The Wingham Times, 1911-02-02, Page 4i
` tir4 Wi.Niil3Att, TOWS, FEBRUARY 2, ti41
Borninion Bank.
Hfitna ()Menet TeMONT0
Qspitsl Steck (ail paid up) $4 000,000 00
Rtierve k'and stud Un-
n-divi ed Pa .fits .> .. $5 300,000 00
Deposits by the public . $47 000,000 00
Tat+a1 baa .tea over .. ... $62 60000,00
IdateNe nas AND toBNTS throughout Can
ads anti tee L1 tined States.
Savings Department.
Onxrent Rites et Interest Allowed, and
D'p taus received of 31 00 and
Farmers' sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on them at lowest
rate of interest.
WINHneet BRANCH -flamer Jahn and
Jeeephiue Streets
R. VANSTONE. S 3lioitor
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for ohanges must he left
not later than Monday evening.
iiasnal advertisements accepted: up
to. noon Wednestlar of each weer.
read. rrcm De Campbell asking $10 for
nee of reed allowance a4 Oruiokshank's.
bridge, Account was left with Wm.
Eleten to settle. with Mr. Qampbetl.
W kinpon-Jobnstonthat W H Kerr, of
the Brussels Past. be given the contract
for the Township's Printing for the sum
of t15 Carried Elaton-Thnell that
we give the usual grant of $3 to- the Siok
s os
ifa . Carried. Wt!
sa:- .'Helton
that we procure Dopier of
the Munioepal World and Municipal Act
tor Councillors and. Oterk. Carried.
Elston -Johnston that we build a steel
superstructure with cement abutments
to replace the Third line bridge and
that we maks erraagemente to send out
ear cell for tenders at our next meeting.
Carried. A number of accounts were
passed and the Oonnctl ad3ourned to
meet on February 13th.
A..MenEwBN, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay ot Manitoba
are visiting with the former'. sister,
Mre, W Weir.
Mr. Waldo Weir spent Sunday even-
ing with friends on the 6th,
Sir Tom Wiay of 'an to visited at
the home of kit. John Wray last week.
There will be no Sunday School or
Church next Sunday at Salem owing to
it bang Saoramtnt Seeeicea in Belmore
as 10.4a a m and Wrosete.r at 7 50 p m.
Mr Roy alacKertieepentSnnda_reven-
ing with friends in Howiick.
Q3ite a number around here are at
present on the sick list with colds.
.Mite Hannah Baker visited at the
hone of Mr, R. McIntosh on Sunday
A. very ennoyabfe time was spent last
reesday evening at the parsonage when
Rex. and Mee. McKenzie entertained
about forty-five ot the young people of
Salem and Wroxeter leagues. Mise
Hagg and Mr. wa do Weir took first
. ; prize for the spelling match. for which
R.R. l,LtOTT. PUBLISEMB asePaoesixec ; they received a book. There also were
several other first prises taken for other
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1311. games.
Meaars Tom and Russell Abraham
spent Sunday evening at the home of
H EALTHY Ce lLDREN . Mr, and Mrs. Edger Higgins.
Toronto, Jan. 30th - Union Stock
Yards- Reoetpte for taday'r market
were 65 cars , with 1,43e head of cattle,
calves, 19 liege, and 215 sheep and
Is wap not a heavy run, but apparent-
ly asheav as the market could bear,
for trade was dull and prices generally
were inclined to the easier side. This
wait more markedly the, case as regards
the export cattle, prioes in Chia elate if
being off from 150 to 20e. There were c
several very choice loads of export offer-
ing, bat it waa difficult to get bids over
the $d mark. The top prioe for the beat
load seen in the market for some time c
wee $6 10. C
The following are the quotations; n
Exporters' cattle Per 100 Iba. '(J
Choice.. • , •...... $5 90 $6 3a
5Iediu.tu 565 5 75
Bolls,,.,..,...,4 50 5 25
CCows 450 541
Feeders-- o
beat 1000 pounds and up-
wards rA 00 5 2
Stockers ilt.oice 4 75 5 00 c
.. bnll......3:550 4250
Picked 6 00 6 50 0
Medium ............. 5 00 a 50
Clown ..3 50525cBulls. , 3 5 00,1
Per cent
Great Stock Reducing Sale
for Nexi 20 Days at
gBest 7 4'0: <
Lights 7 05 7 10 ' c
'Sheep- a
Export ewes 4 25 450 i!
