HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-02-02, Page 5i a 2.0. Per Cent, DISCOUNT On Men's and Boys' Suits and Over Coats, Pea Jackets, Odd Pants and Knickers. What it means to you. $5.00 Garments for $7,50 Garmenis for $io.00 Garments for $15 00 Garments for $20 00 Garments for 4.00 - $6.00 - $8.00 $12.00 $16.00 We are giving an extra special price on Boys 3 -piece School Suits, regular $4.5o and $5.00 for $3.00. Penman's wool Underwear, regular 75c for 55c. Special prices on Gloves and on other Winter Goods, worth your while to come and see. McGee & Cam »el MEN'S CLOTHIERS 1 TH W4N arHAM TIMES, FJ3RUARY 2, . 1031 1VIORIiIS. Hugh Forsyth jr, is here from the West on a holiday viol@. He way not re tarn alone. Richard Johnston, 1st line intendsget. ing West with a oarload of horses in a few weeks, We are pleased to report very favonr. able progress in the condition of Um Jennie, daughter of Aar, and biro, Soott, 6th line, who watt mo ill with pneumonia. LISTU L WIC . Mrs, Martha Aikens, a widow, about sixty years of age, a life to tg remittent of Listowel, was Saturday found dead from the effects et borne in her home, where she had lived alone for several yore. The neighbors, not seeing her around as usual and no smoke awning from the chimney, suspected that some. JI.ELGrtu.VJL thing might be wrong, and finding all Announcement 1s made of a Farmers' the doors looked, forded them open. The body was lying partly on the bed, terribly burnt, and there wets a portion of her clothing on the floor partly burnt, weather and that the Treasurer rend ailil• t on of $1.00 to the Faire' Awed. Atkin. Field oompetit of war left in the halide of the, Dirt otos, es was the matter of expert judges et Fair. Bien. tion of ofeloers resulted as f9Ucws;-B, B McGowan, re•eleoted Peesident W, Pollock, re °looted let Vice; Daewoo Laidlaw, re•eleoted Sul View; Direotors, David Lai dew, John Parrott, T. H Taylor, B, Harrison, R (a. MoGowon, R Anderson, A. B. Carr and James Deuho'm. E. Bender mud F Metcalf, Auditore, At the Direotors' meeting afterward Wm, Jackson was re appoint- ed Seo.•Treae, and date of Fall Fair was set for Oct, 8r4 and 4th. The Soolety also ietends holding a Spring Show but the date is not set yet, each exhibitor to be a member of the Fall Fair.. IIOUEOMR. The Belt industry of G3derioll is to be revived. Formerly as many as 30 salt manufactories were in full swing in Goderich, but owing to oondttione it was wiped out. But a syndicate of English manufacturers are here with n new process of manufaoturing that will produce salt at a very low cost, and have arranged to start at once, The salt beds at Goderioh are known to be the purest in the world, and with the prob• able advent of free salt with the United States, a splendid opportunity is in sight to onoe more revive this once prosperous industry. At one time thousands of tons were shipped in bulk to Ohioago and vessels were plying between Gode• rioh and Chicago. HAST WAWANOSH. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Ooulteegave an oy- ster supper to about sixty of their friends and neighbors on Wednesday evening, 26th Jetty, in honor of Mr. Coultas' fath. er, Mr. Robt. Coultas, Sen., who has reached his eightieth birthday and also to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Mr.and Mrs Oonitea' residence on lot 39, con 11. Mr. Ooultes Dame to Wawanoeh when it was practically all bush and by hard, honest toil made a beautiful home for themselves and family and atter these many year') of toil they are still hale and hearty and able to enjoy life afterseeing .their family all settled comfortably in the vicinity of the old home, After a very pleasant evening spent in games, music and social interoourse, the friends dispersed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Oonites many years of health and thankiog the host and hostess for their genial hospit. ality. MYTH. The annual meeting of Blyth Agricul- tural Society was held Friday, Jany. 30th, A. W. Sloan in the chair. Minutes ot last annual meeting read and con. firmed. Treaeurer's and Auditors' Re- ports were read and adopted. Names of the members for 1911 were also prodno ed and eanotioned It was moved and jseconded that we support the proposi- tion of