M II IMMI VOL. XL -NO. 2037 hSO WINGIUM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 1911. " The DJ% Tax. It is not generally known by Assessors that at the lest tress' Jo of the Provinoiel Legislature, the so for the protection Of sheep and to inapaae a tax on doge was amendtd to read follows: -"There shall be levied arm Ily in every muni. (apathy in Ontario 4pon the owner, pos. maser, or harborer each dog therein, an annual tax of 1.%)0$for a dog, if only one, and $2.00 for 4aoh additional dog owned, possessed o4 harbored by him, and $8.00 for a bit h if only one, and $5.00 for eaoh addi tonal bitch owned. Upon the produoti4n of a certificate in writing of a peter nary surgeon that a bttoh has been spla ed, auoh bitch shall be taxed at the sap rate as a dog. NO CURE NO PAY Cherry Bark Cough Syrup One of the famous Rexall Remed- ies pf which there is one for each ailment, FOR Coughs, Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Agreeable to the taste. Prompt in action. Contains no opium or morphine but never fails to relive that tick- ling sensation in the throat. We guarentee this oo give you satis- faction or we will cheerfully re- fund your money. Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Thit e.112.16..0.tel Storer Macdonald Stook, Wingham. TEN PER CENT. ' If you have money you would like to invest in Wingham pro- perty to make you the above rate of interest. call on us and we will tell you where to place it. Wingham is All Right Never in the history of the town was the pay roll of our fac- tories so large as at present, and never were our farmers so pros- perous. Ritchie &I Bosons }REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, A. E. SMITH BANKER WING111131, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, met.- ohanto or agents, on favorable tame. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going, Christie's Grocery PIM" 59' A Few Specials To Clear CORN STARCH 7e Per Package or 4 tor 25e A gnattity of Corn Starch Called "Rest" we offer at these interesting prices. Kindly note that aBest” is the name of the Starch. Laundry Starch 7c per lb or 4 for 25c We certainly think this is good value for the money. The Starch is Called "Best Gloss Starch." KORA SYRUP 2 lb. tins 10e, 5 lb. tins 25e. The fee and Coffee Store I I 7 Wear Clreerl.Shoes and Ruben Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 Farm Changes' Ownership, Last week Mr. 0 the 12th coneeesion of wild his 100 -acre far Robertson. This is and being next to Mr give him a farm o block, as, 3, Miami, of Beet Wawanosb, to Mr. Qeo. M. n exoellent farm Robertson's will 200-aores in one WANTED -A good ;enema' servant girl. Apply to Mrs. F. Jo Anon, Francis St. Secure a 1 'When Set. The Teams specie offer of a Kitohen Set and one year's subscription to the TIMES at $3,25 will le withdrawn in a few weeks and sub oribers who wish to take advantage of t se offer will kindly leave their orders a early as possible. Subscribers who le ve already secured these Kitchen Set olase in every par orders early at th renounce them first touter. Leave your Texts office. BigTargains in Footwear. °rearing Sale. W. J. GREER. North Hurca Orangemen. The County lee ge •of North .Huron was held in Win ham on Tuesday of last week, There as a good represen- tation and the f lowing officers were elected: - Oonntt Master, M. Dane; Deputy Blaster, rhoe. Stewart; Chap- lain, Rev, E. 11. rely; Reo. Sec., Geo. 0. Thornton; in. Seo., Geo. Tees; Treag. , Jas. Goll ; Dir. Cora M. Bruce; Leotnrers, Wm. 4Eolt, Wm. Guest. Mr. Abell of Kinctird%e was present to in- vite North Huror to celebrate July 12th in Kincardine. ...he invitation was ac- cepted. WANTED-Eifty cords of good dry toed- ar wood. Apply at the Western Foun- dry. Roya Treat. Mr. Geo, W. 0 ine has arranged a great treat for our ownspeopie in bring- ing to Wingham The Royal Welsh Ladies' Ohoir oo prising 18 members, all finished soloist The Choir wears in first half of progr name the picturesque ooetume of the ative Welsh. Their programmes cov the entire field of music embracing s it does Grand Opera Selections as "T Prison Scene" from 11 Trovatore, to