Bucks.... .. 300 3 25
Onlla ...300 3 50 c
Spring Lambe each.. 6 00 6 30 C
Calvet. each 3 00 900 I
Healthy babies are good babies, and The following is the .spirt of the Bel
the good baby is a bleating in every grave Nethtng can give the mother orrave school far the month ot Jannmry.:
father more pleasure than to see baby Names are placed in order of merit.
play.. Every movement is watched with Class V. Hardy Geddes, Norman
delight; every new word spoken brings -Stonehous%
pride to the fond parents. It-$ only the : Sr. IV. -Cameron Geddes, Albert
sickly baby that makes home wretched Taster, Bessie Wightman, Norman
-and, mothers. it ie not baby's fault Wightman, Calvin Simpson. Greta Arm.
when he is sick. Yon are the one to strong, Delia. Simpson, Flabella Fergn-
blame. Perhaps you aice him candies, son, Abner Nethery, Lylah Brydges.
cakes andother toad Which his little ' Jr. III. -Clarence Brooke, Carrie
stomach is unable t
he is cross ani shin
"aeothinyt" mixture
seat. Then when Stonehouse, Harry Armstrong, Donald
you give him some t oKenzie, lengene Geddes, (Gorge Mo-
o quiethim. That Ketzie. Harold Reid, James Wightman.
Le wrong -remember his little stomach Sr lI,-Haz3l Taylor, Mable Ferga-
is not as strong as a grown parson's and f eon, Herman Nethery-
also remember that every spoonful of Jr. lI.-Uidene McLean, Aggie Stone-
••soothinit" mixture yon give him only house, Grace Wightman, Mary Arm -
does him more u 4nry-it dons not re- strong. George Ferguson.
move the cause of his fretfulness -it . Sr. Pt. IL -Hattie Procter, Mary
merely dopes him into an unnatural : Wightman, Margaret Brydges, White
sleep What is needed to make baby Whaleye
healthy and happy is Baby's Owa Tab- Jr, Pt.11-Bather Brydges.
Iota -a medicine with a guarantee of Sr. L-Oeoii Hill, Isabella Geddes.
safety. Abnat diem Mrs Mathies Mc. Clans A. -Louise McKenzie, Lewis
Cormick, West Si Peters, P. E. I , Stonehouse, Jean Simpson, Annie
writes: . We have need Betty's Own ' Geddes, Dorothy Brydges, Leslie Mo -
Tablets. with good results. They sweet- Dougalt
en the strimsche give refreshing sleepClass B -Walter Brooks, Reginald
and make baby fat and healthy." Sold 1 B3bier.
by =eatable dealers or by mail at 25 '
cents a box from. The Dr. vriiiiams'
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
MORRIS., Mr. John Miller and sisters Nellie and',
Maggie, visited Sunday with. Listowel
Minutes of Conceit meeting held in ; friends.
Township Ha".1, J snuary 16th. .Mem-. Arch Robertson of Wingham is
berg of the new O3nneil were all present ; waiting on her daughter, Mrs. Thos.
being, John Shortteed, .Reeve; Chas. B.
Wilke:non. W. J. Johnston, William C. Strachan, who is quite iA at pees eat bn
Thnell and Wm. Elston, Oanncillora. we hope for a speedy recovery.
When ascii hal snbacribed to the. fie- , Wm. Moses, ere Snndayed with Willie
o?aration. of „paled lateen and office, the King.
Reeve took the chair and t;oaneil Pro- 2dr. Caain bracDenald and sister, Mag-
ceeded to appatnt the Township officers
gie and Mr. John McGuire, of St. Helena
as fottowa:-Wtleineoa-Johnston that I and Mise Ella McPherson, ot Guelph,
A. MacEwen be appointed Clerk, asIsry ! visited friends in and around James.
$130 Carried Easton-Thnell that B town and. Wroxeter on Sander and.
Johuston and Peter MaNsbb be Audi- Monday last.
tor., slaty $3 each. ()cried J.,lin-
aton-Tfinel, that John Watson be As. „ Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacDonald and
lessor, selery $10.00 Carried. Wilkin• Mies Denaldavisited et the home of D.
son-Exatoa that Richard Proctor be W. Rae on Sunday evening last.
Collector, sslsryCCEO Carried Elston The many friends of Mr. Thee. Stra-
--Johrston Chet David Laidlaw, Henry clan, er are pleased to see him able to
Jehnitton wed g Taylor be members of come to Jamestown again after his long
the Board of Heslth,with Bob*. Stewart, neige. of eacknele.
M D . Medissi Health (Meer. Carried. ;
Will ieeon E stow shat we pay Donned Mr. Robsxt Strachan had a very ane-
of Etat Wawanoeh $50.03 b. ing our caudal bee Iast week moving the house
abase of the balance due on the&hasten : from the south farm to the home place.
uratrt and that Clere prepare by -Icer "That's right Bob, get the cage first and
revyteg the same op the parties iatereat• i then the bird."
ed. Carried A communication was Remembez the date of the annual
union Institute meeting to be held in
Mr. Pollock's hones on Feb. 8th. Good
pecgramme for the evening meeting.
Wingham, Feby. 1st, 1911.
Fine r per 1001ba 2 45 to 3 00
Fall`Yheat ,....... 0 82 to 0 85
Oats,,. 0 32 to 0 32
Barley ... ... 0 46 to 048
Peas ..,, . 0 72 to 0 75
Butter dairy .... ........ 0 20 to 0 22
Eggs per dos 0 25 to 0 25
Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 50
Hay, per ton8 00 to 10 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 35 to 0 40
Lard.. .. 0 18 to 0 18
Live Hogs, awt7 00 to 7 00
Chickens, per 1b_.....,0 10 to 0 12
Ducks. per lh 0 12 to 0 12
Geese, per lb. . 0 11 to 0 12
Tnikeys per lb. ,.......... 0 18 to 0 18
A 5o -cent bottle of
Scaif's Emulsion
given in half -teaspoon
doses four times a day,
mixed in its bottle, will
Iast a year-old baby near-
rly a month, and four bot-
tles over three months,
and will make the baby
strong and well and will
lay the foundation for a
healthy, robust boy or
pot IAL* Sr Att. Dltttadtsis
e�eat lie., haste if pec sit tits a& lair
sitel sesealid Saristrlaaak salt CMS's elate%
*.+k. Lea bark csalaitw IG+osi. Y.`iilc
Lit Vritswatii 3040a11. Were '.sant+, Oat!.
A numb=r from here attended the
, funeral of James M"enziea in Brussels
on Seeirday.
The pito-holes around here have been .
fixed and are a great improvement.
The Women's Iaatitnte met as Mrs.
Peter Scott's on Thnredsy. Quite a
number aft-nded.
S. See. No. 10, which had to he closed
a week before Xmas holidays is again
aper. The 'pupils' have all reoovered
atmd the Health Fwpector permitted the
wheel to re -open
Mr.,Wr m. Hog is offering his fifty -
acre farm for sale. It is oa the Srd con.
or Grey about s mile from the gravel
II road. It is a fine fum. Mr. and Mrs.
• Hogg intend going on a trip to Michigan
in the near 1ntnre.
bi.&. James Turnbull is toot improving
as rapidly as hie many friends would
wish. He is greatly troubled with rheu-
matism at present
Mrs. L Eckinier is able to be =And
again atter a were attack of is grippe.
Bert Bonaart will be the milk hauler
to the dio'e*Worth famevy next Sao -
Eder. The farmers on the 4th cower -
lion will have a chance to send their
milk to the factory.
Mint Olive Lake his gam fora week's:
visit to Oliffacd.
KTi Alex McDonald has been visit-
ing on the 6th coa. of Grey.
Mr. Dotnald McDonald* who bas been
tithe ill with togstuatition of Mt iit recovering. Be lass refer for q its
a while, i
We rte sled to statthat Wu. ALA
a 6 V 13AL
STR e.Trt)F7t+ reere
Write us at once for our free cata-
logue and learn what is being done in
the leading business college in Wes-
tern Ont Oar graduates secure
good positions, and meet with success,
business nen say they are the best.
We have three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.
We give individual instruction and
yon may enter at any time.
The Horse's Breakfast
Is his preparation for the work ot the
day. Give him a gcoi one if you ex-
pect goad work.
Feel Our Oats and Hay
and it will not be for the lack of nut-
rations food tbat your horse does not
do his beat You'll say so too when -
you. see the sweet, fresh, weeelleas hay
and the clean sound, full milled oats
Suppose yon try them.
s i eilI1IPI li�lrh:#+' l •
Winter Tours
Mexico. Colorado, California, and
Pacific Coast Points.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
is the popular route from all points
east through Canada via Chicago.
Double Track, Fut Service. Finest
Roadbed, Modern Equipment, tux -
celled Dintnet Cu. Set'rfce, all ele-
ment, of sefety and comfort.
To the Sunny South
Pio more desirable route than via
Grand Trunk and connecting lines.
Fel ticketaand fartheriffotraatiou
call. oa G. Lamont, Depot .Agent or
address J. D. XoDanald, D. P. A.,
Our' large stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewel-
lery, Silverware, China-
ware, Fancy Goods,
Leather Goods, etc.
Wall Paper and Wire-
dow Shades.
Special bargains in all
left over of Christmas
Per can
` Opposite Brndswiek Hotel.
Simpson has reoorered from her illness.
She was under the doctor's care for
some time.
Mr. Newsome, who parohased the
pine on the Fralick place, had a number
of men and teams removing the name to
Brussels. Pine is very valuable now.
Rev. Hector Carrie, ptistor of Thed.
ford, Ontario, for 35 years is dead.
A big cockfight at Oharlemagne was
broken up by officers. from Montreal.
Three hundred birds were csptnred and
about one hnadred men will be sum-
moned for attending.
Aal✓N'1's--1,tldies Ilomc Journal, solid monthly We oath. Leave.
your order here for either Ono or both,
AGENTS -11o= Journal Patterns X(lei to .150. Spring quarterly
Style Book now c ll stile,
65. }
One Door North of King's.
Junes Gorham." sentence to be hang-
ed for the murder Whet motherhss been
commuted to life imprisonment. The
execution was to have taken place at
After a vanilla on a bridge at Pem-
broke a y3ung man nsmsd'Wright is al-
leged to have thrown St. Dennis, a co m-
psnion ovar the railing of the bridge,
St. Dania died of his injuries.
Reif a million delIare will b: dada cted
from the c)ntraetora on the eastern sec -
lion of the National Tren33ontinental
Railway for nen cclessifiistiaa, an33 .d-
ing to the report of the arbitrators.
A VA' 0
Ever ; article in the store is marked in plain
figures at actual cost for a week or two more, we will
give a discount of to per cent, actual net cost in other
words, give you goods that cost us. net root for goc
on the dollar. We have quite a good stock of Dress
Goods and General Dry Goods, a good large display
of Ladies' Fur Coats, Muff Throws, Stoles, etc.,
will all be sold at roc below actual cash cost price
In Ladies' Cloth Coats, this seasons goods, will go
down at the same discount.
Men's and Ladies' Waterproof Coats at ro
per cent below cost. Men's Overcoats, Suits, Youths'
Suits and. Overcoats.
Carpets, Oilcloths and every article in the
store excepting groceries, will go down tender the
salve startling discount.
We want to get away and are bound to give
our customers the benefit rather than to a jobber.
Bim GlearinA dale
UNDERWEAR -For hien, Boys, Women, Girls and Children, new goods
Reg. $1.00 goods for 75c Reg. $1,25 goods for 950
Reg. 75e goods for 56c Reg, $1,5.1 goods for $1.12
Reg. 50e goods for 38e Reg, 40e goods for 30e
Cr G-5ie rs alai Boys' Snits, Pants, Vests. Big cut in prices.
$1.5.620 S tt r r $10.00 $12.00 Snit for $8,00 $10.00 Suit for $6.67
$S e $"',_t n2-- $ s7 00 Suit for $4,67 $6.00 Suit for $4,00
53,CTO Pants leis $1!,010 $2.00 Pants for 51.35 $1,50 Pants for $1.00
A. few- Overcoats left, on sale at half price.
Rrs ia,.s-.l thsbec n's Heavy Rubbers -Slaughter Sale Price.
Men's $2.75 Rubbers 2.05 $2.60 Rubbers 1.95 $2.50 Rubbers 1.88
_° $2.25 Rubbers 1.69 $2.00 Rubbers 1,50 $1 50 Robbers 1.13
Boys' $1.25 Rubbers 1.00 51.00 Robbers 75e 90e Rubbers 68e
SFons. 'a AND MISSES COATS -A few left, they must go if. low
prices will do it.
$7.50 Coat for $5.00 56.00 Coat for $4.00 $5.00 Coat for 53.33
$4.50 Coat for $3.00 $3.00 Coat for $2 00
$2.75 Coat for 51.84
1 Ladies' Fur Coat, reg $55.00 for $36.00 1-$32,00 Coat for $21.00
1 " " $28.00 for $18.00 1-$28,00 Coat foe $18,00
$10.00 Fur for 6.67 9.00 Far for 6.00 7.00 Fur for 4.67
6.00 Our far 4.00 5,00 Far for 3.33 3.50 Fur for 2.23
Cars -Men's and Boys' Caps, regular 50e, 350 and 25e for 19e.
TOQCEs-Boys' and Girls' Toques, reg. 50e for 35c, reg. 25e for 19c
SHIRTS AND Tlss-Men's Shirts. negligee and stiff front only. 1.00
Shirts for 73c, 75e Shirts for 56, a few 50e Shirts for 29e.
A lot of 50e and 35e Ties for 25e. A lot of
250 Ties for 15e.
Cut this adv. out and bring it with you when you come to buy.
FARMERS -We want large quantities of Batter, Eggs, Potatoes,
White Beans, Dry Hard Wood, Oats, ete.
Big 7 Days
Sale for
Cash Only
Saturday, January 28th
Saturday, February 4th
We . want $5000.00 and this
is the way we are taking to get
it, no skin game. No fake goods.
No auctioneer. Just come right
in and get the newest and best
goods at half price. Now this
will last for 7 days only.