Insurance against rain and snowy Institute meeting which will be held in the F,restere' Hall here on Thursday February lath. There will be seesione at 1.80 and 7 80 o'clock and a profitable program assured. Musical selections will be added t0 the addresses at the evening session. John Clegg le the di- reotor in this locality and is to be thank. ed tor seonriog the meeting for Belgrave and looality. There should be a bump. er onee. Ea Reeve George Taylor has sold Ms Pipe 100 sore farm, 13 miles south ot here, to Josh. Welsh his neighbor, for the sum of $6 300, Possession will be given in the Spring. It is said that Mr. Taylor may move to Calgary. He has beep an motive worker in the Presby terian church here, was a Township Councillor and Reeve in Morris for sett. eral years and is a director of Brussels Rural Telephone system. We will be sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Taylor move away from this looality where they are so well and favorably known. The annual meeting for Knox church, Belgrave, was held on Monday of last week and the report for 1910 submitted shows satisfactory work. Twenty mem• hers were added during the year, ten by oertifioate and ten by profession of faith, There were nine removals, and the pre- sent membership is 167. Inoreaeed con• tributions are reported towards the schemes ot the church. The treasurer reports receipts of $1,070.95; contribu- tions for missions were $260 47; W. F. M, S., $99,70; Sabbath School, $302 25; Young People'fa Guild, $20.20; Mission Band, $10.46, The session consists of Rev. J. A. Ferguson, moderator; George) Taylor, Jas. Cunningham, James Fer- guson. Wm. Wightman, clerk and trees. urer; George Proctor and William Knox. The managing committee is composed of D. Sproat, chairman, Peter W. Scott, secretary, George Taylor, treasurer, W. E. Scott, A. T. Cole, J. J. Ferguson, W. Knox, S. Jordan, George Proctor. The auditors are W. K. Whaley and J. W. Geddes • lt3LVEVALE. The annual financial report for Knox Church for the year 1910 has been print- ed and from it we gather the following particulars: -At the beginning of the year the membership was 186; 21 new members were received during the year and 21 were removed by certificate, death and other causes, so the member• ship at the aloe of the year was 186 The two members removedby death were William Messer and Adis `.Chomae Warwiok, er, The total reoelpts for the year amounted to $172.4,99. divided av follows.;-Genoral 1 ne d, $103002;: Sohenxee, $859,60; Sabbath Sobool, $68,54; Ladles' Aird, $117.64; W. F M. Soolety, $32,60; W. H M. Sooiety, $70; Mission Baud, $22; Guild, 122.20 There are aseete of $15 814 and liabilities of $i,528,50. Knox Qhnrah is prospering wader the pastorate of Rev. W. J. Welt. The public) meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the"home of Dire. W, J. Weet, on Feb 7th at 2 p,r4. Address by Mrs• Parsons of Forest, and in the eveniug da the Foresters' Hall at 7,30, where the meeting will be union, it being the ennnal farmers' meeting, DOD. Parson's subjects are; "Tne Develop- ment of Ideal Character", "Canadian law °oncoming women and children," "Marriage", 'Banking awl bneinese methods for women", "Marmalade and pioklee", "Literature in the home" eto , and doubtless shall have many helpful ideas and eugges'ione from which the ladies may be greatly benefited. A pro- gramme of music will also be a trent at the evening meeting. Hoping there shall be a good attendance as all are in. vited to attend these profitable meet. Inge. TORNIO: RIM. The following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Tnrnberry for the month of Jan- uary :-1V.----Jessie an•nary:-1V.---Jessie Holmes, Wilfrid Murchison, Grace Snell, Dorothy Roth, Pins King, Louisa Snell, Minnie Porter, Ethel Chandler, Henrieta Foxton, John. ney MoKagae, George Dalgleish, Bertha Chandler, Wilfrid McKagne, Earl Dick - eon. -III-Henry Holmes, Pt.roy King, Ewart Lioklater, Robert MoKague. -III-Norma Forton, L'zzie Molog• ne Emma Snell, Gertie Fallis, Harold Showers, Dan Roth, Charlie Showers. -Part. II -Harold Faille. -I-Etta Failte, Frank Roth, Herbert Forton, Harold Forton, Oiifford Jeukins. PEARL MA.cPi•IERsoN, Teacher. Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS ESTABLISHED We A simple, safe and effective treatment for brow. chlal troubles, without dosing the stomach with drugs. Used with success for thirty years. The air rendered strongly antiseptic,inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy, seethes the sore throat, and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene(sinvaluable tomothers with young children and a boon to sufferers from Asthma. - Send us postal for descriptive booklet. 910 ALL DRUGGISTS Try Cresolene ti tl• Cdt O0SIee sept"') Throat Tablets for theirritated throng They are simple, ef- NO` t'+ t fect,ve and antiseptic. li -. . Of your druggist or , 1 fromue. sec in stamps.; Vapo Cresotene Co. ��p Leemlag-PlOes nidg. MO14T1I AL •••••••••••••••••••••••••1 •••,*N,•,!1 ••1144#iI0N*.A•041, We have Btltteriek Patterns for everything. Buttertelt Patterns in week all the time, STOP MINUTE SND TUINK t Where you can buy the most up-to-date stylish and most reli- able Isabella Fox Sables, Furs, I Minks, Persian Lamb, also Ready -to -Wear Garments. • • • • • Ladies Fur. Lined Coat with Sable Collar • Ladied Quilted Lined Coat with Canadian Sable. Ladies' Mantles black, and other colors, • Children's Coats in greys, greens, fancy •• 4 to 16 in many different kinds. :• Men's Overcoats in Blacks Beavers sizes 32 to 44. tweeds, in sizes Milton, Fancy • Tweeds with or without College Collars. Boys' Overcoats, all sizes 22 to 34 in black and tweed. Men's and Boys' Suits for a good wearing suit. Have look at our boys' $5.00 suits and Men' s $ro.00: All goods mentioned are being sold at reduced prices. .; • • We have newest stock in Fancy Dress Goods, + • Voiles, F ancy Reimos, Taffettenes, Stylish Figured Netts in different shades, Insertions to match. x • Valeciences and Torchion Laces for new goods. We have big range of New Prints at the old prices. ♦ Phone 70. t • 0 •• ••• • • ♦ i ♦ a • ••• • •• • • • Grocery erders always prompt. • HANNA 6# CO, • PHONE 70 44••••••••••••44••4444+4.4 ••♦4.'s�:.a ; g:.c4.,� ai.g!!E!; 4 • 1.••••••••§••••••••••••••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••••••••••+••4+3•••++•++••4••••••♦••••••••••N+•.••••••1.44••••••••••••••••++44•44.MMMV ►•••+•+••••♦•••••••+•+4•404 e•••••••••••••o••••••••a••: ♦ amu _ Dtv Prnni in gfnr - n nays at k!Irr'o • IF:-. , , lillir Ill•I, 11 il 10 • • •rn 1 � F x td icy i (eS w. tef • • • �• � �_fut11��1i�•��"�t�t�i►u��:�'t�`:��rvr�'� 4��.��i`kigf�(',('�'`/� � 1�'�� MP SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th -ENDING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1911. A glean Sweep Sale in Fifteen Departments. Twenty -Two Thousand Dollar Stock to be reduced quickly. Prices ♦ r• • • t Z 12 pieces plain Taffeta Ribbon, all oolors, 25o quality, sale price 20o • '20o Colored and Black Ribbon.......,. ': 15o Plain or Fanny Ribbon 120 A 12%e Taffet(Ribbon 10o 20o Fancy Brocade Ribbon 15o • • • •2 will do it. This is a great money -saving chance for you. It will pay you to drive twenty-five miles to get your share of the BARGAINS at this big sale. Bring along your Picture Books and City Catalogues and see what a saving awaits you here. The goods are here for you to see and handle, all kinds of Ready -to -Wear Garments to try on and we guarantee satisfaction in every case. Come with the crowd. Extra salespeople to wait on you Doors open Saturday morning at nine o'clock. Read the list. Only room here for a few of the many barg. • awaiting you. Shop early if possible. Bargains in Ribbons. 15o • • • •• ` .• • woo • • • • • • Ladies' Coats. All must be sold at some price. Plenty to choose. from. Big discount off Ladiee', Misses' ana'Ohildren'e Coats. Clothing Department. Big out in prices to 10 days. Men's Strong Overalls, sale price 590 13 Men's Fancy Tweed Snits, 18 00 for $6.00 Men's Black Cloth Overcoats, $8 50 for ..... $6.60 Men's Heavy Grey Pants, $2.00 for $1.50 Boys' two-pieoe Snits to clear• • $1.29 Boys' Heavy Overcoats, $10 00 valve for • $7.90 Men's Striped Pants, $200 valve for... • ... $1.50 Men's Worsted Striped Pants, $2.50 value for ,$1 5 .96 20en's Tweed Overcoat., $7.50 tor ' ... .. • • • . • Boys' Strong Tweed Overcoats, $12 00 for . . g 000 Boys' Strong Tweed Overooats, $6,00 for ..... $4.50 Two thousand dollars rioe rth ot 010 dthe ays. Beet Clothing at out Dress Goods. Big stools of Dress Material to choose from here. Dating the BIG SALE you get a dieoonnt 01 20 per bent, Off Dress Goole and Silks. See 001 yard wide Taffeta Silk, dollar value, sale prioe 75o. A good tIme to bny your new Spring Snit or Drees. r Top Skirts. 