medley of Plantation Songs. Fine re sing Scotch choruses, "Killarney" as v cal obligate to hum- ming chorus, the -whole unaccompanied, and solo, duetts trios, quartettes, glees and madrigals otegreat variety. In On- tario alone the Velsh Ladies will have 75 concerts, they already having toured to the Pacifies oor a since Sept. last, and will close in t•e Maritime in May. The tour is wide Maude C. Brad well known oono the direction of Mies y, of Brookrille, the rt directress. Bad We her Insurance. At the Annual meeting of the Fairs' Association in lloronto last week the soheme to provid an insurance for fall fain which suffer from wet weather on fair dates was ape/roved. Thio is a good eoheme and when a fair in future has the misfortune to bave bad weather on fair dates a mist! percentage is guaran- teed by the Gov anment and in this way the fairs w11 be enabled to pay pries in full and ot be hampered with debt. •••••••••••••• Death of a Old Resident. The Seaforth E positor of last week refers to the drat of William Grieve, father of Mre. Join Homuth, of Tarn, berro, as follows: -Wm. Grieve, one of the oldest residen s of this dietriot, died at his home in Seaforth on Monday Morning at the sge of 72 years and 8 menthe. He had been in poor health for fome time anc of late had not been able to leave hie r sidence. The deceas- ed was a eon of ho late John Grieve, one of the pioneeeettlor� of MollIilop, and was horn on he horitesteod farm on the fourth oono ?esion, now owned by Mr. Ed, Hunt, Ire. Grieve, who was It daughter of th late Thomas MoBlich4 ael, of Hullett, Med ten years ago, and shortly afterwar Mr. Grieve gave up the farm and olt e to Seaforth to reside. Mr. Grieve WU kind, genial, compan- ionable man. o had many Mende, all of 'whom will regret to learn of hit death, and wil extend their sincerest sympathy to th bereaved relativee, In religion he Wa a Preebyterian and it. Liberatirt politi e. He is survived by the following tunny: John Grieve, V. S., of Seater h; Thomas of Egwond. ville; Mrs. Rol hire. John 110n3rith, of Turnberry, and Msgei3 and Nettie at home. or' rioRR, 01 baeltillop; Change at T e Foundry. Mr, J.W. Dunoa who bas been fore- man of the mouldie shop of the West- ern Foundry Co., r some time, last week resigned hie p sition and his fel- low workmen on aturday presented bim with a beant ul clock, Mr, 0, Mehl, of Stratford as returned to town and again taken hi position as foreman of the moulding de artment. Brive along your Shoes! We do re- pairing and we do it right. W. J. GREER. The I4�nthly Fair. Owing to the 4ery rough weather on I Tuesday the uiozjthly fair advertised to be held in Win am on that date has been postponed .ntil Thursday, Febrit- aey 23rd, when it is expected that a number of buy TO will be present to purchase horses .nd cattle. These sale. are popular in eeighboring towns and there is no rens.a why a good monthly . fair should not eoome popular in Wing - ham. F. MoUnnell, the auctionear, will hold an am. ten sale at his anotion 1 rooms on the aft rnoon of the same day. All accounts due me must be paid by March lot or they will be plaoed in other hands for colleotion.. J. T. LENNOX. Curling Tournament. There is anoth r curling tournament in progress among the Wingham curl- ers. Tho prizes . re four pairs of ourling shoes donated les Dr, 3. P. Kennedy. The progress of Ike games thus far is as follows: -R. Vaaetone won from J. Mo. Kb and fron q. G. VanStone; 0 G VanStone from 4. Kennedy; V. R Van- norman frcm B. oohrane; A. M. Craw- ford from V. BVannormen and K. Rae; Joa. Stalker from C. N. Griffin; D. Davies from Wn Holeaes; D. L. Dina. ley from A. E. Porter; J. W. Pearen from D. L. Dinslry and Chu. Kneohtel. SucceI eful Services. The special e angelistio services which were beld in t ie Methodist Ohuroh for two weeks by Mr, and Mrs. Asa Gor- don, of Ottawa, were brought to a close on Friday eve ling last. The services were very larg .ly attended and were successful in e-ery way. The several speoial afternoon meetings which were addressed by hes. Gordon were very largely attendedtand the addresses much enjoyed by the large audiences. Both Mr. and Mre. G adon are good speakers and much good will follow their servioes in Wingham. :'hey left on Saturday morning for St. Marys. A MONEY SAVING SALE. - Big bargains every day in the week at our olenranoe sale of footwear. W. J. GREER. Resolution 4-f Condolence. The following is a copy of the remota. tion reoorded in th , Minute Book of St. Paul's Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew:- " Wheretuatt has leased Our Heavenly Father of His infin 11e love and wisdom to take unto Hi elf the Soul of Hie beloved servant, heater L. Davis, a ur Chapter. Where - old again, in earthly nted brother, who, h a true and worthy therhood, and who, of a blaraelefs life', tion for Christ and won our undying Be it resolved that ereaved pimento and with their families mpathy and con- t of the inoaloulable twined in the removal so tender and loving. her that we shall ever Saviour, Who hath nd carried our sorrows reap at the grave of Lazarus, to 10 -k down with infinite compassion ulnas His sorrowing serv- ants, in this the lour of their desolation, and to fold the .rme of His protection 1 and surpassing Jve around them alWaea and at last nal trust in him, 'i The satiate of And ltfe'a lo No ire they They oast Lord; 0 happy eel At Jesn's former member of as we will never be form, our late laix for so long, was an member of onr Br by 'the white flow by his love and de His Church, has esteem and love. We extend to his widow together onr sincere s dolenoe on actoo lose they have su of one, who wa Be it resolved fu pray our Meese borne our griefe, and Who didst -r I I IN I Instit The Wingba Institute will h on Thursday F the home of Mr al toed). Snbj ''What is wort Mrr.J,A, Mort Mee, Bowen, to attend and vi onp of tea will gramme. 11t0 Meeting. branch of the Women's d their regular meeting b. 28rd at 2 30 p, m, at W, Patterson (Diagoe• to for this meeting are, while" to be taken by Also ''Cheerfolness'iby 1 Wise cordially invited itors welcome. A social served at close of pro. Bona, SEO..TREAS, HELP WANTED-LtidieS wishing to work et home making mitts and gloves • can secure the same from the Wingham Tannery and Glove Works. We send lady to give instruotions. W. D. PRINGLE. Publi The regular Sehool Board w Ing with all the Trustees Oitmpt utes of last me School Board. meeting of the Pablio s Judd on Tuesday even- membere present exoept 11 and Moore. The min- ting and the Principal's report for Jan ary were both read and adopted. The aaport from the Boiler In- spector shower the boiler at the wheel to be in good oc Widen. It was decided to adopt a plan or regularity and punc- tuality among t ae scholars in the differ- ent rooms, The scholars showing an av- erage attendee e of 90 per cent during the month will asoeive e -half holiday as a reward, nada pupil late will out off half a day from the average. On motion the following a ,00unts were ordered to be paid :-0. Ltoyd .Sc Son, lime, $5, Wm Geddes, wcad, $38.06; W. A. Carrie wood and material, $13.80. FOR SALE. -I offer for sale my milk route business in the Town of Wing - ham. I am now selling about 165 quarts of milk per day. Busineto must be sold as I am going West. NV. S. KELLY. W. C. T.` . Orgea47.ed. Mrs. Asa Gordo, who with her bus. band, conducted sjiocessfnl Evangelistic servioes in the 21 itodist Ohuroh during the past swo'wee e, organized. a W. C. T. U. on Fradtea host with 'a oharter membership of ilixty-four. The first regular meeting was held on Monday, February 13th., in the O. 0, F. Hall at three o'clock: Tha following is the list of officers:-Presadent, Mrs. A. Ross; Vioe-Presidents, aim Jas. McKie, Mre. Wm. Armour (sr. , Mies K. M. Either, Mrs. A. E. Sim as; Reoording Secre- tary, Mrs. J. J. that: Correeponding Secretary, Mrs. . A. Morton; Treasurer, Mrs. (Dr.) Red ond; Supt. Oamp work, Mist Wadell ; -upt. Evangelistic work, Mrs. John Aemour; Supt. Javenile work, Mrs, W. Armour (jr.) ; Supte Biedal Contest, Mrs, Goo. Hanna, Miss L. Copeland; Supt. Parlor Meetings, Mrs. W. G. Pa terson ; Supt.' Narootios, Mrs, (Dr) nnedy ; Organist, Biro Geo. Hanna; apt. Press work, Miss M. R. Hammon4 Tho next meeting will be hold on escley, February 28th, at three o'clook 'a the C. 0. E. Hall. All members ar4ci those interested are ur- gently re qu sted to be present, GREEN BNE.-Feed yjpf poultry green bone which is De ithe best egg producers known. ing but the genuine article sold at A. E. Louttit's butcher shop. Death of VT'awanosh Pioneer. There paesed away in East Wawa. nosh, on Taesda , of this week one of the pioneers of t :at township in the per- son of Elizabet 1 Elliott, relict of the fate David Scott, in her 76th year. The deceased lady ha been in poor health for most of the inter. She was born in the Scotch B1 k in Esquesing, Hal- ton County, and as married there to her late husban , David Soott, who passed away on 1 e 7th of April, 1909. In 1865 the faintly oved to East Wawa - nosh and settled o lot 85, commotion 7, where the subjeo Of this eketoh con - tinned to reside up to the time of her death, Mrs. Soott had for many years been a member a d aotive worker in Knox Church at B grave, and was held in high esteem in the community in which she had so 1 ng resided. She is y of four ions, all ivatioeb, viz ;-Peter S. and Cyrus W. Also three daughte s, viz - Mrs. W. M. oott, I3lyth; Mrs John E, Pelle, East Wavvanoeh and M es X, E., at home,: To he bereaved will JO extended the sin - Are sympathy of he community. The uneral will Mho #l000 from the family esidenee 011 Sat del afternoon at 1,30 'took for the B ndort cemetery. A sHOE OPPO One-third to Oue- at our clearing ea LINPIT ; - One fourth, alf off regular prices • W. J. GREan. Very Plea ing Service. It was a very pl &sing service that was held in the Baptin Cliattroh last Sanday morning. The ta ing of Honor Oertifi tastes by forty-one scholars in the Sun- day Sohool at thF recent examination for the last quort4 of 1910, eleven of whom received gol seals, ?representing one hundred per oe a or absolutely me - root papers, was konaideren so note- worthy an aohieve ent that a epeeist service was arranged in recognition of it. The soholare of t e Sunday School were present in goodly numbers and the parents and friends haaingbeen specially invited were also presseit, to show their interest iu the Sunda' School. After the preaohing of a se on suitable to the omission by the kecently settled larder, Rev. G. "Victor to1lins, empha- sis being, laid upon the w rk of the Sun- day Sohool, and the plan n use explain- ed, the certificates which thad bean wen were duly presented by ti pastor to the successful candidates, a kew words of congratulation and amour gement being spoken. The evening se vioe was in recognition of the Tercentenary of our Authorized version of tl e Bible, the topio of the sermon. beteg "The Book for the World," 1'he sinister, with spec- ial seleotion by the Me -!lc Quartette, under the direction of Bir.J. Henry Chris - Cie, choir master, was in the usual ex- oellent form. CHURCH NO'aES, Rev. Jas. Livington has been invited to remain for the fourth year as pastor of the Mitchell Methodis Church. At the regular meetinia of the B. Y. P. U. in the Baptist Ohn oh on Monday evening, Mr. Peroy, of jhe High &hoot, gave his interesting ad tees on "Man's Relation to the Mateni4l Universe." The Rev. W. G. Ho son, of Wallace burg, formerly of the 1Wingham Metho- dist Church, has teoeived a most oordiel invitation f om the offioial board of his church o remain as their pastor for a third yeir. The annual entert inment of the San - day Sohool of St. A drew's Church will be held in the Motu e room of the obnroh on Friday evenin, , February, 24th. There is a good projgram being arranged and it is hoped thdt the members of the congregation will attend in large num bore and assist in he work,of the Sun- day sobool. The admission is 15o and Sunday school sdholars 5o, Rev. Prof. Je Irina, of Huron College, London, and fo merly of Wingham, has received an nu 'Arno s invitotzon oe- come rector of he Anglican Ohuroh at Clinton, and t I ke the place made vaoant by Rev. Mr. JGunne going to Chriat °hurtle, Lon n. On Saturday a depu- tation from t e vestry of that church, . headed by 1�iI. John Rumford, visited Bishop Will anis, and made a request that Prof. j skins be allowed to become reotor. Hi.j Lordship gave his consent. Prof. Jeakhja has not made up his mind definitely, at it le said to be certain that he Wil willI not accept. The pro sed plan of church union was the a jeot of keen discussion at last week's session of the Toronto Pres- bytery, an when a vote was taken it was found that the members disapprev- ed of the buds of union by a majority of 4. The- e wero 35 against and 81 for it. The that Vote was a tie, 32 to 32, on a show ef 3ande. On the "yeas" and "nays" bel tg taken the 'vote was 85 to 81, A corn Mee was appointed to pre pare for th general assembly a report indicating t e point to whioh objection hat been 1 ert. On the general quee- tion of oh rob union, the presbytery passed h solution heartily approving . of the Olo at melon in fellowehip and between 1 evangelind denominations and orga 0 union if poseible. The pro. t bytery re nested the general assembly to again e bmit the binds to the ptesby- tortes wit out requiting either direct approval or dilapprOYal, those, who put their the Paradise of God'." od, their oonfiiot peat g battle won at Ihst, tied the shield or sword, hem down before their f to, forever blest. . r eet how safe your rest. ' 6 nrvived by a fain lying in East W W. Wm. E., Bev o God of saints ; to Thee we dry; 0 Dayton plead for 110 011 high o&IYCi6:7atei tnd?r ie tttCl ty1all1ie aaltga ; That with 11 saints our rat mei be, In that right retesting, with Thee. Entail t, OEOLY, ND, NASH, Reuter. DiteOtOr. ',Twenty five beautiful ster Peat - cards seat pinup d fo tteen eente. These posteards it e osed in gold and Boys and ginle ett?3=ttthtedegi. Ve two cent Mann) ler eamples and partionl. ars, Superior Ottrd 00„ Dept. 6, Toronto. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Death of Ifr. Gordon, The Timm this eek with deep regret oh roniolee the deatq of one of Winghtun's prominent and big ly esteemed Wartime men its the person of Donald PdeoKay Gordon, in his 74ti , year. Mr, Gordon had not been to tercet health for some time and on the evraiing of January 31st he was strioken wit i paralysis, He was born in Sutherland hire, Scotland, and when eight years of age came to Canada with his parents, se ling first at Brad- ford and a few yea a later the faintly moved to Elms Tow ship, near Lit towel After remaining on t e farm for a few years the subject of his sketch moved into Listowel and en aged in the mar- cantile business, wh oh he continued until coming to Win ham thirty.three years ago. After co ng here he enter- ed into partnershipith Mr. Walter Soott in the Stone Blo k hardware limi- t nese. After this he w nt into the genet - al mercantile business first as partner with Mr. M. H. Biclanoo and later with Mr. G. McIntyre ant for some years past has been engaged n business alone Ip religion Mr. Gardok had been a life long member of the Pr byteeian Ohuroh and had held the post ono of Elder and Manager in St. Andr w's Ohuroh and was for many years Sollenmntendent of St Andrew's Sabbath school. In the public affairs of the town he 1 ad always taken an active interest. He served for many years as a member of Ile Public School Board and for one or more years was Chairman of the Board. He was a member of the Townounoil for several la yenta and for the yea 1893 was Mayor of the town. In politics he had always adhered to the Liber campaign could be o full share of the wor ber of the Canadian Loyal Orangemen, Auoient Order of U the first named Soo' years Financial Sec land. Mr. Gordo I side and in every anted on to do his . He was a mem- Jrder of Foresters, us of Scotland and sited Workmen. In Sty he was for many etary of Court Matt - was an excellent citizen and his death will be deeply regretted by his barge oirole of friends and to the bereave4 widow and family will be extended t e sincere sympathy of the oommunity4 BesidesMrs. Gor- don a family of fivr daughters and two sons survive, viz: -Mrs. Reading, of Toronto; Roy Go 'don, of Montreal; Misses Etta, Eoa, Lorne, Marjorie and Mr. Scott Gordon, an home. The funeral will take place from the family residence on abater street on Friday afternoon at 2 o'olook. Private +vice. 7 - Eon Saen -I offer for s leZniy house and lots, milk raisin s ilk bottles, eta. THOS. HICKS, Wing m, Big Firejit Hensel!, The village of JUensa11 was visited Monday morning #bont 5 a. m., by a most disastrous firj. which almost wiped out the whole nor n side of King street. The fire is suppos d to have started in J, /3. McArthur' hardware store, but this is not certain • Fanned by the strong wind the blaze s ,read rapidly towards the Oommeroial Iote1 aud completely destroyed the foil 'wing places of busi- ness: J. and 0. MoDonnell, hardware and furniture; E. Rennie, drygoode and groceries; R J. Drysdale, shoe mer„ chant; T. W. Palmer, restaurant; F. Mann's barber shop; T. B. MoArthur, hardware, and tt Commercial Hotel, KITCHEN OABINETS-Great time savers for the Mies. They certainly are a useful article for the kitchen. You oan get them at from $7 to $23. No need paying $30, $35 or $40 for one, when you oan get one for far less, Oall and be oonvtnoed as to what I say at S. GRAOEY'S furniture store. AUCTION SALES. A Mr, Wm. Reber on, of lots 35 and 86 commission 1, Mor4s, half mile east of Blnevale, will hof an mention sale of farm stock and i plements on Eridey, Feby 171h, at 2 o' look. In the list are seven horses, 25 iead of cattle and 13 hogs. Everythi4g is to be sold aar the proprietor has r nted his farm and is going West, Joan Purvis is the ADO. tumor. Martin O'Oon or, of lot 28, oonceseidu 13, Emit Wawan mh, will hold an unre. served auction ..%le of farm Stook and implements on Wedneeday, February 22nd. There 1,0 good list of horses, cattle and imp dmente. John Purvis, natotioneer, R. "-anstone, vendor's solici- tor. Mr, Wm, NM Jolson, of lots 44 and 45, concession 1, Tnrnberry, two miles east of Bit:Leval°, will hold ii clearing auction sate of farm etook, on Tuesday, Pebru- a y 28th. All the deck h to be !told ao Mr. Nioholson haa rented hie farm and going West, John Beryls, auctioneer, Mr, W. M, Henderson, of the Bluevale road will aold an unreserved section sale of foriiiistboit and implements on arrlifrage nnie Iltdd. as err. HVIdIV son has tented his Wee. John Purvis, auctioneer, / III tat Startling News The very remarkable Shoe Values, whieh distinguish our regalar Winter Shoe Clearance Sale this season, are enough reason for anybody, who knows or bas beard of our splendid Shoes, to purchase from one to half a dozen pairs for future use. SHOE UP THE FAMILY IT'S ONLY AN ACT OF PRUDENCE AND ECON OMY TO DO SO ! Early callers will have an ad- vantage over belated buyers. There will be no more Shoes at such prices this season. W. J. GREER THE SHOER HIGH S41OOL NOTES. The Literary S ciety held their repo. las meeting on Ftidoy afternoon, Feb. 10th, with Presid nt Porter in the chair. We are are pl used to be able to say that it WAR an r4nquaiioed encores and probably we oa4 amount for this by ' the fact that the ogramme was Scotoh in nature, In add tion 10 011 instrument- : al solo by Miss the musical part of the programme consisted of a Girls' Chorus and es chorus by the boys. J W. Ansley delivered a short but in- teresting address Scotland and Soot- tish oharaoteristisa. A well-prepared Journal was rend by H. Thompson, and in addition, readin s were rendered by Miss Olive Ourrie nd Gordon Young. The climax was res hed when Professor Dore, in a dialogn with W. Sauk:sou and A. Wallace, en eavored to oonsame several boxes of his wonderful alaheal- ing patent pills. T e position of critic was filled by J. . Stothers. At the close of the meetin all joined heartily in singing that f iliar Scotch song, "Auld Lang Syne We are pleased o report in these col- umns the result n our school concert, at which Mr. Ben ;ongh entertained no so well. From - financial standpoint onr report is a ver good one. The total reoeipte amonnte r. to $122.20 and the expenditure was i61 05. leaving a bal- ance on hand of -$00.55 which should prove a very nsrut fund for the ad- vancement of theflnterests of the W. H. Eyes Tested Free All This Week BY THE NEW SHADOW TEST at HIND'S DRUG STORE. No drops or drugs neces- sary. No tedious trying on lens'. F. J. Hind, Phm. of DRUGGIST AND OPTIC/AN Orders Taken by Mall WINGIIAM