20 per cent, off all kinds of Top Skirts. A large stook to choose from on second floor. Fur Goods Ladies' Rat tined Coats, Italian Broadoloth, Alaska Sable Dollar, good value at $50.00, sale pride $39.00 Ladies' Astrachan Jaoket, regular value $35.00, sale price . 025 0D Ladies' Coon (loot, well lined, a bargain at $50 OQ, sale prioe $39.00 Ladies' For Gauntlets, regular value *4.00 and 1500, your choice for $3 00 and $2.50 7 only Australian Opposum Doable Scarfs, $5.00 value, sale prioe $3.90 Grocery Bargains 8 lbs Seeded Raisins for .... " 2b0 New Raisins, 8 lbs for Cleaned Currants, 8 lbs for.,, ... 12 Bare Laundry Soap for, ..... Royal Yeast Cakes Fresh Corn Starch .... 082 New Prunes, per lb . t 85o Black Ceylon Tea .. ...... 26o September Oheeee, per lb...•. 160 4 pkgs loo Gold Duet for • • • 41... ... •• . • • • 08oo Fresh Dates, per lb 10o Bottle Extracts for ,... 080 Near Figs, per lb, , ... , .. .... ... . .. , .... 05o Pot Barley. per Ib... , .. • 1. 033 86o Japan Tea...... .... ... 25o . . ,,.. . 080 s Corsets. Oa centre males you will fled our clearing lines of Cor- sets, every pair must be sold, reZol%r $1.00 and 81.25 lines, clean sweep for 690. Lace Curtains a lot of odd pairs to be sold cheap and 20 per cent. off all regular pricey, Boots and Shoes Two thensand dollars worth of the best Boots and Shoes to be sold at out prioee. Lot No. 1-A numb(r ot odd lines, prioes are $1.25 and $t 60, your ohoioe........... .. 990 Lot No. 2 - Ladies Buttoned and Laced Boots lip to $2.50 value. Your pick for....,..-.....,...,.... $1 25 Prints Drum's English Prints, guaranteed fait oolore, good patterns, values from 1230 to I6o, clean sweep sale 10o. Remnants 25e Wb4n taking stook we measured up the ends of all kinks Canada Laundry Staroh.,.,..... . •.., •. • 07o of Dry Goode at•d now we have them on sale, at cot prides Strong 4 string 40e Broome.• . , . ... 0441 ..• • • *1••• • 28o they must go, Oonie early and get fleet pink SALESPEOPLE WANTED. REMEMBER THE DATE, SATURDAY, 13"EBR pR CE.NTERMS CASH OR GOOD O G00Da SENT ON API'ItRY TH.3 TIER, NEW' LAID EGGS IN' EXCHANGE FOR 3TION DURING THIS BIG SALE, ISARD & CO. ISARD• . 41 . • .: � .. , . , _. _., ,� , , , . , . .. ..... ,, , . .... w •i'+Ni+?e•1.Nk#�.i4i•••i•iN•.WV�►.i�t1.eiMtee11:4e♦<+**M4.�tN11+,i,•'i tekeG Oel.k+kalttih** 1i.•_ 0 1 * ik l !_ettifkiik+�4 0 04, : H♦.tib+:i .44,0*•+.4♦4+++++ii+ ..•. Gents' Furnishings Men's Heavy Braces, strong police brace, sale price. 210 Men's Heavy Working Shirts, 653 value, sale price . 480 Boys' Fine Braces, regular price 25o, sale prioe.... . • 190 Men's Heavy Winter Underwear, 20 per cent off reg. prices Men's Lined Mocha Gloves, dollar value for 75o Heavy Wool Sox . ..e. 20o A lot of fanny striped Print Shirts, to olear 090 Table Linen One pieoe Bleaohed Table Linen 85o valve, sale price..... 280 Heavy Wide Table Linen, very good pattern, regular valve 50o, sale. 390 One piece wide Linen, fine quality, dollar value, sale price 75o Table Napkins 20 per cent. off regular prices Men's Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats in beet grades, also Fur Lined and Fur Collared Coate at big redactions. You oan buy them now at e big saving. Specials 15o English Lo•lsdale Cambric), yard wide, sale price... 12, o 12i2o Fine Factory Cotton, yard wide for........ ..•. .. 10o Ends of Cotton to clear... .... 07o Five pieces Fancy Tweed Dees Goode, 50o valve for - 80o Black Sateen Underskirts, regular prioe $1.26 sale..... .•. 980 10 pieces Wide Flannelette, fanny stripe 12i2o valve for a loo While Qailte$1 25, sale $1.00' Wrappers and House Dresses, worth $1.50, tale price$129 Ladies Waists to Blear,.,. 60o Isabella Sable Rnft, large size, regular prices $6.00 to $7.00 for • . . ...... $4.95 Large Flannelette Blankets, sale price., .,.,$1.29 GOODS. NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED AT SALE Wlngharn. • • • • •• • • • • • •4' • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •